The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, January 04, 1887, Image 2

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M c M innville , T uesdav , J an . 4, 1887.
It is certainly a most unfortunate con­
dition of affairs when the rigtit of state­
hood is to be made to depend upon the
political complexion of tho voters. It
was certainly something never intended
by the founders of the American govern­
ment. The idea ot excluding people
from all the privileges oi American citi-
senship, on account of the political
views is an anomaly, but it seem almost
idle to protest against it. Even a thor­
oughly respectable journal like the New
Orleans Times-Democrat, which reflects
the best sentiments ol its party, accedes
to partisan pressure on the subject, and
can see no other way than to admit ter-
ritorien by pairs. It says: ‘‘As lor these
four territories mentioned, they will by
1888 be all fully entitled to statehood.
At the present rate of progress and in.
crease ot population Dakota will have
500,000 jieople; Washington, 250,000;
New Mexico, 160,000, ami Montana 120,-
000, all more than the state of Nevada,
and all but one ahead ot Delaware. As
two of these territories are democratic
and two republican, it will make no dif­
ference in the standing of the two par­
ties in the senate, and the bill will not,
therefore, arouso much political feel
The Vienna correspondent of the New
York Telegraph says: The prospect for
the next twelve months islivelv enough.
The year just beginning may well see
the collapse of one, at least, of the great
powers, and of ono or two minor states.
The elements of disintegration are not
confined to Turkey, and it is a mistake to
suppose that in case of war Bulgaria is
the only small country whose existence
would be imperiled. In Vienna there is
considerable anxiety for the immediate
Everybody says the new year
opens under unpleasant auspices. A
somewhat reassuring item of intelligence
comes, however, from Cracow. Dsienik
Polski hears from St. Petersburg that
during a recent ministerial council the
czar declared he would have no war,
and actually shook his fist at one of the
ministers who had manifested bellicose
views. I am inclined to believe there is
some foundation for this story.
czar has lately told different members
of his entourage he wished to avoid war.
The asjieet of affairs on the Austro-Rus-
nia frontier is threatening enough, but it
is a good deal worse on the borders of
France and Germany.
The papers in the east are now dis-
cusssing indstrial education in the pub­
lic schools in a way which shows that
they have a conscientious interest in
what they advocate.
It has taken the
country a long time to realize the neces­
sity of public industrial training, but we
think the necessity’ of this kind of edu­
cation is now well and universally un­
derstood. Careful elementary training
in mechanical ami manual occupations
lias been neglected to the detriment of
the average character of the work now
done in carpentry and like employments.
Book education by itself is not sufficient
to insure the average graduate of our
public schools a living. Practice and
theory must walk hand in hand to ob­
tain the best results, and the adoption
of industrial courses in the public schools
will bring this about.
Col. T. 8. Lang, who has been editor
of the Wasco Sun for several years, has
retired from that journal. The Colonel
is one of the ablest journalists in the
Addison E. Gibbs, second governor < f
Oregon, died in London, Thursday, De­
cember 30,1886. Ex-Governor Gibbs
has been in London about two years.
Ilis family reside in Portland. Nothing
beyond the mere announcement of his
death has been received.
During Docember 2,650 passengers
have arrived in this city, via the North­
ern Pacific and Oregon Short Line rail­
roads, and by steamer from Sin Fran­
cisco,.us compared with 2,705 for Nov­
ember, 3,244 for October, 3,087 for Se| -
ternber, 4,512 for August, 3.100 for July,
3,383 for June, 4,709 for May, 4,743 for
April, 4,889 for March, 1,873 for Febrii
ary, and 1,797 for January ; a total of 40-
892 for the year.—News.
A ropresontative of the United Press
interviewed Secretary Lamar the other
day as to Ills coming marriage.
said: ‘You are at liberty to announce
that there exists an engagement between
Mrs. Holt and myself, but I cannot say
when the marriage will take place: it
may be in the spring or during the win­
ter.” No definite date having been
named for Lamar’s return to Washing
toil lends point to the supposition that
tho marriage w 11 take place within a
few days.
'TELEGIt/li’UH .
P hiladelphia , Jan. 2.—Tho machin­
ists assemblies of this city to-night vo­
ted to surrender their Knights of Labor
charters and leave the order, owing to
the refusal of the Executive board,
Knights of Labor, to grant them a na­
tional trades charter.
W ashington , Jan. 2.—The usual an­
nual count of $40,000,000 worth of inter­
ml revenue stamps wns commenced at
the treasury department to-day. About
’fifty employees are at work on the job,
and if they are diligent will finish their
task in a week or two.
C hicago , Jan. 2.—A secret circular
has been issued by tho two assemblies
of the Knights of Labor of this city boy­
cotting the meats of AnnourA Co. The
circular was made public to-day.
charges Armour with all tho trouble at
the stock yard, and urges the working­
men to boycott his goods.
S an J oke , Jan. 1.—Airs. E. SafTers
threw her 6-montli-old baby from a win­
dow of the Russ house yesterday. It
struck an awning and then fell eighteen
feet to the sidewalk, receiving fatal in­
juries. She has not been regarded as
sane for some time past, and will be
place 1 in a private asylum.
G rass V alley , C ai ,., Jan. 1.—On
Tuesday afternoon Tlios. Ingram fell
down a shaft, in the Empire mine, while
repairing the bell ropes on the 600-foot
level. He fell twenty feet, but had pres­
ence of mind enough to catch the ladder
and thus saved himself from a horrible
death. He escaped with a few severe
S andwich , M ass ., Jan. 2.—During
the absence of the manager of the Sand­
wich glass works yesterday, the mem­
bers of the glass worker’s union employ­
ed tliore struck because James Black, a
workman, was docked one hour’s pay.
The cutters also struck.
The men left
A Washington correspondent says the pots full of glass. The works are al­
that there was a bitch in the proposed most the sole employment of the town,
marriage between Miss Mitchell, the and tho weekly pay roll is $2,500.
daughter of the Oregon senator, and the
S an F rancisco , Jan. 2.—Frank Hay­
Due do Rochefoucauld, who met her in man, a bouse mover, was brought to the
Faria and was deeply smitten by her receiving hospital at 1 o'clock this morn­
charms. It seems that thedukedemand- ing. He had been struck in the right
ed a larger settlement upon the bride temple by a sharp instrument and an ar­
than the senator could afford to give, and tery was severed. He stated lie was
therefore tho engagement was droken. walking along Mission street, near Tenth
Rochefoucauld is French for Reaebherif- when lie was attacked by two unknown
men. It is supposed lie was attacked
Saturday over 15,000 people viewed
Senator Logan’s remains in the rotunda
of the capitol up to midnight. The
crowd passed slowly and respectfully,
and much sorrow w as manifested. The
crowd was conspicuous for the old sol­
diers it contained. Hundreds made no
effort at concealing their grief, and ma­
ny passed their old commander with
teara streaming down their cheeks.
by garroters for Hie purpose of robbery.
S an F rancisco , Jan. 1.—The report
of the grand jury to-day censures the
city administration of justice, and con­
demns the condition of t ie streets and
sewers and Bcliool houses. An increase
is recommended in the police depart­
ment, which is efficient, but not large
enough for the needs of the city. The
management of the departments of public
instructions, except the industrial school
We are in receipt of the New Year’s is commended.
number of the Salem Statesman. It is
C hicago , Jan. 1.—Colonel XV. H. Bol­
* 14-page edition, accompanied by a ton, ex-superintendent of the second
beautiful lithograph of the new free class mail matter in tho Chicago post-
bridge across the Willammette at Sa­ office, recently indicted for embezzle­
lem. It is indeed a commendable stroke ment, yesterday pleaded guilty of with­
of enterprise on the part of its mana­ holding $12,000 from the government.
gers, who are energetic newspaper men Counsel cited Colonel Bolton's honora­
»nd deserving of the liberal patronage ble war record and the fact that lie had
they are enjoying.
turned over all bis property to the gov­
The fourteenth biennial assembly of
the legislative assembly of the state of
Oregon will meet at Salem on the 10th
inst. and will sit for forty days. Follow­
ing is a list of the members, in their
se voi al classes :
Clackamas—C. O. T. Williams, r.
Coos and Curry—J. M. Siglin, <1.
Douglas-John Emmett, J. H. Shupe, r.
Josephine—H. B. Miller, r.
Lane—E. 1’. Coleman, d.
Linn— J. K. Weatherford, d.
M ult nomali—Joseph Simons. j. c.
Carson, r.
l’olk—J. C. Allen, r.
I’olk and Benton—J. D. Lee, r.
Union—L. B. Rinehart, d.
Wasco, Crook, Klamath, Lake and
Gilliam—C. M. Cartright, r.
Washington—W. D. Hare.
Baker—George Chandler, d,
Benton—T. E. Cauthorne, d.
Clackamas—L. T. Barin, r.
Clatsop, Tillamook and Columbia—J.
II. 1). Gray, r.
Grant—J. H. Hamilton, d.
, Jackson—A. C. Stanley, d.
Lane—R. M. Veatcli, <1.
Linn-R. A. Irvine, d; S. A Dawson, r.
Marion—M. L. Chamberlin, J. B.
Looney, J. B. Dimick, r.
Multnomah—George A. Steel, r.
Umatilla and Morrow-J. B. Wager, d.
Yambill—R. F. Bird (elected at a spe­
cial election in 1885,) J. W. Watts, r,
Baker—I. II. Holland, r; R. A. Lock­
ett, d.
Benton—J. M. Osburn, M. M. Davis,
I). II. Vanderpool, <1.
Clackamas—M. O. Good, John Kruse,
r; L. Mayer, F. 8. Noyer, d.
Clatsop, Tillamook and Columbia—J.
\V. Maxwell, r.
Coos—John II. Roberts, r.
Coos and Curry—A. II. Crook, r.
Columbia—Merritt Pomeroy, r.
Douglas—W. F. Benjamin, James
Blundell, F. I’. Palmer, r; Hugh Me-
Kwnsie, d.
Grant—J. B. Johnson, r.
Jackson—R. A. Miller, J. T. Bow-
ditch, d.
Josephine—S. U. Mitchell, d.
Klamath and Lake—Hobt. McLean, r.
Lane—J. M. Stafford, r; L. Bilyeu, S.
G. Thompson, C. K. Hale, d.
Linn—VV. XV. Richardson, r; B. R.
Henry, J. XV. Swank, Alfred Elevens,
F. C. Hansard. I. I). Miller, d.
Marion—J. T. Gregg, C. F. Hicks, D.
J. Pendleton, XV. B. Culver, A. M. La-
follet, Samuel Layman.
Multnomah—John AVillson, O. Sum­
mers, XV. II. Harris, XVm. Munger, S.
R. Harrington. 1). Mackay, David Good­
sell, r.
Polk—John J. Daly, A. M. Holmes,
P. XV. Haley, d.
Umatilla—F. M. Crockett, d.
Union—E. E. Taylor, d ; F. D. Me-
Cully, r.
Washington—D. Gubser, D. Smith,
Tlios. Paulsen.
Yamhill—H. E. Laughlin, F. N. Lit-
tie, Charles Lafollett, r.
Crook, Gilliam and Wasco—XV. H.
Wilcox, XV. II. Biggs, d.
Morrow—II. C. Gay, r.
Number of senators, 30. Republicans,
19 ; democrats, 11.
Number of representatives, 60. Re­
publicans, 34; democrats, 11.
Number of members, 90. Republi­
cans 53, democrats, 37.
Tlios. Sullivan, who celebrated Christ­
mas at Rainier by killing Merril Blanch
ard, has been examined before a justice
of the peace at St. Helens and bound
over to wait the grand jury without bonds.
As there is no jail in Columbia county,
Sullivan will be confined in the jail of
Multnomah county, until the next term
of court. The prisoner refuses to make
any explanation in regard to the killing.
New Blacksmith Shop!
McMinnville, Oregon.
Henderson Bros. Props.
First-class accommodations for Cenflucr-
eial men and general travel.
Transient stoek well cured for.
Everything new and in First-Class Order
Patronage respectfully solicited.
This Space Reserved For
The Popular Merchant.
This Space is For
M c M innville
F urniture S tore ,
The Chef
in tlie World
—Currie» n Complete Stock of—
Milling Done!
I would most respectfully announce that
leased ________
the Chris ____
Newby . Flouring
I 1 hare
Mill in Happy Valley, have thoroughly
overhauled and repaired it. and am now
ready to do grinding for toll or cash.
Come and see me.
fleet o
ces is*
year 1
I Aresci• i y>t ion Draghi st,
» ¿Av ú'iAAÜAACi ,
new st
McMinnville, Oregon.
As tl
ings wi
ry day
Ladies, please call and see my
Proprietor of
Will have an early Fall Stock
J |
Is. 1 City tak d fid ta.
[Corner Third and C Streets]
All Kinds of
Is Now Open.
Trucking and Delivering
(Successor to L. Root)'
Carries a full and complete stock of
Groceries, Crockery, Glassware,
Wooden and Willowware,
| Done to order. Constantly on band, Mill Attention is respectfully invited to this
I Feed. Flour, XVlieat and Oats. Also, nil
‘ kinds of Wood, Shingles, Posts, Shakes,
Etc. All orders left with us for Stowe A
Its facilities for thorough practical In­
Brower’s lumber yard promptly attended
struction; actual business departments
specialty where currency, bank checks,
Delivery Wagon Always Ready.
etc., are used.
Orders lef,t with Rogers A Todd, at City drafts,
Class or private instruction day or erm-
Drug Store, promptly filled.
Crayon an.l Portrait work a Sparlaity.
Tobacco Cigars
College Journal sent free on application.
G. R. HIGGINS. Prin.
r. O. Box 101.
Goods delivered promptly to any part
of the city.
Goods Exchanged for Produce.
Groceries and Provisions
Prices Io Suit ike Tinies.
—Dealer in—
Guns, Pistols, Ammunition,
Cutlery, Fine Fishing Tackl«,
Cigars, Etc.
McMinnville Baths !
C. H. FLEMING, Prop.
Shaving, Iiair (jilting and- - - -
- - - - Shani|Miiiig Parlors.
Repair Broken Machinery
of all kinds—Farm Machinery, Traction
Engines, Etc.
Locksmithing a Specialty.
Ladies’ and Children’s Work
Carries the Largest and Best Stock
in Yamhill County.
Het and Cold Baths, 25 Cts.
One Door west of Baxter Jt Martin*®
—Have Just Added—
The Finest Line of Cigars
Jones & Co.,
In the City. Try Them.
—Proprietors of—
Nest nera Saw Mills,
McMinnville Sash and door Factory*
—Dealers in—
McMinnville, Oregon.
Come and be Convinced.
Third Street Bet. D and E.
H-y been thoroughly renovated and is now
ready to receive gram.
Storace and Cleaning. 3 cents. Calcutta
iÄ"X"n,,y 0,1nnd soI<l
Mrs. II. P. STUART, Highest Market Price Paid for Wheat,
The Leader in Millinery.
O,>po«ite Grange Store. McMinnville. 42tf
V\ov\'\ trifle witli any Throat er
»J'-’*'’ * Lung Disease. If you have
a Cough or Cold, or the children are
threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough,
use Acker’s English Remedy and prevent
further trouble. It is a positive cure,
and we guarantee it. Trice 10 end 50c
Geo. XV. Burt, druggist.
White and Red Lead,
I.inseed and Lubricating Oils,
Varnishes of all Description,
Kalsomine, .Spanish Whiting
Paris Whiting
P. <t B. and Princess Metalic
Roof Paint, Venitian Red,
Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochr»,
and Hardware
rc’pwtfull-v ln^bid to cal)
’liy Acker’s
Blood Elixir
niJ77? <’’
branso !t >’ th® best
Blood Preparation known. It will p«u.
tirely cure all Blood, pnrifiesthe
whole system, and thoroughly builds up the
constitution. Remember, we guarantee it.
(Ivo. W. Burt. fimjrgKt.
A pie
ident of
ing, att<
Hitt le fol
■ville Je
where el
Vi nega
•or smal
cents per
Jno. J. 8
If you ’
hand pit
very re as
for partic
The Me
largest wi
*st place t
Holl is tin
—Dealers in—
On Saturday the two hundred foot
span of the Oregon Pacific drawbridge
at Albany was successfully swung into
position and was found to work admira­
bly. Two men were able to turn the
draw in six minutes.
A special from Washington says :
There is talk of malpractice in Gen.
Logan’s case, ami the dead senator's
friends say that he was killed by over­
doses of aconite. It is known that he
protestiti warmly against the use of nar­
cotics in his treatment, and it is equally
well known, on the other band, that his
physicians declared he couhl not be
cured without them. Now that the
mailer has been made public it is likely
to lead to an awful row among physi­
cians, quite a number of whom share
the opinion of Gen. Logan’s friends up­
ernment, which was equal to about the on the subject.
No steps have yet been taken towards amount of the embezzlement,
eelecting a final resting place for the re­ court said it would defer sentence.
mains of Senator Login.
On New
W ashington , Jan. 1.—A very hold
Year’s day some of Mrs. Logan’s friends
from Chicago called upon her, ami it robbery was perpetrated at tho residence
was decided to let the mutter rest for the of Don Domingo Gand, the Chilean min­
present. It is not probable the l>ody ister, last night. The burglar was F. B.
SAM LIKENS. Proprietor.
will be removed from the present rest­ Silva, a Brasilian, who ha I formerly
ami carriage ironing of
lieon employed in the household. About
ing place before spring.
every description.
a month ago Silva was discharged, on
Calling attention to the fact that suspicion of Ills dishonesty. He went
Horse Shoeing
twelve eighty ton guns were on lire wav to Now York, but returned l ist night,
plow work a specially.
from England to Victoria, B.
the and entered the home of his former em­
New York Herald says that if all the ployer, and stole a large sum of money,
large guns possessed by this government $7000 wot th of jewelry and other valua­
Abo manufacture the
were mounted in San Francisco they bles. Tho thief was arrested this morn­
•would not protect that city against even ing while boarding a train for New York i ©“Celebrated Oregon Iron Harrow,
The valuable« were recovered.
one of tire twelve eighty ton gun«.
Third Street, between E and F,
Prices as Low as the Lowest.
Soother at hand.
Il is the ®nly
medicine yet made that will
infantile disorders. It eoataias "«
but gives the child
rate Ji urn pain. Price 25 cents.
G nx W. Burt, druggist.
Sold by
rie school I
on Chruti
ladders wt
are offered
T klxphoni
tage of the
As the 0
I one day lai
almost a t
I something
I them four li
I At the res
I Saturday ex
I given a verj
I number we
I were served
I immensely.
I Orders foi
looming into
I the county.
I people know-
lit, »nd we fil
I guarantee sa
I Am Shadd
Bliis shot gim
■thing wo havi
|mg. In a 2
■ ’hot, 35 yardi
■tel and 390 w
I Tl"’ narro«
■minced the p
■tween the tow
■«nd Portland,
■'o Portland ha
■ from Sheridan
II. Hnbb
■ visor in ’ I’egoi
■*fav, an,| pa;,|
■‘T has fairl v <
■’npervi^or. am
roads in hi
H , kick like a h
■’"'J after tl.e m
■»ill be rented <
■¡lr'n thereof, at
M. Or I C. Tay
■’’r'i-1'! i
^■j -Johnsen. 1'
■riaitv ,,f
the rectum.
ure gt