The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, December 07, 1886, Image 6

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in the blood and they may prevail and
How to Control Effectually Al! Such Horrible no pain occur in the kidneys.”
It is not strange that the enthusiasm
which Mr. Warner displays in his ap­
Rochester, N. F. Poat-E ¡press.
A gentleman who has spent the preciation of hia own remedy, which
restored him to health when the
summer abroad, eaid to our reporter, doctors said he could not live six
A Young Government Engineer’* Novel that the thing that impressed him months, should become infectious and
The ‘"Tenement House Work” Done bj
Method of Reaching the Precious Met­ most of all was the number of holi­ that the entire world should pay trib­
Married Women—Personal Trait* of tlie
For as Mr. Warner
al*—Southern Siberia’* Prosperity and days one encounters abroad and the ute to its jiower.
Factory Hund» — Faithful and Hard-
Fertility of Soil—The Cossack.
little anxiety the people display in
Working Wive»— Meuua of Amusement.
ing, while the newspaper advertising
I had this morning a long and pleasant the conduct of business affairs. “Men is constantly diminishing. This speaks
conversation with Col. de Gessler, an ex­ boast here,” he said, “that they work volumes in praise ot the extraordinary
But from all appearances these girls
member of the stall of the Grand Duke
took no inure interest in tlie lockout dif­
Vladmir, in the Russian army. Col. de for years without a day off; in Eurooe merits of hi* preparations.
ficulties than they did in the courses of
Gessler has occupied an ofllcial position in that would be considered a crime.”
| the suns. Nothing seemed to occuy their
the military forces of the Russian govern­
She Didn't Notice the Bullet».
Mr. H. II. Warnor, who was present
ment for many years, and la intimately
The following story is told by the author ; thoughts but the rough-and-ready enjoy­
acquainted with their resources, tlielr at the time, said, “ This is the tirst of “Women of the War:” “Capt. Mitchell's ment of tlie hour. In appearance these
quality, and their power.
mother was the most timid woman I ever girls differ widely from the tidy little shop
“J ust what,” 1 asked in the course of spent on the water. Been too busy.” saw. We had to cross a pontoon bridge, i girl of what might be called the Grand
our conversation, “is the condition of finan­
“Then, I suppose you have been ad­ and it was thought best that we Bhould I street order, though only a lower variety
cial affairs in Russia!"
vertising extensively?”
dismount and cross on foot, and it fell to of the same grade. They were all dressed
“There seems to l>e an utter drainage of
“Not at all. We have always here­ my lot to escort old Mrs. Mitchell over. No I comfortably, but carelessly, in some In­
gold from the country. Our ruble, worth tofore closed our laboratory during Booner had we started than a federal bat­ stances approaching slovenliness. Their
nominally something like 80 cents of your
tery not far off opened Are upon us. The hands showed the effects of rougher work
money, now sells for 47 cents. This, of July, August and September, but this soldiers on the opposite side of the river, and greater physical strain than tlie girls
course, applies to the paper equivalent
protected by the high railroad embank­ 1 who wait at the counter. But all ot them
which is in circulation throughout Russia. and night to supply the demand, ment, became quite frantic at our danger, looked healthy and some as robust as
Coins of all kinds are very scarce, and pa­ which has been three times grea’er and kept scream 'r.g to us to ‘run, run, | young athlete*—thick biceps, stout wrists,
per money is about the only thing one than ever before in our history at this ladies, for God’s sake, run and get over ' square shoulders and ruddy cheeks. Such
physical development was re-
sees. There was a time, directly after the season."
herel’ All of this was lost upon old Mrs. ! ' splendid
among young women who spend
lust war, when the banks would give no
Mitchell. She could not hear what they ! markable
“How do you account for this?”
hours of their working day in the
gold at all, no matter what kind of an or­
said for the roar of the cannonading, to ten
der was presented to them. They were
which she had now become accustomed. crowded, close rooms of a cigar factory.
willing enough to comply with the de­ universal recognition of the excellence oj Neither did she know that we were under All tlie girls were foreigners, most ot them
We have been tire. Though the balls were splashing in below the medium height. Some of them
mands made upon them, but they had no our preparations.
gold whatever to do it with. We have a nearly ten years before the public and the water on each side of us, she did not had very pretty faces, not, however, ex­
rich mineral country, but there Is no In­ the sales are constantly increasing while notice them, and no one felt called upon pressing the vivacious brightness and
centive to private enterprise in mining, our newspaper advertising is constantly to draw her attention to the fact. She ob­ alert Intelligence of the shop-girl, but
while we all know wiiat such work is diminishing. Why, high scientific and jected to running, preferring to walk; so, somewhat stupid when not roaring with
likely to amount to when it is done by tile medical authorities, now publicly con­ taking her by the hand, we ambled along. laughter at some coarse fun.
The factory hands are girls almost ex­
government. Let me give you an exam­
Half way across we passed a soldier on
ple of the way these things are managed. cede that our Warner’s sale cure is the guard, whereupon she stopped to ask him clusively, while the teneuient-houso work,
A man buys a piece of land in the mineral only scientific specific for kidney and if there was any danger there. He was a as it is called, is done by married women.
country, and undertakes to locate a mine liver diseases and for all the many stolid-looking fellow, but he fairly gaped The girl goes Into the factories at an
early ago—10 years old often times—to
on it. He digs down and down, until he diseases caused by them.”
at her; language failed him. Before he • learn the business. She at once begins to
reaches the vein of metal.
“Have you evidence of this? ”
could And his tongue I hurried her on, de­ i earn money, not much at first, but more
“Up to this point he has been allowed to
Only a few weeks claring that ‘it was against order to speak
go ahead upon his own responsibility, but ago Dr. J. L. Stephens, of Lebanon, to the guard.’ For I knew that if she ever and more as sho becomes experienced,
until in a year or two she can comfortably
the minute lie touches gold or silver he is
discovered the danger she was in, her
compelled tp report to the governor of Ohio, a specialist for the cure of nar­ knees would give way under her and 1 support herself according to her habits of
that province, and the representative of cotic, etc. habits told me that a num­ would have the pleasure of carrying her life. Those who have homes are much
better off than those who are dependent
the czar comes in and takes possession, ber ot eminent scientific medical men the rest of the way.
upon their own earnings for every little
paying a certain amount in cash for the had been experimenting for years,
“At last we reached the other bank, and want. As a rule, the latter class are
property. Thus the discoverer does not testing and analyzing all known were under cover of the railroad embank
receive enough of benefit from his work to remedies for the kidneys and liver, ment. Then the officer in charge of the poorly prepared for a lockout or a lack of
attract very many gold-diggers to the for, as you may be aware, the excess­ pontoon bridge came up to speak to us. He work from any other cause, aud they are
sometimes in danger, if tho dilliulty is
mines. Some of the frauds that are prac
was an old friend Mrs. Mitchell had not
tlced on the government are interesting. ive use of all narcotics and stimulants seen for years, and she greeted him cor prolonged, of drifting off into the streets.
The methods of digging gold are very destroys those organs, and until they dially: ‘How do you do, Capt. Harris? 1
But it is a noticeable fact that girls
primitive, and the fashion is to cut a great can be restored to health the habits am so glad to see you. How is your wife?'
gash in the mountain side instead of sink cannot bo broken up! Among the in­ ‘She is very well,’ said the astonished cap­ who earn their living in cigar factories
ing shafts or tunneling.
vestigators were such men as J. M. tain, looking at the old lady and then marry very early. Comparatively few of
them remain single until they are 20 years
Hall, M. D., President of the State involuutarily at a shell flying overhead. old. After a girl is married she usually
“A number of years ago the government Board of Health of Iowa, and Alexan­ ‘And your sisters, how are they?’ ‘Very retains her place in the factory until she
sent a young engineer to adopt more prac­ der Neil, M. D., Professor of Surgery well, I thank you,’ he said politely, not to becomes a mother. Then she joins tlie con­
ticable means of digging out the precious in the college of Physicians and Sur­ be outdone by coolness. ‘And our friends, stantly growing army of tenement house
metals. He went, and reported that he
the Turners—have you seen them lately?' cigarmakers and works at home with her
was about to put a new scheme Into prac­ geons and President of the Academy He gazed at her in astonishment. The husband. A man and his wife, fairly
tice. The soldiers In Siberia can not do of Medicine at Columbus, who, after forest trees around were being riddled by capable and industrious, will have no
military duty to any extent in the winter, exhaustive inquiry, reported that there shot and shell, but she was so busy talk difficulty in earning >>0 a week between
and they are a'lowed to work as laborers was no remedy known to schools or to ing about her neighbors she did not notice them. As family cares increase the
in that period, keeping for themselves scientific inquiry equal to Warner’s them.”—TL i Argonaut.
women’s Angers become less nimble, until
whatever they may earn. Tills young en­ safe cure I"
they are finally crowded from the ranks
Caatinga Big Gun In Boston.
gineer engaged thousands of them and set
altogether. Though, as a rule, hut little
“Are many persons addicted to the
them to work, making an excavation
They made a fourth attempt to cnst a fitted for domestic service, these women
which covered more than a square mile at use of deadly drugs?”
54-ton 13-lnch rifle for the Chicago the other make very good wives, and seldom figure
" There are forty millions of people day at the South Boston iron works. The
the surface. Year after year this work
in quarrels so public as to reach the
was carried on, the excavation growing in tho world who use opium alone, and difficulty with gun casting is the cixilings police.
smaller and smaller toward the bottom, there are many hundreds of thousands and the patent which Krupp has on this is
The married women save and have sav­
the sides slanting so as to keep the earth in this country who are victims of tlie basis of his fame. However, the Bos­ ings bank deposits, but the girls seldom
from falling In. By the time the rock was morphine, opium, quinine and cocaine. ton foundries are courageous. They tirst do. They enjoy themselves in their own
reached there was not much space tor tho They think they have no such habit i make a gun-pit of sand and clay thirty feet. way while they are young, and a police­
proposed operations, and the whole thing
This takes the form of the gun to be cast. man who is on duty in that part of the
was abandoned as n failure. In the Inter­ about them—so many people are un­ The core, which is to make the bore, is city where they are thickest says it is a
val, by paying his laborers 1 ruble a day
carefully fabricated and suspended in the rare thing to see one of them on tlie street
per head, ami drawing three or four times They have pains and symptoms of pit with mathematical nicety. Then at fl in the evening without a sweetheart.
that amount from the government, the en­ what they call malaria and other | o’clock of one day the flres are started un­ They make the most of the liberty they
gineer had accumulated a fortune of about diseases, when in reality it is tho de- der three furnaces tilled with steel ingots, have when working hours are over. They
8,1)00,600 rubles. The affair has never been maud in the system for those terrible each containing thirty-five tons. In about have their evenings and Sundays at their
Investigated. Siberia Is not altogei her the drugs, a demand that iseaused largely twenty hours this is reduced to a molten own disposal, with no employer to ask any
country it is represented to be. Only in the
mass. Gutters are provided from euch question concerning their whereabouts so
by physicians’ prescriptions which furnace to the gun mold.
north is the climate severe.
long as they are at his premises during
“Southern Siberia is one of the most
At a given signal each furnace is tapped; I working hours. The girls work hard all
fertile and prosperous regions in existence. strong spirits, and one that must be the white liquid runs into the gun-pit; the ; day, for they are paid by the piece, and
It is to this part of the world that most answeied or silenced in the kidneys core stands the shock, aud in twenty-two I they must work hard to earn much.
political prisoners are exiled. The govern­ and liver by what Dr. Htephens says minutes the pit is full. The furnaces are ' Their evenings they spend in tlie open air
ment gives each of them a fixed number of is the only kidney and liver specific. plugged and the mass of metal (fifty-four . when not in the halls. Their social meet-
acres of land, a house, cattle, horses, and Ho also says that moderate opium and tons in weight), is left to cool. This pro­ lings in these places never break up till
farming implements. The only restriction
cess takes four weeks; then, if no disturb­ I late. The girls get along with very little
placed upon t hem is that they shall not go other drug eaters, if thoy sustain the ance of the core has taken place, the lat­ sleep—seldom more than five or six hours.
outside a given circle, and there is a suf kidney and liver vigor with that great ter is bored out, the gun is lifted from its I They impress tho observer as being ubun-
ticient force to see that they obey this be­ remedy, can keep tip these habits in bed and the work of linishlng begins. It I dantly able to take care of themselves in
hest. The vast majority of them settle moderation.”
takes six months to accomplish this. This their independent, willful means of enjoy­
down to a quiet, peaceful, and prosperous
“ Well does not this discovery give magnificent gun, when complete, will be ment. As a rule they are irreligious, have
life, and never want to come back again, you a new revelation of the power of thirty feet long and weigh fifty-four tons. I their standard of morality, and are ro-
even after their terms of exile are fin­ safo cure?”
It will tire 2(15 pounds of powder, throw a | gardless of all but their own rules ot pro­
ished. There are many enormously rich
projectile 800 pounds in weight, have a priety.—New York Times.
peoplo in this portion of Siberia. The
velocity of projectile of 1,860 feet per sec­
Persia's Religion and Bible.
merchants make vast fortunes, financial convince the public that nearly all ond, which would cover three miles of
easiness is prevalent, and there is Just as the diseases of the human system origi­ range, and a muzzle energy of 16,000 tons
“Tn Persia church and state are prac­
much luxury in that country as there is in nate in some disorder of the kidneys to the square inch of impact—or the tically one. The Koran is the law of the
any other part of the world. It is to north­ or liver, and hence I have logically capacity to send a solid Bhot through I land and of the family. It goes into
ern Siberia, whore the copper mines are declared that if our specific were used, twenty-three inches of Iron plating.— I family matter in the minutest way. If it
I was published in New York* 16,000
situated, that the worst criminals, such as over ninety per cent, of these ailments Chicago Herald.
I Anthony Comstocks would rise to sup-
murderers and thieves of the vilest degree, would disappear. The liver and kid­
are sent. To condemn a man to work in
— “O, say, ma!” exola med a bright I press it. It leaves nothing to be supplied
the copper mines Is as good as reading his neys seem to absorb these poisons little girl at the Hoffman House wh le | by the imagination and calls a spade a
in every case. There is groat relig-
death sentence, for he seldom survives a
at (Inner, “hasn’t that man over there I spade
year of ltilASr there.
and diseased.”
ions toleration in Persia, however, and a
got awful big cars?” “Hush, ch Id! I man may believe in any God or no God,
“ When these eminent authorities
“What,” 1 asked, “is the difference be­ thus publicly admit that there is no the gentleman m ght hear you.” cau­ i or may announce himself as God, as long
tween your Cossack and the ordinary remedy like ours to enable the kidneys tioned tho mother. “Well, ma,” re­ as he acknowledges that Mahomet is his
torted the preeoeious voungst r. “if prophet and obeys the secular laws of the
soldier in your army!”
“The Cossack," respond«! Gossler, and liver to throw off the frightful 1m couldn’t hear me with those ears he Kuran.
“The people are quick-witted and given
“is an independent soldier. I can only liken effects of all deadly drugs and excess­ ought to haul ’em down.”— N. F. Jour­
to poetry and philosophic speculation
him to the militia in your country, and ive use of stimulants it is an admission nal.
more than to the exact sciences. The ex-
even there 1 find points of marked dissim­ of its power as great »« any one
%-utive ability of the rulers is developed
ilarity. He owns his horse, his uniform, could desire ; for if through its influ­
his small arms, and all his other accoutre­ ence alone the opium, morphine, qui­ How the Milkmen vf the Lucky Ranch Came .ii a high degree and Justice is dispensed
with occasional exceptions of
ments excepting his rifle. That alone be­ nine, cocaine and liquor habits can lie
Out Ahead.
despotic cruelty and bribery. There are
long to the government. When he begins overcome, what higher testimonial of
M arcus Stone is the fortunate owner . 33,000 Fireworshipers in Persia, and the
In the service of the czar ho must remain
in that service whenever it is demanded its specific power could be asked for?” of what is known as the “ Lucky sacred flame has burned uninterruptedly
“You really believe then, Mr.
of him to the end of his life. His only ad­
Ranch,” on the San Bruno road near for 2,200 years. There is one good point
about the Fireworshipers. Fire with,
vantage is that'in time of peace he is Warner, that the majority of diseases
city. He also conducts an ex­ them is sacred, and therefore they object
to carry on any pursuit which he may come from kidney and liver com­
care to embark. The Cossack country is plaints?”
tensive and very successful dairy busi- to smoking. No greater insult can be
offered to a Parasee gentleman than to
always thriving and pleasant The Cos­
"I do! When you see a person neas at 35 Eddy street and is highly smoke
in his presence.”—Ex-Minister Ben­
sacks, indeed, regard themselves as the moping and groveling about, half dead
respected by every one who knows jamin's Lecture.
original Russians, tracing their ancestry
back to little Russia, and they speak of and half alive, year after year, you him. In the management of his busi­
First Two Patent* Ever Iasned.
all the other inhabitants of the great may surely put him down as having ness he employs quite a number of
country as living 'with them, but not of some kidney and liver trouble.”
Mr. Stone said yesterday : “ I
In 1790 congress passed “An act to pro­
them.' It is difficult to tell what will lie
“ The other day I was talking with happened one day to hear some of my mote the progress ot the useful arts,”
the future of Russia. There is a great Dr. Fowler, the eminent oculist of men talking of investing in The which was the first stimulus to inventive
change working in the country, and there thia city, who said that half the Louisiana State Lottery.
I had my­ genius through government protection.
seems no way out of the natiou's financial patients who came to him for eye
This act clothed the secretary of state,
drawn the secretary of war and the attorney
difficulties, it looks indeed, as though
absolute bankruptcy were impending.”
general with plenary power to issue certi­
Now many people pose we form a club and buy a num­ ficates of merit, which were to be counter­
Some of Col. de Gesaler's anecdotes of kidney disease.
life in the latter campaigns of his career
ber of tickets together for the October signed by the president and become let­
were interesting. He told, for instance, eight becomes so poor. A thorough Drawing, and divide the prizes, if we ters patent. The first patent issued was
how, at the fall of Plevna, Osman Pasha course of treatment with Warner's get any.’ All agreed, and we each put to Samuel Hopking. July 31, 1790. for
sent his sword to Skobeleff, and that upon safe cure is what they need more than in f 10 and made a purse, enough to making pot or pearl ashes, and the second
the meeting of the commanders or the a pair of eye glasses.
The kidney purchase nineteen whole tickets, one Invention that received this exalted favor
hostile force, the grand duke personally
was a shoe shank, and the inventor was
attacks the of which wa* 73,392, which drew 90000 from that part of Yankeedom which has
took the
weapon, and, with his
Thia gave each man ffifiO as his share ever since been most prolific in the in­
hand, hung it again about
the waist of Osman,
while the it affects the eyes; with others the —an excellent return for a ten-dollar ventive skill -the state of Massachusetts.
troops on lioth skies cheered them head ; with others the stomach or the investment. I of course am satisfied —Washington Cor. Globe Democrat.
selves hoarse, and tn thetr ardor wildly lungs, or rheumatic disorder follows and with the share that has fallen to me,”
embraced each other. Skobeleff is still neuralgia tears them to pieces, or they added Mr. Stone, "though common
First Poem Written In Oregon.
sincerely mourned in the Russian army. loose the powers of taste, smell or be­
An Oregon old timer says the first
He was the most dashing and impetuous
“poem" ever “indited” in that country was
of all the czar's chief officers, and he was come impotent in other functions of the Ixmetit of the whole ticket; and the by a Yamhill woman. It reads: “The
held in great reverence by the men in his laxly. What man would not give his boys are immensely pleased with Willamette valh y is the prettiest pine
command. Among other things he was all to have the vigor of youth at com their good luck. 1 suppose we’ll have that ever was made; It lies between th-.
a tremendous drinker, and it was hie mand?”
to put it down to the influence of the Coast range and the Cascade; In th
steady habit to consume a dozen hotties
“The intelligent physician knows ‘ Lucky Ranch,’ ” added Mr. Stor.e as spring of the year, just after the rains
of champagne In the course of a day's that these complaints are but symp­ he turned to receive some of the | there are lots of n ild geese, and a few blu<
fighting. He would hold the bottle in hl» toms ; they are not the disorder,anil they
friends who called to congratulate him j cranes.—Exchange.
left hand, knock the top of it off with
hi* luck with The Louisiana State
hie sword and drink the entire contents at
The Smithsonian institute no lounge-
a draught.—New York Cot. Boston head, the eye or stomach, er of virility, Lottery.—Nun Francises (Cal.) Chronicle i gives away its publications, but offers
Oct. Mth.
them for sale at abv it cost prie*.
No.512 W e * t 57 th S t ., N. Y., Juris -V.
1 85.
I have been a martyr to bilious head­
ache aud dyspepsia. Any Indiscretion in
diet, over-fatigue, or cold, briugB on a tit
of indigestion, to be followed by a head­
ache lasting two or three days at a time.
I think I must have tried over twenty
different remedies, which were recom­
mended a« certain cures by loving friends,
but it was no use. Like the Irishman, 1
got no better very fast. At last I thought
I would take a simple course of purgatiou
with B kandrkth ' s P ills . For the first
week I took two Pills every right, then
one Pill for thirty nights; in that time I
gaiued three pounds in weight, and never
have had an ache or a pain since.
W illiam E. R ockwell .
Mortar and paint may be removed from
window glass with hot, sharp vinegar.
Weak lungs, spitting of blood, consump-
lion and kindred affections, cured without
physician. Address for treatise, with 10
cents in stamps, World's Dispensary Med­
ical Association, 661 Main Street, Buffalo,
N. Y.
A twenty-three-pound cat is on exhibi­
tion at Boston, Mass.
Absolutely Pure.
best remedy known for insomnia, or
sleeplessness, which afllicts so many uer-
sons, and which leads to so many Herious
nervous disease-, particularly to insanity.
Atdiuggists. 81.50. Descriptive treatise
with each bottle: or address J. J. Mack &
Co., S. F.
_ _________
Ready Remedy ; Irish May Flower. 75 ’
We have received the Kansas Magasine,
pub isbed at Kansas Ciiy. Mo. It is nea tly
printed on tine paper and full of excellent
articles. See their advertisement.
Taw powder rarie* A
ftrengtb and w hole*ome®e*«. Mor • e ’<>'ioiiiieti this
•she ordinary kimfei. x.i <1 oai’nj’C be uoid In -jotapsh
Wi with the multitude ot ’ow test, short «»few
Ju.m or ohosnhate powder* Sold only
io/Ai: B ak ' d «» rowum Co. ..oe WaL
< y
And other fur* bought for cash at highest prioea. 8,- m
for uircutar. E U. Boughton, 47 Bond St., New Yfurt
■ *M
An Easy Chance for a Big Reward.
To the 500 persons first answering correctly, on or
••¡Where hi the Bible is First Found the Wor’d
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3— Cash Present
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recoide.i hearing postmark date here later than January 27, 1887. You must send before that date,
/•u ,7. ’unnp>J. b-v
P<'Jtal note, money order or registered letter, express, or draft on Kan«
' ork- I)o not send checks on local banks. Canada bills are wnr h only 9’tenu,
k'*'" a,z'
l>.’»’> no attention to AiiNwer* in Letterw. without the Suhsrriidioflt» i
the . ii utfuzme. on 1 ostitis or Teiecruni*» The following receipts speak lor tbeniseh'M^
Boeel ved from 1' H E KA N8A8 MAGAZINE, of K ansas City* Mo.? the an in of ($2.»t' tw-nty-8"
hundnsl dollars for answering their Bible Queation where the word “Oliver” was first mentioned!»
the Bible my answer being 13th Chapter and 2d verse of Genesis. The money was this din duly
' s E> fa RRDW
I have this day received from THE KANSAS MAGAZINE t^i^imuiarnUhiilan»'
/‘»J? correctly their Bible Question-” Where was Silver first found ill the Bibiif"-
«ienesiji, 13th ( hapter. 2d verse.
her lii* ,,i',M,n5 iare.2irai!i.H!,,at of the.of those who
awarded presents In our I*.*»
P w.J Art
Bible Competition; Mrs. Marla Crawley, West Mark ham Street. Lit«
IfVll ’riniv/*!« J
A0™*«: Flfth and Chestnut, St. Lo ils. Mo..
« ha» *
h %»•
Crawford. Atlanta, Tex.,$2,^M); B. Martin, i-’r-.g IxwelJ*
noHa’ Prk w™xni;
"le’rAr!c”A|5i1,>: Th2.mag »“»rd, Texarkana, Tex., t7»i; B.Won.W
yi’™.’ M
Crawford, Atlanta, Tex., $1,250. IVrite to
»fthtne pu?
IllustrRt’pH nnri »in
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A Holiday I’rescnt of 10 Ifoohto Every New Snteril«
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1 and preventing it from being affected by other dise*»*
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