«Eìll-WF.FHLY ESCOPE K 11« «lulrrd •„ „ I «“Ir um(nt '** ” »'"lost runatj. L'onstruetiun „f? "»I*- Beino •'ileitaken,p had never inviting ainl lisasters that o stagger the «king skill;, by a whole ; hovered o,H d wisdom of i as come int at cydopea, mysteries of Thomas fr, the observe erto unpublid “ting iiifun he grinding »« »nd the rig it from rj tan Jose. J 'rig, he san 3 lent nt njunujul t of an inch; 3 lens itwls3 his iiitinitiqJ 'ge- A still 3 lived in m I k J less places to|l I nal) that x J oarnllel ravi M ■ee feet in ((¡¡J ivger than I lie tine ini'Mial inland, the ¿1 tgement was*| & Sons, inijJ as placed l»M he rays of ¡¡¡d > the great i’d ys. Thenupjl nigh the gtj ier immeMd having was olsena cone and thri this wav (J mt lens to «J l detected, nj ed the anioa ven point, th< order to sec« measurend f an inchn tie grinding^ knees of i I m ■entle rulibiy iflieient, as th union winds t. WEST SIDE VOL. I MÍNNVILLE, OREGON, MARCH 4, 1881 WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. •----- IsbUud------ EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY —IM— Garrisous Building. McMinnnlle, Oregon, —BY- Talmage At Turner, Pablishsrs and Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Oneyaxr........................................................... 92 00 SU mouths....................................................... 1 25 Three mouths................................................... 75 fettered lu the Postottlce al MeMiiinville, Or., au »©cond-clasH matter. H. V. V. JOHNSON, M. D. Northwest corner of Second and 13 streets, M c M innville • • oregon . - May be found at hit office when not absent on pro* leteioual business. LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH, and Surgeons, Physicians M c M innville , O regon . Office over Braly’s Bank. 3. A. YOUNG, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, • M c M innville • obegon . • All call, promptly Ollie« and rnstd.noo oh D .treat. uuw.re.1 day or night. DR. G. F. TUCKER, DENTIST, M c M innville Office—Two doors • okegon . - • east of Bingham’s furniture Laughing gas administered for painless extraction. yv. V. price , vi'iill; irrirJ ;on, from Ed ection uili English inJ g the miM that aectia rements. I Govenma >ur thorn« ¡nitable ila uId pay 111 broke, ild irses are» lor, black I x years -4 mds high.- PHOTOGRAPHER UpStairs in Adams' Building, MvMINNVILLB OREGON CUSTER POST BAND, The Best in the State. Ii prepared to fuinlab music for all occasions at reason able rates. Address N. .T. ROWLANI), Business Manager, McMinnville. M’MINN VILLE .iiery Feed and Sale Stables Corner Third and D streets, McMinnville ting fra blood Neurali ipwiffl Hood p« thy andt* r. jrleton. OGAN BROS. & HENDERSON, Proprietors. The Best Rigs in the City. Ordert Tomptly Attended to Day or Night. I ORPHANS’ HOME” BILLIARD HALL. A Strictly Temperance Resort. IC«uil(T) ehurvb member, to the contrary not- withstanding. Orphans’ Home” TON8ORIAL PARLORS, •nly first clam, and the only parlor-like shop in the •ity. None but nt.alaaa TELEPHONE Workmen Kmploye* STOCK-GAMBLING. The New York Exchange Chiefly an Im- menae Betting Establishment. New York has no more entertaining public exhibition than its Stock Ex­ change. It is one of the show places of the city. Thither goes the citizen for amusement and thither lie takes his country acquaintance. The latter is at first uncertain whether he has been brought to a mad house or to Pandemonium. The idea that the mar­ ket values of our leading securities should be determined by what appears to him to be a bowling mob of incura­ ble lunatics is incomprehensible. He can neither make head nor tail to it. He looks down a lofty gallery upon a large uncarpeted and unfinished floor filled with walking figures, the most of whom appear very angry and very un­ mannerly. What exhibitions they do make of themselves, to be sure! Two well dressed men suddenly rush at each other, shal¿> their lingers in one an­ other's fac* and shout. When appar­ ently on the point of clinching or striking they stop, produce bits of pa­ per, and notes are made—evidently an appointment for a settlement else­ where. Again, without any visible provocation, a number of figures cluster about a given point, gesticu­ lating, scrambling and pushing for all the world like a llock of hens when a handful of grain is dropped among them. A moment more and the circle is broken, its members joining new combinations. When a score or two of these scrambles are going on at the same time the effect upon the unac­ customed spectator may be imagined. To the initiated there is nothing mysterious or unintelligible in all this clamor. Tlie participants are simply buying and selling stocks. The two demonstrative individuals have dis­ cussed ami closed a bargain. Instead of an appointment for a meeting, with pistols for two, their memoranda con­ tain nothing more than the terms of their agreement. The volcanic cluster was formed about some one who wanted to purchase or to sell a block of a certain stock, and whose an­ nouncement of that fact brought aliout him a crowd of eager dealers with of­ fers or bids, as the case might be. When a sale is made the particulars are at once secured by telegraph agents, who flash the transaction all over tlie country, and the price of one stock is fixed for tlie time for an entire nation. In that apparently rough-and-tumble way transactions aggregating hun­ dreds of millions of dollars a day are effected. ’Die Exchange is simply a big bazar for the sale of stocks and bonds. If nothing was to be said against it ex­ cept its tumiiltnousness and the seem­ ing lack of dignity among its members, criticism would have in it but an indif­ ferent target for its shafts. But much graver questions grow out of its exist­ ence.* Is it a harmless institution? Is it a public blessing? Is it a public curse? As a great central mart for current securities it would be unobjectionable. There is no reason why bonds and shares should not be publicly dealt in, and in large quantities, as well as dry goods, as well as corn and cotton anil beef and kitchen vegetables. If the Stock Exchange was intended for, or restricted to, the bona tide buying of bonds and shares, not a word could be justly said against it. But is that its business? Unfortunately no. Its chief occupation is wagering upon stocks: its members, while going through the form of buying and selling, simply bel their money, or somebody else’s money, upon the rise or fall of the shares they select, as they would upon the shiftings of cards or dice. The Exchange, while having a share of legitimate business, is chiefly an immense gambling estab­ lishment.— N. Y. Herald. 1«** totilb of Yamhill Count» Bank Bulldins. MCMINNVILLE, OREGON. H. H. WELCH. PUNGENT PARAGRAPHR. —A Keep Street old maid who keeps or cats finds a scuttleful of coal in her ekyard every morning. By strict omy she only buv* a half ton of »year.— Brooklyn Times. Ur. Hammond say* that "love and ry go hand in hand.” Shouldn't offer a bit. It is well known that the trse of true love never did run wth. and the same is true of atna- it poetry— Lowell Citizen. “1 wish I had eyes in tlie back of iea«l," «aid a young ladv the other ing. “Why?” asked a devoted ad- ir. breathlessly. “So that I could wkat was going on without the “le of turning my head." "You turn mv head without any trouble.” ended the youth with a gloomy What one letter will do.— J* a word of plural number, to peace and tranquil »lumber, word you choose to take, ”• ” will plural make; ’ you add an "• to this. is «netamorphosis! f®* will plural be no more, 0,1 > lived at a d stanoe. To get r d “f he said: "It costs ten dollars ’ time we go to see grandma. Flor- ami ten dollars doesn't grow on fbush." “Neither do grandmas on every bush." answered the lit- n promptly, and her logic was mcing. They went — Chicago In- SCHOOL AND CHURCH. —There are 29,000 English-speaking Ep’scopal clergymen in the world. —Mr. Moody has associated with him in his evangelistic labors Mr. I). B. Towner, late chorister of Union < hapel, Covington, Ky. The engagement is for five years. —President MeCosh, of Princeton, said recently that the age of nine or ten was the time for learning languages. Then the child can acquire more in this department than a man of twenty-live. —Ex-President Mark Hopkins of Williams College, although over eighty- two years oltl. preserves his mental fac­ ulties unimpaired. He recognizes with ease the faces of men who were his pu pilsbalfa century ago.-Yrev limes. -Hampton Institute, Virginia, had enrolled this year 548 negroes and 127 Indians. The school, taught by the institute teacher- ami graduates had 360 little colored ch dren More than one thousand pupil have been instructed on the mstitut« grounds.— Chicago limes. - Mrs. A. T. Stewart has signed an as tlie basis of tho French military system, and invariably referred to whenever military legislation is dis­ cussed. Startled by the triumphs of Pruss'a in 1866 the French Government determined to increase its military strength, and at the en«l of 1867 Mar­ shal Niel introduced a new military law. Its chief «b’»ct was to increase the number of sold ers of which the Min ster of War could, in the event of a European war, dispose. The French Generals wore quite content with tlie military institutions of the country, and looked on the French soldiers as the best in the world. The only drawback was that their number was insuflic ent As to improving the arrangements for mobilization, concentration, the organ­ ization of cadres, for making the staff and the intendance more efficient, not a thought was bestowed on these im­ portant matters. The efforts of Mar­ shal Niel were, therefore, practically confined, as wo have said, to ncreasing tlie numerical strengtli the army. With this of view tlie period of engagement wits raised from seven to n ne years, five years being passed with tlie colors and four in the reserve. By this expedient the effectives of tlie army were on paper increased—or rather would be when tlie system camo into full operation— rotn 700,000 to 000,000 men without largely swelling the budget. Further to diminish tile cost, the Minister of War was empowered to semi a portion of the men with colors to their homes on unlimited furlough. In addition to tho regular army, another force, esti­ mated at 500,000 men, was instituted. Tins force, called the garde mobile, was to consist of those who drew good num­ bers in tlie conscription or were ex- exempt d for reasons of family from service in tlie regular army. This aux­ iliary force, which M. Y'eron stigmatizes as a phantasmagoria and a fiction, was evidently of no real value, from want of habits of discipline and knowledge of dr 11, the law only authorizing tlie mo- b li'S being' instructed fifteen times a year during a few hours each time. But, with a few insignificent exceptions, •«ven this limited amount of instruction was not imparted, and tlio men were neither clothed, armed, nor even or­ ganized in regiments. Evidently, therefore, in estimating the real nuni- 3r cal strength of the army tlie half trillion of mobiles must l>o omitted from the calculation.— Edinburgh lie- view. Heading Off a Borrower. Gilhooly, intend ng to borrow five dolla's from Hostetter McGinnis, lea«ls up to the subject by talking about Among other things lie friendship. said: “Solomon says: 'He who has a fr'eml has found a t ensure.’ ” McGinnis, who is no fool, perceives wh it Gilhooly s after and heads him off by replying: •I think folom-n got that proverb upsalo down. In tcad of reading: "lie wlio has a fr end i>n«ls a treasure.’ it should lie: ‘lie who finds a treasure I asa friend.' There is no fr end like money. It is a man's best friend, and he should n ter part with hi* best friend." tiilhooly, perc-iv'ng that he is whist­ ling up the wrong tube, moves off to explore some more promising lield. — Texas tijlings. --------- - —uguflnug ^irura a nikC of cmh *» in Kansas the other «lay. The pa nful sto­ ry is soon toid. The misguide«! light­ ning came out of that h v<- quicker than it went in. an«l w.-nt off into space with its ta'l between its legs. Moral: Nev­ er pick a «; arrel where vou are not ac­ quainted with the fo'k*.— 7'ezo* ings. ORANGE GROVES. Something About Those In the Souther.i Part of California. In comparison to the extent of South­ ern California, tho localities suitable to tlie growth of the orange, lemon and into are very limited. I mean by this .hat toe places where the orange can be brought to perfection, without codling, wrapping, etc., are few and limited in •xtent; even on the far-famed Riverside there are many groves on tho lower ground where they get an occasional freeze, and where, in their young stage, the trees have to be wrapped and cov­ ered each winter, and in the valleys nearer tho coast, Los Angeles for in­ stance. they get so many fogs that the fruit is more or less spottea with fun­ goid growth, which materially affects their keeping qualities and sale, so that, really speak ng, there is only the Mesa land, near the interior foot-hills, where Ihe orange, lemon and 1 me will ilour- i h summer and winter; where the fruit is brought to its highest perfection, and where, year by year, tho grove yields a good in< ome to the grower. But given t good location, planted to good budded fruit, there is no tree planted that will vield such an income as the orange. The planting is done from February to .June. Seeding plants cost from forty to sixty cents each; budded trees from seventy-five cents to one dollar each. They are plant'd all the way from eighteen feet apart to thirty f< et, and the estimate of last season's planting in the three counties, viz.: San Diego, San Bernardino and Los Angeles, was l.OiXt acres, or nearly lOo.OOO tr«e«. and th se are almost ex­ clusively Washington Navels. The output of la-t season was about 153,000 boxes, or somewhat over 85,000,000 oranges, and Riverside alone netted *300,000 for their crop. An orange orchard, if it is well attended to and properly cared for, will begin to pay ¡.bout the fifth year from planting. The lemon is harder to cult\ ate than the orange, and the crop is more expensive to handle. The owner of a lemon grove most have a cool curing honxe, if he would make any thing out of his crop, b 'cause the lemon should be Cicked before it is ripe and placed in ins in a cool room to cure. When picked the skin is thick and not very juicy, but when prop« rlv cured it com«» out with a th n skin and an abundance of ju co, anil such fruit will always find a ready market at a good paying price, I nt the ( aliforn a growers are just be- ginn ng to tind this out. — Vick's Majo- t ne. — An Auburn. (N. Y.l father tied his laughter to a bed-per'» Bazar. — “Economy is wealth.” If the per­ son who invented this proverb will call at the office any afternoon we will pre­ sent him a g«sully supply of economy for half its face value in wealth. We have more economy than we really need.—/Tains farmer.