The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, December 17, 1886, Image 2

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As a special inducement to new sub­
scribers, we make the following offer:
Every person sending ns $2 cash will be
given the W est 8 ii > e T ei . ei 'II onh for the
bulanee of the present year free. This
Is equivalent to 13 months for $2. We
are ambitious to make our subscription
list greater than all other papers of
Yamhill county combined. It is rapid­
ly approaching the point.
The Portland News is authority for
the following: “It is said the condition
of the men working at the big mills at
Port Blakely on the sound is but little
better than that of the slaves of the
south before the war. There is need of
a little wholesome American legislation
(or that foreign principality.”
The general council of the brother­
hood have issued an explanation of
Rossn’s deposition from the headship.
They say he never paid his dues; that
he was untruthful and deceitful and that
he used funds foi his own heneflt under
the the pretense of using them for “skir­
mishing. That is no reason why they
should bounce him. He was only fol­
lowing the teachings of their creed.
McMinnville Baths
W ashington , Dec. 15.—The surprise
of the day has been the action of the
house committee to territories, in order­
ing a favorable report on the bill for ad­
mission of Washington and Montana in­
to the Union, after so many methods
have been resorted to to prevent action.
The pending question was Hermann’s
motion to order the chairman to make
a favorable rejMirt, but this was opposed
by Springer, who proposed as a substi­
tute the bill introduced by him Monday,
providing an enabling act for Dakota,
Washington, Montana and New Mexico.
Hermann made a long appeal in favor
of his motion, and was followed in the
same strain by linker of New York,
Symes of Colorado, am] Struble of Iowa.
A vote being taken, all the republicans
and two ¿emocrats voted aye. The re­
maining democrats refrained from voting
so that they might not be committed to
admission on the floor of the house.
As passed by the senate, the bill to
admit Washington provides thatafter the
adoption of a consitution, as provided
by law, the president shall issue a pro­
clamation declaring the territory admit­
ted into the Union. Springer moved to
make the senate bill the basis of the
report, bill to amend the above as fol­
lops : “That the constitution to be fram­
ed in each territory shall be submitted
to congress for its final action.” Alter
considerable debate the amendm mt was
Have Just Added
The Leader in Millinery.
Opposite Grange Store, McMinnville. 42tf
McMinnville, Oregon
Has been thoroughly renovated and is now
ready to receive grain.
Storage and Cleaning, 3 cents. Calcutta
racks constantly on hand and sold at the
low est rates.
A gentleman named Saunders, who
acquired some distinction a while ago
by killing a man at Albany, is to have
a new trial, on the ground tnat when on
trial before he was subjected to an im­
proper cross-examination by the attor­
ney for the state. Another instance
going to b I iow that the methods of the
law are not for enforcement of justice,
but for the protection of the criminal.
It would seem, says the Oregonian, as
if the state presently would be under the
necessity of apologizing to Mr. Saunders
as an abused and persecuted man. Be­
sides, it is said that the man whom he
ilew wasn’t of much account.
[Corner Third und C Streets]
An ugly rumor has been sent out by
sensational correspondents to the effect
that Mr. Cleveland recently applied for
u large life policy, $100,000, in a well
known New York insurance company,
which was refused. The medical ex­
perts after a careful examination, ad­
vised the company that the risk was
too great, as the president was liable at
any moment to die of apoplexy. The
probability is that the report is without
A cable message says the queen of
England has decorated Prince Alexan­
der with the order of the Bath. No
Speculation is rife as to the prospects doubt he needed it badly, and the old
for the river and harbor bill for the en­ lady should be highly commended for
suing year. McMillan, chairman of the her motherly forethought in her old age.
senate commerce committee, states he It is a pity that Lord Colin Campbell
thinks one will be passed, but not so had not bail some good old woman to
large as the one last session. Two mem­ look after him and decorate him with a
bers of the house committee on rivers bath when he needed it. Probably then
and harbors said they thought a bill he would not have been guilty of such
woul I be passed, appropriating from nastiness as has been developed against
seven to ten millions. Many members, him in the divorce case between himself
however, say that no bill will be passed. and wife, reports of which are now fill­
The opposition conies from the usual ing the public prints, and shocking the
people of both Englund and America.
The Cincinnati coopers are on a strike
now, Eleven hundred of them struck
the other day and stopped work because
their employers refused to sign the
scale of prices prepared by the work­
men. The scale is very full, fixing the
prices of all classes of work, and de­
mands that a day’s work shall not ex­
ceed ten houra« including a lunch hour off
Saturdays without loss ot pay. That’s
right. Whoop her up, and keep her a
going until we get that surplus distribut­
ed amongst us—the democrats are to
distribute it as soon as they get into
power, von know,—and then we won’t
iiave to woA any more.
The war prophets will continue to get
the European nations into the battering
of each others brains out. Late London
papers say a "European war is now defi­
nitely looked for. The commencement
of hostilities is expected February next,
at the latest, if the weather at that time
oliould permit military operations bn the
•enormous scale necessary to carry out
■the plan of campaign sufipoaed to have
been decided on. It is generally be­
lieved that Russia will he first to move,
spiinging upon Austria without warning.
Travelers returning here from Russia re-
y>ort extraordinary secrecy in military
■■quarters and ceaseless movement of
troops toward the German and Austrian
frontiers. Work on ironclads is being
[•pushed with feverish haste. Arsenals
Land navy yards are reported to be work-
ling night and day. It is believed here
khat the situation is the deliberated cre­
ation of Biemsrck.”
Is Now Open.
Attention is respectfully invited to this
Its facilities for tnorough practical in­
struction; actual business department a
specialty where currency, bank checks,
drafts, etc., are used.
(.'lass or private instruction day or even­
Crayon and Portrait work a Specialty.
College Journal sent free on application.
G. R. HIGGINS, Prin.
1*. O. Box 101.
It is generally believed that diploma­
tic questions of grave importance will
soon arise between the United States
and Mexico, growing out of the position
taken by President Cleveland against
the right of Mexico to try Americans
committing offences against Mexican
law while on American soil. The news­
papers of all shades of opinion stand by
the government in this matter, on the
ground that the principle is a sound one
and approved by some of the most high­
ly civilized nations in the world.
The maddest woman in the United
States, |>erhaps, is Mrs. Geo. Sermon,
ot Charlotte, Michigan. After much te-
'dious litigation she secured a divorce
Saturday from her husband on the
aground of. non-support, Sermon being
•poor and not thrifty, while his wife be­
lieved she could make a better living if
she had only herself to look after. The
next day, however, Sermon received no­
tice that an aunt had recently died in
France leaving him $39,000. He declares
that a state of single blessedness is good
enough for him, and will have nothing
to do with his ex-wife.
(Successor to L Root)
Carries a full and complete stock of
The Druggist
Groceries, Crockery, Glassware,
Wooden and Willowware,
Counsel for Goldenson, the brute who
shot an innocent little school girl dead
in San Francisco, have obtained a con­
tinuance of his case until evidence can
lie obtained from Russia, by commis­
sion, as to insanity in Goldenson’s fami­
ly in some period in the past. Thus do
courts become instruments of defeating
instead of administering justice. The
man who is crazy enough to do such an
act is just crazy enough to be promptly
hanged, and the judge who panders to
such rank injustice morally deserves
scarcely less.
Tobacco Cisrars,
Goods delivered promptly to any part
of the city.
Goods Exchanged for Produce. 35tf
The Groat Transcontinental Route,
Dealer in
T’.ie extraordinary statement is made
Guns, Pistols, Ammunition,
The Direct Route I No Delays I
on the authority of a cabinet officer that
Fast Trains I
the democratic leaders in the house Cutlery’, Fine Fishing Tackle,
Cigars, Etc.
have been notified by the administration
that unless there shall be action on the
tariff and silver question this session,
Repair Broken Machinery
there will be a called session of the
East. Tickets sold to nil prominent points
throughout the East and Southeast.
fiftieth congress. The leaders have of nil kinds—Farm Machinery, Traction
endeavored to call a caucus, but are Engines, Etc.
threatened with a row if they do.
Locksmithing a Specialty,
Be careful and do not make a mistake.
But be sure to take the
N orthern P acific R ailroad
And see that your ticket reads via
To avoid chan 704 and serious delays occa­
sioned by other routes.
Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars
are Run on Regular Express
Trains Full Length of the
Line. Berths Free.
(renerai Office of the Coni pan;
No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Or
General Western Passenger Agent.
good things of this
life are sorrowfully let
alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's
Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and Constipation; sold on a
positive guarantee at 25 and fiO cents, by
G. W. Burt, Druggist
o\rnv>^ u, Blood Elixir is the only
r» Blood
teed. It Isa positive cure for Ulcers, Erup­
tions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies the
whole system, and banish ex all Rheumatic
and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it.
tlco. W. Burt. Druggist.
Extraor di-