M’M INN VILLE, OREGON, MARCH 8, 1887 WEST SIDE 'TELEPHONE. I Mr. C. M. Vandoren of King county, AGRICULTURAL NOTES. W. T., was found dead in his bed, evi­ ---- Issued---- dently having died of heart disease. A Column Devotad to the Intereau of Farmer Devotod Principally to Washington Territory He was a man of affairs and at the and Stockmen. EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY and California. Nou time of his death was county com­ —!■— Potash fertilizers have decidedly A military company is being organ­ missioner. Garrison's Building. McMinnville, Oregon, improved the desirable qualities o Chas. J. Poung has been pardoned ized at Visalia, Cal. -BY — Terrible Earthquake-lt Causes the out of the Idaho penitentiary. He fruits wherever applied. The bay at Seattle is swarming with Taluni^« & Turner, ISeath of Over Two Thou­ California claims the largest squash was sentenced in 1883 for ten years tomcod and flounder*. sand People. lublishera and Proprietors. for robbery, and now it is said the evi­ of the season. It was raised at Loui Dayton, W. T., has a new city dence is conclusive that he is inno­ poc, and weighs 251 pounds. L ondon . Further dispatches con­ SUBSCRIPCION RATES : building which cost $3,800. cent of the crime. cerning the earthquakes in Southern The farmer who does not fence in "I have used Simmons I.tver One year................................. ................... |2 00 Europe state that although there have Walla Walla people have’subscribed his stock when living along the line of Regulator for many years, hav­ Six mouths............................ ...................... 1 25 About twelve cases of smallpox of a Three mouths........................ ....................... 75 been no further shocks at Nice, the about $500 for immigration purposes. light form now exist in Los Angeles, a railroad, not only runs the risk ing mad« It my only Family i ’ of Modlclne. My mother before Klickitat county’s (W. T.) peach Cal. The disease is supposed to have losing valuable animals, but endan- Entered in the Post ottica at McMinnville. Or., panic has not yet subsided, and fugi­ me was very partial to It. It Is as aecoiid-chiss matter. tives are fleeing in every direction. crop was killed by the recent storms. been brought from Mexico. Two gers the lives of travelers. a safe, good and reliable medi­ The peojile are afraid to re-enter their cine for any disorder of the The residence of Mrs. W. R. Simp­ deaths have occurred. It is stated it The liberal use of dry dirt will ' as system, and If used In time la and hotels, and tlie hights son, near Seattle, was burned. Loss, will not become epidemic. sist in removing the pungent i and of H. V. V. JOHNSON, M. D. houses o (/rr.it preventive of ulekiein. back of the city are crowded with re­ $2,100. fensive odors of the cow Btable. . Once I otten recommend it to my Henry Hillman, a Norwegian in­ Northwest corner of Second and B streets, fugees. 1 wo thousand English, Amer­ friends, and shall continue to Francisco Silvio was mangled be­ mate of the French hospital at San a week a good sprinkling of a solution do so. M c M innville OREGON. ican and Russian visitors are camped yond recognition by a tiain at Oak­ Francisco, committed suicide by shoot­ I of copperas will also prove beneficial. "Rev. James M. Rollins, out on the elevated ground. Six thou land. Cal. "Pastor M. E.Church, So. Fairfield,Va.” Well drained, and deeply tilled ing himself in the head. Among the May bo found »t hi» office when not abiont on pro­ sand persons have left the citv and fes >iuual bustneai. F. M. Green was killed at Tomb­ effects of tlie deceased were two bank land stores warmth to such an extent TIME AND DOCTORS' BILLS SAVED started for Paris. A son of Albert N. i as to prolong the Beason of growth altrai/s keeping Simmons Liver Hathaway, American consul at Nice, stone, A. T., by a slide of ore on the I books calling for over $1,700. Kegulator in the house. I and obviate risks of frost that other- IITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH, was seriously injured. There hae dump of a mine. A man named Thomas Rowe was i wise might reduce profits of culliva- "I have found Simmons Liver A Helena (Mon.) thief tried to found in a frozen condition near Oro­ | tion materially. been no further disturbances at Monte Regulator the best family med­ Physicians and Surgeons, Carlo. Tlie place is filled with thou­ steal the contribution box from the ville, Cal. He had been to the Moun­ icine I ever used for anything The agricultural fairs of 1886 showed that may happen, have used It tain House and was returning home. M c M innville . O regon . sands of refugees from Cannes, Nice, Oatholic Church. In Indigestion. Cotte, ISlareham. j more and better horses than ever be­ Parties near the house heard cries for Mentone and San Hemo. It is diffi- Mrs. Taylor Richardson, of Pom- Office over Braly’s Bank. liiliousness, and found It to re­ cult to find shelter for the great num- ' eroy, W. T., was adjudged insane and help, and went out and found him and fore. There is no branch of our im­ lieve Immediately. After eat­ proved stock breeding as progressive brought him in, but he soon died. ing» hearty supper, if. on going her of people, and many of them are taken to the asylum, and prosperous as the draught-horse to bed. I take about a teaspoon­ compelled to canqi out. A more con­ S. A. YOUNG, M. D. Police Judge Clement of Stockton, intertst, nor any one that is as profit­ The telephone line is up and in ful, I never feel the effects oi fident feeling, however, prevails. . working order between „„„„„ Coeur d’Alene Cal., went gunning in a boat on the the supper eaten. able. Gaming has been suspended and the and Wardner, Idaho, San Joaquin river, accompanied by "OVID G. SPARKS, Physician and Surgeon, Cows need light, not only for their band ¡ b playing on tlie terrace for the ' "Ex-Mayor Macon, Ga." j his son, aged 13. When near Rough M c M innville • - - cbegon purpose of restoring confidence to the ! ■ Officers are stopping the salmon and Ready the boy fell overlioard and owu health and comfort, but because •» ONLY GENUINE-®» that ht.s been - going I spearing - - on in J was drowned, and the father nearly good butter cannot be made from the Otnce and re-iilence on D street. All culls promptly frightened people. Has our Z Stamp on front of Wrapper. Mtewemd day or night. Additional details concerning the I Sonoma county, Cal. met the same fate in attempting to milk of cows kept in dark stables. J. H. Zeil in & Co., Sole Proprietors, Air, light, cleanliness and warmth are i damage by the shock show that in There is an iron mine one mile west I eave his son. Price, »1.00. mil ADELI’HIA, PA. four essentials of a cow stable where DR. G-. F. TUCKER, some cases villages built on the moun- I Cheney, W. T., the ore from which A score more of Chinese were ex­ cows are kept for profit. tain side were toppled into the valleys, »«»ays 40 per cent. iron. pelled from Livingston, Montana, and dentist HOME AND FARM. Three railway trains have been dis All fowls that feather slowly are The losses of sheep in Meagher and started west on the N. P. R. R. The M c M innville - - • O regon patched with food and a number of Fergus counties, Montana, to date will cause for warning the Chinese to leave usually hardy. For instance, the —Without fresh, clean water, no bird sent to assist them. I foo --------------------- t UD up at least Office Two doors east of Bingham's furniture soldiers have _ been foot least 10.000 10,000 head. head. was the discovery of the dead body of Brahmas. It is owing to the fact that can be healthy. —Exchange. •tore. R ome . —Details have been received . an unknown man in an opium joint, tlie drain on the system occasioned —Potatoes require the most potash, Laughing gis administered for painless extraction. The State Firemen ’ s Tournament of the results of the earthquakes, I I will be held at Napa, Cal., this year on whose taking off, an autopsy attri­ by quick feathering does not weaken beans the most lime, corn the most showing that the effects were far more | them. Slow feathering while grow ­ i phosphoric acid and the cereals the most buted to “hitting the pipe.” 6 the 12lh’ 13th and 14111 of May serious than was thought. ThL'Ts ’._ ing is indicative of hardiness. W. V. FIHCE, iftrogen.—.V. Y. Telegram. California now has 121 posts G. A. Wm. Selover, now in Chicago, writes of life and destruction of property is J . If your garden plot is selected rake —If buttermilk is used for griddl* This shows I to a prominent citizen of Tacoma that learned to have been terrible. q’j]e j R., with 6,44o comrades, cakes it should lie diluted one-third with it over as soon as the weather will per ­ most startling news comes from Genoa I the membership lias doubled in two I two smelters of fifty tons capacity each mit and burn up every vestige of grass water, so as to prevent the cakes becom­ | day, instead of one, will be erected, Riviera. Over 1,500 people were killed I years. and weeds, so as to destroy not only ing »t’cky.— Cincinnati Times. (S Up Stairs in Adams’ Building, Clara Whitney, aged 19, the wife alsd a refinery. The machinery for seeds, but insects. in that district. At the village of —Who has not seen a dirty cat. that A covering of __ the smelters lias already been pur­ straw, leaves or stalks, burned over would have been handsome but for the Bayardo, situated at the top of a hill, of Norman Whitney, committed sui- MoMINNVILLE OREGON chased, and it is stated that they will discoloration. Such a one may lot a number of the inhabitants took re­ I cide at Marysville, Cal., by taking rat the ground, will be of advantage. be in operation on or about June 1. thoroughly cleaned by washing in warm fuge in the church when the shocks I poison. The winter packing in the West At Oakesdale, W. T., W. S. Dixon, last year was 6,300,000 hogs; the waler ami drying before the fire, comb­ were first felt. Subsequent and greater ___ ’.2.2.21 __ 1 has __________ „ Lieutenant J. J. Shaw run away CUSTER POST BAND, shocks demolished the church, and i from Fort Douglass, U. T., to avoid a respected farmer living near Latah, average for the past five years is ing a id briisii'ng at the same time.— 300 of the people who were in it were ' court-martial for duplicating his pay brought in a load of grain, and after 6,010,000; lor the preceding period Chicago Journal. The Best in the State. —A lamp standing for some time in * unloading the same he bent down to of five years, 6,590,000, and for ten killed. The destruction of property j accounts. I b prepared to furnish music for all occasions at reason cold room and then filled full of coal-oil, | pick up the tugs of his harness, which in sections of Italy visited by the able rates. Address Farmers around Walla Walla have years 6,300,000—the latter number mi ict to i j lail been loosened previous to his un- corresponding with last wintei’s total will run over through the expansion of was immense and wide­ signed the wheat freight contr oil when taken to whore it is warm. N. .T. ROVVLAAI), earthquake 1 000 000 ¡loading, and while thus stooping fell spread. the amount of about Business Manager, McMinnville. The sow that has a litter of pigs re­ Th n the lamp mav lie blamed for leak­ ’ ’ I over dead. He leaves a wife and A renewal of the earthquake shocks bushels. quires plenty of water, Her food ing. To obviate this, never fill the lamp | family. has occurred in the southern section The locomotive engineers on the should be sloppy, but pure water quite full.— N. Y. Times. M’MINN VILLE A west bound freight, special, struck of France. — If you would have orderly stock, go Pacific division of the C. P. R. R. should be provided also, She should a broken switch rail at Tamarack, Cal. Nice, Cannes and Mentone are half around the pa'-ture and put the fence in deserted. Fears are expressed for the have petitioned the company for an I Two engines and three cars left the also have a mess of grass or cut hay, order before turning out the cattle. 11 1 track and knocked down 100 feet of 1 steamed with shorts (middlings) twice they find one weak place and get through safety of the Prince of Wales and the increase in pay. Corner Third and D streets, McMinnville Only a small allowance of a few times, it will lie almost impossible Sable, At Pataha, W. T., George A. ¡snowsheds. Brakeman Wm. Knee­ a day. Orleans princes, all of whom are in to make that spot strong enough to the section of country wheie the a hardware merchant, fell dead in his land was killed. The engineers and corn meal is necessary. LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON, earthquakes prevail. store. The deceased leaves a family firemen escaped with light injuries, Fowls are so provided that they can stop them. — Troy Times. grind any kind of food eaten. Grind­ j The engines are badly wrecked. — Sandwiches—Chop ham very fine, The latost reports from the various in good circumstances. Proprietors. A building occupied by Sam Cregor cities and towns stricken by earth At Moran, the northern terminus of ing the food for them is therefore not season well, and place between two quakes are to the effect that 2,000 per­ as a general merchandise store, at he Nevada & California Narrow necessary, unless for the purpose of slices of nicely buttered bread. Than The Best Rigs in the City. Orders sons were killed. The damage and Tunnel City, W. T., collapsed from Gauge, Vacquero Dubois shot and feeding a mixture of variety that can­ with a sharp knife cut off the crusts, and diagonally across the rest, making Promptly Attended to Day or Night. loss of life is confined to a belt ex­ the weight of snow on the roof. killed George Blethen and mortally not be given them in any other shape. cut two little three-cornered sandwiches. tending but a few miles inland from ■ Active work has begun toward the wounded John Cooney. Both were They should always have plenty of These are very dainty looking. — The the sea, interior towns having suffered construction of a direct and practical employed in the sawmill. Heescaped gravel for grinding purposes. Caterer. Some of the best paying farms in but slightly, although shocks were wagon road from Ellensburg to the on foot, but owing to the snow, it is —Oilcloths should aot be scrubbed preceptible thioughout a wide area. thought impossible for him to get out the United States consist of almost Wenatchee and Okanagan mines. with a brush, nor should strong soap­ pure white sand, but they are devoted suds of the country. BILLIARD HALL. he used upon them, as this dims til* R. W. Helm, of Goldendale, W. T., The bill to create the Agricultural James Boland, a young man living to fruits and poultry, thus economiz- recently purchased a band of 200 on the mountain above Cedarville, ' ing labor and space. The success of colors and destroys tho fibre. Wash Department has passed both houses. A Mtrletly Temperance lteaort. them every week with warm milk and ____ _____ farmer does not depend so much up- In New York Otto White killed a horses from Dr. Richardson of Wasco, Cal., was _____ frozen — to — death. He hi left water, w i « ivi | miwwsuK allowing <• a '|ii<»i quart e w/i of onuu skim • milk *•••! to paying therefore the sum of $13,000. home on horseback with the intention j ^,e quMity of the soil as upon the a pail of warm water, and wiping a after Stii.e goodltl Shurcli memtieni to the contrary not servant girl and shot his step-mother. withstanding. Two human skeletons have been of visiting his sister at Cedarville | k’ni^ 0' croP8 an net. —Flaky Soda Blscid!: Mix together large and of fine quality. by the Senate, $5,000 of the appropria­ If you have a horse that is in the a quart of very dry flour, a toaspoonful — the organ in the Stewart Cathedral tion for the Lower Willamette and Frank Pittman while carelessly ! captain could not pay their wages, for habit of kicking, put him in a narrow of baking soda, two of crenm of tartar •t Garden Citv is. it is sa d. the larges' Columbia is to be used on the river in handling a revolver at the Long Tom , which they brought suit, resulting as I stall that has both sides thickly and a sauspoonftil of salt; pass through in tlie world, being in tact live organ­ front of Portland, Or. } mines near Bakersfield, Cal., acciden- I above. Indians arrived at Victoria, B. C., padded. Suspend a sack filled with a sieve, then chop in two ounces of blit­ in one—the great, the swell, the olio r ______ ___ The schooner Samuel Daly of New tally discharged the weapon and killed ! from the west coast of Vancouver I hay or straw so that it will strike his ter or laid, and mix qu'ckly with m Ik the solo, the echo and the p.flal organs LondotTwas cut through by the ice at his comrade, Fred Moyle. 1 here are four manuals. 115 speak ng I island, report a large bark wrecked. ' heels, and let horse and sack fight it to make a very soft dough. Flour th» ■'ops. 7.262 pipes, and 43 couplers, me Saybrook point. Conn., and sunk. | The particulars of the murder of Out of the crew of twenty twelve were out. Be sure to have things arranged fsiard well, roll out sprinkle with flour, it over and roll out again; out ehamcal accessories and pedals, with a Captain Spaulding, his wtfe and child Mrs. Lyons in Napa county, Cal., drowned. The remainder are among so that the horse cannot hurt himself. double switch connecting the chimes with the and' three seamen got into the yawl, show it to have been a most brutal af­ ! the Indians. The vessel’s name is un­ | The sack will be victorious every time, into b'scuts half an inch thick. Bake in very hot oven about tifte<*n minutes.— nrgan. so that both may be operated but before it could be freed from the fair; the coroner’s jury recommended known. A steamer will likely be sent and in the end the horse will abso­ a Uoslon Uud'tet. i vessel it went down. The captain and that the murderer be lynched. from one key-board.—..V-. Y. Sun. ; to their relief. The lighthouse keeper lutely refuse to kick the sack or any — The Na'oval Stockman thinks colts one seaman were saved, but the others — The Scotch Presbyter an Church of A young man named Fred Kenyon, at Cape Beale reports large quantities thing else. are weanod too late. It shvs : “A s a Jersey C'ty has recently boen relieved were lost. Mrs. Spaulding’s body was 18 years old, accidentally shot him- of new planks floating in the straits, In experiments made by the French I rule colts are weaned too Into in the of a burdedsome debt, which threat­ I found floating, being held up by her seif at Virginia City, Nev., while tain- j branded “P. L. Co.” i'hi'V should have time to Government a minimum quantity of' season. ened the loss of their house of worship. ! clothing. . . '*----- nightfall _:u j — wild i__ ducks infest * .i__ the I suit allowed daily to cows produced learn to eat heartily of other foods ■!r. George R. McKenzie, who pa d oil Charles Klose, a Schleisingerville, pering with a shotgun, receiving in- , / After Oxen f(ne into his wife’s head, as she bv telephone wire with Goldendale, W. number». They have nearly devasted coats, while others receiving no sail which w II allow both It and its dam to • wild cont nue to be called bv its old was kneading bread, killing her m- T. The wires have been stietched 4<>0 acres on the Curry farm. Henry wciemangy, rough and ill-conditioned. go into winter quarters in better shape “»me, “the Scotch Presbyterian Goodman, the foreman, after ex [Kiri The amount allowed was : For fatten than if the wean ng Is po-tponed until I nnreh.“ and that the music should be ' stantlv He then tried to shoot limi- across the Columbia river, and the minting with numerous devices to ing stall oxen, two and one-half ounces October or November. If the mare is kept breeding, and has not anything 1 M of the huin.iu voice alone. —.V. i. self, but merely blew away one cheek. line will be finished in a short time. frighten them away, at last hit upon I each per day ; fattening pigs, one to I He locked the doors, poured kerosene lime«. At the auction sale at Port Town­ the project of burning candles during j two ounces, according to size; sheep, e se to do but to breed and nurse her colt«, «ho will got along if the colt ¡e Y l n® Puhlic is reminded by the New 1 over the furniture and set the house send, W. T., of the wrecked bark the night. These are protected from one-half an ounce, and horses and ¡ not w anod until December; but the ablaze. When neighbors tried to en | Austria the hull was purchased by L , Evening Post that Adam and Eve the wind by sacks, and the fields are i mule», one ounce. Colt will not do «o well if put iiix.n fod­ "rit saW the light 6f day on the 28th of ter he reloaded one of the gun* and Waterman 4 Katz for $400. The en­ kept comparatively char of ducks. der and hav all of a sudden at that time One method of crossing grapes is to '■•toher, 4,004 B. C„ and. says the Post. blew out his brains. tire wreckage brought about $2,500. of year The young th'ng should bo Two Indians were married according remove the cap and apply the pollen Lh i ' i cur ’ olls that the anniversary Twenty-five thousand of the 75,OW taught to cat liefore it is weaned.” througnoui “ nd ? h< ’ vel ” ® ine " ‘ n to Christian ceremonies on the i from the variety with which it is de- Mor" k 1'aTe unwittingly selected prisoners confined in jails ee, clem mountains rejoice over the fact that rancheria at Chico, Cal., a Presbyter ­ ' sired to effect the cross; to remove all L.’ unveiling of the marvelous India were released, as an actor ciem _ * p|pntiful faU of ,now — tne spirit of conservatism which Is ian minister tying the knot. /The other flowers and to cover those re­ I "* °f Liberty, the fairest of Eve’s ency to commemorate the jubilee of When it melts it will furnish them an f*»ghters.” bride wore a handsome velvet dress, maining with fine pa|>er. Il is found supposed to obtain so firmly In Euro­ Quin Victoria. In Meeting the pean educational Institutions has ICon^'Pllrir4 Comstock, of Monroe jirisoners to be liberated, special pains abundant supply of water to work with orange blossoms at her throat I that in every case the |>ollen is ripe as yielded to the popular demand for tho and in her hair. After the ceremony I .trtrn as the cap begins to loosen. education K**1*?' Oregon, wore boots whose were taken to show leniency to 'e"1 J«* with. of women to such a degree five large stamp- al! the Indians of the neighborhood At Butte, M. T., With such experience it is naturally a K.®* w.ere fastened on with brass wire. All persons imprisoned for debt that they are now admitted to manv of for want of salt, approached and kissed the blushing ’ matter of surprise that any one should the leading universities of Kussia, Ger­ I .2? ’ 'he Ivaiher shrunk and ex- throughout India, where the debt was mills closed down Krr i* P'ece °f the wire. A small liberated, als.' stopping all the silver and copper bride. It was the first time that a : claim a cross breed when the applica- many. France and Belgium. The Influ­ • of the;ubiJee. In mines, and throwing 3,iXX) men out of r --------- --------- - ------------- r------- .. ■Sad •.01 th® w>re entered his foot and UDder 1 "J preacher had been calle 1 upon to ,...... per- 1 tion of the pollen ........ is made after the ence of these examplee will oertalnly E * its way up toward the knee. in commemor overnnient will pay employment on account of the »now I form a marriage for any of that tribe ; cap loosens, or merely because two have great weight in America.—Cur- Krp'Poi’oning set in and Comstock these cases the go'e blockade. I of Digger». I viue* grow in close proximity. r«.t*4 .. - - E"*-—tAicnyo Mad the debt«. ALONG THE COAST. FAULTLESSFflMILÏ MEDICINE , PHOTOGRAPHER Livery Feed and Sale Stables “ORPHANS’ HOME”