The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, March 01, 1887, Image 3

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    - U:n hr.«.*.—A young mall' ftotn
Amity was in the city yesterday und
from him we learn that crops in that
section are in good condition, the wild
oats being nearly all frozen out; that
blind staggers are afflicting a good many
horses in the neighborhood, one man
Ige . ,
having lost several head, while another
man on the sama place lost six head
laturs )
from the same disease. A protracted
meeting has been in progress there for
some time, and that the young men arc
having nice times taking the gills home
niuissi'incm I
after services. The stock throughout
that part of the country stood the hard
winter very well, and seem generally
to be in a pretty good condition. Our
informant says the people of Amity arc
pretty strongly in favor of the prohibi-
toiv amendment and thinks that u
strong vote in favor of prohibition will be
cast there next November. On the
county seat question the people seem to
be pietty well divided, and only the
count of the ballots can determine the
Collection day.
position taken by a majority of Amity’s
first day of March.
citizens. Altogether our sister city is a
:re,h roasted peanuts at II. II. lively, go-ahead little place, ami its cit­
izens are always alive to their own in­
!. 8. Cooper,of Wheatland, is in the
i to day.
P ersonal .—The .Grant Pass courier
Ingli Collard i= now head steward in prints the following complimentary no­
ak’s new hotel.
tice of Hon. W. D. Fenton of this city:
ohn Farrar wants to engage a car We are in receipt of letters and cards
J of beef cattle.
fiomMIon. W. 1). Fenton of old Yamhill,
Imith Stephens of Dayton prairie, was announcing that he is now vice president
the citv yesterday.
and one of the directors of the First
tor posts and boards go to R. B. National bank ot McMinnville. He is
iire’a lumber yard.
therefore a national banker. We re­
taring is coming and cvervone is en- member Billy as a fanner boy ; then as
|ed in house-cleaning.
a student at Monmouth college where
>mty clerk Briedwell, of Lafayette he graduated, and where he met, wooed
s in tiie city yesteiday.
and won the fair daughter of farmer
[ion. R. R- Laughlin and wife, of Lucas. \\e remember the first lime we
• th Yamhill spent Sunday in this met him alter he had completed his
studies at Monmouth, be was driving a
header wagon, and was as black and
ndge I.otighary and Rev. J. Hoberg, dir ty as smut and dust could make him.
Lafayette, dropped in to see us yes- Afterward lie became one of our fore­
most orators, prominent at the bar', ran
Irand bill at Garrison’s opera house for congress aga nst Hm. M. C. Georg.-
lurday night, March 5. Look out for winning many laurels in a fight against
a republican majority in the state.
Ion. George II. Burnett and wife of He next appeared as one of the agitators
the narrow guage railroad from Dallas
ein, spent a dav or two in this city of
Io Portland, w hich is now nearly com­
I week.
pleted. Now we hear of him as a na­
(r, T. M. Grubbs, of Willimina, i* tional banker, and we know lie will do
Hie city paying his old home ami honorto his new calling.
mds a visit.
Kixni:i:<iAtireN S chool .—A private
lead Bishop & Kay’s ad
school for small children has for some
lay. They are rustlers
time been the want of many parents of
at they say.
lew bulletin boards have been erect- this city; hut the want could not he met
at the foot of the stairs leading to for the reason that a teacher, suitable
rooms and material, could not be secur­
iopera house.
The Heath Dramatic company in ed. Mrs. II. A. Loughary has finally con­
st Lynne at Garrison’s opeiu house sented to open such a school in
¡day night, March 4.
her own room
I. F. Rhodes, of this city, closed his dren between the ages of four and eight
liool ot a three months’ term near years, for the sum of one dollar per
heatland, on Friday last.
month each, which time will he spent
letnemlicr that a first class company’ mostlv in shaping a kindergarten sys­
I appear at the opera house next tem of teaching. Meanwhile a complete
kindergarten outfit «ill be secured.
¡day and Saturday nights.
Mrs. Loughary is quite familiar with
lias Skiff, of Salem, and Miss
t he laws of life and health and has ex­
irry, of Brownsville, left for
perience in the moral and mental train­
pective homes on yesterday evening’s ing of children. This is a laudable
work for which we bespeak the patron­
1 —rnsal of
oi the local and ndvertie
... age of all parents desiring such a school.
ttmus of the Lafayette Register show School to open next Monday, March 7,
it McMinnville is booming light four hours each day, at such time as
best suited to parents.
‘Uncle” John Baker has been quite
fcwilh a severe billions attack for
feral days, but is on the mend at
)ur voting friend U. S. Booth came
from Portland Thursday evening,
lapent Sunday with his parents in
s city.
I E. Fenton. Esq. of Eugene City,
sin the city Friday on a visit to his
itliers W, D. and J. D. Fenton, of
la place.
If you want to purchase a good second-
nd piano, comparatively new, at a
rv reasonable price, call at this office
Emma Heath’s Lady Isabel in East
nne is unexcelled. Look out fin
Igers aniiouni-ing Saturday night’s
I. Admission 75 and 50 cents.
ohn J. Sax wants it known that he is
idy to chop at the mill for $2 per ton.
will take toll. Corn meal also
rund. Satisfaction guaranteed.
loston Corbet, the slayer of J. Wil-
> Booth, has been declared insane, in
Peka Kansas. John Farrar, of this
was well acquainted with him.
"he Emma Heath dramatic company
41* billed ror tnis city on Friday ami
Ipruay nights passed through on yes-
uiy’s 10 o’clock train for Corvallis.
Ve understand that Mr. O. C. Hiatt
lopen a first class restaurant on Third
ret tn *h.e moms formerly occupied by
’■ Maggie Shadden’s dressmaking par-
the total receipts of the firemen’s fair
re $291.37; total expenses, $132.85.
"ng a net profit of $158.52. This is
most successful fair financially ever
ei* by the department.
”• McPhillips says lie feels like a
’ '"an ’Ince Dr. Tavlor treated him
‘that a person is very foolish to suf-
wucu so fair
litir < an
iii viroi
..lH'e’ "li'm
offer is
ue t<> them by I)r. Tav'.or at the of-
1 oi I)r.
Dr. Johnson.
friend II
.I. Bailey’ Esq. of
dronpe.. in
.. to see us Satur-
am,na. dropped
'l morning.
lie is on his wav to the
•*n> states. ..............
„.......... to
.. Wash-
He will return
pn territory, where he will probably
1 e “ext summer.
Nation is called to the ad. of P. F.
the pioneer boot and shoe man.
Biowne is closing out his immense
• st cost in order to make room for
n?’ spring and summer stock which
’’pie way. A good chance to secure
h*re will Fea masquerade ball at
®psra house on the evening of the
'" march. Good music will be in
tl'1ance and tickets including snp-
*, but $1.50. The fact that
Jp »ill be served at the new Cook
.1" sufficient guarantee for the sm-
‘he ball.
F tolkx .—On last Saturday a
»"’wering to the name “Princie,”
V colored. If found in any persons
u0”. ,hpv will be proscented. A
V** Will be paid for the recovery of
Writ D avie .
B irthday .—Grandma Burnett cele­
brated her seventieth birthday last. Fri­
day. As many of her family ascould be
in attendance were there and with num­
erous friends enioved »'splendid after­
noon. Among those present from a dis­
tance was Mrs. Burnett’s son, Hon. Geo.
H. Burnett and wife, of Salem. The
T elephone was not forgotten, but re­
ceived a handsome supply of cake.
May Grandma Burnett live to celebrate
many more birthdays.
B lind S taggers .—Says the Salem
Statesman : Many Jiorses are reported
dying around Salem from this disease.
The animals around Port! »nd especially
are suffering. The Oregonian has been
endeavoring for some time to secure a
recipe which will stay the progress of
the disease. Many remedies have been
suggested. A horseman in Salem sug­
gests that oil meal cake is a splendid
F or S ale C heap .—Forty acres ol
land, situated five and one-half miles
northwest of McMinnville, adjoining the
Dave McCall place on the left. This
piece of land is offered for sale cheap on
easy terms. It is well fenced, contains
a living spring of water, ten acres of it
has been under cultivation, and eight
acres has been slashed. Price $10 per
acre. For further particulars call at the
T elephone offic e.
C oming .—Mr. I. A- .’s< wton. tlm ge ­
nial agent for the famous Emma Heath
dramatic company was in the city Satur­
day and Sunday, making arrangements
for their appearance here on the 4 and&.
Mr Newton is a very pleasant gentleman
and the company he represent« is a first
class one. They will be sure to have a
large house here. __ ~ ___
CoRRi-CTioN — Through a misunder­
standing we were made to say in the
last issue of this paper, that the board
of trade had instructed its committee on
mails end highways to prepare« memo­
rial to the conntv court, asking them to
improve the streets of this city. Instead
of improving the streets of this city It
should have been certain comity roads.
F or S ale .—A piece of valuable pro­
perty situated just outside the city hm-
’ . Large
it«, for sale at a * bargain.
Large house,
of ground for
well built;
gardening, and fruits of various kinds
ted, numerous outhouses,
nicely started
in good ord.r.
barn, etc. Everything
Property is situated on,
Satisfactory reasons for wanting to sell,
For further p. particulars enquire at this
H ere ' s A C hance .-
----- have for sale a
small place adjoining town contamg a
little more than an i acre of ground ; a
good two s»ory house and barn ; well set
with small fruit tree«! good well, etc.
We will sell this pl*' e at a b.irgan.
B orn -I d this city. Saturday. Febrn-
a v26 1887. to the wite of l>. < *'rY’’ •
* dmLht.-r. Mother and chnd drnng
College Note:
An End to Bone Scraping»
1 dwurd Shepherd, of llurrisburg, III.,
We are told that in British India fif­ A Description of the Beauties
says: '‘Huving received so much be nefit
teen per cent, of the male school-going
anti Natural Advantages of from Electric Bitters, I feel it my duty to
population attend school, while less
let suffering humanity know it. Have had
That Section.
than one per cent of the girls are found
a running sore on my leg for eight years;
my doctors told me I would have to have
in the schools. Many other countries of I [Written for the West Side Telephone )
the bone scraped or leg amputate!!. I used
Asia might show a similar state of edu­
three bottles of Electric Bittersand
cation. In Europe the condition of af­ water, would be but a feeble disci i pi ion. seven boxes Bucklen's Arnica salve, and my
sound and well.”
fairs is much better, but in many places From the amount of »hells on the shore«
Electric Bitters ure sold at fifty cents a
the average uttendanre at schools Falls ot the bay it must (centuiies ago) have bottle, and Bucklen’s Arnica salve at 25<f.
lar below the attendance in America. been the sole subsistence of some antique per box by Kogers A Todd.
race, as there seems to be mound up­
Massachusetts has the highest rate of on
niomid of them partly covered over,
Good Results in Every Cass.
attendance in the United States, reach­ and yet there are clams and oysters in
I). A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer
ing in the I ist general census of 73 per abundance. In single instances boat
cent, of children of school age. In oui loads have been taken out. The Yam­ of Cbattanoga, Tenn., writes that he was
hill hoys over here have taken good seriously a ill icted with a severe cold that
own state the average was a little over ' claims. The Morgan hovs are making a settled on his lungs : had tried many reme­
•53 per cent.
fine stai t clearing, are felling trees that dies without benefit. Being induced to tiy
Dr. King’s New Discovery tor consumption
In comparing these statistics we may leaved and blossomed while Julius did
so and was entirely cured by use of a
learn some important lessons. In re­ I C'easar was drubbing the Diuidical sav­ few bottles. Since which time be lias used
family for all coughs and colds
gard to India it will be observed that bid defiance to « ind and wave and breeze with his
best results. This is the experience of
girls are hardly allowed to go to school. I and bone, until the fatal blow was thousands whose lives have been saved by
In mental darkness they are compelled struck by the sturdy arm of Yamhill’s this wonderful discovery.
Trial bottles free at Kogers A Todd's drug
to live. Resigning themselves to their sons of toil.
Then and not till then did their time store.
fate, they serve* the worst of masters. honored branches come tumbling to the
Vices oi all sorts spring up in the hot­ dust. Their claims trout the bay run- physicians said : Neuralgia was the praver
bed of ignorance and supe:stition. These nining one mile back, level rich land. of a decaased nerve for healthy bl«>od. t’se
W. F. Graves ami J. Reuben Odell ul- (iilmore’s Aromatic Wine for the blood.
two sisters—ignorance and superstition
so took similar claims but did not get in For sale by Rogers & Todd.
—plunud in darkness, brood over the last fall. I understand Morgan and
KEV. W. FISK KEQUA, of Aurora, 111.,
heart, blot out the home, ami reduce Graves intend electing a creamery on a says; “I have used Gilmore’s ¿Aromatic
and find it an excellent household
life to a mere existence.
How differ­ j small scale as an experiment. Palmer al-
remedy that none ought to do without. For
ent with the daughters of America! I so took a claim of g Kid land ; has done sale by. Kogers & Todd.
much toward dealing. Mrs. l”s mother
They are admitted to all the privileges is with them on a visit. Next comes oui
in education that the male population boy, Joe Stewart. All rejoice to know asked what made her complexion so clear
beautiful. She said it was by using
can claim. By diligence they show
’s Arotnatic wine. For sale by
themselves to be the equals of their the head of the hay, and in the near fu­ Gilmore
ture will be valuable. Chai ley ' Wiley Rogers A Todd.
brothers. Robed in the habiliments of also took a homestead immediately be­
MRS. L. LOOMIS, of Elba. N. ¥.. writes
grace and sweetness of spirit, they be­ tween the sea and the bar piincipally us that she was sick for six months, was In­
duced to try Gilmore’s Aromatic Wine,
come the tit companions of mail. In­ tide land.
('apt. Ed. Tillesen, of Sheridan, locat­ and four bottles cured her. For sale b\
stead of inticing man into vice, they
ed a preemption claim on (lie spot near Rogers Todd.
lead him on to virtue and nobility. Thus the mouth of tiie bay. These Yamhill-
REV. II. B. EWELL, of Pavillion. N. Y.
it is that the enlightenment of woman is iaiis last mentioned coupled with the says
of Gilmore’s Aromatic Wine; "I be­
greatly beneficial in elevating man. Co­ claims of foimer settlers whose claims lieve it to be a most desirable remedy to be
education has worked well so far in our front the bay all around comprise all the placed in every family.” For sale by Rog
vacant lands encircling the bay, but to ers & Todd.
land; and it is likely to be a fixed prin­ those who are yet without homes I sav
‘f . .
cipal for time to com*. More than half there are good lands, yea, thousands of suffer
from Female weakness and Debility,
of the teachers in this state are ladies. acres yec unclaimed as fertile pei haps as will find Gilmore’s Aromatic a positive
cure. For sale by Rogers & Todd.
No one can measure the influence of
cific coast, needing only development.
these devoted workers. In college the Your correspondent is credibly informed
influence of the fair sex is felt in soften­ that four and five tons of clover and NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT.
ing the asperities and moulding the titnothv h.iv per acre is no rare occcur- ■^TOTICE IS
rence. Thirty and forty y pounds weight -1-N that the undersigned executor of the
character of the rude young man.
is an annual occurrence 3 tor single cab- last will ar.d testament of Simon Al be de­
The literary society had a good pro- bages, turnips, ruta bagas, etc. t’orn. ceased has filed with the county court of
gramme last Saturday evening, A oats, barley, etc., grow well, What Yambill county, Oregon, his final account
number ot visitors from town were over. more can we ask? And although 1 as such executor, and that the court has
Tuesday, March Sth, A 1) 1887,
Mr. Frank Rhodes has finishsd his make this statement from personal ob­ appointed
at 1 o’clock p nt as the time for hearing
school and is at home again.
servation and information, I hop i noth­ the same
Mr. Seigle Henton was down from ing in this will be so construed as to
Sheridan visiting tha college and old give inference that I indicate Netarts McMinnville, Or , Feb 1st 1887
fiay or the Pacific coast is all sunshine
Mr. E. E. Selph and wife have been and Howers. Far from it. Like other
visiting on Collegeside during the last places they have ills. They are of the
earth, earthy, and have atoms of three
tv consisting of 51lj acres one mile
Miss Bena Snelling quit school last things in a lively state of unrest—fleas, from North
Oregon This piece of
week. She goes to teach school about sand and mosquitoes. The first dav of land will be Yamhill,
sold cheap on easy terms The
Amity soon.
yourarrival, as you beat against the wind property has a good house and out build­
Mr. Burns and Frank Holman went anil bow to it as if it were a friend, ings, two good wells, a first-class brick yard,
home to get ready for spring work.
blinking at the sand that waltzes at you a good young orchard and small fruit <">f all
Max Rolhteitner, who was in school around the corners, mosquitoes making kinds Will also sell a good butcher shop
last year, repotts that he got a first friendly calls, you vow you will go home in North Yamhill, For further particulars
giade certificate and engaged an eight to-morrow; und when von are hunting address 6Stf
North Yamhill, Oregon.
month’s school in Nebraska.
yomself from chin to gaiters for the
The boys didn’t go to Forest Grove prince of leaner», taking yourself to I
Saturday night. Can some one arise pieces at all hours and catchjng nothing i
and explain ?
but a cold, you declare you will go home
The students who ca-ried peanuts in to-night. But the days roll on. the wind
their pockets to society, and persisteu in blows on, the fleas leap on, and you stay i
cracking and eating them, during the on, at first resigned and at last delight­
Third Street, between E and F.
exercises, need one of Mrs.Caudle’s cur­ ed. Of course the pioneers to this iso­
tain lectures.
McMinnville, Oregon.
lated spot were entitled to and secured
Miss Fannie Baxter, who has been choice locations, among whom are John
kept out of school for several weeks on H. Jackson and sister, who secured by
account of a severe cold, is thinking of purchase the cream of the buy—Kit)
teaching this spring and of finishing her acres, natural meadow, capable of sup­
course next year.
porting a large herd of cattle, and are
The sound of the bat and ball may be engaged in dairying and stock raising.
heard on the campus again.
First-class accommodations for Ccnimer
M r. Jackson is a mining expert whose
Where is the foot ball?
face is familiar in all the principal min­ cial men and general travel.
Transient stock well cared for.
J ackson .
ing camps from the frozen peaks of
Alaska to the sunny sands of Arizona, Everything new and in First-Class Order
as also the various agricultural resources
of the Pacific coast, and in accordance
Patronage respectfully solicited. •
with tiie dictates of his better judgment
Following is the list of letters remain­ this is his final home. Although Jack is
ing uncalled for in McMinnville pont- as hopelessly a bachelor as ever Ada m
was in days of yore, nothing would be
office March 1, 1887:
more genial to his feelings than, if in
Biddleman, Ed. 2
Allwood, R. W.
his po« er, to turn one of Arizona’s scorch­
Fletcher, Anna F.
Conner, Edgar
Laim-oti, Mr». Terry ing suns in upon the snow capped moun­
Gaunt, R. M.
tains skirting the mail route from Noith
Martin,Miss MarthaMillard, Jelioiila
Smith. M. 11.
Vedder, Miss Maria Yamhill to Tillamook, that have so cru­ SAM LIKENS, Proprietor.
elly kept our p istinaster’s family <<ep-
Young, Al 2
eiated from him all winter, or in fact, Blacksmithing and carriage ironing of
Parlies calling for the same will please anv other mountains that would keep a
every description.
say advertised.
postmastei’d family out on a visit all
J. F. W isec ARVRR, P. M.
Horse Shoeing
Messrs. ILirdman and Desmond arc
also dairying and grazing on quite a
A Bargain.
Ami plow work a specialty.
large scale furnishing Portland markets
We offer for sale 320 acres of land,
others. In fact, go where von will the
situated 4G miles west of McMinnville; milkey mothers of the flock look hand­
Also manufacture the
4) acres farming land, the balance good some enough to grace u more favored
Celebrated Oregon Iron Harrow,
pasture land; well watered 3 living herd.
springs; all under good new fence;
new barn, and good house. This is the may count everything from the snipe to
best stock ranch in Yamhill county, and the swanfr.iany of them by the acre)of
is offered for sale at a bargain. For fur­ four footed game everything near tv from
the elk down. Nowhere on the coast
ther particulars enquire at this office.
are the seasons more neighborly than
here. Winter sitting in the lap of
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
spiing, September on whispering terms
with May. January borrows June’s
The beat salve in the world foi cuts, clothes, and July gives all her rainbows
KENYON 4. RAY, Proprietors,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever to November; winter is in the summer,
sores, tetter, chapp 'd hands, chilblains, anil spring is in the winter; harvest is
(Successors to W. F. Bangasscr. )
seed time, and autumn is lost out of
corns, and all skin eruptions, and poai- in
the calendar altogether.
tiveiy cures piles, or no pay required.
The clams are of the best, and thick
It is guaranteed to give"perfect satisfac enough
enable a man to bag aNiut .3
OT money ro refuuded
1IIVI < 1 «.<1
Price 01 25 bushels to
per hour; as milch as a half
cents per box. For sale by Rogers & bushel of oysters have be6n dipped up
Of all kinds and of the best quality
at once «¡th tongs. The amount sent
kept constantly on hand.
out of the bay at one time is variouslv
estimated at fiotn 7U0 to 5,'iftO lutsliel .
Home Produce Market.
Be the amount as it mav have been, the
Corrected for the T zlfvhoxe by Baxter A boat and cargo were lost at sea; the
firm busted took stock and barrel, and
ti e purser shot away the ramrod and
Wheat, per bu
couldn't or wouldn't tell which way
Oats, per bu
they went. Thus ended the first and
Flour, per bar.
last oyster speculation.
McMinnville, Oregon
Etre", per doz......................
Our sea during the winter has been
Butter, per lb
renovated and is no«
Chee."«, nest, peril) ..
extremely rough in consequence of which
Apples. ; er box
many a bright hope of a lond mother reatly to receive grain.
Bacon, sides
and the blasted expectation of an in­
shoulder ................
dulgent father now sleeps beneath the
Sfornire ami Cleaning. 3 cents. Calcutta
ham, sugar cured
wave, yea just in the happiest, sunniest sacks constantly on hand and sold at tlie
hours of all the voyage they struck an
For Sale.
unseen rock and in a moment the bil­
lows roared above the sunken ship. But
Two acre« of land just aero«« the creek it matters not whether in mid ocean or
Farmers arc respectfully invited to call
from town, near the college.
Will be Among the breakers of the fort tier shore,
sold cheap on account of the owner leav­ death must and does, mark the end ot and see us.
ing. Inquire ot J. Todd. McMinnville, each and all.
GILMORE 8 AROMATIC is a great «iir-
cess. therefore we challenge the World to
pnsiuce Its equal a« a restorative for worn- Soother at liar»!. It is the only sufs
the change in our business ill. For sate try Rogers A Todd.
meilicino yet tnndo that will remove all
infantile riinorfiers. Il containsem, Opiwm
money due n«. S » all
or M’rphioo, but gives the child rninr’d
please call anJ «etile at
late /.
pain. Price 25 cents. KuM by
too \V Burt. 'irtijjgGL
Roc EES A To**n.
Henderson Bros. Props.
New Blacksmith Shop!
All kinds of Game in Sen son.
U & Stel Wta,
Iligfat Market Price Paid for Wheat.
•Kx. -K'wXxx.
The Leader in Millinery.
Opposite Grange Store, McMinnville. 42tf
(Successor »O L. Root)J
Carries a full and complete stock o/
Grocerie«, Crockery, Glassware,
Woodan and Willowwar»,
Tobacco Cigars«
Good, delivered promptly to any
of tue city.
Goods Exchanged for Praduce. 35!f
— Harness ut the—
Lafayette Harness shop,
—at absolutely—
Portland Prices*
Buggy Harness from |12 00 am! up<aM.
Team Harness from $25.00 and upward.
I have also something entirely new in thu
line of s.veat puds.
My terms are CASH, or notes that cat?
be turned into cash.
The Great Transcontinental Route.
mu ΠM!
The Direct Route I
No Delays I
Fast Trains I
East. Tickets sold to nil prominent points
throughout the East and Southeast.
Be careful und do not make a mistake.
But be sure to take tiie
N orthern P acific R ailroad
And see that your ticket reads via
To avoid chan?es and serious delays occa*'
sioned by other routes.
Through Emigrant Sleeping Carrf
are Run on Regular Express
Trains Full Length af the
Berths Free.
General Office of the Company,
No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Or.
General Western Passenger
te warraated, is kessuse It ta tbs lest
Blood Preparatloa knows. It vlH pool-.
lively auro all Blood Diseases, pa riff as the
whole ayetem, and thoronghly ba i Ids ap the
eonstitatioa. BaSMmbor, wo gsoraato« iv
Geo. W. Burt, druggist.
The Leading
Dry Goods House
In the City.
—Having Bought the—
Truck and Express
Business of Lngnn Bros. A Hender­
son. I uni ready to do all kinds of
—At Any Time.—
Delivery Wagon Always Ready.
Give Me a Trial.
M. S. (¡OI ’I \ s.
S1WS M3! ■
W. F.
— Dealer in—
Guns, Pistols, Ammunition,
Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, Etc., Etc.
All kinds of
Gunsmith, Locksmith and Sewing
Machin« Work done with
Neatness and Dispatch.
Choke-boring a Specialty, and Satis*
faction Guaranteed.
One Door west nf Butter A Martin*«
trifle with any Throat ST
i'DiV V J,nng pi...... Ifyoabavw
a Cough or Cold, er tho eliildrea ar*
threatened with Grouper W hoopln¡ Cough,
use Acker’s Ecgllzh B/medy and prevent
further troublo.
It li a porltlvo oursy
and we guarantco it. Fricó 10 rod tta
Geo. W itiiiA d/ugg .<t.