^ST SIDE TELEPHONE, I OFFICIAL DIKKCTOBT. TUtan DISTRICT. eating Attorney ........It. p. Boise. ....... Geo. W. Belt. CO'.'KTY. (...... itors j...... tentatives Í Licione rt j t kff buret osar wftipt war Mier R. P. Bird, J. W. Watts. R. It. Laughlin, F. N. Li*tle, .. C. Lufollctt. L. I-ougharv. .1. S. IHI.I.- Geo. Dorsev. G. W. Briedwetl. T. .1. Harris. W. W. Nelson. Wyatt Harris. J. A. Freund. J. D. Fenton. I). C. Narver. XEI’IIONE whisperings . L gligdilen wants to buy chickens. L«d sour krout at Baxter & Martin’s. Ldi lard wanted at Baxter & Mar- 6012 Ls|, roasted peanuts at II. II. tf leh’a. Ld roller flour of all grades at Tax- 60t2 k Martin’s. C Lr» square meal go to the St. Charles Llv 25 cents. Lxter & Martin are selling dried [hes at 10 cents per tt>. Lf. J. A. Price left us Tuesday Lnoon for The Dalles. Lslie Laughlin left Wednesday for a [days visit in Astoria. Lnd of Hope meeting at the M. E. tch to-morrow at 2 p. m. he front of Logan Bros. A Heniler- Fi new stable is “immense.” opiesofthi annual Oregonian and it Shore left yet at C. Grmsen's. lie Young People’s Dancing club give a social hop this evening. O n H and .—A number of the mem­ bers of the legislature of 1887, which meets on next Monday, have arrived in this city, and taken up their quarters, to be in readiness for the coming season. Those on hand now are Senators Daw­ son and Irvine, of Linn, Rinehart, of I'nion, and Siglin of Coos; Representa­ tives Paulson, of Washington, and Mc- Cully, of Union; besides Senator Cham­ berí,n and Repiesentative Gregg, of Ma­ non. The representatives’, hall is not quite ready, as yet, for its occupants, but it will be in a day or two. The speaker’s and secretary's desks and the bar have been placed in position, and the carpet is being laid. A novel piece of furniture is the mail-box.—States­ man. K udekuakden .—Several gentlemen in this city, are talking of establishing a kindergarden school, if enough names can be secured to guarantee the success of the enterprise. A number of scholars have already been promised and if a few more can be obtained, a lady in this city w ho has had many years of experience as a teacher, will take charge of the school. There are a large number of lit­ tle ones in the city w ho are too small to be Bent to the public school, and a good kindergarden would be just the place to send them. These schools have been established all over the United States, and have proved of great benefit to the children. P atronize H ome I ndustry .—In mak­ ing a note of that fine shooting on exhi­ bition at Collard’s gun store we omitted some of the tacts in the case. Am Shad- den sent that gun to Portland three dif­ ferent times at heavy expense, and it never gave satisfaction. He then took it to our local gunsmith, W. F. Collard, when it made the following target at thirty-five yards with 4 drams of pow­ der, 1’4 ounces No. 8 shot: left barrel 420 shot, right barrel 390 shot, in a 24- incli circle. This target is hard to beat with large loads of powder. Frank makes a specialty of choke-boring. Give him a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. L A. Graves, Sheridan’s popular llgist was in the city Wednesday. O ur G lorious C limate .—This is Jan­ !, H. Bishop of Dayton, W. T. un­ uary 7th, 1887, and the people of this it C. P. Bishop, is visiting in tl.e section ot Oregon are in doubt whether it is winter or Bpring. Thus far we Bry the pure fruit extracts tablets, have not had enough snow to track a ■ other fine candies at H. H. coon, and not edough frost to hinder ■ch’s. 53t( the grdwth of all kinds of grasses in the hie T elephone job department is open air. Clover is in bloom in many King out the best work this side of places throughout the country, and out­ door vegetation is flourishing as nicely ■land. as it does in the eastern states in May ■he choral union will meet at the resi- or June. This is truly a land of almost BceofMrs. William Campbell Tues- pierpetual spring. ( evening. F or S ale C heap .—Forty acres ol (aptain Wyatt Harris of Amity, is in ■hecity, and paid us a pleasant call land, situated five and one-half miles (evening. northwest of McMinnville, adjoining the (re. A. L. T.ilmago has gone on a Dave McCall place on the left. This (t to her sister Miss Belle Cleveland piece of land is offered for sale cheap on (acouia, W. T. easy terms. It is well fenced, contains (eorge Cornet is the efficient and gen- a living spring of water, ten acres of it manly artist in Welch’s Tonsoral l’ar- has been under cultivation, and eight acres has been slashed. Price $10 per (, after August 6. . tf acre. For further particulars call at the lhe Daily Vidette of Salem, has made T elephone office. japnearance. It is a new sheet, and tingly democratic. F or S ale .—A piece of valuable pro­ kirn Anna Turner left yesterday for perty situated just outside the city lim ttland to join her mother, where they its, for sale at a bargain. Large house, I make their future home. well built; several acres of ground for tonaiderable advance in the price ot gardening, and fruits of various kinds (eat during the last few davs. Prices nicely started, numerous outhouses, Iquoted at 79 cents, and 75 clear. barn, etc. Everything in good order. Property is situated on Collegeside. Mrs. Mathienx of thi s city, attended Satisfactory for wanting to sell. I wedding of her sister Miss Maggie For further reasons particulars enquire at this ties, in Portland Wednesday night. office. _______________ _ Vinegar, 25 cents per gallon, in large H orse S tolen .—Last month a horse I small quantities; sweet cider, 15 paper gallon, at the cider mill of belonging to E. N. Ford was stolen from b. J. Sax. 29tf the pasture of A. K. Olds near this city, Byon want to purchase a good second­ and Monday W. G. Cameron and Frank ed piano, comparatively new, at a Wenn.'of North Yamhill, were arrested p reasonable price, call at this office on a charge of stealing it. They had an examination at Lafayette yesterday. particulars. There was not sufficient evidence against Mr. Goucher of Amity, father of Dr. E. the prisoners to bind them over, conse­ [Goucher of this city, lias associated quently they weie discharged. Ephy, P=elf with his son in the practice of however, is out a horse. picine heie. T he N arrow G auge .—The Narrow- Kiss Rosa Stannns will give a dramat- recital in this city one night next Gauge lines are now in full operation. pic. Particulars will be given in Tues- The first through tickets were purchas­ r's T elephone . ed by Col. Geer and daughter, of Silver- «»Hibbs rallied away his 22-caliber ton, last Saturday. The newly con­ le Wednesday. There were fifteen structed Portland A Willamette Valley Inces at $1 per chance. Hugh Col­ road is in good condition. On Saturday li was the lucky man. the run from Dundee to Elk Rock, twen­ Baxter A Martin have just received a ty-eight miles, was made in one hour * lot of their Far West baking pow- and thirty-five minutes. tdirect from Chicago. If yon never Fix the B ridges .—Several of the Id it before try it now. 60t2 bridges in this vicinity need fixing bad­ levcral valuable pieces of real estate (offered for sale in this issue of the ly. The long bridge across the Yamhill pephone . Whoever first takes advan- at this place has a plank or two broken |B of the offers will secure bargains. in it. A gentlemen called here yester­ day and Raid his horse fell through a ncMinnville is without a street mm- hole left by a broken plank, and skinned •»¡oner at present. By the condition and bruised one of its legs badly. It lome of the crossings and sidewalks, should be fixed at once. •hould think there is need for one. A uction S ale .—To-morrow the stock ■he new hanging lamp at the Baptist Meh in place of the reflector, is quite a and fixtures of the shop belonging to ’’■ to the eye of the congregation, as the late departed Al Young, who depart II »a a handsome piece of furniture, ed hence without bidding goodbye to his »o fresh young men from Amity creditors, will be sold at public auction ited Salem last wook, says the States- by Marshal Kaufman to satisfy a judg­ n,»nd endeavored to take in the town. ment held by IV. H. Bingham. The ■I were promptly landed in the city sale will commence at 10 o’clock at the shop on Third street. '■’’petition for the relocation of the R evival M eetings .—Rev. A. J. Hun­ ln»y seat is being well signed every- “*■ That is right. The people all saker has been holding revival meetings I*, county want to ret the question in the South Yamhill church during the week. The meetings have been quite . T’ received a New Year’s largely attended, and we learn there " that is something new. It looks have been several additions to the mem­ ’»piece of old dirty blotter a lien first bership. The meetings will continue But when examined it prooves to for several days. »terry pretty card. H ere ’ s A C hance .-We have for sale a •rnekoff Jt Co. are renovating the small place adjoining town contain» a “Oihling near Jones A Co. and will wish an agricultural agency here. little more than an acre of ground; a ? are e!'*erPr'B’ng men and will no good two-storv house and barn ; well set 'Pt receive a liberal share of patron- with small fruit trees; good well, etc. We will sell this place at a bargan. I or • Success to them. fiither particulars enquire at this office. J* McMinnville W. C. T. IT. will »special meeting for further ad- A t the B aptist C hi rch .—Revival ¡’went of the temperance work im- **,’iy after Band of Hope, Saturday meetings are now in progress at the Bait­ rnoon, at 3. p. m. All the members tint church, and will continue every night till further notice. The interest ■tfiuested to be present. ■rh like a bay steer if von don’t read is good and the attendance large 1 *,'vertisement and know that on Boax.—Year McMinnville. <> «gon. •her the new year my billiard tallies ■’«rented onlv by the hour or frac- Sunday, January 1, 1887. to the wiieoi tbereoi. at the rate of 40 cents per E. Owens, an 8-ponnd dangliter. .Moth­ er and child both do.ng well. MU H. 11. W elch . Near Corvallis. January 4, 1887. 0ÜR ASSISTANTS. quires $390 a year in advance. Frank Giltner proposes to sturt a saloon next week. The Great Transcontinental Route. n U E d . T elephone : Sheridan. It was reported at Forest Grove that As I have a chance to send a few lines Rev. Hoberg was dead and buried, January 5, 1887. I will improve the opportunity. We which lie says is not true, as he is still County Clerk, G. W. Bridwell was in able to talk. Ho left this place for left home on the 27th for Wheatland, The Direct Route I No Delays I i town Monday. Brownsville Tuesday to deliver an ora­ when wo again resumed our journey up Fast Trains I Miss Leia Shortridge returned to her tion at the pub.ic imfttllation of officers the river bv the steamer Willamette of the I. O. O. F. lodge at that place. borne at Nestucca to day. Chief. Reached Corvallis on the 29th, Walter Durham now wears tlie meas­ Trains are running on the narrow THE LOWEST RATES and went into camp five miles below TO CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS town where the festive duck elaweth the uring string in Bishop A Kay’s store. gauge now two each way daily, which Mr. Kay goes to McMinnville. leaves Lafayette four trains to and from gravel on the bar at Halfmoon bend. Tickets sold to all prominent points Robert Caples, of Portland, who has Portland each day anil each alternate East. throughout the East and Southeast. Here we find high water and navigation been spending his holiday vacation at day five. I venture to say there is not another town in Oregon that can boast almost impossible for our frail craft on Sheridan, returned home Wenesday. of as good railroad communication as TO EAST-BOUND PASSENGERS I account of drift wood and debris of ev­ There will be preaching at the Chris­ this place. Resides we have a boat twol ery description, but with our competent tian church at this place Sunday at 11 and three times a week. Be careful ane Committee appointed to suggest china, do yon understand? Well this is Oats, per bu........................ amendments to the city charter, order­ what I mean: Our esteemed fellow citi­ Flour,'per bar...................... . $4.20@$l.m per doz...................... 20c zens William and Lizzie Clemmens Eggs, ed to report Monday evening. R. McKUNE, P hopr . Butter, per lb....................... celebrated the twentieth anniversary of Petition of W II. Henderson and Cheese, best, pyr lb.... . others for sidewalk, ordered laid on the their marriage ; this event took place on Apple», per box.................. Thursday the 30th. A goodly number of Bacon, sides........................ 8c(rl8Uc table till Monday. shoulder.................. Petition of W. J. Lotighary and their friends being present, the day han., sugar cured . lOjitiMli Teams and outfits furnished parties wish- others for crosswalk on the north side of was passed, of course, in a most agree­ to go to the coast, at reasonable rates. able manner. Though not among the Fourth street from A to G, granted Petition of Washburn anil others for guests we unite with them in wishing ONE OF THE MOST NOTED European crosswalk on Second street near Wash­ these friends many happy returns of the physicians said : Neuralgia was the prayer happy bridal day. of a decaased nerve for healthy blot ..I, D m bums property, granted. ’s Aromatic Wine for the blood. The bills of marshal for $37.72 cents, —Having Bought the— And wishing you Mr. Editor with your (¡ilmore For sale by Rogers 4 Todd. and recorder for $5.70 were allowed, great family of readers a happy and No further business appearing, coun­ prosperous New Year we are still REV. W. FISK REQVA, of Aurora, Ill., cil adjourned to meet in special session, says; *‘I have used (¡ilmore’s Aromati< C ornet . Monday evening January 9, 1887. Wine and find it an excellent household remedy that none ought to do without. For Lafayette. sale by Rogers A Todd. Card of Thanks. Business of Logan Bros. A Hender- .‘■oii. I am reale remedy to be placed in every family. ” For sale by Rog ­ slough for ferns, vines, and snow-ber­ ed visit in Illinois, last Monday. She ers & Todd. ries, with which to decorate the table, has been gone nearly two months. THE WIFE. MOTHER AND MAID who Next to Yamhill County Bunk. a pair of deer’s antlers Wa< found, part- j J. Matty has enlargeit Ilia store room suffer from Female weakness and Debility, ami is putting in a full line of general Mi.MiNNVit.i.e • • Oxr.non will find Gilmore’s Aromatic a positive lv imbedded in the moss and earth. ( merchandise with ten and twenty-five cure. For sale by Rogers & Todd. The horns must have been there for; cent counters. Fiiu -t Stork ever bronghti thirty years at lea«t, and how much GILMORE’S AROMATIC i- a great suc­ Tlie Largent to and Yan.hill County. The masque ball given hereon last cess. therefore we challenge the World to longer cannot be estimated. They were in an excellent state of preservation,and Friday evening proved a grand success. produce its equal as a restorative for wom­ Boote anil Shoes mafie to order and neatly will be mounted and kept as curios, in There were several from Forest Grove an. For sate by Rogers A Todd. repaired. remembrance of a past decarle when the in attendauce. REV I. M. DERBY, of Linden, N. Y.. Indians foamed and feasted upon our Gid Ely was arrested and put under snvs; “The Gilmore Aromatic Wine prov- hills. Near the same s;s>t flint arrow­ $300 Ixmds, on last Thursday, the $•<1 a great birring to mv wife.’. For sale Price» to the Bedrock. heads anil other Indian relics have been : charge being that he was witli Marple by Rogers A Todd. 22tf F. DIELM ILNEIDF.R found several times.—Statesman. when he (Mai|de) almt at some China­ • ____________ _ _ «joy your dinner i \\ A and reliable Medicines a rathe berti Dr. I. C. Taylor I* in the city with men, for which Marple was placed in k-C * j prevented by Dys- v>*\\ todrpendupon. Acker's Blood E1-’ headqiiHrtPii» at the office of Dr. fl. V; jut some time ago. V. Dr. I .n lor make* a spe- , The council met last Monday evening pepfciw, use Acker*« Dyspepsia Tablets. lxir has been prescribed for yean for all im- •»( hei$*<»r I i 'H'I m an » •’liter dist-a-e'* i it d iei»*.iletl the ordinance p ohibiling They are a positive cure for Dyspepsia, In­ pnritleeof tlie Blood. In every formofScmf- ol the N»> chat go for examina* c.ilisms and snlwtituted another instead digestion, Flatulency and Constipation, ulonn, Frphilltleor Mercurialdliiearcs, ills’ guarantee them. 25 and 0U cents. Invaluable. For LUcuraaticsi, L.is no equal« Don«. Cure guaranteed or no chuge allowing a salom. Imt no gimmg either for fun nor a consideration, and it te- Geo. W. Burt, druggist. Geo. W Burt,