NOTE* AND NI WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. When the announcement was made 8, 1887. at Murry, Idaho, of tin annexuton ol the panhandle to Washington, tliirtv- nine guns were filed in honor of the There was a lively encounter on the event. Tho enthusiastic crowd will now Mexican frontier between some Mexican take it all back, and fire the pocket veto. soldiers and American citizens, the oth­ S ackam : nto , March 7.—Ernest F. er day, in which several shots were ex­ changed. United States troops have Schleman, the voting man, arrested last been ordered to the scene of the trouble week for endeuvoting,to defraud the postoffice here by forged money orders, which is liablo to become serious. had a hearing before a United States George Franklin Anderson, the alleg­ commissioner, and was held to await the ed lawyer, arrested in London for swind­ acton of the jury. He was taken to ling Charles Deakin, of Susquehanna, San Francisco, and made a written con­ Pa., out of large sums of money under fession after his arrest. a pretense of prosecuting a suit for the The southbound Texas express on tlie recovery of u large English estats to Iron Mountain railroad went through a Which De.ikin believed he was heir, was trestle bridge a few miles no-th of l)e convicted and sentenced to five years’ Sota, Missouri, Saturday night. The penal servitude. train consisted of two baggage, one ex­ Cleveland was so tender to the law­ press, one smoker and two passenger defying Mormons that he permitted the ears and four sleepers, and carried in all Edmunds-Tucker bill to become a law 130 passengers. The cars plunged into w ithout his signatUM». Saturday he con­ the river, but as far as reported only vinced the brethren of Latter-duys that two persons were killed. David I’.ynon, the Lord and Grover were with them, by of De Sota, Mo., and Sam Meyer, a pardoning two polygamists out of the brakeman, blit many other persons Utah penitentiary. With hie little were .seriously injured. The legislature passed an act reim­ pocket vetoes and Mormon pardons, Cleveland is paving the way for perma­ bursing certain counties for money paid by them to the state as taxes due on nent retirement two years hence. mortgages assessed in 1883 and 1831. Henry Ward Bee.dmr was stiicken lltliorrgb these counties paid the state with apoplexy Saturday morning and his its portion of the taxes on mortgages condition has n it changed, At list ai- issessed, they thems.-lves failed to cob counts lie was giudually sinking ami 1 'ct them, on account of the injunction may not survive the night, Beecher has iss red from the United States district lain in an unconscious corn! it ion since court. These amounts have heen placed Saturday afternoon, and has not, since to the credit of these counties in the that time, given any evidence that he office of tlio state treasurer. They are recognized any person about his bedside. as follows: Douglas county, $2271.68; His breathing is hard and lm I an lost Polk, $2562.55; Marion, $1133.54: Wash­ the power of moving his body. ington, $2577; Clackamas,$1400.43 Uma- t Ila, $2421 ; Linn, $2891.70; Yamhill, Mr. Cleveland has not done himself $1018.79; Multnomah, $2620.24; Co­ ciedit in the closing days of tho session, lumbia, $139.19; total, $21,987.74. He lias been unreasonable, stubborn and arrogant, His silly refusal toattend npon the senate Friday fore-noon was made ludicrous by his appearance Two acres of land just across the creek in Hie nick of time to save the bill pro­ from town, near the college. Will be viding tor the white house kitchen sold cheap on account of the ow ner leav­ Other presidents, bigger and better men ing. Inquire ot J. Todd. McMinnville, 52tf than Mr. Cleveland, have not deemed it Oregon. a violation of the presidential dignity to be where they were needed when they Notice. were needed. Owing to thè change in our business McMtNSVlLI-E, TrxLDAY M aic ii Personal friends of Piesident Cleve­ land say he is beginning to display un­ mistakable symptoms of excessive ap­ plication to business dining the last month, especially as he has been sub­ jected to wear and tear of the most try­ ing kind, keeping him at his desk until far into the night without interfearing with his habit of early rising. Now con­ gress has adjourned it is his intention to seek a respite from official cures, and he has already promised that he will spend a week or two in New Yoik. MAS0VWJD2 BALL ! ------- AT----- All Mankind are engaged in Hie struggle GARRISON S OPERA HOUSE Wednesday light. Marth Sili, 1SS7. Tickets, including supper ut the new Cook Hotel, $1.50. Everybody invited Good music will be in attendance, and good order will lie preserved A handsome prize will be given to the best lady und gentleman masquerader. Almighty Dollar. After getting it the next thing is to Expend it Judiciously. CITY STABLES, IF YOU WANT McMinnville, Oregon. Henderson Bros. Props. Everything new ar.d in First-Class Order Patronage respectfully solicited. ltf Congress adjourned Friday and the Benate, for the first time since Cleve­ land’s innaugration, compelled him to visit the capitol. He had announced he Would not visit the capitol, and all bills requiring his signature must lie brought to the executive mansion. Half an hour before the adjournment, a committee ot three senators was appointed to wait on the president and inform him that con­ gress was ready to adjourn. The com­ mittee unanimously refused to go to the white House, maintaining Hint it was the custom for the p.esident in the clos­ ing hours of the session to be within convenient reach of congress in the room provided for him at the capitol, When Cleveland heard thia he hurried post haste to the capitol and received the committee. Monsignor Straiuei u, in a rep'ort to the Vatican on the condition of the Catholic church in the United States, gives a statement concerning the organ ization of Knights of Labor. He thinks the eociety is honest in its endeavors to secure the objects of the organisation, which are peaceful, and in that belief the large mass of workingmen have given it suppott. Religious or political feeling does n >t control the society as a body. The objects sought to be obtain­ ed are generally made known when particular acton l.y the body is decided upon. The question as a social problem has its interest centered in America, and disturbances have occuted between the members ot this body and those who opposed them. Hometimes it is with the authorities, but it is difficult at all times to cheek the passions of people accustomed to independence in speech and freedom of action. The working men of America are mostly memliers ol lhe Catholic church and should be p op- erly heard before an edict of o.ndeiiina- tion is issued against pai tieiicit on in . McNt society w hich they Lielieve to tie beneficial to them. O regon , Wagons,'Bug Jos ;and Carriages. Binder Twine, Belting, Oils, and Machine Supplies of all kinds. Prescription Druggist, Call and See Us. And he will give you as much val­ ue for your hard earned dollar as any man in Oregon. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN L-N that the tax books of Yamhill County for the yaur 1886. arc now in nn hands’for collection, ami that myself or de­ puty will visit the various precincts of said Harrow,e present at said appointments and settle tneir taxes, or pay the same to me at my office bv the Until April 1 This is a bona-fide SLA EGHTER SALE ANNOUNCEMENT. Call first of April, os required by* law. If not ami goods and prices and you will be convinced ol- the fact that this is no hum­ then paid we will be necessitated to follow bug examine Sign of the Big Boot. the constructions of the law. T. J. HARRIS, 62t4 Sheriff and Tax Collector. CLOSING OUT SALE Boots & Shoes, —For the Ad. of— AV holesa le Cost —Which will soon appear.— Opposite the Grange Store. P. F. BROWNE. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA FOR SALE. f.A ICK TURPIN. 76 P. C J. C. C. R. J- J Cplor, rich golden vellow; Bred by W J Nesmith. Derry. Oregon; ralved in 1882; sired by Dixie; dam. Jessie. 133 P (■ J C C R Property of Addie Bralv This tine bull will be kept on River­ side Farm F ee —$5 Payable nt time of service. 72ni3 kcminnville crossing MAC IIINKIW. First-class accommodations for Ccnnner- cial men and general travel. Transient stock well cared for. Oregon & California R. R. DICK TURPIN and carlton , Warehousemen and Grain Buyers. M c M innville , Farm, Dairy and Mill CALL UPON And Connections. Fare to San Francisco, $32; Sacramento $30, Close connections made at Ashland with stages of the California, Oregon and Idaho Stage Company. jSFew Opening’ ! A. J. APPERSON, ---- HEADQUARTERS FOR----- Staple and Fancy Dry Goods (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) East Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND and ASHLAND. Mall Train. In McMinnville, Oregon. ARRIVE. LEAVE. At present there is great danger of a general Btrike among the shoemakers of New York city. The leaders of the or­ ganization to which the men belong have derived considerable encourage­ ment from the result of lhe last stiike, consequently they are very confident and rather arrogant in their dealings with tho manufacturers. District assembly No. 91 has devised plans for making new demands upon tire shoo manufacturers for a general increase of wages, and nt the samo time of cutting down the num­ ber of hours of woik. The manufact­ urers say il tho demands of tlie men are insisted upon, the result will be that shoe manufactiping will be driven from the city and the business ruined. Barnekoff, Thomason & Swanson, Splendid warehouses, complete with latest improved machinery. Thorough and Iona experience ill handling grain. Highest cash price paid for all kinds of Grain. 5 ------- Also, dealers in------- Anything to be found in a first class Drug Store Third Street, between E and F. wo noeti all thè money due us. So all who owe us please culi and settle at once. R ogers & T odd . 49tf A PIECK OF VALUABLE PROPER- V tv consisting of 51L acres one mile from North Yamhill, Oregon This piece of land will be sold cheap on easy terms The property has a good house and out build­ ings, two good wells, a first-class brick yard, a good young orchard and small fruit of all kinds Will also sell II a good Imtcher shop in North Yamhill. For further particulars address .1 L ( ASTLE, North Yamhill. Oregon. 68tf Steel and Chined crows, bulky. Gang 1 hrmme and steel bkem harm Wagon», and talking Plows, Harrows and Spring Wagons, and Cnltivatcr» cf all kinds. everythmg on wheels. Portland 8:00 A. M.[Ashland Ashlaud ..8:4ft P. M (Portland ERNEST BOLLACK. 4:00 A. M. 8.4ft I’. M. Albany Express Train. ARRIVE. LEAVE. I Jewelry Work Neatly Done. Portland 4:00 P. M.I Lebanon 9:20 P. M. Lebanon .4:45 A. M. I Portland 10:05 A. M. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars ---- Sole Agent for the Celebrated1----- IBroadhead Di’ess (roods. An Assortment of these Popular Goods In all the Latest Novelties, New and Desirable Colorings, Just Received. PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. Daily between Portland and Ashland. What we Guarantee for the Dress Goods of our Manufacture: O. 7:30 A. M | Corvallis 12:25 P. M. Corvallis 1:30 P. M I Portland 6:15 P. M. can be washed if desired, without the least injury to the fabric. At Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Our goods are wool dyed, and the colors are as fast as the purest dyes and greatest Pacific R. R. for Yaquina Bay. AMITY, OREGON. care and skill can make them. Express Train. Goods show just what they are and will be until worn outr as there is no weighting, MUTI ARRIVE. Portland 4:50 P. M.IMcMinnville« :00P.M. stiffening, or artificial lustre used to increase the weight or finish; as is the case widia SAM LIKENS, Proprietor. MeMiii’ville.") :45A.M.I Portland 9:00 A. M. Local tickets for sale and baggage checked large class of goods in the market, but which disappears after a few days’ service. Agents for the------- Blacksmithing and carriage ironing of As manufacturers we have taken great pains to supply an artirte in every way re­ at company’s up-town office, corner Pine every description. and Second streets. Tickets for principal liable, and unsurpassed by similar goods, either foreign- or domestic, and would respect' T points in California can only be procured at fully ask an examination of the various styles and shades to be found on sale by mer­ I». company’s office. chants who are agents for the goods. Ilorse Shoeing Corner F and Front Sts.,Portland, Or. Freight will not be received for shipment All goods of our manufacture should bear the name and trade mark of after five P. M. on either the East or West And plow work a specialty. Side Divisions. Broadhead Worsted Mills. Jamestown. N. Y. R. KOEHLER. E. P. ROGERS. M anager. G. F. & Pass. Agt. Also manufacture the M c M innville Keep on hand a complete stock of these ÎXjrCelebrated Oregon Iron Harrow, goods. Also a large and well as­ sorted line of New Blacksmith Shop! Bishop&Kay Ml MILLS GIVE ME A CALL. MANTO RD RAY. Gents’ Furnishing Goods, ---- Ladies’ and Gents’----- City Market, FTNE SHOES, KENYON & RAY, Proprietors, AND fine (Successors to W. F. Bangasser. ) Worsted Clothing FRESH MEAT Of all kinds and of the best quality kept constantly on hand. All kinds of Game in Season. In all the latest Styles and Patterns, which for tit ami quality cannot be beat. Call and see our spring goods before pur­ chasing else­ where. Corner Third and C Streets. Kirj i Stent ’te-s, McMinnville, Oregon Has been thoroughly renovated and is now ready to receive gram. storncc and Cleaning. 3 cents. Calcutta sacks constantly on hand and sold at the lowest rates. Farmers arc respectfully invited to call and see us. WM. GALLOWAY Prop Of the good things of this lit* are sorrowfully let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspcprda Tablets will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Constipation; wild on a positive guarantee at £5 aud vO cents, by O. W. Burt. L'rnggM —Dealers in— Prop., HUSSEY'S OLD —Carries a Complete Stock of— STAND Furniture and Undertakers’Goods. —Dealers in all kinds of— HORSEMEN! Flour and Feed V$ hen you want horse bills printed, reweffl' OTHO WILLIAMS, The Lowest Cash Price (Successor to A. M. Taggart,) —And— Merchant Tailor Delivered Free! febltf To any part of the city. Fine Tailoring a Specialty. W. H. BINGHAM. Groceries and Provisions. —Goods sold at— liilicst Market Price Paid for Wheat. tf F urniture S tore , 50tf her that the T elephone office is unsurpassed in facilities for doing this and all other kinds of Job Printing. Good work. Low prices« MILLINERY I Alillinsr Done! C. H. FLEMING, Prop. 1 would most respectfully announce that I have leased the Chris Newby Flouring Mill in Happy Valley, have thoroughlv overhauled and repaired it. and am now rcadv to do grinding for toll or cash. Omtaos. Come and see me. Shaving. Hair (lilting and— - - - - Shampoing l'aria- Good Fit Guaranteed or Io Sale. McM Ladies' and Children's Work —A SPECIALTY.— J. A. VF.RSTF.EO. the Children. They are es- fwW pedal ly liable to sudden Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, ?tc. We guarantee Acker’s English ’demedy a positive cure. It saves oara of anxious watching. Sold by Gso. W. Burt, Dniggtet. a. Blood Elixir is the only r» Blood Remedy guaran­ teed. It is a positive cure for Ulcers, Erup­ tions or Sy pbihtie Poisoning. Itpurifiestbe whole system, and banishes all Rheumatic and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it. i ® jo . W. Burt, Druggist. p\cc McMinnville Baths! —At the Millinery Tarlors of— Hot and Cold Baths, 25 Ct». —Have Just Added— The Finest Line of Cigars HATS AT HALF PRICE. In ths City. Try Them-