The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, February 25, 1887, Image 3

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    m A
Prosecuting Attorney
It I’. Boise.
Geo. W. Belt.
TKepresentatives -j
'Commissioners ,
•Clerk ..................
school Supt.
R. P. Bird.
J- W. Watts.
K. R. I.aueliliii,
F. N. IJrt|e
< . Lafollett.
L. Lougharv.
Geo. Dorsrv
G. W. Brictlwt |]
T. J. Harris.
W. W. Nelson
Wyatt Harris.
J. A. C. Freund
J. D. Fenton.
D. C. Narver.
Fresh roasted peanuts at II. ii.
For posts and boards go to R. b .
Stowe’s lumber yard. ’
J. D. Fenton has fitted up an office in
Braly’s bank building.
Arthur Burt has been slightly under
the weather for a few days.
Hon. J. R. Sanders, of Amity, has
been in twn for a lew days.
The neatest, cheapest ami best job
printing at the T elephone oflice.
Leslie Laughlin returned Wednesday
from an extended visit to Astoria.
Hon. J. W. Maxwell of Tillamook
county was in the city Wednesday.
Geo.D. Edwards of North Yamhill has
been sojourning with us a few days.
Best quality of Berea grind stones at
Manning A Co’s, only 2 cents per lb.
Miss Dougherty, of Amity, was in the
city Wednesday attending the firemen’s
Read the ad. un ler "new to-day” of
Ernest Bollack, McMinnville’s new jew­
Geo. MeD. Stroud, Masonic grand I pc -
turer, was in tlie citv yesterday on offi-
vial business.
Major Brown, of Amity, was in the
cily Wednesday, and made our office a
pleasant call.
The subject next Sabbath evening at
the Baptist church will be "The inspira­
tion of the bible.”
Several interesting communications
from our sister towns appear in this is­
sue. Read them.
Miss Sperry, of Brownville and Miss
Stella Skiff, of Salem are visiting Mrs.
Dr. Tucker ot this city.
Hodson A Son are preparing an im­
mense sign for the new Cook hotel, It
is a fine piece of workinansnip.
Firemen’s Fair.
U. A- IL Encampment.
The firemen’s fair opened Tuesday
evening to a big house. Our space U
too limited for an extended notice. Of
course the main attraction Tuesday
night was the minstrels—jubilee singer»
—and it is only justice to the boys to
say that they acquitted themselves well.
Hie receipts for tliisVveuing were*79.85
Wednesday evening bi ought the long
looked for Broom Brigade drill. It was
a success every way, and a prettier, bet­
ter-drilled company of girls than com­
posed the brigade cannot be found in the
state. The receipts for this evening
amounted to »137.87. Last night the
julnlee singers repeated their entertain
ment, and were well received. We were
not able to learn the receipts for this
evening, blit will give a full fnam ia'
'‘tutement of the fair as soon as possi-
He. 1‘rizea have been awarded as fol
lows; Best coniiundrnm, Manning and
Wallace; second best, IL Beebe; out
line work, Eugene Thompson ; Kensing­
ton painting, first prize, Mvrtle Apper-
son; second prize, Mrs. B. F. Hartman,
crayon work, first prize, Edith Martin;
second prize, G. R Higgins. The priz.
for the heaviest baby was awarded t<
Master Roy Turner; prize for the light
est baby to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Martiu’r
little one.
T he R ight S pirit .—Hon. Wm. Gallo
way shows tlie right spirit of enterprise
by authorizing us to use his n ime as
being one of fifty to donate *5 each to
the support of Custer Post band. This
would make *250. If forty-nine more
public spirited gentlemen will onfy
come forward, McMinnville will have a
band which we will be proud of. This
does not seem such a large amount com­
pared with what other cities donate for
he success of such enterprises, but it is
enough to make the boys feel that their
efforts are appreciated,'and enable them
io play with more spirit. Next summer,
we too, can enjoy open air concerts
which will be gladly furnished by the
hand. They will feel proud to think
they ate playing to such generotl people
as tlie citizens of McMinnville can prove
themselves to be. Names with sub­
scriptions may be handed into thisofliee.
A rm B roken .—Monday evening Mrs.
I. C. Lawrence met with a very painful
fracture of the arm, at her residence in
this city. She was descending the steps
which lead from t he front door of her
resilience, when her foot slipped and she
fell breaking both bones oilier left arm
just above the wrist. Dr. S. A. Young
was called and the arm properly set ami
dressed. Yesterday Mrs. Lawrence was
getting along very nicely and it is hoped
she will continue to do so, though it will
probably tie some time before she will
Remember we warrant the backs in recover the use of the arm.
the fire box of our superior stoves to
S tate C onvention .—The state Sunday
last fifteen years. 8. A. Manning A Co.
school convention convenes at the Pies-
The shovel brigade can he seen every byterian church, in Salem, March, 8 and
morning these d ivs, cleaning the walks
of the fresh snow that falls every night. 9. Remember this is non-sectarian, and
it is very desirable that as many as pos­
If you want to purchase a good second­ sibly can, who are interested in Sunday
hand piano, comparatively new, at a school work he present at these meet­
■very reasonable price, call at this oflice ings, as no pains will be spared to make
for particulars.
them of practical benefit to those en­
John J. Sax wants it known that he is gaged in Sunday school work, All del-
ready to chop at the mill for $2 per ton. egates will be provided with places of
• or will take
toll. Corn
meal also entertainment.
ground. Satisfaction guaranteed.
B oard of T rade .—A call meeting
Our large stock of hardware just re­ of the board ot trad^ was held
ceived was bought in Chicago lor
spot cash, and we can quote you prices at the council chambers on Tuea-
lower than the lowest. Manning A Co.
day evening February 22, 1887, I’res-
Bill of
Why in the world do you want to go ident Fenton in the chair.
to the expense and inconvenience of a D. C. Ireland A Co, for printing allowed.
dinner Sunday, when Cook makes a On motion the coinmi.tee on roads and
specialty of family dinners on that day? highways were instructed to piepa>e
memorial to county court to improve
Almond Fletcher is getling along nice­ stieets in the city. On motion board
ly with his sore foot, caused by a gun ac­ adjourned.
cident a few days ago, but is suffer inn
with a severe attack of erysipellas in his
Foil S ale C heap .—Forty acres ol
land, situated five and one-half miles
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hodson were northwest of McMinnville, adjoining tlie
called to Newberg Wednesday to the Dave McCall place on the left. This
bedside of Mrs. Jos. Hoskins, sister of
Mrs. IL, who is lying dangerously ill at piece of land is offered for sale cheap on
easy terms. It is well fenced, contains
her residence in that city.
a living spring of water, ten acres of it
A little child of R. E. Marple, died at lias been under cultivation, and eight
Lafayette on Wednesday and was buried acres has been slashed. Price *10 per
yesterday. Marple was taken from his acre. For Inrtlier particulars call at tlie
place of confinement in the county jail 1’ elephone oflice.
and allowed to be present at the funeral
■of his child.
F or S ale .—A piece of valuable pro­
Dr. Calbreath was called to Norlli perty situated just outside the city lim
Yamhill a few days ago to visit some its, for sale at a bargain. Large house,
families of immigrants a short distance
from there. He found eleven cases ot well built; several acres of ground for
and fruits of various kinds
measles in one house. They are all get­ gardening,
nicely started, .numeious out bouses,
ting along nicely.
barn, etc. Everything in good order
Just received’at Manning A Co’s the Property is situated on Collegeside.
finest assortment of ranges and cook Satisfactory reasons for wanting to sell
Rtoves ever brought to McMinnville, For further particulars enquire at this
made by Bridge, Beach A Co., of St. office.
Louis, and we guarantee satisfaction or
•give you your monev back.
O pen T emperance .—The Open Tern-
Jas. McPhillips says he feels like a perance society met at Grange Hall
new man since Dr. Tavlor treated him Monday evening, February 21, 1887, and
and that a person is very foolish to suf elected the following officers for the en­
fer with piles when so fair an offer is suing year: President, Dr. S. A. Young;
made to them by Dr. Taylor at the of­
oitf vice presidents, Revs. T. H. Henderson,
fice of Dr. Johnson.
X J Hunsaker, and H. 1*. ^ati’liwell;
Some one has suggested to us that we secretarv, Mrs. Vanatta; treasurer, Mrs
get some ink composed of sulphuric Fuller. Committee on programme, Miss
acid, wormwood, dynamite and trail and Olds, Mrs. S. A. Young, Mis. Galloway.
»rite a local about the infernal cigarette
■smoking that goes on in the hall of the
B e C areful -—Beware of opening
■opera house everytime there is an enter­ lettersnot properly addressed to you.
tainment of any kind.
A recent postal ruling is to the effect
We are in reeeipt of an invitation to that a person receiving a letter from the
be present at the public school exercis­ postoffice by mistake, or finding one in
es on Tuesdav last, hut owing to a rush the street or elsewhere, can under
°f business were unable to attend. We no pretense, dc-ignedlv break the
¡earn, however, that they were especial­ seal without subjecting hnnselt to a
ly worthy of mention. Addresses were severe penaltv, rhe injl . sernent "open­
made by several of onr prominent citi-
*ens, who were greatly pleased with the ed by mistake,” Ireing "too thin.
progress made by the children.
S chool M eeting — The annual school
S urprise P arty .—A pleasant party meeting of district So. 40 ( McMinnville)
*as given at the residence of Mr. and is called to meet at the puMic school
Mrs. Martin Lynch last Tuesday even­ house on Monday. Man h 7. 1887. The
busines* to be transacted is the election
ing in honor of the twenty-first birthday oi
one director to sene three years, and
°f their son Iztwill. A large number of -Iction of school clerk to serve one year.
the friends o f tlie young man were pres­
H ere '« A C hance .-W c have for Rale a
ent, mostly composed of college student“
»nd a very p|e«ant evening was spent. mull place adjoining town containg s
-r E. C. Anderson was present and little more than an acre of ground;»
with a few befitting remark* presented good t«o «»O y house and turn . well e
a handsome bible to the young man, a with small fruit trees; good well. etc.
present from hi< mother. Supper ami
k'e cream was served about 11 o’clock. We will »ell this place at a bargati.
Tuesday the G. A. R. encampment for
Curl ton-
the state of Oregon convened at Port­
Februaiy 24, 1887.
land. Eighty-six delegates were in at-
tendance fiom Portland, Astoria, Cor-
vallis, North Yamhill, Silverton, New-
Stockmen kept busy.
port, The l a'les, Tillamook, McMinn-
School closes this week.
vdle. Hood River, Pendieton, Center-
A few farmers almost out of feed.
vi.le, Lexington, Baker Cily, L.t Grande
We aie soon to have a new post-
and Huntington. In the department of
j master.
Oregon theie are tlurty-nine posts rep­
Dr. Coovert was ill Portland the first
resenting a membership of 1,222.
j of the week.
The council of administration met at
Miss Ella Fryer is teaching in the
10 o’clock a. m. in Grand Army hall.
Mercer district.
After the transaction of routine business,
Mr. A. 1‘. Wilson returned to llobson-
an adjournment was had until 1 o’clock.
ville last Friday.
At 1 o’clock the meeting reconvened
Our enterprising warehousemen, Bar-
tnd the afternoon was taken up with
nekoff A Swanson, run their chopper
he reading .of the repoits of officers yesterday.
tnd tlie referring of tlie same to appro­
Mr. II. C. Plummer is fixing up the
priate committees.
little white house on Thompson’s block
The election of officers was made the for Uncle Sam’s headquarters.
special order of business for Wednes­
Mr. J. W. Collins, onr genial black
day at 10:30 a. m. Action will also be smith, has heen on the sick list for the
taken on the dependent pension bill.
past week, but is looking better at pres­
Messis, llirscli and Welsh, who rep­ ent.
resent the Roseburg post, each lost an
Mr. Frank Ilemloee returned yester­
irm during the war. Tuesday they oc­ day from the mountains, where he has
cupied adjoining seats dining tlie pro­ been on a grand limit. He got what he
went after.
ceedings, and when anything occurred
Mr. Abe Blackburn was seen on our
which demanded applause, they clapped
streets last week. He has just returned
their hands together to express their ap­ from the east and reports severe snow
probation. It was such a novel sight storms in several places.
that it attracted considerable attention.
Next Friday evening the Carlton de­
The following is a complete list of the bating club will discuss prohibition. Mr.
newly elected officers: Department com­ Geo. Bodie is leader for and Chas. Fen­
mander M. L. Olmstead, of Joe Hooker ton against the question.
post No. 20, Baser City; senior vice­
There will be a country dance at Mr.
commander, Z. N. Christopher, Garfield
post No. 3, Portland; junior vice-com­ Wright Johnson’s tomorrow evening.
mander, E. G. Hursch, Reno post No. ! Everybody invited and no pains will be
29, Roseburg; medical director. J. P. spared to make it enjoyable.
Gill, G. W. Geary post No. 7, Eugen.-
J oyce .
City; chaplain, James K. Varney,
Limes W. Nesmith |>ost No. 32, The
Dalles; counsel of administration, E.
Martin, Sumner post No. 12, East Port
February 19, 1887.
land; M. J. Morse, George Wright No. I
of certain obliga­
1, Portland ; C. S. Wright, Cushing post i
No. 14, Astoria; F. E. Reisner, W. tions, however much I may seemingly
Geary post No. 7, Roseburg; and J. W. have been neglectful of them.
Crawford, Sedgwick post No. 10, Salem.
Mrs. Fletcher, of Dayton, is the guest
E. B. McElroy, ot Sedgwick post No. 10, of Mrs. Gilkey, at present.
of Salem, and F. M. Johnson, of Ells­
Mr. and Mrs. Ii. Lanning, of Co’.fax,
worth post No. 19, Corvallis, were elect­
ed as delegates to tlie national encamp­ were visiting friends here recently.
ment. II. E. Doscli, Garfield post No.
Auntie Robinson lias had quite a se­
3, and J. II. Hinds, of Lincoln post No.
4, both of Portland were elected as al­ vere cold, but she is now on tire mend.
A woodshed is being erected- at the
The following staff officers were ap-1
to-day—a want long felt now to
pointed by Commander Olmstead to [ church
be supplied.
serve the ensuing term : Assistant Adju-1
We are having a sprinkling of snow
tant General. A. A. Houston, Joe Hook­
er post No. 20, Baker City ; A. Q. M. G., this morning—«imply a reminder of the
A. E. Borthwick, George Wright No. 1, long past w inter.
Portland; Judge Advocate, J. M. Siglin,
The flouring mill at this place is pro­
Baker post No. 8, Marshfield; Chiel ducing a fine grade of flour, and ought
Mustering Officer, W. A. Bentz, Lincoln I to
receive a liberal patronage.
post No. 4, Portland; Inspector, A. B.
Miss Fannie Dorsey is engager! ns
Woodiu, McPhemon post. No. 5, Al­
teacher for the next term of tire prairie
academy school. We wish her success.
Religious Services-Sunday Next.
Social meeting at 11 o’clock every
Lord’s day at the Christian church.
Sunday school every Sabbath at 3
M. E. church—services will be held
at 11 a. m. and at 7:00 p. m.
All are cordially invited.
R ev . Il. 1’. S atchwell , Pastor.
St. James’ (Catholic) church. Mass
at 10:30 a. in on the second and fouith
Sumiays of each month. Sunday school
at 2:30 p. ui. every Sunday.
j. S. W hite , P.ector.
St. James’ church. Rev. John C. I
Fair, rector. Services 11 a. m. anil
7 p. m.
Sunday school at 9 :30 a. m.
F. idav evening services at 7:OOp tn.
Seats free. All a. e cordially invited tc I
Services pt the Baptist church.—
Preaching morning and evening at usu­ j
al hours—11 a tn. and 7 p. tn.
Sunday school at 9:30 a tn.
All are cordially invited to these ser­ i
vices. Strangers especially made wel­
come to come and worship with us.
G. J. B urchett , Pastor.
C. I’, church. Services at the usual
hours. Subject for forenoon—“Lite
too short for grudges.” Subject for
■vening: "Relations of the liver to
access or failure in Christian work.”
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. All are
cordially invited to attend these ser­
T. II. H enderson , Pastor.
----- ,-----------------
A Bargain.
We offer for sale 320 acres of land,
situated 4’., miles west of McMinnville;
4 > aeres’farming land, the balance good
pasture land; well watered 3 living
spring:*, all under good new fence;
new barn, and good house. This is the
best stock ranch in Yamhill county, and
s offered for sale at a bargain. For fur­
ther particulars enquire at this office.
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve,
The best salve iri the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi-
tiCeiv cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfae-
Price 25
tion, or money refunded
cents per box. For sale bv Rogers A
Home Produce Market.
Corrected for the T ki - ffhosk by Baxter A
Wheat, j>er bn
Gats, per iru
Flour, per bar.
*4.20(3*4 <»•
Eggs. |»er <I"Z ................
Butter, tier lb
Cheese, nest, per lb....
Apples. ; er box........
Bacon, sides
liani. sugar cured
For Sale.
Two acres of land jn-t across the creek
om town, nea' the college.
U ill be
«dd cheap on account of the owner leav­
ing. Inquire oi J. Todd. McMinnville,
I look this matter up a little and take
steps at «»nee to h. in/ atom the des*r?d |
result, and then have noine sut»stanli<ii
county buildings built at some ceiHr d
p i:it, an<i have a town of four or five
The Leader in Millinery.
| thousand inhabitants fora home ma-
ket, Hie people of this county at least
will beg n to realize what pioMpeii y is. HAIR WEAVING AND STAMPING,
Y im Y im .
Opposite Grunge Store, McMinnville. 42tf
Lafayel te.
taras! tarit:! tarit!!
February 24, 1887.
Gid Elt was released Irom jail on last
Monday, hi s time having expiied.
Still the snow ennes down, which
shuts off all means of obtaining many
news items.
(Sncceasor to L. Root)j
Mr. Suiter, brother of L. O. Suiter, of|
Carries a f<1)1 and complete stwk of
this place, leaves for his home in tlie|
east this morning. His wife does not ) Groceries, Crockery, Glassware,
like the country. They have been on
Wooden and Willowware,
the coast for a year or so past.
Prof. Carl Y’oung moved back to Mc­
Minnville last Saturday. The Piofexsor
has not been able to resume his duties
Goods delivered promptly to any part
as teacher here, as vet. Do not know
of the city.
whether he will teach the coming week
or not.
Goods Exchanged for Produce. 35t(
The high bridge between this place
and the narrow gauge depot was discov­
ered to be in a veiy bad condition, Mon­
day morning. The blocks <m which the I
—Harness at the—
center bent rested were rotten, and
when the frost came out of them they
were too soft to hold up the weight ol
the bridge, and the center settled about
— at absolutely—
five feet. Supervisor Houston put a
force ot men at work at once and raised
it to its proper place and put new blocks
under. It is all right lor the present,
Buggy Harness from *12.00 ami upward.
Team Harness from *25.00 and upward.
I have also something entirely new in the
line of sweat pads.
Owing to the change in oar business
My terms are ( ASH, or notes that can
A. WEL1J8.
we need all the money due us. So all be turned into cash.
who owe us please call ami Metile al
R ogers & T odd .
The Great Transcontinental Honte.
Tobacco Cigars,
Portland Prices.
A Captain's Fortunate Discovery
C’apt. Coleman, sebr. Weymouth plying
between Atlantic City and N. ¥., bad been
troubled with a cough so that- he was un­
The Direct Route I No Delays I
able to sleep, and was induced to try Dr.
Kings New Discovery for Consumption. It
Fast Trains!
not only gave him instant releif, but allay­
ed the extreme soreness in bis breast. His
children were si mi la rv effected and a single
dose had the same happy effect. Dr. Kings tuze lowest ròJvTEs
New Discovery is now the standard rem­
edy in the Coleman household and on board
the schooner. Free Trial Bottle of this
Standard Remedy at Rogers & Todd’s Drug East. Tickets sold to nil prominent point*
throughout the East and Southeast.
Renews Her Youth.
Mrs. Phiebe Chesley, Peterson, Clay Co.
Be careful and do not make a mistake.
Iowa, tells the following remarkable dory,
But be sure to take the
the truth of which is vouched for by the
residents of tin* town: “I am 73 years old,
have been troubled with kidnev complaint N orthern P acific R ailroad
and lameness for innay years; could not
And see that your ticket renda via
dress myself without, help. Now I am
free from all pain and soreness, and am
able to do all tnv own housework. I owe ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS,
my thunks to Electric Hitters for having re­
newed mv youth, ami removed completely
and serious delays oeci.’
all diseases and pain.” Try a bottle, only To avoid changes
sioned by other routes.
A dancing party at George Baxter’s
last night. Some must have da.iced
DR. FREELAND, of Fowlerville.
all night until broad daylight, for they N. REV.
A’..writes us that two bottles of Gilmore’s Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars
did not go home until morning.
are Run on Regular Express
Aromatic wine cured his wife of nervous­
ness and sleeplessness. Sold bv Rogers A
Trains Full Length of the
The concert at the church last Sunday Todd.
Line. Berths Free.
was a ver y pleasant affair. Considering
the difficulties attending the wav for re­ GILMORE’S AROMATIC WINE in a pos­
hearsals the children performed well, itive cure for all those painful complaints
ami the audience, considerably augment­ so common to all our best, female popula­
ed by visitors from Pleasantdale, was tion. Solti by Rogers & Todd.
General Office of the Company,
fair for size and fairer lor respectability.
WANTED. A case of female weakness,
general debility or nervous exbauston that No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Or.
The chief topic of conversation with Gilmore’s Aromatic Wine wile not cure.
us is the weather ; and why not talk of Sold by Rogers A Todd.
the weather? Certainly we could not do
REV. E. .1. WHITNEY, of Clarkson. N.
very well without it. But we need not
V , says: Gilmore’s Wine for female weak­
find fault and scold it. Wi cannot ness
Genenu Western Passenger Agent.
change it in the least. Am! then after A Todd.
all the worry impatience some manifest
it always shows in the end that Old
great remedy for women ami children, 12s
Probabilities makes no mistake.
thousands suffering from Asthma, Con­
doses for $1. Sold by Rogers A Todd.
sumption. Coughs, etc. Did you ever try
Our sick at present are Mr. John Wil-
GILMORE’S AROMATIC WINE makes Acker’s English Remedy? It is tlie best
son, whose troulde is pleurisy, Mother a ladv
beautiful, because it gives her good, preparation known for all Lung Troubles,
Hutcben, who is slowly convaleseii’g rich blood
Solti by Rogers A Todd.
Sold on a positive guaranteo at 10c., 60c.
from lung fever, and Lady Hill, a dangh-
IM POTENCY' IN MAN OB WtlMAN Geo. W. Burt Druggist,
ter of J. S. and Mrs. Hill. Her ailment
is some kind of fever. Dr. G. W. Odell quickly cured by Gilmores Aromatic wine
gave a wrench to his hip in alighting Bold by Rogers A Todd.
Irom a carriage and in consequence was
LADIES. useOilmore’s Aromatic
laid up a few days, early in tlie week. will cure you. Bold by Kogers A Todd.
He is out again now, however.
C ornet .
February 23, 1887.
It i« reported that the Indiana at
Grand Ronde are losing all their stock
from starvation.
The recent freshets Injured the dam
at ihis place to such an extent., that it
will be necessary to do considerable re­
pairing before any grinding can be done.
Our town has resumed its usual quiet­
ness, and the people look cheerful, ex­
cept our stockmen, whose sad counte­
nance’s indicate that the hay mows are
getting low, and the «now in the moun­
tains getting deeper.
Mr. II. Bliley left this week for the
“Big Bend” country, where lie will en
gaite in mining on a large sialo this
summer. It has long been kown that
the bars on the Columbia river weie
rich inline gold, hut ox mg to the ab-
sem e of water that could be utilized,
they have remained unmolested except
now and then by an entrprising China­
men. wno with bin “rocker” has cleaned
lip his ‘‘four bittee’ |n*r day. It lias
now come to light that some of those
“tour hittee” fellows have become in­
dependently rich in a short time. Mr.
Biiley has invented a large current
wheel that will raise a large volume of
waler Io any bight desired, and he is
confident that diving the summer
he will bring a girodlv amount of the
precious metal to the surface.
-J. w Ilia* the tinder^igneil executor of th.
last will in.d teMmiient of Simon Allie de-
eeased has filed with tlie county court oi
Yamhill county. Oregon, his final account
as such executor, mid that tlie court lin-
appointed Tuesday. March sth, A D ISS7.
nt 1 o’clock p. in ustiie time for hearing
the santo
McMinnville. Or .Feb 1st 1887
Dry Goods House
In the City,
—Having Bought the—
City Market,
Burinra* of Logan Bron. A Bonder*
son. 1 am ready to <lo all kinds of
KENYON & RAY, Proprietors,
(Successors to W. F. Bangasser.)
—At Any Time.—•
Delivery Wagon Always Ready.
wiTr .iir n i risi.
M. S. GOI ’I \ j
Of all kind.« an<l of the be«»t quality
kept constantly on hand.
Ill kinds of (iame in Season.
Jones & Co.,
—Proprietors of
—Denier in—
JMieca Saw Mills
'IrMinmilk Sasli and door Factory.
This place is too near the edge of the
county to present any claims lor the coun­
ty seat, hut there is one thing that wo
—Dealers in -
sadly need and that is*a railroad; and
White and Red Lend,
just here I want to mention an enter­
prise, that is receiving a good deal of at
Linseed and Lubricating Oil«,
tention, in the way of talk in this vicini­
Varnishes of all Description,
ty, ami that is the building of a branch
road from Lafayette to McMinnville and
Kalsomine, Spanish Whiting
from thence via Bellevue ami Sher dan
Paris Whiting
to this point. Viewed from a finim ial
sfandjroint there could be nothing found
P. & R. and Princess Metalic
on ttie coast, that would yield a hette
Roof Paint, Venitian Red,
p oflt on • he inve trnent. It would
bring the narrow gauge in direct compe­ Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochre.
tition with the west side ro.vl, tie-ides
nn<i Hardware
l>e ng of ini’s»irnable value to hundred»«
of farme « who now have Io haul their
Prices as Low as the Lowest.
p n ure from ten to fifteen mile« to the
railroad. Let th« |»e<qde of Yamh'B
J0NE8 & Co. I
(inns, Piktoln, Ammunition,
Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, Etc., Etc.
All kinds of
Gunsmith, Locksmith and Sew 1’1«
Machine Work done with
Neatneae and Dispatch.
Choke-boring a Specialty, and Satis*
faction Guaranteed.
Onp llnor
of Baiter A Martin’«
*1 ppsfl •atu.K» tt o-qaj ’Oja« rj naoaq
*eup(ihoK jo tunidQ ou supticoa ;;
»¿»w Suini Xq oaiKl |v
eq uao ‘sjapassstfl qaamoifl
40 ’»up,! Juiqia»! ‘»I[<O Xpu|A\,
qitM p.qqnr>4i 40 ’ mm » SLN>C\XNCT
*q> wood injiAij luaiaqi
, v’NN.
G. W Burt Druggist.