TEi.EGi: i t’nic. e ileaillui-k sstKl prevails in two liq.- ires, West Virginia and New Jer- The democrats have a majority in tiody, hilt cannot ngiee upon the they want for senator. o'.pecta are fl tttering for large ap- riations for Oregon this year by con- h . This ia due in n gieat measure lie energy display« i by Sen.it ns ill ami Mitchell and Representa- ■o Herm inn. ■iifest dispatches from Helena say ■ reports ot extreme cold weather in mtsna this winter have been greatly ■gerate ! ; tli.it th; winter lias been L c >! I jr th i t ti orth- I Pacific election. The lease of the tgon railway ami navigation to the |on Pacific will not beimin. After every strike also, unsuc- ssful as well as successful, the em­ ployer should make an equally thorough ml conscientious examination into its ,uuse«, ami see whether a greater degree i wisdom or humanity on bis part ouhl not lmvo prevented it, to his own rotit as well as to the ailvantage of his niplovees. What is done can’t be help d, but much good may come in the turo in consequenco of a little experi- The New York Sun says in a ringing ouble-leaded leader. The United tates will not indulge in persuasion; it contrary to the order ol human events, 8 they forever keep nt a distnnee those tainfiil appeals to arms, with which the listory of every nation abound«. It is a ¡rank due the I’nited States among un­ ions which would he withhold if not ibsolutely lost bv a reputation of weak- less. If we desire to avoid insult we gnlist be able to repel, li »e desi e to •eciire peace—one of the most powerful nstruments to our prosperity—it must m known at all times that we are ready ■for war. I.o.« A nu it.Es, Mun 112.—Mayor Work­ man says there Ims been no new cases — Proprietors of— ■ >t smallpox in this city in tin* past eight Warra Saw Mills, days. Of those sent tu the hospital four died, eigl.t are convalescent. Twelve MtSimnille Sash and dour Factory. — I>ealers in - cases occurred altogether. White and Rud Lend, W ashington , March 1.— Tiie senate appropriation committee lias increased Linseed and Lubricating Oils, the number of new cruisers, authorized Varnishes of all Description, to be built in the naw appropriation bill Kalsomine, Spanish Whiting i om six to nine, ami added several mil­ Paris Whiting lion <1 dials to the b 11 that was passed I*. & B. and Princess Metalic by the house. Roof Paint, Venitian Red, W ashington , March 2.—The attorney- genetai informed the representative of Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochre, the anti-Mormoiis, Judge R. N. Baskin, and Hardware this morning that the .Moimon bill would Prices as Low as the Lowest. be signed to-day. The delay has been 1,f JONES & Co. din« to the desire of the president to give the trill fils careful consideration. Ih Bt.rN, M irch 2.—A mob nt. I’ally- a l.aunis attacked a force of police last evening and rescued some prisoners whom they bad in clia’ge. The mob stoned tiie police ami partially wrecked You want anything in the line of the barracks. T.ie prliee tired a num­ ber of shots at the ciowd, but without hitting any one. Several policemen were injured by the stones. A lma , .Match 1.— Yesterday after­ noon W. A. Bishop, u rancher living near here, accidently shot his little girl, aged four ami n half years. 11« was try­ ing to shoot a hawk and the child came iround the corner of the house just a« the gun was discharged. Several shot took effect ill the side of her heart. Medical aid «as gammoned from Los Gatos and the child is pronounced out We make a specialty ol Fine of danger. New Y ork , March 1.—Tiie cooper’s «trike seems to be on the verge of col­ a lapse. The employeis asset t they are getting all the help tliev need from non­ union shops. The announcements from Jersey City that tiie strikers employed in one of the leading refineries over In McMinnville. Oregon. there, hail returned under pledge to «ever all connections with the Knigiits ERNEST BOLLACK. of Lalior, has bail a depressing effect on those who still hold out. N kw Y okk , March 2.—There is some I doubt as to whether the Dauntless and Coronet will be able to start on their Jev/c!ry Work Neatiy Done. race across the A lantic on Saturday, as expected. In that case their departure Watches Guaranteed & War­ will be delayed until Tuesday. The de­ ranted. lay is on the part of tiie Coronet. Tiie other boat, is reported ready to leave at Third street, belween C and I> in the tail­ Tltf in hour’s notice. The stakes are $10,000 oring establishment of It. B. Hibbs. a side ami the interest in the contest is ---- EMMA wide-spread. W ashington . March 2.—Genera) Su­ perintendent Nash has issued the fol­ lowing: A postal clerk in the seventh Supported by division of the railway mail service lias been removed for violation ot section t 758 of the instructions to railway postal Tim Popular Comedian, and the clerks. lie allowed an unauthorized best mid strongest dramatic eomnmiy on the coast, nt person to enter his car, and that person stole from the mail four registered let­ GARRISON'S OPERA HOUSE ters. Any clerk permitting a violation NIGHTS OWLY O L ri and Saturday, .llarcii 4 «ft S, of section 758 will be summarily dealt with. In selections from the following repertory: N ew Y ork , March 2.—There is scarce­ East Lynne, Fanchon, May Blossom, Camille, New Magdalene, Hubert ly a trace of the recent strike of the long­ Macalre, and 1OO others. shoremen visible now along the w harves -FRIDAY NIGHT:- of either river. The fact is, the foreign exports litis week are $8,000,000, or about $2,000,000 over the recent weekly Reserved Seats, 75 cents, on sale at average, ami shows there is no longer Rogers & Toilil’s drug, store. any impediment to tiie free handling of GENERAI. ADMISSION, 50 Cents. cargoes. All lite companies report that they are well satisfied with their new ■tamls, who have now acquired sufficient experience to enable them to handle goods with as much facility as their pre- lecessors. New Opening r 1 FID M. I’ YGFE Bishop&Kay MILLINERY! —A Full Line of— Steal and Chilled Plows, Sulky. Gang Thimble and Steel Skein Farm Wagon«, Spring Wagons, Buggies and and Walking Plows, Harrows and . everything on wheels. Cultivators of all kinds. —At the Millinery Parlors of— M iss IT L. Rus HATS AT HALF PRICE. svi carlton , oregcn , Warehousemen and Grain Buyers. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Si lendid wnreliouses. ci'inplete with latest improved nmi binery. Thorough and long experience in handling grain. Highest cash price paid for all kinds of Grain. XT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tiie tax hooks of Yamhill ------ Also, deniers in------- County for the yaar ISSG. are now in my hands for collection, and that myself or de­ puty will vi>il the various precincts of said •ountv as follows, between tiie hours of 10 o’clock a. m. and 4 o clock p. m. : Monday January 21 Dundee East Chehalein Tuesday “ 25 Wagons,’Buasie3 .and Carriagoa. • Cinder Twine, Bolthg, Oils, asd ( Newberg) • West Chehalein Wednesday Machino Supplies cf ail kinds. Carter’s store) North Yamhill Thursday (Runnels’) * ’arlton Friday North McMinnville Saturday South McMinnville Monday Bellevue Tuesday Willamina W ed n esd i Sheridan Thursday ■ j Amity . * > \ 1 rKla\ (Simpsons) Wheatland Saturday Dayton Monday Lafayette Tueeduy All persons are requested to be present at «aid appointments and settie tneir taxes, or |»ay the same to me at my office by the first of April, a« required by law. If not Acme Harrow,Clod Crusher and Leveler Hoosier Force Feed Seeders and Drill» then paid we will he neeesidmted to follow Most effective and serviceable farm with truss axle ami wide tiles, ihe constructions of the law. implement in use. UldOSIEB RUNNER PRESS DRILL T. J. HARRIS, 2-l-m6 Latest improved and best seeder in use. C2t4 Flieriff and Tax Collector. Farm, Dairy and Mill MACITESTERY. Call and Sue OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon à California R. R. And Connections. Fare to San Francisco, $32; Sacramento $30. Close connections made at AsMand with stages of the California, Oregon and Idaho Stage Company. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) F.awt Side Division. BETWEEN I OR I I,ANI> autl ASHLAND. Mail Train. LEAVE. ARRIVE. CLOSING OUT SALE —OF— Boots —At ol those who liavt already pu chased their boxes. Abbey •sys that last vetr when lie was nt Washington he sent a box to the p esi lent in answer to his reqneat for one, tnd that he did not make the slightest AT------ acknowledgement of the favor (panted He says th« boxes are worth money, GARRISON S OPERA HOUSE anti that the box given to President (’leveland at his own req'i'-st. was at Wednesday Aiixht. Marell 9th. LSS7. least worth a plain ordinary ‘ liiaoK yon.” It i« p-oper to slate tii.it the «le v Tickets, including «nr. < r at the new Cook Good that the piesident a«k« l M AM» y I'o Ibncl. >l .o. Kverylssiy invitisi nu«i< will Is- in attendance,and gissi order b box in the I li mter i i. H g<-m r.dly be- «ili I* preserved A handsome prize will 1>e given to the I h -U lady mnrqRwnmer. Corner Third and C Streets. OTHO WILLIAMS, I Groceries and Provisions. (Successor to A. M. Taggart.) Merchant 'Tailor Prescription. Druggist HUSSEYS OLD STAND. ltf M c M innville —Dealers in all kinds of— FT our and Leed F urniture S tore , —Goods sold at— The Lowest Cash Price —And— I )el i vei•< ‘d Lrée ! febttf To any part of the city. Prop., ^Carries a Complete Stock cf— G RANI) MASQUERADE BALL! Fine Tailoring a Specialty, G imh I Fit Guaranteed M< M ixsvti.i.r I or lo Sale. Ornenos. A an 1 reliable Medicine«nre thebest todepend upon. Acker’s Blood El­ ixir has been prescribed for j eers for «11 im­ purities cf t I k - Flood. 1 n every form of Scrof­ ulous, Syphilitic cr Mercurial diseases, it is invaluable. For Rheumatism, Las no equal. Gen. W. Burt, druggist. Millinir Done! I would most respectfully announce that I have leased the Chris Newby Flonrimr Mill in llappv Valley, have thorouglilv >verhatile