west side telephone . T he \\ est S hore .—The holiday 11 tu­ Happy Valley. College Notes. Eucklen's Arnica Salve. ber of the West Shore is the handsomest January, 1, 1387. The best salve in the world for cuts, that most excellent western magazine It is a curious, as well as interesting, OFFICIAL DIKECTOUY. Willie Casey is home for holidays. . bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever has ever issued. Many of its illustra­ to note the origin of the names of some Our young friend Al. Ewing is attend- I sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, tions are printed in five colors, anil of the days of the week. Take Wednes­ TH IUII DISTKICT. '• corns, and ull skin eruptions, and posi­ II. 1'. Boise. none of them in less than three. They day as an illustration. We are told thut I school at Scio this winter. >1<1P* . Prosecuting Attorney .. Geo. W. Belt. aie highly artistic, both in design and The Direct Route I No Delay»! Heavy riins with dark nights and tively cures piles, or no pay required. this name is derived from Woden, some ­ CO'.NTY. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac­ Fast Train» I execution, and are especially appropri­ times written Oden, and hence in its muddy roads is now the fashion. tion, or money retuuded Price 25 Senators -j /; Ira Wilson of Washington county, is cents per box. For sale by Kogers A ate to the seaon. An elegant, large en- original form was Woden’s day. With gravingof Mt. Hood, the famous snow a slight change in the spelling you can I here visiting his sister, Mrs. S. A. Ew- Todd. 29yl TI-I2E SATES Representati ves peak of the Cascade mountains, accom­ see how we get Wednesday. It may be | mg. TO CHICAGO ANB ALL PBIMTB Several of our young folks attended panies the number as i supplement. It that the reader would like to know some­ A Bargain. ................ Ens* Tickets sold to nil prominent points is executed in eight colrfrs at.d embossed thing about this Woden. Well, lie was I the dance at Mrs. McPhilhp’s, and re- Ooiniuissloners i (.......... I port u good time. throughout the East and Southeast. ........ and is by far the most beautiful repro­ j We offer for sale 320 acres of land, Clerk duction of the grand scenery of the west one of the old Scandinavian deities. He We wonder where our bachelor goes, situated 4l.j miles west of McMinnville; Sheriff TO EAST-BOUND PASSENGERS I yet made by the printing press. Tl e is said to have regulated the days and as he is away from home so much of Treasurer 40 acres farming land, the balance good literary features of the magazine are seasons by placing the sun and moon in I his time. Watch out, V. Assessor Be careful and do not make a mistake. mo by the C ars .— Homer Lowe be able to obliterate all trace of the ex­ Mutton, Pork, ami Try the pure Iruit extracts tablets mook rock light house, came up on the and other fine candies at H. II. 1 young man about 28 yeais of age, was istence of the present generation. The Manzanita yesterday. He reports Don't Expprinieiit. 53tf Welch’s. run over at 5 o’clock yesterday after­ race is one, their interests largely com­ stormy weather at the rock. The month 8. C. Force is so her recovered from noon, at Fourth and Taylor streets, by mon. You cannot afford to waste time in expe­ of November was remarkably fine, but his recent illness as to be able to be out the McMinnville express train, and died Mr. James Haynes started last Friday with December came terrible weather rimenting when your lungs »re in danger. Highest prices paid for all kinds of fat upon the street. Consumption always seems at first, only a from the effects of his injuries a few for his home in southern Oregon. He from the southeast. On the 16th the cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose stock. George Cornet is the efficient and gen­ minutes afterward. Lowe had ridden may be back before the school year i storm seemed to culminate in a severity upon you with some cheap imitation or Dr. GIVE ME A CALL. tlemanly artist in Welch's Tonsoral Par­ up on the front platform of the last car closes. King's New Discovery for Consumption, The janitor, Mr. Lynch, has been ' unequaled in his four year’s experience. Coughs and (’olds, but be sure you get the Respectfully, lors, after August 6. tf from the lower end of town, and, on cleaning the building during the holi­ 37tf F. S. KELLER. ; On the morning of that day, the sea rose genuine. Because he can make more profit Prof. Freund has charge of the public reaching Taylor street, attempted to days. The hall floors have been mopped. in solid masses of water and seizing lie limy tell you he has something just as good, or just the same. Don’t be deceived, schools this week. Prof. Jordan will jump off. He missed Ins footing, but Of course the boys will clean their boots HERE WE ARE AT LAST I three water tanks, each 4x4x8 feetan but insist upon getting Dr. Kings New Dis­ take the helm next Monday. held on the ganrd-rail and was dragged before coming in. covery, which in guarranteed to give relief —Harness at th»— School begins on the 4tli — to-day. solidly constructed, broke and carried in all Throat, Lung anu Chest affections Charles Waulnes and Miss Margaret underneath, the front and rear wheels Mrs. W. J. Crawford had quite a se­ 1 them away. Those tanks were 90 feet Trial bottles free at Roger it Todd’s Drug of the car passing over him. Homer Thurber were married in Lafayette last was w;ll known here, having been a rious lull. It is thought that she sus­ above the sea. Later on the water grew Store. week by Judge Lougliary. train hand on the above road off and on tained the fracture of a rib. —at absolutely— The thermometer ranged above 40 still rougher, a wall of water broke Saved His Life. The saw mill at St. Joe, will soon be for a long time and, also having worked deg. during the month of December. against the rock and rose far above, •ready to run again as there are 2,500,000 in this city. He lias many friends here What do you think of the proposed striking the light, which is 143 feet in D. I. Wilcoxon, of Horse Cave, Ky., says who will be pained to learn of his sad students tfeet of logs on the way there. ’ paper. he was. for many years, badly aftlicted with death. height, and falling solidly on the roof. Will the literary society resume work also Diabetes; the pains were al­ Buggy Harness from $12.00 am! upward, There were sixty-seven marriage licen­ | Solid to strike and liquid to drown, tons Phthisic, the holidays? It ought to. most unendurable and would sometimes al­ Trum Harness from $25.00 and upward.' ces issued in Yamhill county during the T rifle A nniversary .—Saturday last after Mr. Frank Collard has purchased the ' of water flew up in the air and fell with most throw him into con vnlsions. lle tried year 1886. A little over one a week. I have also something entirely new in the we accepted an invitation to dine with property formerly owned by Miss F. E. j a crash as of a hundred hammers again Electric Bitters and got relief from the first line of S A’eat pads. bottle and after taking six bottles, was en ­ our worthy friends, Mr. and Mrs. John Russ, on Collegeside, and has moved in ­ Work on Logan Pros. & Henderson’s and again on the roof of the light house. tirely cured, and had gained in flesh eigh­ My terms are (’ASH, or notes that can new stable is being pushed rapidly for­ N trver. It was a day deserving of spe­ to the house. We are always glad to A. WELLS. teen pounds. Says be positively believes be turned into cash. ward, despite the unfavorable weather. cial mention, being Mr. Narver’s birth­ welcome new neighbors on Collegeside. It cracked, the joists crushing in and ad­ he would have died, bail it not been for the The dwellers on Collegeside are not mitting the water. The light trembled relief »Horded by Electric Bitters. Sold at ----- SHERIDAN------ As tins is the week of prayer, meet­ day, and the anniverarv of their mar­ willing to be incorporated w ith the city and the solid iron stanchions bent with fifty cents a bottle by Rogers it Todd. ings will be held at 2 o’clock p. m. eve­ riage, as well as New Year's day. The in the proposed new charter. the force of the blows. “For about a ry day this week, in some of the church­ dinner was a fine one, ample for the cel­ J ackson . quarter of an hour,” says Keeper Hor­ A Captain’s Fortunate Discovery es. nung,“it looked mighty scaley.” Every­ ebration of the triple anniversary, apd thing was afloat, and tables, chairs,etc., Capt. Coleman, schr. Weymouth plying Hibbs Convicted. Great bargains in all kinds of watches, was duly appreciated by the few invited j swimming about, the water thundered between Atlantic City and N. Y., had been J. M. CHAPMAN, Pro., clocks, piated ware, etc., at the Mc­ guests present. May our good friends j on the roof and poured in torrents Minnville Jewelry store, Wm. Holl, pro­ live to enjoy many and many a return of troubled with a cough so that he was un­ Carries a full stock of Furniture, af all [Lewiston News.] through the rents its weight had made; the day, which means so much to them, prietor. decltf to sleep, and was induced to try Dr, kinds, Fine Bedroom Sets, Mirrors, The trial of this case was commenced chimneys disapeared, outhouses, etc., able and may each sneceding year be fraught Kings New Discovery for Consumption. It Mouldings, Wall Papers, Etc., Etc. A pleasant party was given at the res­ with additional peace and joy for them. on Tuesday of last week, most of the disapeared, and it seemed as though the not only gave him instant releif, but allay­ I end of all things had come aS far as the ed the extreme soreness in his breast. His ident of Johnathan Todd, Friday even­ time on Monday being consumed in get­ rock light house was concern- children were similary effected and a single ing, attended by a large number of our ------- A full line of------- N ew Y ear ’ s D ay .—Saturday was a ting a trial jury. The indictments which j ! Tillamook ed, when, suddenly, at the very height dose had the same happy effect. Dr. Kings ¡little folks. quiet day, although not so much so as were considered were number 22,768 of the fury of the storm, the force of the New Discovery is now the standard rem­ Clocks can be bought at the McMinn­ Christmas. Many new year callers were and 22,773. The first was the same as waves abated, greatly to the relief of the edy in the Coleman household and on board schooner. Free Trial Bottle of this ville Jewelry store cheaper than any­ out, and the “rounds” included a great keeper and his assistants, who essayed the Standard Remedy at Rogers it Todd’s Drug the one tried in 1885, upon which the to Store, one door south of bridge, Sheridan, where else. Come and see for yourself, many bouses. repair the damages. Store. . 4 Besides the list an­ jury failed to agree ami which stood over Oregon. 25tf decltf W m . H oll . The next dav the surface of the ocean nounced in the papers, there were quite the term, and the other showed a vari- was as calm and smiling as the placid Vinegar, 25 cents per gallon, in large a number of ladies who received inform­ Renews Her Yontli. ! bosom of a sunlit lake, and a skiff could •or small quantities; sweet cider. 15 ally. Of course, everybody was at home riance from the proofs offered. Many ! cross to the mainland. witnesses were sworn on the part of the Mrs. Phoebe Chesley, Peterson, Clay Co. cents per gallon, at the cider mill of to friends. Overcoats were a superfluity Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, Jno. J. Sax. 29tf and the day was mostly clear. Instead prosecution, some from Decator, III., T hat C onfession .—During last week lhejingie of the sleigh bells, the clat­ some from Salem and Portland, Oregon, I rumors were afloat that R. E. Marple, the truth of which is vouched for by the If you want to purchase a good second­ of residents of the town : “I am 73 years old, ter of feet on dry sidewalks was heard. hand piano, comparatively new, at a It was surely a beneficent introduction one from Dayton, W. T., some from 1 now in jail at Lafayette for the murder have been troubled with kidney complaint Pierce City, Idaho, and the remainder I of D. I. Corker in October last and and lameness for mnay years; could not very reasonable price, call at this office to the new year. for particulars. from Lewiston, Idaho, and some docu­ awaiting his trial, had made a full con­ dress myself without help. Now I am free from all pain and soreness, and urn mentary evidence was shown, all tend­ fession. Later on the story, like a rol­ able to do all mr own housework. I owe R evival M eetings . — Commencing The McMinnville Jewelry store is the largest west of Portland, ^nd the cheap with last night There will be revival ing to give a chain of evidence' which it ling snow ball, grew and expanded into my thanks to Electric Bitters for having re­ newed my youth, ami removed completely *’t place to buy goods in Oregon. Wm meetings at the C. P. church every seemed impossible to impeach with all a double confession, in effect that lie had all deseases and pain.” Try a bottle, only Holl is the proptietor. decltf 4 night this week commencing at 7 o’clock. the learning and ability of learned coun­ [ not only murdered Corker, but also the 50c. at Rogers it Todds Drug Store. Pleasant times were had at the Prai­ The meetings will be conducted by Rev. sel for the defense, and the prosecution J French courtezan Emina Merlotin. In the City.__ _ltf rie school house, and Pleasantdale church T. II. Henderson, alone during the fore rested. The defendant’s counsel, for j These stories are without foundation. Home Produce Market. on Chriitinas eve. At the former place part of the week. During the latter reasons best known to themselves de­ . Marple has made no confession at all in .SI I EH I DAN ladders were used instead of a tree. part of the week Rev. Van Patton, of clined to produce any evidence, but rest­ I regard to the murder, nor is he likely Corrected for tlie T elzi - horc by Baxter A I to do so. All efforts to connect him Dayton, W. T., is expected to be hdYe, Martin, Several valuable pieces of real estate and assist in conducting the services. ed the defense. The Judge then gave with the Merlotin murder have so far Wheat, per bu...................... are offered for sale in this issue of the There will also lie revival meetings the law of the case to the jury, and the failed. Oats, per bu........................ 3x< T elephone . Whoever first takes advan­ every night during the week at the Bap­ Flour, per bar........................ 44.OOCSI4.4i' jury were allowed to retire in charge of R. McKUNE, PHOFR. tage of the offers will secure bargains. F ob S ale C heap . — Forty acres ol 3ih- 1 per d"7. tist church, conducted by Rev. G. J. an officer, with instructions not to allow i»er ll> .................. 25c land, situated five and one-lialf miles ( Butter. As the Orient was coming to Dayton Burchett, commencing at 7 p. 1». 2l)r the jury to separate till they had come northwest of McMinnville, adjoining the 'hcese, best, per lb.... Apples, per box................ one day last week, the wheel became 2Dc(it3bc Dl’iif loc A gencies W ithdrawn .—The Oregoni­ to a verdict, or found that an agreement Dave McCall place on the loft. This Bacon, sides ........ almost a total wreck by striking on “ shoulder .. .......... Sc Tennis ami outfits furnished parties wish- something in the river. It delayed an of January 1 says: To-day Wells, could not be hail. Tho jury were thus piece of land is offered for sale cheap on " liatn, sugar cured. 14e to go to the coast, at reasonable rates. them four hours. Fargo & Co. pull tip all their agencies kept imprisoned from Friday night at 11 easy terms. It is well fenced, contains o’clock till last Monday afternoon when a living spring of water, ten acres of it in Washington territory and all in eas ­ At the residence of A. J. Appvison. ONE OF THE MOST NOTED European they came into court and reported that Saturday evening the little folks weie tern Oregon, and will confine their oper­ an agreement of "not guilty” on indict­ ! has been under cultivation, and eight pliysi iiin« Mild : NcurnlKin w the prayer of a deennsed nerve for healthy blood, f'-r acres lias been slashed. Price |10 per given a very pleasant party. A large ations altogether to the Willamette val­ ment numtier 22.773 ami a disagreement —Having Bought, the-— acre. For further particulars call at the Gilmore’s Aromatic Winn for the blood. number were present; refreshments on number 22,768. The Judge asked For sale by Rogers A Toa . ,se. After the lap “ e of half an hour pel and 300 with the other. A ttsxtion F iremen .—There will be a ] Rogers A Tod 1. NI. S. COP’K x. of years, and by energetic attention to tbev came into court, and after being The narrow gnage has considerably business has mail • his store one of the polled, they presented their verdict, regular meeting of the h.rok and ladder REV. Jf. B. EWELL, rf Pavillion, N. Y. -OPPOSITION- reduced the price of transportation be­ heaviest trade centers in YamliiL coun­ which was in substance “riot guilts” on company at their hall to-morrow evening •avs of Gilmore’s Aromatic Wine; “I be­ tween the towns on this side of the river ty Competent workmen ire alviis indictment No. 22,773, and “guilty” on at 7 o’clock sharp. Thursday evening, lieve it to be a most desirable remedy t*» I m * placed in every family.” For sale by Rog­ ’loPortland. The fire from Lafayette employed to do general manufacturing indictment No. 22.768, « ith a recommend to Portland has been fixed at $1.24, and and repairing, and his customers will be tor nieicy tothe prisoner. The jury was at 8, there will be a meeting of the ers A Todd. guaranteed jierfect satisfaction. prom Sheridan to Portland $2.14. then discharged until Tuesday morning. entire department. A full attendance is j THE WIFE. MOTHER ANDM \ID who Next to Yamhill County Bank. The judge reserved sentence. The great requested as business of importance is suffer from Female weakness amt Debility, I 5- II. Hubbard,- tl-.e best road super- D ied .—Gaines II. Burns died at the majority who heard the evidence in the to be transacted. By order ol McMrxxvir.T.F • Ontuoir. i will find Gilmore’s Aromatic r positive W. G. H enderson , r'"or in Oregon, was tn the citv yester- residence of his father, in this city yes­ case expected no other verdict, and I cure. For sale by Rogers A Todd. Chief Engineer. t'»)-, and paid ns a pleasant call. Char-' The Largest and Fine*! Stork ever brought hence appeared satisfied that the jury GILMORF/H AROMATIC Is a great suc­ has fairly earned his reputation ns a terday mo'ning, Jan. 3, 1887, about 7 were true to thier oaths, and that the to Yamhill < ounfr. cess, then hire we challenge the World fo o ’ lock, aged 28 years. His death was M oved O ne B lock .—On and after lo- r’lpervinor, and anyone traveling over ____ verdict rendered was according to the produce its equal a restorative for wom ­ r‘e roads in his district will sav so. verv sudden, as he had only been sick law and the facts as shown to the jury. flay the west aide trains will stop at an. For sate by Rogers A Ty rs A Tor- 56tf II. H. W elch . old out his tailoring business to Mr. \ would enjoy your dinner I \\ A »n4 rcliiilile Me»!irin«<«re thc!>e«t Jannarv, also some willoM; twigs which LP''- I- C. Taylor is in the city with iliiams of Drlias. Mr i dams we e i-overe I with buds and leave- : • J BBd are prevented by Dys- V j WX todepe" ! 'ipcr.. Aricer’fi Blood El­ P arsed ¿ way . — Mrr.Si ah OdelUdied P.*”'q'iarters at the office of Dr. H. V. uso Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. ixir h««beenprrr'rllwd forjenrsfor alllrn. een in the employ of M -. Tiggt t go.wmg r gbt along just as tlmngh it near Dayton, at 2 p. m., on Jannary 1, They are a positive cure for Dysponsia, In­ purltlosof : lie Blood. In erery form of Serof. r-Johnson. Dr. Taylor makes a spe- 1. t: or»' an 1 is k n-r a n to i - l g'srl ;.<■ • ot »ighi in tfie m d'le •>( winter. r~”y of hemorrhoids an I other diseases I» He;»«ed was the digestion, Flatulency end Coturtipation. ulons, FypLIlit'.rrr Mercurialdlse»«r». i:I» We If the e is any country under tl.e sun IK a ?, agpil S3 ) ear. Pine rectum. No charge for examina- tie is a with a lietter climate than this, we tno her of Gen. W. II. O lcU, pos’m i»tcr Wo guarantee them. 25 and 00 cents. Invaluable. I'orr.ucumatlrm,l:aanoe<^ua]^ [**"• Cure guaranteed or no charge Geo, W. Hurt. dni.«."T *<♦<*