VANISHED VANDMARK3. SPOILING A GHOST. DR- PRENTICC. How a Plucky Peddler Frightened Cough«.- “//roten’t Bronchial Troches” are u«ed with advantage to alle­ viate Cough«*, Sore Throat. Hoarsenes», and Bronchial Affections. Sold only in boxes. Two Th»» Sn<:«'e»«.ftil Speci oTlh© M Cuns and Sporting Coocls toundte tito M.-iltuai World «»f the ••Supernatural Visitants.’' Coaht by his Wonderful Op­ Many a ghost story would have met eration* a;;.l Cures. with an untimely end, had a man of One in a faint should he laid on tbe flat A faw months «igo D. . 1‘rentico visited Pan spirit arisen to hunt down the super­ Francibtio a stranger, yet in that short space of his back, then loose hi* clothes and let natural visitants. Some years a.’o, a of time lie Las ettected so many wonderful him alone. little town in Iowa became greatly ex­ cures that his name is now known in every THE RUDDY KiVER cited over a succession of strange sights household on the Coast. His cures and oper of life in the blood. From it the system ations were so quick and miraculous that soint Fine Fishing Tackle, and noises, which had occurred in physicians of good standing were even willing receive« all it« material of growth and re­ Foot Hall«, Boxing Gloves, Horse-thief Grove, where two criminal« to take their oaths that they were im;»««ssible. pair. It bathe« every tissue of the body. Indian UlubH, Musks, Foils. How nece««ary, then, that the blood hail once been buried. Tlie reports ran Now in a few months Dr. Prentice In s had should be kept pure and rich. Dr. Pierce’« Western Agents for scoirs of ca>-eH from the leading cities and over that at twelve o'clock every Friday the entire Coast that prove the truth of h : ‘Golden Medical I)i«covery” is the great night blue and white lights were seen wonderful cures. Miss Kittie Slocum, eui- blood food and blood purifier. It in a «ov- ereign remedy for all diseases due to im­ to rise from the graves and disappear ployed at No. 817 Sansouie street, fr r seven poverished blood,consumption, bronchitis, years had her features disfigured by her eye Bicylea, Velocipedes, in tlie branches of tlie trees above. baing fixed immovably in one corner. She weak lungs, scrofula, influenza, and kin­ Tricycles. An enterprising peddler, spending a could not look straight ahead or turn it up or dred diseases. 163 A 107 Nerond Nt., Portlaud. or night in tlie town, determined to in­ down. She was treated by various oculists, BRANCH HTORE h ’ ’ last by a protestor i.i a leading medical | All signs fail in dry times except lil v™i.l.' Xv . Npokitlu. Hdb.W T MState St..Sal,.,„ vestigate tlie ghostly phenomena, and and college of San Francisco, Cal., who treated it legend “No Trust’’ in the saloons. One Agent (Merchant ----------------- only) w>int«w| rv jn ov».rv tow« ♦ having provided himself witli a pistol, for six months; said an operatic 1 or further slipped down to tlie grove. Ail eager treatment would d»> no rood, s > he abandoned | T ky G eumea for breaktaat. The hair may lie kept from falling and expectant crowd stood on a hill al tlie case as hopeless. Miss Slocum, knowing the reputation of this professor t >rtai-d high, a convenient distance, waiting to see felt doomed to suffer her misfortune for life, after sickneas by a frequent application to the scalp of «age t>'a. Your ••Tansill’s Punch” 5c cent cigar the lights, and, says the invest gator. J and compelled to exclude herself from many going off like hot cakes. I intend that they .hin be well advertised. 1 THE OLD AND THE NEW. made up my mind to give them an after­ pleasures of this world. Without hope she wentto Dr. Prentice just one week ago, and tVJl. F. H. STEPHENSON piece that night, as 1 lay snugly con­ to-day she can look as straightforward aa any The old-style pills! Who does not know UuUalo X Y What agony they caused—wbat woe i cealed under tlie bushes near tlie graves. one. Sb j is cured, and lias a new a:nl happy You walked the floor, you groaned, you Address. K-W.TAXM1 LI, < <'o„ ,'hleag* life opened for the future. During the p-st I did not have long to wait before 1 sighed. J4INNIK 11 14 K kU fs A KNAbt. , . ... throe months lie has cured 538 cross-eyes, of WM. KN ABE (’(».—Convinced that j.-ur heard tlie sounds I had been expecting which tlie following are a few: The inoM And felt such awful pain inside, fLij jowder wm rariitt .uarvri oil And the next day you felt so weak une lualed, I have determined to purchase a concert a renvyi- w-d whotfe8Oia«me«3.’ More ecououiAotu tii> —tlie trampling of feet near me. Look­ wonderful ca-e is that' f Albert Vandenburgh You didn't want to move or speak. for my London residence and have directed my a-Ltt *ry kinAi, « c be wid make the.necessary iH-cuniary arrangement with »oa ing up cautiously, I beheld the sons ol of Stockton, Cal. Ila i cross-eyes all 1 is lift Now Pierce’s “Pellets” are so mild ice with the ¡multitude otf ’.ow ihortweiigx I'lease ship to my address, London, England and hJi , Dr. Prentice straightened them in ). fs tluu They are not dreaded by a child. mo. yours sincerely, M J N NIE H AUK * my host, two very mischievous lads, 15 seconds. Dr. Prentice’s operatmn fo> They do their work in painless way, YI ks I c Dcparti'ient of 4. L. HAX ttDFTAra ... riu .-AYaflG Co. *02 kialh N. i. carrying a rope and a lantern with blue cross-eyes caus s so little irritati >a to the cyt And leave no weakness for next day. 114 llupont Ht., Han Fnuioiaoo, Cal., General AgJnu and white glass. Every tiling was plain that patients return home the same day tha Thus proving what is oft contest That gentle means are always best. to me now. The boys would creep up the eyes aie straightened, ixot even Lein obliged t > bandag» th 5 eyes. Dr. Prentice’.' a narrow and deep ditch to the graves. suicesi i 1 curing c «»ss-eyes is tli ) wonder anti A fever ratient can be made cool and By tlie aid of a rope running over a envy of leading phys cians of the country. comfortable by frequently sponging oil' pulley fastened in tlie trees, tliey could He never takes more than one minute to with soda water. straighten a cro s-eye. lie also, in most in run the lantern up and down while con­ stances, cures tho woist casus of Pile«, Fissure Cures all Diseases originating from a cealed in the brush some distance oft’, and Ulcer of the Rectum in one treatment, disordered state of the BLOOD or relying on the superstitious fear of the without cutting, burning or crushing, so that LIVER. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, his patients can return home in from one to When Baby was sick we gave her Castoria, others to prevent discovery. three days after treatment. C. M. Ilenrie, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, Boils, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula, crui'.s AW HUMORS, After they had every tiling arranged Windsor Hotel, San Francisco, Cal., suffered When she became Miss, she dung to Castoria, Tumors, Salt Rheum and Mercurial from a common niotcli, or Ernptlon, to the worst Sc------------ __ SnU-rficnm and had run the lantern up once, I com­ many y>'ais with bleeding and Internal piles When she had Children,she gave them Castoria. Pains readily yield to its purifying “ Fever ______ - »ore», ” «<•>■!}• Scaly or UoiiKh Hough’ ____ Dr. Prentice, in one treatment, madea perfect menced saying something in a terrify­ and permanent cure. OGDBN S'l’EVENS, of In short, all diseases caused by |luj properties. It leaves the Blood pure, Skill. ___________ ,_____ _______ blood uro conquored by tills I power rowerful, puri- ing voice. Tliey dropped every thing the Clara Morris Combination, Baldwin the Liver and Kidneys healthy and the fving, und -„j______________ invigorating medicine. "calcine, (treat Great and started through tlie bush like Theatre, San Francisco—Severe cas-s of Entire -1 under ’ Its be. ■ IK Ulcers rapidly u heal Complexion bright and clear. Piles and Fistula perfectly ami permanently nign Influence. influe Especially has it inanitestcd frightened sheep. I fired a few shots, Best, easiest to use and cheapest. Piso’s jts potency in curing Tetter, llo>e Bash, cured by Dr. Prentice in one treatment J. R. CATES A CO., Proprietors gave a blood-curdling yell, anil quietly His success to the treatment of Catarrh i * fully Remedy for Catarrh. By druggists. ftOc. Boil«, Carbuncle«, Sore Eyes, Scrol. 417 Sansome St., San Francisco. ii I ouh Sores auided ticulars D A MACDONALD A CO., on Scrofulous Affections. 405 Kearny Street, _Ban Francisco, Cal. ing an awed expression, as if they ex­ company for six years. Barone-s Emm;. “Till! BLOOI» IN TH!’. LIFE.» Seaman, 132 Fourth street, Sa i Francisco, Thoroughly cleanse it by using l)i< Pit rec’s pected a dire calamity. After hearing Cal , deaf from catarrh several years, cured Piso’s Remedy for Catarrh is the (■olden medical Discovery, and good Beet, Easiiwt to Une, and Cheapest. tlie various conjectures ami sugges­ by Dr. Prentice. Mr. L. S. M stick is a digestion, a fair, bnoynut splr. its, und vital strength, will beestablbkd. tions, 1 arose and told my story. My young in m well known in this Community and in Alameda, where h r resides. He had statements were borne out by finding been afflicted from childhood with stammering tlie rope and lantern. Nothing but in a most aggravated form. Hu mire« Is of dol- which I« Scrofula cf the LniigR, jg «•. Sold bv dmggists or sent by mail. restad und cured by t life remedy, if taken be­ 50c. E. T. Marcitine, Warren, l’a. their extreme youthfulness saved tlie 1 irs were spent ami the best physicians and fore tho last stages of tho dirensi r call :.t once. body good,” ami vet it can not be de­ For Weak Filings, Spitting of anil they entered tlie batik and walked Blood, Shortness of Elrcatli, Lirón- nied that it would take a pretty strong, CURES WHEN ALL OTHER MEDICINES An autopsy reve led the fact that thirty chit!'*, Asthma, Severe Coughs, a¡4 to the teller’s window. healthy breeze to blow some people Chinese pirates who were killed in Ton­ kindred affections, it is an efficient I’cmcdy. FAIL, as it acts directly and at once on the DYSPENSARY, "You identify tliis man as Baker, do quin had concealed their money under the S old by D ruggists , at $1.60, o« SIX any better than tliey are.— Somerville BoTii r.s for $5.00. Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, restoring PORTLAND. OR yon?” skin of their thighs, which they had after Journal. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce’8 ward neatly sewed up. them to a healthy action. HUNT'S REMEDY is Young, middle aged and book on Consumption. Address, "Baker? Baker? Yes, I believe that —11 is said that tlie young woman old. single or married mer World’s Dispensary Medical Asso­ is his name.” a sale, sure, and speedy cure, and hundreds have and all who Buffer with THE EFFECTS OF MENTAL EXHAUSTION. ciation, ßü3 Muin Street, B uffalo , N. Y. who splashes herself while working at LOST MANHOOD: “Do you know it to he?” been cured by it when physicians and friends Many diseases, especially those of the ner­ Nervous Debility, Spenna the washtub is fated to have a drunken “No—o, but I’ve heard it was. vous system, are the products of dally renewed torrhea. Seminal Losres, hod given them up to die. Do not delay, try at husband. Very few young women Sexual Decay,Failing Mem­ mental exhaustion. Business avocations often ■lives next door to me.” ory, Weak Eyes, Lack of onco HUNT'S REMEDY. now-a-days put themselves in danger, involve an amount of mental wear and tear Energy, also Blood ands "How much of a family has he?” s is offered by the proprietors Skin Diseases, Syphfllia* then. — Boston Post. Send for Pamphlet to very prejudicial to physical health, and tho /1 of Dr. Sago’s Catarrh Remedy Eruptions, Hair Falling "He's got a wife, anyhow, and I see •? lor a case of catarrh which professions, if arduously pursued, are no less Bone Pains, S wellingb —Doctor—Good morning! How are some children around.” HUNT’S REMEDY CO., they cannot cure. If you Sore Throat, Ulcer«, Ef destructive to brain and nerve tissue. It is one you to-day? Patient—Better, doc­ fects of Mercury, Kidney» have a discharge from tho Providence, R. I. "What does he do?” of the most important attributes of Hostetter’s and Bladder Trouble! nose, offensive or otherwise, partial loss ol tor; much better. Doctor—That’s Hitters, that it compensates for thia Weak Back, Burning Urine. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Striot smell, taste, or hearing, ircak eyes, dull pain "Let's sec. He’s got an office of some Stomach Ask your druggist for HUNT’S REMEDY. undue loss of tissue, and that it imparts new 'ire—prompt, relief and cure for life. good news. 1 was detained much long­ or oresmire in head, you have Catarrh. Ihou- sort down town here, but 1 can't say energy to the brain and nerves. The rapidity Both Sexes* Consult Confidentially Take no other sands of cases terminate in consumption. er than I expected, and was afraid you what lie does.” with which it renews weakened mental energy OF h ’ICE-182 «fa 184 THIRD HT. Dr. Sage’s C ataiuui H emrpy cures the worst and physical vitality is remarkable, and shows would be uneasy. Patient—O, no! cases of Catarrh« “Cold in the Head,” "Will you positively identify him as that its invigorating properties are of tlie and Catarrhal l»featinK rillp „ . p . aa a Remedy for Female Diseases, U i ,hü O,1Iy rifle on th. market ’ "Thanky, mum; don't care if I do.” glad to oblige, you know, lint I don't relieving periodical pains, pro­ To b et eggs quickly add a pinch of *alt RII GALLERY, SPiIRTIXO AND TARGFT T? ’ F tt - q moting a healthful regularity of À “--.r1-'..': wor'.I renowned. Send f«r "I suppose,” continued the lady, set­ know you, you know.”— Detroit Fret Salt coo 8 and co d eggs froth rapidly. MAKI.IX Beasons and curing weakness ARMS <’<>., New Huven, Conn. ting a square meal before him, "your l'i ess. * • * * Delicate diseases in either sex, back-ache and consequent nervous distress. 8ol''XT OF roE t > isl » kitix > ti or life has been full of trials?” "Yis, however indu ed, speedily cured. Book, DUKAAK JYSri'JL AXDTHK Ll BKI4ZT I1 A IN. 1TIS 1’ROMIT IX AcZlOX. LYMAN’S ^TRINWAY KKANICTI A BACH. SEBWHATOSEWOZiSSATSOrtTSlIEBl'ra. 10 cents in stamps. Address, in confl mum; an' tho wustof it wuz I alius got ■ tlllflft I j Gabler, Roenish Pianos:Bur- SHOT «CM MIGHT A Satisfactory Settlement. pi £1^ 8 u F s !.{ >!, ?. Kov ’ 6th ; 1883 - *'>”•• Lydia E. dence, World’s Disp-unary Medical Asso­ det Organs, band instruments. Largest stock convicted.”— Judge. L" an,7ctthlng. Price50c Pinkham: ••Aslsfreqnentlv the case withinothera ciation, 663 'fain 1 ‘ Ll ret. Buffalo, N. Y. of Sheet Music and Books. Bands supplied at >8en«lf r circular and newcaU Gentleman I hear. Uncle Rastus, • Rim have reared largo ramifies, I have beenagreat Eastern prices. M. GRAY, —A young tenor obtained a hearing W g \f rt riL i,tlrt A«ly health is fully restored. happen?’ ” interrupted tlieyoung tenor. I should like to widely circulate the fact of its dis. Dem what owes de firm am to set­ has doctored yon. if you will sit down and wonderful curative powers.” PITEBA C ROOP ••Why, if niv theater should happen to write me a full history of the case, and all tle wiv Dolphus, an’ dem what de linn the symptoms, 1 will write you my opinion niEjgAREwrDnrGGiyr will supfly you . prici o / burn—” “Well?” “I should engage •W* W -74V owes am to settle wiv me. Dolphus of the case. the probabilities of a cure and ’ on .to erv ‘Fire?’ ”— N. Y. Ledger. Towed dat war a fa'r ’rangement— coat. 1 am prepared to treat everything The BUYERS» Gl IDK 1« requiring surgical appliances as well as Eng.i.-li, ]• renuh, Scotch and German Fabrics in ondlnss variety for Suit» to measure. HOW TO SURE A BOY OF CBUUP Issued Sept, and March, sluir’ an’ sliar' alike!— Drake's Trap- medicinally; am a graduate; 30 years prac­ each year, 312 page«, Mrs. Samuel Nutt, of South Haven, tiers' Magazine. S \ M PT !.•< WITTS\ a-o. .lurent Patten.» to »elect from. tice. Men and women both can write to SAMI LES, WITH INSTRUCHONS FOR SELF-MEASUREMENT SENT FRTE. llVg inches,™ith over Kama», tells how »lie «ared the life of me in strictest confidence. Persons coni 3,500 illustration» — a her boy. —There is a fellow making the tour Ing to the city are aequeated to call on me. whole Picture Ciallery, I have been using A i .I a 'O ck ' s P orous of tlie Western dime museums this Enclose a stamp and address GIVES Wholesale Prices W. B FORDEN, M. D. direct to connuntcra on all goods foi P i . sstkiu « for the last ten years, princi­ winter advertised ns Ali Pasha, the Office- 8 and 9, First National Bank, J peraonal or family Rae. Telia how to pally for a weak back. Not long ago I Transparent Turk and Human Window Portland, Oregon. order, and give» exact coat of every­ found my eon very much Inclined to croup. Pane." Tlie advertisement has tin* in­ Only Uliitc Labor and First-Class Cutters Employed. thing yon use, ent, drink, wear, or Hehari hadacroupy cough,and a wheezing have fun with. These INVALUABLE sound in his lungs every time he breathed. teresting information: "He was on the BOOKS contain information gleaned He nearly died from the obstruction of stall' of tlie Sultan of Turkey at the from the markets of the world. We the throat. I covered him from the throat terrible battle of Plevn-', when a huge will mail a copy FREE to any ad­ to the pit of the stomach with A i . i . cock s dress upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray P orous P lastkhs . In two hours the cannon ball from the erm* Russian expense of mailing. I*et us hear from cough ceased and Ills breathing was much artillery, swift on its errand of death, you. Rcspeetfhlly, easier. In a few days he was entirely well. passed completely through this lirave MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. I kept the AtKocK's P orous P i - astbrs Admirable surgical 22^ «V 2’?tl WahiiNh Avenue. Chicajro. 111. on him six days. Mnce then, whenever officer’s Issiy. he is effected with colds In the throat, I «kill saved hi« life, and a pane of jtic f x LIFE OF HENRY WARD BEECHER. never u«e anything but an A i . i . cock ' s French window glass was fitted in tlie Agents Wanted. For full particulars addrtt, P orous P laster , which cures him imme­ emedie A. HOMAN. I'.O Sutter street. S.m Francisco. diately, without any inconvenience. They gaping cavity witli such admirable orturing , disfiguring , itching , are the best preveniatlve of the croup ever nicety that we now have tlie greatest scaly and pimply di senses of the skin.sualp. Cures all llumor* known, and 1 wound not he without them marvel of the age. Sun. moon and and blood with loss of hair, from infancy to of the Scalp and pre­ for any consideration. stars shine through him; daylight old age. are cured by theCVTicuRA R kmkiuks . vent*» Hair falling out: C uticuha RKMYLVBNT.thvnew blood purifier, NO I.AIUKK* Toll.KT Id and gas light shine through him: you cleanses 1UPTURE PERMANENTLY eUUD. the blood and perspiration of disease COMPLETE WITHOUT IT . W* nay r®ur far« from any part a. can see through him: you can read sustaining element«, and thus remove» the a» it cures Handrail CAU8B. United States is Portland and hotel expense* through him.”—-V. F. Sun. and Nnftrnn Dry and i CVTtOURA, the great Skin Cure, instantly while here if we do not produce indisputable Wiry llnir; is excel allays itching and inflammation, cleara the skin evidence from well known bankers, docton*, lent tor th*» Face and scalp or crust», scales and sores, and re lawyer«, merchant* and farmer»« aa to our re < liapped llandn; i- —A juror at Oconee Court asked to and stores the Hair. HabiMtgr in the cure of reduoeable rupture or perfectly linrinle«*- and lia* no equal lie excused from serving on the jury C vticura exquisite Skin Beautifler. ms a dresser for the Hair; is tine for the face hernia, without knife, needle or sharp instru many You are aecure again at accident from on account of having to go home to is Indispensable in treating skin < iseases, baby after shaving. humors, skin blemishes, chapped and oily skin. the first day until cured, and ttie cure_guaran CfSample Hottie«* Free. teed permanent or money refunded. You can btny his dead mother in-law. Judge CifTictHA R kmkiuka are the great skin • I rX*^U1ir.’°’n‘U‘d,Pt*'tochildf«thal work every day. no matter what your occupa­ Hutchins «aid it was a h-gal excuse, as bcauttflers. r.------'—•“I Castoria er-«s Colle. CoBitfpati^n, t recommend it ag f—-—■—*— ;eu.«e. Sold everywhere. Price, CmcuitA, ,Vk\; tion. without danger or inconvenience. Con raperiortoanypreacnpUon I Sour Stomata. Diarrhoea, Eructation.__ suite Lona free. Office hours from 10 to 4 daily. any man ought to be excused to bury S oap , 25c.: R ksolvk > y gi. >*reparvd hr the »°a ” A * *-------------- I Kills Worms, glres sleep, and promo* «• Correspondents will sncloao atemp for reply his dead mother-in-law or his sister-iu* PorncRlUtro axd C fikmicai . Co.. B«* ton. Ma«®. General Agents. Hl So. Oxfords«., T I — fBttiOB, iMTSend forJ’How to Cure Skin Diseases, end addreaa Dr». Forden ft Luther, rooms 8 and I Without tajurious medication. PORTLAND, • - • OREGON. A Hrat National bank. Portland. Oiegon. lew.— Athens (G’o.) Banner. ipj Ul'KO with thelovelieat delicacy is the skin T h « C kttaub C oxpaxt , 182 Fulton Street. M. T. Mention this paper. I Hl bathed with Crriccite M kdk atkp S oap . For Sale by all Druggists. Some of the Passim? Strange Innovations of a Texas Eating-* House. A rather subdued s‘:-an -er recently entered an Austin restaurant and, tak­ ing a seat neat the door, was soon con­ fronted bv a waiter, to whom he com­ municated his order. The meal was soon before him, smoking hot, and as tlie waiter was about to withdraw, the stranger said: ••Er—see here; there are no flies in this coffee.” “Fliest <>, no, sir,” replied the man with tlie apron and a napkin over his shoulder. "I had expected to meet them here— in fact, I hud half-way promised to— why, heavens! I fail to recognize my old barley-soup friend, the cock-roach!” ••There are no cockroaches in this house, sir,” said the waiter, sternly. "And so the roach, too. has desorted us. Well, well. Say, where's the limp, wet napkin, with prune sauce on one side and sweet oil on the other?” "Our napkins are all fresh and new­ ly laundered.” “Strange; 'tin passing .strange. Where is the variegated table-cloth that looked like a calico dress pattern done up in coffee dregs and molasses?” "Our table spreads are clean every day, sir.” "Well, welL” Suddenly tlie man commenced spearing around in the butter dish witli his fork. “I don't And it,” he murmured, sadly. "Don’t . find what?” snapped the waiter. ‘Has she gone?” ‘Has who gone?” Tlie bright-eyed divinity who used to conceal samples of her auburn ring­ lets overy morning under tlie butter lump. She knew I always looked for­ ward with pleasure to those little mementoes.” “Our butter has no hair.” “I see,” sighed (lie man, “bald as a door-knob. Hasn't there been some kind of a change in th > management of this place?” “Yes.” "Ail of the dear old familiar land­ marks seem to have disappeared. 1« this a menagerie?” "No, that’s a biscuit.” “Sure enough?” “Ah. distinctly I remember, it was only last December. That 1 ooo'.ly, calmly fondled such a biscuit o’er and o’er; Then I broke the cover off it, and I may be called a false prophet. It a baked and blistered mouse did not roll out upon the floor.’’ We have previously stated that tlie stranger was seated near the door, and it was a go>d tiling for him that he was. Tlie waiter made one wild break, but tlie subdued anticipator of a hearty meal fled.— Texas Siftings. A. G. Spalding & Bros’. Base Ball Goods. POWDER Absolutely Pure. HALLS SARSAPARILLA y CATARRH CONSUMPTION, KidneyÆiver Medicine Liver, Blood, and Lungs. HUNT’S REMEDY The Van Monciscar v, $500 REWARD LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S NICOLL THE TAILOR i he Grandest Display of Choicest Woolens ever shown in the Citv, O NICOLLTHE TAILOR, fdow to Cure Skin fcScalp Diseases with the C U \ \ R s. T •‘ins All-Wool Suits to Orclsr fi’oui - - $20.00 ins All-Wool Pants to C-dsr ----- 5.00 ___ 126 First Street, Portland. Or Moore’s Invigorator. for Infants and Children SNELL. HEITSHU & WOODARD. : i , I 1 I J 0 tl E P tl b tl di .11 •t M •1 SI of di tit sa nn nil tei tei tei wc ly evt the the wh tac tou wit not acc wit for1 « P aftt ove cut exp Wilt Net relii ride silhi and two with The brut enee disti of tl objc .tin-l The the seem heigl of t into of th ligio, plate with but s out lei As men look i i their tweet turlie and a tree t houtti as irr crims untar hand, ished, away then, nioun' that f the vi religii In tlie had I Christ pressi the on sunset pie eei faith, was th Prank ir de, rorirvT Under« »'arris ♦i"S-pT to b- n Í 'nt,” *ith a I« that Tener. ' —“1 d*. B ecMive ried to will w Jour b< •ide of