C î NCINNATUS. Inventor of the Theory that THE the Office Should Seek the .Man. The first itersoti to inaugurate the baneful theory that the office should seek the man—a theory which li.r ran • t more unhappiness than any other advanced in the great realm of politics—was a party called Lucius Quin- tius, or Cincinnatus, because he wore his hair in curls, also because he had at one time re­ sided in Cincinnati. In the fall of 458 B. C., after a long, dry season and a prolonged and futile bull move­ ment in which Cincinnatus went forth to summer fallow the west field, hoping by that process and a judicious rotation in crops to head off the chinch bug and the bears. He was a good deal depressed mentally and physi­ cally. Ho had been trying to break a new pair of wild and fractious 4-year-okl steel’s, and it had required a good deal of timing and perspiration to accomplish this. He had not yet fully succeeded, in fact, for every little while the steers would light out for the marsh nt n high rate of speed, and Cincinnatus would have to follow them through the dew­ berry patch in his bare legs, for Cincinnatus did not wear pantaloons winter or summer. I have given the reader a good view of Cincinnatus, as I remember him, in the ac­ companying drawing, which I have made in order that those who wish may set; the fea­ tures of the most celebrated po itician of all time. He was the man who fli’st advanced the doctrine that the office should seek the man, and ever since that time it is no uncom­ mon thing to see a man holding on by the plow bandit's and looking over his shoulder, expecting that a good office will climb the fence pretty soon and kianap him. Cinoinnatun waitin'/ to he kidnaped. Here, then, is Cincinnatus, the man who first made this discovery. The artist has happily caught the expression of this eminent man just as the office is in the act of seeking him. He has resolved to sell his life as dearly as possible. He will yield at last, however, and tear himself away from his precocious ■feel’s. In the distance, too far off in fact to work into this issue of the paper, is the toga of Cincinnatus. It is hanging on a tall pole as a flag, where he has used it to “sight”across the field while he struck out a long furrow. To look at the furrow few would lxjlievo that the great dictator intended to strike out for the flag. The artist has caught the true idea in this picture, and shows the great statesman and general in the pose of a thoughtful andphilan- thropicul man, who has fully decided that at the prevailing price of wheat he would care­ fully and prayerfully consider any overtures that might be made by those having the good of the people at heart. Cincinnatus was an austere man of the patrician stylo of architecture and carefully reached 1ns hair, as well as the tail of his Roman mule. He was im|Mu ious in the ex­ treme and courted an investigation whenever the papers got after him. He was the pioneel in this line. The day came at last when a dark horse wits needed and the chairman of the Roman central committee went to Cincinnatus to seek out the great man. The chairman is just getting over the barls'd wire fence and the eminent Roman agriculturist bus at that moment got his eye on him, as our artist rapidly transfers the portrait to canvas. It was but the work of a moment to unyoke old Brin and Bally and accept the office of dictator. Putting on his toga, the great man began to dictate in less than forty-eight hours. He wont to tin; house, washed his hands in a tin basin of cistern water, with soft soap, put some fresh fine cut in the in­ side pocket of his toga, and was drawing a salary on the following Monday at II o’clock. The first thing ho did was to call for more troops. He then marched against the enemy and captured overylx»dy. He then returned, having been dictator sixteen days at S2 per day. Ho drew his pay and resigned to accept the portfolio of buckwheater on his own property. VVe have no American today wlio could accept the command of our regular army, whip the Apaches, and bo back on the farm in sixteen days. And yet Cincinnatus con­ quered a hostile nation, paid the public debt, and got homo in time to do his fall plowing. If we read the history of CincinnAtus care fully and look thoughtfully at his equestrian portrait as it is her» presented we are forced to Admit that he was either one of the greatest men of whom wo know or that he wrote the matter up himself for one of the Roman magazines. Bdl Nye in Chicago News. Where n Lie Might be Improved. The champion liar hails from Pike county, Ind., and the following yarn is probably the greatest effort of his life: “A young lady who was watching my binding harvester at work fi’ll upon the tublo ami was carried up with tho grain. As the girl was about the size of a bundle, tho muchine did not recognize the difference, and so she came through with a neat little string around her waist. One of the harvest hands caught her as the machine ‘kicked* her out, and set her on the ground right si] is , his story would possess a coinpl«»teness and symmetry which would cause it to pa>« current everywhere as a great and unap­ proachable work of art.—Bostou Transcript Sauce for the G« iom >. A diminutive ls\v was trying to please the passengers and get a few p nnies by singing comic songs in a railroad car on a recent Sun «lay. When ho had finished and was pushing along tho aisle with outelretclicd palm, mak­ ing his ctfllix tions, a lady said to him: “Don't you know it's w ick«s! to sing songs on Sun­ day f” Tho youngster l«M»kud at her for a se< <»nl*tlnguisliing Char­ acter - i .«• «»• lb»* ( llh’an«» Prof. Mortimer E. Cooley, who holds No Costa R can lady or g-1111610110 is the ehair of mechanical engineering at Ann Arbor University, used to be Lieu­ ever embarrassed. They always know how to do and say the proper thing, tenant Cooley of the United States and while the r courtesy and goód navy, and, although lie holds a grave manners are sa d to be only sain deep, and honored position as a member oi lhey are the most charming of com­ the learned faculty of that institution panions, the most generous of hosts, and is quite an enthusiast in his pres­ and the mod polite of gentlemen. No ent work, he still looks back with long­ laborer ever passes a lady in the street ing at tlie jolly times he used to iiavv without 1 fting his lia’, and he always on board the good ship Quinnebaug. “During that cruise to Europe on the touches that alwavs d rty and gener­ Quinnebaug," said tiie professor in tin al v d.lapidat. <1 port on of his apparel course of a chat a few days ago, “w< when a gent eman passes him. If a anchored tor awhile oft' Consta itinoph lady approaches a group of men d g- opposite the Sultan’s pelace. The ofli- ' ng a cellar, repa r ng the street, or cor» at the palace somehow got the im­ what not. even though some of them pression that we were trying to flirt may Le hall naked, they always salute witli the women of the harem—the her res) ectfullv. and in the rural ais- harem looks out upon the water—and tricts no one ever meets you w thout to flirt with the Sultan’s women is a -aying “Mav God prosper the object of crime of very great magnitude in Con­ vottr journey,” or “May heaven smile stantinople. 1 don’t believe one on upon your errand,” or something in shipboard knew any thing about tlie -panish like that The same man w 11 harem, but that made no difference. swindle you out of your eve teeth if he Anyhow, to oblige the officials we gets a chan e, and it von ask him how moved down tlie river. One day twe far it is to the next place he will un­ of our boys—one < f them a hot-blooded doubtedly tell you a falsehood. He Kentuckian —were out on a little pleas­ doesn’t care a copper whether you ever ant trip, and were being poled down reach the end of y our journev. and has ard for y our welfare than the river in one of those Turkish boats no more rega by a native. One of the. boys soiled his the tica in the grass, but he r recognizes fingers somehow, and dipped them in a beautiful custom and says, “God be he meant the water and then dried them witli his good to you.” as if And ths >t for a blessing, handkerchief, tlie boat being at the politeness all classes permeates moment directly opposite tlie harem. and castes. If you entera store with a A soldier on duty at the palace saw the lady evi ry man there will salute you incident and thought, or pretended tu and remove lis hat out of respect Io think, that tlie young fellow was try­ her. On the streets the people will ing a handkerchief flirtation. He hailed stand aside to let you pass and it is the boatman and commanded him to nec -ssarv to do so, for the sidewalks are pull into land. The boys strongly ob­ often less than two feet wide. If y ou jected, but tlie soldier waved his yata­ go Ato a hotel oilice. a baiber shop, ghan anil tlie boatman, who seemed restaurant or any other public place much frightened, shot the boat to’ everybody present will salute yon with shore. The soldier could speak no ■ Bm nos Deos.” or some other friendly English and the young men could welcome. While there is not apártele speak no Turkish, Dut it was of sincerity about all this: wh le the evident tlie two were to be made <>b ect and eml of life in the Spanish prisoners. Notwithstanding their pro­ mode of ethics s to get along w th as tests and resistance they were locked little work and as much swindling as up in the palace guard-room and held poss ble. they are ce tainly to be in custody several hours. Then they praised for cheating you in the most were marched out and brought before pol te and agreeable manner possible. a magistrate. Tlie soldier told hi­ V >p in sii highwayman d es not swear story. Tlie young men tried to ex­ it you and command iou to g ve liim plain in English, and in French and in our money or your life; he makes a German, but neither the magi Irate 'rolemid l ow. p aces his hand upon h » nor any one else in tlie court could un­ icart. asstir'S you that lie is devoutb. derstand. The Kentuckian was hot ;i atetul that > ou are look ng so well and showed it. Just as the magistrate .nd regrets that he is .compelled by was about to pass sentence—and a se­ ■ess ng necess ties to request that von vere sentence it would have been —a v 1 lo in h m whatever valuables yo gentleman chanced to come into court ave upo 1 vour person. Then thank who was able to act as «interpreter. ng you for your promptness and Tlie young men explained that they out tesy in s; ar'ng him the pa nful were otlieers of the United States navy , I ty of slmot ng you through the h ad. and knew nothing about the Sultan's e vv 11 mount his horse and ride o harem, and would not touch one of his vitli a prayer that the Almighty will women with a forty-foot pole, any how. rotect you from the perils of your The boys were discharged with a ournev.— Ros ton Herald. caution. But tlie Kentuckian was too —•Ties open all night" ’is a sign in mad to let it rest there. As soon as he a New- York restaurant, and a Bowery got on board he told the story to the Captain, a hot-headed German; he got placard reads “Home-made Dining­ A West mad, too. He swore black and blue, rooms, Family Oysters.” and by all that was higli and holy, that Broadway restaurateur sells “Home­ if ample reparation and apology were made Pies. Pastry and Oysters.” An not forthcoming lie would shell tlie East Broadway caterer retails “Fresh Salt Oysters and Lager Beer.” A Sixth palace. 1 niigiit mention that the Quinnebaug was a little sloop with a avenue barber hangs out a sign read­ few old guns; and the whole Turkish ing "Boots Polished Inside.” On an­ navy, including a British man-of-war other street tlie following catches the .......................... Ironing ...... and ■ Going Out tlie Turks had just bought, was then eye: • "Wasliin ....................................... tho Day Done Here.”— N. K lying in the harbor. But, donner und by blitzen! the United Stales flag had Graphic. been insulted, and We would have to get satisfaction. The Captain went FAVORED BY FORTUNE. straightway to United Stales Minister Maynard and told the story, and he, People Who Invest Small Amounts and Se­ too, got mail. Why, he was the mad­ cure Large Returns. dest man of the three. He started for Scarcely a month passe» but what the palace, and pretty soon had a big complaint laid before tlie Sultan. The the papers are called upon to record result of it all was that a few days later what might be termed the luck of the Sultan and the Admiral of the Turkish navy came with all their some Californian in acquiring large guards and paraphernalia to visit tlie sums by means of small investments. Qiunnebaug and apologize to the in- It is an old saying that "nothing risked « ’’t-- young men salted otlieers. ’The nothing gained," and the practical ap­ were called up and the Ad­ mirai made a speech i in Turk- plication of this time honored maxim isli. The Captain received the apology to every day life is sufficient explana­ with gracious dignity, ami thus peace­ tion of the so-called “ luck” of many ful relations were once more estab­ lished between the Turkish nation ami business men. For several years past the Quinnebaug. The Sultan did the the daily papers have periodically con­ thing handsomely by sending us the tained itoniB detailing the manner in next day a present, of two brass cannon from his private arsenal.”— Chicago which well-known residents of this city and State have won prizes in the Lou­ ¡Tribune. isiana State Lottery. The drawings of THE MILAN SCALA. this admirably managed institution Interesting Fact. Concerning the Second occurs everyimonth, and with the same regularity as the rotation of months Large** Opera lIoiiNe in Europe. The Scala is situated in the very the announcements are made of peo­ heart of the city, within a stone’s ple who have risked a trifle and won throw of II Duonio ami not very far large sums—frequently a fortune. The away from the park. Wlirn you look last drawing occurred on Deceinlier 14th last, and as usual a resident of at it from tlie square ill front, standing San Francisco won a tenth part of the near the pedestal of the statue of the capital prize of $150,000. The fortu­ great Leonardo da Vinci, the Scala is nate holder of a coupon of ticket No. a plain, commonplace, uninteresting 93,174, which won that prize, was Nat. ediliee. devoid of laceworklike facings M. Raphael, the well known jeweler at or pompous Carrara marble. Its only 732 Market street in this city. To a outward ornament, in fact, is a minia­ reporter the gentleman said : “ I have ture arcade built on smooth pillars over tlie principal doorway . The in­ been buying a few coupon tickets every terior, however, is quite grandiose and month for the past seven or eight superb, witli its tesselated pavement, years. In the last drawing I held a its exquisitely groined roof ami artistic­ coujsin which was a tenth of the ticket ally set galleries. Next to tlie world- No. 93,174 and on the day following lenowned theater of Naples, the Scala the drawing when I read in the tel«1- is the largest opera house in Europe. graph columns of the Morning Call Its stage is of such immense propor­ that one of the number» I held had tions Unit in tlie recent ballet, “Amor” drawn the capital prize I was almost oue thousand dancers of both sexes dazed with surprise. I could hardly piroueted on its boards in one of tlie convince myself that I hail at last I n '- scenes with the utmost facility. eoine one of the fortunate ones of A11 lion gli it is open to the public only a few months every year, its pro­ whom 1 had so often read. However, prietor» make more money annually I finally realized that I was actually than those of any other similar estali- entitled to the money, so I immediate­ lishment in the world, for the price of ly went to the London and San Fran­ tickets varies from ten to three hun­ cisco Bank and de|x>»ited my ticket dred francs, and it rarely happens that for collection. Eleven days later I re­ there is a single seat vacant at anv ol ceived the full amount of $15,000 in the representations. Big "nobs’’ o' gold coin.” the aristocratic order ami rich banker- Another lucky man was Fred. R. and burgesses patronize it night aftei Brown, a shoemaker, living on Bitch , night during tlie season, ami conse­ street. To a rejsirter he stat«! that quently, altliongh the expenses an he had very frequently bought coupons j high, the receipts are far more so, en­ abling the managing company to com in the Louisiana State Lottery, but had maud the best talent, so far as actors, never won a dollar. He had almost actresses and musical eontposers ar< given up in despair when he bought1 concerned, while the stage accessories one-tenth of ticket No. 92.507 which are in all cases iinexecptionably sii drew one-tenth of the third capital prize $20.000. During the holiday perb. - Cor. San Franctsco Chronicle. week he had received the money, and he rejoiced that he had persisted in his effort» until success came to him.— San Francisco [Cal,) Call Jan. 5. yond Orillnury Mortal*. One of the most remarkable of these was Thomas Topham, who, about the year 1740, kept the Keil Lion public house at tho corner of City road. Al­ though of average size an I appearance., he soon attracted attention by his pro­ digious strength. Some of his feats are almost incredible. By striking an iron poker an inch thick on his bare arm he could bend it to a right angle, and pewter measures were crushed between his fingers. Standing on a platform he raised a weight of eight hundred pounds. He could break two-in li rope as a shopman breaks twine. VV hilst at Derby his performance was patronized by Mr. Chambers, the vicar of All Saints, a man of great weight in in­ parish—weighing, iu fact, twenty-seven stone. We know not whether the performer adopted tlie modern fashion of asking gentlemen from the audience to step up and assist him. but presume this to nave been the ease, and that among tlie rush of small boys on receiving the invita­ tion the reverend gentleman was ob served to gain tho platform. Here he was induced to lie down, and Topham. placing one hand tinder his body, gently raised him from the floor. The delight­ ed audience then beh dd Topham pros trate on his back, with three men, each weighing fourte -n stone, sitting upon him to keep him down, which they failed to achieve. In addition to his strength of body he possessed a powerful pair of lungs and a voice of great compass, of which he was intensely proud, so much so that ho sang a solo to tlie organ in St. Wer- bury’s Church, completely drowning that instrument and emptying the sa­ cred edifice of its terrified congregation Many of his feats were of a humor ous character. A hostler having had the temerity to insult him, he tied an iron kitchen spit round his neck, leav­ ing the ends protruding under his chin. Passing a watchman who was asleep in his box ho took up both box an I sleeper on his back, carried them some d stance, and threw them over a wail into a church-yard. The thoughts of a superstitious old man on being tlius rudely awakened from his dreams to find himself mixed up with his box and gravestones m ty be easily imagined. On another occasion a butcher, strug gling along under the weight of nearly naif an ox, which he carried on lr« back, happened to pass an open window at which Topham was seated in calm meditation, with his mug of b ler before him, and was surprised to find himself suddenly relieved of the weight, and as, oa looking up, lie failed to see any indications of his beef floating in the air, he fled in great ter ror, fully persuaded that his meat had gone to supply the table of the evil one. But Topham’s strength of mind was in inverse ratio t > that of his body. Maddened by his wifb’s inconstancy, he put an end to his existence, previ ously. lest site might too soon forget him. bestowing upon her a tremendous thrashing. A man who was for many years em­ ployed in carrying and delivering to subscrib rs tlie weighty opinions of tlie Hereford Journal, undertook, for a wager, a more difficult task. Nin ■ hundred and seventy pounds of wheat was packed into three bags specially constructed, and carried by him three times round the Hereford town hall. ()ne of the bags was placed on each shoulder; the other placed across an.I s icttrely fastened to them. Daniel Cu rton, a shoemaker, dis covering that he possessed enormous strength in his jaw, gave up his hones' calling and took to exhibiting himsell in public houses. One of his tricks was to place h:s hands under his arm pits, and, taking the glass between his elbows, carry it to Ills mouth, and in this way drink as much liquor as his admirers would pay for. He raised a large mahogany table with his teeth and flattened pewter pots by beating them between his elbows. Ho ha I a strong appetite for drink, which caused him to die in want. — London Til-llils. Since January 1st . mi . oou men on «trikt» at the E hm ._____ _ In the cure of severe coughs, weak lungs, spitting of bltKMi, and the early stwues of ( unmiin)dto», Dr. t ierce s “Golden Medical Discovery (shed the medical faculty. W bile the severest coughs, it strengthen« the system and purifies the blood. By drug- gists.______ __ ________ _ The Abyssinian» lost 5,01X1 nmn in their recent battles with the Indians in the Sou- When Baby was sick we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Ca- toria. When she became Miss, she dung to Caatoria, W hen she had ChUdren.Bhe gave them Castorla. RUPTURE PERMANENTLY CURED We will bay your fare from any part of United States to Portland and hotel expenses while here if we do not produce indisputable evidence from well-known bankers, doctor», lawyers, merchants and farmers as to our re­ liability in the cure of reduceable rupture or hernia, without knife, needle or sharp instru­ ment. You are secure against accident from the first day until cured, and the cure guaran­ teed permanent or money refunded. 1 on can work every day, no matter what your occupa­ tion. without Ganger or inconvenience. ( on ■ultatious free. Office hours from 10 to I dally. Correspondents will enclose slump for reply and address lire. Forden & Luther, rooms 8 and II. First National bulk. Portland. Oiegon. Mention this paper. I POWDER Absolutely Pure, Tt.’ls powder n«2/er A uwei ot »artt» wad whoK s mmeer. Mon «doaomlndu ' U m » onltaary kiu.ta, «.i d c&iinot be uold in ^2* ’«x» with ttho multitude of »ow tert4 shortw2! Ai’am or p! W’/i-te powdan oru . l ?»3Yaih lEUMXwa F dvdib » Ca 108 *'al. fl j” Cheap Land! TRADE S58Í MARK. aras» Absolutely Free from Opiates, Emetics ami Poison SlOOl) Forty acres 111 the ¡«hash Fruitm Raisin Colony. Level clear Vineland adapted for raisins; good water ea«lt »i! tallied; wood cheap: no irrigation: annuU alt fall, thirty-nine inch, s; mild climate■ Muni three miles to Cottonwood. Terms. ItuoJa balance in tour equal annual paj-n,entfi eight per cent Circular free. Lltiivi, ItKON.. Cotton» ood. Si bust a 5—One Set Furniture.............11» 2— (’ash Present ” nGold.. ~ ■ .2 000 9 Cash Present in Gold............. 200 16 One Solitaire Oi.nionA Riet 1» 3— (’ash Present in Gold.. . 1.500 10 (•ash Present in Gold............. 100 17 -One Krerel.loMling sholtua TO ♦ -Gash Present in G< Id.. . 1 200 11 One Upright Piano, val......... 500 H One I.^li.«O.il.l W.teh ... » 5—( ’ash Prisent in Gold.. . 1,000 12 One Fine Top Buggy............. 2 19 < >no Ledie.’ Fair BrueleU. « 8—<’ash Present in ( L.’d.. .. 600,13 One Cabinet Organ................. 150 ■JO Oue Sowing Maolini«.......... " 7—C m I i Present in Gold.. . 500 14 One Diamond Breastpin.... 10U »«. To ,lh*'U'”.'. |,|’ch '* "oll'tC'il l Watch, worth »11» each To the next 50. each a Solid SIIvo Watch, »«nk f, To the next /• i nfcXt 100, each cac I i an Elegant Photograph Album, worth 15 each. To tho next 125. each * Soil« Gold Ring, King, worth *2 each To T.. the next 185. an Elegant Book, each worth $1 50 If a coini>etitor should fail on the tirat lie will stand a chance for one of our MIDDLE REWARDS. To the 158 persons whose names come in the middle, counting from number one to the last received, werffl donate the following rewards : Onrt''.-h t |„ n .ld •...................................... |725 I Fifth Caah Prnaentln Gold... TIU. !• T w r ............................................... 80,1 siIth <’B"h Frwrat in Gold... n 5T Fourth l ant, 1'r.wnt in Gold.............................................. 175 , Riji u, Ca,h tu Ool(1............................................ s tho InxtlVeichZi l"u T° thctor recommend you tc bring along» large tweuty-ceut piece for each drink? Seedy Party (with dignity)—You have not heard mu out 1 came here because your liquors have such a repu­ tation for deadlines». I thought per- haps if I stood up here six times a day to remove that impressiou you might be willing ----- (Sickening thud on the marble hall.) — CaU. ÌZh casn. J’’0 0T',ton tb£ 5. n’l'i! h' 1,8 .,Xìn 1 ' lue next JOO, each >2 oO in caah ' "■*rd" * "tieci«1 chan«, ramalna. To the 353 who» MM ,‘a"n> on the Hat, »500 In cash. The neat to the laat «W The lof* 50, each »10 in caah. The neat 100. <«h » » 11’•*** TOT41 VXirtTIOTO OVIK IMI "end i'8"" ’ ’r one roar'. .nhmtrtpHon to THK POPUU* MONTHIA with their anaw.-r Ze^ No anawer will be recorded unleaa accompanied hr the oaah, for whlob •• will aeod. l«>-tpa"l, our .plee.dl'l Majazi,,,. and FIFTEEN of the 10 hooka llated below. Preaent aulenti»» b“iiy'»ii a^ei-' «1"” *n"tll<,r ’car or ,nr * ,ri'“d Tb» 'Tilar aubacrlptlon price of our elM*n‘ Ma«an» U PAY NOTHING FOR COMPÈTINC i* "e,,t th® on«, »nd their names published In w AprU bon tdelay Th Magazine I. worth mu-h more than th. money, «4 °f M,e *Mr«ter P*-1»** T™« 11 COBSP**® -,”*n the utniost satisfaction enU*r thÌB Hesidwi familiarizing themselves with M^azlne. (with 15 books free) and also a chance for one of £ » W‘* *”ltor e’ery ,etUr ,n the or(,,,r reived, and number th. our subscription books: henop there can be no mistakes. If you do not get one of th. '’’m £ì'rB,A ’V”1 thug •mPIJ repaid If you don’t get anythin« boto" fh.n M it ho no ®<*uaI the Prioe N° sniwer* »’♦•oordext beirij M 30 ' 1887 9e,,d before that dBU »«nd money by new poetai noU. moo-f ip 1 m JT vtut v '11 li b. F POPI’7 A It r V; 1 .t nil I p «hiv’iJnrH leardi nanwsas t ia.t . ’ ’J Marine nlitmark W 11 V y I?? 1 HLY MÌ5iiTIÌ8iÌì,l,*n«''K'T.*.V^t,Bi«lrt iofi ih®rvn*n,e< of who wer® »w*rded presenta In ®ur January. Rehn M t 1 i ’ e Competitions, viz: (’ha. Fishwick. Atchison. Ka- «.500; * £ . Rai Verni tv2Mf. m ’im V i ’”’7 ’’ rawford . Calhoun, Ark ; Kate Bradford. M uriwnrfflj Mkl Anni?5! I M_1 H*""1 tittle Rock. Ark., 51,20". Beni Avery. E«q . Garland Ark , W w J’T• T,‘r 5200t Frederick Kimb-r, (Sondava Valley N Y $100; Mrs. Georgs K A L «*■"?• \rk !r»airl $500; Geo E Hiyme^ Atleta. T«k. Cabinet Organ. 5150; •100- 8 P^Bn wnh,Fr'o VL J!*’" h ’’1 .R r , Ohan JohSon. Rockford. Ili, S-.ltaire Diamond W* Dort Iowa. “W? Vi w . d. W»tc^ Mrs .T R Hichcock.1123 Tr.montars. 0*’* port. Iowa, Wh.te Sa wmg Machine, $.-0. 1 he following receipt speak, for Itaelf : anwinyy.ii? P’!rSr aSÌ*pl “7 lhank* for the W ^°in<’icÒM preSlfl u.. - cbT- ft ».a «■«*- IlahM1'’ D "TVr, rn,’’T,'An »tONTHLY i'i'n’^d'the beat low "iee ”> M"« Cecil H.y 4 DtALOov«,. Rm tTATl N. * n »EUF u “ . r’i1 . 5 ’rrraRWKlTrtt for Ladlea and Gentlemen: compie»: t8*” .. svampi.. _ , , Th< PB()Z11| Dlip Wi|k)s (,o|hoi j Rw Cor„ P a , w By«» .ilreetlona forni, Henry Woo«l. 1 nv or THk Latta, b , Sir Walter Scott. ». I n f’vrtn a N«r. Norel 1« 1** B arton . BZ Gevr». k.ltot n L*nv LSTCa*LT» " M”CT II" ' m *’ ® s.ra. M .best m ole K Caixs» Bac». W By w"rrl>re W.rdrn T MlU.ann TMVaMt » »T"S»»W B,BLF«>. d N. L.trws ByMoyO* ", W >k|. c. Ilina 3» R.anvo rH. Wni.LWtSD By Mary «W By Mi» M F. Ballon. 34 A O tout Dawn. M ot .1, 35 VaLB.r»-. Far. m7.*' ByMtMZk W. Ì li AdZlTu^“"““ •° " V,V" V '“"* *»■ * • By«* F’M” H-nWood. MTMLav«* « W r . M.S. P V1.T.V PAT _ PM-«, -it. yo« a*™«. —"«7 ** THE POPULAR MONTHLY, Zansaa City, Mo.