SEMI-WBEKLY SIDE VOL. I ----- Issued— EVERY TUESDAY AND’FRIDAY —i«- Garnsons Bniliim, McMinnville, Oregon, - BY — Tftlmatf® «& Turner, Fublizhara and Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION One year.................................. S|smonths ... Three months RAT1U8: $2 00 25 • 1 *- 75 Intered in the Postoffioe at McMinn ville, Or., * as second-class matte»*. H. V. V. JOHNSON, M. D. Northwest corner of Second and B street», - - oregon . - May he found at his office when not absent on pro­ fs« Juual 1ITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH, and Surgeons, Physicians M c M innville and L afayette , or . J. F. Calbreath, M. D.. office over» Yamhill County Bank, McMinnville, Oiegon. M R. Littlefield, M. D., office ou Main street, Lafayette. Oregon. S. A. YOUNG, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, * M c M innville * - cregon All calls promptly Office and residence on D street. answered day or night. DR. G. F. TUCKER, DKATIMT, MCMINNVILLE OREGON. - - Office- Two doors eaat of Bingham's furniture store. Laughing gas administered for painless extraction. ST. CHARLES HOTEL The Leading; Hotel of McMinnville. $1 and $2 IIou-c. Single meals 25 cents. Fine Sample Booms for Commercial Men F. MULTNER, Prop. AV. V. PRICE, PHOTOGRAPHER Up Stairs in Adams' Building, M c M innville - oregon CUSTER POST BAND, The Best in the State. la prepared to fuinifih music for all occasions at reason able rates. Address N. .7. rtOWLiAJN», Business M mager, McMinnville. M'MINNVILLE Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, Corner Third and D streets, McMinnville LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON, Proprietors. The Best Rigs in the City. Orders Promptly Attended to Day or Night, “ORPHANS’ HOME” BILLIARD HALL. A Strictly Temperance Resort. •oae good(’) Church raemb-r, to th# contrary not withstanding. “Orphans’ Home SS TONSORIAL PARLORS, Tk# only first claM, and the only parlor-Uke shop in the city. None but First - class Workmen Ensployed. Tint door .1Uth of Yamhill County Bank Building. M c M innville , oregon . H. H. WELCH. PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. —Age appears to increase the value of everything except women and but- ‘er—.V. F. fiaiV. —Wealth's Luxury.— “ires happy lie whoso wealth will let him choose "bother to get up or take another snooze. — Dansri’le Breeze. — A writer in a magazine says the *nrth would be heated more than 190 degrees by being stopped. And now ■otUe fool who owns the earth will be ’illy enough to try the experiment.— Burlington Haukege. —It was said of an inveterate drunk- *r’l that he had met with great afflic­ tion. and drank to drown his grief. "Then." said a bystaad r. “his grief must know how to «won. for he has never baen able to drown it.”— N. K. Lflgtr. — “Do yon know tho prisoner. Mr. •ones?” “Yes. to tho bone.” “What his character?" “Didn't know that Its had any.” Does he live near you?" “So near that he only spent I*v« cents for fire wood in eight years." iu ELEPHONE M’MINNVILLE, OREGON, JANUARY 14, 1887. WEST SIDE 'TELEPHONE. M c M innville * A MAN I LIKE. . like a man who all mean things despises, \ inau who has a purpose firm and true; Vlio laces every doubt as it uses, And murmurs not at what he finds to dv. ' '<<’ a man who shows the noble spirit * splayed by knights ol Arthur's table round: no. face to face with life, proves his r -a merit, • ho has a soul that dwells above the ground. I vet. one who can und rstand the worry > •« no- chance brother fallen in the roa f, n I speak to him a kind word ’mid the hurry, Or lay an eas ng hand upon his load. irge hearted, brave-souled men to day are li'- 'led, Men ready when occasion’s doors swing wi'le; rand men to speak the counsel that 1* heeded. And men In whom a nation may confide. lie world Is wide, and broad its starry arclit s. But lagging malcontents it can not hol t . e wav of life to him who upright marches lias • ndlng in a far-off street of gold. —Meredith Nicholson, in Iudianaoolis Journal. LIFE ON A RAFT. wo Brothers Nearly Dashed Over a Cataract. It is now some years since, tliat ac- ■ompanied by my brother, and under the guidance of an experienced hunter, I started for three months’ shoot ng in the Canadian wilds. Our plan was to travel by canoe to the lower end of Lake Huron, and then plung'ng into tlie primeval forest, to make a circuit tl at would bring us out somewhere on the St. Lawrence, Never was a pleas- anter excursion. Those aged woods, so gray and grim ’n win- ter, seemed o grown to have young again beneath the affluence of leaves while every sunlit glade was filled with flowers, and blossoming vines of every hue hung as garlands from the branches, as if the woods were decked for some h'gh festival. But more pleas­ ant still to the sportsman’s heart was the abundant game tlie tim'd deer, which fled at our approach; tlie great grisly bear, ready to bld us defiance, and the panther and wolf, lurking within the coverts: not to speak of the partridges and bustards, and the brill­ iant small bird«, flashing 1 ke errand blossoms among the trees. Mean­ while, despite our pleasure, our t me grew short, and it became necessary to bend our steps howeward. We had not traveled far in this new direct on when we came to tlie banks of a considerable river flowing across our route. We had no boat to take us over it, and Jerome, the glide, search’d dil­ igently beneath the overhanging alder and hemlock boughs, in case some hunter or backwoods traveler might have hidden his canoe there. But none was to be d scovered. «v-i wo were ruefully beginning to follow our guide’s advice, and travel round by the river’s source—which would involve some ten or twelve days’ extra journey —when one of those huge rafts in which backwoods timber for exportat on is conveyed down country, c m i in sight. It was floating slowly along on the al­ most imperceptible current, it« single large sail giving just sufficient way to tlie float ing island to allow the enormous tiller to guide it aright; while tlie smoke from the half-score shanties scattered its surface, rising against the deep green forest, the ever-changing groups of figures, and the lines of washed clothes fluttering in the breeze, added to its picturesque aspect. As the raft drew near, we perceived that a canoe was towed astern, and. hailing the slumberers, we reouested its use to cross the river, which they readi­ ly accorded. But while the little bark was being paddled to land a new idea struck us—we would a«k them to take us as passengers. Rafting was á mode of travel entirely new to us, and the thought of that smooth summer sail was a great temptation to travelers weary with plodding through tlie woods. Tlie needful negotiation wass ion concluded, and in halt an hour we found ourselves not only on board the raft, but the happy possessor of a shanty some six feet square. Never do I remember any th'ng more delightful than to sit with n its shadow, and, as our raft gl d d noiselesslv along the wn’en ng river, to watch the"ever-varying sc nery through which we passed—the dark pine-for­ ests, alternating ’with bright green oak and birch and sycamore woods: the swelling hills show ng their p cturesque outline« spa nst tlie clear blue sky; and the occasi mal tributary streams, some dashing down their waters in silvety Cascades, others bear­ ing on their placid bosoms some sum I raft, with its tiny shantv and little fam­ ily group, to be linked on to the float­ in: g island. We found, also, endless interest in watching the doings of our m oratory village. The tall, brawny lumlierers in­ dolently lounging about the r easy duties of trimming the sa 1. taking their turn in steering and drawing the troll­ ing lines, which rarely failed of fi-h; while their wives, grave rugged women. Clad in dark petticoat«, and snow-white •un-bonnets. were perpetually busy, knitting, cooking, wa-hing. or chasing their rebellious children about the raft, or else in feeding the cock- and hen- tiiat stalked among tlie logs. and. with i wrathful turkey-cock, completed our ist of passengers. And when n'ght fi 11, and the frying of fish and eating of •upper were passed, and jest ar d laughter had given place to silence and , -'eep, it was beautiful to hear the voic s | if tho«e quiet women swell over the I tarlit river in the long-drawn cad nces f some old hymn. For two days we pursue«! our tranquil I vrivmre through the same svlvan scenery. nut gradually our pace in­ creased, as the current gained in strength; and after a time the river began to break into occasional rap.ds, over whose rugged ledges wo thumped anil bunq cd. m d ('own whose surging slope« we s'itl, thanks to the lumberers sk II c ir n ing from their dangers unharnm I t„ n those davs there did not <•• lhe ,nost frequent'd spots any contrivance to lessen the hazards of such descents. It was the fourth evening of our river voyage. Supper wa.s past, and the sup- p r-hvmn sung, and my brother and I had wrapped ourselves in our blankets, and fallen asleep on our bear-skin couches, when we were suddenly awak­ ened by a rude shock, followed by the surge of broken water. Supposing we were descend ng a rapid, we lay still for a moment and listened. But the tur­ moil of water appeared louder than u«ual. and in another instant there arose a wild cry tliat made us start to our feet, followed, ere we could leave the hut, by many others yet more ter­ rific, and echoed by the shrill screams of women. Some disaster had evident­ ly occurred; but when we rushed out upon the raft, the cloudy dark- de-s preven ed our d stinguish- ing what it was. while the con- .us on of voices and the hoarse cries of the lumberers added to our bewilder­ ment. However, as we hastened across the logs to learn its meaning, we all but stepped into the rushing rap'd, ren­ dered v s ble by its pale wr a hs of foam: and theu the truth flashed upon us that some violent blow had broken the huge raft into the number of small om s of wit ch it had originally been composed, and that our own portion had eparated from all the rest, leaving my brother and me ¡done, for Jerome slept on another part of the raft. As soon as we discovered our posit on we called to announce it to the lumberers, but, in tho tumult of voices, ours re­ ma ned unheard. Again and again we repeated onr cries, but with the same result: while gradually the voices grew ■a nter, proving that the divided por­ tions of the raft w ' ijc already scatter­ ing: and at length all sound ‘ ceased as they passed entirely out of hearing. We were men not easily daunt d, but ours was no pleasant pos' tion, alone in the darkness among the rapids, which might at any moment break up the raft beneath our feet: while of what means were available to save ourselves, we knew nothing. There seemed nothing j left us but patience; and divest ourselves of our heavier cloth- ing, in case of emergency, we sat awaiting daylight, and «hat it might disclose. Meanwhile the waves st 11 foamed around us, as if the rapid were interminable, and the raft grated and ground d incessantly against the rocks. At length, just as day dawned, revealing, to our aston­ ishment, our raft wedged among »he rocks near the shore, she gave a sud­ den jerk, and whirling round into the rap d soon swept down into the smooth water below. We had now leisure to look around us. As we expected, none of the other rafts were visible, but great was out disappointment to d'scover that the river now flowed between sharp, rocky barks, and tliat if, as we meditated, we swam ashore to continue our journey on land, we should be unable to climb the wall-like barrier. The y re- sou co left us, little as we understood its management, was to reman on board • the raft and float along at the will of the current and rapids until some change in the shore ' • . - favor . might our Meanwhile, out ot a loose plank we contr veil a tiller, to get over the un- some command wieldy craft, wh'ch •till held its way But as the hours passed down stream. F by, show ng no break in the stern bank of rock between which we gl ded, our hope of landing b -¡ran to fade; and when night again fell on our lonelin >ss, our helplessness, and our ignorance of what dangers m ght await us on that unknown river, we felt nigh despair. Alii.o t to our surprise, the night was got through safely, and morning saw our shapeless craft st II floating down the solitary st earn, with those dark prec p ces. crowned with p'ne fore-t«, still frown ng upon us from each side, and thus- frequently recurring rapids checkering our course. About noon we en ered noon the fiercest we had yet en­ counter d. Our tiller w:ts useless among the breakers, which roared and raged around the raft 1 grew almost terrified as I noted how swiftly we sped pa-t the rocks, which here and there stood up from the waves j like silent Warners; and yet more wa« I alarmed when, lo iking ahead. I beheld the long vista of leaping, surging cas­ cades, down whose troublous course we l should be driven if the fabric beneath jour feet still held together. But back- woods rafts are made for such encoun- t r ; fcarlesslv the log-boat plunged from ledge to ledge. At length a deep, reverberating roar rose above the •urround ng tumult. My brother land I started at th; unexpe-ted |-outlet; then w ■ looked eagerly forward and perceived, but a -hurt wav ahead, a cloud of silvery haze float'ng like a halo over the surface of the river. It was the con'irmat on of our newly awakened fear«, the unerring indication that a cataract was before u«, and that we Were nulling at railway spee 1 on a terr ble and spe dy death. Never a all I forget the pang o' that fearf'il discovery: the bitter |.r >«pect of i dy ng in health and strength, and yield- j ing up the hope« and a-piratlons of our ncloudtd youth; the thought of tiled s- tant home we -hould never see again: i and the beloved and loving one« soon to | lie doubly bereaved, and worse than all, the knowle ge that th • dear brother I must share our mtiending fate. With I «warm imoul ■ of frat« rnal 1 >va. we i ciaspeu each otner s nanus an mat re­ mained to us now was to die together. Meanwhile the d n of the fall swelled to a thunderous roar that reverberated through the .surrounding woods; tho tumultuous rap ds surged into a ficrcet fury, and urged the raft to a speed which made her tremble; while we, her hapless passengers, stood _____ silently j . awaiting .......... „ our ' inevitable doom, to be swept over that relentless fall, to be tossed in that horrible abyss, and finally east f rth disfigured and bruised, among the seething eddies of the still rushing river. It was a fearful inter­ val. Nearer and nearer the raft drew to the fatal brink nearer and yet nearer, until vve could almost look into the dark vo'd beyond. Her last mo­ ment and ours al ko seemed come, and in the deep anguish of such a parting we elung closer to each other. Suddenly the raft approached another rock; it was nearer to us as well as larger than those which had preceded it. and pre-ented a nr row footing. Tlmimlii al such m men s is swift s- I glitning. and action little less so; and almost ere 1 had seen this ark of hope my brother bound 'd across the raft, drawing tne w th him, and with a des­ perate leap, oniy to be ventured in peril such a-s otirs, sprang over the fathom­ broad space of rushing water, on to the rock beyond. Another moment and I too had leaped it; and standing in com­ parative safety on that small but im­ movable refuge, we watched the raft, whose fate we had so nearly shared, plunge over the foam ng cataract, to bo dashed into the deep chasm below. Still we were girt round by many dangers. A single si p might d -tach us from tho rock, a s nglc wave still sweep us over tho falls; while looking land­ ward, nothing was visible save a few dark, jutting rocks, around wh'ch the r ver foamed. Their wet, slippery po nts afforded little hope of escape, yet it was our only one, and therefore must e tried; and with rigidly braced nerves mil concentrated energies, we com- •n nee I our hazardous task of leaping Tom rook to rock, closing our ears to tin1 d afening roar, and our eyes to the hurry ng current over which we passed, ■is v ■ pursued our perilous way, until, >. th " merev of Providence, the fourth ■oek br light us to the shallower water, hr High wh'ch we waded to land. Tne now rugged bank gave easy ac- ■•e int in the openings. W were sk rt'ng Snodgrass Hill when w heard a gun go off, followed by a serie of yells and whoops. Pushing into th woods a few rods we came upon an ol tlarky seated on a log with one pant-le rolled up. There were four or five tTi.i streams of blood running down, and was plain enough that some scattering shot Iiad struck him. As we reached him a colored bo. about sixteen years old came out of th brush with a light shot-gun in his hands, anti the old mm looked up and said: “Julius, look heih! You has dun shot your ladder in de leg!” “Why, pap, I dun ’sposed you wa :> rabbit. I seed sunthin’ movin' in it brush, an’ I blazed away." “ ’Zactly, Julius—I correspond. Y arv that a noticeable ■ on the Pa­ difference is i-> the number cilie and t re is less of vessels variety on the he compen­ sation is in les di collision, People projecting on the Pacific must not be n it'' ^ts name, eats this traveler, for t'i s of the' Atlantic are table« ■ oinfiared with those of its sister o ean. —Twenty thousai d « il» were cap­ tured la»" year by the nativ M of Van- NO. 62 f t NEW GOLD FIELDS. DifTteul!it*« Under Which the Metal Ilan to lie <)bta)n«‘<• es of pa toral and agricultural land. I he el mate has been commended by Captain Grey and other explorers as >ne of the finest and health est in the trop cs. Last year tile population num­ bered only about one hundred white men: the blacks, who are not numerous, are tra table. Sheep, cattle and horses thr ve well, so that, whether or not th' gold fields fulfill the expectations oi Irisewho seek their fortunes at the gold fields, there is a fine country to de- v. lope. Derby, the capital of this dis- trie , at the mouth of the Fitz.roy river, •ous sted lately of but a few huts and tents, and is the station of a Govern­ ment res dent. Should Khonl.l tho «l.n “ru«h I." ” to lie gold fields continue, doubtless all this will s ion be changed. — 1'.'/usmbers' our a al. SPECIALIZED EFFORT. ’ In1 Jack-of-One-Tool, tlie Man Who A<- com pllnlies Great Tilings. The world has arrived at that stage of let elopment where eon entrated effort done can produce any notable aeh evo- 'tfi.t. Jacks-of-all-traa nts on canvas as to the man who • a nts on iron or wood. S :eh being the ca ,e ought not a war 1 f ; drice to bo given to those who con i inplate making ] enmnn-h p their pro­ cs ion? Do not attempt to do too n eh—that i-'. do not make the sphere if yopr endeavor too inclusive. Th • n.1.1 who sets out with the intention of ■overing the whole ground, and at- a ning an e pial excellence in every de­ partment of fine writing, wh'le he may ga n a degree of skill that would make uni famous n the le today s that of ...... ali'ed ■111 rt in every form of human aeh <• ’<» in 1L I'aul Pas nor, in I'tuoia ’« a . I>r. Lc Piongeon and wire, have spent years studying the ruins of ( entral America, be I eve the Maya civ­ ilization dates back eleven thousand or twelve thousand years, and that it is the parent of the oldest civilizations of Asia anr vill be less conscious of its presence. )ne of the peculiarities of the Nor- vegian farmer is tliat, when vis ting a riend, lie must ignore all the prepar- itions made for his entertainment. Ho v II see the coffee roasted, aud the cups et out, and then, just when thago.xl vifo is about to offer him her hospi ality, lie gets up, bids tho fami y good­ ie, ami is only pers.ia led to ro- mi n after some resistance. Every cup oust lie filled to overflowing, otherwise lie host would bo thought st ngy. Vhen milk, brandy or beer is off red. Im guest invariably begs that t will mt “be wasted on him." and then after imp ying the cup declares tliat “it is ....... inch,” going through the samo ormalitios, it may bo. throe or four inies. In the farm houses, or upland ‘.«actors," the guest is left to eat alone, lilvcr forks and spoons being often lubstituted for the carved wooden ones isod by the family, and a fine white •loth for tlie bare board which serves veil enough on ordinary occasions. I’o a punctilious guest th's may not bo i drawback, for at the family table, as, ndeed, among tho peasants in Scan- linavia everywhere, the different in- lividua's dip spoons into tho same lishes of “grod” and sour milk; but 'or any one desirous of studying a leople a load of foreign prejudice is a jrievous bur len to carry about. When i child is born tlie wife of every noigh- >or cooks a dish of "llodogrod” (por- •idge made with cream instead of milk) md brings it to the convalescent, there leing a good deal of rivalry among the na runs to outdo each other in tho puility and size of tlie d sb. When any m h is taken food in a Scandinavian muse Im shakes hand« with the host ind hostess Jn l isiiig from the table, md says: “ I’ak lor mad” (“Thanks for j>od”), to which they reply: “Veil be- (online” (May it agr.n w.tli you). In nany par's of S andinavia all tho piests shake hands each other, mil repeat the latter formula; and in S’orway, at least, it is tne fashion for a fliest to cull on tho hostess a few days liter, and when slm appears lo gravely ay •• Tak for sidst” (“Thanks for last iine”) great gravity on this formal isit boinga mark of good breeding.— The Peop'ss of the World. WHAT SHE BOUGHT. Irstiltn of a Tliou<un»»li, (o hear you talk *ne would think that 1 am a plumber >r a in il---- ” '•There, dearie, don’t get angry. If ou c mid only' have seen that lovely lew fall cloak I saw at ILmdnmdown « t'o.'s, I know you would sav it was heap at ono Imn Ire I ami forty dol- ars/’ ‘•I dar ■ say,” sarcastieal'y. “And that mahogany let nt Imita­ tion Bro.'s -one thousand night huu- tred dollars -my, how boa itifully that would do for tlie front chamber up- ,ta rs. ’ "No doubt," with a forced smile. “Thon tlmro w is that full-era - broid red cra'.v-qnilt, plush finish - just ori lital, it wa« Lat Mr. Tenpnr- •entofi"s, only Iw » Im id red dollars, and I th night how complete it would make the fern shing of the room. • 1 “Of course," w th sun r -«»cd anger. “But llm b Hinet at Mi«« Quitointha- fashion's: m-y! Ge >rgc, and I thought huw lovely t wouM go .with my terra cotta, and —" “Yes, and yoa bought it," pale with disgust. ••No. dear: w'ia’ mile vou think that?" “O, becill-e il W 11 lb' jll«t like a woman,” aoiu wli.ii u dlilied ••Well, lar in r 1 d dn't: ill I I m . ii ght was a p dka lot t c for yon and b.b p h (or baby."- « ■ < /■» A'<. Encouia^inx to Jones. Brown You ask m • to load vou five •lollart. Why <1 >1'4 vou 'jo a ro«s the -treet totlie bank an I atk them to )«nd it to y in? landing in >ney is taeir busin '«s. ■lonoa -But th y don't kn >w me. Ilroivn—All the morn chancoot your getting it then. , Joies-Why? Brown B H-:in«n no one who did know yo t « ni l I nd y >u a n cknl. Jone, ( lisda nf illy ) -Oh! Br >w n -Y' u may oh ot icrs but you can not owe me ~ fe.a<