The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, February 11, 1887, Image 1

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mice wier was m the Hist stage of
conviction, which would have been fol­
lowed in due time by repentance and
confession, if events hnd lieen propitious,
How have I offended you, Alice?”
The question was asked with just a when suddenly Dean Radnor returned
of hauteur in the low flexible to Hastings, as unexpectedly as he left»
Garrison’s Builflinz. MJMlle, Oregon, tones; yet,
in spite of his wounded pride, ind flashed out once more with all his
— UT —
Dean Radnor’s eyes were full of passion­ >ld-time brilliancy a3 "a bright particu-
Tnlmi'L”« «& Turner, ate entreaty as he looked down into lar star” in society.
His first appearance was at a ball
J’nMishsrs and Proprietors.
Alice Wier’s disdainful, half-averted
given by the wealthy young patron,
They were standing together in the Mrs. Chalmers, who had seized upon
rj oi curtained recess of a deep bay-window him on the very instant of liis return
One year...................................................
I Zi
Pls months ............................................
home and bidden him to her “crush" at
v> in her father’s drawing-room. A pleas­ the
Three months. ........................................
eleventh hour.
ant murmur of voices, as the few in­
Kniere.l hi the I’oslolllo-at McMinnville, Or.,
Alice Wier we« among the micsts:
ii-i second I iss in-it I e -.
in there after dinner conversation, fell and her first intimation of Radnor’s
dreamily on Radnor’s ear, but he was presence was when she came lace to face
with him in the hall, whither her part­
H. V. V. JOHNSON, M. D. conscious of nothing but his own anx­ ner
in the last valse had taken her tor a
Northwest caruer of Second und B streets,
Miss Wier presently lifted to his gaze ! quiet promenade.
M c M innville
oregon .
a fair, proud face, every feature of 1 If there was a throb of insane jov in
Dijan Radnor’s heart at this sudden
which seemed to have frozen into unut­ sight
M ay be f >nn l at his olfleo when nut absent on pro-
of Alice, no one but himself was
terable contempt. Her blue eyes flashed
fa» iuutd b.<shie«s.
wiser for it In an inst int the
a little too ominously, perhaps, to bear
scornful words flashed before his mind,
out the impression of cold indifference as distinctly as though the tosy lips now
which her answering words were de­ quivering and paling before liim had
Physicians and Surgeons, signed to convey; but Dean Radnor, just uttered them, “It is my wish that
blind as all his sex are, heard the words
we meet no more as acquainances.”
M c M innville . O regon .
and believed in them, without perceiv­ Had he not returned from lus cowardly
Office over Bruly's Bai.k.
retreat to prove to her that he could
and voice, in spite of her, contained.
grant this request with no effort nor
“That you should need to ask this, pain to himself? Verily, her wish should
S. A. YOUNG-, M. D.
Mr. Radnor,” she said haughtily, “is be respected! And so, with a cold
even worse than your offense. I can pride before which Alice’s painfully
not condescend to point out the special throbbing heart sank in utter and hel|>-
Physician and Surgeon,
act of discourtesy which has reversed less despair, Dean Radnor stepped aside
my former good opinion of you. The with the graceful bow that he would
Office and re i knee on D street. All calls promptly simple fact that you are unconscious of
have given to the merest stranger,
MfVcred day or night.
>t is a sufficient proof that you are not and allowed Miss Weir and Col.
tiie perfect gentleman I once believed Sl.epperson
pass on;
you to be. Let this explain my request making his way to the call-room
that we meet no more as acquaint­ lie sought out the beautiful Miss Tem­
ple. and throughout the rem liner of the
Dean Randor stared at the speaker evening devoted himself to her with i
Office-Two door» east of Bingham's furniture
couspicuousness that nc one failed to ob­
I’o any ordinary observer it would have serve.
Laiigbing g»s administered for pilules* extract! >n.
been perfectly plain from Miss Wier’s
There was no deliberate trifling on
whole speech and manner that she was Dean Radnor’s part. He was a consist­
thoroughly, uncontrollably angry, and ent believer in the principles of home­
uttering words that did cruel violence to opathy; and in affairs of the heart, as
her own feelings, as well as the feelings well as in the more tangible ills that
of the one whom she was addressing: flesh is heir to, he held the truth to be
but Radnor, although unquestionably self-evident that “like cures like.” He
|l and $2 Hou e. Single meals 25 cents.
lacking in cool wisdom where Alice was determined to care himself of his
Fine Sample Booms for Commercial Mon
Wier was concerned, had not the pene­ useless love for Alice Wier, and liow
F. MI LTNER, Prop.
tration of an ordinary observer, and was this to be done? Why, by opposing
therefore failed to make what must it with astrong, manly, sensible love for
otherwise have been a most gratifying some worthy girl; and tliefe was nc
AV. V. riliCE,
young lady in all his wide social ac­
Stung by the contempt in her tone quaintance (next to Alice Wier) whom
and words, angered by a criticism which lie esteemed to highly as Miss Temple.
he felt to be preposterously unreason­ Hence, his deliberate determination to
able and unjust, lie answered with a full in love with Miss Temple, marry
Up Stiirä in Adams' Building,
manner quite as haughty as her own. her and live happily forever after.
while his eyes met hers wirh a look as
And Alice? Well,
she observed
cold as steel.
the assiduity of Radnor’s atten-
“Very well. Miss Wier, since you re­ tions to Miss Temple, and soon
CUSTER POST BAND, gard it as an impossible condescension became convinced that their motive win.
to explain the sudden coldness and dis­ sincere admiration and affection, their
The Best in the State.
dain with which you have treated me object matrimony. Very good; slie
b prepared to fuiiiish music for all occasions at reason to-day, after the flattering cordiality had been quite mistaken, then, in im­
able rates. Address
and friendship of the past few months, agining that lie had ever loved her; what
I7OVV r^AJVT), 1 must consider it equally a condescen­ she had foolishly believed to be love
sion on my part to ask further for this was but the hypocritical preten­
Business Mtnager, McMinnville.
explanation. As to your request that sion of a selfish, mercenary, in­
we meet no more as acquaintances, I sincere trifler, who could easily
shall cheerfully accede to it. Believe console himself when he found that
me, I can take no pleasure in the ac­ she was not to be won by his profes­
quaintance of a lady who, while dwell­ sions of devotion. Oil, how thankful
Corner Third and D streets, McMinnville
ing with such emphasis upon tho cour­ she was that she had had the pride, the
tesy due to herself, quite ignores the spirit to send him away from her be­
LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON, fact that there is an equal courtesy due fore lie had won her whole heart by lus
from her to others. I have tiie honor of empty words and his deceitful tender­
bidding y ou good-bye.”
ness of tone and glance 1 Glad-»why,
Did he really mean it? Were there to all that she reproached herself for now.
The Best Rigs in the City. Orders be no protestations, no entreaties, no i was that she had not been ten times
frantic admission that he was in the 1 more angry with him than she was, and
Promptly Attended to Day or Night,
wrong and pleading for her pardon ? that she had ever dreamed of sucli a
Alas for Alice’s fond expectations—no, thing afterward as admitting herself in
none of these! There was coldness, the wrong.
hauteur, even contempt in Dean Rad­
And, at this point, Alice herself be­
nor’s handsome face, as scarcely glanc­ came a convert to homeopathy; to this
ing at her while he
extent—she resolved upon the same euro
farewell, he pushed aside the heavy for her wounded feelings that Dean Rad­
Persian drapery and stepped back, that nor bad prescribed fci his own. Why
AMtrlctly Tempernnce Resort.
she might pass out from the window should she not love Col. Sliepperson, who
I.0M good (t) OLurvh member. t> the contrary not­ recess. And when she had done so, for long months had been fluttering
ai» stun ing.
white and trembling with anger and around her in silent but unmistakable
disappointment, which it took all her admiration? He was wealthy, he was
pride and self-control to conceal, he fol­ fine looking, he wasn’t so very old, and
“Orphans’ Home” lowed her with a careless, indifferent rumor had it that he would some day be
air. joined for a few moments in the in congress. Surely any girl in her
light chatter of the other guests, and senses would be thankful and proud to
then, taking leave of his host and encourage such a lover; and Alice Wier,
«il, fint cl.M, nnd the only perlor-llke ehop I d the hostess, bowed himself out of the draw­ disdainfully admitting that she had been
ing-room. Only Alice Wier knew that decidedly out of her senses in allowing
ai tv. None but
iie had gone forever; and upon her herself to think so much of Dean Rad­
First > ria ar Workmen Employed heart the conviction settled with all
nor, resolved now, with a thrill of new
vint door eouth of Yamhfl Couotp Bank Building'
the icy calm of despair.
life running through all her nerves, that
Everyone wondered why Dean Radnor, «lie would conquer her foolish fancy for
M c M innville , orboon .
H. H WELC H. the most eligible bachelor in Hastings, Radnor by a sensible love for Col. Shep-
should leave town at the very beginning person; and, marrying him—as of course
of an unusually brilliant season. He lie would soon ask her to do!—five hap­
Studying M. Pasteur's Methods.
1 have been in Paris studying M. Pas­ lold no one why he went or whither lie pily for ever after.
And now the grand work of cure
teur’s methods. The basis of his theory went; and no one susnected that he took
»undoubtedly good, but in this country with him a sore and angry heart, whose began. The gayest season that Hastings
•e have not the laboratory for such wounds he hoped to heal by a long had ever known drew toward its close,
w®rk, and we have not the money to absence from her who had so cruelly in­ and society, looking on with amiable ap­
&"• such a laboratory. Of course Pas­ flicted them. And no one sus|iected proval tqion the four most conspicuous
teur has lost some cases, but the same liiat in her luxurious home, surrounded 'eligible*" whose unusual prominence in
hsppens in small-pox. There may be i.y fond and admiring friends, Alice all social affaire-had contributed so
•omething in the patient or in the inocu- Wier was hiding a sore and angry heart largely to the brilliant success of th?
1 *’
"•'on. S >ine of the Russians died be- beneath a cold and flippant exterior. If -eason. was waiting with bated brent*
reuse such a length of time had elapsed the thought crossed her mind, some­ mr the announcement of the engage-
between the time they were bitten and times, that she had been unreasonable meats which every o*‘e had so long been
in her treatment of Radnor—that she predicting. Radnor, having dunced at
•heir inoculation.
might have explained to him the cause u udance upon Miss Temple until noth­
But there are many well-defined cases of
her displeasure without compromising ing was left him in ordinary reason and
genuine protection afforded by this
“oculation where people were bittea iier dignity or pride—she put the idea honor, but to make a formal offer of his
“F really hydrophobic dogs. There are from her impatiently and persisted in heart and hand, found himself putting
If the speaking of the decisive words
•Slay people who have received the justifying her own conduct and utterly
•reutment simply because they were condemning his. -And while she waa I rmn time to time with a dread which
-e little understood. Did he fear his
»•raid. These are not included in the passing through this daily t»nfllc*
official statistics; between 200 and 300 loubt and self-justification, Dean Rad- fate too much, or were Lis desseiu
mr. miles away in tiie safe refuge tliat
•"re excluded from the July statistics he had chosen.’ was thinking constantly small ? Or why did he hesitate about
pr muoncing tiie final “Wiit thou?”—
*b« majority of the doctors, and espe-
taking, as it were, the lart sugare 1 pel­
c'al!y the influential ones, are with Pas-
teUr, but others are making a systematic fort to forget her, and wondering with let that remained before his cure conld
vague amazement that grew more hope­ be effected. Perhaps there was some­
“8"t on him. Tiiey are men in high
•tending, too; men who have had theo- less and helpless every day, what it thing in Miss Temple's manner which
have been that he had done in warned him that, although willing
r‘"’ which have not been approved, and could
•ho hold that germ« have nothing to do bis innocent unconsciousness, that hau enough to be woed. she yet did not earn
to be won. At all event«, he filtered
•hbthe disease—Veterinary Surgeon given her such deadly offeijae.
The Leading Hotel of McMinnville.
Livery Feel aiil Sale Stables
ana nesitatea on the brink of a pro
And Col. Shepperaon, gallant and
gay and devoted swain—what ailed him
thut the sentiments of the heart, when­
ever they forced themselves into speech,
melted away into “airy nothings,” that
made very delightful small talk for
flirtation, but bouni him no more firmly
to the one to whom they were uttered
than the veriest threads of gossamer
would have done? Had Alice Wier been
impatient to accomplish her ambitious
scheme of marrying this prospective
member of congress, she would have
been ill-pleased with his tardiness in de­
claring himself; but, for soma reason,
she was strangely content to wait;
and every time the dangerous tender
ness that showed itself for an instant in
Col. Sliepperson’s eyes when they met
hers, in his voice when he spoke to her.
in the pressure of his hand as it held
hers, resolved itself into the gray airi­
ness of jest, and the threatened crisii
thus passed away, she breathed a sigl
of relief and thankfulness.
homeopathy may be sure; but in thes.
two cases it was unquestionably slow.
But affairs could not go on thus for
ever. With wonder and impatience nt I-
strange faint-heartedness, Dean Radnor
resolved at last to make the fatal leap
and give Miss Temple the long-deferred
opportunity to accept his hand and for­
tune. And. by an odd coincidence, he
chose the very time and place for mak­
ing this declaration that Col. Shepper-
son, likewise goaded to desperate resolu­
tion, had chosen for a similar duty.
They were again the guests of Mrs.
Chalmers; the occasion a lawn party,
just previous to the breaking up of so­
ciety for the summer exodus to seashore
and mountains. It was evening, and the
elegant grounds were illuminated with
Japaneze lan'erns, making an effective
picture with the auxiliaries of flowers,
shrubbery, fountains, statuary and the
beautiful costumes of the ladies who
were all in fancy dress.
Dean Radnor, possibly with a view to
preparing himself for liis meditated coup
d'etat, had wondered off alone to a quiet
portion of the grounds, where the moon­
light, undisturbed by the brilliant glare
of the Japanese lanterns, was doing its
best to turn night into day; and there,
pacing to and fro behind the cover of
the tall shrubbery, he was communing
with himself, when suddenly he heard
voices just at hand; two voices—one a
man’s deep baritone, the other a
woman’s sweet, clear treble—both soft­
ened into the most gentle, tender tones.
Could it be—could it be that one of them
was Col. Sliepperson’s voice and the
other Miss Temple’s? Yes, even so; and
< lus is what tiiey said, and what Dean
Tiadnor, unconsciously eavesdropping,
Ho—Oh, my darling, you can not im­
agine how happy tliis renewal of our
engagement has made mel And only
last night—to-day—this very evening, I
was so near despair I How could you
flirt with Dean Radnor as you have been
doing, when all the time you loved only
She (sweetly)—Oh, Philip, could you
ever have lieen so blind as to imagine
that I cared anything for Dean Radnor?
We were excellent friends—nothing
more. I confess that I tried to like him,
just at first, for I was determined to
make myself forget how much I cared
for you; but that wss—
He (rapturously)—Impossible, darling! |
Oh. how happy you make met
She (shyly)—Y’es—I don’t mind telling
you now, Philip—it was impossible. But
oh! [with sudden emotion that seems to
threaten tears] how could you flirt with
Alice Wier as you have been doing, if
all tiie time you loved only me?
lie (laughing)—You dear little goose,
did you really believe that I was in love
with Miss Wier? A cruel little flirt, !
with no more heart than an icicle! I’ll |
admit to you that I did think of making
serious love to her just at first, for I was
so stung by tiie way you had thrown me
over; but bless your dearest and sweetest
of little heartsl do you think I could
ever care for Alice Wier, after loving
you? WJiy, the idea, you know—
And here followed some inarticulate
but distinctly audible demonstrations on
Col. Sliepperson’s part at which Miss Tem­
ple faintly demured; then, before another
word was spoken, they had passed on be­
yond reach of Radnoris ear.
In a state of dazed wonder, of half­
stupid comprehension, Dean Radnor
turned mechanically to retrace his steps
toward the gayly-lighted grounds.
whence came the sound of sweetly mur­
muring voices and laughter, when a
startling apparition met his eyes.
There, in the broad, full, merciless
moonlight, with her misty white dress
falling around her like a filmy cloud,
stood Alice Wier, white and motionless,
md beautiful as a statue; and thus face
o face these innocent eavesdroppers
looked into each other's eyes long and
steadily for the first time since their
foolish estrangement.
Yes, and tiiey saw now with clearer
vision than ever before into each other’s
iienrts and into their own. The shadow
hat had hung between them so long was
-uddenly lifted; and with new gladness
hrilling their heartsand shining in their
eyes, each moved a step forward, with
me common impulse, until Alice was
folded in Radnor’s arm.«, and the words
were spoken that brought joy to their
hearts, and made peace between them
forever and ever.—Mi«« S. S. Mor too
NO. 70
An Amusing Account of a Missionary*.
Experiences—“Long Pig.”
The Rev. James Chalmers, a recently
returned missionary, gives a most amus­
ing account of some recent experiences
among the cannibals, for it seems can­
nibals and non-ca:inibals are sandwiched
together very indiscriminately. Mr,
Chalmers paid a visit to a very prosper­
ous race of these gentlemen at Baldhead
Point, which is the center of the sage­
producing country. It is also abundantly
supplied with pigs, and a few miles up
the river are kangaroos and cassowaries.
An account of this visit will be told in a I
book which Mr. Chalmers lias in hand,
but I may mention one or two facts.
Since the days of Helen of Troy a
woman has ever been a causa belli. A
woman is generally the cause of the
inter-tribal conflicts which are ever
raging. This, perhaps, is owing to the
extraordinary marriage laws of the peo­
It is supposed that the custom of can­
nibalism was imported from some of the
neighboring islands. The legend goes
that some sixty years ago, c-fter a cer­
tain battle, a chief, out of bravado, cut
a portion out of another chief who was
slain, threw it into the pot, and ate it.
When tiie burying party came and asked
for the dead body he said scoffingly: “I
have eaten it.” This joke led to reprisals,
and the custom spread to the mainland.
However that may be, “long pig” is a
favorite plat in a state menu. “I found,”
said Mr. Chalmers, “these cannibals of
Baldhead Point are the moBt agreeable
fellows in the world.”
“Then you were not afraid of being
put in the pot yourself?”
“Not a bit of it. I went so far as to
ask them if tiiey had any such inten­
tions. The chief, with a smile (not a
hungry one) said that they did not care
fbr white man. They had tried him,
but he was not good. Of course, they
might prefer white man to no man at all;
but, as a matter of fact, ‘long pig’ orgies
are few and far between. They are
like plum-pudding at Christmas—very
good once a yeur."—Tall Mall Gazette
The Great Journalist«.
“To the young journalist of to-day,"
said Maj. George F. Williams nt the
Press club, “the personnel of the elder
Bennett and his compeers Raymond and
Greeley is <i mystery, and I presume
there is not a subject so interesting to the
rising generation of newspaper writers
than the habits and manners of these
three truly great men in their sphere of
life. As the years roll by anecdotes be­
come rusty and distorted, so that a very
imperfect idea is given of the men who
did so much to establish American jour­
nalism on its present high plane.
“Raymond was a polished gentleman,
had hosts of personal friends, and pos­
sessed a clever, concise style, which
could cut like a knife when necessary.
The elder Bennett cared more for news
than editorials, and loved advertise­
ments. One day an editorial writer
walked into his room and announced the
opinion that that day’s Herald was a
splendid paper. Tiie reply was very
characteristic. ‘You are richt, mon, it’s
a very glide paper. Duma ye notice the
“Greely thought more of his editorial
page than any other part of the paper,
and he made it a power in the land
while lie lived.”—Interview in The Jour­
And is he dewl at last! He lingered long,
Despitet io fever tits of doubt ant pain.
It seemed that faith hud wov’n a web so
Twould keep him till his pulse beat true
Center of so much youth and hope and trust.
How could he crumble into common dust!
Cold blew tho icy wind of circumstance,
Prudence and penury stood side by side,
Barbing the arrow shot by crafty chance,
Snatching the balsam from the Bounds of
Slander s; iced well the the cup false friend-
ship gave,
And so Love diod. Where shall we make
his gravel
Scatter no roses on the bare, black earth,
Plant no white lilies, no blue violets btoom.
Weak in his death, as feeble in his birth,
Why should life strive to sanctify his
Even gentle memory is by Truth forbid
To honor ought that died as light Love did*
Let thi rank grasses flourish fearlessly,
With no fond footstep brushing them
While the young life he troubled, strong and
Turns to the promise of the world’s new
Leaving tho darkening skies to close above
The unhallowed burial-place of shallow
—All t’ e Year Round.
Their Cou-tltue.t* anil Cliaraoterlatlos—
A Little Chemistry In Brief.
Three kinds of food are made use of
in the body. All the others are merely
accessory and play an uiiiiiqiortant port.
The first variety contains the element
nitrogen, which forms four-fifths of the
air we breathe, and is essential to tho
making lip of the muscles. The typical
food of this kind is tho white part of
eggs, the albumen— hence all these foods
are termed albuminous. It includes the
lean parts of meat, the curd of milk,
the greater hulk of b«ans, peas and len­
tils, and is found in every vegetable that
grows. Sometimes in very minute quan­
tity, as in cabbages, turnips, spinach,
etc.; at other times in abundance.
The second kind of food is that which
contains carbon (charcoal) along with
oxygen and hydrogen in the proportions
in which they exist in water—hence aro
termed carbo-hydrates—the name sig­
nifying that they are made of charcoul
and water. Sugar of every kind and
starches are the most important of this
class of foods. The characteristic that
distinguishes them is that when heated
they “char"—they lose the water, of
which they are largely composed, and
nothing but a bit of charcoal remains.
At the same time they -io not give off
an odor like that of burning feathers or
hair, as the albuminous articles do when
thus heated.
The third variety of food is that com­
posed of oxygen and hydrogen, not in
proportions to form water. This in­
cludes all the fats and oils that are used *
as aliments by man. Alcohol also be­
longs to this class, and when used in
very moderate amounts behaves like
all the memliers of the “hydro-carbon"
claas. Water is, of course, an essential
ingredient of all varieties of food. It
assists solution in the digestive juices,
which are themselves largely composed
of it, and without it no alisorption of
new materials could take place, and
those that are worn out or superfluous
could not lie removed without its aid.—
Cor. Globe-Democrat.
The Cricket on the Hearth.
Many believe and all have heard it
said that a cricket singing in the house
is a harbinger of good fortune.
Some people think if they are heard
in the houses it presages a death in the
family and means are at once taken to
diive them out.
In parts of England it is thought kill­
ing crickets will bring bad luck, a broken
bone, or some such calamity, and if
crickets desert a house it foretells death.
Speaking of its voice, it has none.
Crickets, katydids, grasshoppers, and ci­
cadas all make songs by rubbing the
rough edges of their wings together.
The field cricket can be found and
studied’anywhere near town. They live
in little holes dug down and then back
in little galleries. In front of the hole
tney make a small platform, upon which
is thrown the refuse material incident
upon housekeeping. All day long, anil
all night as well, the cricket sits in the
entrance of his hole and chirps.
They not only bite each other, but
with their long hind legs they kick as
viciously as ill-tempered horses.
The males and females live alone, each
in its own house, which is valiantly de­
fended against all comers.—Philadelphia
The Identical Second.
8even-year-old Johnny is fond of long
words. Be heard his mother telling ol
a inan who awallowel his false teeth in
bis sleep. “Did he have to take an epi
demic?" he anxiously inquired. He
asked his mother the otiier day if lie
could tell just what second a person
died. His mother thought not. “Then
why <)oes it say in the paper ’Died or
the 22nd inslf"—Babyhood.
War ship.
An attempt is about to be marls t
raise a Russian war ship, the John B ip
tist, which was sunk by the orders <•’
Peter the Great in 1710, at Revel, t*> e*
cape capture by the Sweies. Prelirnin
ary soundings tend to strengthen the lw
— Thn Bo» on ( hea » its «livore® lief that it will be found in a state of
ilepar meni “LuUiiig Hymen's llaw-
preservation in the sand.—Boston Trai
nom.msnahlp of th. Arab.
The Arab looks very well on horse­
back, though he might not altogether
suit the taste of the shires. His saddle
is generally red, peaked before and lie­
hind, and placed upon several colored
felt saddle clothes; the stirrup broad­
ens out so as to give a wide space for
the foot to rest on; it is pointed at the
corners, thereby enabling the rider to
tear the horse’s ribs even without the
aid of a pointed stick or a steel spear­
like spur which he often pushes in be­
tween his slipper and the stirrup side.
The Arab soldier, with his white burn­
ous fluttering behind him, his high red
saddle and saddle clothes, his knees
high and body bent forward, with his
long silver mounted gun flourishing in
the air, looks, as he gallops forward in a
cloud of dust, the very embodiment of
the picturesque, exultant war spirit of
past ages, not sobered down byecientifio
formulas for murder, but free to carry
out his own b'oodthirsty purposes with
as much swagger and ostentation as
As a horseman I believe the Arab to
have an excellent seat but an execrable
hand; he loves to keep his beast's head
high in the air, and so lie ceaselessly
joggles at the bit, upon which ho always
des, until one wonders how the
'•retched brute can safely put his feet
*wn; yet he does somehow. No one
r les camels in this country, but the sul-
t n is said to have some very fl“et drum-
< uaries capable of doing marvelous
j imeys, and, of course, in those parts
nl Morocco which merge into the Sa­
il ra the camel is indispensable. The
I trbary donkey is a short-legged, long-
»uffering, indispenrab1') Iieast. It is easy
io comprehend the uu existing without
Tangier, but it is impossible to conceive
Tangier existing w ithout the aaa; ins
patient little body bears every possible
burden, from the foreign minister’s
wife, for example, who sits upon the
pack with great dignity, and, pre­
ceded by ner Moorish soldier, pays calls
upon other ministers' wives, to the
latest thing in iron bedsteads to lie sold
in the public market