The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, May 20, 1887, Image 3

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tiiiku district .
.1! P. Boise
ti. o. W. Bell
gora i
R. P. Bir
J. W. War'«
R. R. ¡uHiifhlin,
F. N LBtlp
L. Lougharv.
J. 8. Hibbs,
........ <»eo. Dorsey.
. . G. W. Briedweil.
T. »I. Harris.
.. W. W. Nelson
Wyatt Harri*.
J. A. <'. Freund
......... i. D. Fenton.
...... D. 0. Narver.
■ELEPHONE whisperings .
jfnn. W. I). Fenton is in Salem on le-
jl bu«ines8.
For posts and boards go tn R. b .
0<e’g lumber yard.
01 tf
if B. Hendrick, of Wheatland, was
j'tlie i Hy yesterday.
J>ad I.vle Wright’s new ad. He will
uir your harness cheap.
Pablie examination of teachers at I.a
ltrtte, Wednesday May 25.
Nanaimo sufferers benefit Tuesday
»lit at Garrison’s opera house.
Services wore hold In St Tainos church
jilerdav. i* being Ascension dav.
Went Sender bad a fine horse die last
¡uinhiv. the result ol all operation.
For sale—Team, wagon, and liarn<»s«
¡heap. Inquire of T. P. Austen. 84tl<)
I.Er ALL BE 111..KK. — The I ulies of St..
James Epnmopul Guild, a»-ii ,g ol, tl,K
»Uggehtioiis m the lust issue of theTELK-
'■‘“’•' i:, li.ivo taken the matter in i>and
'J»l « li give an elite! tainment on nex
rues,lay evening, May 24, 1887, the pm-
c»»e<L to be to-wauled to the sufiemg
wt-iuWH umi o pl...ns fait destitute by ti e
icent teiiii.fa mine explosion ut Nanai
mo. An inteiesting programme is be­
ing pieparetl, ami as the proceeds are to
40 tu
to Hill'll
such a charitable purpose, we
hope to see the opera house filled to
overflowing. So
So far
far the
tile ladies
ladies ImiFniei
have met
with the most flattering success in theii
etfoits. Not a single person s|x>ken to
rega dii.g th • matter, but what has ex
pressed Ids or her willingness to do all
that is required of them to make a suc­
cess of tlie affair. The programme will
be Varied and interesting; some of the
best musical talent ot the city will tak»
part, besides recitations, readings, etc
Let ns turn out and till the hall ami help
swell tlie lund for the relief of these
atllicted people. McMinnville certainlv
can and will do her duty ill this matter
While all the cities and towns in Oiegon
are sending In their miles, we of thin
iieallhlul and blest c ty will not be
I. O. O. F. O fficers E lected .—
1'lie Oregon Grand lodge of Odd Fel­
lows convened in East Portland
1'ies.lay morning as previously announ­
ced and for which complete arrange
iiients had been made. The forenoon
w.qj taken up with the opening ceremon­
ies and examination of cmdetitiala as a
very full representation was present.
In the afternoon tlie election of officer«
took place us follows: Grand Masle
Henry E. Dosch, of l’oitland; Deputy
G.and Mastei—C. L. Palmer, of Baker
City; Grand Secretary—J. M. Bacon,
of Oregon City; Grand Treasurer—John
G. Wright, of Salem; Grand Warden
O. I). Deane, of The Dilles; Grand Rep
esentative—W. ('. Twe'-.lle, ot Albany;
Trustees of Orphans’ Home—A. N. Gam
hie, of Portland; John J. Murphv, oi
Salem, and G. G. Ames of Portland.
Installation of the above officers tn
getliei with those to be appointed, will
take place just before adjournment.
School superintend.»nt Freund is now
(Ut on his visit to all the schools in the
I [lon't buy a binder until von have ex­
amined the Osbore Steel Fiame at F. J
Welch A Doe have just received a fine
lim it of cigars. Try their “half shell”
For sale,—50.000 first-class brick. If
,n|.| atone»», will be sold cheap. Inquire
al this office.
For sale—a good second han I 3W inch
S unday S chool C onvention .—The
wagon will be sold “wav down” for fifth annual ¡Sunday school convention
cish. Inquire of F. M. Rowland.
of Yamhill county will in et at Arnitv.
Mr. Wm. Cochren, of San Jose, Cali­ on June 14 and 15, 1887. An interesting
fornia, was in this city Monday visiting programme has been prepared, and
Ilia grandaughter, Miss Doxia Rilev.
seveial prominent, speakets will be
Rev. M. L. Ruggof Salem, will preach present, and will lend their aid to make
in the Baptist church in this »-ity. Sun the convention a success. The pro­
day next, both morning and evening.
gramme will be followed strictly, each
Apetition is being circulate 1, praying exercise closing at the expiration of the
the directors of thin school district to time given, unless the time is extended
retain Mrs. Matthiewas a teai-hur, next by vote of the convention. Speakers ap­
pointed to open each discussion will be
The popular song just out b »gins:“TI»»» allowed fiiteen minutes; othes follow­
surly assessor has just paid me a call, ing, five minutes. All Sun lay school
and asked many questions with consiim- worke.s are e.i na-tly urged to a tend.
Ail uiimsteis and superintendents are
meiube s. Each school is entitled to
We hope not a person in the .-¡ty will one delegate fo> every twenty members
be absent from theentertain n »nt Tues­ o> fraction thereol.
day evening, given for the benefit of the
Nanaimo sufferers.
W ill B uild .—Mr. David Shultz oi
The finest of Baxter & Rog*«'» lot of Hillsboro was in town yesterday, look­
| .-rockery and glassware has not come ing at the plans and specifications o
, yet; when it does they will have the finest some of the large brick buildings to be
line in the county.
erected in tiiis city this summer and
i New styles of type are being received also at some of the building already
at the T ei ephone office every few Java, built he e. Mi. Shultz is master of iht
and the work turned out is tlie neatest grange at tliat place, and it is their in­
of any office in the state.
tention to build a large brick building
F. J.Martin keep* the best stock of at Hillsboro this summer. Air. Sewell
hnggie*. hack* and farming implement­ -ecieta.y of the same Grange curie u;
in the county. Call and see them’ it last evening, and together tl.ev will con­
tinue th-i investigations to-day. Tin y
costs you nothing to look.
.v so to find some ¡»Ians that will exa»-tly
Call at tlie T ellephone office fo. tie nil them and put up their building ac
c »rdingly.
ne.tesl job work and I >wesi p>-t<»»».
have also added several new styles o1
L ife .'izs—i’o.traits can be taken by
type. Call and see samples.
A . 1’. Johnson the well known photo­
“Uncle, Jen” says that Doc. Tucket
can not have the job of str erintend ng grapher of Salem, who intends coining
the construction of the new Odd Fel­ igain to McM-nnville on the 14th, ot
lows bnilding while he is in town.
Dine and will stay until the 26tli. Ils
u >rante»»s satisfaction on all his Work.
John J. Sax wants it known that he i
ready to chop at the null fo. $2 per ton, Eula ging from old photographs or tin-
or will take 1-10 toll. Cornmeal air' v pe«. M>. Johnson lias finished several
ground. Satisfaction guarnte.-d.
ory fin.- piciu cs ol .esidents of this
Gus. Detmering lias a fine lot of I 'dies e»lv. He has ha<l on exhibition a hah
parasols. A* the weather is going to 1 *■ dozen li e ize pi. tu es of the Wor m »n
very warm in the near hi’ti'e Cali amt miily of th s city, ami to any one who
wishes to see the work, M s. Wortman
gel one belp e the st<x*k is culled out.
will g .oily show the pictures, it they
«ill . all a' I| -r residence
The Rev. John C. Fair wi ll officiate
Sheridan on Sunday May 22 I. at 7
A n O pela TI ln .—D . non. ber per-
p. in. Service at St. James church <m
same Su d iv at 11 a. ni. only. Sunday or e ! an .p- ttion unon Jesse Cl.v k’
school at 9:3<1 a ni
arm, Tu.-sd.iv l.i-t, an I 'o k fmm t
The bridge four miles south'd her n ar tli • « .oul ler, a pie-e <>i U n»-
on tlie Sheridan oad. is in a very <ian uea'Iv two in hes hy un in. h i»
gemus condition. Ireing broken in tin» wid li. iias h»»e*t suffering f r
middle verv bally. The supervisors
s vera! uiontlis w.lhhis a ni hot no»
will he wise it they Iteed at once.
tue Doctor re,*>rls that il is in a fair
Frank Snllv of McMinnville <• ossing. wuv fu.- lecoverv so»>n. Severnl montilo
is going to build a fine restde"ce. II.»- igo an abscess fi. mssi bear thè sho'il
building is 18x28 with an L 18x26 It s icr and f <»-n abs.-es.« thè boi
to be full two-to ies. I he cont-ict i- >-carne -ott.-n 'Ini* ne.-es-itating ihe »-
letto C. R. Cook and »on, ol this citv.
■nevai ol a pa t of t!.e b »ne.
J. H. Hemle'son say» he will se'l any­
L ucky C ooper .—L C. Cooper ot ibis
thing he li.i« in his st»»'e. lie lia* th •
fine-t lot of glassware tint ever came to city while at T ie Dalles a few day’s ag >,
His canned gotrds are from pot in ahi I f»r the i-ont’Hct of eon-trn -
this eilv. __
the heat manufactures, ami they aie ol Hu the new bick addit on to thepu -
ail kinds.
lic school hmi-e of that ei’v. Yesteoi-.y
To-morrow an interesting gi»ne o Col. Cob er received notice f om tie
base nail will he pl ived at th,«
tween the Forest Gr»>vn nine and the board of li ecto s at that pile, that t e
McMinnville e'uh. The nine from the •ontraet had K-n awi ded to him. a«
Grove is a goorl one, and we may look the low st biller. His Agu es were
4.1'tfh Mr. Cooper will leave tor lbe
for an interesting game.
D ibes e i lv nex» seek, and begin at
Last Tnesdav, J. C. Cooper laid out once the coi-truefon nf the building.
the line* for the foundation of the ne
S tat : G banos .—The anniul conven­
Odd Follows bnilding, m»l wo k w-II
soon begin. He has sub fat the fatek tion of tlie Grangers of O-egon will eon'
work to Rev. E. Russ; >. 4. Man- »ene in Salem, on Tuesday next, M y
Bing; wood, to C. R- Cook and son.
24Ti 1887. Yamhill county is entitled
Louis Rogers savs th it h- has the fin­ to four del -gates, and J. R. Booth and
est garden in the county, an I witlion woe ot tt'is citv and Atie Roberts amt
joking he This vin li P •s.'"’’ "n" wife of No th Yamhill will rep e«»-ni
position'that garden tru k will g ow this’i-ountv Several other |»rorninen'
without care. He fa willing to have g unite s f om this city wili also attend
competent judges deside on its merit»-
• he convention.
against any garden in the county.
Religious Services-Sunday Next
Services at the Christian church morn­
ing and evening at the usual hours.
Preaching by the pastor.
May, 19, 1S87.
M. E. church—services will be held
Everybody gardening.
at 11 a. til. and at 7:00 p. in.
We are to have a new depot.
Aliare coidially inviteli.
Mr. Albert Edson went
___ ________
R ev . II. P. S atchwell , Pastor.
to Fotest
>r ne Monday.
James’ (Catholic) church. Mass
“Waller” has a nice buggy and lie »t l1) :3tl a tn on the second and fourth
■ v« iib’ t.».
— (?)
j Sunuays of each month. Sunday school
fur i.:.
bis .m
at 2:30 p. m. everv Sunday.
}V . T. Kutch and wile are visiting rel­
J. S. W uite , Rector.
atives in eastern Oregon and Washington
Rev. John C.
Lei litorv.
; Fair, rector. Services 11 a. tn. and
Married at this place last week, Mr. i 7 1». in.
Sunday school at 9:30 a. ni.
A 4t>on of i hehaleui to Miss Ida Steav-
. Ubon of Cai Iton.
Friday evening services at 7 :00 p m.
Seats free. All a.e cordially invited to
Our base hall boys are fixing up their attend.
grounds in good shape, and soon will be
C. I*, church. Services at the usual
readv to cro^s bats with any nine in the
Sunday school ut 9:30 a. m. All are
cordially invited to attend these ser­
Memorial Day
Services st the Baptist church.—
The citizens of McMinnville and vicin­ Preaching morning and evening at usu-
hours—11 a ni. and 7 p. m.
tv are cordially invited to co-operate
Sunday school at 9:30 a m.
with Custer Post G. A. R. in the obser-
All are cordially invited to these ser­
■ ante of Memoiial Day, Monday, May vices. Strangeis especially made wel-
3d. Sunday at 10 a. in , comiudcs and come to come and worship with us.
dl union ex-soldiers will assemble at
Brig. Gen. Siglin will issue orders in a
Grange hall and march in uniform to
days convening the new militarv
the opera house headed by Custer Post
Bund. Memorial sermon at 11 a. m. by board at the state Capitol on Juue 24th,
r. II. Henderson. Monday at 1 p. r>i. next. This will be the first meeting of
procession will go to the cemetery where the board. No orders will be issued
memorial services will be pei foimed and from headquarters regarding parades on
I he memorial add: ess delivered by May 30th, hut Gen. Siglin will leave all
Rev. Smith. Come friends let us lay companies free to act as they please, or
«side the business animosities and cares deem best, on that date. General orders
of life fora little moment and go amt will be issued directly after the law
shed a few teais with our loved ones. takes effect, which occurs to-day, Or re
It will make us better.
organization of all the companies of the
Will try and take all who have no
conveyance to the cemetery free of National guard oil June 1, as required
charge. Contributions are solicited fo by the law.
that purpose, by a commute of ladies.
Comrades Henderson and Smith are
Dr. W. II. ’»Vatkinds, of Portland has
good speakers and will talk Iron» exper­ been designated by Governor Pennover
By order of
C omm tte .
as the person who shall convey Gov.
Gibbs’ body from London to Portland,
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve
provision for such removal having been
The best salve in the world for cuts, made by the late legislature. Dr. Wat­
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei kinds will start in a few days, but it is
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, not probable that he will go futther than
corns, anil all skin eruptions, and posi­ New York, arrangements for the convey­
tively cures piles, or no pay required. ance of the body to New York having
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac­ been made. In a month or less Gov.
tion, or money refunded.
Price 25
cents per box. Fur sale by Rogers & Gibbs' body will be in Portland.
Cu rltou.
Local Notice.
G ood B usiness C hance .—A splendid
opportunity is here offered for engaging
in the milling business. Nathan Nawbv
has placed in the hands of C. W. Tal­
mage & Co. for sale, his milling property
at Amity. It consists of a steam giist
mill, in good runing order; two run of
-tones—one for flour and one for chop—
a good house and bam, and one acre or
more of gioutid. The machinery in tlie
mill is compaiativelv new. and in first-
class condition. It is s tuated in a lively
town with one ol tlie best fanning sec­
tions in Oregon tributary to it. Rail-
oa<l runing througli tlie place. Price
|2,500. Terms easy. Address C. W,
t’alin ige & Co. McMinnville, Oregon
tor further particulars.
R ates on the O & C.—Limited tickets
sold by the O. & C —$22 first class and
$15 emigrant—are good only for a con-
unuous gassage between Portland and
San Francisco. The buffet service will
soon be established on the Pullman
sleepers between Portland and Ashland
be same as between Portland and llorn-
mook. A “eomrnissa»y agent” of the
•<»mpany now stationed at St. Louis lia>
!»pen ordered to Portland, and will al­
ive in a few days to inaugerate the ser­
C ounty F airs .—Announcements of
everul county fairs which are to take
• lace during the coming summer have
already been announced. T'le first one
is that given by the Lane county agri­
cultural society, to be held May 30 and
3 st. Tire Wasco county fair lias ala
been announced to take place from
8 i.t 20tli to 24th, inclusive. Can’t
Ya'i.hill wheel into line eom -where?
E ducational N otes .—Sept. McElroy
. is gon- to southern Oregon. He will
t ivel during the week in Douglas, J «-k
<>n and Josephine counties in the inter­
est of school woik gene ally, and espe
. tally in the interest <u the annual- insti-
tlte fo> the (list judicial district,and also
lor the state teachers’ association.—
F or S ale .—26'1 acres of land three
miles from Amity and near BriedweIVs
station on N. G. R. R. 200 in cul­
tivation. Good house, him ami fencing.
Fine voting orchard. Will sell, or trade
• >. city p’ope ly or business. P.ieef25,
■e acre. Term* reasonable.
C. W Talmage A Co.
McMinnvtl.e, Oregon.
We are pleased to call the attention of
our readers to the announcement of Messrs.
Barnekoff, Thomason
Swanson, which
will appear in this week’s issue These
gentlemen have
L«.\ established ..t
ut M
ville, McMinnville tro-sing and Carl-
top. coinniodious v urchouscs. complete
with latest improved machinery for
the proper handling of grain, and
farmers of Yamhill county the
offer the
__ ___
very best facilities for storage and cleaning
of their grain Years of experience and a
practical knowledge of the business enable
them to guarantee satisfaction They also
pay the highest cash price for gram of all
kinds, and carry in stock a full line of the
verv best farm machinery, wagons, &e It
will be to the advantage of all farmers to
call and see them before making any other
arrangements for disposal of their grain or
buying their machinery or wagons By
courteous and honorable dealing, and strict
attention to the best interests of their pat­
rons. Messrs. Barekoff. Thompson & Swan­
son will seek to hold the foremost position
among the business firms of Yamhill coun­
ty, and we bespeak for them the the suc­
cess which must attend their efforts. Call
and see them
A Verdict Unanimous-
W. I). Sult, Druggist, Bippus. Ind., testi­
fies: “I can recommend Electric Bitters as
the very best remedy. Every bottle sold
has given relief in every case. One man
took six bottles, and was cured of rheuma-
lism of 10 years' standing.” Abraham
lluro, druggist. Bellville. Ohio, affirms:
• rhe best selling medicine 1 nave ever
handled in my 20 years experience, is Elec­
tric Bitters ” Thousands of others bavo
added their testimony, so that the verdict
is unanimous that Electric Bittérs do cure
ill disease.* of the liver, kidneys or blood.
Only a half dollar a bottle at Rogers &
fold’s drug store.
Excitement in Texas.
(»rent excitement has been caused in the
vicinity of Paris, Tex., by the remarkable
recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley, who was so
helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise
liishead : everybody said he was dying of
-onsuuiption. A trial bottle of Dr. King’s
New Discovery was «ent him. Finding re
lief, lie bought a large bottle and n box of
Dr. King« New Life Pills; by the time he
bad taken two boxes of pills iin.l two hottie«
>f the Discovery, lie was well and hail
gained in flesh tbirtv-six pounds
Tria bottle« of this Great Discovery for
Consumption free at lingers .V Todd’s
The finest line of
Ever brongth to McMinnville.
Fine Perfumes, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Brushes,
Cloth and Hair Brushes, Sponges,
Sachet Powders, Face Powders,
Camiline, Wisdom’s Robert ine.
We are making a specialty of Fine
Toilet. Goods» and
¿Any store in McMinnville
S, A, YOUNG, M. D.
Physician & surgeon,
M c M innville ,
O regon .
Olliee an i residence on It street. All
calls promptly answered day or night.
Agents for tlie
Northwest Corner of Second and B streets,
McMinnville, Oregon.
May be found at his office when not ab­
sent on professional business.
Keep on hand a complete stock of these
goods. Also a huge and well as-
sprted line of
M c M innville ,
O regon
Office—Two doors east of Bingham’s fur­
niture store.
Laughing gas administered for painless
Gents’ Furnishing goods,
---- Ladies’ and Gents’-----
------ AND FINE------- -
In all the latest. Styles and Patterns, which
for f.t and <pi:ility cannot be beat.
Call and see our .spring
goods before pur­
chasing else­
Corner Third and C Streets.
incry goods as was
ever brought
to this
Corae and sec for Yourself.
Mrs. H. P. STUART’S,
Opposite the Grange Store.
' NV O J )O1 lilial
In McMinnville, Oregon.
Jewelry Work Neatly Done.
Watches Guaranteed & War­
Third street., between an<1 Din Hie tail­
oring cstiibiisliinciit <»i R. B. Hibbs.
Truck and Express
Business <»f Lognn Bro*. A Hrnder-
son. I am ready to do all kinds of
Proprietor of the
MiMs fail?? ta,
—At Any Time.—
Delivery Wagon Always Ready.
<;i%c Mr a TrlfH.
The leading
Tl.ird Street, McMinnville, Or
Home Produce Market
(Sliccessorto L. Root)!
Carries n full and complete stock of
Groccrios, Crockery, Glassware,
Wooden and Willowware,
i nrrectcd for the T elephone by Baxter .t
•Wheat, per bu......................
------- 0-------
' »ata, per bu .....................
Goods delivered promptly to any part
Flour, pt r bar. ..................... $4.4O(7t$l.xi’
of the city.
E rl ’S, per doz.................. . •»
Butter, nor lb
for Produce. 3511
Cheese. I>est, per lb..............
vated ami overhauled, ami new accom­
per tx.»x...................
Bishou A Kav «av tli-y will sell even Apples,
sides ...................
in th-irstore. Their stock consists Bacon,
shoulder ..................
i th.-finest gi>»»ls ot ti'nat'le from the
ham. sugar cured
Highest Cash Friers I’iiiil fir Grain.
be-t in.iniifai-tiirie« in the ea«t and west,
it pre e-»i they have a special sto k "f
Direct Shipments to San Francisco.
fine, light weight nnderw-re, light-um-
Zone but standard Calcutta Sacks kept
•ne goods of sil tie«» r I'flops, white
and let on the most reasonable terms.
SAM LIKENS, Proprietor.
e«t«. et.-. of the be«t quality, and n>-ck
-e-ir of all »Inscriptions tn -til tin* I 'test
nn<l mrrinpe ironing ot
Ibiipsl Wright. lair Dealing.
-tyles. Tliev h ive a fine lot of bathing
every description.
«nits in everv color, and in fact their Ip Slain in Adans’ Biilding,
to e is filled with eve-ything th it n
McMinnville. Oregon.
Horse Shoeing
„1 chaser emilil desire in their .line.
Vnd on»- thing that »'« a e sure of, vou
And |>’ow w«>rk a specially.
I | ICK TFRI’IN. 76 P. F J. C < . R
will be gentlemanly treated above all.
I " ('<»b >r} rich if« bb ri yrilow . biffi'iio »
Bred hy W J Nesmith. Derry. Oregon
Mirried.— kt the «xsi l.»nee of A. K.
Also manufacture the
alvcfil in
sired by Dixie; <lnni. Jessit
\! l.-rim.n. D.ivton Y »mhill. <'o. (begun.
i.H P (‘ J <’ C R
Property of
Tav IH. 1887. by Rev. Morirán, Mr.
Brrtlv This tine bull will be kept on Rive
ZST" Celebrated Oregon Iron Harrow,
Me Farm
\ M. Gnin of Polk Co. to Miss N. B.
dartin <>f Yamhill.
For Sal — A complejo farming outfit
Among the bequeMsof the latei ha 1<-
complaint of
Ns o\rou.
Elixir la the only
♦i«(«t»nff nf .plows, harrow*, bornea,
A t V l 11 Q«-V »» of Xinlin»*
Moline HI
III b h »»th-
t » B’ixxl R.-mwly guaran­ thousands suffering from Asthma, Cbn-
Gporice H. Atlcin«’vi •»’ P • ’ •
teed. It Is a positive cure for Ulcers, Erup­ .-cription. Courbs, <tc. Did you ever try
t oof t.i -Jp.i k". C .»»les fa ni. Mr-
r«> Tiii'.ri” 1 • • ‘
It mi r
» » ■ -»’ • ’ I-
tions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It pnrifiestbe Acker’s Engli.-li Remedy? It lx the beet
Par’fle nrive’•aitv a» F«>
,...e‘»v«i ' H t i-in-ehi— costs
whole system, and baaiahena'I lihoumatic reparation know.n f t ell Lung Troubles,
gon, $1),O» fo-» f’h’i-tii" *• ’»<»•«• s t ,. k«hav<- he-m »tirr»<~l »>ve to tl P
and Neuralgic pains. Wo guarantee it .old on a poeltivo gaaruutco at 10c.. COo.
H. II. I
— — -.......-
' county clc-k. and he is now at woik,
i •r.O W Pitt ltii-kiJM.
In the City.
»»«> W. Hurt Linr,-»’
used for the tuition nf such needy stu making out the delinquent list.
dt»nts of both sexes-”
Tohaeco Cigars.
Now Blacksmith. Shop!