The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, December 28, 1886, Image 3

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    ^EST side telephone .
_ ,.
R. P. Boise.
tYosrciilini, Attorney............ Geo. W. Belt.
L : ■ - •
Lprerentative* '
tommi«iuner8 i
Li.ooi sup*..........
.......... It. P. Bird.
J. W. Watts.
R. R. Laughlin,
F. N. Li»tle,
C. l-af<»llett.
........ L. Lougliary.
J. 8. Hibbs.
Geo. Dorsey.
G. W. Briedwefl.
T. .1. Harris.
W. W. Nelson.
Wy.itt Harris.
J. A. C. Freund.
... J. I). Fenton.
D. C. Narver.
I oon E concmy .—Every once in a
while we run against a man who takes
so many papers from abroad that he
cannot afloid to take his home paper,
and yet when lie meets with misfortune
he looks to his home paper for a consol­
atory notice, and w hen lie lias a favor
to ask, this same home paper is tiie one
he goes to for its granting. Such men
drop out of a community and none know
it or feel the loss but the immediate fam­
ily. 'The papers he does take have no
knowledge of him nor care for his inter­
ests beyond tlie amount of tlie subscrip­
tion, and yet lie goes along ignoring the
paper which is constantly endeavoring
to build up tlie country in which lie has
residence and thereby adding to its gen­
eral prosperity, to assist in adding
wealth to some foreign community. Ev­
ery head of a family should take a local
Its cost is nothing in compari­
son with the benefits derived therefrom.
Hie man who neglects to take Ills home
paper for economical reasons is a p >oi
calculator, and if all iiis other transac­
tions are on the same basis lie will find
when the year roll around that it lias
brought anything but profit.
I’resli roasted peanuts at H. II.
Hon. W. J. McConnell was in town
]5nv your candies of C. Griesen always
frrtti and pure.
C hristmas D inner .—By special invi­
For * square meal go to the St. Charles tation Christmas day, tlie membeis of
Louly 25 cents.
Custer Post bai.d met at their hall and,
Geo. H. Burnett and family, of Salem notwithstanding the rain, inarched to
,pent Christinas in this city.
the tune of "Great Inter Ocean” to
Skating rink Tuesday, Thursday and the McMinnville hotel, where a most
Saturday evenings this week.
bountiful dinnner was awaiting them.
The Masons held a public installation After ample indulgence in this magnifi­
jf officers at their ball last evening.
cent feast, which lias seldom, it ever
Prof. C. 0. Linden of Willamina was been excelled in the city, the boys dis­
a few selections ind then, after
In the city yesterday, and made us a
many “I wish you a merry Christmas
and a happy New Year,” they returned
Ed Warren, of Oregon Citv, is up for to their hall regretting that Chritmas
( low days’ visit among relatives and and an invitation by the host and host­
ess of the McMinnville hotel to dinner,
does not come oftener.
Trv the pure fruit extract* tablets,
ind other fine candie* at H. II.
C hristmas T rek at S t . J ames .—A
Christmas tree was had at St. James
G.G. Bingham and wife, of Salem church on Christmas eve. It was held
ipentChrisamas with Mr. B’s parents at 6 o’clock in order to allow those pres­
in this city.
ent who wished an opportunity of at­
U. S. Booth wa* up from Portland tending the one held later in the even­
¡pending a few days at home. He re­ ing at the opera house. The church
lumed yesterday.
was nicely decorated for the occasion,
Geo. G. Bingham, of Salem, came and the tree proved to be a very fruitful
iown to spend Christmas with his pa­ one. There were present* for all, the
tents in this city.
rector, the Sunday school superintend­
George Cornet is the efficient and gen- ent, the teachers and the scholars each
llemanly artist in Welch’s Tunsoral Par­ being remembered. It was a pleasant
affair and all went away feeling that
er», after August 6.
they had enjoyed the giving and receiv­
The receipts of the dime entertain- ing.
neniat the Baptist church last Wednes-
lay evening were $13.
C hbistmab T ree .—The entertainment
Our old friend E. X. Harding, princi­ and Christmas tree given at the opera
pi of the Dixie public schools, is down house Friday evening was largely at­
o»pen«l the holidays at the old home.
tended. The exercises were musical
Mrs. Hunsaker was the lucky liolder and literary and were well received by
if No. 109, which won the handsome the large audience present. 'The hall
»rise dictionary at Rogers and Todd’s.
was beautifully decorated and two hand­
Prof. Jordan has accepted tiie position some trees were bountifully filled with
if principal of the public schools here, presents for ttie teachers and children ot
mil will begin his duties, after holidays. the public school. The teachers who
Great bargains in all kinds of watches, had charge of the entertainment did
locks, plated ware, etc., at the Mc- their work thoroughly, leaving nothing
linnville Jewelry store, Win. IIoll, pro- undone for the pleasure and comfort of
all present.
K eep it at H ome .—Anyone with a
Prof. J. M. Powell, of the Oregon
tate normal wlioolof Monmouth, spent dollar to spend would consult mutual in­
'hristm*s with Mrs. P.’s sister, Mrs. C. terests by spending it with McMinnville
). Johnson.
There is money enough
Meeting of the choral union this drained awav unavoidably, and where
Tuesday) evening at Miss F. E. Russ’
arlors. Every member is specially re- one can do as well with their money at
Home, what good can it do to send it
uested to be present.
away for what can be bad here. Our
Clocks can be bought at the McMinn- merchants and business men carry large
ille Jewelry store cheaper than any- stocks and mark their goods very low.
rhere else. Come and see for yourself, in some instances lower than the same
W m . H oll .
can be had elsewhere.
Vinegar, 25 cent* per gallon, in large
Foil S ale C heap .—Forty acres ot
r small quantities; sweet cider, 15
ents per gallon, at the cider mill of land, situated five and one-half miles
no. J. Sax.
northwest of McMinnville, adjoining the
If you want to purchase a good second­ Dave McCall place on the left. This
ami piano, comparatively new, at a piece of land is offered for sale cheap on
ery reasonable price, call at this office easy terms. It is well fenced, contains
»r particulars.
a living spring of water, ten acres of it
“Uncle” Jim Fletcher tells ns that has been under cultivation, and eight
has been slashed. Price $10 per
bemud is so bail at the end ot the river
ridge at this place that even the cliick- acre. For further particulars call at tlie
n» get mired in it ; and lie wants the T elephone office.
»pervisor to fix the grade.
F ob S ale .—A piece of valuable pro­
The McMinnville Jewelry store i* the
irgest west of Portland, and the cheap- perty situated just outside the city lim
8 place to buy goods in Oregon. Wm. its, for sale at a bargain. Large house,
loll is the proprietor.
well built; several acres of ground for
gardening, and fruits of various kinds
Several valuable pieces of real estate nicely started, numerous outhouses,
re offered for sale in this issue of the barn, etc. Everything in good order.
zLEPHoxu. Whoever first takes sdvan- Property i* situated on Collegeside.
llte of the offers will secure bargains.
Satisfactory reasons for wanting to sell.
Holiday Goods are going off like hot For further particulars enquire at this
ike* at Geo. W. Burt’s, and lie don’t office.
ive to run a lottery swindle to sell
F iremen ’ s
F air .—Chief Engineer
lem either; the prices are so low they
Henderson informs ns that the fire lad­
Hl themselves.
Thomas Rogers, Bert Heath and “Un­ dies will hold their annual fair next
te Jason Peters left yesterday morn- year about the 22d of February, as usu­
•z for Wheatland. From there they al. A meeting of the entiie department
HI proceed up the Willamette to the will be called for some time next week
icinitv of Corvallis, and spend the to make the necessary arrangements.
tnter in hunting and trapping.
Due notice of the date of tlie meeting
Kick like a bay steer if von don’t rea«l will be given.
advertisement and know that on ’ IleRE’s A CHANCE.-We have for sale a
ill u^<?r
neB -vear my billiard tables
fll be rented only by the hour or frac- small place adjoining town coataing a
Pn thereof, at the rate of 40 cents per little more than an acre of ground; a
H. H. W elch .
good two-s«orv house and barn ; well set
P j D C. Taylor is in the city with with small fruit trees; good well, etc.
Pdqiiarters st the office of Dr. II. V. We will sell this place at a bargan. For
I Johnson. Dr. Taylor makes a spe- futher particulars enquire at this office.
fuyof hemorrhoids an i other diseases
A cknowledgements .—TneTELErnox«
I"** rectum. No charge for examina-
acknowledges several very pretty
La ' Cure guaranteed or no charge
Christmas presents from the millinery
establishment of Miss F. E. Russ. TVe
n another column will he found a make a grateful bow and wish Miss
rjuiunication from the business men Buss a merry Christmas season, and a
1 5* citv, regarding New Year’* call*. prosperous, happy New A ear.
r»honld be pleased to publish the
of all the ladies intending to re-
To T he D alles .—Mrs. James H. Tur­
LjTUhat day, if they will kindiv ner left yesterday for a short visit in
I,'1 "'oir name* into tlii* office by 4
Portland where she will in a few days
F°rk Thursday afternoon.
be joined by her diughter Miss Anna,
and together they will proceed to The
D ay .—Saturday w** a «lull Dalles where they will make their fu-
P’®ven if it was Christmas. It seem-
tn re home.
I’trange to see the street* ot McMinn-
M arried —At Independence, Oregon,
[* M deserted on Saturday. About
December 23, 188«, Mr. J. A.
f" nearly a||
business houses
L c'°*ed except the drug stores, and Likrn«, of Amity, and Miss Fannie
F mer<-|ianl, wcnj jiomp to their Christ- Stewart, of Independence, Rrv. Dr.
f t«rkev. T|1Pre was scarcely anyone Goucher, of Amitv. officiating. Here *
r1 me country in town during the onr £•" Jimmy, and long may you
of Fowlerville,
r ,AI D ance .—There will he a social
N. Y .write-us that two hottlesot <.i!iix*r<-»
* ** band hall on Thursday evening Aromatic wine cure<l hi» wife of J’crvon*'
’^*r 30. Good music* by Custer ness «nd »Jeeplre.-ie-... BoM by Ko^ *
College- Notes,
The Great Transcontinental Route.
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever |
sores, tetter, cliapped hands, chilblains,
December 27, 1886.
corns, and all skin emotions, and posi­
Christmas has come an ' gone and our
The Direct Route I No Delay* I
cure* piles, or no pay required.
village has settled back to its usual qui­ tively
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac­
Fact Train* I
tion, or money refunded.
Price 25
Dr. Everette, of Poitland, is again cents per box.
For salo by Rogers &
visiting our neighborhood in the interest I 'Todd.
of science.
We have said that students are a wor­
thy and deserving class of young |>e<q>le.
Tliis sentiment is certainly correct,
whether we look upon them as repre­
senting the best class of the youth of the
land, or as the hope of our institutions
in the future.
As a people, we certain­
ly desire to perpetuate those ideas and
institutions which are a present blessing
to society.
We ought to do more.
11. Bailey returned home from Cana­
There is large room for improvement in da on the 25 inst, accompanied by his
present methods of education ; the top­
The Christina* tree at the school
most round ot intellectual development
is not yet reached; and that state, or house on the evening of the 24th was a
complete success.
society, is not doing itself justice which
Our people are rejoicing over our in­
does not seek by the best means the de­
creased mail services as we are to htve
velopment of its citizens.
Education is a daily mail after the first of January.
a thing that can never die, and, if we
There lias been a petition circulated
look back upon the days of ignorance in this precinct asking the legislature to
and superstition which have preceded allow the people of Yamhill to vote on
our own, we may devoutly hope that the the county seat question at a special
decadence of liberal culture may never election in June. We do not think that
there could be a better time selected to
The child is compelled to begin settle this question one way or the other.
fust where the part nt began in learning. In all probability there will be a special
The same round of drill and effort on election at that time to vote on the pro.
the part of teacher and pnpil must be hibitory amendment; thus we could kill
two birds with one stone. There are of
repeated in every generation.
course a few people opposed to this meas­
If the pupil sticks to Poor Richard’s ure anil their opposition is more on ac­
advice, “Never trouble others for what count of hatred to McMinnville than
you can do yourself,” he will have love for Lafajette and they hate Mc­
enough with which to employ the mind Minnville for about the same reasons
for more than one generation. Again, it that some of the inland townsof Oregon
must be allowed that the students of our hate Portland. I believe with Darwin
colleges are the favored tew. To make in the survival of the fittest and if Port­
this statement appear more emphatic land, McMinnville or any other town,
let the figures sneak.
In 1884 there improves the talents that have been in­
were enrolled in the state in all the col­ trusted to them they should be encourag­
leges, including both preparatory and ed. You will remember that the Savior,
collegiate departments, 872 students. speaking of the man who had hid his
Of this number 283 were in college; and lord’s money, said, "To him that hath
of those in college there were 23 gradu­ shall be given, and from him that hath
ates. This is true of a state containing ! not shall be taken away even that which
73,000 children of school ago. Surely a he hath.”
student should prize his opportunities
Y i m Y um .
very highly. Will any one say that
higher education is overdone? There
Camp Polk, Ur,
were reported six colleges in the state
in the same year.
The principal of
December 20, 1886.
these are in the Willamette valley, scat­
tered on both sides of the river from Eu­ E d . T elephone :
It may be of some interest, at least to
gen to Portland.
A pupil need not go
farther than twenty-five miles to find a some of yoiu readers, to hear from this
respectable Oregon college. Still with section of bunch grass now and then.
this array of colleges, with the ringing
The Squaw creek and Met rolius set­
of their bells almost in healing of each
other, boys and girls choose to seek the tlements, centering at Camp Polk, the
pleasure« of youth, ins'ead of laying up one postoffice of this section, are some­
a store of knowledge for the future.
what isolated from the rest of the coun­
While the students are away every­
try. There are settlers on the Deschuttes
thing is quiet on Collegeside.
The halls of the building are silent. river but our neighbors in that direction
There is no merry laugh, no echo of ar» from fourteen to sixteen miles dis­
tripping feet to waken the silence.
tant, the intervening country being des­
Why not circulate a petition to the
legislature to prohibit the sale of intox­ ert or bunchgrass lands without water.
icants within a mile of a college. Hold The settlement here is along the foot of
on, says one; that would interfere with the mountains in the edge of the pine
liberties of a eity. No, no; it might be timber. The ranchers general! have an
necessary to move the city a little far­
abundance of good water, any amount
ther away, that’s all.
There were two or three Christmas of good fire wood anti grass to their
trees at private lamilies on Collegeside. hearts’ content.
There are perhaps
There was no meeting of the literary twenty families in the settlement with
society on Christmas night.
a goodly number of bachelors thrown in
Samuel Worthington was in chapel to make good count. A large majority
one day last week.
of those located here are men of not
J ackson .
much means, and are keeping horses or
cattle on the shares, while they ¡ire try­
ing to make themselves homes for the
School Entertainment,
future. 'Tillable hinds are scarce and
lie in small bodies, that intervening being
The public school entertainment rocky or gravelly.
'The winter so far
at the opera house Christmas night has been delightful. 'Through Novem­
was not greeted with as large an ber it was dry and frosty—freezing of
audience as is generally present at nights an<l thawing during the day.
With December we have had a taste of
our home entertainment.
But this regular
webfoot weather—having had
fact must not be attributed to lack several warm lains lasting from twelve
of interest in the success of our schools to thirty-six hours. 'The grass is begin­
nor to non-appreciation of our local tal­ ning to grow and it is almost like spring,
but the sellers look for plenty of cold
ent. The inclemency of the weather weather
yet. Stock is in good condition
made it ditiicult for many to come and and bid fair to go through the winter in
keept a large number away altogether. good trim. This is a healthy locality
Those who were present thoroughly en­ and they say people don’t die hero, but
if all the immigrants have to go through
joyed tlie exercises, especially the first decomposition
a* I did. w hile yet alive,
part of the programme.
The entertain­ they had nearly ns well die. Boils was
ment opened by a song, "Some day I’ll what ailed the boy.
G. C. R.
Wander back Again,” by a half dozen of
the larger girls, and was well sung.
Dedicatory Services,
Then came the rhetorical contest for
prizes by grades D and C, little Maud
The McCabe M. E. church, located
Washburn carrying away first prize in near Mr. Ilemstock’s residence, in South
grade I), and Pearl Kirkwood second Yamhill will be dedicated January 2,
prize. Grade C, Lizzie Jaehn first prize ; 1887. Dr. Harrington, I*. E. of Port­
Then land district, anil I)r. Van Scoy, presi­
Beckie Dumphrey second prize,
came a solo by Prof. Carl Young, dent of Willamette univjrsity will con­
“When the Robins Nest Again,” Prof, duct the services.
Young was loudly encored, but could
The quarterly meeeting of McMinn­
not be brought out again. Then came ville charge will be held in connection
Some with the dedicatory services. The first
the contests of grades B and A.
ot the prizes wi re exceedingly well ren­ service will be on Saturday at one p. m..
dered ; Gracie Stuart won first prize of
grade B ; CyntithaFellowssecond prize ; January 1 ; sermon by Dr. Harrington,
grade A, Daisy Young first prize; Nel­ after which the quarterly conference
lie Gardner second prize. Mrs. Camp­ will be held.
bell was to have sung but was not able
The Sunday services will consist of
to be present, and. Prof. Price kindly preaching at 11 a. in. by Dr. Harrington
consented to fill the vacancy.
By the after which the church will be consecra­
way the professor was encored we ted. Dr. Van Scoy will preach in the
should think his efiort was appreciated. evening. There may be some other ser­
He was forced to come to the front with vices connected with the occasion if the
another song.
He was followed by the
rip-roaring prince of laugh provokers, weather is favorable.
II. P. S atchwell .
John Knight, the funny man, in hi* spe-
«¡allies, which brought down the house.
Will Close,
Little Helen Calbreath wa* also absent,
and Prof. Young sang again. The farce,
"Wanted, a young lady” would un­
The business house* of McMinnville
doubtedly have been funny had all the will be closed from 10 a. m. to 4 p. tn.
actors known their parts, but it is ex­
tremely painful to an audience to sit on New Year’s day, a* it is proposed to
anil watch the blank faces of the actors, turn out en masse on that day and re­
while the voice of the prompter behind turn the visits of as many ot our lady
the scenes can be heard all over the friends as possible. As we shall only
on those who signify their willing­ I
The little ones all acquitted them­ call
to receive guests, we should be
selves very creditebly, and we think the
pleased to hear from them. Some of u*
prizes were given where they were earn­ are
getting hungry. A year is a long
Although there were nearly as
time to fast. At all other time* we
many boys took part in the rhetorical shall
be pleased to receive frequent call*
contest* as the-e were girls, not a single from our many patron*.
boy took a prize. The net recipt« of the
A ll the B isineb * M en .
entertainment were about $15.
A Bargain.
We offer for sale 320 acres of land,
situated 44 miles west of McMinnville;
40 acres farming land, the balance good
pasture land; well watered 3 living
springs; all under good new fence;
new barn, and good house. This is the
best st<x-k ranch in Yamhill county, and
in offered for sale at a bargain For fur­
ther particular* enquire at thin office.
i East. Ticket* sold to all prominent ¡stint,
You are feeling depressed, your appetite
throughput the East and Southeast.
is poor, you are bothered with headache,
you are fidgetty, nervous, and generally TO EAST-BOUND PASSENGERS I
out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace
Ba careful *n<l do not make a inistak*.
up, but not with stimulants, spring medi­
But be sure to take the
cines, or bitters, which have for their basis
very cheap bad whisky, and which stimu­
late you for an hour, and then leave you in
orthern acific ailroad
worse condition than before. What you
And see that your ticket reads via
want is an alterative that will purify your
blood, start healthy action of liver and kid­
neys, restore your vitality, uml give renew­ ST. PAUL Oil MINNEAPOLIS,
ed health and strength. Such a medicine
you will find in Electric Bitters, and only To avoid change* «nil serious delays occa­
50 cents a bottle at Kogers & Todd's drug
sioned by other routes.
For Sale,
Through Emigrant .Sleeping Car«
are Run on Regular Express
Trains Full Length of the
Line. Berths Free.
Most Excellent.
J. J. Atkins, chief of police, Knoxville,
Tenn., writes: “My family and I are bene­
ficiaries of your most excellent medicine,
Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption :
having found it to be all that you claim for
it, desire to testify to its virtue. My friends
General Oilice of the Company,
to whom 1 have recommended it, praise it
at every opportunity.’’ Dr. King’n New
Discovery for Consumption is guaranteed Ko. 2 Washington St., Portland, Or.
to cure coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma,
croup, and every affection of the throat,
chest and lungs.
Trial bottles free at Rogers & Todd'*
General Western Passenger Agent.
drug store. Large size $1.
Home Produce Market.
M c M innville , O regon .
Corrected for the T elkpiions by Baxter *t
on band ti e best quality ot Beef,
Wheat, per bti ........................
Mutton, Pork, and
Oats, per bu ...........................
Flour, per bar.........................
Epjts. per doz...........................
Butter, ner lb ........................
Cheese, best, per lb.................
Apples, per box......................
Highest prices paid tor nil kinds of f»t
Bacon, sides ........................
ham, sugar cured.......
itive cure for all those painful complaints
so common to all our best female popula­
tion. Sold by Rogers A Todd.
AV ANTED. A case of female weakness,
general debility or nervous exhauston that
Gilmore’s Aromatic Wine wile not cure.
Sold by Rogers & Todd.
r. 8. KKLI.Elt.
—Harness at the—
Lafayette Harness shop,
—at absolutely—
REV. E. J. WHITNEY, of Clarkson. N.
Y., says: Gilmore’s Wine for female weak­
ness stands without a rival. Sold by Rogers
<fc Todd.
Portland Prices.
GILMORE’S AROMATIC AVINE is the Buggy Harness from JI2
and upward.
great remedy for women and children, 128 Team'Harness from $25.00 and upward.
doses for $1. Sold by Kogers A Todd.
I have also something entirely new in the
GILMORE’S AROMATIC WINE makes line of sweat pads.
a lady beautiful, because it gives her good,
My terms are CASH, or notes that can
rich Mood. Sold by Rogers A Todd.
be turned into cash.
Jones & Co.,
—Proprietors of—
Bestueta Saw Mills,
McMinnville Sash and door Factory.
—Dealers in -
White and Red Le»4,
Linseed and Lubricating Oil»,
Varnishes of all Description,
Kalsomine, Spanish Whiting
Paris Whiting
P. & B. and Princess Metaiic
Roof Paint, Venitian Red,
Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochre,
and Hardware
J. M. CHAPMAN, Pre.,
Carries a full stock of Furniture, af all
kinds, Fine Bedroom Bets, Mirrors,
Moulding;!, Wall Papers, Ktc., Etc.
----- A full line af
Undertaker’! Goods !
Store, one door south »I bridge, Sheridan,
Prices as Low as th* Lowe*t.
The Leading
Ury Goods House
New Blacksmith
SAM LIKENS, Proprietor.
In the City
Blacksmithing and enrriage ironing of
every description. .
Ilorso Shoeing
Livery and Feed stable !!
And plow work a specialty.
R. McKUNE, P r « pw .
Also manufacture the
Transient Stork Well Cared For !
£4$F“Cclebrated Oregon Iron Harrow,
Team» and nut fits furnhhed parties wish-
to go to the coast, at reasonable rates.
Give me a Call
—Having Bought the
Truck and Express
Business of lz>gan Bron. A I lender-
son, I am ready t/j do all kinds of
First-clns* accommodation* for Commer­
cial men and general travel.
Transient stock well eared for.
Everything new and in First-Clais Order
Patronage respectfully solicited.
—At Any Time.—
Delivery Wagon Always Ready.
Give Me a Trial.
M. S. OOTTF. ..
Boot and Shoe Store !
The Milliner,
A Card of Thanks.
To all who so ablv assisted us in onr
“farewell entertainment” December 25,
and to those who have given us their
hearty cooperation in school work,
while in McMinnville, wo wish to ex­
pies* onr heart-felt thank* and shall
ever hold in sweet remoinbranee their
names. Very Resply. J. A. P rice .
Brace Up.
McMinnville, Oregon
Ladles, plcafe call and sec my
Next to Yamhill County Bank.
M c M imxtillb
The Largest and Finr*t stork ever brought
tu Yamhill County.
Boots «nd Phoos made to order «nd neatly
Price* to the Bedrock.
Will have an early Fall Stock.
Of 'Ho good thinr* of this
.J life «re sorrowfully b-t
Two acre* of land jnst aero«» the creek ; «lone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker’s
cured l»v <iib»»ore?< Aromatic wine, from town, near tile college.
I lirklv
Will bo Dy«pep»!a Tablet* will euro I>y*pep*ia,
¿d by Ibrxer. A Todd.
sold cheap on account of the owner leav­ Indigestion »nd Constipation; sold on a
LADIK8. use Gilmore’* Aromatic wine, it ing. Inquire ot J. Todd. McMinnville, I positive guarantco zt 23 and CO cents, bT
ill cure you. **r,!d by Rf’gerr A Todd.
I'», tv. Hurt. il.’VgrLf.
ç£.. vx-r>
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