THE GRUMBLER. He sat at ths dinner tabla With a discontented frown— “Tlie potatoes and steak were underdone. And the bread was baked too brown. The pie loo sour, the pudding too sweet, And the roast was much too tat; Tlie soup so greasy, too. and salt, Sure twas hardly tit tor the cat." decoction were to become a necessity it was ridiculous to pay heavily for what could just a« easily be made out of sage j and bramble leaves. Another com- plaint of the period against this . new fashion of tea <1 «Irinkin;; was that it gave rise to Jfo«*ip and backbiting. There is a r letter in tlie Gentleman's Magazine for 1785 finiHng fault with ladies “who make their tea­ table the mart to dispense scandal an<1 attack reputations,” and later we have a writer jn the Connoisseur bewailing the loss of time and th«! profanation of the Sabbath consequent upon Sunday evening tea drinking. The beverage had by this time become pretty much a favorite at social gatherings through­ out the country ami neither the econo­ mists nor the wits could counteract what was quickly lieeoming a popular demand. Beside, tea hail its champions as well as its detractors. Dr. Johnson «■ame to the rescue among other« ami Itolilly confessed himself “a hardened and shameless ten drinker, who has for many years diluted his meals with the infusion of this fascinating plant, whose kettle has scarcely time to cool; who with tea amuses the evening, with tea solaces the midnight and with tea wel- •omes the morning.” When we get to Colley Cibber, we find the beverage apostrophized in this fashion -“Tea, thou soft, thou sober, safe and venerab'o liquid; thou female tongue-running, «niile-smothing, heart-opening ami wink-tipping cordial, to whose glorious insipidity I owe the happiest moments of inv life.” Waller has the lines: [ f ever, upon the Chinese merchant ha1 had the effect of making him mon careful in the "sorting” of the articl* and we have the satisfaction of know ing that, while tea is now cheaper that, ever in England, it has not fallen off in Quality.— Leeds Mercury. ,, ABUSING WASHINGTON. »Some .‘Sv.»mli*Ion-. Cli»rg«< Against the F*ther of Hi«* Country. I I ----- SCHOOL ANO CHURCH. THE Dlt'ElTFUnmsoi'.^r Mil Ions of people, when n I tie out of xoria lake s< Uw .‘H ’•»kJ or other eithe, usa bere , teine. Almost m once A'“0'»• ajS feel better. A n hoou looses it. power they fltl so they again res« rt to th J *8«'u, J because as they th, ugllt t better when they nr;t make them belt, rkgui,,. J tlieniBelves uiul tl.eir p»«..^cJi'r*d.t^3 lug alcoholic «loses 'IT' 7".‘.l'>PreS3 ally like it, too and so the d^"1' <,n p e«« ril ing for them Few are cure d and many ¿Ì lheI liid to »heir peiiiianent dl»»j Alcohol sat la«»,,,' lant. lhatisnot w hat ,Ut. * «tittJ BUfferers want, ih,, '’™>«c >«*¿3 strength to throw off an«l i.t«’*n“to3 They want a real '.tai “ * i*“1»'-«kJ viia iz.-r is found in “< m, I, ’«J Tlie merits of this « italizeXv, years been abundantly tested no secret about it. ’pre army of the relieved jB luu,„lor7 «fj tl at all may read it. I, '«'OrdJ readitnr, either by hì < k ieonU**1 "J obtain II write to lira l 15;« Arch street, I hfi.m"^! will 1« sent to atty address free „.Vl Orders for the Compound Ox. ' ‘‘N Treatment will Is- nileil i ' u Vft" W «15 Powell St n et, S-.„ —The Christian 1«.'llil««) Churel in Kentucky is to establish a theolog.-'ii. seminary for the education of colored Stl^Porter Sherman, who enter««! Yah College in 1S61 and remained thro« years, recently returned, after an nb- sence of twenty years, to complete Ills course. , , — Was John B. Gough right or wrong when he said recently that "a churoh has no right to discipline a man for guttin"’ drunk, when it does not disci­ pline him for drinking?”—AT. K Ob- scrcfTe _ Many women school teachers in Massachusetts receive only four or five dollars a week. The explanation may be that Massachusetts has obtained all the knowledge that is to bo had, ami that, therefore, the occupation of the schoolteacher is departing.— Current. _ Lorenzo Dow preached once from the text of St. Paul: “I can do all things.” "No, Paul," he said, “you’re wrong for once. "I’ll bet you five dollars vou can’t.” and he took a five dollar bill from his pocket and lai«l it on his desk. He continued to reail, In New ùu«k ti.«ie~777?(, , I “ through our Lord Jesus Christ. “O. Paul,” said he, “that's an en­ keepers, Ot these ;• «H mates of the county prj„ tirely different thing; the bet is off." been cot fined in poli, e s ... ’ ’"'I hl —During 1886 the Methodists of have been tri, dfi^r^^y. nJ South Australia will celebrate the jubilee of the introduction of Methodism A Sl'GGlbliOb 10 T, E1B TH|1, into that part of the continent. They IUBUC. have in South Australia 336 churches TiiuristH, «nugrsnts ai d iB,rir—. . Hostetter's euniacl, BilUi, ,, k<«b and preaching places, seventy-five min­ isters and 393 local preachers, 7.829 aalemiiiid aguiiut in,'”’1'» members and 48,000 attendants. A vents the erretaol iitiui1(i „1 I « "“R or ui.w l.oka, int .JiJ jubilee fund of $300,000 is to be raised custonied conditions ...... . to pay off church debts and start a olbor on« voyuges, or jouiii,5tillial “.to"»- < to tlie equaior. it is ereeilalH “>4 woman’s college. of 11,c febrile «■< ini.lauL ”, a —Our own recollections of school live the stomach, liver anil tew, u Afr1111»] to Hitack natives « I the "«nr? "'J davs recall none of more profit than joormng or ................ ¡„ M;, h >'«d those spent UQtler the guidance of sen­ an excellent protection »eaillst o',u j**'] sible. motherly, Christian women, who extreme «-old, sudden < hai ge8 (f,“"»¿I Io damp or < xireu«« fatieuZS'fl get their pupils tasks in good text­ exuosure only prey, nts iniermltt« nt and ,11 books. and then took pai is to set' that and other dis«as« a of a malxH.1 the meaning, not th«! mere language, eradicates tin ti. f«„ t whi.hkg i«’M out fur rears past in North and VS ¡3 was well mastered without too much lea. Mexico, the West b.«!it- Ab.hMl aid from more developed minds.' This other countries. ’ any teacher fit to teach at all will see It takes » oew ot sixty n «n to till 1 to," and we doubt whether the expe­ , K. V andurbilt’s million debar ul,.« rience of Normal School graduates so I yacht. P UI far will not go far to show that artifi­ THF Hl U. 1 KI IIIB’S CtEPIilJf, cial and technical equipments anil "Itint disc- uragrel. I have too mud methods are quite as often a hindrance do, I am tired lam sick. I mJ» as a help to successful teaching— Bos­ was put into this houise to loen it («ir. ton Traveller. but it ¡ k too much work. I won'ttn —There is no end to the funny tilings will go to Bleep. 1 don't «are what I that are seen and heard by the teachers comes ot th© house. The ab< «e is an allegorv The in our public schools.. Once a teacher housekeeper is the fiver, ahi,to observed a huge biot of ink on a bov’s aged, deed is olten • sir.”- “A tear! How could a tear be ready g up as loimquiute. 1 black?” “Sure, I think wan o’ the I ieice s “Golden Medical IliMover)’J colored boys dropped it. sir.” For the upon the liver and assists it In its rok| and hou-e cliauiig. It comfort of children who know what it housekeeping the great liver remedy and 1,1« oil «lend is to be “flustered,” this is the laugh- ami cures «11 the ong Hain of cii3 able reply of a very bright and accom- maladies resulting from a torpid or J plished lady teacher who was passinw gtsh. Sleepy liver, melt as KckhtadaJ s purely formal examination in physi­ scrofulous disepsiB, as tileete, id ology: "Where is the alimentary sores, “white swellit gs.” liipjidntl consumption of the lungs(«Itiil canal?” was demanded, "Really,” sease, really only s« tofula nianifiatiig im ] was the pleasant reply, “I forget the delicate li-sues of the e <.innn,J whether it is in Indianapolis or Illi­ all skin diseases, as blotches,'esw eruptions, and all b!o« ashington was to find that the eyelids hail taken root and would bo too much even for a moderate t 'reole customs have added many varia- once, charged with murder. It was developed into fragrant anil beautiful drinker! This, however, was interested ions and soino traits which betrat during one of liis Presidential cam­ shrubs. I!«? plucked some of the loaves testimony, the physician in question European ideas, as, for instance, the paigns. The Philadelphia Aurora made and eating them felt like a man trans­ having, it js said, been brought over scarf or rich belt which the queen wear.« the charge. It stated that Washing­ had, during one of the battles of formed. A new joy possessed his for the purpose by the Dutch East at these assemblies, and which she occa­ ton his early life, shot an officer who was mind, a new courage animated his Tmlia Company. At the same time, sionally varies.” bearing a flag of truce, ami that in the As for th«» practice of Voitdoo w.orship, papers relating to the affair ho had ac­ body; he had found an elixir that con­ ' there have been tea drinkers whose ap­ quered sleep and made persistent wateh- i petite for the beverage was virtually it is well to say that of the votaries in knowledged the act of assassination. fiilness a certainty. It was in this ’ insatiable. It was not unusual for Hayti tiler«! seemS to be two classes — Peter Porcupine takes up the charge in fashion, say the Chinese, that th«! ten Robert Hall, the divine, to swallow thosQ who worship the serpent and offer his letters and proves it to be false. plant came into existeneo. The story is t wenty cups at a sitting. To Johnson, animal sacrifices-to appease his wrath The • fact, however, stands that the not so meaningless as it appears on the as already indicated, the beverage or court his favor, ami those who kill «barge was made. Speaking ot Washington, I see that surface. Apart from its spiritual signifi­ . never came amiss. There is a story in human beings ami not only offer them some acquired. of the goody-good newspapers which Sir Joshua Reynolds is credited cance, we see in the legfind that from as sacrifices, but eat their flesh. The of the country are very indignant at According to recent «stin.atn ttJ PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. with reminding him that, he hail just an early period tea was regarded ím a temples of the vomloo are generally the statement in Quackenbos’ history Stt.OOO suicides occur in Eurtpe til —There is a place, in Scotland where year. preventive of drowsiness; ami this, in- drunk «deven cups. "Sir,” said John­ small, unpretentious wooden buildings that Washington at one time ate peas ] deed, is the recommendation given to son, "I «lid not count your glasses of —called bv the natives HUmforto—anti with a knife. I do not doubt but the a certain class of people who bother Palmer Ac Key manufacture III it by those Jesuit Fathers who are sup­ wino, why should you number my cup« arc scattered generally throughout the statement is true. The whole literary office holders and the public should be own g« oils, and ’ and grandees;” but a better era had under which the leaves are picked. The door beat him with olive-branches amid which, grasp something made of steel —Brown—“I don't see how vou can founders ha«e to pay freigts «nd now dawned and Garraway tells us ho principal lilaek teas are liohea. Congou, much laughter. and the spell will be broken. find time to. go to church every Sunday. vance their prices. “first publicly sold the said tea in leaf Souchong and Pekoe; while green teas -------- ' , J If. on setting out on a journov, you Ini sure I can’t. I've so much to do.” In the evening, on such occasions, the Baking soda put on a burn will and drink aeeonling to th«' directions are known as Hyson, Twankay and pipers and drummers are called in, and meet a sow with pigs your enterprise Fogg—"Yes, I suppose you do turn oft _____ a good deal of work Sundavs. I wish the heat. of the most knowing merchants and Gunpowder. Of the black varieties the women dance, two at a time, facing will be sure to be succi s«ful. 'I o tnvet two magpies portends mar­ I could do it; but the fact is I can’t go Dr Pierce’s “Pellets” cure »tri «"} travelers in those Eastern countries,and Pekoe stands first, and of the green each other; nor does a couple desist un­ upon knowledge and experience of the Gunpowder has the preference. The til, panting and exhausted, they step riage;. three, a successful journey; without my sleep as well as you can.” ioui< headache, sot r btomacn» an four, unexpected good m ws. Wonder what he meant?—Boston Tran­ ious attack«_________________ j said Garraway’.« continued care and in­ Pekoe consists of the buds and very aside to make room for another. The To see one magpie and then more is script. dustry in obtaining the best tea ami young leaves ami is gathered early in dance has great energy of movement, unlucky; to kill one of th sc birds is A mill at Lehigh Gap, I ’“.’’Jn —It was a case of breach of promise * 3, i '(X) tons of nielallir paint I erf I making drink thereof, very many spring. The Souchong is the result of though the steps are small and changes irretrievable misfortune. It is also un­ The defendant was allowed to say a noblemen, physicians ami merchants the second picking, which is made about of position slight, the dancers only lucky to kill a swallow. T ry G krmka for breaktsst. I word in his own behalf. “Yes/’ he and gentlemen of quality have the beginning of May. Congou is th«' circling round occasionally. Hut they If your left hand itches you will »ftid. "I kissed her almost continual!« ever since sent to him for the name given to the third gathering, and swing their bodies about with astonish­ take in money; if the right, you will every evening I called at her house?’ said leaf and daily resort to this house Bohen is a late leaf. Of the green teas. ing energy and suppleness. As leaves pay it out. IBAIBY ; A ringing in the right ear means Lawyer for defendant—Then vou con­ to drink the drink thereof.” Evon Hyson is a gathering of tender leaflets flutter before the gale, so do they vibrate fess it? Defendant—Ye«. I do confess that some one is speaking well of you: iKINfcSCW Garraway’s reduced scale of prices and Gunpowder is a selection of Hyson. to the music; they shake; they shiver ■ n th«! left, you may be sure that evil it; but I had to do it. Lawver —You . and accomplished brewing failed to The Twankay is the last crop of and tremble; they extend quivering tongues are busy with yon. had to do it ? What do vo:i mean ? ' CLEANSES create any great demand for the new the season. China continues the pt-in- , arms, wave veils, and their minds seem If your right ev«‘ itches, you will see Defendant-That was the onlv wav I PURIfi^J beverage ami most of the writers and cipal source of the English supply of lost in the abandon and frenzy of the some beautiful sight; if the lelt, you could keep her from singing. The jury gave a verdict for the defendant wits of th«« time are found satirizing it. tea, though we now import largely also ' dance, while the other women, looking will have cause to shed tears. □ BEAUTIrl If your nos ■ Itches, you will hear Tr-'mue caTin8 their »e»ts. — Chicago Shmhvell talks of it as something “for from Assam and India. In the Ufiited on. encouraged by their high, piercing, EY some news or-will fall into the mire. women and men that live like women;” States the Japanese variety is at least I trilling cries, which add to the noise of ^CUTICURA] r ?IwEdi,PTWel1'’’ TheU' l’ 0 • Stevens but Shadwell, on Dryden's showing, as extensively used as the Chines«'. Th«’ the pipes and drums.— Brooklyn Mag­ — “don‘ buttle f 0 Si Ti Ki H M Ph D McMIN Office »tore. Laugh PH n ItcMIN) eus Il prepare« N. Livery Cora LOGAN The B< Premptlj “ORI ABtri Some goodff) MOri TO! Th only first c Th« Cowcerni increase in •n general, Ocular, th« give» the The total 1885, was 2: >ng the ye •narriages S 859. The i 347,54“. of birth» pe of marriage These figure Pared with t •bow a an oiftlntry, wli with 89 Sages, and f actual incre (*n«l Wales) in Prussia.— —The last the old Phila down last we in fifty years ‘»rea Ph il ad open its entir •he public__ _ —An Englf * list of Amer bearing the w ‘“«het. Shel 'Haw! haw!’ •o. if the wh< “■boWen Jag