>*n WEST SIDE TELEPHONE, i .14 OFFICIAL DIICECTORY. t.-V KN|''1‘,e accompanied bjMiss Li'lge ...... e ',.n ”-l,1-a»re , wnl rt.it lor Spi'ague, Prosecuting * .1. t i-moriow, where Miss N. expects ”• »pi n I the sin.imer. Miss B ingtssei »hl return in a lew d .»■« and take up It. I*. Bird Fenator» J ■I. W. Wall. h'-r residence in Poitlan Lwlioie she will R. It. I niiL-lilin, retstile in the future Representatives F. N Little Tire grand jury returned a true bill i'. Liifollett. Jtt.ige L. Lougluirv. iciiin-t JI i pie, confined now in the •I. S. Hibbs, toui'tv ja l on i hargeof mtnitering D. I. Commissionen t i tiro, Dorsev. t orker, last fall. Marple was arranged < Terk ............... G. AV. llriedwell. ■Natinday, and plead “not guilty” utni Sheriff . T. .1. Harris. h'H trial net for Wednesday, Thia case Trciisure- W. W. Nelson, wih p.obably occupy several days. A«»es»ir •Wyatt Harris. School Supt... . ■ ■ J. A. ('. Freund Surveyor •.. .J.l>. Fenton. C roakers .—Every town and citv, no Coroner I*. Nurver. matter how flourishing, says an ex­ change, is afflicted more or less with TELEPHONE WHISPERINGS. those animals called croakeis, and . s they litt their boots on to the stove and tell whit tliev don’t know about tins Fresh roasted peanuts at II. II country, one would be led to believe Welch’s. tf that we were all going oil a dead run to Try the Ro3e Dirk Harrow. F. J. Mar­ the “demnition bow-wows.” Tho croak­ tin, Agt. er, however, is only happy while he is Solitaire is still one of the g tines in growling. If he could earn $20 a day lie the town. would growl because lie had to work Io The go > Canton Clipper plows are th ■ acters were exelleiitlv sustained, Wm. he t in t'ae " market. For sale by F. J. O. Day as “Uncle Tom” could hardly Martin. be improved. Mr. Def.ano as “Lawyer I)r. Young captured the first trout oí Marks” continually brought down the the season Friday, lie brought in a louse. The Acme colored quartette, nice string. was an interesting feature of the play, Mr. A. Andrews from Acton, Morrow fltey are excellent singers ami were re­ peatedly brought before the footlights. conntv, is piving Itis old friends in this As tiie troupe spent Sun lay in this city, vicinity, a visit. tlie colored quartette gave a sacred con Mrs. J. E. Holman is a passenger on cert at the opeia house Sunday evening the incoming steamer, and will arrive which was well attended, and heartily enjoyed by those present. home to morrow. Tlllllll '’•‘.'"■•■«J l-ugg'es ¡».i ] whetl», ' I I », OREE) «5. « duel's and O h witle tiies. 1 1‘REss i)pj t weder in 3 N IOEI >e Store, •inity the, city bns J e kuowle® ini to uiii« reover. he] >r the h|
    ceived I heir first envoiee >f buggies in mglit to ta'se a larger amount than tin their new building, and will receive hove, to support such a needed institn tion as a good band. another lot sometime this week. If you want to have a good laugh, g > into Frank Colin d's and ue tr him kier on the Uncle Tom’s Combination. T ey borrowed a pistol of him and fo got L return it. We acknowledge a pl ■ is mt call. S it- urdav afternoon, f om Prof. D. T. Stan­ ley . p esident of th« O egon State N >r inal school of Monmouth, who was in the city. G mik I spring openrng itt M «« F F. ........ J _ ............. ’ , At> il 8 Russ’on , . Friday and Satu dav, and 9. The ¡adie« of McMinnville and vicinit v tire cordially intited (o com« and see the new styles, etc. II oly W eek S ervices —St. Jamef church Rev. John C. Fair rector: S-rvi «•8 during Holy Week as iollows: eve v lay (accepting Satin d i v) at 10 a. n Wednesday, at 7:30 p m. Go<>d Friday, it 7:30 p. in. Salter eve — Saturday — 7:3<)p. m. Regular annual election oi GieveHry, will take place on East Jonday after the service nt 10 a. in. Regular ineet’ng of the woman’s gtiild oi •*1. .James church, will lake place at 2 p. rn. on Easter Mon lay at the church. M ii . linf . ky .— dr». H. P. Sturt the halier in the millinery business, has F. ... J. Madin has a fine line of fa-m machinery for s tie, shipped f-om th • something lor our readers, in annthm eist. Now is the time to huv machinery. column of this paper. Mrs. Stuart has A'ter the inter-state commerce law is in greatly enlarged the interior of her store effect prices are sure to raise. ind will receive new goods regularly A r.t«e Rail Associttim lit« been twice a week, during the snmmer months. Every Tn«» lay and Thureday org.mtz I at this place with the foilow­ Its. Stuart will present new good» ing office's: President, A. M. Handere. It »ill cost nothing secreta-v. Will P. Hol n tn, trea»5ire , I. to her customers Sanders Lon s Maddock was elect­ to cad and ex imine Iter immense slock ed captain of the nine chosen. R iad I t —Rogers A To bi, the rust­ Dr G. F Tucker, « ill leave to-mor ow ling proprietors of the city drug sto-e. with his daughter. Nellie, for the S mud country in hopes of restoring li^r health come to the front this week with a large lie will be gone about ten d iv«, an I advertisement wbi.-h appears in this is­ during Ilia abs-nce. Dr. J. H. N«l»on, sue. Roger» a To.ld are pushing, relia­ will attend to the duties of the office. ble business men and rttean what they civ. Read their advertisement, ad i A one legged dance» and his assistant he convinr-eii that they will sell yon gave a free exhibition at the ope a d ugs at bedrock prices. hone» Friday night. The entertam- ment was fair, conside.ing that it di Wn.L I.EAvx Ua.—Dr Howard leave« not cost attv'hing A coll »«tion w,- taken up which netted a neat little «nm. n» on Thnnvlay for Florida; takes tire steamer on Friday, from laqnina for Rhe cane nf J. S. Ma-tm vs John Sax 'tl foin a. . whe where e he lie intend» to Max oc -npied th« attention of th* court, tir /week» »o. fherrto -lowlv le» low tv mem m*’ greater part of la-t w -ek. It wa« a «ni' toward hi» future bu-i e I in the er- for tlie recovery of inottev niton nh at glad««, am mg the all’gat. ore. May en« - •tored in Sax’s, mill at the time of th. . eaa attend yon Do« in your hunt for tire a year ago. It was decided in tavor the hide for vour shoes. of the plaintiff. NM W. C. T. V. ^favéto OUR ASSISTANTS. The last session ot the Yamhill county Cbl'Ittlll. W. C. T. t . met Wednesday evening, March 30. The exercises wete varied April, 4 th. 1887. | and interesting. There was an address Items scarce. by the district president of the W. C. T. Hie P. O. is in the hands of Mr. Plum U., Mrs. Edwards, short »l eeches by mor. Rev. Mr.Henderson, an o. igina! poem by Mr. Redding w»s in Portland last Miss Olds and scveial pieces of music week. by the choir. A vote of thanks was Mr. J. W. Hutchcroft ¡»improving his tendered by the convention to the citi­ . property. zen of McMinnville on the following: I A number of our citizens attended Resolved, that the thanks of this con­ court last week. vention are due, and are hereby tender­ School opened this morning with Mr. ed to the ministers and officers of the Thomas at the helm. M. E. church for the use of the church Lots in the Kutch addition to Carlton and other kind services in behalf of this are being improved by their respective convention; owners. To the Choral Union and all others Mr. Fred Hardwick of Lafayette took ' who assisted in the music lor their favor care of the store wltile Mr. Redding was in the way of musical elite; tainment; a way. To the ministers of the city for their Messrs. Barnekoff, Thomason and ■ uniform kindness and couitesv, and for their valuable assistance o:i the pro- I Swanson have their hardware house open ready for business. g; amine; To the editors of the Reporter and JoYCK. ri: 1. evh o.sr: for their kindness in giving notice of this convention and for rejiort- Lafayel te. ing tlie proceeding’s of the meeting. April 4,1887. Resolved, that we fully appreciate ind gratefully acknowledge Qie kindness Court will probably run all this week. of our triends and we tender them out sincere thanks for their cordial welcome XV. M. Townsend, of Lakeview, is in md generous treatment. town. CHANGED OWNERS ! ! Tliis space now belongs to vs We have bought it for a year and we propose to show you that we can and will sell you DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, ALBUMS, ARTIST’S MATERIALS, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES AT AS LOW PRICES! I As any store Judge Ramsey, of Salem, is attending court here this term. In tlie case of Martin vs Sax, Sax was Board of trade met in regular session beaten. This case lasted nearly three days. it the council chambers last evening. Bert Eastman came down from Murry In the absence of President Fenton, J. I. T. las' week to be a witness in the E. Magers filled the chair. Marple trial. Committee appointed at last meeting R. E. Marple was indicted by the in relation to fair grounds, made verbal grand jury for minder in the first degree. sport which was accepted, and on mo­ IPs trial wa»H 't for Wednesday, of this tion Messrs. Wallace and Manning were week. H. Y. Thomson, of Portland, is ippointed in addition to former commit­ going to defend hint. tee, which was continued with a view to Deputy Sheriff Savage had quite an purchase the grounds. encounter with a tnan bv the name of Communication from Wm. lleid, in Brown, w ho resides above Willamina, mswer to special committee appointed in the hills. Savage called at his house, in the night to inquire the way to anoth­ bv the board, in regard to getting trans­ er man’s house, when Brown met him portation facilities by Narrow Guage at the door witii a gun anti told him to “git.” He would not listen to any­ railroad read and placed on file. Committee on roads and highways re­ thing and said he did not care whether ported that they had interviewed Mr. I he w as sheriff or not, but for him to go, Campbell, who agreed to sell land for | and Savage says he went, you bet. the purpose of widening the toad at the | Q- end of Cozine creek bridge. Committee was continued. Amii y. On motion the president and secret»-1 April 2, 18S7. ry otthe board were authorised to con­ fer with tiie receiver of the O. & C. rail- j Very backward weather for sowing road, with a view of getting parcels grain. brought to this cilv by evening express I Dr. Goucher Inis again located with as a matter of accomodation to business men and farmers, during the coming us. His office is two doors north ot the St. Charlee hotel. summer. _______________________________ Mrs. Kinman introduce! something C rime I ndirectly C harged —The new in the party line last week. I think Oregonian gives the following regardin 'g she called it a “Rag Party.” It proved a success. tlie Martin—Sax case: A civil suit of Charley Post, an old resident of this more than ordinary local interest was city, moved to McCoy last week, so ns t ied in the state circuit court for Yam­ to be near his farm, which is located in hill county last week, before Judge R. that section. P. Boise and a jury. It was an action Court week has its effects upon the by a farmer named Martin against John citizens of this town, judging from the Sax, to recover $950, the value of a lot way they travel backward and forward of wheat stored in defendant’s ware­ from Lafayette. The Oil Fellows’ anniversary cele­ house at McMinnville, which burned last sprint». The jury found for the bration is to be held at this place on the 2(>th, and if the weather is favorable, plaintiff tn the amount claimed, and the will undoubtedly be a success. verdict carries with it an indirect charge W. F. Coulter is serving his country of crime. Briefly stated, the case win by attending Dendy’s court ns a grand this: John Sax owned a flouring mill i juror. j . It is quite a trouble for a farmer ____ _ a ______ ami warehouse, fie is a wealthy farmer J io to be taken ....... from ..._ his work mouth _ or ..nd no tnan stands higher for rectitude ! six weeks just now. in this Board of Trade, of character. The milling and ware- i Every dwelling liottre in town is oc house business was conducted by Itis > cupied, and more could be rented if on and Itis son-in-law. A large amount | fboy were only here to rent. Wake up of whPHt was stored in’ the warehouse bV , - ““ - e > and work lor the interest of your town. by various farmers. The complairft ¡d- leges that the wheat was destroyed _____ ..._ ¡ I would call the attention of the road through the fault of Mr. Sax, by his sit|H’rvisor of district No. 17 to the con­ -uient», namely his son and son-in-law. dition of the west end of one of our < he hoys had. been losing money through b.idges. A little jndii'ious labor ex­ ad speculation, and in order to corn eal pended there would be a great improve­ the fact from the oltti. Then the mill burned. About Its white calf, his team took fright and rail 110 bushels of wheat was stored in the away, jumping over a wire fence, over­ tuiiding at the time, valued at $0,500. turning the hack and spilling the occu­ i'be suit above mentioned was a test pants out. No serious consequences, however. •ase, anti now actions will be commenc­ M ore A non . ed against Mr. Sax bv the various far­ mers who owned the wheat. The instil- itice men h ive watched the case with Brace Up. iiiucli interest, and peihaps pioi-eediugs You are feeling depressed, your apj»etite | other than legal will be commenced. is poor, you are bothered with headache. ■ you are fidgetty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace | Following is the list of letters remain­ up. but not with stimulants, spring medi- ■ cines, or bitters, which have for their basis | ing uncalled for in the poatoffice at Mc­ very cheap bad whisky, and which stimu- [ lute you for an hour, and then leave you in J Minnville, Oregon, April 1, 1887: worse condition than before. Wlial you i Eastman, J. J. McCenlv, .Mr. want is an alterative that will purify your j Ea-terhrooks, A. E.O'Dell, G. W. blood, start healthy action of liver and kid- dcl.attghlin.'G. E. O'Biien, Mr. neys, restore your vitality, and give renew- ' S,..neer, Alex ed health and strength. Such a medicine ' Parties calling for tl,e same plea e you will find in Electric Bitters, ami only i 50 cents a bottle at Rogers & Todd’s drug say advertised. J. F. W iscarvkr , store. 3 I'. M. BEV. DR. FREELAND, of Fowlerville, N. Y..write» us that two bottles of Gilmore’s Aromatic wine cured Ills wife of nervous­ The beat salve in the world for cuts, ness and sleeplessness. Fold by Roger ' A bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhetim, fever Todd. sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, GILMORF/S A ROM ATIf' WINE is n pos­ corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi­ itive cure fur all those painful complaints common to all our liest female popula­ tively cures piles, or no pay required. so tion. ¡Sold by Rogers rs. Barnekoif. Thomabon 4' Swanson, which will appear in this week’s i>»me These gi n leinen have otublished al McMinn­ ville, McMinnville cfo-sing and t'nrl- ton. coimnodious v iiteliou-es. complete with latest improved machinery for The Direct Route I No Delays! the proper handling of g-ain. and oiler the ................... .. ..... . ............. farmers of ............. Yamhill county the Fast Trains I verv best facilities for storage and elvaifng of their grain Years of experivnee and ;i practical knowledge of the business enable TITZE LOWEiST TÏ^TLE. .hem to guarantee satisfaction They also pay the bigbest cash price for gram of all TO CHIOAGO AND ALL POINT8 kinds, and carry in stock a full line of the very best farm machinery, wagons, 4-c It East. Tickets sold to all prominent pom ’ w ill be to the advantage of all farmers to throughout tlie East and ¡Southeast. | call and see them before making any other ------------ arrangements for disposal of their grain or buying their machinery or wagons By TO EAST-3OUND PASSENGERS courteous and honorable*dealing ami strict attention to the best interests of their pat­ Be careful and do not make a mistake. ■: rons, Messrs. Barekofi'. Thompson it Swan­ But be sure to take th® son will seek to hold the foremost position among the business firms of Yamhill coun­ ty, and we bespeak for them the the suc­ cess whii h must attend their ellbrts Call and -»ee them. And see that your ticket reads via | N orthern P acific R ailroa Most Excellent. ST. PAUL 08 MINNEAPOLIS J. J. Atkins, chief of police, Knoxville, To avoid clinnres and serious delays oc Tenn., writes: "My family and I are bene­ sinned by other routes. ficiaries of your most exccllerft medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery for eonsuiuption : having found it to lie all that you claim for Through Emigrant Sleeping Ca it, desire to testify to its virtue. My friends are Run on Regular Express to whom 1 have recommended it, praise it at every opportunity.” Dr. King's Jiew Trains Full Length of the Discovery for Consumption js guaranteed Line. Berths Free. to cure coughs, colds, bronchitis, as,limit croup, ami every affection <>P the throat, LOW RATES f QUICKTIME!1 chest ami lungs. ’ Trial bottles free nt Rogers & Todd's drugstore. Large size $1. 3 General Office of the Company, He. 2 Washington St., Portland, C FOR SALE. A PIECE OF YA IJ ABLE PEOrEIB v. ty consist mg of or intuí,i,.4 j Windy Colle, Teething l’ains, Stomach Disorders, can be r> -II at once by using Acker's Baby Soo It eon’aiits no Opium or Morp’ heneo la safe. Price il ecuts. Rub G. W. Burt, Druggist.