west side telephone . OFFICIAI. Dlttüt TOKV. ANNivEKsaav.-The «8th, anniversary of Am..,,Can Odd Fellowship was cele- f’tht.-d at Amity, Tuesday, by the vari­ ous orders of this comity mi l was a 'cry successful Atw||t 1M) pt.o. p.e were piesent, notwithstanding the Uireateinng weather in the morning. About noon the clouds were dispelled “i‘d the sun shone Wann and bright the ”ula nee oi the day. W. G. Henderson of this city was president of the day and 1 • D. »rates of Lafayette grand marshal, l he oration Was delivered by Rev. VVull >>f Corvallis—formerly a resident ot Day­ ton. An excellent programme had been prepared, consisting of music, shod speeches, etc., w hich was faithfully car­ ried out. The exercises were held in Lancefield's ware house, which was well seated and plenty large enough to ac­ commodate all. The day passed off very pleusandy t0 all who were piesent. Hie McMinnville brass band furnished the music for the occasion. In the eve- mg a dance was given in MeCaitei’s hall, and was largely attend'd. Part of the band Loin this city fu.nished the music. 1 he Odd Fellows of Yamhill have every reason to ieel proud of the success ot their celebration of the 68th. anniversary ot the institution of the or­ der. Religions Srvices-Sunday Next. OUR ASSISTANTS. Î Services at the I'hi'istian church mom- Lufayeite. mg and evening at the usual hours. Pieaching by tue pastor. S» April 27, 1887. li. P.. Boise. .llllige M. E. church—services will be held prosecuting Attorney Town quiet and news scarce. Geo. W. lh-lt. at U a. tn. and at 7:00 p. tn. county . Luinher lias began to arrive, fioni Dr. Allure eoidially invited. R P Bird. I’oppletoii’a mill, for tlie new warehouse. R ev . H P. S atchwell , Pastor. gtnators ■ J. W. Watts. IL It. Laughlin, St. James’ (Catholic) church. Mass I Almost every man in town is getting Representativos J F. N Linie. at 10:30 a. m on the second and fourth his fishing tackle ready to make war up- I »'. I.llfollitt. Sundays of each month. Sunday school on the finny tribe. Judge .......... • L. Lougharv. at 2:30 p. tn. every Sunday. Rev. Roorke preached here Sunday J. 8. Hibbs, Commissioners J. 8. W hite , Rector, evening. He succeed« Rev. Connor I fien. Duraev. Clerk W. Ilrii'dwi ll St. Janies’ church. Rev. John C. who resigned his position a few weeks Nlieriff........, T. .1. Harris. Fair, rector, Services 11 a. m. and since. CONSISTING OF Treasure” ■.. W. W. Nelson. 7 p. tn. As^CS^lH’ There were two couple married here Wyatt Harris. Sunday scluiol at 9:30 _. _.. a. m. Mmol Supt J. A. I '. E reumi on last monday, by Judge Loughary. Friday evening services at 7:00p m. They seemed atraid that their respective Surveyor ■ J. It. Fenton. Coroner -eats free. All u.e coidiaily invited to partners would escape from them the I1. C. Narver. attend. way they field on to each other as they C. P. church. Services at the usual passed along on their way to and from hours. the court hotis. It wag a scene seldom telephone WHISPERINGS. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. All are witnessed by the citizens of Lafayette in cordially invited to attend these ser­ daylight, but having witnessed it, it will Fresh roasted peanuts at II. h . take time to ■-rase it from their memory. vices. Welch’s. tf Next Sunday. May 1, st 7:30 p. m, I Grindstones 2 cents per pound, at Programme. will preach at the C. P. church. Sub­ Manning & Co’s. ject: Why I prefer the Congregational Fine church to any other church, Following is the programme for tl e For posts and boards go to R. n. Stowe’s lumber yard. (Iltf McMinnville Open Temperance society, T. H. H enderson , Pastor. Wanted—A first class dressmaker. Services nt the Baptist church.— which meets at Grange hall Monday eve- Apply to Mrs II. P. Stuart. Preaching morning and evening at usu­ ing May 2, 1887, Opening of the society. al hours—II a tn. and 7 p. in. [(you want a good training cart for A mendment L eague .—The adjourn- l'raver. Sunday S'-hool at 9:30 a. m. your horse, call at F. J. Martin's. Song by society, lead by Mrs. Burt. All are cordially invited to these ser­ neil meeting of the Amendment league 9 Address, Rev. E. Russ. Hon. J. C. Braly of this city has gone tnei at Grange hall, Tuesday evening, vices. Strangers especially made wvl- Remarks by Mr. Galloway. come to come and worship with ns. to California to spend a few weeks. and proceeded to permanently organize. Song, l’iof. Crawford. “Uncle” T.nm's Pond of Corvallis, is in 1 he committee on plan of action report­ F.ssay, Mrs. Kirkwood. C hange of A i . leoianck .—On Sunday the city, visiting friend» and relatives. Recitation. Katie Gorman. ed that the object of the league was to last Rev. T. II. Henderson, who has Instrumental music, Mr. and Miss For sale—Team, wagon, and harness w >ik lot the passage of the prohibitory preached here for the last three years Russ. cheap. Inquire of T. P. Austen. 84tlti amen iment to the constitution at the I Rending, Mrs. Young. or the C. P. church, announced to hi* iiiistiiiilinentd Route, Recitation, Mrs. J. L. Rogers. polls next. November; that any person At the Star restaurant a good bod and congregation that he was no longer a Song, Mis. Henderson. good meal can be procured at all hours nt good moraichaiactersigningtheleague Presbyterian, but would henceforth la­ ICK TURPIN. Tfi P. C J. C. IL Adjournment. Color, rich golden yellow ; bull nose Dr. J. B. Lougharv and Z. Vaughn of pledge might become a membei of bor as a Congregation« list. A corres­ E. V. V anatta , Bred by W .1 N. -tnith. Derrv. Oregon ; the society; that the society should Secretary. Dallas, came down yesterday on a short pondent from this city, writing to the calved in 1882; sired by Dixie; dam. .h -Me. visit. have power to appoint committees adopt Oregonian, regarding Rev. Henderson's 133 P C .1 <’ O R Property of Addie Bnckleifs Arnica Salve. llriilv This tine hull will be kept on River­ f). C. Hiatt, bus taken charge of rules for its own government and all change of church allegiance says: The The Direct Route I No Delays I side Farm Welch’s tonsorial department, Give measures necessary for the fuitheianee news did not fall like a thunderbolt F ee -$5 Payable a' time of service The best salve in the world for cuts, Fast Trains I him a call. of its object, by a majority vote of the from a clear sky, for he has always been T2m3 bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever Henry Dunzer started to the moun- members at any regular meetings. Rev. considered very liberal in his preaching, sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, tains yesterday, forthe first load of Lis !. 11. Henderson, Edwin Russ and Prof. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. shingles. W. J. Cruwioril were appointed a com­ and he attended the Congregational as­ corns, and all skin eruptions, anil posi­ sociation last week and took patt in the tively cures piles, or no pay required. ^¿TOTK E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TO CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS mittee to confer with the open temper ­ Miss Russ has some very fine fancy ance society legarding the uniting Ol the exercises, lie also told the few at pray­ It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac­ -Lw the co-partnership herebifore existing between A. L Talmage and II F. Turner, millinery goods on exibilion in Iter iwo societies. An annitn.ited discuss­ tion, or money refunded. Price 25 under the firm name of Talmage A Turner, East. Tickets sold to nil pronunent points er meeting on Thursday evening his in­ cents show window. throughout the East and Southeast. per box. For sale by Rogers & publishers ion was held regarding the good and and proprietors of the West tentions. Nevertheless the religious Todd, 29yl Siile Telephone, is this day dissolved by For sale,—50,000 first-class brick. If bad workings ol the amendment, should mutual consent, II. F. Turner retiring. TO EAST-BOUND PASSEKCERSf sold at oner, will be sold cheap. Impure it be passed by the people. A majority community, and especially his church of the speakeis seemed to be of the are considerably wrought up. Mr. Hen­ F or S ale .—200 acres of land three All accounts due said lirm will be paid to at this office. the new firm of Talmage Heath. opinion that the woi kings of the amend­ Be careful and do not make a mistake. A. L T a image , Rev. A. J. Hunsaker will preach in ment would be beneficiary to the people. derson is an industrious worker and has miles from Amity and near Briedwell's But be sure to take the li. F T ukneii built up a healthy church organization station on N. G. R. R. 200 acres in cul­ the Raptiwt clmnli next Sunday morn­ McMinnville, Or Aprili, 1&S7. Sótto ing and evening. during his stay here. Ho lias made tivation. Good house, barn and fencing. I n the I nterest oe H ealth .—It is in N orthern P acific R ailroad All kinds of farming implements from the interest nf file health of this coni- many friends and no one stands higher Fine young orchard. Will sell, or trade I And see that your ticket reads via a wheel barrow to a threshing machine, mi|)iity that people should clean up in character of right living than he. He for city property or business. Price $25, it reasonable. at F. J. Martin’s. served four years in the Union armv per acre. Terms C. IV. Talmage & Co. their back vaids. And now that spring ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS, McMinnville, Oregon. F or S ale .—Three horse«« and one has fairly opened, it seems to us thaï during the rebellion and attained the rank of first lieutenant in the cavalry mare, to l»e sold cheap for cisli inquire it is the proper time to do it. Cellars To avoid chan res anil serious delays Occa­ service, and was presented with a sword of N» S. Booth. sioned by other routes. F ob S ale .—A fine carriage horse, sin­ and basements should be thoroughly by the comrades of his company for his You want anything in the line of Como to the T elephone office and see cleaned out and disinfectants fieelv faithful guardianship of their welfare, gle harness and Studebaker ton buggy sample of the Bursts« fence, made on the used, while the sodden and semi-decay­ lie is post commander of the G. A. R. for sale cheap for cash or approved note, Through Emighint Sleeping Car» post here and was department chaplain inquire of G. F. Tucker, dentist. Burgise h >nd machine. are Run on Regular Express ed debris o! back yards should be dragg­ of that order last year. He is a logical Trains Full Length of the The new restaurant building, which ed ruthlessly forth and given to the thinker and a preacher of more than or­ Local Notice. 1’. F. Browne is erecting for Mrs. Stuart flames. The principal streets of the dinary ability and the denomination Line. Berths Free. will Ire finished next week. city are in a neat and wholesome condi­ whither he has gone will gain much, We arc pleased to call the attention of while the church he has left will be LOW RATES! QUICKTIME! Several splendid opportunities are tion, and all that remains to do to make greived at bis apparent "infidelity” to our readers to the announcement of Messrs. offered now by C. W. Tahmige & Co. our little city one of the healthiest of their organization. He will continue to Barnckoff, Thomason Swanson, which places is for private individuals to take for parties to secure homes. (•oneriti Office of the Company, will appear in this week’s issue These fluid and clean tip their own premises preach here, hut it is yet to be seen gentlemen have established at McMinn* whether any of his old parishoners will Rev. W. C. Crawford, of Corvallis tlioioughly. Sanitaiy precautions time­ follow him in his new effort. ville, McMinnville .................. crossing and Carl- No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Or. will hold divine services at the C. P. ly token may destroy myriads of disease ton, commodious v. archouses. complete Cull nt the office of the IVE^T germs and save huglt doctors bills and with latest improved , machinery ______ for iliurcbon Sunday at 11, a. m. G ood B usiness C hance .—A splendid the proper handling of grain, and SIDE TELEPHONE. We possibly many human lives. A. D. CHARLTON, will guarantee you oppntunity is here offered for engaging oiler the farmers of A’andiill county the Wanted immediately an e.xjierii'nced General Western Pc U'liecr A"ent.. very best facilities for storage and cleaning girl to do housewoik at Mrs. II. P. G raduating E xercises .—From the in tire milling business. Nathan Newby of their grain Years of experience and a Stuart’s, opposite Grange store. Students Companion ivo learn that the Inis placed in the hands of C. \V. Tal­ practical knowledge of the business enable to guarunfoe satisfaction They also ' BEST WORK, LOWEST PRICES. Xew ( )penino' I Rogers & Todd come out this week graduating exercises of McMinnville mage & Co. for sale, lii* milling property them pay the highest cash price for gram of al! I with soniethimr important that you college, will take place on Tuesday eye­ at Amitv. It consists of a steam grist kinds, and carry in stock a full line of the In McMinnville. Oregon. should lead. They mean whit they ing of commencement week. Good mill, in good runing order: two tun verv best farm niachinery. wagons, Arc It jftav. will be to the advantage of all farmers to music and a good programme wili be of stones—one for flour and one for call and see them before making any other ERNEST BOLLACK. Grant Barnum had the misfortune chop—a good house anil barn, and one arrangements for disposal of their grain or We make a specialty ol Fine yesterday, to drop a heavy bridge plank arranged. The board have secured the buying their machinery or wagons By •on hl« band smashing the largo finger of se> vices of Judge Raleigh Stolt of Port­ icre or more of ground. The tnachin- courteous and honorable dealing, and strict I land to deliver the annual educational eiy in the mill is comparatively new, attention to the best interests of their pat­ Jiis right hand badly. a rons. Messr- . Barekoff. Thompson Swan ­ address. This address will be given on and in first-elass condition. It is situa­ Baxter & Rogers, are receiving con­ 1 tlesday. 10 a. til., June 7. A committee ted in a lively town with one of the best son will seek to hold the foremost position ! the business firms of Yamhill conn- i stantly, insi I fresh family gioet-rer. and on entertainment has already been ap­ farming sections in Uiegon tributary to among Jcwalry Work ileatty Done. tv, and we bespeak for them the the sue- I jis they tniy for cash, they sell all goods it. Railroad running through the pl ice. cess which must attend their efforts Cal! I pointed and anangements will be in id -way down. Try I he in. Watches Guaranteed & War­ to entertain all who wish to attend the Price $2,500. Terms easy. Address C. and sec them. \V. Talmage & Co. McMinnville,Oregon, Sealed bids •for delivering 59 coids ol commencement exercises. for further particulars. ranted. Good Results in Every Case. ■oak wood arid Wcurds of big fir at the F or F our Y ears .— Curtis Baird tin- •college, 'ivill be received bv John Rhodes Third street, between (’ nnd I) in the tnB- S tate T eachers ' A ssociation .—The I). A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer • late superintendent ot schools of Clacka­ •or A. C.(Chandler -until May 1. oring establishment of JI. B. Hibbs. 74tf mas county, who created bogus school tale teachers’ association of Oregon will of Cbattanoga, Tenn., writes that he was Canton Gang Plow, something new. seriously afflicted with a «evere cold that turns two twelve inches furrows easie' distiiets and drew the school money fo> be hehl in Salem, July 6, 7, and 8. in settled on his lungs: had tried many reme­ than the ordinary Milky tn ns sixteen hem, was brought up yest.erd iV from tlie representatives’ hall at the state dies without benefit. Being induced to try is wnrrnnted, la Ix-causo 1. is the hr :t Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption ! inches. For sale by F. J. Martin’s. Oregon City, and landed in the peniten- house. The association lias always been did Blood Preparation known. It will po: •- so and was entirely cured by use of a I • t tivelv cure till Blood Disease«, pnriiiee t! 3 Mr. BnrifHsR writes ii* f’OTtt McCoy that ii.u v. Baird is sentenced ior foui yeats, largely attended hv the leading educa­ few bottles. Since which time lie has used wliolonystem,and thoronfI !y builds n; t' j in bis family for all coughs and colds I he mav n«t he able get here to-mm li.iving been indicted on two charges, tors of the state, and this coin ng session it with best resuits. This is the experience of Constitution. Remember, wo guarat •_ row with his orehatd trimmer, but he and sentenced two Venison each. He is will hmilv prove an exception to the thousands whose lives have been saved by Geo. W. Burt, ilru/gi-1. an elderly man, and lias a lamily tn Or ule. All subjects pretaming to the this wonderful discovery. will be ¿ere in the near future. egon City, wii > eel ss'ii y tiu disgrace good of Oregon schools have been re­ Trial bottles free at Kogers & Todd’s drug Two little children’of ’ Um. Savage, orotlghl upon them by the eriiitg lather, peatedly discussed, and it is believed store. •I neur Willamina, areqiiite low with hr<»n- dr Baitd bad always hefoie his detec that as a result many wise changes ? » chial pneumonia. Dr-Galbreath oi this tion in forgery been highly leapected. have been made in the common school An End to Bone Scraping. city ha» been called in attendance. and his fall is a teriible one.-Statesman. system. J. IL HENDERSON ’ (lward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, II!., i * Dr. K. E. Goucher has purchased A. C ontract L et .—Prospects arg fiivor- A ttention .—1 will be in McMinnville says: •‘Having received so much benefit J. Appereon’a inteiest in lhe Galloway ahle for the speedy completion oi the t8i:< cch . or to L. Boot) on Saturday, April 30, 1887. with the from Electric Bitters, I feel it my duty to warelutwse. and hereafter the burines* ex ten lion of the <>. & C. railroad. Tne Carries a frill and udnph-te block of finest apple tree primer that was evet let suffering humanity know ft. Have had w ill t»e*done by Galloway A Gonuher. cont,act for the Siskiyou tunnel and a brought to this coast, Come and get a running sore on my leg for eight years; mv doctors told me I would have to have Ji»no« A Go’s, team start' d for tiiei- few miles of the apptoaciies has been Grocerio*!, Crockery, C!''■'■'Tri, one ol them, and clean your orchard up the hone scraped or leg amputaten. I used mountain in'll yesterday. A few mo’e instead, three bottles of Electric Bitters and Wooden and VVi!!awv/aro, days of this pleasant v.eather will put let to Messis. Hale & Smith, who are st once. 1 will also have the best and -even boxes Buckleu’s Arnica salve, and my Come and see for ïonmclf. "the roade in a fair condition for hauling. well known in connection with contracts cheapest patent gate on this coast, and leg is now sound and well.” rCol Jiieco ( ’i .,; • Electric Bitters arc sold at fifty cents a on tlie Cascades divisionotthe Northern my wire picket fence that speaks For Sale.—A complete farming outfit Pacific. These gentlemen, who are now for itself. Come ami examine mv Ikottle. and Bucklen’s Arnica salve at 25c. consisting of ,plows, harrows, horses, in Portland, will leave lor the front in a irticies and pi ices, Twenty five sold in per box by Rogers & Todd. Goods delivered prompt! I«- any ¡ fit and general farming implements. In­ day or two. The work on the tunnel one day at McCoy. Of the I il> . Opposite the Grange Store. quire of.la*. Sparks. Cowles farm, Mc- will tie pnsheil forward to completion, C. O B urges *. Home Produce Market. Goods Exclmi'^ed r Dr : '..cc, :",ti Slinnvihe, Oregon. 8S-10 and the time occupied wili be about five Corrected for the T klei - hoxk by Baxter & months. The tunnel is 3i>7D feet long, N otice to C ontractors .—Sealed bids The eighth annual stallion show will Rogers, w beheld here to-morrow. There are a and 900 feet at each end have alieady will be received up till 2 p. m. Mav 2, 7V Wheat, per bu....................... __ Ki numberher „nd this will be no exception. Turn sires us to state that those who have Gilmore's For sale bv Rogers '»or west of Hasler A Martli,'. nest kind of lumder, consisting of iustic county clerk, and he is now at woik, ! Todd. ville. In the City, ltf making out the delinquent nst. GILMORE ’ S AROMATIC WINE makes Dick Simpson of Amity is complaining ceiling, fencing, mugli and dressed lum­ a la, m I W it He »I • sou of t?| * gfp.l alsrot eight mile« from this ci'y on a Cough or Cold, or t!> > <’ IJ ’J and are prevented by I IMPOTENCY IN MAN OR WOMAN pepsia, citv. tn get even with h »n. went ove ‘O Bake creek and tiie oa I l-a ling t<> i 1887. to the wife O.' Dr. E.’E. inmctier, a quickly use Asker ’s Dyspepsia Tabb ta. threat, ned wltliCronprr’» hr, | ’n» cured hv Gilmores Aromatic wine. Amitv, T IP'<1 iv, »n l cadflit «» 'e. A at i< a g -rl on -, t il ■ m l " i,re ei”7 They are a pocitive euro for Dyspereia, In­ nse Acker’» English I.cmody O' i nt A>ld by Kogers A Tod.I. c d i lighter. digestion, Flatulency and Constipation. .further tronbio. it It a pn «avs l«e »1 »n’t want mv mo e *u ri ’rul­ cess irom envoi t »• towns in iIn* c un­ Ne ir Am tv on Hund.tv \| ri* 24, 1387 1', ing If Pick will let on