WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. C hristmas T ree .—The Christmas tree, at the opera hou ie Christmas eve, is given by ths teachers of the public school for the benefit of the poor chil­ dren. They have no object in view ex­ cept their earnest endeavor to make all of the children happy. There are over 200 names enrolled on the school books, and every one will receive some token. Io do this the teachers must necessarily be to considerable expense. It certain­ ly can not be expected of them to pay it all out of their small salaries, and a meagre admittance of 10 cents w ill he charged adult visitors—the children to go in tree—They should certainly meet with no opposition in a move of this kind, but eveiy one should be there with their 10 cents and assist in making it a joyous Christinas to the little ones. I lie bright, happy face of each child as it receives a present trom the hands of its teacher will be ample remuneration to all those who have the welfare and happiness of our children at heart. College Notes. I Webfoot. A Verdict Unanimous. December 18, 1886. In my last, Mr. Editor, vou made me W. D. Sult, Druggist, Bippus. Ind., testi­ officiai . i> i it ecto it r. Mrs. J. W. Fletcher of Dayton, is fies: “I can recommend Electric Bitterft as say “moral condition” when 1 meant an • visiting friends in this vicinity. the very best remedy. Every bottle sold «riunì* district . entirely different thing. In speaking of > The proprietors both of the saw and has given relief in every ease. One man ................................. It P. Boise. the encouragement a community should judge grist mill at Webfoot can make the an­ took six bottles, and was cured of rheuma­ Geo. W. Belt. prosecuting Attorney give to a college situated in their midst, nouncement that they ure ready for tism of 10 years’ standing.” Abraham county . IVCCRWOB TO ». ». »AST«» - and when speaking of Corvallis as fur­ business in their different lines. Hare, druggist. Bellville, Ohio, affirms: It. V. Hird. Senators [ “The best selling medicine I liave ever nishing forty-one graduates out of eighty- J. W. Watts. Farmers are rejoicing that at last the handled in my 20 years experience, is Elec­ R. It. Laughlin, one from the school, I Raid that this in­ ground is nearly damp enough to plow, tric Bitters ” Thousands of others havo Kepresentatives F. N. Little. terest in the college showed a normal notwithstanding this difficulty of drouth added their testimony, so that the verdict i ......... C. Lafollett. is unanimous that Electric Bitters do curt­ ......... L. Loughary. condition, not a “moral condition.” It to the tillers of the soil, the traveler on ail diseases of the liver, kidneys or blood. Judge the highways find the roads simply J. 8. Hibbs. Only*« half dollar a bottle at Kogers A Commissioners ( may or may not indicate a state of mo­ horrid. Geo. Dorsev. Todd’s drug store. 2 rals. While speaking of this matter it G. W. Briedwell. Clerk The committe of arrangements for the T. J. Harris. Sheriff is appropriate to refer in this place to Christmas tree are Mrs. W. F. Gilkey, W. W. Nelson. Treasurer...................... Excitement in Texas. the Pacific univeisity, situated twenty- Miss Ida r'auvertand Mr. Thomp Moore, WyatMIarris. AfMMtor.......................... --------- School Supt.......................... J. A. €’. Freund. Their "subs ” have been appointed and five miles north of us. In a series ot Great excitement has been caused in the ... J. D. Fenton. Surveyor............... years running from 1863 till the present the machinery set in motion and every vicinity of Paris, Tex., by the remarkable .. . ,D. C. Narver. Coroner................ thing bids lair lor a pleasant time. recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley, who was so Carries the Largest and Best Stocfc there have been sixty-nine graduates. If any one is dissatisfied with the “few­ helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise Of this number eleven were residents of ness” of the items sent, we have simply his head ; everybody said he was dying of telephone whisperings . in Yamhill Ceuniy. Forest Grove. Again I say this indi­ to say, we make every endeavor in our consumption. A trial bottle of Dr.'King’s cates a normal condition. Other towns power to gather the news of the neigh­ New Discovery was sent him. Finding re­ he bought a large bot'le and a box of Public examination of teachers next show a healthy condition in educational borhood. Any one knowing of any oc­ lief, Dr. Kings New Life Pills; by the time he Monday. currence or circumstance worthy of no ­ matteis. Why is it that Yamhill county had taken twolaties of pills am! two bottles F ancy W ork E xhibit .—An exhibit of is so far behind tier neighbors in this re­ tice will do us a favor by making it of tlie Discovery, lie was well and had Fresh roasted peanuts at II. II. known. We shall be glad to send it to' gained in flesh thirty-six pounds. fancy work, consisting of Kensington Welch’s. tf spect? It has been hinted by one of our the editor. C ornet . Trial hotties of this Great Discovery for embroidery, Kensington and luster Buy your candies of C. Griesen always Consumption free at Kogers A Todd's. 2 local papers that Yamhill ¡8 not receiv­ painting, chenille, arrosene, ribbosene, ing her share of the immigration that is fresh and pure. Carlton. ONE OF THE MOST NOTED European For a square meal go to the St. Charles crazy patchwork, crochet and other so rapidly filling our state. There may physicians said: Neuralgia was the |>r»ver December, 19,1886. kinds of ladies’ hand work, will be given be an answer to this question in the apa­ —only 25 cents. of a deceased nerve for healthy blood. f’se The wheat is nearly all shipped from Gilmore's Aromatic Wine for the blood. Dr. J. II. Smith of Amity was in the at Miss Russ’ millinery parlors, Wednes­ thy in educational matters which has this place. For sale by Kogers A Todd. day afternoon, Friday and Saturday. been so clearly pointed out. In other city last evening. REV. W. FISK REQl’A, of Aurora. III., Mr. Roh McCaskey is pitting a new Ladies are requested to bring specimens Skating rink to-night and Thursday towns in our 6tate where colleges are says; "I liave used Gilmore's Aromatic of work for the exhibition, this after­ situated the whole people rejoice when­ fence around liie lot. night, onlv, of this week. Wine and find it an excellent household noon and to-morrow forenoon. Mies Mr. J. W. McCutcheon has opened a remedy that none ought to do without. For Wayland Hunsaker is down from Tur­ Russ has been to the expeuse ol having ever the school year begins. The prom­ boot Third Street Bet. I) an 4 K itf sale by Rogers A Todd. and shoe shop in our town. ner, visiting his parents. one of her show windows deepened es­ inent citizens give receptions for the THE PRETTIEST LADY in Olea i was Mr. S. A. C’aldwel has been appointed Miss F. E. Russ has our thanks for a pecially for this exhibition, and we may benefit of the students, and do all in Wells asked what made her complexion so clear Fargo agent here, vice Eeckhant. and look for something beautiful in the line their power to welcome to their society beautiful. She said it whs by using beautiful Christmas card. of ladies’ handiwork. Mr. J, W. Collins is preparing to Gilmore's Aromatic wine. For sale by Mathushek pianos and Shoninger or­ a worthy and deserving clasB of young fence in the block he bought of Mr. Rogers x 20gan Bros. Hender­ Overture by the choir. No handsomer display of Christmas well built; several acres of ground for ---- MISS----- son. I am ready to do all kinds of Song, "Merry Christmas Bells,” the ■cards or novelties can be found in the gardening, and fruits of various kinds Public Examination. city than that to be seen at Miss F. E. nicely started, numerous outhouses, children. Trucking and Delivering Reading, "Christinas Snowflakes,” Russ'. Her 10-cent counter alone con­ barn, etc. Everything in good order. A public examitation of teachers will • tains many beautiful articles from a Property is situated on Collegeside. Miss Mattie Martin. —At Any Tim».— Quartette, Mrs. J. E. Magers, Miss be held on December 27, 1886» at Mc­ Christmas card up to an elegant bottle of Satisfactory reasons for wanting to sell. Delivery Wagon Always Ready. Mattie Martin, Messrs. A. M. Sanders For further particulars enquire at this Terhune ry. Minnville, Oregon, at the office of County and W. Gwinn. office. Superintendend, beginning at 8 o ’ clock Me a Trial. Dr. I. C. Taylor is in the city with Recitation, Pearl Campbell. a. in. headquarters at the office of Dr. H. V. Bur- Instrumental music, Mrs. G. J. J. A. C. F rbvnd , Fupt. V. Johnson. Dr. Taylor makes a spe­ N early a F ire .—The Union school chett. cialty of hemorrhoids and other diseases house, about two miles from Buena Vis­ Declamation, Jas. Schenk. of the rectum. No charge for examina­ ta, iu Polk county, came near burning OPPOSITION For Sale, Duette, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Chandler. tions. Cure guaranteed or no charge on Monday night last. The fire was in Recitation, Helen Cal breath. Ladies, please call and see n»y made. 47tf Recitation, “Christmas is Coming’” Two acres of land just acPo«» the creek the fluor, and was discovered in time to The school exhibition at the opera save the building, after a big bole was Eva Baxtex. from town, near the college. Will be Quartette. Mrs. A. C. Chandler. Miss house Christmas night should be well burned in the floor. It was no doubt Next to Yamhill County Bank. attended, as in fact it will be. There the work of an incendiary, as Frank Mattie Martin, Mrs. A. C. Chandler and sold cheap on account of the oi.'ner leav­ ing. Inquire of J. Todd. McMinnville, M' Mrxjtvn.!.« - - O hxuon . will bea rhetorical contest first, between Brook«, of Salem. the teacher, had had J. R. Sanders. 52tf Declamation, “Is There no God?” F. Oregon. Will have an early Fall Stock. scholars selected from each room, for no fire in the stove during the day. J. Martin. prixes. interspersed with good music, The Largest and Fine«! Stork ever brought ■labile» song, by the little folks. , to Yamhill I’.mntr. and the wind up,—well wait till you see Notice. H cre ’ s A CitAXCE.-We have for sale a VC«.«.««. Reading, Alta Porter. it. small place adjoining town containg a Farmer’s song, Myrtle and Robert Owing to the change in our business is warranted, is becansa it is tho best Boots and Shoes mnile to order and neatly Blood Preparation known. It will poai- r> paired. M eetings .—Rev. A. J. Hunsaker will little more than an acre of gronnd; a* Henderson. we need all the money dne ns. Sr all lively cure all Blood Disease«, pnriflea tlio Quartette, Mesdames Campbell and two «»orv house and ham ; well set commence a series of meetings at the food with small fruit trees: good well, etc. Tucker, Messis. Magers »nil Chandler. who owe us please call and settle at whole Bystem, and thoroughly builds up tho Frico to the Bedrock. South Yamhill Baptist church on Satur­ We will sell this place at a bargan. For Admission to the entertainment, 10 once. constitution. Remember, wo guarauteo it. I day December 25, 1886, at 11, a. m. to father particular« enquire at thia office cents; children free. 49tf Koo : es 4 T chad . I' I IL'UKHNaiWE*. 22t( Geo. W. Hurt, d; 'Jgg;»t. I continoa for several j r::: BEDROCK PROS ! Come md be Convinced. Jones it Co., Undertaker’s Goods ! CITY MARKET G. E. LETTERING. All Kinds of Moat. New Blacksmith Shop! Livery and Feed stable If Give me a Call «f Lafayette Harness shop, CITY STABLES, Portland Prices. Henderson Bros. Props. Truck and Express F. E. RUSS M. S. C1OFF. .. 10 CENT COUNTER 10 Boot tinti Shoe Store !