The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, April 29, 1887, Image 2

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Senator Mitchell is at present in San
M c M innville , F riday A pril 29, LxS7. fraiK-iaeo ami purposes leaving for Port*
I ami on Sunil ay,
---- PROPRIETOR of the-----
The Salem Talk bus change«! to the
The county e «urt lio'iHe at p.-exant
stand'll.: at I.afav. it««, cost 114,875, and Daily Oregon Sentry. It ia full of live
Jias on hand
tlie contiaet to bn Id it wax let February news ami ;a greatly improved under the
shingles, 10.000 posts,
1), 1859, to Rush Mendenhall. The management of llov. Mr. McCarin.
50,000 shakes.
On Saturday at Oakland, Douglas
buildiw was complete I and aeccepted
February 9, I860. Thus it has l«een county, a young man named Moore ut- J J Collard. Agt. McMinnville.
G W Suppington, Agt. North Yamhill
Blanding over 27 yea«*. The money to tempteil to murder hia mother by throw­
pay for it, was raised by the levy of ing large rocka at her, becauae ahe re­
Headquarters 15 miles from McMinnville,
1858 ami 185!), and the entire tax levied fused to give him money. The miscreant near the head of Panther Greek
for each year was as follows: Levy hail been drinking.
mad.« September 9,1858,1 mill for ter­
The Kansas and Missouri people w ho
ritorial purpose«, 1 null for school pur­ have been dodging cyclones for years,
pose«, 3 mills for county purposes, an«l are now disposing of their property at
5 mills for building purposes. Levy lab'ilous prices to eastern people, and
—Dealers in all kinds of—
m vie Seph'inber 18, 1859,2 mills for are coining to On gon and Washington
state purposes, 1 mill for school pur- to grow up with a better country.
poses, ."> mills for county purposes, 4
It ia rumored that Sir Lionel West,
mills for building pin poses. That made die British minister, it to marry Miss
—Goods sold at—
19 mills for all purposes for 1858 and Mattie Mitchell, daughter of the Oiegon
1859-eacli year. This was sufficient to senator. The foundation for the rumor
The Lowest Cash Price
run the county and build a court house, is that he invited Miss Mitchell to ac­
in two years, when the taxable pioperty company himself and daughters to Eng-
of the county, was not more than one kind for the summer.
tenth of what it now is.
Under lb«:
George Grey, attorney for the Northern
febltf To any part of the city.
proposed removal act, no greater levy
railroad, is advised that the Ca­
than 2 mills per annum can. I>e made.
This would be exactly |2 per thousand nadian Pacific has begun to carry sugar
—no more and no less. Many a farmer trom the Pacific coast to St. Paul at
s ives that the first time lie comes to much lower rates than those which pre­
McMinnville to trade. Whe«,eare your vailed on our transcontinental lines prior
high taxes brother Register? I lease tell to tlio order of suspension.
A fatal accident at Tacoma, Monday.
ns how much it will cost a man who
pays taxes on f'2,000, to build a court An unknown man arrived there from
8an Diego Satuolay and got drunk Mon­
house like tli ■ old one?
day, and laid down on the railroad track
A passenger engine
The Mormons are very confident they I near that city,
can circumvent the anti-polygamy law. struck iiis body and cut it into
Geo. T. Curtis, resident attorney of the pieces. No blame is attached to
Mormons ut Washington, expresses the train men.
opinion that Mormons, acting under the
Secretary McBride has received
new bill, will be able to cany all town vices from Washington stating that
elections as fast as they are held. The ing to the failure of congress to provide
Morin his , ho thinks, have discovered appropriations for a special committee
that they can conscientiously subscribe to examino the Oiegon war claims,
to the oitli required by the new law, and amounting to (369,000, others will not
that being the case, if they are permitt­ be passed upon by the regular war­
ed to vot:, he thinks that it will not he claims committee until next March.
possible to prevent the polvgimists from •‘Next Man h” may mean almost any
—Which will soon appear.—
being everywbeie triumphant at the indefinite time in the future, Still Ore-
polls. Officers who administered the gon’s claims are good, and it is only a
-oath under the new law were at first question of time when they will be al-
disposed to ask questions of those who lowed.
applied to take the oath, which the new
Parties down from Corvallis report
commission declared to bo improper, that on Sunday night, about 9 o’clock a
and the asking of which was subsequent­ voting man named Myers, about 20 years
ly forbidden. Sime that time the oaths of age, while on the streets, placed a
have been vety generally taken by the revolver to his side and shot himself,
Mormons. The government has not yet the ball entering his body about four
commenced the prosecution authorized inches below the left nipple. At last
by the new law and has given no inti­ accounts, Myers was still alive but his
mation as to when suits will be brought. recovery was considered doubtful. The
cause of the young man’s rash act was
A good recommendation is offered by the rejection of his advances by a young
the report of the railroad comniissionurs lady to whom he had been paying atten­
in tlm investigation of th » recent dinaster tion. lie took this effective method of
at Bussey's bridg , \I.i-s, by wli ch thirty* being revenged upon her.—Statesman.
(Successorio A. M. Taggart.)
four persons lost their lives and fifty
Ailvices form the Stanley expedition
others were i njured T >e report is
very exhaustive reviewing the testimony for the relief of Emir Bey have been re­
taken, and concludes with a severe cen­ ceived from Watanti, on the Congo river
sure on the company for its lax system «lilted March 25. From these it is
on bridge construction and inspection, learned that the steamer which carried
and recommends the passage of i a law Stanley from Zanzibar was unable to' Fin9 Tailoring a Specialty.
compelling all laiboads to have their ascend the Congo to Natadi. The entire
bridges examined by experts at . leasi expedition landed at Bona point, and re-
embarked March 18 aboard a vessel be­
once a year.
longing to the International Association,
There seems to he an organized effort which was awaiting the expedition. The McM INXVILLF
O regon .
in the territories to demand in the next next day the expedition anchored at
—Having Bought the-
national convention, assurances foi Bona, the seat of the general administra­
securing Ire ter recognition from the next
administration. Delegate Gifford, of was confident of the success of his en­
Dakota, says that the recent appoint terprise and hoped by June he would be
ment of citizens of his district to look able to render effectual assistance to
after city improvements had for its main Emir Bey. From Stanley pool, Stanley
Will .stand the ensuing season, commenc­
object the question of tori iotrial appoint­ hoped to march rapidly and to surprise
April 1st, and ending July 31st, at
ments and participation in the affairs of the enemy. The Emir Bey expedition ing
McMinnville, in the old Mill yard, every
the government. Gifford thinks th«-
larger territories should huve a vote ii the 22, and there disembarked, the
iver being unnavigable thence to Leo­ Single service, |10, payable at time of ser-
the national legislature.
to insure. $15. payable when mare is
poldville. The expedition was to pro­ vlce;
known to he with foal or when parted with
One i.f the lb st suits under the inter ceed on foot for eighteen days along the or removed from the county All care will
taken to prevent accidents, but no re­
state law wag begun last week at Du- falls and is expected to reach Leopold­ be
sponsibility will he assumed
buquo Iowa. A dispatch from there states ville April 16, where Stanley was to be
Will find pedigree on bills posted through­
J Al. lil’LERY,
that the hill was filed in the federal «net bv four steamers belonging to the out the county
court against the Chicago, Milwaukee A Congo states.
St. Paul road by the Dubuque jobbers
and inanulactucis’ association under the
REV. W. FISK RKQl’A, of Aurora, III.,
long and sho t haul clauses of the inter says; "I have used Gilmore's Aromatic
tv consisting of 5F_. acres one mile
state law. The allegation is that tie­ Wille and find it nil excellent household from North Yamhill. Oregon This piece of
eincdy that no le ought to do without. For land will he sold cheap on easy terms The
road charged a 33-cent rate on certain sale by Rogers A Todd.
»roperty has a good house and out build-
ngs, two good wells, a first-class brick yard,
commodities in hardware from Chicago
a good young orc hard and small fruit of all
to Adams, Minn., a distance of 334
asked what made her complexion so clear kinds Will also sell a goo<l butcher shop
miles, and a 35-cent rate from Dubuque and beautiful. She said it was by using in North Yamhill. For further particulars
Gilmore’s Aromatic wine. Eor sale by address
to Adams a distance of 150 miles.
North A’amhill, Oregon.
Rogers A Todd.
Panther Creek Cedar Camp,
Flour and Feed
Delivered Free
Merchant Tailor
Good Fit Guaranteed or No Sale.
Although the members of the state
board of immigration tendered their res­
ignation to the governor some time ago,
no action has yet been taken by that
official. A gentleman who had a talk
with the governoi says that no appoint­
ments will be made and that the old
board would wind up the affairs of the
institution on the last day of August.
MRS. L LOOMIS, of Elba. N. Y.. writes
as that she was sick for six months, was in-
hiced to try Gilmore’s Aronmtic Wine,
ind four bottles cured her. For sale by
Rogers A Todd.
REV H. B. EWELL, of Pavillion, N. Y.
-ays of Gilmore’s Aromatic Wine; “I be­
lieve it to bv a most desirable remedy to be
placed in every family.” For sale by Rog­
ers A Todd.
Business of Logan Bros. A Hender­
son. I am ready to do all kinds of
—At Any Time.—
Delivery Wagon Always Ready.
Give Me a Trial.
Despite the vigilaneoof the St. I'eteis-
b urg police, the city was profusely pla­
For Rew Stork <4
carded on Sunday night with notices
threatening with death all members of Crockery and Glasswarcw now arriving from
the imperial lamily, j<idges ami govern­ Factories at old rates, and will therefore
be sold
ment officials. Of the conspirators now
under arrest many are sentenced to
capital punishment.
A sensational story is told of a plan to
SAM LIKENS. Proprietor.
capture Senator Sherman while lie was
Blacksmithing and carriage ironing of
on his recent trip to the island of Cuba,
every description.
bv bandits. It is said that Sherman’*
party lelt a plantation where the capture Garrison's Block, - McMinnville, Or.
Horse Shoeing
was to have been made just five minutes
befoie the outlaws arrived.
Ami plow work a specially.
TVV ’’XXxAxX. Acker’s *>»*•
-■ ■ o
Smith M. Weed, a prominent demo­ Soother at band. It is the only safe
Al'o manufacture the
cratic politician and an intimate friend
infantile disorders. It contains no Ope'wnt
of Cleveland, de.-laies that Hill will be or
if •mkinr, but gives the child fottar«4
Celebrated Oregon Iron Harrow.
the national democratic rt indard bearer « om J. .m pain. Price 35 cents. Sold by
y<>xt year.
Geo. \V. Burt, druggist.
New Blacksmith Shop!
Has never heard been of Neither
bus anyone ever intimated that
Biirnekoff, Thomason & Swanson,
But on the contrary sensible, careful hav­ McMIflNVILLE, McMiNNVILLE CROSSING and CARLTON, OREGON,
ers claim that nowhere can goods be hoiigiil
at such low prices us at liye-und-iet-live
Geo. W. Burt's.
Splendid warehouses, complete with latest improved machinery. Thorough and Inn
experience in handling grain. Hhrhest cash price paid for all kinds of Grain. r
------- Also, dealers in-------
Warehousemen and Grain Buyers.
Farm, Dairy and Mill
no one, not even his enemies, but promises
uml D oes G ive a plump dollar value in
honest goods for every one hundred cents
you bring to him.
The most careful buyers in the country Wagons, Buggies and Carriages.
trade with .hat bargain-giver,
Einder Twine, Belting, Oifs, and
Kschine Supplies of ail kinds.
Acme Harrow,
.«uu-eler Hoosier rorce Feeu beeuersand Drill»
with truss axli- and wide tiles
Most effective and serviceable farm
implement in use.
Latest improve«! .tnd best seeder hi use.-
—At the new store of -
G R EA i
(Successors to Baxter A Martin)
third st .,
M c M innville , oil
SA I. K 01«' 15O< >TS AX I) SHOES,
For tile next Sixty Days at the old reliable Pioneer Boot an«l Shew *to*er
sign of tlie Big Boot, opposite the (»range Store.
Tlic subscriber hereby announces to the citizens of McMinnville and vicinity the abet«
Fresh Family Groceries.
A new, neat and clean stock
Every ar­
ticle A No 1 Fruit .Jars, Butter Crocks,
Colored Glassware. Cutlery, Cased Goods,
Tobacco, Pipes and Cigars.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in season.
We have put our prices dow n low’. Give us
a call, inspect our stock, and we will guar­
antee prices to suit you
A career in the Boot and Shoe line for the past eighteen years in this city hn« ('«tab-
lished a business character for competency and integrity, with a minute knowledge of
the local demands favors him in the wholesale market and enables him to undersell
houses in the same line that are not possessed of equal advantages. Moreover, he pro­
poses, in the proffered sale, to divide the .margins with the customer for the specified
time. The public will please cull and examine. No trouble to show goods.
---- H E A DQU A RTE BS FO R----
Oregon & California R. R.
And Connections.
Fare to San Francisco, $32 ; Sacramento *30.
Close connections made at Ashland with
stages of the California, Oregon and Idaho
Stage Company. .
East Side Illvl.lon.
■Hall Train.
Portland 8:00 A. M.(Ashland
Ashland. ..8:45 P. M |Portland
4:00 A. M.
3.4.5 P. __
---- Sole Agent for the Celebrated----
Broadliead ZDress G-oods.
An Assortment of these Popular Goods
In all the Latest Novelties, New and Desirable Colorings, Just Received.
Albany Express Train.
Portland 4:00 P.
I Lebanon 9:20 P. M.
Lebanon 4:45 A. M.I Portland 10:05 A. Si.
What we Guarantee for the Dress Goods of our Manufacture:
To be made from the very best material. by skillful workmen, with the latest and nio^t
Cars approved machinery, and to be the cheapest goods in the market when service is
Daily between Portland and Ashland.
The O. A’ C. IL IL Ferry makes connection
Are so thoroughly finished that they can be worn in damp weather or a shower, with­
with all the regular trains on the East Side
out fear of being ruined by curling or shrinking.
Division from fool of F Street.
The manufacturing, dyeing and finishing is done in such a manner, that the goods
West Side Division.
BETWEEN I’OR 1 LAM) & <OKVAI.MS. can be^washed if desired, without the least injury to the fabric.
Mail Tiain.
Our goods are wool dyed, and the colors art* as fast as the purest dyes and greatest
Portfend 7:«3U A. M.[Corvallis 12:25 P.M. care and skill can make them.
Goods show’ ju^t w hat they are ami will be until worn out, as there is no weighting,
Corvallis 1 :30 P. M.Iportlaml 0:15 P. M.
At Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon stiffening, or artificial lustre used to increase the weight or finish ; as is the case with a
Pacific H. IL for Yaquina Bay.
large class of goods in the market, but which disappears after a few days’ service.
Express Train.
As manufacturers we have taken great ¡mins to supply an article in every way re­
Portland 4:50 P. M.|MeMinnville8:00P.M. liable, and unsurpassed by similar goods, either foreign or domes’i<\ and would respect-
McMiii’viiteo :45A.M. I Portland 9:00 A. M. fully ask an examination of the various styles and shades to be found on sale by mer­
Local tickets for sale and baggage cheeked
at company’s lip-town office, corner Pine chants who are agents for the goods.
and Second streets. Tickets for prinripal
All goods of our manufacture should bear the name and trade mark of
points in California can only be procured at
company’s office.
Corner F and Front Sts.,Portland, Or.
Freight will not I m » received for shipment
after five P. M. on either the East or West
Side Divisions.
G. F. A Pass. Agt.
------- Agents for the-------
Broadhead Worsted Mills. Jamestown. N. Y.
M lien you want horse bills printed, remem­
ber that tliQ T elephone office is unsurpassed
in facilities for doing this and all other kinds
of Job Printing. Good work. Low prices.
Me Alimi ville Bat lis !
C. H. FLEURIS, Prop.
M iffs
having, Hair Cutting and—-
- - - - - Slinnij ning Parks.
Keep on hand a complete stock of these
goods. Also a large and well as- •
sorted line of
Gents' Furnishing goods,
Ladies’ and Children’s Work
Hot and Cold Baths, 25 Cts.
—At the Millinery Parlors of—
---- Ladies’ and Gents’-----
•------ AND FINE-------
C. Grissen’s
Steel and Chilled flows, Sulky, Gang I mrnu.e and towel «kern rarm w Wagons, Buggies anH
and Walking Plows, Harrows and
everything on wheels.
Cultivators of all kina’s.
—Have Just Affiled—
Nl.iss F. E. I aviss
Corner Third and C Streets.
I AY A an I reliable Med'.cine.iare the best
VW* to depend upon Acker's Blood El­
ixir has bwn prescribed for years for si 1 im­
purities of t lie Blood. In every form of Scrof­
ulous, Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases, it is
invaluable. Tor Rheumatism, has no eqtud.
Geo. W. Burt, druggist.
In the City. Try Them.
I n all the latest Styles and Patterns, which
for tit and* quality cannot be twat.
Call and see our spring
goods before pur­
chasing else­
The Finest Line of Cigars
City Market,
McMinnville, Oregon.
KENYON &. RAY, Proprietors,
Henderson Bros. Preps.
(Successors to W. F. Bangssser.)
Of nil Kind* and of the l»<*«t qualitv
kci»t constantly on hand.
All Kinds of (lain'’ in Season.
First-cla'-s accommodations for < <’n,nl
rial men and general travel.
Transient stock well cared for.
Everything new and in Ftrst-CUs* Or^
Patronage respectfully solicited-