The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, December 14, 1886, Image 4

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    bands were saved. She was valued at AGRICULTURAL NOTES?
fully insured
-o f Torture of » Prisoner by the Order
to the Interests of Farmer,
of a Mandarin In Canton.
At San Fernando, Cal., a pile of A Column Devoted
Bevoud Priuei pally to Washington Territory
and Stockmen.
about 500 sacks of grain in George
and California.
As I entered the court room two stal­
Porter’s warehouse tumbled down,
If geed corn is not already «elected, wart jailers were roughly bringing in
J. H. Parsley was struck by a train burying two workmen, named M. the best opportunity has passed and a prisoner accused of the crime o£
and killed near Cheney, W. T.
conditions henceforth will become piracy. Around the neck of the pris­
A “601” committee has been or- neath it. The former was fatally ii more and more unfavorable.
oner was an iron collar to which an
ganized at Bakersfield, Cal., and will jured.
iron chain was attached. One of the
Dr. G. B. Kuykendall, while gQMLg
clear that town of tramps and va-
jailers was drugging the prisoner along
to attend a patient twelve miles irMii
way reasonable security may be had by the chain and the other was aiding
The work of picking the second Pomeroy, W. T., was the victim of' a against the spread of the weed next him by pushing and kicking. The ac­
•rop of grapes has begun in Bennett
cused was taken before the Maml irin’«
leg. The doctor set his own leg, but year.
valley, Cal.
will not be able to get around in some
If every person tilled his land as di sk, made to prostrate himself on the
C. P. Elliott blew out his brains at time.
well as he knows how. the increase of tloiraud the trial commenced. The
Cloverdale, Cal., while in a fit of de­
The two hotels being built by the crops would be very great, and pro­ accusation c’larging the prisoner with
C. P. R. at Field, at the foot of Mount duction would be very much cheap­ piracy was read and then the Mandarin
asked him through the interpreters to
The total assessed valuation of the Stephen, and the other a, tne Big ened, without doubt.
confess the charge. This tho prisoner
property of Asotin county, W. T., is Glacier, B. C., are about .finished.
It is said that in packing apples refused to do. claiming that lie was in­
over $500,000.
They are extensive edifices, calculated
shipment the fruit should be filled nocent. This seemed to anger the
Ellensburg (W. T.) people are dis­ to accommodate a large number of for
inches higher than the head of Mandarin and he instructed the lictors
cussing the project of establishing a guests.
the barrel, so that when pressed down to strike the prisoner with their leather
public library.
A Chinese railway agent was here it will not shake by rough handling in thongs. This they did. striking him
a number of times on the face with a
The Camas No. 1 mine in Wood recently engaging locomotive en­ the cars or in being delivered.
leather -trap two inches wide and a foot
River has been sold to Salt Lake par­ gineers to go to China, says the Van­
Sheep husbandry is steadily de­ in length. This failing to bring the
couver (B. C.) News. He offered $10
ties for $45,000.
in France, the present num­ lesired answer, the Mandarin then
Scarlet fever is afflicting Golden- a day, but even with that inducement clining
an-l lambs being less by ordered the jailers to prepare a tori lire.
dale, W. T., and the schools and
is imported from An instrument of torture resetubl ng
to cast their lot in the celestial empire.
churches are closed.
bench was then brought
Germany, Algeria and Eastern Europe, a in common
and placed rn position on
The body of an unknown*man was and soils 20 per cent, higher than
It is stated that a branch road will
end. From the upper legs of the
be built in the spring to Davenport, found by the roadside near Hebron. beef.
bench dangled four stout cords, and
U. T., recently. The Coroner’s jury
W. T., by the N. P. R. R.
near the top of the plank forming the
Oliver Malone, of Willow creek, W.
s ‘at was a cloth band about two inches
T., liecame violently insane and was
width and attached to a winch at th •
ters addressed to Fred Bell, and also labors for the season, as before they in
taken to the Steilacoom asylum.
back of the board. The prisoner viewed
these preparations with a dogged and
The customs officers have aeized
mark well their surroundings and are sullen look. The lictors then seized
$3,000 worth of opium on the steamer Columbia, Cal.
the prisoner and forced him to kneel
Robert Schmith of Galena, Nev.,
Rio Janerio, at San Francisco, Cal.
is removed during their absence to an­ with his back against this frame and
It is proposed now to construct a met with an accident which caused other spot.
quickly fasteneil a cord to each of the
biidge across Carquinez straits to take his death in a f- w hours. He was
large toes of the foot, and, bending
prying out a bowlder with a crowbar,
the place of the ferry boat Solano.
O. H. Miller, in an article on the oack the arms, fastened the other two
when the bar slipped, giving him a management of orchards on warm cords to his thumbs. The cords were
The Directors of the Visalia Rail­ sudden jar, which broke a bloodvessel,
road Company intend to extend that causing excessive hemorrhage, of soil, correctly says the orchardist who now tightened until tho prisoner's
neglects to care for his trees and feed knees were raised clear of the floor.
line to Porterville at an early date.
which he soon died.
the soil has no more right to expect The band was then placed around the
The new courthouse at Dayton is
An operator named Donahue, sta­ permanent good results than the forehead and tightened with a few
very nearly completed. It is a hand­ tioned at The Willows, W. T., was stockgrower has who only occasionly turns of the winch. The position of the
body naturally threw the weight for­
some brick structure and its cost is killed. The train men were engaged feeds his live-stock.
ward and made the pressure on the
in dividing up a freight train, and
The farmers of South Carolina have forehead fearful.
Thomas Evans, an old resident of Donahue rushed out of his office
As the cords and bands tightened
Butte county and a veteran uf the alongside the track as a portion of concluded that they can no longer and the weight of tho body was thrown
Mexican war, was found dead in bed the train was passing. He was run raise rice with profit. It is very dffii- on them, th > victim began to sli >w
to obtain reliable labor for the
al Oroville.
over by eight cars, cutting off both cult
rice fields. During the last few years evidence of extreme pain. His breath
, The California Immigration Assoc- his legs and severely wounding him several other cereals have come into came heavy and labored, and a deep
iation report that 740 immigrants ar on the head and lower part of the use in the place of rice, and the de­ groan occasionally escaped his lips. In
this position he hung for a couple of
rived in that State last week. Most abdomen.
mand for it lias decreased.
minutes, and was then again asked by
went southward.
A patent has been obtained by a
Timber screens may afford enough the Mandarin if he was’guilty of the
At Los Angeles, Cal, E. W. Jones, gentleman of San Francisco for what
charge of piracy. He refused to con­
aged 67, was sentenced to four years is claimed to be a fire and collision­ protection to cultivated lands to repay fess. The p -rspiration was starting
at San Quentin for u tteinpting tu proof railway car. It is made wholly
all over his body, the cords were
benefits to be received through suc­ out
poison his family.
of iron and steel, and the weight will cessive
beginning to cut into the flesh, and the
becoming knotted. The
Adams county, W. T., is out of range from sixteen to twenty tons for for mechanical uses more than every muscles were
gave an impatient order to
debt, has $1,500 cash in the treasury ordinary passenger coaches, and from cost of planting and care, including Mandarin
the lictors. and the winch was given a
and the taxes for the present year twenty-two to twenty-five tons for interest on the expenditure.
couple of turns tightening the bands
have not yet come in.
around the forehead until the
metal, and the roof also a single
A successful apiculturist will take prisoner’s eyes seemed to start
Eastern capitalists recently offered of
$1,200,000 for the Bunker Hill and to bear the weight of resistence in one strong swarm, and by fall have fr?m their sockets and the .flesh on each
Sullivan mines, in the Cteur d’Alene, case of a collision, and owing to the four or five colonies from it, and all side of the. band was puffed and dis­
with honey to spare. By the old sys­ colored. Again he was a-ked to confess
but the offer was refused.
novel and peculiar construction and tem of swarming, only one good and again refused. Another turn of
Sevoral camps, of Chinamen have adjustment, the inventor is confident swarm would be hoped for. If a the winch Was ordered. The eyes of
located below Asotin, W. T., for the that the telescoping of cars would not second or third came forth, they were the suffering man had now rolled back
winter, where they will engage in in any event result. Estimates show weaklings and not worth saving.
until only the whites vrere visible; the
placer mining until next spring.
muscles of his face began to twitch
that the cost of construction will be
A Vermont farmer made a net and knot, and froth was colie ting
Sullivan’s exhibition at Los Angeles materially less than the cost of build
around his lips. His groans and writh­
was inteirupted by ex prize fighter ing wooden cars of the same size and profit, of $43 50 from the produce of a ing» wore horrible. It seem -d as if
hen turkey during the past season.
Hogan, who addressed the audience weight;
human senses could stand no more. A
Major-General O. O. Howard, com­ This is equal to 100 bushels of wheat few
at length on the error of their ways.
more turns of the winch and the
manding the Division of the Pacific, in Kansas at 43 cei ts per bushel, with band would crush in the skull. The
While the 8-year-old boy of Erza has submitted his annual report to this difference: It would cost as much
of th? arms and legs stool out
Baird of Lewiston, W. T., was playing the adjutant-general, for the informa­ to raise and harvest the wheat as it muscles
and knotted from the we ght of
•n the bank of the river, a log rolled tion of the lieutenant-general com would bring, while the proceeds of rigid
the body. Onco more he was asked to
down on him, killing him instantly.
manding the army of the United the turkey were gain.
confess. This time he hesitated and
then shrieked out that he w mid confess
A man named James Podesta fell States. Referring to means of de­
E. W. Stewart says, in his book on
down an upraise in he Mam moth- fense against possible invasion of the cattle-feeding, that many flocks of any tiling they desired if they would
mine tunnel at Jack on, Cal., a dis­ Pacific coast, Gen. Howard says: “The poultry may be found that will not but take h m from this horrid rack.
tance of 200 feet, killing him instantly. forts are not in order. They are not eat potatoes, barley, rye, millet or The Mandarin, therefore, ordered the
lictors to release him from the rack.
manned with guns of the proper cali
The Weatherwax mill at Aberdeen, her, and what is worse there are no buckwheat, simply because they n ver This they did much in the same man­
W. T., is turning out from 70,000 to guns of the right size and power in learned to eat these foods. Yet they ner as a stevedore handles sacks of
75,000 feet of lumber a day. Two the whole country to bring here. are all good foods for poultry, pro­ grain. They untied the cords and
ships are on their way to load at this There should be a plant on this coast vided they are given in due propor­ loosened the band, allowing the pris­
oner to fall in a heap on tjie floor. The
and speedy preparation for making tion, having regard to the several food tortured man's f;«ce had lost the sem­
J. E. Buchanan was taken to Jack suitable guns, and other means of de­
blance of a human being. Distorted
son, Cal., for surgical treatment. He fense ought not to be delayed. Shells
The French, who export more pears by the pain and agony endured, with
had a load of buckshot in him, hav­ could easily be thrown from the than any other nation, cover the in­ set staring eyes and open mouth, it
ing been mistaken by a hunter for a neighborhood of the Cliff house, out­ side of boxes with spongy paper or presented a grinning, unnatural,
side the harbor, to every part of San dry moss, which absorbs the moisture. hideous aspect. The arms and limbs
rigid and cramped, all muscular
Green 4 Harris, pork shippers of Francisco, and without exceeding the Each pear iB then wrapped in soft were
power seeming to have left them, and
Pomeroy, W. T., have shipped seven modern range could be dropped into paper and placed in layers in the the
pr.-spiration was rolling from his
•ar loads of hogs to California and Oakland. I therefore recommend boxes, the largest and least mature in body in» streams. The lictors now
Eastern markets during the past few
the bottom, filling all interstices with hastily throwing a cloth on his face to
good torpedo defense may be planted; the dry moss. Thus they will keep a hide
its Ifd ions grinnings, roughly
that a fleet of torpedo boats be con­
It is authoritatively stated that the structed, and that the guns now month or more. They are so closely straightened his limbs and set him up
Northorn Pacific Railroad intends to around the harbor be properly packed that, though they cannot against the rack from which he had
just been released. His toes and
spend a million dollars in improve mounted; that two floating batteries touch each other, all motion is pre­ thumbs
were bleeding from the cuts
ments about ^Tacoma the coming lie built and anchored, as suggested
made by the cords, and the band had
left a deep red mark around his fore­
by the board of inspectors appointed
A party of Chinamen who recently under act of congress of March 3,
Of the more than 400 species of head. Tne suffering of the man was
left. Port Townsend for home took with 1885.” Gen. Howard, in his annual trees found in the United States there horrible ami his groans sent a thrill
them thirty barrels of broken glass, report, recommends the abandonment are said to be sixteen species whose through inv blood.—Cor. San Frat­
but for what it was intended could not of Forts Halleck, Nevada and Klam­ perfectly dry wood will sink in water. cisco Chronicle.
be learned.
The heaviest of those is the black
ath, Oregon.
A German Sewing-Machine,
of Southern Florida, which
The total vote of Washington Ter
Dispatches from Virginia City, Nev., iron-wood
remarkable step in advance in sim­
ritory at the recent election was, in announce the failure of L. B. Frankel is thirty per cent, heavier than water.
round numbers 47.500; an increase & Co., the oldest stock-broker firm in Of the others the best known are lig- plifying the sewing machine has been
in two years of 5,642, indicating a Storey county. The liabilities foot up nuti vitae and mangrove; another is made by a Germ in gentleman, and the
a small oak found in the mountains
nature of the invention was
population of about 200,000.
$915,600. The assets are nominal. of Western Texas and Southern New practical
recently demonstrated. The new ma­
Harry Sinclair has sued Santa Clara
Mexico and Arizona, and westward to chine Im? not a wheel in it, and m-iv
•cunty, Cal., to recover $25,(MX» dam­ prominent men and operators on the the Colorado desert, at an elevation of be described as th • working parts of a
ages for the breaking of an arm while Comstock. Following are the names 5,000 to 10,000 feet.
good sewing-machine deprived of all
working as one of the county prison of the heaviest sufferers through the
extraneous details, and condensed with­
suspension : 8. L. Jones, superinten­ A writer in the Gardeners’ Magazine in the smallest possible compass. It
«rs at the Alum Rock quarry.
dent of Crown Point and Belcher, says: " It is admitted that in the act measures only eight in -hes high by
The Snohomish county (W. T.) com­ $205,000; Gen. Keating, superinten­ of crowing a bird stands up and then about two inches wi lo and one inch
missioners have donated $81M) to im­ dent of Savage and Hale A Norcross, stretches its neck to its full extent. deep. It is fitted at the foot with a
prove county roads, as an inducement $50,000; Col. E. D. Boyle, of the Alta, A small lath loosely suspended about screw clamp, by which it can be fixed
to bring postal telegraph to Rnehomisb $20,000. The list includes the names eighteen inches above the perch will to the edge of a table and fairly
City, and citizens will contribute $750. of scores of miners and clerks, with a obviate this. It in no way interferes worked by a child. The working motion
consists of a vertical plunger pressed
A t Vancouver, B. C., a Chinaman lilieral sprinkling of young ladies and with the bird's roosting, but the mo­ downward
the linger from the top.
was fined $275 and costs for selling matrons. L. B. Frankel, the senior ment chanticleer contemplates a nui­ the plunger by being
r-turned into posi­
15 events worth of opium without a partner in the firm, retired from active sance the swinging lath comes gently tion for the next push by a spring. It
Failure to pay results in business pursuits several years ago into contact with his comb and .ef­ m ikes a perfect lock-stitch, and will
three» months’ imprisonment at hard He is reported to be a millionaire, and fectually stops him. I have a dozen sew all kinds of fabrics, fine or coars»,
as his name still appears on the sign birds, and none of them presume to within certain reasonable limits. Be­
At Cleveland, W. T.. Win. Twitzel, over the office, the creditors have a crow till the hour that I let them yond its efficiency it possesses an ad­
vantage which appeals to all—namely,
a blacksmith, got into a row with a faint hope of recovering at least a por­ out.”
A London paper says : “Two years that of e -onomy in price. So small is
eowboy named Don Winfield, and was tion of their losses. The three younger
(hot in the back.
~ h men were brothers, Sol, Louis and Jacob, de­ ago the Queen sold the well-known its cost that it can bo purchased for
fined by Recorder Turner $10 and parted from the city on foot. Great Hereford bull Conqueror to Professor about live dollars.— London Times.
excitement prevailed in the community Brown of Ontario for £600. The
—Some one has discovered that one
the failure, and if the members of beast is now so much missed in the
Henry- C. Stevens, while thawing at
side of the body tends to outwalk the
out giant powder in the blacksmith ant consequences might have resulted.
other: with the eyes shut a person in­
"hop of the Pacific mine at Butte, The brothers are supposed to have se­ tempt is being made to repurchase him variably w dks to the right. If this be
Montana, was instantly killed, and the cured an ample fortune by holding as it has not been found possible to trim it might be a good thing for bank
shop demolished by the explosion of nearly every cent in coin deposited obtain a sire of equal merit in Eng­ cashiers tn always keep their eyes shut.
land. Conqueror is a son of the But it is ilways well for the directors
the powder.
with them since the rise in shares be­ famous Lord Wilson, and he comes to keep their eyes open.— Shoe and
Tne ship Belverde, in ballast, went gan. Their business was enormous, from a grandly bred dam. The Queen Leal e>- lieporter.
ashore during a dense fog at Point the receipts in a single day sometimes takes a great interest in her herd of
—In a museum in an Arizona town
Bonilla, twelve and a half miles from footing up $60,0Ct> deposited for the Hereford«, which was only started a
arc preserved ths heads of seventeen
Caps Flattery, and is a total lose. All I purchase of mining »hare«.
few years ago.”
Saui Johnson once said that the abilllv
to look at the bright .ide of life wa. worth
to any man a« much as the addition to his
salary of one hundred pounds a year, and
when he wrote that sum meant a great
deal. It is as true to-day as them But
many of those who are in the possession
of a blue horoscope rind it difficult to
change lhe color of the landscape before
Several of the letters written by
patients of Doctors Starkey & 1 alen say
that the use ot Compound Oxygen has eu
aided them to see everything clearly.
Melancholy is gone ; the disposition to lw
morose and disagreeable has somehow
vanished; and “I feel like singing all the
time,” and “I can skip and run like a
child,” are samples ot the expressions ol
the disposition now. Dgspepna was what
was the matter with most of these
patients, and a little timely treatment
eliminated that disturber, and caused life
to be seen in an entirely different ‘lKbt-
If you wou d like to understand Compound
Oxygen—itH mode of action and results—
address D bs . S tabkbv & P albn , 15;»
Arch Street, Philadelphia, and you will
have mailed to you free a volume of nearly
■¿(1(1 pages which afford veiy interesting
, _
Orders for the Compound Oxygen Home
Treatment will be filled by H. A. Mathews,
Gio Powell Street, San Francisco.
---------- » ><> «--------- -
The anti-missionary outrage at Chunx
Kaing has been settled by the payment of
$12,UUO by the riot-students, the money to
be appropriated to rebuilding the Catholic
chai el. The troops have been withdrawn
Offer-Advaaw ,
The science of magnetiini
it is aud fruitful in good ’
atllieted, has passed throun
gressive stages, and yet it n,»v s '?' I
that it has now rea lied ti?
perfection which is mOst d£L>«
'lhe reasons for
possibly be t >und to exi-t I
U |’ ’
various new forms of dise»^1’1’*11' k|
In the ordinary evLS'“”^
even a large practice it is sc»r„ ,
that the physician will Inco^n ****
conversant with every form „< j^'ki
if he does, the instances are
t.w , i.. ” ? ^««i
to render it ditli ult f()r
thoroughly familiar with their “ i“»
aud treatment.
He must *‘?t“ol<
familiarise himself with the
tology ot these new forms that
more rea ily underaUt.d the .aX?’
give rise to them, and thus he
apply his skill directly to the i-r?^
the trouble. Realizing the iiiS?**
this fact, Dr. 8. I. Darrin oHt*
Darrin, 113 Stockton street, det^!11
early in the present year to vi?"
principal cities of the Fait ana v 1
the better to f rtify himself for?.“«
genctes of a verv large practice I,.1
has with t-iis object in view, as L'ii
obtain mui-h-neeiled rest travels *
in the United States and EunJ "I1
an absence of seven months
turned to this city, having gains,t.,
of information that will beof m
aid in his practice, aud which mi...
of inestimable value to his m. 1
patients, who will be correaSSS
benefited lie will immediacy 1*
practice al the location a1 ove m,,,«
where the afflicted will be sure nt i
gent and skillful treatment on
libiral terms that have heretofore ri,
tenzed these celebrated physician,
oeve never yet failed to thorounhf,
permanently cure almost every ail
curable hr light under their care Ti
office hours are as follows ■ U a u ti,
M ; evenings, 7 to 8 except Sunday,“J
the hours are from 10 a . m to 1 p u
classes unable to pay treated freeofchJ
from 0 to 10 A. M. daily. ExaniltuJi
Gen rou»
The edition for 1887 of the sterling Medical
Annual, known as Hostetter’s Almanac, is now
ready, and may be obtained, free of cost, of
druggists and general country dealer in all
parts of the United States, Mexico, and in­
deed in every civilized portion of the Western
Hemisphere. This Almanac has been issued
regularlv at the commencement of every year
for ovêr one fifth of a century. It combines,
with the soundest practical advice tor the pre­
servation and restoration ot health, a large
amount of interesting and amusing light read­
ing, and the calendar, astronomical calculations,
chronological items, Ac., are prepared with
great care, and will be found entirely accurate.
The issue of Hostetter’s Almanac for 1887 will
probably be the largest edition of a medical
work ever published in any country. The pro­
prietors, Alessrs. Hostetter & Co., Pittsburgh,
Pa., on receipt of a two cent stamp, will tor
Never allow fresh meat to remain
ward a copy by mail to any person who cannqt paper ; it absorbs the juices.
procure one in his neighborhood.
permanently cured or no pay. The rh
cases guaranteed.
Pamphlet and nL
ences, 10 cents in stamps.
World’s I)J
would be a truthful name to give to Dr. Bu'flSo N*YiCal
Pierce’s “Golden Medical Discovery.” lhe
most efficacious medic ne yet discovered
To remove tea stains from cuoiiJ
for arresting the early development of
pulmonary disease.
But “consumption saucers, scour with ashes.
cure” would not sufficiently indicate the
scope of its influence and usefulness. In
all lhe many diseases which spring from a
derangement or the liver and blood the cases of neuralgia of the heart, qui’ekh
“Discovery" is a safe and sure specific. removes the spasms and pain and prevenu
Of all druggists.
ihe intense agony which is caused by i|>
White spots upon varnished furniture disease. At druggists. 81.511, Deidu
will'disappear if you hold a hot plate from live treatise with each bottle ; or adiir™,
J. J. Mack &. Co , S F.
the stove over them for a moment.
Mix stove polish with vinegar and
teaspoonful of sugar. ,
It is not only foolish, but dangerous, to
trifle with constipation, indigestion, piles
or liver derangement.
Take the proper
remedy as soon as possible, and avoid all
danger incident to delay.
FIGS area specific for these affections.
25 cents. At all druggists. J. J. Mack &
Co., proprietors, 8. F.
Hurrah Democrats! Hurrah RepuW-!
cans ! row i« your time I o get a trial bottlt
of Irish May Flower at all druggi,uta
75 cts.
At the front, Irish May Flower, 75 eti
To remove mildew, soak in buttermilk
and spread on the grass in the sun.
llow often ii the light of the household
The Wholesale Druggists of Fan Fran
cisco will supply the trade with Irish May clouded by signs of melancholy or irrit*. |
on tne part of the JadieB. * Yet they1
are not to be blamed, for they are the re-1
suit of ailments peculiar to that sex, which
Mrs. Harriet Cummings, cf Cincinnati, men know not of. But the cause may be
Ohio, write«: “Early last winter my removed and joy rest ored by the use of Dr.
daughter was attackid with a ^pvere cold Pierce’s *’ Favorite Prescription,” which,
which settled on her lungs.
We tried as a tonic and nervine xor débil tated
several medicines, none of which seemed women, is certain, safe and pleasant. It
to do her any good, but she continued to is beyond all compare the great healer of
get worse, and;finally raised large amounts women.
of blood from her lungs. We called in u
To clean furniture that is not varnished,
family physician, hut he failed tb do her
any good. At this time a friend who had rub with a cloth wet with kerosene.
been cured by DR. WM. HALL’S BAL
SAM FOR THE LUNGS, advised me to
We will pay your fare front any part of ¡
give it a trial. We got a bottle, and she United
States to Portland and hotel expensa
began to improve, and by the use of three while here if we do not produce indisputable
bottles was entirely cured.”
evidence from well-known bankers, doctors,
lawyers, merchants and farmers as to our re­
Apply to your druggist for Irish Ma; liability in the cure of reduceable rupture«
hernia, without knife, needle or sharp instru­
ment. You are secure against accident from
the first day until cured, and the cure guaran­
Hon. Edward A. Moore, Member of teed permanent or money refunded. You can
work every day, no matter what your occupa­
Assembly from Ri> hmond County, New tion, without cancer or inconvenience. Con­
sultations free. OtHce hours from 10 to 4 daily.
York, writes:
Correspondents will enclose stamp for reply
“Some two weeks ago I was taken with and address Drs. Forden & Luther, rooms 8and
First National bank, Portland. Oregon.
inflammation of the kidneys.
The pain
was intense. I applied as soon as possible
an A i . lcock ’ s P orous P laster over each NAiUHtb™"
Wonderful to say. the i ain and
inflammation began to abate in three
hours. In two days, I w-as entire'y cured.
I always take great pains in recommend
ing A llcock ’ s P lasters ; they are cer­
Headache and Biliousnes.
tainly the best external remedy known.
It promotes the Appetw»
and invigorat a thestomaA
I used th m as che«t protectors, and found
to which it im;»nrtj tow Mi
them most efficient.”
vigor, and ena bles the di$»
The standa d
medicine, Irish
tnvo organs to performuwi
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and t'ontagious IliseaSM
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Sold everywhere. I-rice: CvncvRA ,i0c ■ Its
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«TSend for How to Cure Skin Diaeoaea."
To ataúd avion«»" intere« »
** Bend A rant« far jarttcn’V»
etc. Name th 11 paper. T.
Maoafer, Palac* ’'»lidia«.
No 157 -•