seih - weekly when did d by druggii ” Mina” Plug (V. \‘co- IlUkepi in town. TELEPHONE. / . 1 lay Flower. ;3 J e w.he“ InPonJ l»"l <-raTOl, VOL. I. gav® tier Cuterl^ M’MINNVILLE, OREGON, DECEMBER 14, 1886 » cried tur i Mtwj^ NO. 53 i. oiua, to WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. io s»«o thom culM1 ------ Issued------ BVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY ZLOVE AND PHILOSOPHY.’ ’Twas at the Concord sages’ school, VVo met one summer s day: I guessed -and used no logic rule— .. I guessed what she would say. Tis very warm ’—this with a s gh— “The sun that shines from thence.” She sa d and pointed to the sky, “Is rolling toward the Whjence.” • Irish May P|o, Talnmsfe ■ktast. Turner, Publisher! end Proprietor*. lay F’ower is. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: TARWAH t TI :RV£30tNT SELT» APERIENT, $2 00 One year- ................................................................... Six months................................................................. ... 1 25 75 Three months............... .................................... • • • ... ' egant uilii’adous.jU perieut in tha wder, pr .J uc I m lved in v.aUrangJH g. EtfervessingDrmS iimended b; ourW .eiaus ai arellabhJ able remedy. It ] '♦VonMumtloij. i s Indigettiea, - h r iic, ! h Heartbnra, rt Sick Ih'adnrhfi « Li verCoinplato m Sick BlouudC guutly urges all h to. y organs to a hm i- It should befJ iry houM'hoU aud« y every traveler. ’ ' - o*eiyw sn Entered in the Postoffice at McMinnville, Or., * as second-class matter. JOHNSON, M. D. H< v. V. Northwest corner of Second and B »treats, M c M innville iRILLI jiiatinj from the BLOOD( tm, pies, and o its purifyii he Blood par healthy and tl clear. Proprietor«. 1 Francisco. - oregon LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH, Physicians and Surgeons, M c M innville .’S - - May be found at his office when not absent on pro- fw*iuu»l buatoew- AND LAFAYETTE. S. A. YOUNG, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, - - - Office and residence on D street. tnawered day or night. OREGON All calls promptly DR. G. F. TUCKER, DEATIST, M c M innville Dffice-Two doors - - eaet of Bingham’s furniture oregon . - Laughing gas administered for painless extraction. ST. CHARLES HOTEL ¡Tiie Leading Hotel of McMinnville. |l and $2 House. Single meals 25 cents. Jin« Sample Rooms for Commercial Men F.MULTNER, Prop. W. V. I’RICE, PHOTOGRAPHER UpStairs in Adams’ Building, UNO IcMINXVILLE rom keto 3.MM , Steam DiilUnfd t> work inttmiM evpowerthua in'mrtM ers are making! and tool« ? are the •Mai« «8 Send4e«oill A ddress , i ., New York. K Well. i theWOBLDI ìompionì I OREGON - JUSTER POST BAND, The Best in the State. i jrspared to furnish music for all occasions at reason able rates. Address V. .J. TfcOVVLAJND, Business Manager, McMinnville. : WATE] ed physicjanU t use for DM iny other pt* ito the maikaJ reaaing. If 1» ftiil. We J* >8 to ita meri» TRUY, kt Pl M’MINNVILLE ■mry, Feed and Sale Stables, Corner Third and D streets, McMinnville OGAN BROS. & HENDERSON, Proprietors. EUS FOB ehm, I, etc.. M. LociSM ¡sees. , will ¡«ill The Best Rigs in the City. Orders romptly Attended to Day or Night, I'ortlaMJ! ORPHANS’ HOME” BILLIARD HALL. AUtrietly Temperance Resort. Bgon M iLltil * <»od(T) Churoh members to the contrary not withstanding. Orphan»’ Home 99 tonsorial parlors , ” wlj flrrt elan, .nd th. only parlor Ilk« .hop in the t oily. None but irst - clans Workmen*4 Employed. tort door south of Yamhill County Bank Building. M c M innville , O regon H. H. WELCH. \CKl ad»- »1 fl NO dit» is? s T” She smiled and said perhaps 'twas well •'hose pretty themes to toucn; And a-»keoni. class-rooms, and all the latest [Ptovements. The association has r*e’ in phonography, typo-writing, p®ere;al arithmetic, book-keeping, ptnine and hand-sewing, cutting anil r ana drawing, and for obtaining situations and Prk for seamtresses. Last year in- RW on was given to more than six fniirra girls, 1.200 situations were pfed. and over »1.800 was paid to «®tresses for work.— N. Y. Tribune. h~In the State of Iowa there are 2.54 r’F’egational churches: thev have F ministers, 18,223 members, 26,079 I the Sunday-schools; they have Ffch property valued at »855,480, F P»rsonages at »68,700. They pay Fr posters »132,630, and for benevo- Fpurpjses gay, last year over »33,- F— Imoa Slate Register. V Roso in “Love Lane” and What Became of It. They were walking down “Love . ne” in a gay, chattering procession girls with laurel-wreathed hats, oung mon bearing shawls and baskets, ■ matron or two; last of all Stephen niton, a child on either side of hint, md in his arms little Nanny Forsythe lalf asleep. Wherever Stephen went hildren followed, led by attraction rrosistible as that which draws iron tilings to the magnet. Grown people could not understand this attraction, But the little ones never mistook about it. Sleepy as she was, Nanny’s small hand kept patting his shoulder as they went along, and her voice cooed words of drowsy endearment which made Stephen smile, gloomy as he felt thtit day. Each cheerful reply to the chil­ dren’s questions cost an effort; but he spoke cheerfully all thesame, and tried to keep his eyes from wandering for­ ward to where Captain Hallett walked by the side of Milly Graves, with his handsome head very near hers, and his voice murmuring low sentences inau­ dible to the rest of the party. Many glances were sent back at th s couple from those in advance, for Neal Hallett was the novelty of the moment, a hero and a stranger; and the girls, who were only too well-disposed to pull caps for him, thoughtit “quite too bad” of Milly to absorb his attentions as she had done all day. But, after all, what could Milly, what could any girl, do, when an all-con­ quering Captain takes up his position at her side in early morning and nevor leaves it until late afternoon? It is not in girl nature to resist such tribute, and Stephanie De Witt, in front, was partly justified in calling it “a desperate flirtation,” although I fear tho pout with which she spoke was due rather to amour propre than outraged morals. But on Milly's side it was not all flirtation. For all her merry, saucy ways, she was a sensitive, credulous creature, just the woman to give “gold for dust.” and stake her all in that unequal barter so common in this world of misunderstood values. Her fair cheeks were flushed and her blue eyes full of shy excitement as they walked along, talking about—dear me. what do people talk about when they are young and of different sexes? Cap­ tain’Hallett’s fine eyes said more th in his tongue; his martial mustache seemed to give point and value to mere nothings. He carried a lithe little cans with which he emphasized his sen­ tences: now cutting the air, now be­ heading a mullein, in a way which Milly thought fascinating. And then Love lane was such a pretty spot, tlie very place to be eloquent in. Its wind­ ing turns were hedged with fragrant growths—woodbine, brier, sweet fern and bay. Overlie id the trees met and clasped in shady arches. Here and there a pink honeysuckle glinted in the network of green, or a train of shimmering clematis. The pure prim­ rose light of a cloudless sunset sifted down through the canopy of boughs; a light breeze stirred, full of delicious smalls. It was like an evening in fairy­ land. Suddenly a turning brouzht them to a fern-clad bank, against which, set in a frame work of tremulous verdure, -food one rose of p Tfect wild wood pink, po sed at tip of a cluster of vivid leaves. It was like an enchanted queen, Millv thought. ’ ••flow beautiful!” s'ie cried;but even as the words left her lips the restless •ane flew through the air, fli'-ke I the ose from its stem, and sent it into the lusty road, a little whirlwind of broken leaves accompanying its fall. "What a pity?” said she, involun- arily. ... “It's only a wild rose, yon know, mrprised. ■•Hut don't von like wild roses. "O. v< s;but there are so manv of hem that it is hardly worih while to vaste sentiment on a single one.” and e Captain showed his tine teeth in a mile that was the least bit cruel. Millv sighed, and cast a regretful ok behind Her gentle nature felt r the fair despoiled thing. But. t< r <11, there were plenty of wild ses. as Captain Hallett said, and pres- • y -h • forgot her symoathv and its u’e Another turning in the lane <> i_-ht th m to the village outsk rts. i.l t > Squire Allen's gat i. where the st of the partv were waiting. There ere good-byes to say. divisions to aake. Mrs.* Allen was intent on se- uring to eaclt person bls or her own >asket, Kitty Felton was counting tea- pi ions, Stephanie hunting for a missing »'ate. In the midst of these researches tephen came up with the children. Ha looked weary, and put Nanny into her m »tiler's arms witli an air of relief, disregarding the drowsy protest which she uttered. “What a lovely rose, Stephen!” said some of the girls. “Where did you lind it?” “In the road,” replied Stephen, “Somebody had switched it from its stem and left it to die, so we picked it i up' J- “Yes. and Mr. Felton said it was a saame to treat cowers so,” put in a little boy. The Captain listened impassively, but Milly gave a half-pained glance at “That was just like you, I I the flower. •Stephen,” she said, softly; and Stephen brightened for the first time that day. It seemed to Stephen, looking back, that his love for Milly had begun when he was a bov of five and she was a baby in tlie cradle. He could not recollect the time when he did not prefer her to all other girls. At school he was her knight, his sled, his jack-knife, his help, always at her service. Stephen taught her to skate, to row. It was he who brought her the first maple sugar, the first arbutus; he who took ner on sleigh rides; and walked home with her from church and the village tea parties. Milly absorbed these services not ungratefully, but as a Ynatter of course. She had been used to them from her babyhood, and could havo ai most as well dispensed with sun or aii out of her life; but sun and air being never withdrawn, are rarely noticed or alluded to. “Dear good oh! Stephen,” she called him. Now it if not well for a man to lavish himself on a woman who thinks of him only a- “dear old Stephen." And now Stephen was doomed t< stand by and see a stranger appropri­ ate the object of this life-longdevotion. He had sown, and another was to reap his labors. Day by day all that sum­ mer long the glamour grew and deep ened. ('aptain Hallett's leave of ab­ sence seemed of the most elastic de scription, permitting him to stay the entire season at Bay mouth. His morn ings, his evenings, his noons, were spent with Milly. Stephen sickened at the inevitable gold-banded cap th it met his eves whenever he entered the house, and proved his rival in posses sion of th*: field. Mdly greeted Sto phen kindly always; but there was a sense of interruption: he felt himself a third party. Then he tried staying away; but that was worst of all, for his love did not notice his absence be­ yond a ear jless “Whit age it is since wo saw you, Stephen?” This state of affairs, of course, set people to talking, but Milly was blushingly indignant “It was hard,” she declared, “if a girl couldn’t have a pleasant friend without having such things said.” But her pretty poutings and protestings made little difference, and it was generally understood that the affair, if not an ab­ solute engagement, amounted to “an understanding,” whatever that may mean. At last tho long, lovely summer came to an end, as summers will. Scarlet boughs flamed in tho forests, golden-rod burned along the brook­ sides. the birds tlew, and with them Captain Hallett prepared for flight. His orders had come to report ia Gal­ veston, Texas, and his leave-takings were hurried. The last moment was Milly's, and though no one knew the exact situation of affairs, it was taken for granted that another year would bring orange blossoms and a wedding. Milly's own expectations were not so definite. No definite promise had passed between her and her lover, but she trusted him and waited brightly and hopefully. Letters came and went; the scarlet boughs burned into ashes and fell to the ground in pale heaps; then came snow and the winter, to be in turn scourged away by the whip of the fierce New England spring. Still Milly waited; but not so brightly now. for the letters came less regularly than at first. By and by they ceased altogether. Weeks passed with­ out a word. Milly, with visions of yel­ low fever and Indians chasing each other a ross her tired brain, wrote and wrote aga’n; but no presage of the real danger which threatened glanced over till one day, opening the news­ paper. this met her eyes: At Galveston. Texas, by the Rev. Pierre St Cloud assist? 1 b.- the Rev. Thomas Dx Captam Edward Hallett, tt. S A., and Blanche Emily, only daughter ot the late Pierre St Cloud, or Pilatk »rids No cards. Mrs. Graves . irs heard no sound, but when she w it down Milly lay on the sofa, whit.! and rigid, the news­ paper still clasped in her cold fingers. It was long before her senses came back. Her mother flamed with anger, but the girl hushed her with a weary sob. “We were never really engaged, you know.” “Not engaged! O, Millv!” But Milly turned her face to the wall and said no more. Baymouth was stirred to its depths next day by the news that Captain Hallett was married to a Southern lady, and that Milly Graves was down with typhoid fever. Every one wanted to help to nurse, above all, to know the particulars. Such masses of blanc­ mange and jelly were sent in that poor Mrs. Graves was at her wits' end to know how to dispose of them. But no one could readily aid. not even poor .Stephen, who scarcely left the house day or night, or ate or slept, till the crisis passed, and Milly was pro- nouneed out of danger. Out of danger, but it was weeks be­ fore she could sit up, and»weeks longer ere site came down stairs, thin, white, shrunken—a mere shadow and wreck of the blooming little beautv wb> waikeit so gayly up Love lane at Ned Hallett’s side not auite a year ago. She was patient always, and uncom­ plaining. but she did not often smile. Perhaps Stephen won these infrequent smiles oftener than any one else, and he counted them as precious payment for all time and all trouble spent in her service. Only once did he see her shed tears. This was when, hoping to give her pleasure, he brought in tho first wild roses of the season and held them before her. Suddenly a spasm passed over her face, she gave a gasp, turned aside, aud struggled for composure. Stephen dropped the flowers as if they burned his fingers and hurried out of the room. A hot anger shot through him. “He has ruined every thing for her,” he thought. “Even a rose re­ minds her of him. Coward that he is. They hang a man for poisoning the water springs; why not hang him? though hanging is too good for such a villain as he.” Nature’s processes of cut e are secret. It is in their depths that wounds begin to heal. Gradually as months went by the renovating principle worked in Milly. She resumed her place at homo, the little duties and pleasures, and took up again the burdens of life. She was pale still, but the paleness infolded a sweet serenity which was no less lovely than her girlish bloom. “Milly Graves was real improved since her disappointment,” certain severe old adies asserted, and they were not far from right. Stephen adored her more than ever. Two years later he told her so. To his surprise, she was neither astonished or shocked, but looked in his eyes with a smile which was sad and tenSer and sweet all at once. “Dear Stephen,” she said, “this is just like you. Do you recollecttheday in Love lane, and the rose you picked up out of the dust? You are doing the same thing now, but I am not worth it, dear, not worth the picking up.” “Milly,” said i ' ’ Stephen, . ............................ trembling with eagerness, ., “there never was a day since I first saw you, and that was twenty-one years ago, when I didn't love you beyond any other living thing. Pick you up, indeed! You. my rose of all the world! I am not tit to touch your stem, my darling, or handle one of your leaves, but I love you, dearest, with the whole of my heart. Can you not love me a little bit in return?” “O, Stephen, I do!” and the fair little fingers closed over his. “There’s no­ body in the world like you. I always knew that. It’s only—the others are so mueh fresher, you know—fresher and brighter, and—they might make you happier than I can. You’re quite sure? You really want me? Then I’ll do my best. Why, Stephen, how hap­ py you look.” “Happy! I should think so. when I’ve got every thing I ever wanted in my life,” cried Stephen.— Pittsburgh Leader. .... A SHIP-DESTROYER. Prof. Tuck’s Submarine Torpedo-Boat- Trial Trip of the Strange Craft. Persons walking aljng Riverside drive at Eighty-sixth street the other afternoon saw a black object skim­ ming along on the surface of the Hud­ son. Then they didn't see it fora long time. Then it wouhLappcar at a dis­ tance. The object was a submarine torpedo-boat, the work of Prof. J. L. Tuck, who showed it off to a few friends. The boat is intended to ap­ proach a big naval vessel during war times under water and, having left a couple of torpedoes under her hull, to withdraw to a convenient distance and fire them by means of an electric cur­ rent from a battery. The little craft of iron and steel, weighing twenty tons, is named the Peacemaker. She s thirty feet over all, eight and one-half feet breadth of beam and six feet deep. Placed at each side of the keel is enough lead to load the boat to the water’s edge. To sink the vessel below the water there are compart­ ments which can bo filled or emptied as required. Compressed air is held in iron pipes, to be liberated as the air grows foul. A common rudder steers the craft, anda horizontal rudder, cen­ trally hinged in a frame at each side of the stern, raises or sinks the boat. On top is a little dome twelve inches high and fourteen inches in diameter, with glass windows for light. When a ship is to be blown up, as the boat passes beneath her a string of nsulated wire carrying two cartridges, one at each end. is released. The cart­ ridges are filled with a powerful ex­ plosive and are lightened with corks, so that they wdl rise against the bottom if the vessel. Th in bv means of tho •lectric battery, after the boat h iswith- [ Ir.iwn, the explosion is effected. Tho i little craft dived to a depth of forty feet I 1 n the river, and then t >ok a subma­ rine trip up toward Yonkers, remain­ ing under water over seven minutes. j I’he trials were a success, and tho 'entlemen interested in the boat well I ¡leased. Prof. Tuck said she had made j t velve miles an hour, and that she | onld remain under water several hours. AT. K Times. —In using the ragged-edge writing paper, which is now “the thing,” large envelopes must be used to be in the fashion, sealed with sealing-wax. On the paper must be the writer’s initials in raised gold or silver and in fac simile of the writer’« handwriting. ALUMINUM. LAFAYETTE’S ESCAPE, rhe Metal Destined to Revolutionise the IndiiKtrial Arts. How the Great Soldier and Philanthropist Ran Away to Sea. “The metal of the future,” said a prominent mechanical engineer to me, “is aluminum, In a few years it will displace iron aud steel, and simply revolutionize industrial arts every- where. The millennium will be the age of aluminum. 1» ” “But,” said I, “iron is the commonest of all metals, and aluniiniini is comparatively rare. Is there enough aluminum in the world to take the place of iron?” “Yes,” sirid he, "and your former assumption is an error. Aluminum is the most plentiful of all metals. The world con­ tains ten times as much of it as of iron. It is everywhere. Every clay-bed is an aluminum mine.” “What is the rea­ son,” I asked, “that it has not already come into general use?” "The great cost of producing it,” lie replied. “The metal called sodium is used in the pro­ duction of aluminum, and it is very expensive. Numberless methods have been tried, and hundreds of chemists all over the world are devoting their lives to the task of finding a cheap way of producing aluminum. The man who succeeds will be more fortunate than though he had found the philosopher's stone. Whoever can produce aluminum at one dollar a pound will make a for­ tune, while a man who can make it for twenty-five cents a pound can buy out the Rothschilds in a day.” “What is the cost of aluminum now?” “The raw materials for making it are not worth twenty dollars a ton—that is, twenty dollars for enough to produce a ton of the metal; but a ton of alumi­ num, perfectly manufactured, is worth twenty thousand dollars.” “What are the valuable properties of aluminum?” I asked, “and to what use can it be applied?” “It can take the place of almost every other metal in the world,” said he, “and very largely that of wood also. In the first place it is very strong. Its tensile strength is more than three tons to the square inch greater than that of *he best Bessemer steel. In fact, it ¡ b by far the strongest metal known. A cannon made of it would be three times as strong as one made of steel or gun metal. It is very stiff or rigid too; three times as rigid as the best of bronze. Another important thing is that it will not tarnish. Neither air, nor water, nor salt, nor acids, nor corrosive gases have the slightest effect upon it. Neither does intense heat change its color. It is the best conductor of beat known in the world; also of electricity. It would make the best telegraph wires in the world, having twice tlie conduct­ ing power of copper with only a third of its weight, and lasting practically forever. It is very ductile and can be drawn* into wire more easily than al­ most any other metal. Moreover, it is easily worked cold or hot. It is suita­ ble for anything that iron or steel or copper or brass or bronze or gold or silver is used for, from the wheels of a watch to a monster steam engine.” “How does it compare in weight with other metals?” “It is by far tnc light­ est; lighter, indeed, than many hard woods. It is little more than one-third the weight of cast-iron. To bo exact, a cubic foot of aluminum weighs only 166 pounds. The same sized block of cast- iron weighs about 451 pounds; of wrought-iron, 487 pounds; of copper, 554| pounds; of lead, 709 pounds; of brass, 528 pounds; and of gold, about 1,200 pounds. In brief, it is the light­ est, easiest worked, strongest, most durable, and generally the most valu­ able of all metals, and the mau who in­ vents and patents a method of making it cheaply will revolutionize industry, and become the richest man in the world.”— Trenton Cor. Pittsburgh Dis­ patch. One hundred and nine years ago, in the month of February, 1777, a young French guardsman ran away to sea. And a most singular running away It was. He did not wish to be a sailor, but he was so anxious to go that he bought a ship to run away in—for ha was a very wealthy young man; and though he was only nineteen, he held a commission as Major-General in the armies of a land three thousand miles away—a land lie had never seen and the language of which he could not speak. The King of France commanded him to remain at home; his friends and rela­ tives tried to restrain him; and even the representatives, or agents, of the coun­ try in defense of which he desired to tight would not encourage his pur­ pose. And when tlie young man, while dining at tho house of the British Am­ bassador to France, openly avowed his sympathy with a downtrodden people, and his u termination to help them gain their freedom, the Ambassador acted quickly. At his request the rash voung enthusiast was arrested by the Erencn Government, and orders were given to seize his ship, which was awaiting him at Bordeaux. But ship and owner both slipped away, and, sailing from the port of Pasajes in Spa n, tho runaway, with elevon chosen companions, was soon on the sea, bound for America, and beyond the reach of b.»th friends aud foes. On April 25, 1777, he landed at the little port of Georgetown, at the mouth of the Great Peo ’'co river »n South Carolina; and from that day forward Hie career of Marie Jean Paul Roch Yvos Gilbert Metier, Marquis de La Fayette, has held a place in the historv of America, and in tlie interest and af­ fection of the American people.— Eu­ genia M. Uodge^ in St. Nicholas. TRIANGULAR MIRRORS. A Charming Device for Ladles Who Are Anxious to See Their Back Hair. “Women, as everybody knows, are the hardest people in the world to please,” said a wan, pale-faced clerk in a large jewelry establishment the other day, just after wrestling for an hour and a half with a fat girl rn a red hood, who had bought only a silver bangle bracelet for a dollar. The pale- faced clerk sighed and then continued in a dull and listless sort of a way: "But I think we’ve got something now that even the prettiest and mean­ est female in the world can’t oomplain about. You know (or mebbe you don't know, you don't look as though you were married—say. I’ve been mar­ ried two years), every woman would rather see the back of her head just after she haB put up her hair than any­ thing else on earth. Well, they’ve been straining their necks and using hand glasses in front of their mirrors for a king time, and the result has not been particularly satisfactory. It has at length occurred to somebody to in­ vent something to remedy this. There is a three-sided glass. It's rather ex­ pensive, you see. French plate glass, with ivory backs. The sides are movable and adjustable. A woman can arrange that thing go that she can sit in front of it and see her back hair without turning her head. The ad­ vantage is simply beyond calculation. She can catch her dressing maid in a lie regularly every morning.”— Phila­ delphia Pre»». —At the Concord School of Philoso­ —The Episcopalian friends of the late phy, Professor Davidson has delivered a lectbreon “Aristotle’s Debt to Plato.” Bishop C. F. Robinson have presented a This is a subject on which there must home to his familv at a coat of »10,000, be a vast amount of interest accumu­ and Dr. W. G. Eliot, chancellor, has given to the late Bishop’ i children life lated.— Lynn Item. scholarship« in Washington L'niveraity. FRENCH CHEMISETTES. Several Pre ty and Very Comfortable Styles in Cambric and Linen. There are several styles of chemi­ settes; those of fine cambric are pop­ ular with young ladies. The linen I chemisettes are preferred by some; this style shows both the medium wide and the very narrow plaits. The chemi­ settes made wholly of lace are exceed­ ingly prettv; this style is not becoming to every one; to produce a good effect the form should lie as near perfection aa possible; the neck, white and plump, shoulders tapering, and the bust full. A very handsome chemisette can be made of lace edging, milled and la d in rows on net lace. The band encircling th« neck is made of lac e insertion or rib­ bon overlaid witli soft mesh, or illu.s:on lace. Nainsook, tucked, forms very pretty chemisettes. The em­ broidered style of chemisette is becom­ ing. and as this material is inclined to be bulky, it gives roundness to slender figures, which is very desirable, espe­ cially in wearing this fashion of gar­ ment. Tlie collars nre worn either nar­ row or wide; when tlie neck is of the •'swan”-like shape a wido collar is more becoming. In this there are not many varieties; rhe narrow silk band, with liny bow, is a mode popularwith young ladies. Another pretty style of tie is a piece of ribbon about an inch wide, car­ ried around tlie neck and tied in a double bow-knot directly in front or beneath flic left ear; tho latter situation is more fenrnine than the former and lienee not quite popular at present, while short hair, round hats, white vests, coat sleeves and collar studs are such favorites with young ladies.— N. Y. Herald. The Earliest Bank. The te rm bank is derived from the Ital an banco, a seat or bench, because tlie earlier custodbins and dealers in money in Italy were accustomed to sit on benches in the market places of tlie principal towns. The earliest public bank established in modern Europe was that of Venice, which was founded in | 1157. About the year 1350 tho cloth merchants of Barcelona, then a wealthy body, ad led the business of banking to their other commerc al pursuits; being authorized so to do by an ordinance of the King of Arregon, which contained the important stipulation that they should l>e restricted from acting ns bankers until they should havo given suilicient security for the liquidation of thor engagements. In 1401, a bank was o|>ened by the functionaries of the city, the first of the kind ever established in Europe. -Jewish Messenger. His Only Objection; G‘d«ly young girl—1 do so love Atlan- r c City, don’t you? Light young man—Yaae. “.bo much life, excitement and fun. It’» pcrfoct, isn’t it?M “Yaaa, all but one thing.” “One thing? Oh, my! What is It you don’t likeP” “'1 he ocean. If that was away I’d like the seashore much better.”—r/u/a- fidyhia Call. Astronomical Intelligence. Joseph Prudhomme is looking over • work on astronomy, and comes across an engraving, showing the principal mountains in the moon, with their names. Very much surprised, he re­ marks to his offspring: “Oncsimtis, my son; behold what science can do! Not only have they dis­ covered the mountains in the moon, but they've found out their names as wall]” —fori» Gaulou.