WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. OFFICIAI. DIRECTOKY. flilBO DISTRICT. Geo. W. Boise. licit. fesecutin« Attorney COVWTT. Senators Representatives I Judge Conmiissioners Clerk Sheriff Treasurer Assessor........... School Supt........... Surveyor • • • ■ Coroner It. P. Hird, J. W. Watts. II. It. I.miulilin. F. N. I.i'tle, C. Lafollett. ........ I.. Lougbary. J. S. Hibbs. .........Geo. Dorsev. G. W. Briedweil. T. .1. Harris. W. W. Nelson. Wyatt Harris. J. A. C. Freund. ... .1.1). Fenton. . D. C. Narver. telephone whisperings . Hail, yesterday. Beal Oregon winter rain again. The mud on Third street is getting thinner. Fresh roasted peanuts at II. II. Welch’s. tf Tom Turner is putting a new addition on his farm. Bay your candies of C. Griesen always fresh’ and pure. For a square meal go to the St. Charles -only 25 cents. The Oregon legislature meets Monday January 10, 18?>7. Hon. F. N. Little of Moore’s valley, ■was in the city yesterday. Band of Hope meeting at the M. E. church to-morrow at 2 p. m. Hon. R. R. Laughlin of North Yam­ hill was in the city Tuesday. Can’t we have a new sidewalk on tonrth street between B and C. A new b-a-n-k adorns the corner ct the first national bank building. The balance ot the year free to all Lew aubwibers. Subscribe now. Try I he pure fruit extracts tablets, knere else. Come and see for yourself. of discovery! I decltf W m . H oll . F or S ale C heap .—Forty acres oi ■Vinegar, 25 cents per gallon, in large ■ small quantities; sweet cider. 15 land, situated five and one-half miles ■its per gallon, at the cider mill of northwest of McMinnville, adjoining the J. Sax. 29tl Dave McCall place on the left. This ■The McMinnville Jewelry store is the piece of land is offered for sale cheap on ■gest west of Portland, and the cheap- easv terms. It is well fenced, contains place to buy goods in Oregon. Wm. a living spring of water, ten acres of it Bill is the proprietor. decltf has been under cultivation, and eight has been slashed. Price $10 per ■everal valuable pieces of real estate acres acre. For further particulars call at the ■ offered for sale in this issue of the T ■. zphone . Whoever first takes advan- elephone office. ■* of the offers will secure bargains, S chool E ntertainment .—On Christ­ ■he new medical college of Willamette mas night, at the opera house, will be ■versify, Portland, burned yesterdav given an entertainment in the interest of ■rmng. Loss about $20,000. It is the public school. There will be a rhe­ ■posed to be the work of incen liaries. torical contest for a prize, in which ■he T elephone job printing depart- scholars of each grade will participate. ■nt is doing finer work, better work, The programme will also include a ■aper work, and more of it than any laughable farce, and other features not ■'r printing establishment in Yamhill vet fully decided upon. Particulars will ■My. will be given in due time. Billiards at the ‘‘Orphan’s Home” 15 I ncreased M ail S ervice .—It will be ■1" per game of 34 points ; 20 cents for good news to our Sheridan and Grand ■joints, and 25 cents for 50 points Ronde triends to know that the post­ ^fn one player discounts the other. master general lias advised Congress­ ■ H. II. W elch . Holiday Goods are going off like hot man Hermann that the mail service be­ ■Mat Geo. W. Burt’s, and he don't tween the above two places has been in­ ■* to run a lottery swindle to sell creased from three to six times a week, ■neither; the prices are so low they thus giving to the Grand Ronde section what they are justly entitled to—a dailv ■ themselves. 48tf mail. ____ ■** Johnson’s minstrels peformed in ■'ey last night to a large audience, FcN.—Plenty of amusement for our ■ rave entire satisfaction. We have folks before the old year dies. Lew- ■*me to-day to speak of the individual Johnson’s minstrels on the 20th ; Christ­ ■its of t|le company.— Hailev, Idaho, mas tree on Christmas eve ; school en­ ^Va*Miner. tertainment on Christmas night; and ^fcey tell us that our old friend George one night between Christinas and New made tracks across that field Years to be taken up by a local amatuer ^■’ould lav the Lewis-Boyd race far| dramatic company. __ shade, when a couple of the boys ■behind a tree and‘‘yowled” at him B irthday P arty .—A pleasat party was passing. was given Miss Nora Cooper last even­ C. Taylor is in the city with ing, at the residence of her father J. C. ^BT'arters at the office of Dr. H. V. Cooper, of this city, it being in honor of ^Bhnson. Dr. Taylor makes a spe- hemorrhoids and other diseases her sixteenth birthday. A large number ^Be rectum. No charge for examina- of friends of the young lady were (■ I ure guaranteed or no charge present, and a pleasant evening was spent. ■*' 47tf Roll of Honor. 0ÜR ASSISTANTS. Following is the roll of honor for Mc­ I Minnville public school: GRADS A—J. A. PRICK. I Jessie Young Nellie Harrison I eottard Ireland Ralph Storey Clyde Nash Dennis Brown Lu Leabo Josie Gortner Laura Miller Nora Cooper Asa Gant Kate Leabo Raymond SatchwellNettie Dickinson Alsea Baker Ola Burt Lucy Baxter Fred Stuart Xerxes Gant. ,n loon December 16, 1886. MOUSE A MAl'TS. | Everybody reports having a fine time : 188t. at the McGibeny concert and are well pleased. Mr. White,of the Repo; ter, was in town I would most respectfully announce that yesterday. I have leased the Chris Newby Flouring A little bird whispered in our ear that l Mill in Happy Valley, have thoroughly there was going to be a wedding in 1 overhauled and repaired it, and am now readv to do grinding fur toll or cash. town eie long. Come and see me. J. A. VEIISTEEG. Mr. Wm. l'tiffitin has returned from 18m3 Pendleton, Umatilla county. Little to frigid up there for Willie. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. GRADE 11—MRS. MATHIEVX. I Mr. Link Wilson has returned. He has been doing California this winter,and says it's like going out of a furnace to an ice house, coming from there here. Cards are out for the grand Christmas ball to be given here the 24th. A large crowd is expected. I Show in town Monday flight. It will be a hind of a “Jack-of-a*lanteni” af- fa r. M um . I GRADE C—MARY MARTIN. Georgia Jones Lucv Miller Charlie Mallee William Mintie Clyde Rowland John Sampson Barrie Schanks Minnie Sawyer Charley Talmage Lasira Apperson Ernest Henderson ArrttUr Burt Allie Booth Dotha Daniels Beckie Humphrey . , Jamie Fellnor Harvy Flieshhaiter Ernest Bingham Birdie Hutchinson Minnie Howell Myrtle Higgins Lizzie Jaehn Francis Ireland. ÈXECUTORS’ notice . d. sWAta—' in Yanthill County. BEDROCK PRICES ! N all persons having claims against said es­ tate are hereby notified and required topre­ Notice. sent them with proper vouchers to said ex­ ecutors at McMinnville,Oregon, within six 26, 1886. Owing to the change in our business months from this November ('. H. COOK, we need all the money due us. So all A. .1. Al’PERSON. who owe us please call and Bettie at Joint Executors aforesaid. F enton A F enton , Atty’s for estate. once. 49tf R ogers A T odd . Home Produce Market Corrected for the T klephone by Baxter A Martin, Wheat, per bu ....... 71c Oats, per bu ..... 38c F lour, per bar..................... $4.00@$4to Eggs, per doz................................ 30c Butter, i»cr lb ............... 25c Cheese, nest, per lb.... 20c Apples, per box................. 20c«30c Bacon, sides ........ 8c@ 10c “ shoulder ................. 8c “ ham, sugar cured... 14 c Religious Services-Sunday Next. St. James’ church. Rev. John C. Fair, rector. Services 11 a. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Friday evening services at 7 :00 p tn. Seats free. All a.e cordially invited to attend. M.E. church—"Services will be held at 11 a. m. and at 7 :00 p. m. All are cordially invited. R ev . II. P. S atchwell , Pastor. Wonderful Cures. Come and be Convinced. Third Street Bet. D and E. 5tf Jones & Co., —Proprietors of— CITY MARKET Nestucca Saw Mills, McMinnville Sash and dimr Factwry.- McMINNVILLli, OREGON. —Dealers in - White and Red Lead, Linseed and Lubricating Oils, Varnisbos of all Description,- Kalsomine, Spanish Whiting Paris Whiting Highest prices paid for all kinds of fat P. & B. and Princcts Metalic’ stock. Roof Paint, Venitian Red, GIVE ME A CALL. Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochre/ Respectfully, ’ F. 8. KELLER. 37tf and Hardware Always on luind tie best quality'Of Beef, Mutton, Pork, and All Kinds of Meat W. D Hoyt