The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, April 26, 1887, Image 2

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Dr. McGlynn, .Jlenry George. Rev.
Hugh Pentei Ost and a dozenotLors have
formed an anti-povertv society w ith this
declaration of principles: ‘•Beiieveing
---- PROPRIETOR of tho—
that the time has come lor an active
warfare against the unjust conditions
Pantlier Creek Cedar Camp,
that, in spite of the advance of the price
Has on hand
of productions, condemn so many to de­ 300.000 first class shingles, 10,000 pos
grading poverty, and foster vice, crime <50,000 shakes.
and greed, tlie undersigned hoieby as­
J Collard, Agt. McMinnville.
sociate themselves together in an organ­ .1 G.
W. Sappington, Agt. North Y
ization to be know us an anti-povertv
society. The object of the society shall
Headquarter« 15 mile» from McM
be to spread such peaceable and lawful near the head of l’aiilher Creek
means as may be found mod desirable;
in efficient know ledge of the truth that
God hits made ample provision for the
need» of all men during their residence
upon earth, and that poverty is the re­
—Dealers in all kinds of—
sult of human laws, which allow indi­
viduals to claim as private property that
which the Creator has provided for the
use of all.”
—Goods sold at—
Tho sixty-eighth anniversary of Odd
Fellowship will this day bo celebrated
tiiioitghout tho United States, conti­
nental Europe, Australiasia, British
Columbia and every section of the uni-
versa w here it.i tal’smanie emblem floats
with a dignity becoming its high rank
in the lino of benevolent organizations.
Though tho sear and yellow leaf of age
may not crown Ils brow, its labors are
felt and known throughout the realms
of civilization ns one of tho most pro­
gressive onlers under the nt'1. It is
tied down by no worn out antiquated
ceroinonial, or musty tribunal legon-ls
ot ancient times, but rather grasps the
onward path of present progiessiv«
Probably tlie largest mid most costly
Tho Lowest Cash Price
¡dear, forming new and pressing needs cyclone
pit in ttie country lias been con­
as tho basis of its future, l ive hun­ structed by Edward Brown, of Eatonton
dred thousand souls will chant its glo­ Ga. It is located near the back door of
ries to-day on the soil upon which it his residence, and is large enough to ac­
commodate his whole family. It has
first spuing into existence, with an un­ walls of brick, floors carpeted, fireplace
dying iaitli in its never ending truths, and chimney, mid is handsouily furnish­
so iled by tho bonds of friendship and ed.—Eastern Paper.
The easiest amt cheapest way to es
the love of its brotherhood throughout
distance and all time.
Associations cape the cyclones mid blizzards of the
such ns theso sre the silt in the hitte- eastern states is to come, to Oregon
cup of life. They preg irve and elevate where such disturbances are unknown
manhood. They teach duties and o li­ and wlte e Iqnd is cheap and the soil is
gations the equal of ide group tit- b.-»t the sun over shown on.
nr.'«. They bind and io-i-e (if strict in
Senator Vest, Wno lias the leading
their observance) every member to .>
righteous peiloimance of justice and in­ champion in the senate of Eads’ si ip
tegrity between man and bis fellows. riilwuy, in an inte view expressed the
They base their future on the opinion that the d a ll ofCiptain Eads
s icred altar of belief in an Omnipo will be the death of the project. The
te.nt and O ntiip -usotit Ruler. Tn ev Senator added that had Eads have lived
hope and look’ for numerical strength his bill would doubtless have become a
through their code of moral teachings. I iw next year. The stockholders ant
They have no use for the to supporters of the project will soon liolt
desecrate the temple dedicated to the i conference in New York, when it will
best material that humanity ¡»composed be decided whether the enterprise is to
of, and with a steady reliance in the be pushed to completion, or be dropped.
good of morality to carry out releit ami
A Chicago dispatch to the Now York
aid the outside world know nought of,they
—\\ Inch will soon appear.—
congregate, and peiform deeds freight­ Ti ibnne says the Oregon Railway and Na­
ed with blessings to thousands ot sui- vigation Company lines have been leased
foring beings. Unostentatious in their to the Union Pacific, and possession
charities, unpretentious in their benev- will bo given almost at .once. The pa­
olence, unassuming in their pers will be signed in New York to­
plty, they seek to move quietly along m day. Tlie exact terms are not stated,
the path of duty, investing annu illy no but the lease is, to ail practical purposes
small er trifling sums ot mmeyintlie perpetual and extensive. Tlie Oregon
amelioration of distress in every form. system will be under the direct control
Foremost in such deeds, stands the oi- ol tlie Union Pacific directory and offi­
dor whose anniversary this day is com­ cials.
memorated. -To shield and guild the
Strong effort is being made to get the
orphan's under the influence of its name
Pacific Railroad commission to employ
is one of its cardinal principles. This
as chief expert Mayor 'Diomas Kedding-
glowing attribute is no dead letter in tin-
ton who was formerly in the United
work of Odd Fellowship, us thousands
States railroad commissioner’s office and
of noble beneficiaries to-day will testify.
claims to know more about the alleged
And this noble link in the b ind ot broth­
crookedness in the Union Pacific than
erhood while it more firmly knits the
(Successor to À. M. Taggart.)
any one else, but the president is said
fraternal bonds within itself goes furtliei
to object to him, having dismissed him
on its mission of humane lienmaction,
for betraying official aeetets. The com­
until its godlik« influence is felt through­
mission is rattier inclined to take him
out all tlie walks of in inkin I. It is the
after nil.
touch-stone that gives the three links an
existence and boundary that can be
It is beginning to lie apparent that Fino Tailoring a Specialty.
Ineasiired by tho term—Eternity.
tlie London, exposition project of 1889
will he simply a local affair, consequent­
Mugwump Curtis Iras been interview­ ly a failure from an international stand­
God Fit Guaranteed or Io Salo.
ed concerning the recent report of an point. Some papers notably, the Gau-
interview with him in the Cincinnati lons, advocate postponement of the date McMi.NNvn.Lr
O regon .
Enquirer. He declars the latter was ol the exposition to some year not noted
—Having Bought the
nearly correct, hut modified it somewhat, as the revolutionary period. At it is,
lie thinks Cleveland would get the inde­ Switzei land is the only country in Eu­
pendent Vote nearly solid ami would run rope that lias agreed to take part in the
better than any other democrat. There exposition.
tti“ young democrats who hear the same
The other evening a Hungarian band
relation to their pm tv us the mugw utnps
to tiro republican organisation. That played before the Czar at St. I’etersbuig.
Will stand the ensuing season, commenc­
element would be better pleased with Beloie the perlortnani-e each horn was ing April 1st, and ending July 31st, at
McMinnville, in the old Mill yard, every
Cleveland th in any one else. Curtis
thinks that the election will be decided and even the catgut of the fiddles was
Single service, >10, payable at time of scr-
w ithin twenty miles of New York city
to insure, $15, payable when mare is
ami w hile he does not prophesy t leva were allowed to appear before the em­ vice;
known to be witn foal or w hen parted with
land’s detent he thinks the hostility of peror. He was willing to endure torture or removed from tire county All care will
taken to prevent accidents, but no re­
local democratic leaders imperils his out would not run» t lie risk of sudden be
sponsibility will be assumed
chalices. He is confident that Blaine 'Oath.
Will find pedigree on bills posted through­
out the county
will be renominated but does not seem
Buffalo Bill took a lot of his Indian in
hopeful that any other re| ubliean would
get tho mugwump as against full regalia to the Drury Lane theater,
London, the other night, where a pretty
ballet wag presented. The redskins had _x. A ty
consisting of 511^' acres one mile
North Yamhill. Oregon This piece of
The Sunday Welcome is very much never seen anything like it, and ap­ from
land will be sold cheap on easy terms The
exercised, because this paper clipped an plauded with war whoops which aston­ property has a good house and out bnild-
ished the audience greatly.
ngs, two good wells, a first-class brick yard,
item from its columns, and merely cred­
a good young orchard and small fruit of all
ited it to a Portland paper without men-
kinds Will also sell a good butcher shop
in North Yamhill. For further particulars
tion'ng the name. We are always will
A Verdict Unanimous.
ing to give credit where credit belongs,
North Yamhill. Oregon.
W. D. Sult, Druggist, Bippus. Ind., testi­
bill w hen wo clip from a paper that up- fies: ”1 can recommend Electric Bitters as
p opi-ia* es for its date some other day tlie very best remedy. Every bottle sold
tti i:i that which is set apait for man, we Ims given relief in every ease. One man
ure ju'raid we might also give it. credit took six bottle«, ami was cured of rheuma­
of io years’ standing.” Abraham
for something it appropriated from some tism
¡lure, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms:
Business of Logan Bros. A Hender­
other paper.
■tin’ best selling medicine I have ever
Flour and Feed
Merchant Tailor
rie-re will ben dance at Old«’ Hall,
to- no-iow eveinz, for the pn pose of
raising money Iq |,tiv oil for the street
lamps. Admission twenty five cent-.
All ai c invited. This is a good idea, and
we hope that all will attend ami
c > itribnto th-'ir little m.te.— ,
Re.; -ler, April 22.
This is a good advertisement fora town
that «spires to hold the county seat, of
Yamhill county. Those street lamps
are needed so badly.
At.last Ge t. P>uth*r has fold what lie
d I u ¡th the spoons and other property
Ire « ¿zed at New Orleans, ami told it
under oath. Now all that remains for
him to do is to write it out and semi it to
some magazine for publication, He can
then pass his declining years in peace.
A torrific cyclone swept over Missouri
last week doing great damage to proper­
ty and killing a number of people.
Thirty Imuses are known to have lieen
«lest <>yed and fifteen persons are (aid to
jjave been killed.
handled in my 20 years experience, is Elec­
tric Bitters ” Thousands of others have
elded their testimony, so that the verdict
- unanimous that Electric Hitters do cure
di diseases of the liver, kidneys or blood.
Only a half dollar a bottle iit Rogers A
Todd’s drug store.
son. I am ready to do all kinds of
—At Any Time.—
Delivery Wagon Always Ready.
Give Me a Trial.
Excitement in Texas.
M. S. GOF1-
Has never heard been of. Neither
lias anyone ever intimated that
Steel and Chilled Flows, Sulky. Gang
and Walking Plows, Harrows and
Cultivators of all kinds.
Biiniekoir, Thomason & Swanson,
But on the contrary sensible, careful buv-
ers claim that nowhere can poods he bought
at such low prices as at liye-and-let-live
Geo. W. Burt’s.
h \7. M fab aad Äs
M c M innville , M c M innville
crossing and carlton ,
Warehousemen and Grain Buyers.
Farm, Dairy and Mill
no one, not even his enemies, but promises
and D oes G ive a plump dollar value in
honest goods for every one hundred cents
you bring to him.
The most careful buyers in the country Wagons, Eugghs and Carriages.
trade with that bargain-giver,
Binder Twine, Belting, OH3, and
f/achlne Supplies of all kinds.
Call and Seo TTs.
Geo. W. Burt,
M c M innville , o .
Acma H-.i I u
• et er
Must elfeetive ami serviceable farm
implement in use.
—At th« new store of -
Hoosier rorce l-eed t»eeaers and Drills
with truss axle and wide tiles
Latest improved and best seeder in use
(Successors to Baxter 4 Martin)
third st .,
M c M innville , or .
Fresh Family Groceries.
A new, neat and clean stock
Every ar­
ticle A No 1 Fruit Jars. Butter Crocks,
Colored Glassware. Cutlery, Cased Goods,
Tobacco, Pipes and Cigars.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in season.
We have put our prices down low. Give us
a call, inspect our stock, and we will guar­
antee prices to suit you
Oregon & California R. R.
And Connections.
For the next Sixty Days at the old reliable Pioneer Boot and Shot Store,
sign of tlie Big Boot, opposite the Grunge Store.
flie subscriber hereby announces to the citizens of McMinnville and vicinity the abort-
A career in the Boot and Shoe line for the past eighteen ycays in this city lias estab­
lished a business character for competency and integrity, w ith u minute knowledge (1f
tlie local demands favors him in the wholesale market and enables him to undersell
houses in tlie same line that arc not possessed of equal advantages. Moreover, he pro­
poses, in the proffered sale, to divide the margins with the customer for the specified
time. Tlie public will please call and examine. No trouble to show goods.
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods
------- AND-------
Fare to San Francisco, |32; Sacramento$30.
Close connections made at Ashland with
stages of the California, Oregon and Idaho
Stage Company.
----- Sole Agent for the Celebrated-----
East Side Division.
Broadhead Dress Groods.
Mail Train.
Portland 8:00 A. M. I Ashland
Ashland. ..8:45 P. M (Portland
4:00 A. M.
3.45 P. M.
An Assortment of these Popular Goods
In all the Latest Novelties, New and Desirable Colorings, Just Received.
Albany Express Train.
Portland 4:1X1 P. M.ITxiba non 9:20
Lebanon . .4:45 A. M.ll’ortland 10:05 A. M.
Daily between Portland and Ashland.
The O. A C. R. R. Ferry makes connection
with all the regular trains on the East Side
Division from foot of F Street.
West Side Division.
Mail Train.
Portland 7:30 A. M.¡Corvallis 12:25 P. M.
Corvallis 1:30 1’. M.ll’ortland 6:15
___ ..
P. ...
At Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon
Pacific R. R. for Yaquina Bay.
Express Train.
Portland 4:50 ____
P. M.¡McMinnville«
McMin'ville5:45A.M.ll’ortland 0:00
..... .........
A. M.
Local tickets for sale mid baggage checked
at company’s up-town office, corner Pine
and Second streets. Tickets for principal
points in California can only be procured at
company’s office.
Corner F anti Front St».,Portland, Or.
Freight will not be received for shipment
after five P. M. on either the East or West
Side Divisions.
G. F. & Pass. Agt.
------- Agents for the--------
Keep on hand a complete stock of these
goods. Also n large and well as­
sorted line of
Gents’ Furnishing goods,
What we Guarantee for the Dress Goods cf our Manufacture:'
To be made from the very best material, by skillful workmen, with the latest and mest
approved machinery, and to be the cheapest goods in the market when service is
Are so thoroughly finished that they can be worn in damp weather or a shower, with­
out fear of being ruined by curling or shrinking.
The manufacturing, dyeing and finishing is done in such a manner, that the goods
can be washed if desired, without the least injury to the fabric.
Our goods are wool dyed, and tlie colors arc as fast as the purest dyes and greatest
care and skill can make them.
Goods show just what they arc and will be until worn out, as there is no weighting,
stiffening, or artificial lustre used to increase the weight or finish ; as is the case with a
large class of goods in the market, but which disappears after a few days’ service.
As manufacturers we have taken great pains to supply an article in every war re­
liable, and unsurpassed by similar goods, either foreign or domestic, and would respect­
fully ask an examination of the various styles and shades to be found on sale by mer­
chants w ho are agents for the goods.
All goods of our manufacture should bear the name and trade mark of
Broadhead Worsted Mills, Jamestown. N. Y.
When you want Jiorse bills printed, remem­
ber that the T elephone office is unsurpassed
in facilities for doing this and all other kinds
of Job Printing. Good work. Low prices.
McMinnville Baths!
C. H. FLEMING, Prop.
—A Full Line of—
Fancy Millinery!
—At the Millinery Parlors of—
FTNTû SHOES. NI iss D. E. Russ.
Great excitement tins been caused in the
vicinity of Paris. Tex., by the remarkable
recovery of Mr. .1. E. Corley, who was so
------- AND FINE--------
helpless he could not turn in bed. or raise
his head; everybody said he was dying of
consumption. A trial lsittle of Dr.'King’s
New Discovery was sent him. Finding re
litif. lie lac.ight n large hottie and a laix of
l»r. Kings New Life Pill?; hv the time lie
SAM LIKENS, Proprietor. In all the latest Style« and Pattern«, which
ihd taken two boxes of pills and two bottles
for fit and quality cannot be beat.
■f the Discovery, he wits well and had
Call and see ' our spring
rained in flesh tliirtv-six pounds
Blacksmithing and carriage ironing of
goods before pur­
every description.
Tria: bottles of this Great Discovery for
chasing else­
Consumption free at Rogers A Todd's
REV II. B, EWELL, of Pavillion, N. Y.
-ays of Gilmore’s Aromatic Wine; "1 be-
Corner Third and C Streets.
And plow work a specialty.
licve it to I«' a most desirable reifledv to be
placed in every family.” For sale by Rog
C\\ A «nd reliable Medicine., are the best
era A Twill.
Uw tojependupon. Acker’s Blood El­
Also manufacture the
ixir has been prescribed for years for all Im.
.REV. DR ■ FREELAND, of Fowlerville.
purities of t lie Blood. In every form of Scrof­
N. Y.,writes ms that twn Iwutles of Gilmore’s
Celebrated Oregon Iron Harrow, ulous, FrpLilltlcor Mercurial diseases, it is
Aromatic wine cured tris wife of nervous­
ness ami sleeplessness. 8old by Rogers A
invaluable. For Rheumatism, Las no equal
To. Id
noti Gen AV Dur*, druggist.
New Blacksmith Shop !
O regon ,
Splend’d warehouses, complete with Fittest improved machinery. Thorough and hm
experience in handling grain. Highest cash price paid for ull kinds of Grain. *
------- Also, dealers in-------
----- Ladies’ and Gents'-----
Spr n3 Wagons. Buggies IJS’"'*’
everything on wheels.
City Market,
KENYON &. RAY, Proprietors,
(Successors to W. F. Bangasscr.)
Of all kinds and of the best quality
kept constantly on hand.
Shaving, Hair Culling and—
- - - - - Shampoing rarlon
Ladies’ and Children's Work
Hot and Cold Baths, 25 Cts.
—Have Just Added—
The Finest Line of Cigars
In the City. Try Them.
Third Street, between E and F.
McMinnville, Oregon.
Henderson Bros. Prop1
First-cla.««’ accommodations forte®®
•ial men and genera! travel.
Transient stock well cared for»
Everything new and in FirsNCU» 0^
All kinds of Game in Season.
• •
Patronage respectfully solicited-