The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, March 11, 1887, Image 2

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Ross, the man w hom they cannot keep
in the county jail at Portland, is still at
One o' the inalienable rights of every
free American citizen is the right to
grumble. While grumbling may not be
considered an agreeable occupation or
one productive of milch good, it is a
lesser vice than using "cuss words” and
occasionally it yields nearly equal satis­
faction to that more grave violation of
This prelude is intended as an apology
for Raying tliat wo aie not entiiely
pleased with his excellency tlie presi­
dent, or of that august body called the
congress of tlie United States. While it
is coneeded that the forty-ninthcongress
passed a number of important and needed
measures, it is probable tliat it will be
remembered longer, among thoughtful
and patriotic men, for w bat it did not do
than for wliat it did. One tiling is very
certain, tliat with a surplus income of
one hundred of millions of dollars annu­
ally, it was the dutv of congress to either
reduce such surplus by reducing taxation
or by expending it ior Hie public welfare.
With practically no navy, with a de­
fenceless coast, with no modern cannon
it does not seem us though it should
have been difficult to know what to de.
It should have been esneciully clear to a
body of men who had just passed a bill
winch in the halls of congress, had beeii
declared to mean war.
Too milch time is spent and too many
bills are passed in order to secure politi­
cal advantage by landeiitig to clas-
prejitdices. Too many important meas­
ures are put off to the last of the ses­
sion when they are rushed through
without sufficient consideration, or only
to be killed by a "pocket veto.” Many,
alas, too many of the meritorious meas­
ures never pass at all.
The improvement of the mouth ol the
Columbia, the locks and ship railway at
the Cascades and The Dalles, the im-
provemant of Yaquina and other bays
and harbors are matters of the deepest
interest to citizens of Oregon. To se­
cure from the government aid in these
woiks has been tlie chief effort of our
representatives for many years, appro­
priations have been made and work
commenced at various points, and all
that I isb been done will be lost to the
public if such works are nol speedily
completed. In view of these facts the
failure ot the president to sign the river
and haibor bill is peculiarly aggrevia-
The president is a strange mixture of
man and mule, Daring the past con-
gress lie vetoed 21 more bills tlian all of
his predecessor'!; 150 bills became laws
without his signature, and 50 were kill­
ed by “pocket vttoes.” His veto of the
dependent pension bill was worthy of a
man whose only service to the country
during the war was to fuinisb u substi­
tute when drafted. To neither approve
or veto the Mormon bill was to be ex­
pected of a man whose past life liad all
of the vices of a Mormon but who,
without repentance, is now trying to
pose as a decent citizen. His pocke'
veto of the Mormon surplus lesolut on
was the proper thing fiom a democrat
demagogue elected on a “reduce the
surplus” platform, but whoso idea of
finance are imported from Wall stieet.
The treaty of alliance between Ger
many, Austria and Italy was signed
March 4.
Walla Walla was visited by a $125,000
fire Monday night, ¡supposed to be the
work of incendiary.
The steam launch New York, plying
between Portland and Albina capsized
Wednesday. One man was drowned.
A wide-spread nihilist plot has been
discovered in Finland. Numerous stu­
dents and artisans have been arrested
in Uleaborg in connection with the con­
Oregon Democrats arc unanimously of
the opinion that G. Cleveland is too
greatly interested in domestic affairs to
substitute the offensive partisans in office
in this stato with good democrats.
The redemption of trade dollars began
Tuesday, in New York. Over $300,000
were offered, of which only $116,000
could be accepted. They will be malted
into bars and stored in the assay office.
Los Angeles is having a boom tn small­
pox all to itself. In fact, it has a corner
on the loathsome disease, and there is
not a real estate man in the place but
w< uld sell it short and charge nothing
for climate.
In Chic tgo, T' e day it is cl lime I the
wheat shortage was the greatest ever
known there.- The statement is made
that operators there and for outside cus­
tomers sold fully forty million bushels
additional in expectation of a big de­
The German newspapers unite in the
suggestion that Del.esseps be given a
welcome due the great Frenchman, who
has worked, not for France alone, but
for the whole human race; a man whose
worth and glory Germany can appreci­
ate without jelousy.
A sensation has been caused in Chat­
ham England, by the suspension of the
foreman employed in the government
works there. It is alleged that the man
has been guilty of revealing important
secret naval designs to the United States
and Russian governments.
In the county seat feud in Wallace
county, Kansas, five or six men have
been killed, and tlie state militia bad to
be called out to prevent further violence
by the contending factions. We, in the
far west, do things in a more peaceable
way and have no bloodshed.
The national convention of superin­
tendents of schools will assemble for a
three days’ session at the National
Museum, Washington, on the 15th of
the present month. Superintendents of
schools and prominent educators in all
parts of the country are expected to be
Wm. M. Turner died at Jacksonville
this afternoon, of cancer of the bowels.
Mr. Turner was formerly editor of the
Oregon Sentinel, and was well and fa­
vorably known tlirongliout the state.
His death cast a deep gloom over the
community. The funeral will take
place to-day at 2 o’clock.
The steamer Citv of Chicago, of the
Inman line, ran aground opposite West
Hampton, island, Monday, ami was
floated off, arriving in poit Tuesday
Captain W. Atkinson informed the
are engage.! in 'lie struggle
agents tliat the vessel sustained no dam­
age. lie said tliat he had thrown over
board about 3(X) bags of salt, 5'K) bags
of soda ash and a few boxes of tin be­
Steel and Chilled PI0W5, Sulky, Gang Thimble and Steel Skein Farm WaKon,
fore he released the vessel. The cabin
and Walking Plows, Harrows and
Spring Wagons, Buggies and *■
everything on wheels.
passengers »ere brought on the steamer
Cultivators of all ............
and landed earlier in the day.
After getting it the next thing is fo
A horrible accident occurred on the
elevated railroad in New Yoik City,
Tuesday. The large tailor establishment
of “Nicol, the Tailor,” in the Bowery,
M c M innville , M c M innville crossing and carltcn , O regon ,
was destroyed bv fire. The fire caused
a blockade on the Third avenue elevated
---- IF YOU WANT-----
railroad, which runs far up above Four­
Splendid warehouses, complete with latest improved machinery. Thorough and In
teenth street. The conductor for the
experience in handling grain. Highest cash price paid for all kinds of Grain
------- Also, dealers in-------
train which »'as blockaded a few hundred Anything to be found in a first class Drug
feet from the Fourteenth street station
notified tlie passengers tliat they could
leave Hie train and walk over a narrow
plank alongside of the station. A num­
ber availed themselves of tl.e dangerous
Wagons,’Buggies tand Carriages. Binder Twine, Belting, Oils, 1RI|
privilege, and an awful accident was the
Machine Supplies of all kinds.
result. In some manner a panic was
started on the narrow walk far above the
Prescription Druggist,
street, and a number of persons were
tinown to the pavement below. It is And he will give you as much val­
stated tliat seven were killed and many ue for your hard earned dollar as
All Mankind
Almighty Dollar.
Expend it Judiciously.
Barnekoff, Thomason X- Swanson,
Warehousemen and Grain Buyers.
Farm, Dairy and Mill
Geo. W. I3UIÏT,
Call and See TTs.
any man in Oregon.
TSTew To-Day
notice to taxpayers .
Lx the '-o-p.-irtnersnip heretofore existha
between W T Baxter and J F. Martin,
under the linn name of Baxter <t Marlin,
has been this day dissolved by mutual con­
sent, J F Martin retiring Old accounts
due said firm will be paid to W. T. Baxter,
at the old stand
McMinnville. Or March 4. 1877
—At the new «tore of -
1-^i that the tax books of Yamhil:
ounty for the yaar 1836. are now in n»\
uands for collection, ami that myself or de­
puty will visit the various precincts of said Acme Harrow,Cloa UrusneranO Leveler Hoosier Force Feed Seedersand Drills
county as follows, between the hours of 19
Most effective and serviceable furrn
with truss axle and wide tiles
o’clock a. m. aud 4 o'clock p. nt. :
implement in use.
January 2>
Latest improved and best seeder in use
East Chehalem
( Newberg)
West I hehalem
Carter’s store)
North Yamhill
( Runnels’)
North McMinnville Saturday
..—At tlie—
South McMinnville Monday
Pioneer Boot and Shoe Siori.
Ill order to make room for Spring »nd
Summer Goods, which will soon
begin to arrive, and wishing
to reduce stock, I will
sell at actual
All persons are requested to be present at
said appointments and settle tneir taxes, Zita:
or pay the same to me at my office by the
Until April 1 This is a bona-fide SLAUGHTER SALE ANNOUNCEMENT. Call
first of April, as required by* law. if not and
goods and prices and you will be convinced of the fact that this is no hum­
then paid we will be necessitated to follow bug examine
Sign of the Big Boot.
the constructions of the law.
Sheriff and Tax Collector.
Doots & Shoes,
"Wholesale Cost
Opposite the Grran^e Store.
(Successors to Baxter A Martin)
Oregon & California R. R.
third st .,
M c M innville , or .
And Connections.
Fare to San Francisco, $32; Sacramento $30.
Fresh Family Groceries.
Close connections made at Ashland with
stages of the California, Oregon and Idaho
Stage Company.
Fast Side Division.
Mall Train.
A new, neat and dead stock
Every ar­
ticle A No 1 Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks,
Colored Glassware. Cutlery, Cased Goods,
Tobacco, Pipes and Cigars.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in season.
We have put our prices <Iown low. Give us
a call, inspect our stock, and we will guar­
antee prices to suit you
Portland 8:00 A. M.¡Ashland
Ashland. .8:45 P. M ¡Portland
4:00 A. M.
3.45 P. M.
Albany Express Train.
Portland 4:00 P. M.I Lebanon 9:20 P. M.
Lebanon. .4:45 A. M. I Portland 10:05 A. M.
Droadhead Dress Goods.
An Assortment of these Popular Goods
---- Sole Agent for the Celebrated----
In all the Latest Novelties, New and Desirable Colorings, Just Received.
Daily between Portland and Ashland.
What we Guarantee for the Dres3 Gootis of our Manufacture:
The O. A' C. R. R. Ferry makes connection
with u 11 the regular trains on the East Side
To be made from the very best material, by skillful workmen, with the latest and mwt
Division from fool of F Street.
approved machinery, and to be the cheapest goods in the market when service if
West Side Division.
Are so thoroughly finished that they can be worn in damp weather or a shower, with­
Mail Train.
out fear of being ruined by curling or shrinking.
Portland 7:30 A. M. ¡Corvallis 12:25 P.M.
The manufacturing, dyeing and finishing is done in such a manner, that the goods
Corvallis 1:30 P. M.I Portland 6:15 P. M. can be wushetl if desired, without the least injury to the fabric.
At Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon
Our goods are wool dyed, and the colors are as fast as the purest dyes and greatest
------- Agents for the
Pacific R. R. for Yaquina Bay.
Express Train.
care and skill can make them.
Goods show just what they are and will be until worn out, as there is no weighting,
Portland 4:50 P. M ¡McMinnville# :00P.M.
McMin’ville5:45A.M. I Portland 9:00 A. M. stiffening, or artificial lustre used to increase the weight or finish; as is the case with a
Local tickets for sale and baggage checked large class of goods in the market, but which disappears after a few days’ service.
at company’s up-town office, corner Pine
As manufacturers we have taken great pains to supply an article in every way re­
and Second streets. Tickets for principal
points in California can only be procured at liable, and unsurpassed by similar goods, either foreign or domestic, and would respect­
company’s office.
fully ask an examination of the various styles and shades to be found on sale by
Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or.
chants who are agents for the goods.
Freight will not be received for shipment
Keep oiv hand a complete stock of these after five P. M. on either the East or West
All goods of onr manufacture should bear the name and trade mark of
goods. Also a large and well as­
Side Divisions.
sorted line of
Broadhead Worsted Mills. Jamestown. N. Y.
M anager.
G. F. A Pass. Agt.
Invitations have been issued for the
wedding of John A. Logan, Jr., and Mias
Edith II. Andrews, which is announced
to take place at the home of the bride’s
naients at Youngsville, Ohio, on March
The completion of the Pacific Postal 22. The father of the bride, Chauncy
Telegraph line between New Westmin II. Andrews, is one of the wealthiest
ster and San Francisco by the way of iron and coal men in Ohio.
Portland, and ha connection by way of
Stockton, California, which has been
the Canadian Pacific with the Maekav- isleep for a number of years past, has
Bennett cables, is the occasion of rejoic­ recently aroused from its slumbers and
ing on the part of the enterprising men is investing $120,000 in the way of ad­
who conceived and carried to comple­ vertising its advantages. The news-
tion so gigantic an enterprise ill so short papers of the place are crowded witli
a time. No formal opening has yet real estate advertisements, and every
been announced between the Atlantic man in the town is on the jump.
and Pacific, yet considerable business
At Scio Monday afternoon Frank Har­
has been done over the new line, anil
aged 18 years, shot John Craft, 20
there is no doubt but it will lie crowded
---- Ladies' and Gents'-----
to the full capacity of its wires to carry vears old, during a quarrel. They had
the offerings of the merchants and busi­
ness men of the Pacific coast when the Harris accused the Craft brothers of
stealing a calf. A fight ensued and Har­
announcement is made.
ris shot Craft in the back of the neck,
------- AND FINE-------
At 8:45 Tuesday morning, in the city the hall ranging forward through the
of Brooklyn, Henry Ward Beecher de­ fleshy part and being visible beneath
parted hence to the other world, after the cuticle in front. The wound is not
an illness oi but three days. Henry fatal. Harris was arrested.
Waid Beecher was the son of I)r. I.yman
Strange as it may seem in this ago a In all the latest Styles and Patterns, which
for tit and quality cannot he beat.
Beecher, and was born in Litchfield, man was recently sold in Kentucky.
Call and see our spring
Connecticut, on June 24, 1813, con What renders the matter more remarka­
goods before pur­
chasing else­
sequent)? he was in his seventy-fourth ble is that the selling was done at his
year. In 1834 he graduated at Amherst own request, and a still more interesting
college, afterward studying theology feature is that the man is white. He Corner Third and C Streets.
under his father at Lane seminary, In took advantage of an old law, now al­
1847 he was chosen pastor oi Plymouth most a dead letter in tlie statute book,
church, Brooklyn, whero he achieved hv which a man, if he so electa, may be
his fame and became known as one of sold tor a term of service rather than go
the greatest pulpit orators of the day.
to the work-house to serve out a term
for vagrancy.
The Minnesota legislature has passed
Dispatches state, there has not SAM LIKENS, Proprietor.
a new libel law, which provides that no
person can bring suit against a publica­ been much change in the aspect of Blacksmithing an.l carriage ironing of
tion without tluee days notice, rinring aflTtirs between the Americans and
every description.
which time a retraction must Ire received the Mexicans. Yesterday the local
in evidence when the suit is tiled. The court had the case of Colonel Arvizu
Horse Shoeing
law also provides that plant iff can only before them, the bench being occupied
And plow work a specialty.
recover such damages as he proves he by «11 the judges of the district. Repor­
has actually suffered. Editor Wheelock ters were excluded from the court room.
- - o ■
of the Pioneer Press, is ths author of the Some of the Mexican officials, however,
bill and to Iris influence is due its pass­ stated they would give them all the
Celebrated Oregon Iron Harrow,
age by the legislature.
serious and not only entails dismissal
Young Billy English, the brilliant Ron from lire service, but sentence for a long
of old Rilly English, statesman and term in the penitentiary, or being shot.
capitalist, ha* added aeveraI grey hai>s Dispatches have been received, also,
the Children. They are es-
to bin father's thatch by bia stating that Secretary of State Bayard r’Wv v pccially liable to sudden
recent ex|w*rien<*e with a designing bin I demanded fiom the Mexican gov­ Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough,
We guarantee Acker's English
widow. The family disgrace is not what ernment the immediate surrender of the etc.
Remedy a positive cure.
It saves
hurts the old man, but the expense, you lieutenant and soldiery engaged in the hours of anxious watching. Sold by
fight the other evening.
know—that ¡p something frightful.
Geo. W. Burt, Druggist.
Brownsville Woolen
Gents’ Furnishing Goods,
Worsted Clothing
New Blacksmith Shop!
M c M innville
City Market,
F urniture S tore ,
KENYON & RAY, Proprietors,
(Successors to W. F. Bangasser.)
Of all kinds ami of the best <
kept constantly on ham
All Kimis of Camo in Season.
—Dealers in all kinds of—
—Carries a Complete Stock of—
Furniture and Undertakers’Goods.
Flour and Feed W hen you want horse bills printed, remem­
ber that the T elephone office is unsurpassed
—Goods sold at—
in facilities for doing this and all other kinds
The Lowest Cash Price
of Job Printing. Good work. Low prices.
Delivered Free!
fehltf To any part of the city.
MILLINERY I I McMinnville Baths’-
C. H. FLEMING, Prop.
Milling Doi le!
I would most respectfully announce that
I have leased the Chris Newby Flouring
Mill in Happy Valley, have thoroughly
overhauled and repaired it. and ani now
readv to do grinding for toll orcasli.
Come and see uie.
—A Full Line of
Fancy Millinery!
Sliming, Hair fut I ¡ng and- - - -
- - - - - Shampoing rarbn.
Ladies' and Children's Work
Blood Elixir is the only
■* Blood Remedy guaran­
teed. It Is a positive care for Ulcere, Erup-
tionsor Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies the
whole system, and banishes all Rheumatic
and Neuralgic pains. Wo guarantee it.
Gw. W. Burt. Dmggist.
—At the Millinery Parlors of—
NIissF. F. Rut
Hot and Cold Baths, 25 Cts.
—Have Just Added—
The Finest Line of Cigar8
In the City. Try Them.