The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, December 10, 1886, Image 6

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Time laid his hand on the budding leaf;
It turned to crimson, then brown and
He touched tlie grain; 'twas a garnered
A ladeu bln—and the year was old.
You walked in the sun when time was
I grew in the shade was ever old;
My life at least to the daylight sprung,
And yours—crept under the graveyard
Two ways, two lives, two leaves of years,
A sudden cloud, and a glare of sun,
Written in passion, erased in tearsl
Is the chapter ended or but begun!
A Rare Collection of Birds' Egg*.
“The Play” of Year«
The first play I ever saw was th< one I
liked the least, and remember almost the
best. It was the “Battle of Waterloo,” at
Astley’s. In the sensation scene of the
day, the English army, drawn up in two
lines in red, occupied the prompter’s side
of the stage. The French army, drawn up
in two lines of blue, each line consisting
of exactly the same number of men in both
parties, occupied the O. P., or opposite
side to the prompter. Two vivandieres,
the French in blue and the English in red,
each with a small drum round her waist,
a drumstick in her right hand and a Mask
of s irits in her left, occupied the corners
of 1 ue stage nearest the footlights, as
corner-women. From them the van-lines
of the two armies converged inward to the I
back cloth, each third man on either side
having a cannon in front of him. The top
cannons, naturally, met mouth to month;
and behind them, wi’h drawn swords
pointed upward to an uncertain kind of
F uturity, stood on either side Napoleon
Bonaparte, and the duke of Wellington.
After a deathly pause of expectation,
consequent on the top cannon-man on the
French side missing his cue, the signal
was given. Every third man ‘struck a
“To each gun a lighted brand,
In a bold, determined hand;”
and the battle of Waterloo was fought
out then ami there, The stage was Ailed
When it cleared,
with smoke and cries
both the armies were dead or wounded,
1’he cannon survived, though exhausted;
so did Napoleon mid Wellington, for the
purposes of history, So did the two vi-
vandieres, as the comic characters ot the
drama, for the private purposes of the
plot. As for myself, an excessively nerv­
ous boy (this was about 1844, 1 think),
withan extreme dislike to gunpowder, I
trembled under the benches of the drees
circle when the firing began, stuck my
fingers in my ears and howled, and was
pulled out by rny father, who was in tits
of laughter, when the battle was over, in
order to see that Wellington and Na
poleon, and Molly the vivaudiere, had got
through without visible injury.—Herman
Merivale in Temple Bar.
Mr. E. W. Dickinson, of Springfield,
Mass., has probably the best private col­
lection in the country, there being in it
about 600 eggs of Nortli American birds.
There are the big swans’ and eagles’ eggs,
the tiny white globules in a downy nest
constructed by humming-birds, besides
the odd, cone-shaped affairs laid by the
guillemot, probably so fashioned by na­
ture that tliay might not roll off the bare
rocks where they are invariably laid.
Rare eggs, like all rarities, come high, the
eggs of the great auk, of which there are
but three in this country, being rated at
fl!50. From this the price runs down to
5 cents. Common owls’ eggs are worth
from fU to 13 each, the gray owls’ of the
north being worth $50, however. Of
hawks’ eggs those of the duck hawk bring
$12 each, and those of the pigeon hawk
are still more valuable.
Beside his remarkable collection of eggs.
Mr. Dickinson has one of birds which, un
like the specimens seen in museums and
private houses mounted on stands, are
cured flat, the legs anil head l>eing fol 'rd
respectively upon and under the body. If
the owner should wish a flat-cured bird
mounted, all that would be necessary
would be to remove the cotton-wool and
arsenic padding and place the bird erect.
Mr. Dickinson's house thus becomes a ver­
itable den filled with the rarest spoils of
nature. Pair, of horns and antlers jut
out from the walls on all sides, and under
A Guest of Secretary Seward.
glass cases can be found mounted some of
In Layfayette place Seward’s house still
the choicest of his birds.—Boston Tran­ stands, though put out of countenance by
the elegance of its new neighbors, and
converted into a commissariat office.
Treading the Wine-Press in Italy.
There I had the honor in Seward’s time to
Something has already been said about be some days a guest, and the sight of tlie
the vineyard of the Scala Bros, on Vesu­ house calls up a throng of memories in
vius. The vintage was in progress when my mind. I see Seward himself coming
I visited it, and I saw the treading of the iu after his long day’s labor in the minis­
grapes and the first stages of wine-mak­ try of foreign affairs. It was fortunate
ing. The room used for the crushing was for him, considering the load he had upon
a part of the family mansion and was his shoulders, that he could leave not only
scarcely more than fifteen or twenty feet work but care behind him in his office.
square. The platform for the treading
At his own table he was the liveliest and
was perhaps three feethigh, four or five pleasantest of companions, full of anec
wide, and built entirely across one end of dote, and with only the slightest touch in
the room. The front of it was raised a his conversational style of the senate and
few inches to prevent the escape of the the platform. When he left diplomatic
grape-juice, and it was carefully cemented cares behind he did not bring diplomatic
in every part.
reserve away, and any one who had been
There was but a single person treading, treacherous enough to retail some of tli •
a stalwart peasant, who ostentatiously tilings which he said might have ma de
washed his feet before beginning in a mischief; but the rules of social confi­
small tub of water standing near; as he dence had not been so entirely set aside by
afterward explained, out of deference to purveyors for public curiosity in those
the stranger. His feet were uncommonly • lays. He was accused of being too fond ot
broad at the ba£e of the toes. His dress wine, but though he was not a teetotaler,
was a calico shirt and short trousers, I saw nothing like excess.
He was a
which he rolled up a little, probably be­ master of striking phrases like his re­
cause he wished to keep them dry, and markable “irrepressible conflict.” Some­
not out of respect for the wine. Half a times he would make jokes which were a
ton of grapes were put on the platform, Little too elalxjrate and capable ot misin­
and the treading began about the edges terpretation.—Gold win Smith in Macmil­
and then systematically all over the pile, lan’s.
which kept as well as possible together.
How London People Spend Sunday.
The juice soon began to flow freely across
the platform and out at a spout made in
Sunday is a dull day in this teeming
the little barrier of cement into a large world of Loudon. At this time of the
tub. It was intended for champagne, be­ year the business portion—known as the
ing the first. It is the usual arrangement city—is almost deserted on the Sabbath,
fof treading where wine is made in large but the railroad stations are crowded
quantities.—San Francisco Chronicle.
morning and evening try the excursionists
rashing out of town for fresh air and re­
A New Buftineus for Actors.
turning weary and beery to prepare for
Well fed, rosy and contented, an old ac­ the morrow’s toil. It is estimated that
tor, once well known to metropolitan there are 2,000.000 of people in Ixmdon who
audiences, beamed a genial smile on a re­ never go to church. Fully 100,000 leave
porter in front of the Union Square hotel. >n the cheap trains for the suburban
“You don’t look as if you had bad a pleasure resorts between 8 and 9 a. m.
very hard summer?” observed the reporter. Fifty thousand more crowd the steamboats
“I haven’t,” was the reply. “I haven’t plying on the Thames between Kew and
had one for several years. I’m not a fake Gravesend.
now. I’m a coach.”
The angling clubs, numbering several
“What is that?”
thousand members, march with full para­
“Well, in plain English, I don’t taka en­ phernalia to the various depots—or sta­
gagements any more. I have given my­ tions as they are called here—attracted by
self up entirely to directing the stage anti the cheap day tickets issued by the com­
otherwise preparing the performances for panies to points on tlie Thames, the Lea,
wealthy amateurs and societies. I have he Colne, the Wey and other accessible
engagements for a month ahead all streams.- They generally take their fami­
through the winter, and my terms are $20 ne» with them, and the wife, carrying the
a day, with extras for exceptionally labor­ lunch basket, is a constant compunion of
ious engagements. Through my connec­ t oe man with his fishing polo and “black­
tions with our swell amateurs I also pick ing box,” which serves the double purpose
up a neat little business right along in the of a seat and a receplabie for tackle and
way of coaching them in parts privately. bait. A full million of Londoners spend
It’s bettor than being a manager, much the day in eating, dringing and gossip
less an actor, nowadays, for it’B pleasant with their friends in their dingy, ill-
and certain.”
lighted homes.—London Cor. Baltimore
Quite a number of well known actors do American.
a considerable business in this line, though
none surrender themselves completely to
A Mammoth’s Skeleton for Chicago.
it as this one has.—New York News.
Through the liberality of a few citizens
interested in natural history the Chicago
Some Letter« l»y Louis Napoleon.
Academy of Sciences has just come into
M. Ernest Renan has applied to the Em­ possession of about a ton of mammoth
press Eugenie for permission to publish ¡Mines found in the eastern part of Wash­
selections from a large number of letters ington territory. The remains are those
written by the emperor of the French Co 3f four different animals, and the largest
his foster sister, Mme. Cornu. The publi ■ire in such an excellent state of preserva*
cation would lie in fulfillment of direc tiou that Dr. Velie says it can be set up in
tions to M. Renan contained in the will of he museum in its full natural hight,
Mme. Cornu, who died some twelve yours which is some twelve or fourteen feet.
ago; but before engaging upon the work Its curved tusks are ten feet long. This
M. Renan deems it necessary to obtain mammoth is of the same species as those
the permission of the empress, as he con whose remains havetieen found in Siberia.
siders the letters to be her literary prop­ It is not absolutely certain that any of
erty, although the actual manuscript be­ this species have been found east of the
longed to Mme. Cornu.
Kocky mountains, though mastodons have
These letters are remarkably interest­ i een found in abundance. When mounted
ing, being of an essentially Intimate char­ it will be the first specimen of the kind in
acter. For the most part they are of the rhe United States.—Chicago Tribune.
time of the hum captivity. In the opinion
of M. Renan these letters give » new and
Special Car. tn Rathlng.
lietter Insight into the character of Ixini* I Special care should bo observed tn t'
Napoleon, as they were writ ten without us.’ of water for bathing, in persons sn
any idea that the world would ever hear lermg with debility, the result of slekne?
of them, and ton lady of high character or of age. In such persons, it is oft
fur whom he had an affectionate regard.— fen that a hath used with benefit I
Paris Cor. Ixndon Standard.
I -bust health, or when younger, und ■
I her clrcnmslaneen Is follow«.! by palp
China'« Emprean a« a Keformrr.
The empress of China has caused a * .. ion <>f the heart, slackened pulse, m >r
great commotion among her counselors by I .> ss vertigo, s.iivering, and other fee.
s of discomfort, lasting some titn
her liberal ideas and her conduct. She has
abated the rigor of court etiquette, has liter ns use —Hall’s Journal ot Hsalth.
transferred her residence from the winter
—The frost bell is doubtless the means
palace to the castle in the Imperial park, of saving many tons of grapes in the
and docs not conceal her opinion that re­ northern portions of California, where
forms in social and religions matters are the frost sometimes d >es so mu h dam­
needed, and that China can no longer age. It consists of a wire running from
k^ep up her isolation from the rest
i f the world The conservatives complain different parts of the vineyard to the I
th at her conduct is weakening the popular house. On the vineyard end of the
I»clief in the divine power of the imperial wire is an apparatus'that rings a bell
house, and are confirmed tn their belief nt the house when the thermom ter de­
that a woman is unfit to rule a country.— scends to a certain degree. When the
bell is let oft the occupant« of the house
oreign letter.
know that their vines are in danger
The world deals good natme
with and immediately repair to tho vineyard
xxi nattired people, and I never knew » and light tires in different quarters,
misanthrope who quarreled with it, but It and thus prevent, through the agency
was he and not it that was in the wrong
of this ingenious electrical device, the
loss of tons of fruit.
El.ctrlc Light on Captlvo Balloom.
That life may be trolonged lathe desire
of every inval'd, even with suffering, but
this is not all Compound Oxygen does, as
the letters of many pati uts testify. A
Lawrence (Mass.) lady writes :
"My old troubles are all slowly leaving
me. I have renewed my age ten years or
A farmer writes from Lockesburg, Ark..
"1 am feeling b-tter and clearer of pAu
than for years. I can plow all day."
A lady writes from North Waterford,
Me *
"Mvmother, although 81 years old, fee’s
as well as she did when 40 years old. She
walks around the house spryly and does
considerable work. She is living, she
tays. a new life.”
If you think that you or any of your
friends might be benetlted by the use of
this treatment, you can decide after an ex
amination of a record of its work in a
multitude of cases. A pamphletof nearly
t-vo hundred pages will be mailed free to
my applicant by Drs. S tarkey & P alkn .
1529 Arch street, Phila.
Orders for the i ompouud Oxygon Home
Treatment will be tilled by H. A. Mathews,
615 Powell Street, San Francisco.
Th» trials recently made in England of Thou shrill voiced harbinger of sultry
electrical signalizing from captive bal­
loons show that an important service
Misshapen minstrel of * myriad trees,
may be rendered by this means, both In
With rusping Ales beneath thy crooked
peace and war. Of course, it does not re­
quire the use of the electric light to signal Thy rapid dagger with a sudden blaz
from captive balloons, for such service Stabs viciously the dead midsummer
has been had in recent wars by the aid of
dags by day and colored lights by night.
That wraps in sniot hering heat the si­
But balloons for this service must be
large and cumbersome for carriage in an
Where rest the panting butterdies and
army train, and have sufficient buoyancy
to sustain the weight of a man in mid-air And bids the hot noon listen to thy lays
with safety, whereas by the use of elec­
tricity the same service can be performed Writ in the veins of thy green gauz.x
by a small inexpensive balloon, and one
that can be readily transported. The in­
Are queer, mysterious cabalistic runes
candescent electric light is peculiarly Around whoso wavy symbols uwiuorj
adapted for this work. It can soon tie
made as powerful as the arc light, and
Thy slumberous songs of summer after­
be fed by a wire, say of silicious bronze, I
so Ane as to be lost from sight in the line I That sink and swell upon life’s billowy
holding the balloon, even though the line
be an o dinary cod-line; and the wire Is so And plash the shores of God’s eternity.
light that a single man can carry s »veral
—E. S. Hopkins.
miles of it.
Thackeray's American Lecture Tour.
It requires, as we know, only two char­
One hundred and Atty wagon loads of
acters or visible movements to send the
Thackeray was an improvident wretch, bones were brought into Vaient'ne, Neb.,
longest message. In telegraphy the dot and his expenses nearly always exceeded by Indians, recently. Each load averaged
and the dash or the short and long sound his income. His avowe l purpose in com­ 2,500 pounds, and for the same they got
and their combinations are us id. In the ing to America tne second time, in 1858, *l'?J0, or for the whole bunch, $ 1,879.
army wig-wag system, a Aag moved to was, to use bis own expression, “to lay up
right and left during the day, and a white a pot of money’’ for his two daughters,
The edition for 1887 of the sterling Medical
light moved over a stationary red one at and yet it shows the impulsiveness and
night, are readily made to answer the the boyishness of the man that be re­ Annual, known us Hostetter’s Almanac, is now
same purpose. From this it will be seen turned to England in the midst of a pros ready, and may be 'obtained, free of cost, of
that a dash light, that is to say, one which perous eug.igb.nentand with ha.f his lect druggists and general country dealer in all
can be made to glow or disappear at ure dales unfilled. Before he had visited parts of the United States, Mexico, and in­
pleasure, may be made to furnish the re­ various cities in the west and iu Penn­ deed in every civilized portion of the Western
quired number of movements. Thus the sylvania, while in his room one night in Hemisphere. This Almanac has been issued
at the commencement of every year
electric light, which may lie controlled as his hotel in New York, he happened to regularly
for over one-fifth of a century. It combines,
rapidly as a telegraphic sounder makes pick up a newspaper, and there he saw with the soundest practical advice for the pre­
and breaks the circuit, can be used as the announced that a certain steamer would servation and restoration of health, a large
medium of transmitting information.— sail for Liverpool next morning. A lit ol amount of interesting and amusing light read­
ing. and the calendar, astronomical calculations,
Scientific American.
homesickness overcame him. Although chronological items, Ac., are prepared with
care, and will be found entirely accurate.
he was about retiring and was partially
issue of Hostetter’s Almanac for 18H7 will
Our Ministers’ Troubles in England.
divested of his apparel, he rang for his The
the largest edition of a medical
But the worst troubles of the ministers servant, packed his baggage that very work ever be
published in any country, i ho pro­
are about their clothes. Some years ago night, and without saying a word to one prietors, Messrs. Hostetter & Co., 1 ittsburgh,
congress established a rule that the diplo­ of his triends, sailed for home the next Pa., on receipt of a two cent stamp, will tor
ward a copy by mail to any person w ho cannot
matic representatives of the United States morning.
procure one in his neighborhood.
should wear no uniform whatever not pro­
Even Mr. Fields, who was certainly hLs
scribed by law. Up to that time our min­ closest American friend, had no intima­
An Ohio widow accuses her son of hav­
isters abroad hail worn a suitable enough tion of his sudden departure until several
sort of dress which made them look some­ days afterward, when the pilot who had ing sold the body of her dead husband to
what like other people at con
not con­ directed tne ves-el on its way to the ocean a medical college.
spicuous by plainness nor ostentatious handed him a card on which these words
from ornament. There was no authority were written: “Good-bye, Fields; good-bye,
The arrest of a suspicion« character upon
for the custom, but none against it, until Mrs. Fields. God bless everybody, says
appearance, movements or
some rampant Republican declared it un­ W. M. T." This abandonment of his en­
worthy of a state without a king to deck gagements meant for him a large pecu­ companionship, without waiting until he
ha» robbed a traveler, fired a house, or
its ministers in foreign frippery, and the niary loss, and yet he afterward told Mr. murdered a fellow-man, is an important
law prohibiting diplomatic uniforms was Fields in London that if John Jacob As­ fum tion of a shrewd detective.
tor had offered him half his fortune to more important is the arrest of a disease
The envoy Pt the court of St. James's permit that particular steamer to sail which, if not checked, will blight and de­
was informed of the rule, and he in his without him he would have declined the stroy a human life.
The frequent cough,
turn notified the English secretary for “impossible favor’’ and gone aboard. He loss of appetite, general languor or de­
foreign affairs. An elaborate correspond­ never had another chance to AU those bility, pa lid skin, and bodily achesand
ence thereupon ensued, which was sub­ broken engagements. A few years after­ pains, announce the approach of pulmon­
mitted to the queen herself, and a com­ ward, on a Christmas morning, his ary consumption, which is promptly
promise was Anally agreed upon to the mother found hitfl dead in bed.—Phila­ arrested and permanently cured by Dr.
Pierce’s “Golden Medi al Discovery.”
effect that at levees the United States delphia News.
Sold by druggists.
minister and the members of his legation
would be received in ordinary evening
Girls Who Whistle.
If nutmegs are good, when prii ked with
dress, but at drawing-rooms and at court
The latest fad is whistling, if reports a pin, oil will inatant’y ooze out.
balls and concerts they were to wear knee from the grain city may be credited, ami
breeches and swords. This was approved whistling by those very girls who a year
by the secretary of state for the time be­ ago picked the banjo and said it was the
HAMBURG FIGS should be kept i
ing, and has since been the rule, but it is ambition of their lives to do it well. But the nursery, where they are particularly
in positive violation of the law. The min­ young girls are queer cattie. Whistling useful in case of constipation or indiges­
isters, however, dislike very much to go can not be acquired by every one, and tion, 1.8 they are liked by children, and are
without a uniform. They are conspicu those who are able to pucker up their prompt and efficacious m action.
ous in thoir plain clothes, and are, in fact, lips ami look pretty ure miles ahead of At all druggists- J. J. Mack &. Co., pro­
the only people but the court newsman the banjo players. Somebody wno does
without a court dress, and they conform not know much about music makes bold
Fully up to the standard. Irish May
to the violation unscrupulously. Some to say that a Chicago girl who has been Flower
only 75 cts.
years ago one of them had a right to wear studying for two years now whistles
a military uniform, and he has been the operas, sonatas and waltzes by the score.
envy of all his successors since.—Adam This really seems impossible, considering
It gives us great pleasure to state that
Badeau in New York Sun.
what a score is, but if the damsel can
merchant who was reported being at
whistle all the parts in the score of one the
the point of death from an attack of Pneu­
The Sailors and the Hen.
opera she is a chromatic wonder! The monia, has entirely recovered by the use
Sailors are usually credited with a good next thing we shall hear Bach’s fugues, of DR. WM. HALLS BALSAM FOR
deal of superstition. The following story or the “Parsifal” music, whistled by THE LUNGS. Naturally he feels grate­
from the Eastport Standard is a case in those young ladies, who have sufficient ful for the benefits derived from using this
point. The steamer New Brunswick of musical cheek to make them to keep from remedy, for the lungs and throat; and in
the International line recently had a suc­ lau jhing in the middle of a bar.—Boston giving publicity to this statement we are
a tuated by motives of public b nefaction.
cession of hard voyages. Head windsand Herald.
trusting thatotn rs may be benefited iu a
storms were encountered on the trips be­
similar manner.
tween St. John and Boston. She was due
in Eastport on Friday, but did not reach
Evils of Modern Society.
Apply to your Druggist for Irish May
that port until Sunday noon. The sailors
Many of the evils of modern society arise Flower.
and some of the officers at last concluded trom misconception of individual rights.
that there was a Jonah 0:1 board und be­ No man has a permanent foothold in re,
S hoe and hardware deniers sell Lyon’s
gan to look for the cause of the steamer's his is only tempory occupancy. “If,” as Hee Stiffeners ; they keep boots and shoes
ill luck.
Dr. Griswold says, “men could realize
It seems that some time ago the that the earth is a large omnibus, making
Irish May Flower the Ladies delight.
steamer’s freight included a coop of heus. its annual rounds, that its inhabitants
During the passage, one of the hens got are but way passengers, getting on anil
beat the whites of eggs quickly, add
out and as the owner could not get her taking seats left by otiiers, without as­ a , pinch
of salt. Salt cools, and cold eggs
back into the coop without danger of let­ signment, and riding diverse periods and froth rapidly.
ting others escape, he gave the hen to one
di-tauces; getting off and yielding their
of the deck hands, who kept her in a box places to otiiers without having acquired
on the main deck. There is a superstition permanent rights iu the equipage; if they is the exclamation of thousands Buffering
among the sailors that if a hen is carried
catarrh. Toall such wes’xy: Catirrh
could realizi tuat the stars of heaven
under a tub, bead down, the vessel will wink at them when they come aboard, can be cured by Dr. Sage’s Catarrh
encounter head winds as long as the hen
and watch the futures of their earthly Remedy. It has been done in thousands
is aboard. Concluding that a hen in a box
of cases; why not in yours I Your dan­
destiny, and the ange.s of heaven await I ger
is in delay. Enclose a stamp to
was just as ill anomen as a hen in a tub,
and attend their alighting, a disposition (Vol Id's Dispensary Medical Asso- iation,
the crew began to mutter and the deck
would soon engender in universal human Buffalo, N. Y. for pamphlet on this
hand was compelled to put his hen ashore.
Since that the steamer has had favorable ity, that would facilitate the happy ad disease.
justment of earth life and All it with un­
weather and the crew are happy.—Boston
Water in which borax is dissolved is
bounded felicity.”—Boston Budget.
good for the hair, and also to whiten the
and hands.
On Board a Japanese Cruiser.
Longevity Af Opera Singer*.
Somebody has been airing his views
apropos of the longevity of opera singers
who do not use stimulants, and cites tlie
case of Titlens, “who was over 50 when
•hedied.” Leaving out of the question
whether one can consider “over 50" old for
even a prima donna, I may remark that
that great lyric light of the operatic stage
only lived to see her 43d year. Medical
men assert that cigarette smoking does
more harm to the voice than even the con­
sumption in moderation of the bottled
stout with which some artists are cred­
ited, or the moderate use of wine in oth­
ers. All the same, some of our greatest
singers smoke incessantly. Campanini,
during his engagement at the New York
Academy of Music, indulged in cigarettes
between the acts, and laughed at the idea
that they would injure him or his voice as
one of the medical fallacies of the day.—
News Letter.
Wage« of th® English Hangman.
The English hangman, Berry by name,
tall, respectable-looking man, with the
appearance of a mehcanic. He is a shoe­
maker by trade, but does not work now,
as the executioner is well paid. He gets |u0
a head, or, when there are more than one.
•80 for the first,
for the second, and <25
for the third, with all expenses paid.
The first essential is nerve, and Berry has
nerve. Binns, who precceded him, was a
braggart, and liked publicity, lie would
smoke his pipe outside half an hour before
an execution, and drink, and had an active
tongue. Now the executioner is obliged
to sleep in the jail the night before n
hanging. Calcraft, who was famous for
so many years, was also a shoemaker, and
like Berry, a quiet, retiring man —Chicag
Moul Remarkable Artlflrlal Fchn.
Ths most remarkable artifleial ech
known is that of the castle of °imonett.
about two miles from Milan. It is occ
sinned by ths existence of two paralli
walls of considerable length. It repeat
the report of a pistol sixty times. —Phils
delphia Call
Electricity plays an important part on
board the Naniwa Kan, a newly con­
structed cruiser built on the Tyne for tne
Japanese government. The two engine
rooms are illuminated with Swan incan
descent electr.c lights, and the coal
bunk-, stokeholes and captain's saloon are
similarly lighted. On the bridge of the
vessel there is a circular conning tower,
from which the capt tin can himself steer
the ship by electricity. At either end of
the bridge are two electric search lights
of^zreat power and brilliancy, and about
midway between these are a steering ap­
paratus for the officer on watch and an
engine-room telegraph. Forward «nd ait
on each broadside are t^nedo projecting
stations. An electric b.u*.«ry is employed
to Are the torpedo at the right moment -
Boston Transcript.
A Queer Marrl ige Ceremony.
A curious marriage ceremony tool
place the other day in Paris, which ex
cited much curiosity and interest in wild
beast circles. The bride was the dausl.
ter of a wild-beast tamer, the grootn th
son of another gentleman in the sani
profession. The guests were all tamer
and menagerie braves. On the table wer
reveral stuffed lion cubs; behind to
tiew.y wedded couple stood asplendi
group of four stuffed tigers, which Pez >
Slid had cost hint as much as if they ha
been of niarhle—about 15,000 francs; an
panels representing the denizens of th-
forest and desert were hung on the walls
The menu was in keeping with all th.
i ui roundings.—Paris Letter.
65 Cfilts £?ys.(or 11 ' •‘“■■'esubscriptinn to the
4 Weekly Asieriran Rural Home.
Rochester, N. ¥.. without premium "the
Hello, Irish May F'ower; when au
come to America Sold by druggi^
“Setilof North Carolili«“ p|„_ _
the boss Muokinir Tobst co. n i l •
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"K ins’ of all," Irish May Fluwsr ;{
Go to Towne & Moore w hen In P~.,
for best Photographic and Crayou°^
When Baby waa nick, wo gav® her CuterX i
Whan ah®
A death notice in a New York pa
'oii.i-i'y lutites relatives and friend»"
• funeral.
Staple as gold; Irish May P ower 7|
tarha SK ì
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LIVER. Rheumatism, Neurata
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properties. It leaves the Blood p®
the Liver and Kidneys healthy and tl
Complexion bright and clear.
J. R. CATES <St CO., Proprietor,.
J T (
¡took, N
4 H
Office ai
417 Sansome St, San FianciKo.
- • 4> 2 51-
The Le
|1 and
h T38
W j - j s a.S'JK'S’di
n? > = “ I- U a . u 3
Ç ») 1;
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■R —« •a a ' 5 5 5 ä
Machinery for Wells of any depth, from Site S W
for Water. Oil or Gas. Our Mounted Steam Drilling
Portable Horse Power Machines set to work in 20
Guaranteed to (hill faster aud with less power I
other. Special.? adapted to drfl Ing welta far
rock 20 to 1,000 feet. Farmersand other«are
to $40 per day with our machinery and took,
buxineas for Winter or Summer. We are the
largest Manufacturers in the business Bend,
Stamps for ill ustrated Catalogue K. A ddress ,
Pierce Well Excavator Co., New York.
ust :
Ii Probably Dr. l>aao Thompioai
This article''!« a carefully prepared physidMi
scription, ami has been in constant use for
century, and notwithstanding the many other
tions that have been introduced into the
sale of this article is cv nstuiitly increasing. Il
r ctions are followed it will never fdl. We
larly invite the attention of physicians to its meh#
Coren I
John L. Thom son, Sons & Co., TROY, A.
Diamonds, Gold and Silver Watches,
Jewelry of all kinds.
Gold Pins, (’bains, Lockets, etc..
Rolled Gold Pins, Chain«, Lock
Silverware, Eye glasses.
Send Cash with order and we will send
full value for your money.
____ ______
No. >07 First st., PorUm
The Leading and Reliable
And Sportmen's Cood»- J
Send for New Illustrated Catalogue
P ortias »
Energetic worker; business in
ary $70. References. Am. M1 8 “
Barclay St. N. Y.
The Van Mono
dyspensary . m
Young- mid
old. single or
Sexual D« «P
Weak I
iEnernr. *8*
Skin I"—®.
fert. of
and Bladdw
w~k Bvk. Bundnj t'rtne GononbM
arj- prompt relief and cure for life
Both Nexea I nn.ult < «"?,.
OFFICE—132 At 134 THI«
T kv G erm ka for breakfast
HJ,n’or»- Humiliating F.rup-
1 urturea Eczema, Psoriasis
The Ladies ctellirht is Irish May P|o
^ ci ^ a X mx “^’ H un , or ’
Hurrah. Democrats ami lùpubli»
now is th« Iime to buy lii«l »otile 0| r*
'May Flower.
< heapest and Best Weekly in the World.” 8
48 columns, 16 years old.
For One
Of Portland, Oregon
■ follar you have one choice from over 150
different Cloth Hound Dollar Volumex. 300
(Cor. Pin t and Morrieonßtai.
to 1100 pp.. and paper one year, post paid .Book C’Ol’MTKV OltliEICM BOLItW
postage. 15c. Extra. .Ml,(»«I books given away
Among them are; Law Without Lawyers; Fam­
ily Cyclopedia; Farm Cyclopedia: Farmers’ and
Stockbreeders’Guide: Common Sense in Foul-
trytl ,.r< ; World Cyclopedia; Iianelson's (Aied-
icall Counselor; Boys' Useful Pastimes; Five
Yearsl Before the Mast; People’s History ef
United States; Univerml History of all Na­
tions; Popular History Civil War (both sides.)
Any ox k book and paper, one year, all post­
paid, for 81.15 only. Paper alone. (6c. Satisfac­
tion guaranteed on books and Weekly, or
money refunded.
Reference: Hon. C. R.
I arsons . Mayor Rochester, sample papers. 2c
. RURAL HOME CO., L td .,
without Premium.65e.ayear! K ochkst ’ k N.Y. 2Y remove my store to 1>3 * J1’*1 J
where I will have more commodious
At the front; Irish May Flower. Drug­ and better facilities for display ink
stock of
I oWç my
1 R^storatioq
to Health
aqd Bçality
to the
x C utícula
R emedies "
Whou ahu had Children, she ¿av© them C
One Way to Train Children.
Steel Mackaye says he does not beliei
ti using force in training children. Win
■uyotiiis boys are disobedient he 1
irises the old-fashioned proces. si
akes them whip him. While two
iem were qiiarrell ng recently he he
e »ay. It you don’t stop that dad w
ia*e you lie* him.’’—New York Grap
wm a Child, ah® cried for CMtwk
When she became Mi««, «he ciunj toii^^.
f* ••odi!) Ohl
tons «
«*** - ciana
OW itior Kuth o
[~ t he Youtii
Mstion of Ne
fars to a mag
Pw com pie t n
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P>*r- It wil
»-room, class
P*« in pho
pmereial ar
r*>'ne and h
E?US for °
for scam
P* on was £
Mrea girls,
U,rf’d. and o
Mttresses for
Hn the State
' ministers, 1
I *he Sunda
“fcf> property
® P*rsonage9
"r P «tors’aia
“Purpose, ga
a-/»wa S afe