The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, January 04, 1887, Image 4

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Russian Paralysed Him.
le bad studied every lexicon from rn lent
Mede to Mexican,
Knew A Syrian, Sanscrit. Greek;
Cnew the shape of sword and sandal of the
Visigoth and Vandal
And the old Etruscan feature* and phy­
Helold In, JAMES PAYS.
Pretty and Stylish Dres-es That the Ladles
Are Now Weariug.
The fronts of many ball dresses are
In a let to.’ whi-h Mi«s Mirtnmi one*
showed me, fro u a relative of her* long of brocade, embro'.dered satin, or net.
dead, ad lie s d to her great niece fro:n or tulle, or net wrought with jet The
An Intensely Interesting Collection of
Souths »a, n ar lore miouth, an I dated backs a e draped very full with tulle
Signatures for the Student of the
He could write a song or sermon in Old Celt
Aug. 9, 1782, there occurred tbi* singular
or velvet.
or Ancient German,
pass ig :
raphy and Character.
A handsome dinner dress has the
And sing Italim songs and roundelays,
“The day is calm aid pleasant, and a< 1
Oeserilte Tiglatb-Pilez-r, the herbivorous
sit at the open window, the great vessel in vest aud plain skirt of dark green vel­
the offing, betwixt me and th) Fair island vet, the polonaise of rich green failler,
The following interesting bundle of auto-
And all the kings and queens of olden
(the Isle of Wight u>e I to be so call
xraohs is from the collection of Mr. Edward
buttons down upon the vest, and is
seems to »wav not a hand breath, nor tc
W. Bok, >f Brooklyn.
draped lvgh in front, falling in long
He knew Nimrod, Noah, Cyrus and the
bling band, but still the same, wai aided: full folds ui tiie back.
monarchs of Epirus.
In Pans the old-time gown made
“A dread ul thing ha* happened. When I
And gave scholarly descriptions of the r
had written that beginning of my letter. with a demi-train, which is looped up
Dorothv, I looked again southward; tlj“S''i en pou f for street wear au<l worn Iona
He could l“nd an added splendor to the an­
wrs wavelets as before, and the Fair island in the hou-e, is revived. It is made of
cient witch of Endor,
sparkled in I be sun. but betwixt us and it I cloth or velveteen.
And describe the early monarchs of th?
saw no trace of the great three-deck »r. I
A ball dress of rese<Zatullewith chen­
thought my brain had gone wrong, and ille tufts of the same color is worn
The signature of Jay Gould is little and
over skirts of net of the exact shade of
sould see nothing of her, a terril le appre­
with the concussion
blind and crooked.
the tulle. The neck and sleeves of the
hension took hold of mo; and when th^
Of a word that pare .e I and paralyzxl and
alarm guns frem the fort began to thun I r low-cut bodice are finished with a full­
Apple blossoms and
I k ew tha vess 1 had gone down. I he?r ing of tulle.
For Ivan-Adamowski-Shanki-Ranoff-Peter-
leaves of the most exquisite workman­ 1,000 mon were aboard of her.”
This was the farnoui wreck of the Royal ship form the trimming of this beauti­
Completely tied and tangled up his tongue
George, immortaliz)d by the verse of Cox - ful and airy toilette.
—a W Fo-s in TH Bit*.
This is the most valuable autograph in the
Black, white, yellow in all shades,
pe •. She was a ship of 100 gun«, carryirg
lot. It is worth <150,000,000. W. H. writes
brass twenty-fou- pounders on her ma n pink and blue are the favorite colors
a hand like a school girl.
leek, brass thirty-two pounders on her mi I for evening dresses.
The angler to t’ e brooklet hies.
die deck, and iron thirty-two pound ts cn
In Paris, for full dress, scarfs of gold
Puts on his hook the tempting bait
lower dock. Her lanterns wore so large and tinsel-worked net. ruchings of net
Of v'riggling worms or gaudy fl e<.
q utii ib I)tii(^ni(La<
And for the trout let lies in wait.
with loops and ends of satin ribbon,
them. She had six months’ provi*<ns on and folds of tulle forming braces into
Next day, when by hi' friends besought
board, and many tons of shot. Tin l lue which brilliant butterllies are placed at
The nature of his luck to sta‘e.
Laura D. Bridgman, blind, deaf and dumb,
fltgof the “brave K mp'nfelt” was flying
ntervils, are more fash onable than
He tells what heavy fish he caught,
has a remarkable signature. She writes a
a bermizzm, a id in two days she was t-
peculiar upright printing hand, not inelegant
leave Spithead to join the fleet in the (lowers.
Vests covered with gold embroidery
—Boston Courier.
in appearance.
So sudden and unexpected a catastrophe are used with cloth dre-ses.
French for Seven Huttons.
A dark brown cashmere dress has
was never before heard of in nautica'
“Let me see some of your black kí 1
annals; but the cause of it is common the skirt made with white pleats edged
g!ov«s.” said Mrs. Hna^gs to a clerk at a
enough. It arose from the obstinacy and with brown velvet. The bodice is part­
F fth avenue store.
fool-hardiness of the lieutenant ef the ly covered by a cape of brown brocaded
“These are not the latest style, are they?"
walfh. T u “«8 c : us ‘ 1 the death of some velvet trimm -d with chenille fringe
she asked, when the gloves wore produced.
800 human being*. It is not necssi yto and broad embroidery of gold and
A letter with the lithographed head, “Pres­
ni'ntionhis nann; index!, the sailor from brown beads.
ident's Office, Church of Jesus Christ of Lat­ had them in stock only two days. ”
wlio*e personal narrative I compil) lb •
A rubv cashmere to;let has a pleated
“I didn’t think they were, because th»
ter Day Saints, Utah,” is signed in a fanner
storv, anl who had prcbably just jo’ned skirt.
The overskirt is pointed in
fashion paper says that black kids have tan
like hand, “John Taylor.
tl.e ship, did uot km w his name, though, of front and draped full in the back and
stitch s and vice versa.
I see the tan
course, it c >uld b) discovered easily enough.
s trimmed with cream lace. The
stitches, but not the vice versa.”
“He was, if I remember right,” he say<,
blouse waist has a ruby vr’ . et collar
The tlerk explained that vice versa was
“the third lieut na it, a good sizH man b -
French for seven buttons and Mrs. Snagg?
tween 30 and 4).” Fortuna'ely for him­ trimmed with the cream lace and
bought the gloves.—Pittsburg Chronicle
self, p?rhap;, he was drowned with the fastened by a bronze buckle.
A reception toilette is of black
re t.
Telegraph. _____________________
The accident aron through the heeling Siciliennc; the bodice and tablier are of
A Little Off the Track.
over of the ship. It was necessary to lav brocaded silk tr mmed w th rich lace
P -troleuin is the topic of th a office, draw­
Hera is Brigham Young’s, written in a
her oa her sid) to get at the water cock, and bead embroidery.
character that is bold and sweeping, like one ing loom and workshop, and a great part ol
situate 1 in that part of th) hold calle I th i
Foulard covered with lace is much
our people think onlv of oil, talk oil and
of Brigham's Mormon edicts.
well, m order to roplao it by a new on ». worn for evening dresses in Europe.
dream oil Miss Jennie Smith, the railroad
The operation was begun at 8 o’clock in th?
A dinner dress of citron-colored vel­
evangelist, who has been laboring here, when
morning. The ship at thittiin) was “full vet is trimmed with narrow bands of
leaving the other day, approached at the
of Jews, women, and jx ople telling all sorts marten fur about the bodice and thu
train Capt. V------ , a well-known operator,
of things,” as was usual on the eve of along
front breadth. The high collar is
who was standing on the platform, took him
Toe last lighter, with ru m on
by the hand, as is her custom, and asked:
board, had just come alongside, and was lined with poppy red silk, and the
Here is one that looks both cranky and con­
“Brother, how ara you? Are you on the
lashed to the larboard side of the vessel, flounce on the bottom of the skirt lias
ceited. He seems to spell his name “Wild.’ rock or sand?”
anl the mm were piped to clear her. a id the pla ts turned back from the upper
To go with this sesthetiq signature is the fol
The captain absent-nunde lly but excitellv
stow the rum in the bold. Tnougb .h? edge showing a similar lining.
lowing gem: “To disagree with three fourths rent rd» “We a^e two h ts in the Rand and
An even ng dress is made of scarlet
water was almost level wi?h the port ho es
of the British public on all points is one of gushing like blaz's.”—Pittsburg C ¡ronicL-
through which the lari oard guns were run s lk. covered with jet-embroidered net.
the first elements of sanity.”
Telegraph. ____________________ _
out, nodaimer seems at first to hav > been The low-cut bodice seems made entire­
apprehen le I. Th • s ja da ihed in with every ly of jet. The sleeves are formed of
**In the Spring, Tra-la.**
wave, an 1 disturbed the mice in the lower
Customer to F.orist—Do the flowers tba
deck, and the men amii'*d thetns'ive* with three f stooas of black beads.
bloom in th“------
A dark green cloth dress has the
burning them in the water. “1. ere was a
Florist (sternly)—Sir?
rare game going on, are the words of th
<k rt made w th k It plaitings and pan-
Customer—I said, do the flowers tha'
i Is alternat'ng. The panels are trimmed
By 9 o’clock the wei ,bt of the rum bar­ with gold braid in leaf des gn. The
Fioris’ («otto voce)—John, Is Towser loo«e
The handsomest signature in the column and the sand bag in the cash drawer wh rc
board port-holes still lower, and ihe car­ heavy corded Jersey bodice has a long
here presented is that of Guitaau, the assassin
penter applied to tiie th.rd lieutenant to spray of leaves on the left side just
I can reach it?
give or le.-.-, to ‘h igh, sli p, as sae could not below the wa'st line. The edge of th.
of Garfield, dated “United States Jail,
John (in a whisper)—Yes. sir; an’ Towser
bear i;.” But th) lieutenant gave ban a bodice is conceal d by the overskirt,
Washington, D. C., May, 1882.” It is grace­ ain’t eat nothin’ since yesterday.
very short answer.
The captain—(.’apt. which is draped very short in front,
ful, even and strong, a strange contradiction
F orLst- Well, sir. What did you sav?
Uag'uoin—was ou boarJ, and also die a i- m n < I
to ths supposed indications of chirography.
full and lonsr in the back.
Customer—I wanted to know if flower*
imral; but admirals aud captains are no.
that bloom in the early part of the year will
consulted in such matters. Th) lives o.
those at sea, as oi ehose on land, are mainly
bloom again later?—Pittsburg Chronicle.
iu the bauds of subordinates.
In a
The feeblest signature of all, apparently.
very short time the
carpe it r
A Paper Without a Motto.
It looks as if it had started to grow upright,
peated his waruiu;, and the lieutenant Design of a Steamship Which Is to Cross
One or two person-* hav» su rgested tha‘
the Atlantic in Eighty Hi ura.
answered: “Sir, it you can manage the ship
but had been sat down upon at a very early
this paper would get along better if it had r-
better thau 1 cm, you had better ta;e
stage of existence.
now conies Prof. R. H. Thurston
Thev may b' right. “Fr»e an
the command.” In a mi iut) or two after­
I U shackled.” “Our Aim—the P'op’e’* We1-
ward, it is true, the foolhardy officer or­ with a paper suggesting that a ship
fare,” and “Truth is Mighty and Occas’on-
dered the drumnie.- to be called to lx at to can be built that will cross the Atlantic
right ship, but it was then too late. There
ally Prevails,” are all good, second h in I
Ocean in a little less than three and a
wes no time to beat his drum, orevn i ..eto
mottoes, tori“what worn n’ong the ed -es
get it. “L )t us try, ’ said our sailor to t .e half days, the average speed of the new
but still in pretty fair condition. W.» hav
lieutenant or his gua, “to bouse our gun out ship being forty-seven miles per hour.
also thought of several others, Incin ling
wituout waiting tor the drum, as it will
■K“»pO!T the Grass ’’ “Sic Semper Tvr in
The leviathan suggested by Prof.
help to right the snip.” They pushed the
The reader will probably be surprised to "is,” and “Free Though?, Free Speech nd
gun. but it ran back ou them, aid tney Thurston as the ship to cross in eighty
learn that the above name is that of Bis­ Fr *♦' Lunch,” buu have so far refrained from
cculd not start it. Then I cried; “Nel, hours, he makes 800 feet long, 80 feet
unning up any of them.—Estelliue (D T,
marck. It is written In German, which is
the ship is sink n.;, jump out at the port beam, of 25 feet draught and 38,000
hole! ’
He did so. but 1 beli ve he w as
the reason of its apfiarent illegibleness. Bed
tons burden. To make the speed of
for 1 never saw him again. 1 fol­
Whatever it may look in English, in German
Settling the Va*e Question.
lowed him. I saw the port holes as full of the Oregon, such a vessel, under a rule
it is a strong, plain signature.
heads a* they could craw, all trying to get of naval architecture, would require
The editor of an art journal says the pro­
35,000 horse power, as against 12,000
nun iation of vase deiiends upon its price.
What a picture! Imagin'all tho?e poor in the smaller steamer. The law is
O le costing twen v-flve cen s he would ca’l
fell, ws struggling to e;cap) throu ;h a space that to double that speed, or raise it to
v-a-B-e; one cos ing
ini; <2.5
<25 he would call
not large enough for on - eath of thorn, up
v- -h-z-e, , while the Morgan p-»neh blow
an incline ns s eep a* the peaked roof . f a 40 knots, eight times the power needed
hould be
caled v-a-w-z-e.—Norr.stown
hou-e, and wi h a hu igry sea rushing in for 20 knots would be required; but in­
II rah I.
behind them! Abov*aT think of th'poor asmuch as the law of resistance becomes
women! Our sailor, holding ou to the best much more favorable at these higher
bower anch r, which hnng above the port, rates of «peed, Prof. Thurston fixes the
ze hold of one, an 1 drag-; her out, but at
In some ink murks that look like a giraffe
tl a monie it the d anght if mr from I a - limit of the probable power required at
•truck by lightning we make out the follow­ horse can 1» unsound, and ye. when you buy
t een decks, caused b -the sinking of th“ 250,000 horse power.
ing: “Good for one hundred dollars at the one you will find a way not yet catalogue I.
ship, blows him off Irs o't. Then ti e huge
The weight of the steam machinery
— Albany Journal.
next centennial. George Francis Train.
ma s roes ’own. an l draws him down with for the new ship he estimates at 7,500
The telescope of the great Lick observa-
it. He *r es to sw’m. Hit cannot.. • though F
ory draws the moon so close that you can
p’unre‘1 »x her 1 -x I cou’d with both hnn.b and tons, or th<* total tonnage of the Oregon,
foot but wht'n the ship tou-hoil bottom ih* water and the consumption of coal at 175 tons
read the advertisements on the board fences.
up a go I deal, an l T felt that 1 e<>ul l swim. an hour, 3,200 tons a day, or 10,500
—Arkansaw Traveler.
•>n<! bevan t»l i e." So. even If a vexnel with a hun­
for the voyage. The weight of fuel
For his age the leader of the Oneida com­
So lironia — No, the e’e -trie light doe« n< t dred gu i* goes down nu I takes you or me with her
there is s<>m« U T, you xee. In having learn-d to and machinery would therefore be
munity writes a linn, strong hand, charac­ spoil the complexion. The objection is that
swim. When he comes to the surface he hears —
teristic of the individual he is.
Allow 12,000 tons, or,
it showi up complexions that have been
what a soun I at su h a moment! the cannons 18.000 tons.
»poi ed.—Boston Courier.
ashore fir ng their signals of distress; but he can see according to the present construction,
nothing. Hla face is covered with tar a barrel t about one-third of the total displace­
At th ‘ Bric-a-brac Dealer’s—“Oh, what tar I av.nbeen st ived in as the ship went down,
i delicious little vase. It is very old. isn’t md Ita contents spread over th'wat-r. He trikes ment, for the weight of the hull, and
t away from his eyes as well as he can. and look« 8,000 tons would be left for passengers,
it?” “N\ madam, it was made recently.”
• Ah. what a pity! It is so beautiful.”—Paris about hi n.
The fore, main and m'esentops of the huge sh p crew and cargo.— Goodall's Sun.
were all above water, and he .'limbs up Into com­
parative safety. In the shruils of the mlzaentop
“Dyspepsia,* said Carlyle, “kills poetic am
he finds the admiral’s b ik r. an I see< the woina i
This gentle red man's fist is more used to bition.” The world owes dyspepsia a heavy
he h is just pulled out of the p »rt hole r » Il g by.
grasp the scalping knife than the pea.
lebt. It is a pity that Tennyson’s stomach .f
He seises her >nre more and ha >gs her head over
<-ne of th» ratlines of the mzi'a shrouds, ilk'
not a trifle weaker.—Arkansaw Traveler.
«-lothes to dry. which s the best he can do for her
She—You seem blue; have you lost t: but a surf comes and knocks her ba kw.iril. and
r end I He—No; I have just gained one. 1
••away she went, ro l‘ng over and over ’’ Strangely
i ked Mi« Clara if she would be my wife enough, the poor creature I saved -.fter all by the
We will ray your fare from any part of
of a frigate lying at Shithead whose captain
md she said: “No, but I II be your friend ” ha, just
put off to the rescue. "Imust look to those United States to Portland and hotel expense*
who are tn more danger than you. my la i.’’ he while here if we do not produce indisputable
“Hey—oh. Uno’ Duke! Gitt n' out 'g'in.
evidence from well known bankers, doctors,
sings out t • our siller, as he goes by.
ir ye? Yo’ lookin’ mighty slimmish. H »
• Ay. ay. elr,” Is the rep y I am safely mo red lawyer?, merchants and farmers as to our re
liability in the cure of reduceable rupture oi
vo' fee in’, any way C “Wai, Gal». I feel enough. ”
Th' capta n o.* the l ov il George, though, strange hernia, without knife, needle or sharp instru
bout like es if 1 was plum dead an’ huby
menu You are secure against accident from
r»*a lied my sit’wation.”—Life.
But out of n -arly a thousnn I men wh'ch was the the first day until cured, and the cure guaran
sh p’s vompla meat, although some were on leave, teed permanent or money refunded. You can
Another of Raphael's pictures has bee
“lk t vas me,” be writes. But who would
an I s'.xty marines ha I gone as tore that very morn­ work every day, no matter what your occupa
found in a western to wit The frequency •
know it from his aijnature?
ing. <> ily a very few w.-r > save I; government al­ tion, withou* u anger or inconvenience.
occurrences of this sort gives rise to ' he bt
lowed five pound* to them for the loss of their sultations free. Office hc-urs from 10 to 4 daily.
f tuat Raphael was not a painter I u t
th ngs. '*1 saw the list, aud ther.* were but seventy, Correspondents will enclose stamp for replj
and address Drs. Forden & Luther, rooms 8 anil
fiv«». ”
pro] >rietor of a chromo factory.—Piola It
For several d ys afterward bodies would xul 9. First National bank. Portland. Oregon.
j.hia Press.
d nly come up to the surf :ce at the spot where the
•hip ha I sa k. “forty and fifty at a tlin . The
Customer (in restaurant)—See hei<« M
wat. r n n made ago I thing of it they would take
A long letter, nil ink, underlining, quota* Pi- prietor, this stt ak is a» toug i 1 < n
fr -m th“ men their buekles, mo iey and watches;
tlon mark., and «well and blow and humbug, <ca. c -iy cut it. Proprietor—We will in .
th n. in iki g fast a rope to their heels, woul l t w
b Mgned by thi. prvpontermin indi dual, the «hat all rig it, sir. Here, waiter, just bi i
them to land."
When Raby wr* sick, we pave her Cantoris.
lab- Ueorge the Count Joani»., “oi the New
The pn t who sings of th • cabmity t*»?ls u« “no
bis genl leman another knife — Harpe
When she wm a Child, she cried for Cast or ia,
York mipreme court.”
da« J*.
scarcely a iy br es • at al I I h • ship wa anchored When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
The New Yojjc Tribute believe- t
and ha I not't n :i st-t -h i f canvas on her to k->-i.
When she bad Children, she gave them Castorp
r «to dy
Panama canal will lie completed in the it
sixty years afterwar I the I t rest of th s t rrlble
a toWid, because M de LeS'epa is **m<»\
event had by no m an« dl • I aw y and I wed re­
Maven and earth’’ to accomplish that e
member. as a hoy. go nt on beanl the sh pth t wa-
stat o ie I above th» scene of the calamity, to •-.
M. tie ¡»«ops would get on faster it
th • divers wh » were tl I -mploy -d upo • »he wreck
would move les heaven an 1 moe tart!-,
The a,p-rat Ion of the poet.
The truriy good man who in no mueh con­
Tariff reformers are now spoken of a*
vi : Franci co Was \ the vess -I up,
revenue cutters.
cerned about public morality, quote« a aenp-
O we .rea led by her foes
l’ue doctor is hastily called to the 1» I -
ture verw iu a «mail and «hrinking back
was nev *r r'a'lzcl but almost ev ryth ng w«-
of a sick man
••Ala»!* he murmur-, a
band an follow«: “Bltwned are the pu. J in
taken out of h r a id more fancy nrti le»
a Kes tie hand of the patient, “tor e
heart, for they shall see God.'*
knb s w. rk boxes, etc.
affirnic I to Dr. Pierce’s “Pell eta* (the original “Jitth
nothing to 1» done. His hand is altra
have l»ecn ma le from tvr t.m:»crs, w.-re sold
liver pills”» and no pain nr griping. Cur-
•'But. doctor,* returned the hi
lam afrnl I. tha » th » R yal George, b g as -h* whs sick or bilious headache, sour stomach
‘in. husband .s a painter, and that is .
e.»u'.d ever h ivr f.irn shod. At ..ur x-*as|def| c *
cleanse the sy*tein and bowels.
r ason his hands are stained * “Oh, we
of resort y u may pur has•• them even now at th-
replied the doctor, “that does make • <li if
o gin» <»i I fash.on J artic es. with this tomi -like cts. a vial.
in c.lpt oi on them “ihl* desk’ v’f letter weigh,
nee, to be sura He really has some than
W hen getting your boot or sho*
or paper \»e.g tl -w is mad. out of ihe qrood of th-
If be were not a paifiter be would be »lend
Koya Georg»- a t ik off 'p ttu ad I» 17 X with A<U of straightened use Lvon's
H^el Stiffeners
flr.» minutes
French Fun.
ber crew ”
they save money, give comfort »nd kee)
them straight.
\ .
A Picture of the r«»ert that Find» Its Appli-
cation in Many Hom».i.
One of the most vivid pictures produced
in recent years was that drawn for a Lon­
don illustrated journal lepreseuting Gen­
eral Gordon seated in a saudy w asto of
Africa clutching his country’» nag and his
nible in one hand and a trusty w- upon in
the other, while round about him, closely
envirot ing him on every «ide.l petched a
Hock of lean and hungry vultures, traced
in the »sand l»t his, feet was the name
•Khartoum," and under the masterly
ariiatic conception, which’events subse­
quently tragically verified, was the single
word—“Abandoned!’ The picture de­
rived much of its force from the fact that
the face of the solitary uiau, ou which des­
pair and hopelessness were written, was
thalof a hero whom all the world honored
In every town and city throughout thia
broad land are heroes who have become
martyrs to medical science just as was
Gordon a maltyr to mllilary art.
have been “al»andoned" by their physi­
cians and given up to death in the ten-
derest language that their genial practi­
tioner can command. F- r years the suf­
ferers have taken medicines of all kinds
that did not cure.
They have continued
to grow worse, until Death was knocking
at the door of the house. Drs. STARKEY
& PAX.EN, No 15 9 Arch Street, Philadel­
phia. Penn., no longer need to re onimeiid
their Compound Oxygen treatment for tl.e
cure of luny and ofU
chronic diseasei.
It is already prescribed by hundreds of
reputable and progres ive physicians ot
the old and new schools.
It has entered
many thousand homes in the neat and
convenient form of the Home Treatment
In Health and Life, a quarterly published
by them, they record in each number
< uses of patients who have l)een aban­
doned by other physicians. The number
for October, i88i, had thirty such report-.
This paper and a valuable pamphlet show­
ing its manifold virtues in healing the
sick by the natural and rational pro ess of
building up theshattered body w ill 1«? sent
tree by mail or handed to those, applying
in person at their office.
Orders for the Compound Oxygen Home
Treatment will be filled by H. A. Mathews,
615 Powell Street, San Francisco.
There are at the present time 125 steam
era plying regularly between the United
Stab s and European ports Their aggre­
gate annual expense is $10 >.000,016, a< d
they employ,18,'.ou men. i'tieir total coo
bill is 91,10,000 per month; they carry
50 ,000 passengers annually, and are paid
<21.000 Oi»1 per year in passenger fares, ex­
clusive of ireight-rates Income.
It is perfectly preposterous to introduce pepsin
and other artificial solvents into the stomach,
in the expectation that they will assist digestion
by acting on the food itself. They will not.
Nor is it possible thus to overcome djs|>e)>sia
The only w ay to conquer that disorder, and pre­
vent numerous diseases and.'dGabllities which
it assuredly provokes. Is to renew the activity
of gastric action by strengthening the stomach.
Hostetter» Htomach Bitters eradicates the
most inveterate forms ot indigestion by restor­
ing vitality to the alimentary organs, uml those
which are tributary to them. The liver, the
bowels, the kidneys and the nerves, no less
than the stomach, experience tiie invigorative
effects of that standard tonic, which possess *»
alterative properties t>-at great'y enliam-e its
beneficial influence, and give a permanence to
its effect« which they would not otherwise
65 Cents
Rochester, N. V.. tv it bout premiuin
Cheapeot and Beal Weekly in the
pa. M. 48 column». IU yeak old
I to I lar you huve on.- choice troiu
dltterenl Cloth Bauud llullur t
to IWU pp.. aud p iper one year, post i>a“i t **
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Among them are: Law Without Lnw,,.,,. J'l-
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Any onk book and paper, one year all rU1
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Reference: Hou c’ nr
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Without Premium, 65<-.a year! R oohkst X} T
J. C. Hill, a prominent citizen of Edo«,
wo ><l, l’eiin., sliot Ills daughter whom h
mi .took for a burglar.
has been a laliorioUH and costly work hut
the end just!ties the effort.
In any Important channel means disasa-
Obstructions in them gang of the hum»»
body bring inevitable disease
1 hey mu,:
be cleared away, or pliysle.-l wreck win
follow. Keep the liver in order, and th
pure blood Cours, s through the hod« con
veying health, -trengtb and life ; let Itbe^
come disordered mid the channels an
• logged with impurities, which result in
disease and death.
No nth-r nudiclu.
equals Dr. l’if-rce's “Golden Medical Dis
covery” for ac ng upon the hverand
purifying the blood.
Thoma) Moonlight has been nppol;.te<j
Governor cf Wyoming Territory.
“Hioun's Hrouchial Troihet" give im­
mediate relief
Go to Towne & Moore when in Portland
for best Photographic and Crayon work.
Best Walsh in America
for the Price.
Ove.6,000,000 eron-ruw
Elever hundred coopers are out on a
strike at Cincinnati.
says the illustrious Pope
If he had in­
cluded women in the list, he would have
been nearer the truth, if not so poetical.
Dr. K. V. Pierce has made them both a
life study, especially woman, and the
peculiar derangements to which her deli­
cate system is liable. Many women in the
land who are acquainted with Dr. I’rerce
only through his “Favorite Prescription,"
bless him with all their hearts, for he lias
brought them the panacea for all those
chronic ailments peculiar to their sex;
such as leucorrhcea, prolapsus and other
displacements, ulceration, •internal fever"
bloating, tendency to internal cancer, and
other ailments. Price reduced to oue dol­
lar. By druggists-
ERRY & Cl.
Detroit, Mich.
1« Probably Dr. Isaac Thompson'«
This arti le is a carefully prepared phyRiclan'i pre­
scription, anil has been in constant use for nearly a
Century, and notwithstanding the many other prepara­
The signal service man is a sort of storm tions that have been introduced into the market, the
sale of this article is constantly increasing. If the di-
r ctions are follow» d it will never fail. We particu­
larly invite the attention of physicians to its ineritl
John L. Thom son, Sons & Co., TRuY, N.Y.
When you w ke up in the morning with
a bad tiste in your mouth, with your throat
and tongue dry and a yellow coating on
your teeth and gums, don’t imagine it
The Leading and Reliable
was all caused by what you ate the night
O course every body does that
and everybody “sweara off’’ from again
eating such food.
The trouble is iliat
your liver is clogged, your kidneys are
Of Portland, Oregon
overworked and vour bnwels are not
(Cor. Flr.-t and Mi-rTlxcn Htsi.
doing the’r duty. Take from three to ten
of B randreth s P ills and note the and-
u n and wonderful change in yoursvstem.
After all the best ticket for a man to run
on is a railroad ticket
T ry Q rrmka for breakfast.
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Scrofula and Infantile Hnmoi-s cured by tiie
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Portable Horse Power Machines set to work inZOminutaa
Guaranteed to drill faster and with less power than any
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to $40 per day with our machinery and tcols. Splendid
business for Winter or Summer. We are the oldest an#
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Lovely Hidden Name Curds with name rsverad bf
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’rU *d*ptod *° ch:!d"n 'bAt
Ul So- Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T
Castorla cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes
_ ration.
without injurious medication.
Tax Cmn-Ava C oupast , 1S3 Fulton St-eet, N. Y.