The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, February 08, 1887, Image 1

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----- la» lied —
Garrison's Buildiaz. MuMimllle, Oregsa,
— BY —
Tulmnue Ac Turner,
Tubliahors and Proprietors.
SI* months..............................
Three months.........................
.. ’1 25
.. 75
Entered in the Postoffice ut McMinnville, Or.,
as second-clans matte .
H. V. V.
Northwest corner of Secoud and U streets,
M c M innville
May be found at his office when not absent on pro*
(«, iuual business.
and Surgeons,
M c M innville ,
oregon .
Office over Brul>'s Bui k.
S. A. YOUNG, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon,
M c M innville
c begun .
Office and re i lenoe on D street.
aaswred day or night.
All calls promptly
Office—Two doors east of Bingham's furniture
Laughing gis nd ministered for pUnlem ex’raction.
The Leading Hotel of McMinnville.
*1 and $2 IIou c. Single meals 23 cents.
Booms for Commercial Men
Tins Sample
F. Ml LTN’ER, Prop.
Up Stairs in Adams’ Building,
M c M innville
The Best in the State.
Is prepared to furnish music for all occasions at reason
able rates. Address
Business M mager, McMinnville.
Livery Feed aiii Sale State
Corner Third and D streets, McMinnville
The Best Rigs in ths City. Orders
Promptly Attended to Day or Night.
A Strictly Temperance Resort.
I eras good (?) Ohunh merrbers to the oontraiy hot-
wit stun ing.
“Orphans’ Home”
Ths only first clast, nnd the only parlor-llke shop in tb»
city. None but
Vlrst - clanm
First door south of Yamlii 1 County Bunk Building
A ; - l (U hl ul • » *.i * par s.i,
is noted the e for If« remarkable Benn
of snie.l. It is said t »at, on a ca m
day, or w >cn the wind is blowing to
*»rd him, he < an s nell a deer thirty
Vi sixty yards. He is a pomilar h int-
>ng companion with the ncighl o s who
know of hi, p ,wer. IVhil i riding or
walking thron h the wood, ho will
•lop, throw up his head very much a,
sdngi'oes when Im strike, a sc nt.
•nd in this wav he rarely fail. Io 1 >cat
the d er if t is with n gunshot d.s
tsnee of him.
—Russia tsgriinjw nave » .—iru«'«
tunnel throe in les loa J. at a onto!
$3.50tVW. She has 13,04) in les of
railway, but hur oily tuiml is 701
Iards iong Moro gea it works of this
ind are c mtemp at •.!, ami as Russian
engineers :iro ign >ra nt of tnnnel-inak
ing. there is a dema nl for foreign skill.
—M Ilion« of washbosrds are mile
•nd sold in th > Un ted Sta os every
K*r. and at least 7.J >),’•> arc sold
yearly between tho All-gh my Moun­
tain, and the Mi-«>uri rivir. Tier'
•re two factories in <'level in I which
turn out 2M do sen was ib > ir is a day,
one in To'oilo which tur n out 3J0
dozen daily, and tw > inSt lx>il s which
turn out over a tuiiiiou a year. —
bevoted Principally t > Washington Territory
and California.
Spokane Falls has twenty-five resi­
dent lawyers.
John Foley committed suicide at
Sprague, W. T.
ia 01,1 ol debt, with $75,-
. WO in her treasury.
I A man named J. D. Land was found
dead in Santa Cruz, Cui.
The new Territorial penitentiary at
»Valla Walla has been completed.
A Chinaman committed suicide by
hanging himself, near Rutherford,
Arthur McKeown . a laborer sui-
ciiled at Stockton, Cal., with a
The Nevada Legislature ha3 repealed
the anti-treating law passed at the last
Natural gas has been found at Salt
Like City and it is being utilized in a
small way.
The new pnb’ic school house at
Ellengburgh, W. T., is finished. The
cost was $3,280.
Indians on the Puyallup (W. T.)
reservation are about to organize a K.
of L. Assembly.
An Italian vegetable peddler at
Jackson, Cal , fell from his wagon and
was fatally injured.
The output of coal from the various
mines on t lie Sound for 1886 aggre­
gated 328 159 tons.
Leslie Payne was killed by a rock
falling on him while digging a well
near Goldendale, W. T.
Tacoma Knights of Labor urge Dr.
McUli nil to bill defiance to Rome and
stand' by Henry George.
John L. Dalitli committed suicide
l>y cutting his throat at San Francisco.
He was partially demented.
Two schooners, the Irma and George
R. Higgins, laden with lumber, were
wrecked nt Whitesboro, Cal.
Wm. Hayes was fatally stabbed by
hi, son Daniel during a quarrel at
their home in San Francisco.
An epidemic of diphtheria prevail,
in Salt Lake City, mid there have been
many deaths from the distase.
The Northern Pacific recenily ad­
vanced the wages of its employes on
the western division ten per cent.
Two new case, of diphtheria were
reported at the health office in San
Francisco, and two deaths from the
P. McGinty, while doming the ash
pan of a locomotive at Bagdad. A. T.,
was run over and both legs were
The formation of a board of trade
is one of the enterprise, that engages
the a attention of Elleusburgh’s prom­
inent citizens.
Tne trustees of the new insane
asylum at Agnew,, Cui., estimate that
it will cost $534 0)0 to put the estub
lishment in working order.
The Canadi in Pacific will likely be
asked for $250,000 forfeit tor not com­
pleting the extension to Vancouver,
B. U.,according to contract.
There are seven militia companies
now in Washington east, of the moun­
tain» and a regiment will probably be
organized during the summer.
James Hubbard, aged about 63
years, committed suicide at Calico,
Cal., by hanging. The cause was des­
pondency over gambling losses.
The mangled remains of W. G.
Lake, formerly steward of the county
hospital, were found at B uilder, Cal.
He was run over anil killed by a train.
A »tnge upset in San Luis Obispo,
Cal., in coming down the Ceusta gr .de
near Templeton, throwing out the
passengeis and injuring them severely.
The dwelling house of J.inies Mc­
Conville, near Tacoma, was burned.
Mr. McConville is of the opinion that
the house was first robbed and then
Tlios. II. Harvey, who niyeterious.y
disappeared from San Francisco re­
cently, has turned up at Honolulu,
having been shanghaied on board of a
The canal that is being cut between
lakes Washington ami Union at
Seattle, it is expected will be ready to
admit of the passage of steamers by
next July.
CoL Samuel Keefer, proprietor of
the GraLdview hotel at Mmirovio.
Los Angeles county, Cal., went into a
private room of the hotel and shot
himself through the head.
Cbas. Russell, a Scotch painter, waa
found dead in » room in a S*n Fran­
cisco hotel.
Ke had I een drinking
heavily and it is supposed that alcoli. 1
ism was the cau-e of his death.
A petition is being circulated in
Sacramento among the menilx rs of
the legi-lature recomnieiidiiig W. W.
Finite for commissioner tin ler the
i.iter-state commerce railroad act.
The striking carrncn of Sai Fran­
cisco have formed a corporation of
their omnibus line under the title of
the Cooperative Ommbns company.
The capital stock is $10,000, divided
into 2000 shares.
Joe Gooddau, »ged □ years, son of
NO. 69.
S. II. Gooddau, was downed in the
Deer L dge live ', at Deer Lodge, Mon­
tana. He lias playing oil the ice with LATEST TKLEtZIt ll'IltC ItE 1»OItT.
Neglact of th« Bon«« ot th« Slain—Th«
the Wild Beasts of the Forest.
other small i mi Iren and fell off the
Sale of Boftu Relics—A Sharp Guide.
A graphic picture of tho condition of
edge of the ice into the open water.
It would be hard for any one who had
National legislature.
thoso unfortunates who are fitly do- □ot gone over the ground of one of the
Capt. John II. Willey, well known
scribed as ‘'lost souls” is drawn in the hottest battle» ever fought to believe
in shipping circles, died in San Fran­
Hawley, from the select committee work on Siberia by tho Russian writer that twenty-four years afterward the
cisco afier a few weeks’ illness, on
board of the American ship Occiden­ on the Centennial celebration of the Jadrinzeff. But few of tho oxiles over bones of the slain lie half-hidden by
tal, of which he was master.
De­ adoption of the constitution, reported attain to tho possession of a “house,” leaves and brush by the score, and yet
ceased h id followed the sea for fifty- a joint resolution providing for the by which is moant a miserab'o hut. such is the case. The theatre of the
up pointing of a joint committee of Most of them are in reality the bonds­ great, but indecisive struggle at Seven
five years.
Pine» has been turned into a place
A Colton (Cal) housewife sent some five Senators and eight Representa­ men of the Siberian peasants, by whom where a few men can reach financial
of her husband's clothing to a Chinese
they are hired; that is to say, they profit by guiding visitors to tho spot
laundry-mail. Unknown to her, in a bidding, in 1392, an international ex­ remain in tlibir debt as long as they where skulls protrude from the ground,
secret pi cket, was $100 in greenbacks. hibition of industries anil productions live, and are sat sti id whon thoy can and where all that remains of many
1 his the Chinamen took anil refused of all countries. Passed.
brave lads who are numbered among the
Gorman offered a preamble and re­ got money for drinking on holidays missing lie. It is difficult to escape the
to give up. Four of Ilium are now iu
trorn their mastirs. But as the major­
the county jail.
guides, but it pays the visitor to make
to those of the bill offered iu the House ity of the exiles are rogues and vaga­
A young man named Alexander by Belmont, of New York. It author­ bonds bv profession, who are afraid of liis own way over the field of battle.
J’eterson was drowned near Sacra­ izes the president to prohibit transit work, the number of fugitives is con­ He does not follow the beaten path in
which those who gain money by exhib­
mento, Cal. He was assisting iu ferry­ through the United States or Terri­
ing cattle across the river when the torial waters of any engines, cars, ves­ stantly increasing, who steal, rob and iting the bones of the boys who died
railing of t e boat gave way and he sels or goods proceeding from Canada. plunder whenever a ehnneo offers, ami amid the roar of cannon and the rattle
was thrown into the river and drowned. Dawes remaiked that every day the thus intensify tho natural antipathy of of musketry take their victims, and he
the settlers against tho class of the de­ gams for himself positive information
The Mexican gunboat Democrat ar­ grievance was more glariug and more ported. The peasantshave every cause of the actual condition of thing».
rived at Guavmas, Mex , Jan 27, with inexcusable. •
to be incensed against them, for, be­
A correspondent in oompany with
Joins, from the Committee on In­ sides suffering from the malpractice» of several companions, slipped away from
Cajeme, the Yaqui chief, a prisoner.
This end» the war between the Ynquis dian Affairs, reported two Senate bills tho convict class, they have to bear the these guides and were horrified at what
and the Mexicans, which existed two granting right of way to the Spokane cost of tho erection ami preservation of they found. Under the leaves and twigs,
years. It is believed Cajeine named and Palouse and the Washington and prisons for the oxiles, organize hunts and among the thick brush of oak and
Idaho Railroad companies through the for the capture of tho runaways, pro­ pines, which had Bprung up during
liis own terms.
vide guards for them and find the taxes thé last twenty years, the bones of many
Willie and Charlie, aged 13 and 16, Coeur d'Alene Indian reservation.
can not bo raised from among
Mitchell introduced a bill to place which
sons of Adjutant General Holme«, of
the deported class. But the greatest brave men were found. They had an­
Victoria, were returning from a hunt­ the name of Wm. Weist of Hood gaps iu the ranks of tho exiles are swered to the order to charge the bat­
ing expedition, when a half cocked river, on the pensions roll; also to pay caused bv the alm »st systematic escape teries which stood on the other side of
gun carried by Willie was discharged, Herman Smith, of Harrisburg, $3,678 of the latter from forced labor and from the plowed field and laid down their
t^e convict settlements. No less than lives ere the outer intrenchment was
the contents blowing the back of for depredations by the Indians.
The credentials of Charles B. Far- tift 'en per cent, of the deporte I oscape taken. As night fell on tiie 30th of
Charlie's head off, killing him in­
well, elected to fill the vacancy caused during transport. Many of them are May, 18U2, many of the boys failed to
by the death of Gen. John A. Logan, »hot down like wild boasts by the pens answer the roll-call and were placed
The bark Diana, Capt. J. Meyer, 740 and of Cushman H. Davis, of Minne ant.« and natives, and an observer of among the missing. It was a partly cul­
ton.«, lumber l.deu from Port Gamble, sota, were presented and placed on Siberian l.fc made a very true remark tivated field then. Now pines twenty
W. T. to Sidney, was wrecked on Star­ file.
when he said that Siberia would feet in height cover tiie bloody ground,
buck Island, in the South Pa'diic, Au­
On motion of Dolph, the Senate soarce’y have been ablo to overpower and even stand on the breastworks from
gust 11th. Tbecaptain and crew were pissed a resolution submitted by the runaway oxiles if the peasants had behind which the cannons belched
saved. Eleven of them left in a boat | Mitchell early in the session, directing not annihilated them.
The most extreme measures to check marks of the wheels of the artil­
and were picked up and carried to the Secretary of War, through Hie en­
the system of escape are the hunts by lery are still visible. The of many
gineer bureau, to investigate salmon
natives, organized by tho Russian of the fallen still lie there, although the
At Moab, U. T., William Gibson was fisheries on the Columbia river, the the
government. The native receives throe
shot and killed by Jo Young, ail In­ manner in which they are carried on, roubles if ho delivers the prisoner, fiag which liies from the staff in the
dian boy, who had been brought up and to report to the Senate to what ••dead or alive,” to tho authorities. Si'ven Pines cemetery is within sight.
among whites. A short time ago Gib- extent traps, wheels or nets interfere Tho peoplo are provided with good Whether these bones were clothed in the
sou won a horse from Jo by gambling. with or obstruct navigation.
arms and ammun t on, so as to make blue or the gray is unknown, but many
The two met at a corral and quarreled,
hunt ng the escaped prisoner a perfect men are ready to testify that whoever
it Is supposed about the lioise, and
success. One of those few who man- was intrusted with the duty of collect­
In the bill favorably reported to the ngoil to escape was seized in his nativo ing those bones has failed in his trust.
the shooting followed.
Tho reason for the failure is manifest.
from the Committee on Com­ village, an I when brought before the
A ,’reshet in Smith river carried the
The fact that the bones still lie there
schooner Stranger and the steam tug
wanilored about, have swam through attract many people to the field of carn­
Pelican Ironi their moorings in the of certain lighthouses there, is a pro rivers
and seas, have crossed Siberian age, and every one that falls into the
stream. The schooner was thrown vision for the establishment of post forests, passed through steppes and dutches of the guides must pay his toll.
upon the bank and the tug was swept lights on Puget saund at such points mountains, and no one has touched A party of twenty-one, which included
against a rock and afterward» sank. as the lighthouse board may deem me, neither man nor beast: but here, several men from Philadelphia and
Bth vessel» belonged to the Del necessary.
Hermann presented a memorial of in my native village, 1 have boon seized vicinity, had to pay $5.25 for wnlking
Norte Commercial company.
east into chains.” The escape behind a guide for an hour. This
‘ same
the Oregon City board of trade play­ and
The people of Lopez island, W. T., ing for the appropriation of $15,000 from forced labor had become so com­ guide owns 700 acres of the land u|x>n
will build two new churches in the lor the improvement of the Wiliam mon I hat tho administrators of convict which the battle was fought He began
spring. The nece-sary funds lnve al­ ette between Portland and Oiegon establishments were in the habit of by purchasing one acre, for which he
callingout, when receiving prisoners: paid $.'). Tiie same price was paid for
ready been raised, and most excellent City.
“Whoever wishes to stay, let him take
grounds have been donated by the
The House passed a bill giving a clothes; lio wlio runs away will not the remainder of the ground which he
residents. One church is to be built pension of $12 a month to all indigent need them.” It should be observed has bought, and every cent of the money
for the Methodist Episcopal denomin­ soldiers of any war the United States that the clothes left behind by escaped was extorted from visitors to the battle­
field. lie was ordered by the govern­
ation and the other for the Presby­ has ever been engaged in.
It also convicts, so as to guard against cap­ ment to pick up all the bones, disinter
concurred in the Senate amendment ture, are the perquisites of the prison the buried soldiers and see that they
During 1886 the Idaho mine ♦« to the Mexican pension bill, which authorities.
While tho statistics show nn incredi- were removed to the cemetery just
Grass Valley, Cal., made a gross yield now goes to the President for his ap
across the road. Instead of doing so lie
of $9,000,000, of which about $4,000,- proval. The bill grants a pension of b’e in rea«c in the number of crimes has placed tho skulls and other bones of
tied by exiles, proving the citi-
000 have been paid in piofit in regular $8 |>er month to all surviving officers comm
of tho system of deportation as the dead in various places and guides
monthly dividends extending over a and enlisted men who served sixty ciency
a corrective a ilelus on, they are equally the visitors by beaten paths to these
period o' eighteen years. This is days in the Mexican war, and also to condemnatory of its much-vaunted spots. He never takes them through
equivalent to $1 300 a share on the the widows and orphans of officers aud cheapness to the state. The cost of the thicket. Another dodge of this man
3,100 shares of capital stock of a par men.
transport of a Siberian deporte is esti­ is to find a battered musket-ball on the
value of $100.
Hill, from the Committee on Terri mated nt 50 roubles ($37.50.) But in ground and sell it to the visitor for 50
William Mathers fell off the ice- tories, reported the Senate bill for the t iis estimato are not included the cost cents if he can, and for 10 cents if he
of transport to tho main route (steam can get no more. The balls are dropped
ilunie at Prosser Creek, Cal.
Ho was adinisti >n of the State of Washington. ct's
on the Volga and Kama, 1 and by him when the visitor is not looking,
Hermann introduced the following
pushing ice with his ice hotik when he
thence to the placo of destination, the and picked up when he is looking. It
slipped and was prt cipitated over the
maintenance of his family if he is ac
railing, striking first on the roof of dians: Robert Smith, Douglas county, coinpanied by it, the maintenance in bothers the man, however, when tiie
the ice-house and rebounded into the
prison till the spring, ns transports in the party he is guiding ia large, and
river. Two ribs were broken and he $50J; Dick J. Smith, Curry county, winter have been abolished, ns well as when he dropped the ball last Sunday
received some other cuts and bruises $1,370; F. M. Vanderpool, Coos county, the oust of the military guards, so that afternoon the action was seen, and relic
t io expense.« of transport for each con­ selling for that day waa at a very low
which proved fatal.
By Morrow—A resolution of the vict to his placo of <b striation amount ebb.
Suit has been commenced by R. C. California legislaturi asking for the t > about 300 r< ubles (9225,) a sum
This battlefield relic craze is carried to
Person, of the Cliff House, San restoration of ex-Gov. Stoneman to which would be sufficient to keep him a great length. More balls and burst
Francisco, against S. B. Peterson for the retired list of the army, with the at least four year» in the dearest prison bombs have been sold represented as
$5,000. The complaint alleges that rank of colonel.
of European Russia. But this sum is having l>een picked up on the bloody
through carelessness and negligence
By Springer—Proposing a constitu­ raised to 80) rouble) (9600) by the ex­ ground of Seven Pine» than there were
of the defendant the schooner Parallel, tional amendment changing the time pense attached to the maintenance of used in the seven days’ battle. Battered
owned by him, blew up near the Cliff for the assembling of Cuiigre.s to the olappa routes, e«"orts, prisons along bayonets, rusty rifles, brass buckles and
House, anil that the explosion dam­ first Wednesday of January of each tho route and etappe houses, not to buttons all find ready sale. When the
reckon the burdens Imposed upon the supply runs out tho relic sellers get in
aged the property of the plaintiff in year.
popnlation, who have to provide I
the sum prayed for.
Bv Lawler—A resolution directing vehicl •• and hospitals, and their losses > some more. It is believed that they buy
There was a very clever escape the Committee ot Naval Atlair« to in­ through theft and crimes of all de- , up old bayonets and bury them in the
ground for a year. Thoy come out rusty,
from the county jail in San Bernar­ quire into the expediency of immed­ scription».
and a little battering and bending makes
dino, Cal. Two prisoners, Carr and iately appropriating $50,000,000 to be
A simple calculation, eonse (ucntly, | the crop a» good as the original.
Walker, confined for burglary, man­ ex)>ende<l under the direction of the ought to lie in favor of those in Russia
Ten cents is charged for looking at a
aged to climb on one of the tanks an I Secretary of the Navy for the construc­ who raise their voices against degrad­ room in which Gen. McClellan did not
cut their way through ths timlier into
make his headquarters during the battit.
the assessor's office aliove. No tools such few vessels of war as may be s mis.” Jadr nzeffsays: “Thesvstem j No charge is made for looking at the
of deportation has converted Siberia
were found and it is a mystery how deemed necessary.
into a sewer; deportation has been the bullet holes in the old house; but if the
they found the opportunity to do the
ot much inju-t O ) and harm done visitor happens to find a ball imbedded
woik without discovery.
in the wood the guide will demand 25
The National Woman Suffrage As to tho country. By mixing the de- I cents for digging it out. The visitor
It is reported at San Francisco that sociation has requests I President ported with the population, crime waa
the directors of the Soul hern Paciti'- 1 Cleveland to veto the Edmunds poly accorded a wider »cope. The exiles | leaves with his prize and is ready to
are at present in an extremely miser- i swear that it came from a musket in
and share holders of the Oregon A gamy bill.
able nnd objectionable condition, and the llanos of a friend who died in that
California have come to an under­
The Committee on Commerce has Siberia receives, instead of useful battle. The general belief is—and a well-
standing regarding the terms for the
a numerous, homeless and used rille which hangs in the kitchen
transfer of tiie latter ruad to the 1 authorized D<dph to favorably report workers,
proletariat. By the present de- I near* out the idea—that the occupant
Southern Pacific system.
Whether : his bil| to establish a sub-port of entry la»y
plorable condition of the banished the
any papers 11 id l>een signed making 1 and port of call at Port Angeles, punishment inflicted does not leidto of the house shoots the balls into the
weather-tioards in the winter and digs
the sale absolute he was not certain of, W. T.
reform, but yields a result quite the
Tire electoral count bill, which wss reverse, consisting in tho demoraliza- >hem out in the summer. Pieces of
but ladievi <1 the transaction will lie
satisfactorily concluded within the referred to the altorney-generul for l on of tho exiles nnd an increaso in Imfnb are sold for 23 cents. A Philadel­
n-xt fi-w days. The completion of the examination and repnt al Washing­ and crime.” — Lo.idO'i phia delegation to the general assembly
of the Knights of Iaibor has a piece of a
California 4 Or-gon to A.-hland de­ ton, has bi'Cii returned to the l'resi- , /‘oil.
liotnn which he prize«! highly until soma
fends entirely ii|«>n this suceeisful j dent for his action.
one called his attention to the spout at­
With reference to the establishment
termination, and should they fail, tile
—“A rtepostt of precious stones of tached to it. and then he tumbled to the
< oinplete Construction gang at work of a free delivery system at Seattle, as
rare k.nd known as ‘golden beryl,’ fact that he was carrying a piece of tea­
• n the California railway will immed provided in tiie new law, the firct as- the
has recently been found in the Berk­ kettle. There is no doubt that the old
la'cly l>e taken off ami the comi letion
shire hills,” say» the Boston 'i'ran- house was riddled with bullets during
of the road delayed for an indefinite 1 pos>it»le that the service cannot be ex- tcript. “Specimens of thin gem are during the fight, but they were a'l gone
|s riod. Alsilil fifty-one and one-half ‘ tended to this ami other cities until occasionally met with in the hands of ten years ago. It is unsafe to buy any
miles of road yet remain to 1« con­ | tiie first of next July, as there is now collector», but it has never before been relics on the Seven Pines battle- field.
st ruled before connection can l>e no appropriation for the extension found in sufficient quantity to become The only thing the visitor is sure of ia
made with the Oregon and California, He transmitted estimates to Congre-* ! an article ot trade. When cut. the when he cuts the cane himself from the
the present end of the track being [ for the new service asking for an ap­ I »tones are of a beautiful golden color, ground.—Richmond (Va.) Cor. Philadel­
about twenty-five nnlaa from ths propriation to cairy the law iuto iu>- I exceedingly bald aud of great bril- phia News.
I mediate effect
boundary line.
I i Usaoy."