The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, May 17, 1887, Image 2

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sort « AND NEWS.
Jas. G. Blaine, wile and two daiiglit-
eis will sail for Europe June 8.
Newberg is the place for a county
dr. They do not in ike a practice ol
'gouging” everybody down there, like
they did at the so called “County Mc­
Minnville Fair."— Lafayette Register
Mav 13.
Bay, brother, did you lose somo money­
betting on Buckskin? Please explain
iiow you g«»t “gouged.” We quite agree
with the brother, that Newberg is the
place lor a county fair, She has had
several very successful ones heretofoie,
and will doubtless have several again.
But wo expect McMinnville, North
Yam hill ami other tow ng to exhibit like
local enterprise. No one ever supposed
Lafayette, would attempt any such
thing. She scarcely has energy enough
to "gouge” • good pip..- into existence.
T1 m third convocati on of Indian Wa
Veterans which is to be held in Portland
the 14th of next month, will be the moat
interesting one yet held. The Mechan­
ics pavilion has been secured in which
these men who did honor to their coun­
try, are to meet, and invitations to sev­
eral of the members have been extend­
ed who had accepted, and will speak.
A feature of Pioneer day will be the pa-
rude of these battered and worn and
true men of the country. Tl.eir step
will not boas in the .lavs of yore, but
as they stey into line, the same love <>l
country will swell their breasts and
animato their hearts.
It seems now as if a little light had
begun to penetrate the traitorous old
skull of lelF Davis. At a reception given
him at Meridian, Mississippi the oilier
day, he made the following remarks,
regarding our union : “United you are
now, and if the Union is ever to be bro­
ken let the other side break it. The army
of the south will shine forever around
the camp flies and will still shine to our
children and their children. Tho truths
we fought for shiil.l not encourage you to
ever tight again, but keep your word in
good cr evil. God bless you all.”
Documents have been unearthed tn
the office of the Register of Deeds in
Wisconsin, which shows Daniel Webster
once owned 3,000 acres of land tn that
state, embracing part of the piescnt
site of the city of Madison, and that he
was inlersted in a scheme locating in
that county, on the banka of the Wis­
consin river, a city which should in
time be the metropolis of the west. He
however, got more deeply interested in
other matters and disposed of his inter
ests there before the prospective metrop­
olis was ever started.
Mr. Crocker says that the C & O will
be completed to the state line by the 1st
prox. and that nil haste possible will be
made in the completion of the tunnels;
that upon completion through trains
with sleepers and immigrant cars wil; bn
put on and rates made accmdingly. lie
thinks the completion of the line will
cause decided improvement in values
throughout western Oregon and predicts
a general advance in the prices of real
estate, particularly farming lands, as a
Col. F. P. Ilord, a prominent and
wealthy citizen, ami Captain George
Redmond, of San Antonia Texas, have
been indicted by the Federal grand jury
on the ground of conspiracy todeliaud
the government of revenue. The indict
nietits are the out' growth of wholesale
smuggling schemes on the BioGrande
bolder, which have been heretofore pm-
sued. Other prominent stockmen are
also indicted, whose names are not
made public.
Unless Tlieobe, woo run against Car-
lise for congress, gives some good ex­
planation for delay in filing his papers
in his contests for Carlisle's seat, lie
will be debarred from the contest. Con
gress allows thirty days after the filing
of a member’s certificate lor n contestee
to reply, and ninety days for taking ol
testimony. This period expired April
28, but the clerk of the house has receiv­
ed no papers from Tlioobe.
Great preparations are being made at
Biltimore Md. for tho to -eption of Car­
dinal Gib ions on his return from Rome.
The Cardinal sails from Queenstown on
May 29th, and is expected to arrive at
Baltimore on on June 7. He will tie
received by Catholic organizatiom-
whi< li will have 6,000 mon in line. An
address on the part ot the city will be
made at the depot, alter which the Car­
dinal will be escorted to Ills residence.
Eighteen more bodies have been
brought to the surface at Nanaimo burn­
ed beyond recognition. Three of these
were Chinamen, and six while men and
one Chinaman are yet to be recovered.
Work at Southfield will propably be re­
sumed to-day and the public schools
* ill re-open.
Tacoma is making great preparation
for a g: and celebration on July 4th and
5th, and at the same time w ill celebrate
the completion of the Not I be» n Pacific.
Invitation have been issued , » all eili
zees of the territory to unite in the cele-
tuation. Thirty five hundred dollars is
already subscribed by the Chamber ol
Commerce and County Commissioners.
Another accident occured on the Sisk­
iyou mountain last Saturday resulting
in throe persons being badly injured.
A stage from Stephenson’s Ashland
stable carrying several Western line re­
pairers was upset by the horses running
away on the south side of the summit,
where the Stnttz theatrical people were
wrecked. The coach was totally demol­
ished. This is the same team that ran
away before.
E d . T elephone :
D ear S iu :—Last week I arrived
in McMinnville fully prepared to
open a Drug Store in yourenterpris
ing city, but after looking the field
over, I was convinced that it would
be suicidal for me to embark in
trade where there is a buiness house,
so disgustingly aggressive and so
lost to the interests of other houses
as one you have located in your
city. It is with surprise and
chagrin that I notice that this par­
ticular house is steadily increasing
its number of customers day after
day, by employing methods that
would make it very uncomfortable
for me, if I were in busiuess here.
Just as it now does for competing
establishments who are striving to
combat the evil. I refer to G eo .
W. B urt the P rescription D rug ­
gist who is selling drugs, medi­
cines, paints, oils, stationery etc.
at such exceedingly low prices
that I decided this is no place for
me, and the other fellows may as
well pull out. too.
Yours in Sorrow,
H. I. P rice .
A. L. Thied,an old resident of Chico
alifornia was found dead near that citv
last Tliuisday. lie had been in the
uabit of hunting an hour or two every
morning, and his body was discovered
---- PROPRIETOR of the-.—
lying near a fence, his gun being half
pulled through, showing that the weeds
Panther Creek Cedar Camp,
or fence caught tho hammer and dis­
Has on hand
charged one barrel, the contents enter­ 300.000 first class shingles, 10.000 posts,
ing his body over the heart and making 50,000 shakes.
a terrib e wound.
J. J Collard, Agt. McMinnville,
The schooner Laura Mac ¡son, which
G. W bappington, Agt. North Yamhill.
arrived at Umpqua, Oregon, May 10,
Headquarters 15 miles from McMinnville,
report» seeing the Ocean King, May 8th,
near the head of Panther Greek
thirty-five miles west oi Cape Arago
on fire .and abandoned. The Madison
lay by her until she sunk at 6 p. tn.
The Ocean King wub loaded with coal
hound from Nanaimo, B. C., to San
Pedro. She was valued at $75,000 and
—Dealers in all kinds of-
is owned in Boston. Nothing is known
regarding her crew.
—At the new sture of -
Steel and Chilled Plows, Sulky, Gang Thin.b.e arm Steel Ski in Farm Waren.
Spring Wagons, Buggies and
and Walking Plows, Harrows and
everything on wheels.
Cultivators of all kinds.
(Successors to Baxter A Martin)
third st .,
M c M innville , or .
Frosh Family Groceries.
A new, neat and clean stock
Every ar­
ticle A No 1 Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks.
Colored Glqssware. Cutlery, Cased Goods.
Tobacco, Pipes and Cigars.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in season.
We have put our prices down low. Give us
a call, inspect our stock, and we will guar­
antee prices to suit you
Barnckoff, Thomason & Swanson,
M c M innville , mc M inkville crcssinc and carlton , O regon ,
Warehousemen and Grain Buyers.
Splendid warehouses, complete with latest improved machinery. Thorough and 1
experience in handling grain. Highest cash price paid for all kinds of Grain.
------- Aho, dealers in-------
Farm, Dairy and Mill
Wagons, Buggies and Carriages. Binder Twine, Eelting, Oils, and
F^achine Supplies of all kinds.
Call and See TJ
Collard S Caldwell !
Hoosier ruice reeu feeders and Drills
with truss axle and wide tiles
Latest improved and best seeder in us«
For toe next Sixty Days nt the old reliable Pioneer Boot and Shoe Store,
sign of the Big Boot, opposite the Grange Store.
The subscriber hereby announces to the citizens of McMinnville and vicinity the abort
—Which will soon appear.—
Flour and Feed
The grand jury of Polk county, after
an investigation of the charges against
John D. Belt, postmaster of McCoy, for
selling liquor without license, returned
“not a true bill.” This ends the law­
suits in which .Mr. Belt has been involv­
ed, all on account of his having become
a “government Nashy.” The case of
young Thurman, charged with horse
stealing, which was set for trial Friday,
was continued until next term. Thur­
man furnished bonds, and is at liberty.
About 12:30 Saturday morning at Se­
attle a man named Ward cut his wife’s
throat and then his own. She got away
from him and dragged herself to the
nearest house, where she took a board
from the fence and rapped witli it against
the house, being unable to make herBeli
heard otherwise. She was taken inside
and received attention, blit her recovery
is doubtful. Iler husband was dead tn
the bed when a party reached the house.
He was doubtless insane, as he was
a hard wo, king, respectable man and
no trouble was known to exist between
the two.
A railroad foreman named Walker
tells the Seattle Press the following story
of a middle aged woman roaming
through the forrests near Salmon Bay:
Iler hair bung down her back in a dis­
hevelled way, all matted and tangled
ami it evidently bad not been combed
or brushed' for months. Iler clothes
were tattered and torn, and her bare
..rms, tanned byaxjxjser, showed signs
of fasting, while her eyes glared at the
men with the ferocity of a tigress at bay.
I he men were overawed by the strange,
wierd creature, w ho showed her glisten­
ing teeth in a manner more like a raven­
ing wolf than anything human, the
creature gave a piercing shreik when
discovered, and pausing a moment turn­
ed, and leaping over a log, sped through
he dense undergrowth ol the forest
with the agility of a deer. The workmen
lost sight of tho wild women. 8he is
p obably some escaped lunatic wander­
ing aimlessly in the forest, subsisting
upon roots and berries.
A career in the Boot and Shoe line for the pnst eighteen years in this city !>«, estab­
lished a business character for competency and integrity, with a minute knowledge of
the local demands favors him in the wholesale market and enables him to umlenrll
houses in the same line that are not possessed of equal advantages. Moreover, he pro­
poses, in the proli', red sale, to divide thé margins with rhe customer for tlie specuM
time. The public will please call and examine. No trouble to show goods.
—Goods sold at—
The Lowest Cash Price
Delivered Free !
febltf To any part of the city.
For Kcw Stock of
Oregon & California R. R.
And Connections.
Crockery and Glasswarew now arriving from Fare to San Francisco, $32; Sacramento $30,
Factories at old rates, and will therefore
Close connections made at Ashland with
be sold
stages of the California, Oregon and Idaho
Stage Company.
C. Grissen’s
I.amp chimneys 50 and 75 cents per doz.
China dishes .50 cents per dozen
Garrison’s Block,
McMinnville, Or.
East Side Division.
Mail Train.
Portland 8:00 A. M.| Ashland
Ashland.. .8:45 P. M |Portland
4:00 A. M.
3.45 P. M.
Albany Express Train.
Portland . 4:00 P. M.lLebanon 9:20 P. M.
Lebanon. .4:45 A. Al. I Portland 10:05 A. M.
Daily between Portland and Ashland.
The O. A 1‘. R. R. Ferry makes connection
with all the regular trains on the East Side
Division from fool of F Street.
West Side Division.
Mail Train.
Dry Goods House
In the City.
Portland 7:30 A. M.lCorvallis 12:25 P.M.
Corvallis 1:30 P. M.lPortland 6:15 P. . ...
At Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon
Pacific R. R. for Yaquina Bay.
Express Train.
Portland 4:50 P. M.[McMinnville«:O0P.M.
McMin’ville5:45A.M.I Portland 9:00 A. M.
Local tickets for sale and baggage checked
ltf at company’s up-town office, corner Pine
and Second streets. Tickets for principal
points in California can only be procured at
company’s office.
Corner F and Front Stu., Portland, Or.
Freight will not be received for shipment
after five P. M. on cither the East or West
Side Divisions.
G. F. A Pass. Agt.
Will stand the ensuing season, commenc­
ing April 1st, and ending July 31st, at
McMinnville, in the old Mill yard, every
Single service, $10, payable at time of ser-
viee; to insure, $15. payable when mare if
known to be with foal or when parted with
or removed from the county All care will
Agent« for the-
lie taken to prevent accidents, but no re­
sponsibility will be assumed
Will tinrl pedigree on bills posted through­
out the county
---- Sole Agent for the Celebrated----
Broadhead Dress Goods.
An Assortment of these Popular Goods
In all the Latest Novelties, New and Desirable Colorings, Just Received.
What we Guarantee far tiie Dress Goods of our Manufacture:
To be made from the very best material, by skillful workmen, with the latest and lutst
approved machinery, and to be the cheapest goods in the market when service i»
Are so thoroughly finished that they can be worn in damp weather or a shower, with­
out fear of being ruined by curling or shrinking.
The manufacturing, dyeing and finishing is done in such a manner, that the goods
can be washed if desired, without the least injury to the fabric.
Our goods are wool dyed, and the colors are as fast as the purest dyes and greatest
care and skill can niuke them.
Goods show just what they are and will be until worn out, as there is no weighting,
stiffening, or artificial lustre used to increase the weight or finish; as is the case with»
large class of goods in, but which disappears after a few days’ service.
As manufacturers we have taken great pains to supply an article in every way re­
liable, and unsurpassed by similar goods, either foreign or domestic, and would respect-
tully ask an examination of the various styles and shades to be found on sale by mer­
chants who are agents for the goods.
All goods of our manufacture should bear the name ami trade mark of
Broadhead Worsted Mills. Jamestown. N. Y.
When you want horse bills printed, remem­
ber that the T elephone office is unsurpassed
in facilities for doing this and all other kinds
of Job Printing. Good work. Low prices.
Brownsville Woolen
—A Full Line of—
McMinnville Baths!
C. H. FLEMING, Prop.
Hides, Pelts and Furs
The Southern Pacific lias placed an ex­ Second door north from city Market.
Cash paid tor Hides, Furs, etc.
press tram on their road between Loa
Angeles and Port laud. The distance is
S, A. YOUNG. M. D.
1,177 miles. The train will leave l.os
Angeles at 8 p. m. daily and teach Sac­
Physician & Surgeon,
ramento at 2:30 p. in. the next afternoon
and will reach Portland st 10:10 a. m.
of the third day.
Ollice anti residence on 1> street. All
calls promptly answered day or night.
The stampede (or the Civtir d'Alene
mines has sef in very lively, but the
M c M innville
stsinpede.s will d scover that they are
alitllotoo early. Thia is at least a
month too early (or those who go back
to prospect in the mountains or work in
Cor. Third »nd D streets, McMinnville.
the mines.
Liisy Feed sad Sale Stable:,
'be W R: ts in lie City. Orders
peCVHIf til« r»jfO.
How McMinnville Lost Another
Business House.
•¡I ii'l t? to taj or
-Ca- ty consisting of 51acres one mile
from North Ynniliiil, Oregon This piece of
land will tie sold cheap on easy terms The Keep on hand a complete stock of these
property has a good house and out build­
goods. Also a large and well as­
ings, two good wells, n first-class brick yard,
sorted line of
a good .voting orchard and small fruit of all
kinds Will also sell a g<sxl butcher shop
in North Yamhill. For further particulars
North Yamhill, Oregon.
---- Ladies' and Gents’-----
Gents’ Furnishing goods,
Truck and Express FINE
Business of Logan Bros. A Hender­
son. I am ready to do all kinds of
M. S. GOFF. s.
Corner Third and C Streets.
Hot and Cold Baths, 25 Cts.
The Finest Line of Cigars
(Successorio A. M. Taggart.)
In all the latest Style* and Pattern*. which
for fit and quality cannot be beat.
Call and see our spring
goods before pur­
chasing else­
Ladies' and Children's Work
—Have Just Added—
—At Any Time.—
Give Me a Trial.
—At the Millinery Tarlors of—
------- AND FINE
Delivery Wagon Always Ready.
Slaving, Hair Culling and----
----- Shampoing Tarton.
Alerei itti it Tailor
In the City. Try Them.
Third Street, between E anti F-
McMinnville, Oregon.
Fine Tailoring a Specialty. Henderson
~V\ (Av*. « ■» that are fretful, peevish,
■AeVAX» vv cross, or troubled with 'XV rxxxxx
the good things of this
Fir«t-cln«* acenmnuxtations for C cd *®
Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or
life are sorrowfully let
Stomach Disorders, can be relieved alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's
cial men and general travel.
at once by using Acker's Baby Soother. Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia,
Transient stock well cared for.
It contains no Opium or Morphine, Indigestion and Constipation; sold on a
new and in First-ClaM
'uence is safe. Price k 5 cents, livid by posiuve guarantee at 23 and 50 cents, by
U. W. Burt, Druggist.
G. W. Burt, Druggist.
Patronage respectfully solicit***-
—Having Bought the—