SEMI-WBEKLY TELEPHONE. VOL- I M’MINNVILLE, OREGON, JANUARY 4, 1887 ;ST SIDE 'TELEPHONE. LATENT TKLEOItAI'll (Q REPORT. ---- Issued----- ERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY —ili- ¡ emeo Y ■ IH t V cfw, I »»» IS» ’-‘'O.TIWsJjpl ' is rr good id ARRANT'S «SCENT mJ APERItNT ConsMpatlflu m J aud lotcg tha a SM gorjt 8 tq0||23 1 it ii.:ii.irutone "I CUibk-8 th.iiHJ “*• to 1-vrfirmiS! * *‘ih,«« It is plcanaai J % portable hi faj -s immediate ufll hiary ailmeau J ft di«£3 or constipate! Hubatitute, takl '¿a genuine Tnl > IT«'rveo(1|l • |H-H<-nl, ,..| utid in every 13 drugstore. ] 1ILLI tl ating froid i BLOOD Neural^ I fi, ScrofalJ d Merctnil ts purifyn,] Blood pm I Ithy and tit I tr, I iprieton I inciico. I CONGRESSIONAL. A Synops s of Mei sures Int’odaced in the National Legislature. I AGRICULTURAL NOTES. A Column Devoted to the Interests of Farmers and Stockmen. ALONG THE COAST. Devoted Principally to Washingtou territory and California. If a hog is worth having on a farm, Last month the famous Drum Lum- Building. McMinnville. Oregon, Menate. then he is worth feeding until he is at mon mine, Montana, produced $190,- —BY— Senator Dolph introduced the fol­ his best. 000 in gold. alin«<-e A: Turner, lowing: Apetition of many citizens You cannot make your scrub pigs In fourteen out of thirty-three coun­ and agriculturists in Corvallis, asking weigh 350 pounds at nine months, but Fubliiher» and Proprietor». ties in Washington Territory, the the passage of house bill No. 2933, es- good breeds can be made to do it. [SUBSCRIPTION RATES . tablisliing an agriculturist experi- I Avoid top ventilation in the poultry office of Superintendent of Schools is held by women, five of whom are un­ year................................................... ... .|2 ou mental station. house. It will cause croup, swelled married. .......................................................... * 75 A bill granting to the Washington K months........................ . ................. head, closed eyes and other diffi­ A car of fruits for the citrus exhib­ -, — Idaho Railroad company the right 7red lathe Postofllce at McMinnville, Or., of way through the Cœur d’Alene re- culties. ition from Central ai:d Northern Cali­ ’ as second-class mallei-. Chickens can be fattened in twelve fornia, left Sacramento for Chicago. , I servation. Following is the substance of reso­ days to two weeks if they are kept in The car was well lined to protect the a partly dark place and fed all they fruit from the cold. v. V. JOHNSON, M. D. lutions submitted by Mitchell : will eat. A gold nugget weighing thirty-five W hereas . It is alleged in public N orthwest corner of Second and B streets, Texas horsemen are enthusiastic pounds, troy, on exhibition at the prints of Oregon that the wages of LfVILLE OREGON employes at the Cascades have been over the success of the cross of the banking house of Wells, Fargo & Co., It by Capt. Powell so reduced that great French draught horse with their na­ San Francisco, is worth $6,000. be found at his office when not absent on pro- was found at Siem City, Sierra county, numbers of ineti ceased work and tive Texas mares. ,n4l buatness. Dr. Loring Bays that nothing but a California. were hired by the Noithern Pacific horse should be called a thoroughbred. Terminal company ; and Louis Holz, 60 years of age, an old L ittlefield & calbreath , W hereas , The wages of some sixty Cattle of that class, he says, should be resident ot San Francisco, was found pure bred. I dead in his bed, death having resulted [ysicians and Surgeons, st< ne-cutters were reduced to $1 44 called All profit from a dairy cow comes from asphyxiation. It is believed he cents per day for eight hours ’ work, eMINNVILLE AND LAFAYETTE. OR. while of this sum they were compelled from the food over and above that neglected to turn off the gas before Calbre&th. M. D.. office over Yamhill County to pay $4 50 a week for board ; there­ which is necessary to sustain the mere retiring, as the jet was found turned . ............. _, Oieg«) .......„on. McMinnville. functions of life. fore be it R. Littlefield, M D., office on Main street, on. With proper care and skill a well- yette, Oregon. _____________________________ Besolved, That the Secretary of War Maurice Nugent, a candymaker be directed to inform the Senate as to selected Hock of the right kind of was shot and killed in a saloon on s. A. YOUNG, M. D. the truth of the allegations of the re- sheep can be made to pay 100 percent Howard street, San Francisco, by j ports, and if said reduction of wages on their cost every year. Thomas Bailey, a widely-known char­ High-bred horses cannot be worked acter. This made the fourth murdei has had any effect of reduction of Physician and Surgeon, work. in the collar, because their shoulders in a week, and the seventh within six mVILLE OREGON. W hereas , It is alleged in public are so sharp-pointed and slanting weeks in San Francisco. Ice »nd residence on D street. All calls promptly j prints of Oregon that a steam vessel, that the collar will not fit over them. The California & Oregon Railway tered day or uight. [ known as “The Cascades of the Col- A farmer at New Hope, San Joaquin is now completed to Edgewood, to l umbia,” was built by the United county, has harvested 50,000 sacks of point it will be operated on the foR. G. F. TUCKER, i States engineers at a cost of $70,000 potatoes from 500 acres ot land, and which 1st of January. Heavy rains have al­ and paid for by the government for expects to realize $50,000 from the ready begun to fall in the north part deatist | use at the canal and locks; and it is crop. of the State, and the work of construc­ tanrviLLI OREGON further alleged that such vessel is not Eggs from hens that have not fully tion is much impeded by frequent Ice-Two doors east of Bingham’s furniture used on said works, but is being used molted do not hatch well. This is the slides. on jetty works being constructed op­ season for disappointments with the ligbing gas administered for painless extraction. An attempt at arson, robbery and posite St. Helen’s bar, some eighty hens, but much can be gained by pro­ murder was attempted near Cotton­ viding warm quarters and allowing miles from the canal and locks ; and wood, Cal., at the residence of Mrs. W hereas , It is further alleged that plenty of grain. ST. CHARLES HOTEL Ludwig, a wealthy widow. Mrs. Lud­ Take a common pail and cut holes wig’s brother, who was sleeping in a a steam launch is now in use as an ex­ cursion boat for army officers at Van­ down the side from the top and fill room up stairs, was awakened by the couver, said launch having been con­ the pail with water. This keeps the smell of coal oil and smoke. Rush­ II and |2 House. Single meals 25 cents. structed by the direction of the United water free from sun and dirt, and the ing down stairs he found the house on 8>mpls Booms for Commercial Men States engineers and paid for out of poultry can easily put their heads in fire. He succeeded in extinguishing money appropriated for constructing and drink whenever they desire. the flames. Five gallons of coal oil F. MULTNER, Prop. the canal and locks ; audit is further A writer states that he had the best had been used to saturate all the lower alleged in public prints that the cost results keeping grapes when each rooms, evidently with the intention of PRICE, of maintaining these boats is about bunch was wrapped in apiece of paper, burning the whole family. The per­ $10,000 a year, which sum, it is al­ packed in boxes holding one bushel, petrators had packed three valises leged, has been paid out of the approp­ and the boxes kept in a place where with jewelry, money and valuables, riation for the Cascades ; therefore, the temperature did not fall below 55 but dropped them in the yard and be it fled. One of the domestics has been degrees above zero. UpStairs in Adams' Building, Resolved, That the Secretary of War Pick over your fowls and avoid arrested on suspicion. i be directed to advise the Senate as to ISXVILLK OREGON An Eastern paper publishes the breeding from the poorer specimens. the truth of these allegation or charges. If you have not already culled your following improbable story: “Prob­ Mitchell presented the petitions of flocks attend to this soon. Weed ably the most remarkable instance of settlers of Lake county, pray­ them out. Set the imperfect ones declination of a high political honor JSTER POST BAND, seventy ing for a resurvey of townships thirty- aside to fatten by-and-by. Select the is instanced in the case of John W. nine and forty south, range twenty- best cockerels and the finest-shaped Mackay. A private letter received The Best in the State. four east, and to re-establish the mean­ pullets tor sale or for future stock from Nevada says that Mr. Mackay, pared to furnish music for all occasions at reason able rates. Address ders of Warner lake. The petition birds as breeders. who is a staunch Republican, was re­ that when the survey was made Raising cows for the dairy is very cently tendered in a written commun­ ROWLAND, alleges by the government a large portion of much neglected by those who should ication signed by every member of the Business Manager, McMinnville. said townships were located as Warner give it their attention. No dairyman Nevada Legislature, Democrat as well I lake, which is so recorded on United can be successful who purchases his as Republican, a unanimous election States maps; also that large numbers fresh cows. By the UBe of thorough­ as United States senator to succeed M’MINNVILLE of settlers have located on said lake, bred bulls the yield of the herd can in Mr. Fair, whose term expires on March Mr. Mackay declined with I a portion of which in reality is high a few years be largely increased, while 4 next. and dry land. A bill was introduced the method of purchasing cows as re­ thanks, saying that he had no am­ in conformity with the petition. quired admits of no improvement bition for public life, as his whole time Corner Third and I) streets, McMinnville I was occupied with his private affairs.” Mitchell introduced a bill granting whatever. to Spokane and Palouse railway com­ The crop report of the department pany the right of way through the of agricultuie BayB : December returns PITH AND POINT. GAN BROS. & HENDERSON, Cœur d’Alene Indian reservation. of average farm prices, by counties, Proprietors. The House bill for the relief of the show a material reduction as com­ —A crank is the man whose survivors of the exploring steamer pared with values of the crops of 1885, iifler from your own. —A Ju emle Atroc tv: "Why don't Corn has 'he Best Rigs in the City. Orders Jeannette, and the widows and chil­ in wheat, rye and barley. leaf?” "I will, dren of those who perished in the re­ made an advance nearly equivalent to roti turn over a new Can t do it this time mptly Attended to Day or Night, pa. in the spr ng. treat from the wreck of that vessel in the percentage in reduction in quan- of year, you know. tity. Oats are in sympathy with corn, the Arctic seas, was taken up and —In Burma ed tors receive elephants rather than with small grains used Ur inpayment for subscr ption. In this passed. Dolph introduced a bill appropria human food, and the average isslighty country the paper itself is about all the ting $100,000 for an assay office at higher in value than last year. The elephant the eJilor cares to keep in BILLIARD HALL. Portland, and Mitchell a bill granting farm value of corn was 33 cents per stock.— N. V. Sun. bushel last December. It is now 37 a pension to Enoch G. Adams. —Table-forks have been in use 400 Strictly Temperance Resort. Senator Williams introduced an cents, 1 cent higher than the crop of years and yet people can be found in amendment to the sundry civil ap­ 1884. The average for the previous every boarding house who have not yet food(t) Churoh members t> the contrary not propriation bill to appropriate $150,- five years was 44.7, and for the ten discovered that they have been invent­ withstanding. The ed.— Ch cago Ledger. 000 for a public building at Los An- years prior to 1880 it was 42.6. average December price for wheat is - They have been maki g new figures gele«- _______ 69 cents, a reduction of 3 cents from on the coal supply, a id it is now be­ House. rplinns’ Home lieved that it will take 11,000 years to Herman introduced the following: the average value of the last crop, and exhaust the supply, even if you don’t 4| above the price in 1884. Authorizing the employment of a tonsorial parlors , sift your ashes. — Chicago Her ala. In canning peaches it is well to put clerk at all United States land offices —Hungry Guest—"How is this? I where the maximum salary and com­ them on the fire as quickly as possible ordered a steak and a poached egg. I “»ly first clam, and the only parlor Ulte shop In the missions of the register and receiver after peeling, as exposure to the air see the egg. but where is the steak?” city. None but If anything Table attendant "Lal's all ri -ht. sah. shall exceed $3,000 each tier annum. then turns them dark. •t-ciaRR Workmen Employed. The register and receiver to employ happens to delay your canning them De steak ain under de egg.”— Phila­ such clerk for their joint use at a after they are peeled, pour water over delphia Press. dooriouth of Yamhill County Bank Building. salary notexceeding $1,500per annum. them and this will preserve their white­ —The cheering news comes from M c M innville , O regon . To establish a lighthouse at the ness. When you put them in the ket­ Nice v a Harvard University that Tut­ H. H. WELCH. mouth of the Coquille river, at a cost tle, add just enough water to keep tle’s comet of '58 has turni d up and T ttle not to exceed $40,000; also a light­ them from sticking. There is no use been ide-itifled in France ■Good-nature. like a bee, collects its house at or near the mouth of the adding sugar till you unseal them for now appreciates the value of advert •- from every herb. Ill-nature. Umpqua, at a cost not to exceed $60,- table use. Some persons can fruit very Ing.— Bufalo Express. a spider, sucks poison from the 000. successfully by putting it in glass jars, —Sa d Bobby to the minister at d n- «test flowers.— Boston Globe. By Dingley—To protect theinmates pouring a little water over it and then ner: “Can a church whistle?” “Why ■It makes the mind very free when of National homes for disabled soldiers, setting the jars in a flit vessel half, do voj ask.” "Cos pa owes twelve give up wishing, and only think of and forbidding the sale of distilled and filled with cold water. This vessel is dollars back pew rent, and he savs he's nn? what is laid upon us and doing fermented liquors within the limits of set on the stove, and as the water in goi-ig to let the church whistle for it" it is given us to do. — George Elliot. it grows hot, it heats the contents of — Columbus Dispatch. any home. —• They have discovered footprints ■No Norwegian g.rl is permitted to of By You will also have to Ryan—Appropriating $100,000 the glass jars. • » beau until she can bake bread, for the erection of a monument to the heat some of the fruit in a small ves­ three feet long in the sands of Oregon, supposed to belong to a lost race.” It the consequence is t tat she is an soldiers and sailors of the war. sel to fill up the glass jars, aa the fruit s impo-s ble to conceive how a ra e pt >n this culinary art long before negro in them shrinks as it gets warm. You 3y Guy—For the free importation j that made footprints three feet long masters the art of dancing, painting ; cannot at the first attempt put on a could get lost — ' hirago Tribune. .htful-looking objects on plaques, of machinery for the extraction of ; screw-top perfectly tight. It has to | —First boy: • They say yo i are a . 3 spoiling brass by hammering it.— cane juice. Bv Millard—To repeal all duties on l»e screwed on several times before it coward a lazybones a—a—a” Sec­ «real rUness. No matter how ond bov (interrupt ng): “Dovou know sugar and molasses imported in Amer­ is perfectly secure. tightly you may think you have se- what they call you?” First bov "fer a milk pudd ng put one quart ican vessels. mflk on where it w II cook slowly, The Committee on Public Lands i cured them at first, you will find their • What? ’ Second bov: "They don’t •h half a t -acupfu] of rice and stir it favorably reported to the House a bill tension relaxed twenty-four hours call, they just whistle!”— Go'drn Dags. ’ the milk, and occasionally stir to establish a new land district in later, when you must again screw —It is sad Sara Bernhardt’s two until twenty minutes before using; Eastern Oregon, to be known as the them, and it is well to examine them great ambit ons are to write poetr n])P'1-* * tabl spoon fill of sugar and a Harney District. also the third day after canning to and grow fat We fear Sara is reacti­ bl niece of bu,t"r, and bake twenty Fisheries reported see if they do not need some addition- ng after the unattainable. Poets sel­ Committee on utes. This, somet me« called poor fa vorabb" Dolph’s bill appropriating «1 tightening. Keep the cans for dom grow fat It takes a great deal • • pudding, is whole-ome and pal- $•»0 --- ----------------------------------- » /iara urhorn trnii jjy 1P~ of fine engineering to grow fat on 000 ’’for a salmon hatchery — on »k.. the i I « seven days where you caiTi ~™- It is better to be three hours Columbia. I eighty cents a week. — Chicago Hews. [speettbem. «ookmimg birds, which she was anxious to see. The bird sat in the nest, but no tiedg lings were there. She could not In scared away, and in the effort to sei into the nest, the twig was snapped, and bird and bough fell together. '1 hen it was discovered that tne bird was caught tightly by the feet in the nest lining. The nest was taken several miles to a house and had to be torn te pieces, bit by bit, until the threads which held the bird were carefully mi wound. The bird was put under a tilted glass case to recover the use of her legs. She remained there several days, became quite tame, and her mat, not being at hand to feed her as he ha< done while she was in the tree, she at, honey that was put into her glass house, and apparently relished it high ly.— dneinnali Commercial. --------- -♦♦♦---------- —In the I niversity of Berlin there are 16 lecturers on theology. 24 on law, 105 on medic'ne, 14 on metaphysics, 10 on mathematics, 53 on the natural sci­ ences, 7 on the political science«, 23 on history, 11 on art, and 36 on philology. In all there are 289 professors, doctnbn and teachers in the University. Ten lecturers are common to two faculties. PHYSIC-TIPPLERS! A Pie» for Temperance in Ut* ÜK Medicinal Preparation*. One of the most interesting of th# papers read before the State Sanitary Convention was in the form of a warn­ ing against intemperance in the use of drugs. The writer. Dr. Frank Wood­ bury, of this city, has permitted the publication of this uoteworthy contri­ bution to popular knowledge in ad­ vance of the annual report of the con­ vention. and It Is certainly worthy of careful study. The habit of taking into the system drugs of whose ultimate effects the partaker is either ignorant or suprein. lv careless has grown very common of late among a large class of people who are usually credited with more than ordinary intelligence. Dr. Woodbury's experience leads him to the conclusion that it has attained to such considerable proportions as to command attention and consideration from all medical practitioners. He finds the physic-tippler and medicine­ bibber ev< rywhere—not the solicitous and over-anxious citizen, who, with every slight cold or sore joint, rushes off to a doctor for a course of constitu­ tional treatment, nor altogether the devotees of narcotic and stimulant drugs, but a great mass of people who use almost every description of real or pretended medicament without knowl­ edge and without stint. Even the com­ paratively harmless and innocuous soda water fountain has been diverted to the use of the physic-tippler, for upon in­ quiry Dr. Woodbury found that power­ ful tinctures, extracts and elixirs, as well as potassium and sodium b.-omide, soda mint, sodium bicarbonate, acid phosphate and aromatic spirits of am­ monia, were regularly served out to patrons of soda-water fountains in the drug stores. Probably very few of these customers could give a logical or pathological reason for this form of indulgence in extemporized mixtures, which might or might not prove harmless, but which, in any case, could not bo classed as remedial agents. For over-medication is a danger against which the physi­ cian guards no less carefully tnan against the earlier stages of an acute disease, lie knows when to adminis­ ter mid when to withhold. But the slave of a habit of drugging often per­ sists until an enfeebled digestion and a collnpsi I nervous system sound im- erative notes of warning. In the immense increase noted of te years in the preparation of nar- otic and alkaline drugs, as well as in the continuous accessions to the amount of money invested in making patent medicines. Dr. Woodbury finds reasons for believing that the praotice of medicine bibbing is more than keep­ ing pace with the growth of wealth and population. Especially has there been increase in the demand for »hose drugs that act specifically upon the nervous system. But few years ago the bromides were little known or used; at I he present time it is esti­ mated that over two hnndred tons are annually used in this country. Chloral hydrate has been in use but fifteen years, yet its consumption in Europe and America now amounts to many hundreds of tons each year, while of the opium products, of ether, chloro­ form and the iodides, there is a con­ stant flow from a severely-taxed yet apparently exhaustless source of sup­ ply. Dr. Woodbury tells of a formula for a mixture containing chloral wliieh he saw conspicuously posted behind a druggist's counter. It was found on inquiry that the posting was merely a matter of convenience, since the calls tor tiie mixture were exceedingly fre- pieiit. Alcoholic mixtures he learned were similarly redemanded, often for months after the occasion for their use had passed away. Intemperance In drugs and medicines, it appears, is no less common than are other forms of seif-indnlgence. — I’hiladelphia Record. —A Yalo concert the other night was for the benefit ot a Japanese young man who, being too poor to pay bis way, has been able to get into the good graces of the collegians, and will now go smoothly through the Sheffield course. At the concert the Jap wore a big nosegay and sang a song.— Hart­ ford Post. — ■•Mother our teacher want« ns to pionounce ‘route’ 'root.'” 'Well that « correct. Mary.” "Grnc ousl Then wo might as well enll about’ all ot ’ Hold on! I’ll fix her. The next time she tells me to call t 'root’ 1’1) sav. 'I was list aboot to call it root Ms« Chalk.’” — Exrhange. —Two St Albans men were Ing material use 1 for bulling pur­ poses. and. among the re