IMOBU. À i- o., X y i «EÌII-WKEKLY w ‘«ken wlth , a,<-'oinpW|eii‘ h,k «i very U1Ufc u“1*' /Sí LU UCK'» r,“ih '■“rt 0“e olí! ',ut' TELEPHONE MINNVILLE, OREGON, MARCH 11, 1881 1 -“t* SAWjg^ re.'l‘»i»»ofut. je r last re>li ’Uisjeiently" !" SAID. Frederick th. «»tiling^ A, * ‘'rce8“G0|4. he most '¡d '»y in. char- '*”•> will cn- '■"P’-y, kidar, utiar , the contran !>' ’ rai eable to hy which blood is mads J'. " hich htt overrim w¡U ■in Hayti. THE o MIC ~ lie Nene», »TOffOn, MH ’ Weak B,wk i Almont in- it highly n. «ay» “I -pure Blood rs: “I han e with most est tomo io ST SIDE 'TELEPHONE. PRECIOUS STONES. ----- Issued------ ,-jRY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY —ui— MANY OF THEM THAT ARE LITTLE KNOWN BUT VERY VALUABLE. lonTisois BnilO. McMlmille, Oregon, --BY — alma fife Ac Turner, Fsblishsrs and Proprietors. How Diamonds Ar« Classified — The Agate, the Amethyst and the Emerald. Garnet and Bloodstone—A Long List of Valuable Gema. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ..............................................................................»? 00 “Our people have to be educated in the matter of appreciating certain valuable stones. The people of London and Now rceaiouths........................... "¿1....................... 3 York are thoroughly posted on the sub­ tiered iu the Poatoflice at McMinnville. Or., ject of stones, and therefore they know ‘ as second-class matter. the value ot them. Out here the diamond ia looked upon as the most valuable—in the only really precious stone that y. V. JOHNSON, M. D. fact, there is. As a consequence we labor un­ der a disadvantage, as compared with Xorthweit corner of Second and B street», dealers in tlie east. Of course, I know OREGON. tliat there are some hero who are informed (XXV1LLB ou the subject of precious stones, but I , hr tyin l at bl. uffiue wh.u nut abwat ou pro- mean that as a class our people have much to learn. For instance, if I were to usk almost anybody that came in here if LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH, he would like to buy an Alexandrite he would not know what I meant. ’ ’ “Tell ine something about gems. What lysicians and Surgeons, is an Alexandrite?” M c M innville , oregon . “It is dark green in color by daylight and dark rod at night. It is named after Office over Braly’s Bank. the czar of Russia, and owes its celebrity to its prominent hues of red and green, the chosen emblematic colors of that S. A. YOUNG, M. D. empire’s flag." I “Ls it true that you can’t break a dia­ mond?" Physician and Surgeon, * ‘A diamond will crack or break as any IIXNVILLE - • - OREGON. other stone, but tho cracking will reduce Ice and re’¡deuce oh D street. All call» promptly $1,003 to nothing, spite of the vulgar cred day or night. tradition that you ‘can’t break a ilia- i mond. ’ Only about one iu ten ls royal, the others lxjing black or colored (useful dr . g . f . tucker , iu the arts).” DEATIST, VALUATION OF DIAMONDS. “How do you get at ths value of dia­ [1NNVILLE - - • OREGON. monds ?” “The valuation of gems is arbitrary, Ice-Two doors east of Biughaiu’s furniture depending on many considerations. Among ughing gas administered for painless extraction. them is ‘water.’ If perfectly limpid, like a drop of the purest water, it is classed ‘first water. ’ Color comes PRICE, next. Colorless ranks highest, whit­ ish next, while tle merest suspicion of green or blue rather heightens the rank ot white stone3. Rose comes next, aud then yellow or amber, but they must all be perfect in water and flawless UpStairs in Adams’ Building, to rank among the first class. OREGON I minnville “What about agates?” “They are translucent to transparent— all colors. Agates are built up layer on layer, hundreds to the inch. STER POST BAND, Those sometimes stained by mangmmese or iron in moss like figures and veins (moss agates), The Best in the State. sometime« closely resembling persons and prepared to furnish munic for all occasion» at reason things, command very high prices.” able rate». Address “Can you give me a chapter on the ” i. J. KOWLANI), amethyst? “It is transparent, purple or violet in Business Manager, McMinnville. color. A cluster as mined generally con­ tains other crystals of blue, green, yellow, M’MINN VILLE red, gray and white. The red crystals are properly rose quartz, the clouded ones smoky quartz; the green aro prase, the yellow ‘false topaz’ and the perfectly clear Corner Third and D streets, McMinnville are rock, crystals. The finest rock crys­ tals are found in great numbers near Hot Springs, Ark., in ‘Diamond mountain.’” GAN BROS. & HENDERSON, “What is a hard stone aside from the diamond?” Proprietors. “The aquamarine—a transparent beryl of greenish blue. It is a lovely stone-sis­ 'he Best Rigs in the City. Orders ter of tho emerald, and very hard. It will cut all the amethysts, but not the topaz, imptly Attended to Day or Night, and is not affected by acids. The chryso­ beryl (cat’s eye) is very hard, but ranks below sapphires, rubies, etc. It is trans­ parent to translucent green in many shades. Tlie chrysoprase is apple green, aud some stones are very beautiful and BILLIARD HALL. highly valued.” “How does the emerald rank?” “The translucent or subtransparent and A Strictly Temperance Resort. green variety of the beryl, just as the aquamarine is the transparent and blue go«d(f) Church members to the contrary not­ variety, but it Ls very much more highly wit L standing. prized. Emeralds rank next to tlie dia­ mond, ruby and finer sapphire. Oriental is the green sapphire—very rare, Orphans’ Home” emerald very beautiful and very valuable.” “Are there stones that can be passed for TONSORIAL PARLORS, another?” “The garnet, which is transparent and only firjt class, and the only parlor-like »hop in the red, depends upon its value altogether on its looks, for it can often pass as a ruby." eity. None but “What is a bloodstone?” rst • elans IVorkiiru Employed “A variety of chalcedony of a deep green color, variegated with blood-red or yel­ indoor south oI YamhiU County Bank Building. lowish spots. It is properly called helio­ M l MINEVILLE. OREGON. trope.” “Name some other stones. I ve run H. H. WELCH. out.” HOTOGRAPHER Fruttini cspecuh'y easily ob* musimi* : no suoi; RID out menti, U U1FF1J o.. Cali. wy Feed and Sale Stables ORPHANS’ HOME” ■R! .fre. nielli S an w cd. tV [ of general interest . r-Labrador, twice as large as the pti*