KEADY FOB EMBBGENCY 1 NATUR E’gWHAT 18 rr flOOOM. AGRICULTURAL NOTES. A realizing sense of danger always sault. During the court proceedings CONGRESSIONAL. CURE FOR TARRANT« characterizes a wise and courageous mail. the men quarreled. Whether the danger is present, as on the A Column Devoted to the Interest« of Farmers «Sif“"» battle field, or prospective, as when one CONSTIPATION, Charles Scott, residing on Russel LATEST TELE« KA PH IC HEPOKT. Devoted Principally to Waehington Territory and Stockmen. is threatened with a deadly malady, a creek, W. T., had his right foot badly and California. judgment as to the proper course to be of Meaeuree Introduced in the crushed by being run over by a mov­ A Synopa • National Dry quarters are essential to the pursued is always formed. Here is an in­ Legislature. stance of the latter kind of > cunien : 'I Stockyards have been built at Col­ ing wagon, heavily laden with wheat. thrift of young c.licks. They cannot have just caught a Bevere cold, writes Nenate. fax, W. T, by the 0.R.4N. Co. thrive if kept on damp soil. Martin Joyce, at Santa Rosa, Cal., Hubert Arnmtrony, ot O' Hannon, Ken­ f'tuet,.,,,, with The credentials of Senator Cheney, Everything is quiet at Port Blakley, was sentenced to seven years in the Dedlthta. it {. 7?’* ’M- Sulphur and old tobacco leaves tucky, to Drs. Starkey & Falen, 1629 Arch W. T., the troops preventing disorder. State Prison for stealing a drove of of New Hampshire, appointed to fill burned in the poultry-house, the bouse street, Philadelphia, Pa., aud send check the temporary vacancy caused by the being closed perfectly tight, will clean for another supply af your Compound Charles Anderson was shot and hurseB from William Behler. John death Oxygen. My asthmatic trouble has dis­ of Senator Pike, were presented out the red lice. Guilfoyle, his accomplice, received a appeared, and I have nothing of it, as Sick-fleatahe.g^ fatally wounded by Billy Long, at by Mr. Blair, and the oath of office sentence of five years. The latter heretofore, when I take cold. I eat and Nogales, A.T. Many Dakota farmers this year confessed his guilt. Joyce was un­ administered to Mr. Cheney. well. I am, in fact, a new man, raised flax for fuel, a ton of flax being sleep E. J. Baldwin has been arrested at doubtedly the leader and schemer. and attribute my health to the use of The credentials of Senator Williams considered more valuable for heating Compound Oxygen. ” The etfi acy of this DYSPEPSIA Los Angeles for assault. He was He tried to sell the horses in Napa. of California were presented and the purposes than a ton of soft coal. treatment in cases of Consumpt on, Bron going to shoot a hired man for trying Asthma and Neuralgia passes all A number of reputable citizens oath of office administered. A New England poultry-raiser keeps chilis, to collect bin wages. belief. Write for a free pamphlet on the HALL’S from the Moctezuma district, in So­ Dolph offered a resolution directing lice from his fowls and their house by subject and study up the theory of cure The Colfax council has awarded nora, arrived at Nogales, A. T., state the secretary of war to examine and the free use of powdered sulphur for yourself. contract for the construction of a new that the report that a small band of report as to the necessity and cost of Orders for the Compound Oxygen Home about the nest and in the dust bath. city jail, to cost $660. Treatment will be tilled by H. A. Mathews, Apaches who escaped from Geronimo’s the improvement of that portion of Government land to the extent of 015 Powell Street, San Francisco. Cures all Diseases originating from, Recently N. J. Baker, of Wood band at the time of the chief’s surren­ the Columbia river known as The gulch, W. T., fell from a roof while in­ der were raiding in that district is Dalles, by the construction of a steam­ 18,309,943 acres was entered for Paris green, which had been spread on disordered state of the BLOOD or actual settlement this year. This is the cotton field« to kill worms on the LIVER. Rheumatism, N eural^ toxicated and was killed. false. They say the depredations boat railway; adoped. the largest amount ever taken up in Foster place, Bossier Parish, La., poisoned Boils, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula, Pullman intends to build a $3,000 were committed by thieving Mexicans Mitchell offered a resolution re­ one year. a number of field hands, causing their Tumors, Salt Rheum and Mercurial school house. A $2,000 Congrega­ and Americans. questing the secretary of war to in­ A ranch owner near Los Gatos, Cali­ death. tional church was dedicated on the 1 It is reported at Victoria, B. C., quire and to report whether commerce Pains readily yield to its purifying fornia, has 400 orange trees planted 28th. A VALUABLE MEDICAL TREATISE. properties. It leaves the Blood purt that a sale haB been effected by a local and navigation of the Columbia river five years ago and this season the The cost bill in the Miller murder syndicate of capitalists to an English in Oregon and Washington territory trees have an average of 200 oranges The edition for 1887 of the sterling Medical the Liver and Kidneys healthy and the Annual, known as Hostetter’s Almanac, is now Complexion bright and clear. trial at Seattle, as approved and syndicate of the Hosting mill property, is obstructed or interferred with by each, or a box to the tree. ready, and may be obtained, free of cost, of handed to the county auditor, foots up situated on Burrard inlet, for $300,000. sulmon wheels and traps or nets; re­ J. R. CATES & CO., Proprietors. druggists and general country dealer in all The Nation’s yield of corn, accord­ The property was purchased three ferred to the Committee on Commerce. $3727 23. 417 Sansome St., San Francisco, parts of the United States, Mexico, and in­ ing to the revised returns of yield, is The appearance of the big owls re­ years ago from Heateley & Co. of San A message from the House an­ 22 bushels per acre, making a product deed in every civilized portion of the Western Hemisphere. This Almanac has been issued ported near Goldendale, W. T., is said Francisco for $265,000, and now in­ nouncing the death of Price, of Wis­ upon the present adjustment of acre­ regularly at the commencement of every year to indicate a hard winter, they coming cludes a large portion of the Van­ consin, was taken up. A resolution age, of 1,668,000,000 bushels. tor over one-fifth of a century. It combines, with the soundest practical advice for the pre-1 couver (B. C.) townsite. from the far North. of condolence was offered by Spooner, servation and restoration of health, a large In storing potatoes the first con­ amount of interesting and amusing light read­ Since the recent defalcation at San and adopted, and Spooner, Manderson Wm. L. O’Brien, a deserter from and the calendar, astronomical calculations, troop L, Second calvery, stationed at Francisco of Charles W. Banks, cash­ and Blackburn were appointed a com­ sideration is to keep them in perfect ing. chronological items, &c„ are prepared with darkness; the next is that the bins ier of Wells, Fargo Express company, mittee to attend the funeral. ireat care, and will be found entirely accurate. Do you know that a pain in the left shouMer Fort Cœur d’Alene, was captured in he issue of Hostetter's Almanac for 1887 will or arm is a sign of heart disease ? 11 ia; and thrt by which the company lost over $20,- Colfax a few days ago. Payson, from the Committee on should no.t be too deep, else it pro­ probably be the largest edition of a medical disease may have progressed far towards a liul work ever published in any country. The pro­ termination without exciting suspicion. Take DH The Bettiers who have been notified 000, an order has been made by the Public Lands, reported back the bill duces warmth and causes them to prietors, Messrs. Hostetter & Co., Pittsburgh, FLINT’S HEART REMEDY at once. to leave the Capitan Grande reserva­ directors requiring all officials of the to restrict ownership of real estate in sprout. Pa., on receipt of a two cent stamp, will for The potato product of the United company who have the handling of ward a copy by mail to any person who cannot territories to American citizens, With tion, in California, signed an agree­ any money to file a good and sufficient the senate amendments thereto. The States is nearly the same as last year, procure one in his neighborhood. ment to do so inside of thirty days. Shortness of of Breath. buXnT.’ bond. The sureties for nearly all the amendments were not concurred in, with higher yields in the east and About three tons of yarn are used every palpitation tho heart, shortness of breath, W. Nick Violich was killed on the rail­ officials have already qualified. tude, pain in the left shoulder or arm, denote th« lower in the west. The average is 73 year in the manufacture of base-balls. and a conference was ordered. Sresenee of heart disease, and call for the road near San Diego, Cal. He was bushels per acre, giving a product ot ¡ate uso of Dr. F lint ’ s H eart R bmidy . Some of the most important mines Dolph offered a resolution instruct­ 163,000,000 bushels. walking on the track and made no YEARS TEACH MORE THAN BOOKS. effort to escape when he saw the train of Idaho are found in Rocky Bar and ing the select committee on fish and There is no better plan for freeing Among other valuable lessons imparted D r . F lint ’ s H eart R emedy rapidlyre- Atlanta districts, very old locations, fisheries to inquire and report as to rooms coming. • moves tho effusion in casts of Drop-y, and cellars of mildew than to by this teacher is the fact that for a very having first been organized during long time Dr. Pierce ’ s “ Golden Medical the power of Congress to legislate for due most cases to tome disease ot th* Abe Shelton, an old-timer in Seattle, burn sulphur in them. The rooms Discovery” has been the prince of liver heart or genetai in circulation. died at Providence hospital of dropsy war times, more than twenty years the protection of food fishes in the should be effectually closed, and correctives and blood purifiers, being the of the heart. He was an Englishman, ago. The Ada Elmore, Idaho, Vishnu, rivers and navigable waters of the not opened for one hour after being household physician of the poor man, and Shaking Pakv D|L ii'*«r anatii t‘ e able consulting physician to the rich OlldMIlg rdlOJ. ein.acious in case, ot Shakir« about 54 years of age, and a carpen­ Bonaparte and Monarch mines have United States, and especially in rivers filled with the sulphur fumes. become celebrated, and that part of patient, and praised by all for its magnifi ­ that form boundaries between the Palsy which hove defied all other remedies, ter by tiade. The Fresno (Cal.) Expositor speaks cent service and efficacy in «11 diseases of its influence directly upon tho nervous exercimn« lyaUm, the territory is classic mining ground. states, and as to the propriety of such Indian Agent Wood has been au­ Rocky Bar lies upon Bear creek and legislation of an orchard on the upper Kings a chronic nature, as malarial poisoning, which is weak and excitable. ; adopted. ailments of the respiratorv and digestive thorized to eject white tresspassers other affluents of the south fork of river which lias recently come into liver diseases and in all cases upon the lands of the Mission Indians Boise river, west by north of Hailey bearing, the crop from which this systems, House. where the use of an alterative remedy is Brain Disease. .Äi“ ÄÄ at San Diego, Cal., and call upon the and northeast of Boise City. The year will be 40,000 oranges, all of a household, for it immediately relieve, all dixiM indicated. Heripann introduced a resolution depending upon a derangement of the (irculiti.B, troops to assist him. country is granite, with some por­ calling on the Secretary of War for which have been sold while still upon The amount of gold and silver wasted auch a. Congestion of the Brain, Hysteria, Menin­ John Bailiff and W. A. Reed, the phyry, syenite, etc. The veins are information as to delay in resuming the trees. in the process of coinage in the mints of gitis, Pneumonia, Paralysis, Dementia and faulty. The San Francisco Chronicle says it the United States during the last year was slayers of James T. Noon, at Santa gold-bearing, and the quartz is easily active operations for improvement of has the most substantial aud undeni­ «10,306. T-L- II IM Timn A man wll° present, u u- Rosa, Cal., have been arranged on a worked by the free milling precess. the Columbia river. I axe II 111 I ime. pearance of debility, »b» charge of murder before the Superior countenance is anxious, and who is 8ul jeet toipelii The House passed the bill amend­ able proof, that oranges may be sue POSITIVELY DELICIOUS. of faintness, is liable to sudden death from heat Court. They pleaded not guilty. MEWS SUMMARY. ing the act “for the muster and pay cessfully grown in Northern Califor­ So delightfu to the taste are HAM- disease. Let him take Dr. F lint '. H e Aar Ruin A careful estimate of the population of certain officers and enlisted men of nia, but does not by any means wish BURG FIGS that they could be placed before it is too late. upon the table for dessert, and no one of Idaho shows but 60,000 people, and Herzog’s Opera-house in Washing­ the volunteer forces,” so as to provide to be understood as claiming that the would suspect that they wete more than that admittance, it is stated, into state­ ton was destroyed by fire. that in all cases arising under the soil generally is adapted to the growth very supermrcrystalized fruit. Thisprop- Annnlpvv i > r - fust '« h . art Rmr . oum of citrus fruits. hood is out of the question, unless the is what makes them so popular with lipUpluAJ. have prevented many case, of Apo- Cannibalism is said to still exist in same, any person who was duly ap­ The Mark Lane Express, London, ertv piexy, winch is usually '’-.-pendent upon diosM ladies and children for tljp cure of consti­ of tho heart, if token when first any unusual sen» north annexes to Washington and the Hayti pointed and commissioned, whether among the natives. pation, piles, indigent inn and sick-head tions were felt. south to Nevada. his commission was actually received in its reviews of the British grain ache. 2 > cents. At all drugists. J. J. The American oarsman who spent says the sparse offers of native H. F. Kelly, the man who stole the the rowing season in England have re­ by him or not, shall be considered as trade Mack & Co., proprietors, S. F. commissioned to the grade therein wheat are attracting the attention of check at Eagle Gorge, forged P. H. Blessing of Sleep. WHY WILL YOU DIE’ named and shall be entitled to all pay the trade, and it is now believed that Hayden’s name and passed the check turned home. who finds himself or herself unable to sleep night«, is the crop has been largely over-esti ­ OR SCOVILL ’ S SARSAPARILLA A report is current that England an invaluable medicine, which will not only procun and emoluments aB if actually mus­ at Stewart & Gibb’s, at Puyallup, has AND LIVER SYRUP for the the blessing of sleep, but will prevent a general ______________ mated. It is now calculated at only BLOOD been arrested in Seattle and placed and China have formed an alliance tered. cu e of Scrofulous Taint, Rheuma' ism. breaking down of the system. 6,500,000 quarters. against Russia. Hewitt, rising to a question of privi­ under $400 bonds. At Druggists, $1.50. Descriptive treatise with each White Swelling, Gout, Goitre. Consump­ A contemporary says it is easy to tion, Bronchitis, Nervous De ility, Malaria bottle; or address Peru, South America, is jnst now lege, asked that 8. 8. Cox should be The Alpowa ridge country, W. T., is get rid of black ants. Open a hill and all diseases arising from an impure J. J. MACK & CO. not suffering from drouth. A heavy agitated by a scandal similar to the sworn in as a member of the House to with a hoe, scatter on a handful of condition of the blood. Certificates can fill the vacancy caused by the resigna­ Noe. 9 and II Front St., San Franoltco. fall of snow, melting off, has set the Pall Mall Gazette exposures. be presented from many leading physi­ tion of Joseph Pulitzer. He stated salt, sprinkle on a quart of water, and cians, ministers, and heads of families plows to running in all directions, and F. R. Axtell, a Justice of the Peace at the ants will leave immediately. A throughout the land, endorsing SCO­ the same time that a formal certifi­ a great deal of land is already sowed at Frankfort, Mich., has been arrested CUT OF SADDLE ’S BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP. TO USE of Cox’s election had been re­ few days ago the house was overrun VILL and much more plowed. for robbing the bodies of drowned cate We are constantly in receipt of certifi­ with insects. The corresDondent ceived and no objections were made to -IN— of cures from the most reliable A Mormon named Stutz, was tried sailors. found eleven anthills within two rods cates Cox qualifying. sources, and we recommend it as the l>est at Salt Lake City for living with three of his building. After the above ap ­ “One armed Jim,” the Indian who kHown remedy for the cure of the above Fruiting Henry W. Rusk ot Maryland, and wives; said his first wife was too old killed Andrew Kinnegar at Willow Henry Bacon of New York, appeared plication not an ant was to be seen diseases. to live with, but he was willing to Creek, Nev., in August last, has been at the bar of the House aud qualified, about the premises. juice and milk is a good remedy cleave to liis second alone. He was sentenced to be hanged. Corn meal is a convenient, and, we for Lime filling the vacancies occasioned by the dyspepsia and indigestion. sent to the penitentiary. Henry Schwartz, a brakeman, is deaths of Wm. H. Cole and Lewis might say, staple article of food in A TOTAL ECLIPSE the barn yard and poultry yard, yet it Daniel B. Savage, who was killed on suspected of being the man who killed Beach. BILLHEADS. of a’l other medicine* by Dr R. V. Pierce’s the Puget Sound A Gray’s Harbor Messenger Nichols and robbed a Rock Crane of Texas introduced a joint is not the best food for chickens. It “Golden Medical Discovery” is api roach- is a very good food in winter, as it is railroad, at Kamilche, Mason county, Island train of $37,000 lust March. resolution in the House proposing to ing. Unrivalled in bilious disorder«, im­ Circulars. was formerly a conductor on the amend the Constitution so as to change heating, bat for young chickens it is pure b'ood, and consumption, which is —OR — Oliver, a son of lighthouse keeper not sufficiently growing. Very young scrofulous disease of the lungs. Puget Sound Shore, later on the Col­ Allen,at Dresden.on Lake Champlain, the date of the meeting of Congress chickens that are fed on corn meal ex­ NEWSPAPER umbia A Puget Sound railroad. Thirty-four «alt wells have been put was drowned together with two other to the second Tuesday in January. ADVERTISING The net receipts of the Sisters’ fair children, while skating on the lake re­ Delegate Toole, of Montana, made clusively are liable to be troubled with down in Wyoming county, New York, this season. bowel diseases. Give a variety of food, at Walla Walla aggregated $1420. cently. an argument in favor of admitting SENT FOR 60C. plenty of range, and, above all, clean This is the best for a good many that Territory as a State. “DON’T PAY A BIO PRICE!” M. F. COON, Engraver, Dispatches from London state that quarters. years. In the early days the amount <05'Sanflom< HI . San Francisco, Cal Fonk pays for a Year’« subscription to the Od vtlila Weekly American Bural Home. the steamers Kielawaara and Helen Indefinite horticultural quantities ran sometimes as high as$2,800, The Tlie BUYERS» GUIDI to Rochester, N. Y.. without premium-“the ( oiitcrrsslonal Noted. Nicall h%ve collided off Queensland, Issued Sept, and »March, are a barrel of apples, a quart of straw­ Cheapest and Best Weekly in the World,” 8 gross receipts this year were $1732. resulting in the drowning of forty-two iiajie«, 48 columns. 16 years old. For One Gen. John Moore has arrived in each year. 31» pagf«» berries, a basket of peaches, a box of Hollar you have one choice from over 150 E. W. Jones, found guilty at Los persons. inclieN,with over Washington from San Francisco, and berries, or what you get for your different Cloth Bound Hollar Volume», 300 Angeles, Cal., of poisoning some food, 3,600 illuatration«-» A remarkable tribe of dwarfs are assumed the duties of Surgeon-General money of a tree peddler. In the to 900 pp.. and paper one year, post-paid .Book whole Picture Gallery« was sentenced to four years in San 15c. Extra. 50,000 books given away. GIVES Wholeaale Price» poultry line a dozen of eggs or a pair postage, Among them are: Law Without Lawyers; Fam­ Quentin. Jones is so old and decrepit reported to have been discovered by of the Army. (fircct to connuntrrE on all good« for ily Cyclopedia; Farm Cyclopedia; Farmers ’ and Ludurg Wolff, on the Congo river. Among the estimates submitted by of spring chickens; in live stock, a Stockbreeders’ Guide; Common Sense in Poul­ that it is thought by many he will not personal or family uae. Telia how to They are described as scarcely four the Secretary of the Treasury to Con­ quarter of veal, mutton or lamb; in try Yard; World Cyclopedia; Danelson’s (Med­ order, and gives live out hiB term of imprisonment. exact cost of every feet in height, very agile and remark­ were $60,000 for Cape Neare sta­ husbandry, the proportion of hay to a ical) Counselor; Boys Useful Pastimes; Fiye thing yon use, eat, drink, wear, or The government snag boat Skagit ably good natured. The tribe is gress Oregon; Before the Mast; People’s History of have fun with. These INVALUABLE for continuing the sur­ load of trash, or the dirt to the bushel ’Yearsj United States; Universal History of all Na­ HOOKS contain Information gleaned has almost completed the work of known as the Batons, aud gain a live­ tion, tions; Popular History Civil War (both sides.) of grain; in dairying, the butter in vey of the coast of Oregon, and to con ­ from the markets of the world. W* clearing the Nooksack river, and that lihood by hunting. Any one book and paper, one year, all post- will mail a copy FREE to any •* hog-fa. and milk in the water sold. tinue the survey of the Columbia I paid, for $1.15 only. Paper alone, 65c. Satisfac- stream is now open to steamboat traf­ dreaa upon receipt of 10 eta. to defr»f 5ion guaranteed on books and Weekly, or river from the mouth of the Willam ­ Representative Dowdney, of the A Shasta county, California, paper fic. Thousands of acres of land are expense of mailing. Let us hear fro® refunded. Reference: Hon. C. R. towards the Cascades, $7,000; for tells of a visit to a thrifty orchard of P noney arsons , Mayor Rochester. Sample papers, 2c. thus made accessible to settlers, all to Twelfth district of New York, died at ette yo». Respectfully, continuing the survey of the coast of RURAL HOME CO., L td ., his residence in Madison avenue, New oranges and lemons in that locality Without Premium, 65c.a year! R ochest r . N.Y. become tributary to Seattle. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. Washington Territory, $9,000; for 2*^7 ; Skagit, Stillguamish, Noot- | four pickers to pick a ton during the Itching. Burning and Inflammation, for curingi full value for your money. NEW YORK JEWELftYCp- bounty. the first symDtoms of Eczema, Psoriasis, Milk to the hotel. Soon afterwards ’ an sack, Snohomish and Snosqualmie, season, of twenty-five to thirty days. i i Crust, No. 107 First St., Portland, « l . Scali Head. Scrofula, and other inherited, No resident in Walla Walla county Officer came in and arrested them, $15,000; Coquille river, $50,000. The picking season is during the i skin and blood diseases. has a higher standing for integrity charging them with being revolution­ Abe following amounts are among month of September, and hops picked i CvTicURA.the great Skin Cure.and C vttcura Van Monciscar oaf . an exquisite Skin Beautifler. externally, The than has the father of Eli Pettijohn, ists, and took them before a magis- I those lose which have been recommended before or after this month are not and C uticvr a R esolvent , the new Blood Puri- DYSPENSARY, sentenced to five years’ service in the trate. Rappaport says theofficer went { for the tter. internally, are infallible. __ ___ r_______ of „ harbors ______ : merchantable. As four pickers will improvement PORTLAND. R emedies are absolutely pure and penitentiary, for horse stealing. Mr. through his pockets and took away $48. | Coos bay, $100,000; Yaquina bay, pick but one ton. to pick the crop will the C vticura only infallible Blood Purifiers and Skin Y’oirif. mid’Ue tgj £ Pettijohn attributes his son s failure He showed his papers to the magis- $200,000. Although these are the en­ take 16,000 pickers. From whence Beaut iflers free from poisonous ingredient«. .»1.1. -ingle.>r Sold everywhere. Price, C uticvha .50 c .; S oap , entirely to liquor. “Except for that trate, who thereupon discharged him, gineer’s estimates what can profitably will these pickers come? White men 2.5c.: R esolvent . |1. Prepared by the P otter •¿¿¿‘ i - manh SS curse,” he sa.VB “ Eli would be as noble but kept the $48 for “costs.” He says be expended, and are approved by the will not, as a rule, pick hops; they i D rug and C hemical C o .. B ooton , M ass . s Send for ‘ How to Cure Skin Diseases.” a man as lives.” the American refused to pay any- secretary of war, and are supposed to can find more profitable employment. B a < K A< iif . Uterine pains. Soreness and Sexual De *J>® Thomas Riley fatally stabbed thing, and appealed to the consular lie based on scientific calculations, yet White women and children who are Weakness speedily cured by CUTICURA »7. A nti -P ain P i aster . Warranted. 25c, Energy. •!"’ K Michael Kearney about the neck and agent, who said he had no authority I there can be no doubt that tho per- old enough and who will do this kind Skin Din-’i« TIJ m breast in Justice Lane’s court at beyond commercial affairs, so the ' sistent efforts of the people of Oregon of work are very scarce, and so we 1 1 • 1 ■ ■ tewMi»« «•wrrw. 11 FORTH» F1O1 KER- Erupt! »nx ^*‘1 wlRF H.,,,, p»,M. «-^5 Young rille, Cal. Riley's wife and American went to jail, where he now j to push the improvement of their have to obtain Indians. They are our ■ ART, f«»r 1« eta. 1« »xtra Got« Me.,1 K4v* tarda, with Sore T r »U feet, of Kearney had a quarrel »bout cows in is. Council Brigham will invesigate rivers and harbor« have resulted in main stay, and I think it is question­ MM, 13 eta. AfilXrS Ol TF1T 8KXT FKkR with aaafc from thia ad. yua rat aat aa« rrtarw air the ad. a pasture. Kearney struck her, and the matter and report to the »lute de-1 swelling these estimates to their lib-1 able if there can be 8.000 of them* to •rdrr wmSMt . Gonorrhea G“* Bark. Burning Urine. ----- aa wy a«w<. g. W. TTm.1, PMa«»wa, CaL nr? prompt relief and cure for life Riley had her assailant arrested for a* partment. I eral proportions. be got this side of Sitka in Alaska.* «■''•"‘ - ‘I? * 11’ Both »Mr, < »„Halt « r ». v. ». im _« r. ■ u Wo W ALONG THE COAST. SARSAPARILLA FATAL. O A. FELOENHEIMER JEWELER Cuticurs F « OFFICB-132 & 134 THIRD ST-