The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, May 10, 1887, Image 1

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---- limited----
q’nlmaye & Turner,
fubliahara and Proprietors.
One year................................................. $2 00
Six invntll*............................................. 1 25
Three months.............
.’........ 75
Entered in the Postoffice at McMinnville. Or.
as secund-ulasH matter.
H. V. V.
Northwest coruer of Second and B streets,
M c M innville
May be foHnd at his otttce when not absent on pro-
feB -iuual buuhiesa.
and Surgeons,
M c M innville . O regon .
Office over Braly’s Bank.
S. A. YOUNG, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon,
M c M innville
Ottico and residence oh D street.
auHwersd day or night.
All call» promptly
Office Two doors east of Bingham's furniture
Laughing gas administered for painless extraction.
Up Stairs in Adams' Building,
M c M innville
The Best in the State.
1» prepared to fuTninh music for all occasion* at reason
able rate». Address
Busineaa Manager, McMinnville.
Livery Feed and Sale Stables
Corner Third and D street», McMinnville
The Best Rigs in the City. Orders
Promptly Attended to Day or Night,
A Strictly Temperance Resort.
Some ,<x,d(?) Church member» to the contrary not-
“Orphan*’ Home”
The only drat ola». and the only parlor-Uke »bop in tb.
city. None but
Flrst-elaww Workmen Employed!
ru«t door »outb ot Yamhill Cour *y Bank Buildiu*.
M c M innville , obeoon .
The Way ot Women.
She came around the corner the other
evening with tears in her eyes and a
•hawl over her head to tell a patrolman
that her husband had been beatiag her
Court and get a Warrant," he re­
"Yes, I’ll go the first thing in the
morning. Don't you think I also have
grounds for divorce?”
"Why, certainly. Go to some law-
yer and tell him what a loafer a nd
brute your husband is and you 11 have
•o trouble.”
"Did you say loafer and brute?
"Yes, ma'am.
He ought to be
tarred and feathered anil rode on a
"Don't yon say that, sir! she hotly
exclaimed, “and don’t yon dare call
m.v husband a loafer and a brute! ’
“But isn’t he?”
"No, sir. He’s one of the kindes
Bad best husbands in Detroit, and if
Jou talk about him 1'11 have you up for
•lander. The idea! Don’t you never
(Lire to speak to tne again—never!
M exico .
38 pounds of milk to each p< und of
butter. The test showing a wide va­
riance, probably owing to breeds of
Dangerous Mob.
Devoted to the Interests of Fanners dairy stock, their condition and treat­
starting from Canton on Oct 13 I
and Stockmen.
ment, and tlie condition of the cream,
hao expected to reach, Kingkiang inside
etc. Mr. Collins, of the llillboro
of twenty days; but calculations based
creamery, reported a test made there
'.‘n ’“Y experience in other countries
Pruning Fruit Tree».
entirel7 in China. I found it a
Though much has Leen written on requred 2 l.V pounds of milk to make
totally different country from any of the this subject, still it seems to be but one pound of butter.”
outers I have traveled, both as regards imperfectly understood by the aver­
loads, people, accommodation, and ex­ age orchardist.
A single acre of lafalfa will keep
perience generally. It would be little
The writer has in mind an orchard, three head of horses or cattle the year
exaggeration to say that the onlv roads formerly one of the best in tne State round, or fifteen head of hogs and
111 south China (the north may be a little
different) are tlie rivers, and no exa^ger- in quality of fruit, that several years eighteen of sheep or goats, while in
ation whatever to sav tlmt the onlv proper ago was entirely ruined by pruning. the East one acre of timothy or clover
way to travel is with a boat, iii which Great limbs as large as a man’s thigh will not keep more than one half the
one can travel as in a house. Strictly were lopped off when the tiees were in number, and that for not over eight
speaking, there are no roads at all, as we full bloom, und the result has been months in the year. The remaining
understand the term; onlv narrow foot­ that the trees have died—a few each four months (and in some parts six
paths, leading here, there and every­ year—till half of them are gone, and months) it takes as much more land to
furnish hay and other feed for stock,
where. and yet nowhere iu particular; an they are still going.
intricate mass of tracks about tlie rice
After a careful sudy of the subject in addition to which will be the culti­
fields, in which a stranger finds himself for many years I have arrived at the vating, curing and storing the same
hopelessly bewildered to commence with, following conclusions, the first of for winter use, which must be fed out.
and invariably lost at last.
which is never to lop off the best and There is great loss of time in cold,
The first day out from Canton, after thriftiest growth for the sake of syme- rigorous climates where it is necessary
traveling, I should think, thirty miles, I try, for this is just the growth needed to keep stock warm. And during this
found myself in a village about thirteen to make a healthy, profitable tree, and season of the year it is impossible for
miles out. Neither are these pathways
young stock to grow as fast as they do
of that asphalt like smootlmess for which many trees are irrevocably ruined, or here, so that it is summer before they
an experienced cycler naturally yearns, killed outright in just that way.
Second—Don’t cut branches of any renew their growth. In this mild, sa­
who sees the pleasant autumn weather
gradually gliding past, and the distance size too close to the trunk. When a lubrious climate the stock never stop
ahead still great. On the contrary, branch is left a few inches in length it growing, and at two years are as large
bowlders and rough slubs of stone, once dies to within a short distance of tne as stock in the East at twice that age.
laid level, but now more often sloping at trunk, finally rotting off, after which
angles that render them precarious foot­ the wound will heal over leaving
Mr. Stewart, recenty from a trip
ing for anything but a goat or a bare­ scarcely a scar.
East, and referring to the question of
footed Chinaman, are the chief charac­
The better way then, is not to cut ensilaging in Oregon, says that he has
teristics. In addition to this they are below the swell of the limb next to the seen many different plans of storing
often not more than two feet wide, and trunk ; the wound will be Binaller, and ensilage in the East, and has given
often rise several feet above the waving as the cut may be nearer at the right the question some consideration in
paddy, so that traversing them is a feat angle to the branch, the liability to applying the principle here, He has
really equal to the performance of walk­ dangerous cracks will be lessened.
been advised by Jared Miller, whom
ing on a wall. Under these circum­
Third—Don’t cut off large limbs
stances a person frequently thinks of when it may be avoided, as such course he regards as good authority, that en­
silaging need not be given the consid­
swapping his bicycle for a ‘ ‘pariah yaller, ’ ’
must necessarily weaken the vitality eration in this State where we have
and riddling the purp with bullets.
Ta-ho was the first city where the au- of the trees. To verify this, the reader mild, moist winters, and grasses are
thorites saw fit to favor me with an es­ may cut back severely in the spring lasting and root crops abundant, as
cort. They sent a couple of soldiers with any tree, even a wild one, and it will the dairymen have to do in the E ist,
me to King-gang-foo. They evidently not start into growth so soon as one where the winters are rigorous and the
knew what they were about, for I should not so treated.
reign of green pastures short.
To make this matter plain it may
have fared badly had I reached King-
gang-foo alone, not knowing the direct be necessary to say something of the
It is said that the amount of “dead”
route to tlie Yamen. The soldiers be­ manner in which the growth in plants capital invested in farm fences in the
trayed anxiety as we approached the is brought about, though anything United States alone reaches the im­
city; the mob collected, and, while yet like a full statement of the process mense aggregate of $5.000,000,000, anil
several hundred yards from the Yamen, would necessarily take up too much
that the construction of new fences
the stones began to come, and wild yells space.
and the renewal of old ones involves
for the Fan Kwaee rent the air. Missiles
Briefly, then, when two fluids come
that would have knocked me senseless in contact, or are separated by only an outlay of no less than $200.000,000
had I been wearing an ordinary hat only thin porous walls, as is the case in annually. It is difficult to fix an ap­
proximate idea of what such immense
made dents in the big pith solar topee I
had worn through India, and which plants, a flow takes from the lighter to sums as these repri sent, but some con­
effectually protected my head and shoul­ the dense fluid until both are of equal ception of this enormous investment
may be formed from the fact that it
ders. I escaped into the Yamen with density.
Now, as evaporation from the leaves nearly equals the capital stock of all
but a few' trifling bruises and one spoke
broke out of the bicycle, but one of the is continually going on, it follows that the railroads of the country, while the
soldiers got badly hurt on the arm— the sap in them necessarily becomes annual expense almost parallels the
probably a fractured bone. The soldiers thickened, and according to the prin­ entire revenue of the national govern­
warned them that I was armed, and un­ ciple stated above, the lighter fluids ment.
til we reached the outer Yanien gate, are drawn up.
they confined themselves to yelling and
Farm Motes.
Again, don’t prune too much. Get
throwing stones; severai then rushed for­ the young tree shaped up “ in the way
Stable manure, says Professor Cham­
ward anil seized the bicycle, but the offi­ it should go,” keeping in mind the
cials came to the rescue anil hurried me fact that an open top on a young tree berlin of Iowa, is the best fertilizer
into the che-hsien's office. It was pan­ may be a dense one when the tree on earth.
Nobody has seen ground harrowed
demonium broke ltxise around the Yamen grows older, and also if too much
too much as a preparation for wheat,
gates all the evening, the mob howling
for the "foreign devil," the shouts of the
for it is hardly possible to get too fine
soldiers keeping them at bay, and the offi­ will be long, slender growth in tilth.
cials loudly expostulating and harangu­ main branches, especially in orchards,
The grain in the Tammany country
ing them from time to time, as the din crowded as they usually are in this is reported to be very thick, and some
seemed to be increasing. Proclamations part of the country.
What has been said about pruning are compelled to thin it out by means
were sent out by the che-hsien, and,
toward midnight, the mob hail finally large limbs only applies to thrifty ones, of harrowing.
dispersed. I was then placed aboard a as a half-dead branch can only injure
Sulphur and olif tobacco leaves
sampan, and, with a guard of six soldiers, the tree by remaining, and its removal burned in the poultry-house, the house
spirited off down stream. After this the can result in no harm to the tree.
being closed perfectly tight, will clean
authorities never allowed mo to travel by
The practice that I have found out the red lice.
bicycle, but passed me on down stream most satisfactory is not to interfere
A larger area than usual is being-
by "boat from town to town, under guard, much with the growth of the current
until we reached Wu-ching on the Poyang year until autumn, or before growth planted in potatoes in Southern Ore­
IIoo, when, by much persuasion, I ob­ starts in the spring, and then to cut gon. Tubers will therefore be more
abundant and worth very little next
tained permission to take a short cut away all growth that is not wanted.
across country to Kiukiang, but still with
In this wry the tree will grow stalky
an escort.—Thomas Stevens’ Letter.
At this time of the year cattle are
and the growth to be removed will not eating wild parsnips, which is sure
lie large enough to injure the tree.
death. Joe Oliver, of Grant county,
“A Rrother of Girls. '
In conclusion, to form a spreading
When Abd-el-Kadir was expected at top, prune to outside buds on the Oregon, lost four valuable cows from
Cairo. Lady Duff Gordon's donkey driver main branches, and to get stalky eating this weed.
asked her if he were not Akhu-l-Benat (a growth, shorten in about half of last
J. P. Paul, a few miles south of Oys-
brother of girls). She said she did not year’s growth.— Roseburg ( Or.) Plain­ terville, W. T., has a carrot tnat is
know that he had any sisters. "Tlie
eighteen inches in circumference and
Arabs. O lady,” was the reply, “call dealer.
thirteen inches long, which he pulled
that man -a brother of girls’ to whom
Pigs hare been repeatedly known to out of the ground recently.
God has given a clean heart to love all attach themselves to jpdividuals or to
Seattle Post-Intelligencer: The straw­
women as his sisters, and strength and
courage to fight for their protection."— other animals and to show the great­ berry production of Houghton precinct,
est docility, gentleness and affection. King county, W. T., was a little short
Home Journal.
Mr. Henderson, the writer of a well- of 25.000 gallons in 188(1. By reason
known work on swine, relates that he of increased planting and the promise
A Duel Between Cnmpnwr».
Andreas Bomberg, tho well known had a young sow of a good breed so of a better yield, the production of
composer of the "Bi ll.” once received a docile that she would suffer his young­ 1887 is expected to exceed 30,000
challenge from the leader of a small or­ est son, three years of age, to elimb gallons.
chestra on tlie ground of some protended upon her back and ride her al>out for
Some people feed carp as they do
insult. Ho sent tho messenger l^u k with half an hour at a time and more, chickens. A writer in the farm and
these words: "Tell Ilerr X----- that I When she was tired of the sport she fireside says that when he wishes to
don’t know li.w to use a sword or a pis­ would lay herself down, carefully
tol; but wo will each compose a cantata, avoiding hurting her young jockey, see the fish or let a neighbor see them
and the one whose work is received with who habitually shared his bread and he gives them sheaf oats. When he
hisses shall shoot himself dead."—Main- meat with her. De Dieskau also cites wishes merely to feed them he gives
zer Nachrichten.
the case of a wild boar which he caught them threshed oats or shelled corn.
very young, and which formed such Anything that a p rker will eat is food
Ancient Rome'» Napkin.
an attachment to a young lady resid­ for carp.
Apple, peach, pear,plum and cherry
Tlie manpa was a table napkin in ure ing in the house taat he accompanied
in ancient Rome for wiping tho hands her wherever she went and slept upon trees set along boundary lines of farms
and mouth at meals. Vulgar persons her bed. This affectionate creature interfere very little with cultivation,
fastened it under their chins to protei t fretted himself to death on account of and their fruit is produced almost
their cl Ahos from stain.«, a« some do a fox which had been taken into the without cost after the trees are well
now In ordinary eases the host cud not house to be tamed.
established, while at the same time
furnish bis guett with napkins, but cadi
they may serve as a useful purpose
as screens to mitigate the force of
and occasionally larri.’d away in it som«
driving storms.
of the delicacies which he conld not con- I gays: “I have been corresponding
The cheapest and liest green feed for
with the proprietor» of several cream-
simio at table. —Home Journal.
i erics in Oregon, inquiring as to how winter forage is a variety of cabbage
much milk it requires for every pound called the thousand-headed cabbage,
Making Buttonhole*.
In Chicapo ore two or three women who of butter made, and the reply came winch is easily cultivated, tiroduc-
earn a living by making buttonhole« lor I from the Farmington creamery that I ing t wenty-five to thirty tons per
other women who have mills r the [»nene« thev used in test. 23.86 pounds of milk ' acre, and if pl ilanted early in the fall
nor skill to ilo this bran h of sewing. j to a pound of butter ; J. West, West­ will attain hardiness enough to
They charge Ni cents a dozen, and can earn port, 25 pounds ; W. N. Ruble. Syra- stand our mild winters, practically
from $1 to $1.50 a day.—Naw A ork bun.
1 cure creainerv, 30 pounds; H. W. growing all the while in the field and
ready for gathering as needed to be fed
Tin ware washed in sola water will look Koch, Woodland, W. T., 22 to 2*|
| pounds ; Brownsville creamery, 12j to to tlie stock.
like new.
NO. 15
lard Roads to Trurel—Iu the Midst ot a
The Soil and Precautions Necessary to
Their Sure* »slut c ullhsiiou.
Any land adapted to growing corn
will be suitable for hops. The soil
should be good and well prepared, just
before the time of setting, which should
be done as soon as the ground will ad­
mit of being well tilled. The roots, or
hop setts, as they are called, are sprouts
thrown out from tho crown, and ar»
full of eyes, and may be cut in pieces
two o- three inches in length. Thera
should always l>e two or three eyes on
each piece. The setts are sold by the
bushel. Two or three roots should be
put into each hill. They should be
planted by hand in lulls six feet square
or seven feet bv eight. In rich land
the wider space is preferable, as
the vines will fully occupy tlie
ground, and if placed closer together
they could not be cultivated with a
horse. The land may be marked out
to indicate the places for setting the
roots, and afterward a hill of p itatoes
or corn—the first being preferable—
may be planted between each hill of
hops in the same row, and another row
half way between the hop rows. If
these are made equal spaces apart, all
of the rows will be in line so that a
a cultivator may be worked between
them and the land bo kept clean. By
this plan a good crop may be had in
the hop ground the first year, and the
laud be kept clear of weeds —grass and
weeds will spoil a hop crop, and.on
this account freedom from foulness is
imperative. Before cold weather two
or three forkfuls of manure must be
thrown directly on the top of the
crowns of the hop plants to protect
them through the winter ami to give
them a start in the spring.
second year the poles should be set, one
or more in a hill, or wire should be
stretched across the field along the
rows on high posts with wires hanging
down to which to attach the vines.
The poling must be done early, so
that the vines can ba trained upon
them, or to the wires as soon as they
start. Ever» few days the yard should
be gone over to fasten all stray vinos to
the poles or wires. As soon as the
ground is tit a cultivator should be
started and kept going enough so that
lhe land will be mellow all the season
ami free from grass or weeds. In the
spring, after freezing weather is over,
the manure on the crowns or hills
may be raked out ami put around the
hills. E.u-li autumn there should be
t lie same manuring; each spring the
same care should be observer! with
poles and
stringing the vines,
the same careful culture
should be given. When all this is
done a yard will last a half-dozert
years or more and do well. There is
not much difference in the cost and
labor between the pole and wire sys­
tems. The latter is patented. Poles
can be had at various prices, according
to quality, cedar being the best as
well as the dearest in first cost. They
mostly dome from Canada.
when well set and cultivated, will
often produce as good a crop the sec­
ond year after planting as afterwards.
As soon as the hops are ripe they
should be picked and the poles stacked.
Pickers are paid by the laix-fiill
usually, and not l>y the day's work.
The price varies in localities, ami ac­
cording to the scarcity of help. A
snsirt. picker expects to make
to $:i
a day.— Hural New Yorker.
—Says the Wood River (Nev.) Neto»:
Mining is fascinating. Most men have
the common trait of thinking their trade
or profession the most onerous of all
occupations. But who ever saw a miner
who did not consider his business the
most alluring way of earning a winter
gruli-stakeP One honest miner who had
struck it rich enough to buy into a
mercantile house said that ten hours
were never so short as when delving in
the rocky tunnels, expecting each stroke
to reveal the shining metal.
—Speaking of the anti-vaccination
movement, the London Lancet says:
"The day of reckoning has yet to come,
and unless there lie an amendment,
which we can hardly hope for until the
lesson has been learned by a bitter ex­
perience, the populations of the unpro­
tected unions will some day have cause
to envy those communities which, in
tliis matter, have not blindly followed
the guidance of fanatics, who, by the
way. are almost invariably themselves
—Near Shady Grove, La., James
Pierce observed bear tracks in a swamp,
ami organized a hunting party. While
the men and dogs were in the swamp
Mr. Pierce walked through the Jields
adjacent unarmed. Suddenly a big
bear came tearing out of the swamp.
Pierce knew it would get away if not
turned biek. so he seized a club and
ehared bruin back and forth through
the fields, whacking him well mean­
while, until Vw animal at length turned
to the swamp again, where it was shot
and killed.
— A Chinaman Who Can get one thou-
mnd dollars together in this country
mil return home will rank as a big gun
ill the rest of his life anti live ou the
let of the land. N. Y. Mail.
Devoted Principally to Washington
Territory and California.
Placer mining is in full blast in
Boise Basin, Idaho.
Cars will be running into Palouse
City early in June.
The proposed bridge across the Co­
lumbia at Pasco will lie 3000 feet long.
A hospital is to be built by the Sisters
of Charity in Olympia, to cost $12,IKK).
A pelican measuring nine feet from
tip to tip was killed at Bishop Creek,
Tom Harris was killed in the Van­
couver, B. C., coal mines by the roof
caving on him.
A thirty-two-stall round house is
being built in Missoula by the North­
ern Pacific railrod.
The Canadian Pacific are building
an immense freight shed 75 x 500 feet
at Vancouver, B. C.
A railroad company has been in­
corporated in Seattle to connect that
city with the Canadian Pacific.
A train on the Central Pacific ran
int i a band of sheep at Humboldt
House, Nev , and killed fifty head.
John Rogers was executed at Eureka,
Cal., on April 29th for the murder of
a man whose house he was robbing.
John C. Seavey, of Port Gamble, W.
T., was killed in a sawmill at that
place by a board thrown from a planer.
A four year-old son of Mr. Palmer,
of Seattle, W. T., was run over and re­
ceived injuries from which it is feared
he will die.
Aliout $20,000 worth of jewelry, dia­
monds and other effects have been
thus fur recovered out of the ruins of
the Del Monte hotel, at Monterey,
Contract has been let for the con­
struction of thirty miles of the Seattle
& Eastern Railroad, and clearing the
right of way. Seattle residents secured
the contract.
J. F. Klumpf, a young man engaged
in the produce and general merchan­
dise business at Folsom, Cal., was shot
dead in Sacramento recently by an un­
known party.
Lt is stated on good authority that
the division terminus of the Oregon
Short Line will lie removed from Glenn’s
Fer-y to Shoshone as soon as the new
time card is issued.
While a Southern Pacific freight
train was crossing a trestle near San
Fernando, Cal., fourteen ears went
down into the river. No one was hurt.
The company’s loss is $10,000.
A terrible railroad accident occurred
about two miles above Cle-eluin, W.T.
There was a collision of work trains.
Five men were killed outright and
about twelve seriously wounded.
About four moil hs ago Captain
Winn and Charles Reed were found
foully murdered in ’their cabin near
Cariboo, I. T., and their hollies have
been allowed to remain in the house
just as first found.
p Richards, a dealer in gold
bile going to his home on Piety
Hill, near Nevada City, Cal , was
struck by a rock or slung shot by some
unknown person. His left eye was
totally destioyed. Several years ago
he lost the right eye.
A fatal accident occurred at the
Idahonian mine, Bellevue, I. T., by
which Thomas Walker and Arelfe
Watson were killed by a blast, while
extracting an uuexploded charge in
an old drill hill. Walker was killed
outright and Watson lived five hours.
Shortly after his death the miners
presented $700 to Walker’s faniilv.
Up to a few week« ago I considered
myself the champion Dyspeptic of
America. During the years that I
have been afflicted I have tried
almoMt. everything claimed to be a
specific for Dyspepsia in the hope of
finding something that would afford
permanent relief. I had about made
up my mind to abandon all medi­
cine« when I noticed an endorsement
of KiminotiM Liver llrgulator by a
prominent Georgian, a Jurist whom
I knew, and concluded to try lte
efTeeta in my ca«e. I have used but
two lottlew, and am HatiHfied that I
bnvrt struck the right thing at laet.
i felt its beneficial effect« HlmoKtlm*
mediately. Unlike all other prepara­
tions of a Hirn liar kind, no special
instructions are required as to what
one whal) or nhall not eat. This fact
alone might to commend it to all
troubled with Dyspepsia.
Vineland, N. J.
To Hecurs a K«-gnl>«r Habit of Hn«ly
without <* bangi ng the l»irt or IMa-
orgianlxing the Myetem, take
J H. ZEIUH A CO.. Phdedtlohie.