The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, January 14, 1887, Image 2

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Governor Pennoyer has appointee I
M c M innville , F hidav , J an . 14, 1887 Win. A. Munly to lx) his private secre-
A veteran of the battle of Waterloo is
said to have died in Texas, the other
Both houses of the legislature have 'lay, at tho age ot 05 years.
eliown excellent judgment in their selec­
Tuesday, Bishop Fowler laid tho cor­
tion of oflicers. Mr. J. C. Carson, of ner stone of the Mackay college of the­
Multnomah county, the president of the ology at San Fernando, California.
senate, is a gentleman well known
The wheat harvest of Victoria, Aus­
throughout the state, and is a man of
tralia, is said to be 12,030,Old bushels,
ubility and sterling integrity. The chief
clerk of the senate, Hon. E. G. llursh, at the rate of 12 bushels to tlie acre.
of Roseburg, and bis assistant, Mr. ('.
The earthquakes have even reached
W. Waits, of Linn county, are both ex­ \frica. A village in Tunis was shaken
to pieces on Friday.
Seven lives were
cellent clerks.
Mr. Greitg, of Mgrion county, who lost.
was elected speaker of the lion e, is a
On Monday last the New York World
good parliamentarian an I a man of abil­ caine out, calling upon republicans and
ity ami experience. The members of democrats to imito elect Roscoe
tho house will have no occasion to firn; i Conkling U. 8. senator.
fault with their choice for speaker. Mr
Aleck Crawford, a man in Superioi
Jennings ami Mr. Cole are bolli able
clerks, and will no <!oul,t give excellent Citv, Wisconsin, has jmt fallen heir to
satisfaction. T. (’. Stephens, of this nearly a million of dollars by the death
county, was elected sergeant-at-arms of oi a causin in Australia.
the senate, and Henry Rogers, ol Jo­
sephine county, sergeant-at-arms of the
Tho other officers are well qualified
for their positions.
- -----------
John Roach, the great American ship
builder, died last Monday morning at 8
o’clock. The immediate cause of hie
death was a cancer in liis mouth, simi­
lar to that which killed Gen. Gran’, but
the indirect cause, as in Grant's case,
was despondency ami disappointment.
He has not been the sauu man since his
failure, caused by Secretary Whitney’s
Action in not accepting the Dolphin,
built for the government.
The cancerous growth had eaten its way
into the side of liis jaw, involving large
arteries. Roach was in great pain all
day Sunday, mid to give him relief large
«loses of morphine were injected, and
ho was unconscious most of the time
In the few conscious moments he had be
spoke of his son Garrett, who was with
him nil the time. The young man re­
mained will his lather during the night.
He occupied a seat at tho bedside, and
helped the nurses, who applied sooth­
ing poultices and renewed injections of
morphine every time the patient awak­
ened. Only a few intimate friends of
the family were admitted to the house
during his closing hours, but nobody
other than nurses and physicians was al­
lowed to »ee Roach. Deceased leaves a
widow, three sons and one daughter, all
Judge Strahan, on Monday, declared
the Ready liquor law unconstitutional
in the appeal case from Astoria. Most
of our readers are aware that the plea
was set up by the appellants that the
law was unconstitutional because of its
virtually amending the city charter ol
Astoria. That is, the law placed re­
strictions on cities and towns holding
charters granted by the state legislature
and at the same time created a license
fortlie trade in liquor, thoreby having a
double effect. According to constitution
al requirements al! bills must contair
but one auoject matter, and that onli
stated in the title of the bill. Judgi
Strahan considered that the bill collier
ed ill this particular, and therefore ren­
dered a decision accordingly. Anothei
little coincident is refered to by the
judge in which lie says he could kill the
law on anotlior point. There is a dis­
crepancy between the records of the two
houses, which J. W. Strange, late chic,
clerk of the senate, might also attempt
to charge to the lady clerks. The senate
passed the bill placing the limit of vari­
ous liquors at not let»' than one gallon
in certain cases ; the lmwe amended ii
to read “not less than one quart.” am
sent it back to the senate, The senati
concurred in the amendment, but Mi.
Strange in liis message from the senate
to the house still makes it read “one gal­
lon.” The Judge says in his npinioi
that if this point was urged it would in
validate the law. This leaves Oregon
without a liquor regulation, hut tho leg­
islature will probably repass one in a
few days.
A puhlic meeting was held at the
court house in Grant’s Pass Wednesday
night, to discuss the propriety of chanc­
ing the name of the town. The vote
stood 72 to 14 in favor of changing.
Calvin Pratt, the civil engineer, who
was recently convicted of having swin­
dle.! the Pacific bank by means of forg­
ed c hecks, was sentenced by Judge
Murphy, of San Francisco, to fourteen
years in the state prisión at Folsom.
Judge John 8. Rogers, chief justice of
the circuit court of Cook county, fell
dead in a dry goods store in Chicago,
Monday last, while ut the cashier’s
desk. He was born in Glasgow, N. Y.,
in 1818, and was elected to the circuit
bench in 1870. He leaves a wife 'and
Judge Strahan has deelated the Rea­
dy liquor law unconstitutional in the ap­
peal case from Aatoria, because the law
virtually amended the city charter of
Astoria, while the constitutional provi­
sion allows only one subject matter in
each bill, which must be stated in the
enacting clause.
Respecting tho recent secret boycott
against Phillip D. Armour by several
assemblies of tiie Knights of Labor, the
former says: “We knew that boycott
circulars were out against us, but if it
has affected us at all it has increased
our sales. There are ten now customers
gained by the publicity of such a move
where there is one lost.”
It is thought that an effort will be
made at this session of the legislature
to abolish the state immigration office
and the dairy commissioner.
It’is al­
most certain that there will be an im­
portant reduction in freight rates and a
bill passed to prevent discrimination.
The old fight between the countiy and
Portland seems likely to give place this
session to a little moie useful legisla­
The legislature of Indiana clearly in­
dicates the need of a foolkiller in that
The democratic senate refused
to hold a joint session with the republi­
can bouse, and adjourned over the day
for canvassing the votes, declaring there
was no vacancy n the office ot Lieut,
iov. The republican house retaliated
.ii a like manner, of course, and the
,»respects for a lively rumpus are proin
TEI Eli It A I'lIIC.
S an F kancisco , Jan. 12.—The city
was ric ked from east to west at 4:08
o’clock this morning by ¡in earthquake
that lasted seven seconds. No damage.
F resno , Jan. 12.—The County Farm­
ers’ and Stock Raisers’ association of­
fered a reward of $2 ¡0 for the arrest and
conviction of stock thieves. Many de­
predations have been committed lately.
H ealdsbvbg , Cal., Jan. 12.—E. J.
Brown, who so mysteriously disappeared
a few w eeks ago, has been traced to the
ill fated whaler Atlantic, w here he per­
ished. liis business was left in good ol­
der here. It is believed he shipped
while intoxicated.
C ari isle , Kv., Jan. 12.—A fire start­
ed this morning in the dental office of
Dr. II. II, Gunslinger. When the wall­
fell, Dr. Genslinger ami Newton Craig
were caught in the debris. They were
extricated but were fatally injured. The
total loss is *50,000.
mg from the scene of the wreck which
furnish a clue. The sheriff and several
others are searching tlie neighborhood,
ami a rewind will be offered for the
wieckers. A number of Cabfern a ex­
cursionists were among the passeng- rs
on the wrecked train. 8. D. W ilaon.
conductor of the wrecked tiain, cays
that fifty-two passengers were aboard of
the tram and that their escape from
death was most miraculous. Among
the passengers iiurt is Mrs. Armstrong,
wife of the superintendent of the asy­
lum for feeble minded persoee at San
(bod Fit Guaranteed or Aerale.
McAI innville
( )re£oii
M c M innville
rs ew To-I ) í i y
F urniture
S tore ,
Has been removed to Garrison’s
building, up stairs. Atten­
tion is invited to this
S an F rancisco , Jan. 11.—This was a
Its facilities for thorough practical in­
quiet day among the ear stiikers. Carr struction; actual business department i:
where currency, bank checks.
ran on the l.arkin street branch last
Irafts, etc., are used.
night for the first time after dark. There
Crayon and Portrait Work a Specialty
was no trouble. No passengers tried to
Also teaches Shorthand.
make the trip. The strikers have de
Garrison’s BuilJirg.
cided to run a line of 'busses tn oppo
G. R. HIGGINS, Principal.
sition to the roads, and will begin to­
morrow. The officers of both the Geary
and Sutter street roads have out signs
“no help wanted.” They have a full
force and car traffic is light.
Carries a Complete Stock of-
Furniture and Undertakers’Goods
C incinnati , Jan. 12.—Conjecture is
made that l’rof. II. Schaff, who took
—Dealer in—
inorpine in jail yesterday and died, was
a bomb thrower in the Chicago II av-
Guns, Pistols, Ammunition,
market riot. It is based on the fact his Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, Etc., Etc.
friends in jail are anarchists and two of
All kinds of
them say lie wrote many incendiary ar­
ticles for the Chicago anarchists organ Gunsmith, Locksmith and Sewing
Machine Work done with
before the riot. It is thought be feired
Neatness and Dispatch.
a trial in i police court here would re­
veal his connection with that riot and Choke-boring a Specialty, and Satis­
faction Guaranteed.
result in his arrest for that crime.
I ’rescript ion. Druggist
One Door west of Baxter & Martin’s
A ustin , Tex., Jan. 12.— An informs; i
Reagan caucus was held here last night.
It is claimed there were thirty member»
present, and that ten or twelve who are
known to prefer Reagan did not attend,
Those who participated claim that Rea­
gan will receive at least forty votes on
the first ballot. His mor-* .enthusiastic
friends say he will lead on the first bal­
lot, but one of his most judicious follow­
ers conceded that Maxey would start
with a plurality. The legislature will
organize at noon to-day.
N ew Y ork , Jan. 12.—There is danger
of a great scarcity of coal in this city
because the strike of the coal handlers
against the railroad companies is grow­
ing more serious. At present the con­
dition of things is unchanged among coal
companies. There is not sufficient coal
in New York City to last two weeks.
Across the North river, however, there
is coal enough to su pply New York for a
time. If the present strike among the
coal handlers should extend to the
mines and continue, there is not coal
enough above ground to last the country
until spring.
Bt iilington , Vt., Jan. 12.—The dyna­
mite factory at 1’1 itfsbiirg, N. Y., was
totally destroyed by fire. The shock
from the explosion at 1 o’clock this
morning was felt here, twenty miles dis­
tant. Doors and windows rattled as ii
hy a heavy earthquake, and many hun-
Ireds of p rople ran into the streets.
Private ilispat lies state that the fire
caught in the engine room. The work­
ingmen left when they were unable to
extinguish the Hanies. No lives were
lost. The main factory was destroyed;
ilso the store house near by. A large
imount of dynamite was in it and escap
A-N that the tax books of Yanihi:!
County for the vaar 188G. arc now in m\
hands for collection, and that myself or de­
puty will visit, the various precincts of sai<‘.
•ounty as follows, between the hours of 1(:
o’clock a. m. aud 4 o'clock p. in.:
January 24
East Chehalem
‘ »
( Newberg)
West Chehalem
Carter’s store)
North Yamhill
North McMinnville Saturday
South McMinnville Monday
Tuesday February 1
All persons
are requested
to ___
be present
r r
. at
«aid appointments ui'd
and settle t:.;
ir tc:.:
- --- - to me at .. my
w .J'L.
>r pay’tTu
ine same
office by the
first of April, as required by law. Ii’ not
then paid we will be necessitated to follow
the constructions of the law.
Sheriff and Tax Collector.
You want anything in the line of
and Fancy Dry Goods.
------ AND-------
---- Sole Agent for the Celebrated-----
Broad head Dress Groods.
An Assortment of these Popular Goods
In all tho Latest Novelties, Nev/ and Desirable Colorings, Just Received.
What we Guarantee for the Dress Goods of our Manufacture:
To be made from the very best material, by skillful workmen, with the latest and niv’t
approved machinery, and to be the cheapest goods in the market when service»»
Are so thoroughly finished that they can be worn in damp weather or a shower, with­
out fear of being ruined by curling or shrinking.
The manufacturing, dyeing ami finishing is done in such a manner, that the goods
can be washed if desired, without the least injury to the fabric.
Our goods are wool dyed, and the colors arc as fast as the purest dyes and greatest
care and skill can make them.
Goods show just what they are and will be until worn out, as there is no weighting,
stifiening, or artificial lustre used to increase the weight or finish; as is the case with i
large class of goods in the market, bill which disappears after a few days’ service.
As manufacturers we have taken great pains to supply an article in every way re­
liable, and unsurpassed by similar good4. either foreign or domestic, and would respect­
fully ask an examination of the various styles and shades to be found on sale by mer­
chants who are agents for the goods.
All goods of our manufacture should bear the name and trade mark of
Breadhead Viorsted Mills, Jamestown. N. Y.
It is understood that negotiations with
the Cbineso government, to which allu­
sion was made in the president’s mes­
sage, for such changes of the existing trea­
ties as will entirelv prevent the introduc­
tion of Chinese coolie labor into this
country, have just been brought toil suc­
cessful termination and that in a few days
in amended treaty covering these points
will be submitted to the senate for ratifi-
The south bound passenger train on
A bill is before congress creating a de- ■he Missouri Pacific extension, which
i.irment of agriculture and labor. It left Omaha Tuesday evening for Kansas
has been passed by the house. The bill
ity, was wrecked near Dunbar, Neb.,
uovides that tliedepartment shall be mi­ ibout midnight. The wreck was caused
Tuan any other printing house
ler the control of tho secretary of the by the loosening of a rail, done by par­
in this county.
igriiiultural and labor depart ment and ties unknown. Several spikes and fish­
m assistant. That there shall be a di­ plates had been removed ami the tiain
vision under the charge of a commis- coming along at the rate of thirty miles
IVe make a specialty ol Fine
• ioner of labor, who shall hold the of- per hour, plunged fifteen feet down an
leu for four years and receive a salary o. unhankment and landed in a snowdrift,
J5.000, and that it shall be the coimnis- fames DeWitt, ot Wyandotte, Ras., the
lionei's duty to collect information on engineer, was caught under the boilei
The Isxlv had not been re­
The new boundaries for the city, beine the subject of labor, its relations to and killed.
fixed up by tho council, does not seem apital, its hours of toil, rate of wages, covered at last accounts. Frank Mene-
to meet the approval of the majority o ■osl of production, etc. The secretary with, express messenger, whose Imine
A full line of—
the citizens with whom we have talked is empowered to investigate the au-es is in Kansas City, was intensely Inn t
it discontent between employers and and may die. A lady, whose name was
With but very few exceptions they ex
press themselves aa being desirous o, •niploves, and may invito and hear not learned, was badly hurt, but the
extending tho boundaries south so as to »worn statements from the patties in other passenger.! are not seriously in
jured so far as is known. All were shak­
take in the college addition and west so lie controversy.
en up, however, and more or less bruis­
as to take in the mill, hrewerv and all
The message of lion. Z. F. Moody, ed. The entire train left tho track and
that property to the west of tho city.
It would certainly be the proper thing the leti ing governor, is an able docu­ the probable loss of life woul have
to do. l<et us extend the boundaries ment, and makes a most splendid show­ been greater except for the snow bank,
and bring all the wealth we can into the ing for the state's condition ami the con­ which broke the fall. The Missouri Pa­
cific officials at Kansas City state that
city, instead of bringing the boundary duct of its affairs of late years.
The message of Governor Pennoyer the wreck is the result nf a third attempt
lines within a stone’s throw ot the busi-
Always on hand from which to select.
is, to say the least, unique. The new upon the life of DeWitt, the engineer.
nesa portion of town.
governor is at least consistent, in what, They assert that the wreck near Wyan­
Frank Sproni«’, brother of Robert on some points, might he termed incon­ dotte, for which Hamilton has just been
Sproule, who was hanged in Victoria sistency But he makes some good sug­ tried, was a plot against.DeWitt's life,
some time ago for murder, lias brought gestions ; and as it is not obligatory on but liis train was not the first to pass
suit for *50,000 damages against the the part ot the legislature to adopt liis over the traqk as they expected. Subse­
province of British Columbia, for suggestions, the ordinary Course of leg­ quently, they say, a second attempt was
wrongful execution of his brother,
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
against an absolute order of the su­ interfered with. The message contains They sty some of the men engaged in
preme court, and in the face of Henry
Beatty's affidavit setting up an alibi for Statesman, and, if worked over, would against DeWitt because he was an ac­
o\re v»' u. Rlo°d Elixir Is the only
make an excellent editorial in an anti­ tive supporter of the company during the
» Blood Remedy guaran­
monopoly or anti-Chinese paper. The great strike. Several suspicious looking teed. It Is a positive cure for Ulcers, Erup.
t ions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifiesthe
The Russian government suppressed language is good, superb. The gover­ men, it is said, were seen loitering wholo system, and banishes all Rheumatic
alsmt the station at Dunbar the nigirt and Neuralgic pains. Wo guarantee it.
a newspaper the other day lor publish­
things, lipin his rhetoric and grammar. of the wreck. Tracks were found lead- Geo. W. Burt, Druggist.
ing an article against Germany.
Better Work
Baxter & .Win, CITY STABLES,
McMinnville, Oregon.
Groceries and Provisions. Henderson Bros. Props.
First-class accommodations for Ccninirr-
cial men ami general travel.
Transient stock well cared for.
Lower Prices
Bock and Card Printing.
Letter Heads,
Note Heads,
Bill Heads,
C ards, Etc.,
Work Delivered Promptly
Third Street, between E mid F.
—Dealers in—
Everything new and in First-Class Order
Patronage respectfully solicited.
McMinnville Baths!
C. H. FLEMING. Prop.
Shaving, Hair Cutting and- - - -
- - - - Siiampoing Parlors.
Ladies' and Children’s Work
Hot and Cold Baths. 25 Cts.
—Have Just Added—
Livery and Feed stable!!
R. McKUNE, P ropr .
Transient Stock Well Cared For!
Teams and outfits furnished parties wish-
to go to the const, at reasonable rates.
Grive me a Call •>'
Finest Line*of Cigars
In the City. Trv Them.
—Proprietors of—
A'csl liera Saw Mills.
McMinnville Sash and door Farion.
—Dealers in -
White and Red Lead,
Linseed and Lubricating Oils,
Ila. been thoroughly renovated and i
Varnishes of all Description,
| ready to receive grain.
Kalsomine, Spanish Whiting
Storace and Cleaning. 3 cents. Calcutta
Paris Whiting
ÄCTXan,ly on hand and*’w •“>”
P. A R. and Princess Metalic
Roof Paint. Venitian Red.
Highest Market Price Paid for Wheat, Spanish Brovyn, Yellow Ochr*.
and Hardware
and«"! T. ar* rc’I*cWul'y '"»«t-d to call
McMinnville, Oregon
V VVVCX, i>\.cx\x, Kiffht. is the
’ complaint of
thousands suffering from Asthma Con
sumption Coughs, etc. Did you ever trv
Ackers English Remedy? It is the best
preparation known for all Lung Troubles
sold on a positive guarantee ct 10c., 50c.'
Gw. W. Burt. Druggist.
Prices as Low as the Lowest.
croM or troubled »
Windy Colic,
Teething P«»’; A
Stomach Disorders, can be
at once by using Acker’s Baby “A'
It contains no Opium or Mo’?“'
hence is safe. Prico £5 cents.
• >. W. Burt, Druggist.