RELIGIOUS ANO EDUCATIONAL. PITH AND POINT. —The record of Mr. Spurgeon'« Tab­ ernacle shows th it he has received into his church from the world 10,809 mem­ —Charity, they say. corers a multi­ tude of sins; but there is not nearly enough of it to go round.—.V. K Mail. bers. , —Oberlin will hold forever the his­ toric credit of h ivjng been the first to admit women to equal advantages of —There are a great many young men nowadays who charter a ten-dol- lar livery rig when they really can not afford to have the nightmare.— Boston Bulletin. education with nien. —The University of California now employs one hundred persons as pro­ fessors, instructors, demonstrators, etc. The number of students is 489. —Sir Walter Raleigh asked a favor of Queen Elizabeth, which he frequent­ ly did, to wlfirh she replied, “Raleigh, whfrn will you leave off begging?”— ‘•When your Majesty leaves off giving,” was his reply. So long must and may we continue to pray.”— Wellspring. •—An edition of the Gospel by Mark, in Mandarin, has been published in England, in raised Chinese characters, for the use of the blind in China. This is the two hundred and fiftieth lan­ guage in which portions of the Scrip­ tures have been printed for the blind, after the “Moon system.” —The Syracuse (N. Y.) Standard has information that Mr. Hiram Sibley has given $250,000 more to the Sibley College of Mechanic Ai ts, at Cornell University, Ithaca. A large building will be erected and the present one en­ larged, so that several hundred students can be given instruction in the mechan­ ical arts. —The Now York “society schools,” which aim to graduate fashionably ac­ complished pupils, have introduced a novelty in their couane of instruction. The teaching in mock ceremony, with elaborate tinsel and royal costume ap­ pointments, of “how to be presented at court,” must be an extrmncly amus­ ing ceremony, but it is anew source of popularity for the schools.--;V. K. 7’imcN. —Dr. B. Manley tells of a good sister who expended three hundred dollars in educating a young minister, through whose labors in a year or two three hundred souls professed conversion, and he is gathering in more almost every day. The dear old sister smiles and cries both as she talks about how glad she is that she put her money into a young preacher, and not into a bank. —Richmond Religious Herald. —I will tell you a good proverb. 1 wish you would always remember it. “God has given us cyetids as well as eyes.” Do yon understand it? What are eye-lids for? Not. to see. Your eyes are to see with. Your eyelids not to sec. Remember, there r”e a great many things in lite -bad and God has given us eyelids that we may not see them. ra black­ smith? Young man—Yes, sir. I was a member of the foot-ball team at col­ lege. Blacksmith (dubiously)—You may' be strong enough, young man, but this business demands brains as well as strength. — Chicago Journal. SPAIN’S BABY ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS WOULD NOT BALANCE THE BENEFIT. The following letter is one of many in a similar tone from Enthusiastic patients or Drs. S tarkey & P alen , i »;V Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.: Mr. E. W. Robin son writes from Platts­ burgh, N. Y.: ‘I have no objections to your using my naiiy* in connection w ith my case before the public. I have had more ease in breathing, and le>s pain and lameness about my body than tor many years before. Thanks to your treatment, I am ab e to work the most of the time. To tell the plain truth, it put me in shape I could work. I would not be set back to the time I began your treat men t for a thousand dollars, 1 can walk w ith more ease, go up and down stairs, ge in or out of a wagon in one-third of the lime, and doub e the ease 1 ever could in many years before, for which 1 owe you, gentlemen, in ny thanks.” “Comp >und Oxygen, its Mode of Action and Result*«, ’ is the title of a brochure of nearly 2(0 page« free y mailed to any ap­ plicant. It makes clear to any one how •uch statements are justified. Orders for the Compound Oxygen Home Treatment w iU be tilled by H. A.Mathews, 615 Powell street, San Francisco. , ' ' i A woman in a N' rth Carolina town, [ angry at her huxbaiifl, threw a poker at him as lie sat h> ldinjz their baity in his ! arms, and it hit the little one on the head and killed it. A SUGGESTION TO THE TRAVELING IU3LIC. Tourists, emigrant. amt mariner* find I but Hostetter’s btoinach Bitters is a medicinal safeguard against inihealthlul Influences, up­ on which they eun iinplicilly rely, since it pre­ vents tlie etteeta of vitiated utniospliere, unac­ customed or unwholesome diet, bad water, or other conditions tintaimable tc health. On long voyages, or journeys in latitudes adjacent Ur the equal or. it is especially iiselul as a preven­ tive of tlie febrile complaints und disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, which a-e apt to attack natives of lire temperate zone so­ journing or trav* ling In such regions, and it is an excellent protection against the influence of extreme cold, sudden changes of temperature, exposure to dump or extreme fatigue. It not only prevents intermittent and remittent fever, and other circuses of u niulurinl type, but eradicates them, a fuet which bus been notor­ lous ious for years past in North and South Houtli A Amer- ica, Mexico, the West Indies, ...................................... Australia and i other countries. Salt should be eaten wi h nuts to aid digestion. “SWEET MAUD MULLED,” Whittier’s beautiful ballad contains a touching allusion to the many carts and sorrows which wei r upon the “heart and brain” of a wife and mother. Thousands of weary and suffering women have found I)r. Pierce’s “Favorite Pi escript ion” a marvellous recuperator of wasted strength and of sovereign eflic^cy in all these de­ rangements and maladies peculiar to their sex, by reason of which the vitality is gradually sapped, and t he cheek robbed prematurely of its bloom. Prite reduced to one do Jar. By druggists. It rests you in sew ing to change jour position frequently. Other »K'eni'ii'M or Eastern _„r founders hav e to j>aj freigts and h ill ad­ vance their prices. WHAT A POSTAGE B7AMP WILL DO. Now read this carefully, and note every word, for it may lay the f oundation for your future happiness and health. Any man or woman, young or old, that, suffers with any disease, no matter what it is called, or of how long standing, or v’h° has doctored you. if you will sit down and write me a full history of the case, and all the symptoms, I w II write you myopinion of the ca>«e. the probabilities of a cure and chat. I am prepared to treat everything requiring surgical appliances as well as medicinally; am a graduate; 30years prac­ tice. Ah n and women both can write to me in strictestc ntidence. Persons com­ ing to the city are requested to call on pie. Enclose a stamp and address W B FOKDEN, M D. Office 8 and 9, First National Bank, Portland, Oregon. KING. Tlie only Mock of type, presses and printing material will be louud at Palmer & Iley’s Portland house. I | . —Miss innocence: “What? Two dollars! Why, you're just too dear for anything!” 'Cubby: “Go aisy. Miss; if ye’d only tould me that last week, it's married I was this.mornin’.”— N. F. Sun. —The Irishman explained that he was smiling because he had seen his cousin from Cork that day. On being asked if there was good news from home, he re­ plied: “I only saw him across the street; and when I ran up to him, I found be was not the man.”— Christian Union. —“I don't think it necessary for that man Crags to hobble around on those clumsy crutches.” “Why, the poor fellow has one leg six inches shorter than it ought to be.” “I know that, but Gen. Sheridan has both legs eight inches shorter than they ought to be, and he takes only his staff when he goes out.”— Chicago Tribune. — She (to young poet)—“How much do you get for your poems, Charley?” Charley (with pride)—“From $2 to &>.” She—“Well, isn't that very little, Char­ ley? I see that Sir Walter Scott got $10,- OOOforoneof his.” Charley—“Yes; but you see writing poetry isn’t the busi­ ness it used to be. There’s too much competition.”— N. Y. Sun. —One of the largest and finest gold nuggets ever unearthed in California is now on exhibition in San Francisco. It is about the size of an ordinary Derby hat, and weighs thirty-five pounds and is worth $6,000. Great “gobs” of gold hang out of its sides.— San francisco Chronicle. N HALL’S SARSAPARILLA When Baby was sick we gave her Pastoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Ca.itoria When she became Miss, she < lung to CaBtoria When she had Chlldren.Bhe gave them Castoria. Rusty flatirons should be rubbed over vith bee-wax and lard. * * * * Young or middle aged men, suffering from premature decline of power, however induced, speedily and radically cured. Illnstra-ted book for 10 cents in stamps. World’s Dispensary Medical As sociation, Buffalo, N. Y. POWDER Absolutely Pure. i | Milk which stands too long makes bitter i I butter. Thte powder r.eveR A 'iwrvai g wngtb «md whoiesoineBesa. More eeonomltFS erdn ary kinds, d cannot be woid fc, J? :oa with cne ol ’ovr r-est, short «• hm er .»hoep^ate powdare caiy L ’¿¿/J SOTafc rr WXMSfc Ca U* shost it T ry G ermea for breakfast. —The cost of postage-stamps to the Government, covering every thing, in­ cluding delivery, is $6.99 per thousand. Astrong, hot lemonade taken a time will break up a bad cold. bed­ ’ Atisolutelg Can consumption be cured) Yes. Cne Free from Opiates, Emetic* ami Poison man only, discovered tlie laws of gravita tion. One mail only, discovered tlie virtue of vacillation. And one man after y are of study and reflection, has discovered tlie cure for < ons iniption. Dr. Pierce's “Golden Medical Discovery” is its specific. Send A t D aupgibth ani » D kalkrs . ___ Tilt CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., BALTIMORE, MD. two letter stamps and get Dr Pierce’s pamphlet treatise on consumption. Ad­ dress, World’s Dispensary Medical Asso­ ciation, Buffalo N. Y. í Ó r Í: QKCts. — PROMPT. Tough beef is made tender by laying a few minutes in vinegar water. ■■oiii-wmcHH. All suffering from Ir­ ritation of the Throat and Hoarseness will be agreeably surprised al the imtne- diaterelief afforded by t he use of “Brown's Bronchial ‘t roches.” Sold only in boxes. Bronchitis is cured by frequent small doses of Piso’s Cure for Consumption. Kidney^Liver Medicine NKVER KNOWN TO FAIL. HUNT'S ltEMEDY has saved from lin­ gering disease and death hundreds who have been given up by physicians to dio. HU NT’S REMEDY cures all Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinary Or­ gans, Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes and Incontinence and Retention of Urine. CtIKICM AI.L HUMORS, from a common Ellotcli, or Eruption, f<> the worst Scrofula. Salt-rheum o Fever - «orc«,” Scaly or Rough Skin, in short, all diseases caused by Bad blood are conquered by this powerful puri- fving, ami Invigorating medicine. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal under its be- nign influence. Especially Ims it manifested its potvm y in curing Tetter, Rose Rash, Boil»», Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Scrof. nloiiM Sores anrk. HUNT’S REMEDY is purely vegetable, to tell where frankness ends and im­ and meets a want never before furnished to the the baby: but ho is w ashed ami dressed pudence begins.— Philadelphia Call. public, and the utmost reliance may be placed according to traditional ceremonial by —A man at Tulare, Cal., lately in it. deeded a |ficeo of property to his wife a bevy of ladies of honor, under the HUNT S REMEDY is prepared ex­ directions of his “governess,” who pressly far the above diseases, and in consideration of “love ami affection held the same office toward Ills father. has never been known to fail. in hand paid.” Skink Scalp Doctors visit the baby twice daily, and Ono trial will convince you. For —Scotch .Scotch girls knit while they are R estored sale by all Druggists. listening to the tender declarations of every day he.drives out with his gov­ erness and Rayniunda—some tines with Send for Pamphlet to their lovers. The more enterprising by the* the Queen. In court ceremonies, Ray- American daughters have the mitten HUNT’S REMEDY CO., CllTI C'JF^ tminda must not carry the King; that ready made.— Life. Providence, R. I. F(^ when I'm a nnltUu ualnirCl'TicvKA M i . i > i <-. itu > Bash Planes «ide Rahbev«. Snipes BiiLC»we Moulding, trials and vfr< ngtli according to your widow.”— Texas Sijlings. Ogee. Quarter Rounds, Nosing and V Plaaes, etc., etc,, of many styles and sizes. The whole set sold complete need; leave to-morrow with the Lord. at the remarkably low price of $31 00. This instrument, Tomorrow may be eternity with you; eombines in one tool over eighta different and essential workworking planes. Any parR)f this c imbination fur­ — Mrs. llobson—Now, you and Bobby therefore, live as on the margin of nished at pro rata prices. Send for free Illustrated Cat­ must stay to luncheon, Mrs. Hendricks. alogues ami Price List of the above and all our goods. eternity, as next «lour to hrnven. OSIIORM A AI.I’AAMVER. Mechanics’ Tools, It will be announced in a very short Cures all Diseases originating from a —A lady, who seemed to be rather Hardware and Machinery,¿28 Market Ht., 8. F. time. Mrs. Hendricks Really, Mrs. 1 «ordered state of the BLOOD or vain, entered a boot maker's shop one Hobson, you are verv kind’ but 1 il iv with the usual complaint: “Why. couldn't think of it, We shall be ex­ LIVER Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Mr. S., these boots you last made for pected home, and er I ought to have Boils, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula. me arc much too big. 1 really can’t gone long Indore this; but I had no idea LTnmors, xuniors, Salt oau xineni Rhenm and Mercurial understand how you always make that it was »o late, and Bftbbv has a cold. ■Pains readily yield I to its purifying mistake. (’an you not make small Bobby (anxious to stay)- My cold is a properties. It leaves leave! the Blood pure, boots?” ••Oh, ay.’’ quickly responded good deal better, ma, and besides you the Liver and Kidneys healthy ar.d the told the cook not to get any lunch for us the man, “I ran mak' sum* buitn; but Complexion bright and clear. because we wouldn't be homo to oat it I’m sorry to «ay 1 eanna mak’ sma’ J. R. CATES A; CO., Proprietors —A’. K feet.” 417 Saneomo St., Snn Francisco. FROM i-nOTOGRAPHS. Baby falls and bumps its head - Ono of our school-teacher* was en­ Baby bawla, they think it’s dead; deavoring to explain to a small boy in VI ( F PHYSICAL CULTTRF. Mamma gets St, Jacoba Oil, her class the meaning of the word Rubs the baby: stop« turmoil. GUAIVJ ••collision.” She said: “Suppose two A litt’e soda will relieve sick headache boys running on the street should come caused by indigestion. eve« and p*’ CQNSdMPinON J-pan >b women all fem,le a together real hard. Wliat would there A prominent farmer of Bowlin» Green, M’ i 'ETH or the t to ant re«p-MenUn back In Patterns to Every SnbscriK’r to THE DOMESTIC MONTHLY Tin B< st Fa-hion Ma^azino. Only si 50 a year. Gen erous Cash Commission^ to Agents. Sami le Copy Free 20 P ost S treet . K am F rancis «»». ONLY THINK What you can save these hard times by getting goo»l> at a ( '. sh Store in the city—ought you not to try t> do the best for yourself and family—we sell which Is Scrofula off tho Lunga, ar­ rested and cured by t ins re medy, if taken be. fore the last stagi’s of the di.-cnse ore reached, i From its marvelous power oxer this tmibly fatal disease, when first g IT< ring this now celebrate 1 remedy to the pul.lie. Dr. P iehcb | thought seriously of calling it his “C oh - sumption Cure,” but abandoned that name as too limited for a nedlclne which, from its wonderful combinatimi of tonic,or strength'aiing, alterative, or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, ami m tritive proper­ ties, is unequalcd, not o: J.v rs a remedy for consum.ption, but for all 4 hronic Dis­ eases of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If you feel dull, drov/sv, d bilitated, have sallow color of skin,.or y< llm\ ;3h-brown spotB on face or body, frequent I ■ idachc or dlzfi. ness, bad taste in mouth, i tornai heat or chills, alternating with hot ili. lies, low spirits and gloomy forebodings, h r gnlar appetite, and coated tongue, you are suilering from IndigCHlion, Dywpepiiia. and Torpid Live» or *• liJiIioiisno!.” In many cases < ily part of these symptoms are expe­ rienc'd. As a rernedv for dl such crscs, Dr. Pierce’« Goldei: ' Jical Dis« covcry is unsurpassed. For Weak I.iing«, -piUL'T «I ■Kiood, Shortness off Ere. tn, . ciiitls, Asthma, Severe Cm r' J kindred affections, it is an cilicicnt rei-. S old by D ruggists , at $1.00, or biX BOTTLES for $5.00. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Plcrce’B book on Consumption. Addre ss, World’s Diapcnsary Jtledical Asso­ ciation, 6611 Main Street, B uffalo ,N.Y. $590 REWARD ta 1« offered by the proi»rictort /A of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy bf \ Y lor a case of catarrh which VMMMk ■ they cannot cure. If you te have a discharge from tho nose, offensive or otherwise, partial loss oi smell, taste, or bearing, T.’cak e.ves, duh PJJJ or nressuro in head, you Ivn <■ Catarrh, inou- I sands of case’s terminal« in consumption. Dr. Rage ’s C ata emedy cures the worst nr. r'llgese AT ä imu IUIH R nr..«r.n» . J ii i case cases ’s of Catarrh, “Cold in the Head» Head, Land fJatarrljnl Headache. 50 cents. The Van Monciscar DYSPENSARY, PORTLAND, OB. Young, middle Med M« old, single or married men ar.d ail who suffer with LOST MANHOOD I Nervo-.u Debility, Sperm»- torrbea, Seminal Lowes, tT; - A Sexual Decay,FailingMem- b-U-iTiry, Weak Eye«, Lack of Kucrgy. il*i Blood Hkin Dleene«, Hyj*™ Eruption». Hnir lion,- rein», B welW Sore Tbroxt, Ulcer». « feet» of .Mercury, Klrtoef» and Bladder Troub « Weak Back, Burning Urine, flonorrheK Gleet, Stri ure prompt relief aud cure for life. Hoth Scti-H t'orr-ult « onflrton««11» <34 TTTTPn ofpige -ma x- 1 i«4 Twrpn y-X fin Cum in TO 5 DAYS. GOOD SYRUP at $1.75 keg; Sugar, from 4$ cents up to 6J cents: Rice, 4} to 5 cents, very best, 20 pounds §1; Raisins, from 5 cents to 8 cents, and such fine quality. BARGAINS In 9nlt and Smoked Fish of aH kinds. Crackers Canned and Dry Fruit No other st -re in the work keeps such a variety of Dry Fruit or sells it so cheap. 8cnd as soon as you read this lor sa pie copy oi H ome C ircle giving »H the prices, to SMITH’S CASH STOHK 115 Clay St., S. F., Cal. uaranteed not *s K “ ahf. jst universal sattsi*»^ u““i:ur,rHYpÄ ChMwon the a»1** tK F M now unk» motu the leading Me“* cinc» < f the o Idol». SoMhy Dracg.aU. 1,/eSl.sK____ „> e ■ < i"e J ,1.„ „c m nr. -,r fkr r-.y™ or-nu- Th* c<>’«t Dii«,ur rr,',a . f’lJ.ECTRl. 1TY I’1" ■“’2 throuch »ho P^r'« tinsl hem to heal!hr «çt ' «• *’“* confound thia with bl- ctrie B« adv* tl.*d to .-nr» a'l II» ? head to IM. It I. for tbtOM Tor tTrcim’î r»” *' formation, ’LT'TL í .« trie Belt Co.. Fl Wmhta«« N. P. N. U. No. 170- S. F.W. Ü. NÔ. QBAND OPENING NICOLLTHETAILOR The Grandest Display of Choicest Woolens ever shown in the Ciff. English, trench, Scotch and German Fabrics in endless variety for Suits to ineasnf* S AMPLES. WITH siStkAsTkEMENT SENT FTJ» Fias All-Wool Suits to Order from - ■ $20.00 Fino All-Wool Pants to Order ----- 5.00 Only MhUc Litlwir and First-Class Cottrrs Enipl«}«^ NICOLLTHE TAILOR, 1*26 First Street, Portland, Or.