The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, December 21, 1886, Image 1

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-V'- j ”
few wise sayings ot bls own will illus­
trate his views of married life more
forcibly than mere description: “A
hard-working wife is like a good milk­
ing oow; one supplies with milk, the
So. malting ro«ebu.l* ot her mout»
oiner with linen." “A disobedient
Anti with her heart a-quiver
wife is like a wild horse; the more
Garrison's Building. McMinnville, Oregon, bhe aald her pa was going South
lashes she gets the tamer sho becomes.”
—BY —
le see a lovely river.
“To love a wife is to strike her UDon
'Talmage Ac Turner, Sne told the youth
guess Its funny name.*
every suitable occasion.” And to strike
a wife upon every suitable occasion,
Publishers and Proprietor*.
An I when he couldn’t she, aflame,
Orled “hlssimee,” and waited.
almost on the day after marrying her, is
indeed no novelty among the peasantry.
Alas she waited ail In vain,
I remember a case where a peasant
u J,1'® 1,,ver Wtts so stupid.
One year..................................................................... »2 00
All. me,” she sighed, -I must be plaint
Si month*................................................................. 1 25
nearly choked his wife to death in his
Do give me courage, Cupid I"
Three months............................................................
desperate anger because she allowed
Then gayly laughed: “Key West you know
her-elf, after a year’s hard saving, to
Entered iu the Postottlce at McMinnville, Or.,
Unhealthy Is tor strangers:
as second-class matter.
buy some calico for a Sunday dress. I
w mt must 1 say U pa should go
know an old couple, parents of a num­
To warn him ot It's dangers?”
ber of grown-up children, who at cer­
®.”,*noke the lover flushed,
H. V. V. JOHNSON, M. D. “Y°u rn| tl8 d. ,> to m make
tain seasons in the year, as regularly as
clock-work, are intoxicated. Every
'Vl11 "»?•” 8hfi blushed,
Northwest corner of Second and B street»,
Won’t you, l’op, the Key West shun?”
thing that is found in the house is taken
M c M innville
obegon .
to the tavern and exchanged for vodka,
and thus by the time they begin to real­
He “popped” and she
May be found at hi» office when not absent on pro-
ize their horrid position, a good portion
Cried “certainly.”
fwiional business.
—H. C. Dodge, in Tid Bite.
of linen, grain, flour and eggs is gone.
The husband's anger then Knows no
limits, and the poor feeble wife, who
is the least to blame, suffers
Physicians and Surgeons,
from her lord all insults imaginable. I
M c M innville AND LAFAYETTE. OK
The Good Wife Must Be a Smart know a quiet and peaceful young
peasant, who after being constantly
Field Hand.
D.. office
J. F. Galbreath, M. —
------ over
----- Yamhill
----------- County
ridiculed by his comrades for being too
Bank, McMinnville, Oregon.
H. K Littlefield, M. D., office on Main street,
. 'I lenient with his wife, for allowing lier
Lafayette, Oregon.
The Model Husband Should Show His to have too much to say, slapped, her
“Authority”— Hunting for a Bride
face upon one solemn occasion in the
S. A. YOUNG, M. D.
presence of his friends merely for tho
—Sad Scenes at the Wedding
sake of denying this degrading accusa­
—To Work, at Once.
tion and establishing his reputation as
Physician and Surgeon,
her master. Such is the lot of a peas­
M c M innville
obegon .
•‘It is not the walls that adorn the hut, ant woman. She Is perfectly aware of
Office and residence ou D street. All call» promptly but its contents,” says a Russian prov­ the ill treatment awaiting her in her fu­
Biuwered day or night.
erb, which, simple though it is, implies ture home, yet she is satisfied aud re­
a great philosophical and practical signed to her fate.
Oftentimes, however, it happens that
truth. The constant pressure of every­
a peasant marries not only without hav­
ing the faintest idea ot the girl's char­
direct result, the absence of higher in­ acter, but almost without having had a
M c MI n WA l LE
terest and purposes in life, on the other, chance to exchange a few words with
Office—Two doors east of Bingham’s furniture sufficiently account for the peasant be­ her. This is generally done at the time,
Laughing gas administered for painless extraction.
ing cool, calm and reserved, even on when for some reason or other, there i”
occasions when people of a higher civil­ no possibility of marrying any of the
girls of his own village, and when
ization would undoubtedly display their marry he must. On a fine morning the
better and softer natures. In selecting bridegroom, dressed up in his best
a “companion for life” the Russian woolen svita, with the brightest r<><!
parobok (young fellow) is generally colored belt, high sheepskin hat and
$1 and $2 House. Single meals 25 cents.
guided by the advice of his parents, or newest of boots, may be seen proudly
starting out in company with a few
Fine Sample Roomi for Commercial Men elders, and by the conventional standard elderly and experienced peasants en­
of what a peasant’s wife should be. Ac­ gaged for this purpose by tho bride­
cording to his ideal she must, in the groom’s parents, in search of a good
first place, be of a strong and hearty girl. No house containing a girl is
VV. V. lMtlCJK,
constitution, not afraid of hard work, passed by.
Upon entering the house the wife­
willing, industrious—in short, in every
hunting party say a few words of cus­
regard fulfill the hard duties which her tomary
salutation, such as “health be
future home may impose upon her. In to you, good people,” and immediately,
the second place, she is supposed to be­ without b- ating around the bush, ap­
Up Stairs in Adams' Building,
come absolutely the slave of her hus­ proach the subject This business-like
M c M innville
O regon
band. Whatever the lord-husband de­ transaction, it is worth while mention­
cides upon the slave-wife must consent ing, is often carried on in the absence
to, else ill-treatment in its various bru­ of the girl directly concerned in »he
forms is sure to follow the poor matter. The bridegroom upon sueb oc­
woman till death puts an end to her casions is supposed to have but little or
nothing to say. The conversation is
The Best in the State.
wretched life.
“A pretty face is a matter of second­ carried on between the parents of the
Is prepared to fuinish music for all occasions at reason
able rates. Address
ary or no importance whatever to the girl and those entrusted with this im­
who, using his own words, is portant mission. If the girl’s parents,
N. JT. ROWLAND, peasant,
•not to put his wife on the market for for some reason or other, do not intend
Business Manager, McMinnville.
sale.' The promptness with which a to let their child be married at present
girl binds the sheaves in the field is suf­ the guests are politely told so, and after
ficient to enchant the wealthiest of the inquiring if there are any suitable girls
peasants in the village. It wins her a in that immediate neighborhood they
good many admirers among the paro­ leave the house. As a general thing,
boks, even of the surrounding villages. however, the party experiences no dif­
Such a girl, ugly though she may be, ficulty in obtaining the object desired.
stands good chances of making a profit­ After the parents have decided the girl
Corner Third and D streets, McMinnville
able and advantageous match—that is, is summoned at once, and here fre­
of securing a home where she is sure quently ensues a scene worthy of an art­
that fresh rye bread, borsch, salt [>ork ist’s brush. She takes her place by the
such like delicacies will always stove and without lifting her eyes, bit­
adorn her table. A comparatively well- ing her na'ls and assuming the most in­
to-do peasant is oft. n seen to marry a nocent face, frequently keeps the party
poor and rather ugly girl because the waiting for a long while before the
The Best Rigs in the City. Orders latter
laconic “yes” (da) is extorted from her.
answers the ideal standard.
When once a parobok—with his pa­ There is hardly need of adding that
Promptly Attended to Day or Night,
rents’ consent, of course, has made up when once the parents’ decision is made
his mind to marry a ce> tain girl noth­ no prayers or tears on the girl’s part
ing can make him go back on his de­ can alter it. A rope and strap brings
cision. Disregarding any obstacles that the most stubborn tchado to terms.
As soon as the busy season is over the
may be in h's way, he is as firm as a
rock in carrying out his purpose. marriage season takes its place. It gen­
Whenever an opportunity of seeing erally lasts from the middle of Septem­
the sweet object offers itself to him ber till late in November. The young
it is generally taken advantage of, and folks begin to prepare themselves for
A Strictly Temperance Resort.
thus something like a courtship springs the approaching festivities. Women
Bon«e goo<l(T) Church members to the contrary not
up between the voung lovers. This, have their hands full in preparing vari­
however, is of no long duration, and is ous fancy baked dishes and other things
of the simplest character. The parobok suitable upon such occasions—men in
frequently visits his dyevka, but this is bottling the vodka, engaging musicians
“Orphans’ Home” generally done when the parents of and working about the house. The vil­
the latter are in the land of dreams. A lage, which only a few weeks ago looked
stable or a pig-shed, a corner of wh’ch as though it were forsaken, assumes now
is often found to be occup’ed by a a g«y and lively apprarance. Every
villager is now more or less in a state
V*he only first class, and the only parlor-lfke shop in the peasant girl as a summer residence,
answers the purpose of a reception of excitement. But here the bride,
city. None but
room or a parlor. It is there, in that dressed in a brocaded short skirt with 1
First - g I qrr Workmen Employed. improvised parlor, where young lovers half a dozen folds, in a charming long
reveal the r hearts to each other. It is or sleeveless garment called korsyet. her
rtrrt door tonili of Yamhill County Bank Bull.Ung.
there, amid the darkness and silence of hair full of bright and streaming rib­
the night, with nothing to be seen and bons and flowers- starts out, accom­
M c M innville , orbgon .
nothing to be heard, except possibly panied by her girl friend, called druzhka,
the snorting of a pig, which, upon such to invite her relatives and friends to the
an occasion, falls like the sweet sound wedding. Every one she meets, whether
—At Mableton, Ga., a yearling bull of music upon the ears of those engaged flit nd or stranger, is greeted with a bow
was struck by a train moving slowly in amorous conversations, it is there ivnrlv to the ground. That means “You
*nd knocked into a trestle, where it that a peasant mav for once in his life ore welcome, good people, to attend my
fell between the ties, but caught by its feel inspired. Indeed, that disagreeable wedding." Vary often I used to avail
horns and one leg, remaining ’ 9I1S-
and apparently inconsequent*! snorting myself of such opportunities. What in­
pended ______
in mid __
air ___________
three hours. _t
Il was of the pig is" often a source of great to rested me most the first time
........ to be un- Pleasure and inspiration for the peasant, 1 attended a peasant's wedding
inally p_.
out and found
hurt except for a few bruises.
t is, in its way. an aria, which often was the sight of the lively crowd
—The Boston correspondent of the reminds him of days gone by, an aria that surrounded the izba (hut)
“pringtield Republican savs that talk which fills his heart with hope and glory where the wedding took place. The
»bom a statue to Wendell Phillip« is for the future! But here, too, practical gloomy and stern expression so natural
renewed now that Mrs. Phillips ha-« talk about every day rural life predom­ 1 to the peasant it seemwl to me was
passed away, and it is understood that inates. The discussion of a day s work, changed to one of joy and happiness.
her objection to such a memorial was or the good or bad qualities of a horse, No uproar, no strong language, in
not deep-seated. It is possible that be­ a cow, a pig, and so on, is not at all short, not the least sign of any thing
fore long an effort will b® made to unlikely to be the topic of conversation rough could be noticed in the lively [
between lovers. When once the mo­ I crowd: all behaved in a manner worthy
•tart subscriptions for a fund.
mentary inspiration has vanished, i of people of a higher standard of cul- |
neither" a word, nor an expression in lure. The bride's father, who, upon
-Pro»j>ective bridegroom (to pros­
face of either the parobok or the *uch occasions is called svat by every
pective bride)—Would it be |>ossible. do the
girl signifies any thing beyond the body, passed sr und the crowd and
veu th nk. dear, to postpone our wed ordinary
dry transaction of practical treated all who were present as well as (
ding until .Monday? I am in receipt of
.... i he could from a large bottle of vodka 1
* dispatch callng me to Buffalo on im­
As the reader can see for himself, the and a wooden disb full of slices of wheat
portant business. P. bride—I'm afraid peasant enter» the bonds of matrimony . bread, which answered the purpose of
oot. George, dear. The wedding ptes- for no other reason on earth but that of ! wedding cake. Wishes for the prosper­
ents. you know, are only rented until »waring a hard-working »lave. But a ity of the newly-majried couple, of the
Hturdav. —.V. E Sun.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables,
NO. 55
Mary had a bashful beau
Who came long time a-wooing;
Then she, trom pity ot his woe;
Saw she must aid bls wooing.
The Leading Hotel of McMinnville.
parents or tlie bride brlUegroom and of
all good people in general, as well as
for the eternal peace of the dead, were
heard upon all sides.
But here the ringing of a bell some­
what startled the crowd. “Ah, the
bridegroom!” A few moments later
three wagons, each with a troika, or
•pan of three horses, stopped in front
of the gate. As the bridegroom, accom­
panied by his parents and relatives, was
1 about 11 enter the yard a number of
| paroboks. w th & long rope in their
i , (lands, placed themselves on each side
| of the gate, thus signfying that
not unL s> a ransom tor the bride
was paid would the party be allowed to
enter. A:i offer of a tchetvert (gallon)
I of vedka was made, but this they de­
clan d to iv ou; t. One gallon more
brought the paroboks to terms, and the
brii egro an, 1 .1 by his lather undone of
his relat ves. ent ue I llm gate with tri­
umph. After s mie I'iflr.ul y, by closely
followi g tho hr dal | artv. 1 succeeded
in ir:i ” ■ n me- nto the izba. The
first sight that met my eyes w * the
bride sitting at the head of the table
surrounded by her maiden friend* and
weeping bitterly, while the latter sang:
“Farewell, sister;
Tliy new liome expects the».
Farewell, sister, farewell.”
It was a moment of both solemn sor­
row and glory. Th« bridegroom was
soon placed by the right hand of his
sweetheart. After a round treat wa3
made and some fellow, an improvised
speaker, “made up a speech,” one of
the bride’s brothers, a young boy of
fifteen, bent her head and, with a pair
of shears in his hand, threatened to cut
off' her locks. Another ransom of five
or ten kopeks was offered aud thus the
bride’s beautiful locks were spared.
The crowd at the same time amused
themselves in the yard. The musicians,
an old blind fiddler and two young fel­
lows with drum and cymbals, were hard
at work. The red-cheeked dyivkas, at­
tired in their bright skirts and ribbons,
as well as the paroboks in their Sunday
svitas, kept on dancing and jumping till
a very late hour in the night. Vodka
was occasionally served and thus little
bv little the happy and glorious time of
the old zaporog Cossacks began to arise
before me. But time of parting came
at last and the crowd dispersed appar­
ently in the best of humor. Now and
then, amid the deep silence of the night,
a few words of cheer concerning tho
wedd’ng or a scrap of song were still
heard from various parts of the small
On the following day the young
couple, accompanied by some of their
friends and relatives, start out to pay
short visits to various friends in the vil
lage, where some scanty wedding
presents are collected at the same time.
After this is done all return to the
home of the bride’s parents, where an
epicurean dinner, cons sting of borshch
with pork, is waiting for them. Then
follows the scene of the bride’s taking
her leave of her parents, brothers, sis­
ters ami some girl friends, who come to
see her off. This is one of the most
touching scenes that I ever witnessed.
The young couple standing in the mid­
dle of the room, with their heads bent,
receive the blessing from the bride's
parents. Upon such an occasion the
bride, of course, is not able to control
her tears, which flow like a stream from
her eyes, and the bridegroom looks pale
and is apparently touched. Towards
evening the bride may be seen on her
wav to her new home, where some do­
mestic duty, such as milking tho cow,
may expect her that very evening.— 8.
8. Skidelsky in Philadelphia Times.
An Ingenious Westerner Who Ilelteve,! in
Calling Things by Their Right Names.
The daughter of a Boston merchant
of great wealth, wide mercantile con­
nections and boundless hospitality w»<
lately married. The Western agent of
the merchant happened to be in town,
and, as the proud father was inviting
about everybody to his daughter's wed­
ding, he invited the Westerner, too.
The Westerner came. He was uneasy,
and shifted about from place to place
in tho house as if he were hunting for
spots that fitted him better than those
he had been in. He put his hands non­
chalantly on things and took them off
again suddenly, as if he found them hot.
and grinned familiarly at people he had
never seen before, and then suddenly
drew his features back with a ghastly
solemnity. It seemed to tie an occasion
of great and overwhelming novelty to
When the refreshments came around
he was inclined to fight shy of pretty
nearly everything. It was as if he pro­
posed to take on a little Boston form
ality. now that he was in Boston, and
require an introduct on to every dish
His host saw that he wasn't eating
much, and came around to see about it.
“Why, you aren’t eat ng anything.
Mr. West,” sa d he. “Can t I help you
to something?”
“No, I thank you.” said the West­
erner, “I ain’t very hungry to-night. I
reckon I’ve eat enough.
Just then a waiter came along with
some croquettes.
“Mr. VV est, take one of these cro
quettes: I th nk you’ll like them; take
one. take one.”
The Wc-terner took one. He punched
it w th his fork, la d it open a bit. and
examined it critically. Then he tasted
it and exclaimed:
“Gosh! Hash!”— Boston Record.
—An alibi saved a negro in South
Carolina on trial for purloining chick
ens. He conclusively proved that at the
time specified he was in another county
on his way home witk a pair of chicken«
he had “found."
Various Ways in Which It May Be Util­
ized to Good Advantage.
—Corn Oysters: Six ears of boiled
torn, cut from the cob am| seasoned
with salt aud pepper, mix with it the
felks of three eggs, woll beaten, and
sue and a half tuulespoonfuls of flour,
whisk the whites to a stiff froth aud add
last, fry in hot butter, one spoonful at a
iime. —Philadelphia Call.
—Another thing, mothers, is saffron
>-a for baby. It is the very best in fever,
bowel trouble or scarlet fever that there
San be. It was the dear old grandma's
jure, and I think they had better success
than most of us nowadays. Too many
irugs are used now.— farm and fire-
—Fires resulting from burning oil
ire inextinguishable with water, but
may readily be smothered by throwing
Hour upon the burning oil. If clothing
a set on lire by spilling oil, or by the
bursting of a lamp, a handful of flour
thrown on immediately may bo the
means of quenching the flames, aud
thus saving life.— Montreal Wness.
—A correspondent of the Ohio
Parmer recommends half a pint of
lommon table salt for bloat in cattle.
Put a round stick in the cow's mouth,
throw the salt as far down the throat as
you can. and she will swallow it This
nirmer says lie has cured several eases
Ot’ clover-bloat in a short time in this
—Cheese omelet, a supper or lunch
dish: Butter and cut in qu: rters a suf­
ficient number of slices of broad to line
I medium-sized pudding dish. Sprinkle
Over small pieces of stale or dry cheese.
Another layer of bread, then choose, and
so on until tho dish is full. Make a
jnststd of one pint of milk, two eggs
•nd i little salt. Pour over the bread
lr;l cheese.
Bako one-half hour in a
qi lek oven.— Good Housekeeping.
Honi'ny: Soak a cup of small
hominy for two hours in enough cold
Water to cover it, drain: put over the
fire in a farina kettle, With a quart of
warm water slightly salted, and cook
lor half nn hour after it reaches the boil.
If it has not soaked up all tho water,
pour it off and supply the plnco with a
I oil]) of warm milk; bring it to a boil
md serve. Eat with sugar and cream.
—If by letting a horse stand in ths
Italile one day without exercise you in­
jure him, how much more are horses in­
jured which are compelled to stand in
narrow stalls for a week ata time with­
out any liberty whatever? Yet there are
plenty of farmers who, when tl.jy are
not using their horses, will keep them
Imprisoned for days or weeks at a time,
md tlion wonder why they have trouble
in keeping them in good condition.—
Western Rural.
—An Ohio amateur gooseberry grower
•neceeds in growing very fine fruit, both
in size and quality, on a cool, clay soil,
keeping tho plants open in the center by
pruning. When they start into growth
in the spring, he immediately disbuds,
to prevent them from beooming too
lense, anil thus admits a free circulation
t>f air. Ho mulches heavily during the
lumrner. With this treatment he is lit­
tle troubled with mildew. — Cleveland
A great deal of bread is thrown away
by those who can ill afford it, from lack
of knowedge how to utilize it On the
farm, iu most instances, of course, stale
bread is uot wholly lost, for if wet a lit­
tle it makes good food for the poultry,
or may be given to the pigs, but this is
not the best way to make use of it even
by those who have poultry and pigs.
There are many ways to utilize stale
bread. It makes delicious griddle-cakes
when soaked in cold water. Three small
slices with water enough to c> ver them
should be sufficient, when the milk and
Hour are added, to make two quarts of
batter. Some prefer to put in one egg,
while others like them fully as well
without. When the bread is soaked
soft, make it fine with a spoon, add the
milk and sufficient flour to stiffen
enough so that the cakes can be easily
turned. If sour milk is used add to the
batter one even teaspoonful of soda. If
you do not use sour milk use twice as
much cream of twtar as soda. French
toast, always a favorite dish with chil­
dren, can be made of thin slices cut
from a stale loaf and moistened in milk
and eggs -two eggs to a pint of milk—
and then fried on a griddle with a mix­
ture of jbutter and lard or butter and
beef drippings, and may be eaten
with sugar or syrup, like griddle­
cakes. Pieces of bread which are not
too hard can be made into a resem­
blance of turkey dressing. Cut the bread
into dice, and if you have a quantity of
gravy from which fat can be taken, loft
from any kind of roast—though a piece
of butter will do as well—thoroughly
grease the bottom of a spider, put in
tho bread, with some little chunks of
butter and plenty of seasoning; then
pour enough boiling water on to
moisten it, eovor tightly, and, in a mo­
ment, it will steam through and you can
stir it, and either brown a little or have
it moist like dressing. It should be
eaten with gravy over it, and is a good
substitute for potatoes. The little dry,
hard nieces and erusts which always ac­
cumulate can be put in a pie-tin in an
oven that is just hot enough to dry and
make them a light brown, then roll
them fine and put away to use in mak­
ing croquettes, frying fish, etc. Even
these slightly browned crumbs make
excellent griddle-cakes with the addition
of one egg and a handful of flour and
milk to a batter. Stale bread may be
utilized in making a custard pudding
also. The fact is, that where economy
is the rule bread will not be throw>
away.— Chicago News.
Educating Children in Moral a« Well a«
in Physical Hygiene.
Hygiene in the home means more
than merely carefully scrubbing out the
corners, d s nfecting cellars, drains,
etc.; all very necessary things in their
way, but not of the importance that
personal hygiene is. Every boy and
girl should be thoroughly taught the
sanitary science of living; and in order
that they shall understand the question,
they must hate a comprehension of the
physiological laws of their being; in fact
young people should undergo a sort of
moral sanitation. Where there is igno­
rance, there, is crime; and when a per­
son commits crime, violates the law,
whether he knows the law or not, he
must suffer punishment Where we
violate hygienic laws we will surely be
punished. Mothers all over the land
are responsible for mistakes on the part
of their children, committed through
ignorance, and for crimes on the part of
others which that ignorance made easy.
They may never know the consequences
of tlieir neglect, but many a child bears
life-long results, and many times the
“had 1 only known-” would fill the
mother’s heart with deepest sorrow did
she hear it, and know the woe and
misery which forced it into expression.
It is time mothers realized the awful
responsibility which rests upon them,
and meetit truly, bravely, intelligently.
They are framing human beings for the
future, training them for goo»l or evil,
for joy or sadness. Much of what that
future must be rests upon the mother.
The child must be taught to reason, to
know right from wrong; must know of
quick-sands to avoid them. No one
fears that of which he knows nothing.
•Many mothers excuse themselves with,
••I don't know how." Then learn—it
is duty to themselves and to their chil­
dren. A mother owes herself careful
training and prefiaration, mentally,
morally and physically, before «be un­
dertakes the sacred offices of maternity.
No mother has any right to be ignorant
concerning those things which may bo
of vital concern to her child. Purely
and prayerfully teach children what
they should know, prepare them for the
trials and temptations they must meet
in the great world, while they are yet in
the home where they may be taught.
The world will be hard enough if they
are thoroughly prepared to grapple with
the problems it. presents; bat if unpre­
pared. with pitfalls on every hand asd
not knowing of them, it would be rare
indeed if they did not stumble intososss
of thorn.— X Vllh Amendment.
—An Indiana farmer couldn t get any
of the neighbor* to sit on the fence with
him and talk horse and whittle at a
shingle, and so he w.-nt and drowned
himself.— Detroit free Press.
—A man who abused Christopher
Columbus in a restaurant in Sacramen­
to was pounded until hislifeisdespa'n’d
of. Christ. has friends in this country
who won't stand bv and hear hie
motive* in discovering America ques­
tioned.— Detroit free Preet.
A Question Which, Despite All Scientific
KeReHrches, Remains Unaolved.
Mr. Matthicu Williams, in one of his
lectures, says: “Every one who eats his
matutinal egg eats a sermon and a mír­
lele. Inside of that smooth, symmet­
rical, beautiful shell lurks a questioa
which has Deen the Troy town for all
the philosophers and scientists since
Adam. Armed with the engines of
war—the microscope, the scales, the
offensive weapons of chemistry and
reason— they have probed, and weigh­
ed, and experimented, and still the
Question is unsolved, the citadel un­
ía ked. Prof. Bokorny can tell you
that albumen is composed of so many
molecules of carbon and nitrogen ana
hydrogen, and can persuade you
of the difference between active
md passive albumen, and can show by
wondorfullv delicate experiments what
the aldehydes have to do is the separa­
ron of gold from his complicated solu-
t'ons; but he can’t tell who one egg
rom ■- a Title rid h'n,’ and from anoth­
er a bantam. You leave your little sil­
ver spoon an hour in youregg-eup, and
It is coated with a compound of sul­
phur. Why is that sulphur there?
Wonderful, that evolution should pro­
vide for the bones of the future hen!
There is phosphorus also in that little
oiierocism; and the oxygon of the air,
passinfifthrough the shell, unites with
it. and the acid dissolves the shell, thus
making good strong bones for the
ehick, and at the same time thinning
tho prison walls. Chemists know a good
deal now ab mt albumen; and, if they
tan not tell us why life differentiates
itself therein and thereby, they can tell
you how not to spoil your breakfast”
Boston Budget.
Interesting Excavation.
The Buildings of the Banca N azion ale
in Rome are being added to, and, in
clearing the ground for the new found­
ations, the workmen camo some days
ago on the remains of a Roman house
in good preservation, which the experts
declare to belong to the third century.
The walls have paintings, as it seems,
of Biblical subjects, mixed with some
mythological figures— s. g.. Pegasus on
Helicon. ACecuIapius with his serpent,
and some Muses. There was also a
grave containing a skeleton, which was
all the more remarkable because inter­
ments within the city were not allowed.
—H. r. Putt.