HOME AND FARM, METALIZING THt DEAD. I INJUSTICE CORRECTED. LINCOLN AS A SOLDIER. THE SLEEP WHICH THE DRUGS BRING. LICK TFLESCOPE Sleep bringing drugs mean mischief. Interments Cremation an. clean water, no bir I Outdone by This New Art. Black Uawk Indian War. bring more mischief than rest. Ilia sleep Statements. Groat Lent oflh„ »« 1, can be healthy. - A’ •’ ■ •hunge. At the great electric exhibition in To ouk R eaders : .aong those who enlisted at the produced is not healthy. There is no re­ llwre is something a|1111>w —Potatoes require the most potash, freshment in it. The more you take these beans the most lime corn the most Paris in 1881 there were to be seen In common with many publishers first tap of the drum was Abraham drugs tlie more they rack .your nerves, in the design and constru«^ phosphoric acid and lhecureals the most parts of a corpse that resembled a and editors, we have been accustomed Lincoln, and equally to his surprise demoralize your brain, and give occasion monster Lick tolescope. jl , more and more drugs. “How, then, most elaborate casting of copper or n.trogen.— N. Y. Telegram. and delight he was elected Captain of for * shall 1 proem e sleep!” asks the nervous greatest work ever undertaken to look upon certain statements which —If buttermilk is used for gridd’i bronze, retaining at the same time his company. The volunteer organi and shattered victim of insomnia. ing dillieiillies that had neveiu! we have seen in our columns aa mere ­ cakes it should be diluted one-third with their natural forms. At the subse­ zationsoftho.se days were conducted ► The records of the victories of Com­ been encountered; inviting mj T water, so as to prevent the cakes becom­ quent exhibition, in April, 1885, this ly adroit advertising. Consequently on purely democratic principles. 1 lie pound Oxygen are full of cases in which ing drawbacks and disaster a,."* sleepless sufferers have been blessed with ing sticky.— Cincinnati Tinies. art of galvanizing organic frames had we feel justified in taking the liberty company assembled on the green, an quiet and refreshing! slumber. That of ed to lie sullicient to stagger th —Who has not seen a dirty cat that Mr. Arthur Hagan, of Philadelphia, a persistant and Painstaking skill-13 would have been handsome but for th been improved inasmuch as they did of printing a few jHiints from a private election was suggested, and three well known*merchant,^nay lx; mentioned discoloration. Such a one may I m not only seem to be electro-galvanieally letter recently received from one of fourths of the men walked over tn as one. On taking Compound Oxygen, ed from day to day by a whole ¿3* thoroughly cleaned bvwashing in warm coated but inetalized throughout, tlie our largest patrons, as a sort of confes­ where Lincoln was standing; most ol with faithful perseverance and gixid nurs of anxious olwervers; hovered, • water anu drying before the fire, comb­ surface of the .-.ubjeot even being cop­ tho remainder joined themselves to Ing. his shattered nervous i-ysiem was re­ caressed by the united wisdom '>«> of i • ad ing and brusii ng at the same time.-- per. bronze, or whatever the alligition sion of faith to our readers. We quote: one Kirkpatrick, a man of some sub stored to health, his dyspepsia departed elation—the lens has eonie *" and he entered into the enjoyment of good world will; its great eyeiop^ “! • “ We have convinced ourselves that its great eyd,,'- Chicago Journal. consisted of. These preparations health. „ ’ stance and standing from Spring —A lamp standing for some time in a proved suggestive to the engineer, by telling what we knew to be true, we Mr. J. B. Kenyon writes from Bedford, ready to pierce the mysteries „ 2 Cant»;., nes l "I i ( aptain -n' Tlmnia» cold room and then filled full of < oal-oil, J. Vergovatz, who quite seriously, have produced at last a permanent con­ Creek. We have the word of Mr. Lin Ohio: “ Your Compound Oxygen has heavens. will run over through the expansion ol made the proposal to enshrine all viction in the public mind. Seven coin for it that no subsequent success worked wonders for me; has made a new superintendent oil when taken to where it is warm. human corp-es galvano-plastically in years ago we stated what the national ever gave him such unmixed pleasure man of me; have not had an attack of furnishes some hitherto nupmS since using it; was in very bad and highly interesting ¡„f Then the lamp may be. blamed for leak­ a metallic husk, thus putting the ques­ j disease of this country was, and that as this earliest distinction. It wa< a asthma shape when I commenced ; Would not do d the grinding ing. To obviate this, never till the lamp tion of the d sposal of the dead in a , it was rapidly increasing. Three years sincere, unsought tribute of his equals without Compound Oxygen for fen times tion concerning the crown-glass lens, quite full.— N. Y. Times. new, unprecedented phase. “Inter- | ago we stated that a marked check had I to those physical and moral qualities its pries; first time I inhaled it I went to l,s’ , atul the pu transporting which made him the best man of his stee/i at once and never rested better in mg adopted for -, —If vou would have orderly stock, go ment he said, “is condemned from a j been given it. * — b *t from Ci*1 bring »report. ;.... ‘ Mass., to " San Jo*. n3 , , • aven ml the pasture and put the fence in sail It iry standp >int, without mention­ “ The statistics of one of the largest i hundred, and as su h was accepted and life." A hint to the sleepless: Don t take net of the grinding, trriiidin» he i.... «/ "'*• subject ‘.I* onler before turning out the cattle. II ing the most dire feelings of survivors. j life insurance companies of this coun- I prized. drugs in order to induoe sleep. Write they find one weak plaee and get through Cremation is even more repugnant to try shows that in 1883 and 1884 the As soon as he was mustered out of to D ks . S tarkey & P alkn for the treat­ the closest measurement at cm»,"J his captaincy, after several uneventful ise on Compound Oxygen, which contains was the 110,000th part of u ¡„ a T* a few times, it will be almost impossible some and deprives justice of the means to make that .spot strong enough to of discovering crimes ami prosecuting j mortality from kidney disorders did weeks, he re-enlisted on the same day, much that every sufferer from sleepless­ on grinding the great lens itWas7 their perpetrators; embalming, finally, | not increase over the previous years; | May 27, as a private soldier, Several ness ought to know. Address 1529 Arch covered that even this stop them. — Troy Times. fraction was two large. A«tfflhJ —Sandwiches—Chop ham very fine, is too expensive for the great bulk of other companies stated the same thing. other officers did the same, among Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Orders for theCempeund Oxygen Home measurement was required in redunJ season well, and place between two men. It is galvano-plastic art that lias ■ It is not presumptuous for us to claim j them General Whiteside and Major Stuart. Lincoln became a member ol Treatment will be tilled by H. A. Mathews, the lens in mimberless p]afts slices of nicely buttered bread. Then all the (Lsadvantages of the present credit for checking these ravages. “Seven years ago we stated that the Captain Elijah Iles' company of mount­ 815 Powell Street, San Francisco. thickness (itself unequal) that » with a sharp knife cut off the crusts, and mode of’hurrying or cremating the cut diagonally across the rest, making dead, ami is, at the same time, within condition of the kidneys was the key ed volunteers, sometimes called the The British ship Kapunda, which left exactly concentrate parallel two little three-cornered sandwiches. the reach of all. Poor people will be I to the condition of health. Within "Independent Spy battalion,” an or­ London December 11th for Freemantle, light tilling a circle three feetinifiJJ These are very dainty looking. — Tht put in zine, this wealthy will suffer to the past five years all careful life insur­ ganization unique of its kind, if we may Western Australia, with emigrants, came ter to a point a little larger thanahd be coppered, the very rich can affor l ance companies have conceded the judge from tlie accounts given by one into collision with ail unknown vessel In order to reduce tlie tine nieaiaj Caterer. • near the iso«, which causes these many fata) made water-tight when it rained, and proportionate in size to the body to be forever tho power of Black Hawk and ical decay, which a chronic obstruction of the of the system produce. Is arrested. a perfect focus. Tims a measurenn when it wits dry weather it did not re­ metalized and connected with the posi­ diseases. the British band of Sacs and Foxes at tunotions The prime causes of disease being removed, “ The uric acid, or kidney poison, is the Wisconsin bluff's and tlie Bad Ax. quire rejiair. It often happens that tive pole of a dynamo machine or a health is speedily renovated and vigor restored. of the 2,000,000th part of an inchvi After Lincoln was relieved of the secured. It. took very little grindiw| j>oor roads, especially what are com­ strong galvanic battery, while its neg­ the real cause of the majority of cases ative pole is connected with the body. of paralysis, apoplexy, heart disease, A shooting affray near Dekalb, Texas, remove so small a thickness monly called dirt roads, are found to lie The action of the current causes now a convulsions, pneumonia, consumption weight of dignity involved in his cap­ resulted In the killing of four men and the from a given point, a gentle mlii« taincy the war became a sort of holi tremendous inconviences when they aro wonderful transformation. The metal and insanity ; over half the victims of dav, and the tall private from New wounding of a boy. with the thumb being sufficient, u 4 mirv or impassable, and then when it is of the plate, tho positive pole, gradually consumption are first the victims of Salem enjoyed it as much as any one. glass is softer than common wiuikn LOUR PROGRESS, dry and pleasant wheeling and riding it comes off while the negative pole, rop- diseased kidneys. He entered with great zest into the glass.— Boston Transcript. As stages are quickly abandoned with r seuted by th i graphited b >dy. at ­ athletic sports with which soldiers love is unnecessary to rebuild them or abol­ “ When the recent death of an hon­ the completion ot railroads, so I he huge tracts metal out of the solution cover­ ish their defects. ored ex-official of the United States to beguile the tedium ot camp. He drastric. cathartic pills, composed of crude ing, corresponding to the prior form, —Colonel Kavenshill recentlyairi™ was admitted to be the strongest man l’rof. G. E. Morrow, of the University and bulky medicines, are quickly aban­ was announced, his physician said that of Illinois at Champaign, has given this the whole surface with remarkable although he wassufleling from Bright’s in the army, and, with one exception, doned with the Introduction of Dr. Pierce’s at Fori McLeod, Oregon, froB ■ subject much careful attention, and re­ firmness and evenness. The longer tho Disease, that was not the cause of death. the best wrestler. Indeed his friends “Pleasant Purgative Pellets,” which are gland, on a tour of inspection Mill coated, and little larger than mil#- purchase horses for the English mj cently read a paper on dirt roads at the current is suffered to act the thicker He was not frank enough to admit that never admitted tho exception, and se­ sugar tard teeds. but composed ot highly con­ lie found very few among the hum verely blamed Lincoln for confessing centrated convention of Highway Commissioners the coat will, be. It makes the cover vegetable extracts. By drug­ ous bands of horses in that sectii al Springfield. The broad view is taken of tho organism air-tight so that, in the apoplexy which overtook him in his himself defeated on the occasion when gists. which fulfilled his requirement«, I that good roads in every ne'ghbo: hoixl T-onsequence of this perfectly hernieti- lied was the fatal effect of kidney poison lie met the redoubtable Thompson and An effort is being made in England to stated that the British GoveroM are e s aitinl not only to the economical cal sealing, putrefaction can not take in the blood, which had eaten away the the two fell together on thdTiurf. His prevent the publication of full reports of would purchase about four thomiJ transportation of produce, blit also to place. The body thus secluded dries substance of the arteries and the brain; popularity increased from the begin­ divorce cases. head of horses yearly if suitable nJ the best development of the people, so­ up. turns into a mummy, whoreas tho nor was Logan’s physician honest ning to the end of the campaign, and metallic coat remains unaltered in tho enough to state that his fatal rheuma­ those of his comrades who still survive could be raised, and would pay 111 cially, intellecltially and religiously. A LITTLE LEAVER LEAVENETH THE a head for them, halter broke, deiiJ The perfect road is straight, lev -1, original shape of the deceased. tism was caused by kidney acid in the always speak with hearty and affection­ WHOLE LUMP. The expense of making such a me blood. ered at Montreal. The horses are m ate praise of his character and conduct smooth and hard. The main difficulty A disease in one part of the body will quired to be of good color, blackj in those rough yet pleasantly remein lies in keeping the roads in good con­ tailic coat is small. It is represented “ If the doctors would state in offi ­ eventually fill the whole body with dis­ gray preferred, four to six years s|u dition during wet weather. In a level by the value of tho metal, the labor ex­ cial reports the original cause of death, be red days. It was on June 16, a month before ease. Every year or two some part of the and fifteen to sixteen hands liigi.-l country it is necessary to make adeipiate pended, mid tlie cost of the coal neces­ the people of this country would be provision for promptly removing or sary to set a dynamo machine in mo­ alarmed, yea, nearly panic stricken, at the slaughter of the Bail Ax, that the system grows weak and begins to decay. ('hicago Moil. carrying off the surplus water. As Prof. tion, if steam-power is used; the value the fearful mortality from kidney dis­ battalion to which Lincoln belonged Such part should be removed at once and was finally mustered out at Whitewater, new matter be allowed to take its place. Morrow forcibly remarks, to most ef­ of gas. if a gas-motor, or that of chem­ Wis. His final release from the service There’s no need of cutting it out with the fectively this is the great object of icals, if a battery is applied. If this orders.” very simple method of conserving the The writers of the above letter give was signed by a young Lieutenant of surgeon’s scalpel. Purreaway the old, dis­ work in making or repairing dirt roads eased and worn out parts with B ramd - ou the pi n ries. Chiefly to secure this dead should be carried out, it would these facts to the public »imply to jus­ artillery, Robert Anderson, who, twen­ heth ’ s P ji . ls . Then the new body will the road-bod is raised above the general afford a similar instance to tlie work of tify the claims they have made, that “if ty-nine years later, in one of tho most take care of itself. lqvel, its surface is "crowned,”- and the Egyptians, who premrved the orig­ the kidneys and liver are kept in a awful crises in our annals, was to sus­ Cures all Diseases originating tai ditches are ninde at the sides, anil tiles inal form of their dead by embalming healthy condition by the use of War­ tain to Lincoln relations of prodig­ All signs fail in dry times except the iisordered state of the BLOOD i are .sometimes laid, frequently the most them and depositing them in great ner’s safe cure, which hundreds of ious importance, on a scene illumi­ legend "No Trust” in the saloons. LIVER. Rheumatism, Neuralp important point of all, because they most vaults. Electricity, which of late has ( thousands have proved to be a specific,1 nated by the, flash of the opening For colds, fevers and inflammatory at­ Roils, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofsl effectively prevent trouble from stag­ opened to the living such a manifold ' when all other remedies failed, and that guns of the civil war. The men tacks, as well as for cholera morbus, diar­ Tumors, Salt Rheum and Merrtn nant water. Doing these things in the and unforethought field of activity, has received the indorsement of the I started home tlie next «lay in high rhoea. dysentery or bloody flux, colic or best way, and then frequently smooth­ would now even after death lend us its highest medical talent in Eurojie, Aus­ spirits, like school-boys for their holi­ cramps in stomach, use IJr. Pieree’s Ex­ Pains readily yield to its pnrifyig services by preserving tho form and properties. It loaves the Blood ps days. Lincoln had need, like Horatio, ing tin- surfata* and preaerviug it-s tralasia anil America, many »life would j of his good spirits, for they were his tract of Smart-Weed, composed of tlie the Liver and Kidneys healthy aadd slopes, is alxmt all tlie wisest can do in shape of once living creatures. best Grape Brandy, Sniart-U eed or Water The iftventor of this new art has tried lie prolonged and the happiness of the 1 only outfit for the long journey to New Pepper, Jamaica Ginger, and Camphor securing good earth roads, aside from Complexion bright and clear. building and caring for bridges and it successfully on cloven human corpses people preserved. It is successful with Salem, he and his messmate Harrison Water. J. R. CATES & CO., Proprietor» and over a hundred cadavers of ani- so many different diseases, because it, having had their horses stolon the day culverts and reducing the grade where Over K0 horses perished in a livery sta­ 417 Saneome St., San Franc!®/* mills. — Chicago Tribune. and it alone, can remove the uric acid before by some patriot over anxious to ble fire in St. L ou I b . it is exceptionally great. from the blood through the kidneys.” reach hoiiie. "But." as Harrison says, It is a suggestion worth considering ORIGIN OF MOLASSES. Our readers are familiar with the “I laughed at our fate and he joked at that it is sometimes economy to vary Bronchitis is cured by frequent small it, and we all started off merrily. Tho doses of Piso’s Cure for Consumption. the rule requiring roads to follow sec­ Sugar a Commodity Known to and Used preparation named. ’/If tion lines. Tlie departure from this rule by tlie Ancient -Jew*. Commendation thereof has often aj>- generous men of our company walked PINKHAM’ You can secure the best prices and ami rodo by turns witli us, and we fared is to run the roads along ridges or high As molasses first came to us from the peared in our columns. terms from Palmer & Rey. and dry laud rather than to blindly and West Indies, where sugar was ono of VEGETABLE We believe it to be one of the best.] about equal with the rest. But for this generosity our legs would have had to rigorously go through thick and "thin, if not the best, ever manufactured.; For Thront UlMensc«. Coughs, tho groat products, it is probably a ponds, slough or sags, which can not be do the better work; for in that day this etc., offectnal relief is found lin COMPOUHI The We know the proprietor» are men of1 dreary route furnished no horses to buv Colds, easily drained. The road-bed should be Portuguese or Spanish word. the use of ''Brown's Bronchial Troches" character and influence. graded, also, so that the surface is made Spanish spelling is malaza, the z being or steal; and whether on horse or afoot, Sold only in boxes. 25 cents. Igaro*ltiwC* We are certain they have awakened we always had company, for many of higher than that of the land on either sounded like th in bath, which would or ALL of Nj “THE OLD RELIABLE” GORDON side, but this should not Is- done to the hardly cause tho sound of ess. so that a widespread interest in the public the horses’ backs were too sore for Delicate Compl«1^ • exclusion or neglect of good ditches, in this case it may come from the Por­ mind concerning the importance of riding.” It is not hard to imagine Jeb Press is the strongest. Registers Complicit®« rovlS the kidneys. We believe, with them, with what ouips and quirks of native accurately, at high epee J. Is the easiest kept well opened ami with free outlets. Weakness« w “J among owl Wnes, H* In recent t sts at the University at tuguese melaco, where the c is sounded that they are the key to health, and fancy Lincoln and his friends beguiled running press In the market, Is sold at laughtei’’ Champaign it hafi lio n found that dry like oss. Tho Spanish word for mo­ that for their restoration from disease the way through the forest and prairie. a figure within reach of all. it rm «« "j Has _____ patent soil will take up from thirty-eight to lasses is melaza. the Italian melasui. and maintenance in health there is With youth, good health and a clear throw off and chase-hook. Palmer all omrtoa & Iley, tn>nl>l«®,WH forty per cent, of its weight of water by tho French melnssa, the Latin m 4- nothing equal to this great remedy. conscience, and even then the dawn of I ortland, have all sizes on hand. Is made Him «"« n, capillary attraction. Whore there is laoeaus mado with honey, hence a young and undefiled ambition in his The proprietors say they “ do not UM, MI»* standing water at the road-sides, or honey-1 ke. Portuguese melado mixed glory in this universal prevalence of heart, nothing was wanting to give in two sizes—8x12 and 10x15—with throw- co«®n with pride, and if the public does not Nathaniel Ripley Cobb, of Boston, ono w ilt h. as the surface drainage will bo neation with this it will provo interest­ believe what we say, we tell them to This Paper Cutter is the l**?ul priced 110-1 neh cutter ever onere« better, but a very narrow bed w tli ing to know that sugar wax well known ask their friends and neighbors what of tho merchants of the earlier days trade. heavy slope to tho sides is almost al­ to the ancient Jews Noarehus. one of they think about our preparations.” CLEANSED was generous-hearted and conscientious It is strong. ways objoctionab.e, as not giving the Admirals of Alexander, who was a It is substantial. As stateil above, we most cordially in the highest degree. In fact, he was PURIFIED enough choice in travel, thus causing great wanderer, found sugar cultivated It is ruled to Inches. so benevolent that in November. 1821, commend the perusal of this corre ­ deejicr ruts. in tho East Indios B. 325, and and BEAUTIFIED It is all iron and steel. In wet land, lines <>t tile laid at the brought quantities of it back with him. spondence by our readers, believing he drew up the foliowing remarkable • BY It has front and back gamtes. sides of the road, inside the open «itches, It cuts accurately. Tho seed cano was hrst introduced that in so doing, we are fulfilling a document: "By the grace of God 1 will C ut | cura . never be worth more than «50,000. By < u|. 30 inchem Price. aro recommended as »great help in car­ into Europe from Asia. A. D. 625. and simple public obligation. CI-.i}NSTNG. PURIFYING AND Kept in stock bv rying off water. which would otherwise although active efforts were made to . "H as shit his wife?” asked a mar­ the grace of God I will give one-fourth ~ F°£. beautifying the skin of children and infants PALMER A have to Is1 removed by evaporation. This cultivate it in Italy and Southern ried woman of an acq lainbim-e. “Yes. of the net profits of my business to «nil c1u,ri"K torturing, disfiguring, itohing. ecalv Portland, Or. P riktbbs ’ Serri» tile work should he well done and the Spain, the results wero not at all satis­ n In do you aply di.eaees of the »kin. sealn and h,lr' from ‘nfam y toolS age drain ont ets kept fro«;. Highway or factory. In 1510, sugar cane was in­ so jolly togeiher. You don’t often see ever worth 820,000 I will give one-half thTrlmm, A ,> nK ’ ' pr>,E8 are •"fallible. * ’ road eommissoners havo ccnsider- troduced in the West Indies, by Colum­ married pe.»ph» jolly together in public, of tny net profits, and if I am ever worth C uticura . the great S kin C crk . and C cti - Agents Wanted •flo.oo > I will give three-fourths, amt able authority. let it bo retnem- bus. In 1751. sugar culture was ion know.”—Jfer/wr’s »ceWy. from Skin •’•»utifier. Vre- the whole after my fiftieth thousand. Is reil, over the hind beyond the narrow actively begun in what is now kn wn So help mo God, or give to a more faith ­ lim ts of the road itself, and diches and as the State of Louisiana, but no report ind‘ttt’Ml.»f:iI,n 0,her ren,ed1“ Valuable premium Free with The small boy who plavs cirrus with their outlets come w ithin their jurisdic­ of the product is on record earlier than the “ trick gcat” in his back vard. should ful steward and set me aside.” He ad­ .Extra inducements to Agent«. Writ«**0** 1 hered to this covenant with the strictest tion, nml can bo made to contribute 1823. The cultivation of sorghum in see that the St. Jacoba Oil bottle is not uuiara containing full particulars to fidelity.— Boston Hcra'tL J. O. IIESTWOOntf - J materially to tho »ucoesfi of road-mak­ China dates back beyond record. This empty. 4W J Street. S*cr**W ing and repairing will be done by men was used entirely for making sirup, the •mto^Sc’iL Friends of Thomas A. Edison think that whoso special business this is. and not same as is now produced largely in the Exceedingly Polite. umnarroR all . T"’k‘?Ì he may never return from Florida. He BTSend for -How to Cure Skin IliieiXii.- men working out iheir tax. The throw­ States of Illinois. Wisconsin, Ohio and had a severe attack of pleurisy last De­ W0RK^^i;flvjÄvi5 ••Well, sir, di