The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, February 25, 1887, Image 2

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The electorial count bill is now a law,
James Kelly, driver ol a logging team
Me M innv .' i . i . e , F h I imv F eb . 25, 1847.
at Blanchard’s logging camp near Seat­ though it lias occasioned but little dis­
tle, was killed instantly by falling under cussion in the public press. Itissixteen
years ago this month since the senate
In answer to an article in the list is- the wheels of a car Tuesday.
declared that the president of that body
Htte of the l.egister criticising the T kle -
The Portland News erne to hind was not vested by tlie constitution with
phosh ’ s editoiiul of the 15th inst. regar­
Wednesday, with complete telegraph power to count the presidential vote,
ding the condition of the county build­
service furnished by the Mackey-Ben­ lliis law expressly denies to the presi­
ings, we have very little to say. We are
nett line. Success to the News.
dent of the senate any such power. He
not engaged just now in fighting the
Reports from the cattle ranges of is to preside over the joint convention
present county seat, or any of its inhabi­
tants, neither have we aa said corres­ Victoria, continue unfavorable. It t is of the ’muses at their meeting in Febru­
ary after the election, but simply opens
pondent states “wilfully misrepresented estimated that fully 40,000 head will
and announces tlie returns. No objec­
the facts.” The correspondent tikes perish before the spring feed comes.
exceptions to the few lines in our article
At Washington, Geo. Braneroft, the tions can be made to the counting of re­
which said tl.e county was badly in need venerable historian, is suffering from an turns, unless there is more than one set
of new buildings and new ones would attack of pneumonia, and owing to Ids from any particular state, in the lattei
have to be built, and accuses us of being advanced age, little hopes arc entertain­ event, tlie returns endorsed by the
highest court in th > state are accepted.
ignorant of or misrepresenting the fai ts, ed of bis recovery.
In the absence of a judicial decision,
with a view of misleading the taxpayers
John Sherman has tendered his resig­ the set certified by the governor will be
There may be a difference of opinion
regarding the condition of the coun­ nation as president of the senate, to accepted, otherwise it will require “the
ty buildings, the correspondent of take effect on Saturday. The reason lie .itlii illative vote of both houses of con­
the Register to the contrary not­ gave was that his term expires March gress sitting seperatelv to count the re­
lie may be of the 4th. The senate will be left without an turns.” Contests must be settled in the
opinion that tho county buildings are executive officer during the recess.
states in which they originate, anil con­
in a good condition ; we do not question
The legislative assembly fixed the gress will not go behind a regularly cer­
bis sincerity. But we have heard it ex­ county school tax levy at five mills in­ tified return alter a contest has been
pressed, not only in McMinnville, but in stead of four as in the past. This will made and decided. The Chicago lier­
almost every town in the county, by increase th« length of the school term aid in giving a brief synopsis oi the bill,
men who perlmps have just as much in throughout the state very materially, makes this comment:
telligence, and are probably just as well a id prove beneficial to the public school
Whatever laws may be passed on this
qualified to judge, as tl is correspondent work in the state.
subject, the counting of the electoral
that the present county build ngs are not
V ite will always be attended by the pog-
in a good condition, and the county­
ibilitv of fraud as long as it is done by a
does need new ones, lienee our assertion.
congress whose term is expiring, and
“Everyone” who has examined the
which may not be politically in sympa­
L ondon , Feb. 22.— Advices from Zan- thy with tlie more recent expression of
county buildings do not agree with the
Register's correspondent. Inconclusion state that the Portuguese men of- the people. For example,the congress
We will say with our opponent, “It is war, by order of the governor of Mozam­ that was elected last fall will count the
simply a business transaction for the bique, have seized the Sultan’s steamer next electoral vote, though another con­
tax payers of this county and if they Kilvn at Totigi, and towed her to Mo gress will be elected by that time. As
think they can afford” to eiect new zambique.
long as any contingency is left open un­
buildings at Lafayette "it is their privi­
S tockton , Feb. 22.—Police Judge der which one house of congress, by re­
lege and duty to do so.” But should Clement went gunning in a boat- this fusing to accept a return, can prevent it
they desire to erect them at some more morning on the San Joaquin river, ac­ being counted, it maybe depended up­
prosperous and important center—Mc­ companied by his son, aged 13. When on that the politicians, on occation, will
Minnville for instance—our people will near Rough and Readv the boy fell take care to have that contingency arise
welcome them with out. stretched arms. overboard and was drowned, and the when congress, or one house of it, shall
father nearly met the same fate in at­ be of a political stripe suited to their
Civilians who are talking so freely tempting to save his son.
purpose. Tlie new bill greatly reduces
about the sort of fortifications needed
San R afael , Feb. 22.—There was a the chances of fraud, however, and un­
for defense of New York harbor, are shooting scrape at midnight Sunday in der any ordinary circumstances, con­
taken aback by Admiral Porter’s letter Peterson’s saloon. David Gutfield was gress, no matter how constiuted, will
to Congressman Lawler, stating that in shot in the breast by Janies Fitzroy. have nothing to do but count the votes
a nine-inile circle of fire, hundreds of The ball penetrated his lung and is pro­ as it receives them, duly ceitified from
ironclads could to-day, if anchored off bably fatal.
Fitzroy declares th it the state.
Coney ¡Bland, reach nearly all of Staten Outfield assaulted him with a knife, and
island and a large portion of Bergen he fired in self defense. II j has been
Neck, the southern railroad docks, Jer­ arrested.
sey City, and all the lower portions ot
W ashington , Feb. 22.—Speaker Car­
New York City, nearly a quarter of a
mile above the city ball, and all Brook­ lisle has been tendered the secretaryship,
lyn to near Hunter’s point, including of the treasury. He has not yet decided
In McMinnville. Oregon.
the East river bridge, the navy yard, whether to accept or refuse the honor,
■ Jamaica bay and ltockawav beach, with but the impression prevails that he will
'.the mortar which is now being experi- decline. The president is very reticent
rtnented upon abroad. It would be pos­ about the matter, and no one has any
sible with a lew of these mortar boats to definite information about his intentions
.klevastate the country lor miles around. or even his desires.
TSTew To-Day
ew or )enmg‘ !
The supreme court ot Indiana has
handed down a decision in the Smith-
Itobertson case, in which the former
prayed for an injunction to restrain the
latter from exercising the duties of lieu
tenant governor, a position to which lie
was chosen at the general election in
November last. Tho opinion refuses
the injunction on the ground of want
of jurisdiction, thus in effect, de­
claring that the case must be decided In
the general assembly and not by the
A bill has passed congress creating a
new department to bo known as the
“Department of Agriculture and Labor,”
with a secretary and assitant secretary,
anda commissioner at the head of the
bureau of labor. Tho weather service
of the signal service is to be transferred
to tlio new department July 1st next.
The chief signal officer of tho army may
be assigned to the charge of the weath­
er bureau until the chief of the bureau
is appointed and confirmed.
So anxious was the Marquis of Queens-
berry to go with Stanley on bis expedi­
tion to relieve Emir Bey, that he was
willing to pay $20,000 toward the expens­
es if he were allowed to share with
Stanley and his little band ot five Eng­
lishmen the dangers and glories of the
enterprise. He would lie a good man
to have along. He could “knock out”
the natives “marquis of Queensbcrry
rules” you know.
The president lias intimated to some
of his most personal political friend«
that during the summer, in company
with Mrs. Cleveland and members ot
the cabinet with their ladies, he will
make and extended trip through the
south and west, lie will visit the south
in the spring and tho west after warm
The recent legislature established two
S an F rancisco , Feb. 22.—Win. llown
Jewelry Work Neatly Done.
the hackman who killed M. J. Dolan
on the corner of Geary and Kearny Watches Guaranteed & War­
streets in December, was found lying
unconscious on the corner of Third and
Maiket this morning,
Third street, between (’ and 1) in the tail­
There were
severe scalp wounds, and he was badly oring establishment of R. B. Hibbs.
cut and bleeding. He could not say
how his injuries were received. He is
out on $3,000 bonds pending trial for
mansla lighter.
I \ It K Tl'RPIN, 76 P. C J. C. C. R.
Color, rich golden yellow: bufF nose.
Los A ngeles , Feb. 22—The session Bred by W J Nesmith. Derrv. Oregon;
of the department encampment of the calved in 1882; sired hv Dixie; dam, Jessie.
133 P C .1 <’ (’ R
Property of Addie
Grand Army opened here to-day. 175 Braly This line,bull will lie kept on River­
members are present and a favorable re­ side Farm
Pavable at time of service
port is presented for the past year, Cal-
ifoinia now has 121 posts with 6,445
comrades. This shows the member-
ship has doubled in two years.
No new eases of smallpox are reported
to-day and no alarm is now felt. The from North Yamhill. Oregon This piece of
land will lie sold cheap on easy terms Tin
eleven cases are all at the pesthouse. property has a good house and out build
ngs, two good wells, a tirst-class brick yard,
The disease is in a very mild form.
i good young orchard and small fruit of all
Will also sell a good butcher shop
N apa , Cal., Feb. 22. —The excitement
in North Yamhill. For further particulars
over the brutal murder of Mrs. Lyons address
North Yamhill, Oregon.
increases hourly. Searching parties ate
out in every direction, mid it is thought
the murderer wi I certainly be captured.
Information reached here yesterday
that lie stole a horse Sunday night from
a farm four miles south of Calistoga,
Third Street, between E and F.
and that he was making for the coast.
Hie sheriff o' Santa Rosa was notified
McMinnville, Oregon.
and immediately took the track, but
was unable to fin i trice of ttie fu.itive.
A complete description has been sent in
every direction. No motive for the mur­
der has y«t been developed.
First-class accommodations for Ccmmer-
N ew Y ork , Feb. 22.—When the pres­ eial men and general travel.
ident signs the bill for the redemption
Transient stock well cared for.
of trade dollars there will be a big rush
Everything new and in First-Class Order
to exchange the old coins for standard
Patronage respectfully solicited.
silver dollars. About eight hundred
thousand trade dollars, it is thought, are
being hoarded in this city agiinst the
time when the government will redeem
them. Million« are in China and Japan
as bullion, and many of them are stamp­
ed with names and marks to identify
them in those countries. Ail coins, how­
SAM LIKENS. Proprietor.
ever, which are thus stamped or other­
wise mutilated, will not be redeemed
Blacksmithing and carriage ironing of
under the new law.
every description.
new counties, one under the name of
Malheur, out of the central and soutli-
ern portions of Baker county, and the
other to be known as Wallowa county,
W ashington , Feb. 22.—The report of
out of the northeastern portion of Union
county. The governor will appoint the the director of the mint containing sta­
tistics of the production of precious
first officers of the new counties.
met «Is in the United States in the year
De Lesseps is once more going to Pan­ 1886, was transmitted to congress to­
ama. He is, dont.less, startled by the day. From the report it appears that
recent assertion of Sir William Thomp­ the production of gold during 1SS6 ex­
son, that the sun will he too cold to ceeded that of any previous year since
warm the earth in 10,060 years.and feels ISSO, and almost equaled the production
that he must hasten the work on his ca­ ol that year. It amounted to $31,000.000
in 1SS6 against $31,S )0,000 in 1885. The
production ot silver, as nearly as can lie
The ft item Statesm in has entered n- • a-eertaine<l, was $42,8113,!»3 0.
on the 37th year of its existence. The .imoiint of gold bullion imported into
statesman is a good paper nnd we hope the Uniteli States was $17,047,418; ex­
port«, $27,862,637.
it will live thirty-seven years longer.
Sta|)le and Fancy . Dry Goo^
------- AND--------
GEX1E11-VI- M EKCJI/\.NT>I s £
-----Sole Agent for the Celebrated-----
This Space is For
Droadliend Dress Groods.
An Assortment of these Popular Goods
In all the Latest Novelties, New and Desirable Colorings, Just Recti,l(1
What we Guarantee for the Dress Goods of our Manufacture
in the World
Broadhead Worsted Mills, Jamestown. N. Y.
i-N that the tax books of Yamhill
County for the year lHMG. are now in my
hands'for collection, and that myself or de­
puty will visit the various preejnets of said
county as follows, between the hours of 10
o’clock a. m. aud t o’clock p. in.:
Monday January 21
East Chehalcm
West Chehalcm
(Carter’s store)
North Yamhill
< ’arlton
29 !
North McMinnville Saturday
......... “
31 I
South McMinnville Monday
Tuesday February 1 i
(Simpson’s )
All persons are requested to be present at
said appointments and settle their taxes,
or pay ihe same to me at my office by the
first of April, as required by* law. If not
then paiil we will be necessitated to follow
the constructions of the law.
Sheri fl’ and Tax Collector.
Prescript ion Druggist
M c M innville
—Carries'll Complete Stock sf—
Furniture and Undertakers’Goods
You want anything in the line of
Oregon & California R. I
And Connections.
—Dealers in—
I’”are to Sun Francisco, $32; Sacramento$30.
Groceries and Previsions.
the office of the WEST
will guarantee von
Close connections made at Ashland witk
stages of the California, Oregon and Idaho
Stage Company.
Fast Side Division.
Mail Train.
McMinnville Baths!
C. H. FLEMING, Prop.
Shaving, Hair Cutting and- - - -
- - - - Shampoing Tarbrs.
Ladies' and Children’s Work
Than any other printing house
in this county.
We make a specialty ot Fine
Book and Card Printing.
—A full line of—
Portland 8:00 A. M. I Ashland 4:00 A. I
Ashland .8:45 P. M |Portland 3.451’1
/Albany Express Train.
Portland 4:00 P. MJ Lebanon J:JOF- J
Lebanon 4:45 A. M.¡Portland ,10:05 A.M.
Palace Sleeping (w
Dailv between Portland an<l Ashland.
The O. AC. R. R. Ferry makes connect!«
with all the regular trains on the East’iot
Division from foot of F Street.
Went Side Division.
Mail Train.
Hot and Cold Baths, 25 Cts.
—Have Just Added—
Port’and 7:30 A. M.[Corvallis
Corvallis 1 ;30 P. M ¡Portland 6:15 r.s-
At Corvallis connect with trains of Uregw
Pacific R. II. for Ynquina Bay.
Express Train.
The Finest Line of Cigars
Henderson Bros. Props.
In the City. Try Them.
Martis & Stet Wra,
McMinnville, Oregon.
Has been thoroughly renovated and is now
Letter Heads,
ready to receive grain.
Note Heads,
Stornco and Cleaning, 3 cents. Calcutta
Bill Heads,
«ack« constantly on hand and sold at the
lowest rates.
C ards, Etc., Highest Market Price Paid for Wheat.
Portland 4:50 I’. M IMcMinnvilleM» ’
M< Min’ville 5:45A .MlPortland 11:0» A *
Local ticket.« for «ide and baggage «"B
nt company's up-town office, cvrnrr ,
and Second streets. Tickets for pnn- r*
point.« in California can only be procur
company's office.
Corner F nnd Front St... Portia« /
Freight will not be received for snip"»
after live T. M. on r eitlier tlie t,*’1 or'
Side Divisions.
G. F. A Pa”-
—A Full Line of—
ar<? rcspcrtfulIy invited to call
Work Delivered Promptly
(Successor to A. M. Taggart.)
Horse Shoeing
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Merchant Tailor
And plow work a specialty.
.M illiiiLr Doi ip !
I would most respectfully announce that
Also manufacture the
I have leased the Chris Newby Flouring
Mill in Happy \ alley, have thoroughly
Celebrated Oregon Iron Harrow, overhauled and repaired it. and am now
ready to do grinding for toll or cash.
Come and see me.
Of tl»e good things of this
‘’*w»**W life are sorrowfully let
alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker’s
Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and Constipation; «'lid on a
positive guarantee al 25 aad 50 cents, by
G W Burt, Druggist.
To be made from the very best material, by skillful workmen, with the lateetand
approved machinery, ami to be the cheapest goods in tho market when
Are so thoroughly finished that they can be worn in damp weather or a shower
out fear of being ruined by curling or shrinking.
The manufacturing, dyeing ami finishing is done in such a manner, that then«!
can be washed if desired, without the least injury to tlie fabric.
Our goods are wool dyed, and tlie colors are as fast as the purest dyes and
cure and skill can make them.
Goods show jn-t wlint they are ami will bo until worn out, as there is no wei»|ni
stiffening, or artificial lustre used to increase tlie weight or finish; as is the cm ,
large class of . .... Is in the market, but which disappears after a few days’ servie, *
As manufacturers we Imve taken great pains to supply an article in every W|I^
liable, and unsurpassed by similar goml«. either foreign or domestic, and would m^t.
fully ask nil examination of the various styles and shades to be found on sale by Iu,
chants who are agents for the goods.
All goods of our manufacture should bear tlie name and trade mark of
New Blacksmith Shop!
-Sv «i\rn
ui Binod Elixir is the only
> Blood Keniedy gua„n'
teed. It Is* positive cure for Fleers, Erup­
tions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It pnrifiestlie
whole system, and banishes all Rheumatic
and Neuralgic pains. Wo guarantee it.
Geo. W. Burt, l»ruggi«t.
—At the Millinery Tartan of-
Miss F. E.
Fine Tailoring a Specialty.
—Dealers in all kinds of—
Flour and T
O regon .
the.9*U<lren. They are
r, .. _,
pecially liable to sudden
olds, Coughs, Croup. Whooping Cough,
33 e guarantee Acker’« English
Remedy a positive cure.
R gaTeg
mars of anxious watching. Sold by
• teo. W. Burt, Druggist.
—Goods sold at—
The Lowest Cash Pri<*
Delivered B
febttf To any part of the city-