WEST SIDE TELEPHONE, NOTES AND NEWS. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. All persons knowing themselves indebted to us will conferà favor on us by culling and settling Immediately, us all accounts are now due. MORSE & MAVT8. Dayton, Nov. 20. 1888. McMinnville Baths '•iff -ViC W W Tlie Golden chariot French doctors i C. H. FLEMING, Prop. M c M innville , T i - khoay , D ec . 7, 1886. bilked Portland to the tune of $28,000. A judgment has been given the Sol­ diers' Nat'ona) home against Old Spoon TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. Butler for $16,537. The Western Union Telegraph com­ As a special inducement to new sub­ Ladies' and Children's Work scribers, we make the following offer: pany ia engaged in stretching anol tier I would most respectfully announce that —A SPECIALTY.— wire from Seattio to Portland. The Every person sending ns $2 cash will be I have leased the Chris Newby Flouring Mill in Happy Valley, have thoroughly given the W est S ide T elephone for the business is so large that it cannot be overhauled and repaired it, and am now Hot and Cold Baths, 25 Cts balance of the present year free. This handled by two wires. ready to do grinding for toll or cash. Come and see me. —Have Just Added— is equivalent to 11 months for $2. We Four prisoners in tlie Multnomah IMm.'l .1. A. VERSTKKG. arc ambitions to make our subscription county jail attempted to escape Friday. The Finest Line of Cigars list greater than all other papers of They had nearly succeeded in cutting ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Yamhill county combined. It is rapid­ their way out, when they were detected In the City. Try Them. "XT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ly approaching the point. and locked up in an iron cage for safe .UAi that tlie undersigned lias been duly appointed by the honorable county court uf keeping. Yamhill County, Oregon, administrator of the estate of James Fauchiles, deceased, Portland News : Tlie rainfall here dur ­ The Salem bridge is done. The peo­ and all persons having claims against said ple of that thriving city can now turn ing November was less than ever before estate are hereby notified to present tlie Third Street, between E and F. to (he undersigned at his place of their attention to paying the $50,000 known in the histoiy of Portland. Tlie same business, North Yamhill, with the proper McMinnville, Oregon, precipitation was only one inch. Pre ­ which it cost. vouchers, within six months from the date vious to last month, the lowest fall was hereof« Dated November 12.1886 LEE LAUGHLIN, Fish Commissioner Wallace Bal lwin in November, 1871, amounting to 2.47 Administrator of the Estate of James Haya it will cost in the neighborhood of inches. The highest was in Novmber, Fairchiles. 44tl0 First-class accommodations for Commer­ $2.500 to put the fish ladder at Oregon 1875, 15.77 inches. cial men and general travel. City in Bbape. For heaven’s sake let’s EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Transient stock well cared for. The Portland News promises that in have it finished, and put a stop to the about thirty days it will furnish the most OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Everything new and in First-Class Order everlasting discussion. complete telegraphic repoit ever pub­ -L w bv order of die Conntv Court of n,hill County Oregon, C. H. Cook and Patronage respectfully solicited. lished on Pacific Northwest, and says: Ya A. J. Apperson, have been duly appointed The Salvation Army has not been “The davs of associated press and the joint executors of the last will and testa­ very successful in reforming Portland. western union telegraph monopoly are ment of Lydia J. Cook deceased. Therefore, persons haVing claims against said es­ In fact, it would seem that the rank and speedily drawing to a close in this coun­ nil tate are hereby notified and required to pre­ file of that regiment were only additions try, thanks to John Mackay and the sent them with proper vouchers to said ex­ at McMinnville, Oregon, within six to the already overcrowded ranks of postal telegraph. The new year will be ecutors months from this November 2f>, l«8ti. McMinnville, Oregon. deadbeats and toughs. They are a bad a good time to celebrate the event.” C. It. COOK, A. J. APPE1.8ON, lot. The search for and seizure of contra­ Has been thoroughly renovated and is now Joint Executors aforesaid. band opium has become an object of F entox A F fnton , Atty’s foréstate. 4stlO ready to receive grain. The suit between the stockholders of considerable activity on this coast. Re­ the Oswego Iron Works has-been decid­ Storage and Cleaning, 3 cents. Calcutta cently in San Francisco a steamer was ed in favor of the light of the old board of sacks constantly on hand and sold at the 11*1 kJ* fitted up and sent out to meet an incom ­ lowest rates. directors to manage the affairs of the company. We hope that the works will ing steamer and search it for tins contra­ The Leader in Millinery. band article that lias been so successful­ anon be opened and the development of ly eluding revenue duties. The opium HAIR WEAVING AND STAMPING. Oregon’s iron interests resumed. fiends will probably hereafter have to Opposite Grange Store, McMinnville. 42tf Farmers are respectfully invited to call and see us, pay their regular revenue tai. A few­ The exe tement in Great Britain over seizures and confiscations will cause tf WM. GALLOWAY Prop. —MISS---- the Irish Home Rule question ha as re- them to respect tho law a little more eently grown more intepse than for than they have heretofore. some months past. It is said that tho present ministry, backed by the Queen a e determined to destroy the land league [Corner Third and C Streets] N ogales , Dec. 5.—Six Mexican edi­ and suppress absolutely the agitation OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK, tors have been arrested and imprisoned of tho Irish question. by the Govenor of Sonora, for publish­ Is Now Open. President Cleveland lias announced ing articles hostile to this government. Attention is respectfully invited to this his intention of taking bold of the tariff S acramento , Dec. 5.—The secretary question and telling his party that it of state finished the count of the official Ladies, please cali and see my BUSINESS SCHOOL. must take some advanced positions on vote last night except Sacramento coun­ Its facilities for tnorough practical in­ the subject. Tliis probably means that ty. The returns including the vote as struction; actual business department a specialty where currency, bank checks, lie will try to get upon the republican counted by supervisors, gives Bartlett drafts, etc., are used. platform, as lie has to much sense to 85,004, Swift 84,439. Bartlett’s plurah- Class or private instruction day or even­ Will have an early Fall Stock. ing. take any advanced steps toward free ty 565. Crayon and Portrait work a Specialty. tiade after the lessons of the late elec­ P hiladelphia , Dec. 4.—The Ameri- College Journal sent fret* on application. tions. G. R. HIGGINS, Prin. can ship R. D. Rice left port this morn­ P. 0. Box 101. 38tf ing in tow of tugs for the Delaware The Portland Evening Telegram says M c M innville , oregon . breakwater, bound for Iliogo, Japan. of the case W. W. .Saunders, under sen­ She had on board 800,000 gallons of re­ Always on hand ti e best quality of Beef, tence of death for tlie murder of Chas. fined petroleum in 80,000 cases. She Mutton, l’ork, and Campbell which will come before the su­ I II IT • I P1I J has a draught of twenty-seven feet, and premo court on the 9th of December: is one of the most deeply laden vessels “The man, through a multitude of that, ever left this port. It is expected lawyers, is making a desperate fight for that it will take three days to get her to Highest prices paid for all kinds of fat his life, and the public is looking on cu- uca, a number of anchorages being nec­ stock. nous if not nnvioun, to know the opinion* GIVE ME A CALL. essary in order to get over shoals at ex­ of the highest tribunal of the state as to This Space is For actly high water. Respectfully, whether the deed of Saunder6 does or ‘ F. 8. KELLER. 37tf R ichmond , V a ., Dec. 5. — Richmond is not constitute the crime of murder.” building a city hall of granite,which will I The Salem Statesman devotes nearly cost probably $1,000,000. Skilled me­ a column of its editorial space to some chanics of the colored race have so far sensible remarks upon the value of ad­ been unable to get work on the building J. H. HENDERSON vertising, and concludes by saying: and on a formal application for it before the building committee of the city coun ­ “Not tlie business community alone, (Successor to L Root); but the general public an well, forma its cil the committee decided adversely to Carries a full and complete stock of opinion of the standing and prospects of colored mechanics, thus drawing tliecol- or line, which at election times the Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, a firm, by its methods of advertising. —WH9 BELL— Nothing is more natural than for a bourbons so deeply deplore. Tho color­ Wooden and Willowware, ed here represent two-fifths of the popu ­ stranger, coining for the fi>-Ht time info •ifl- 4'i. Hie city, to look over the advertising col­ lation, and many of them are skilled at umns of the leading newspaper. If he various trades, and save for the colored sees an attractive and well at ranged ad­ vote the present council would have Goods delivered promptly to any part of the city.* vertisement occupying a good space, he failed of election. Goods Exchanged for Produce. 35tf L incoln , III., Dec. 5.—A Deputy Uni­ concludes that the firm to which it be­ longs is one of the leading ones of the ted States Marshal was here to-day sub- city and that it is a safe one with which pirnaing witnesses to appear at Spring­ to have dealings. Such first impressions field against V. N. Ilinkle, Postmaster Proprietor of aro usually lasting, and they are seldom at Burtonview, this (Logan) county, wring.” who is charged with violating the postal laws in regard to the sole of stamps. All Kinds of It is clear that there will be a conten­ Hinkle, who is also telephone agent in tion in the Democratic ranks in the this town, in settling with the agent Trucking and Delivering House at once on the taiiff. The Ad­ here sent a part of his remittance in Done to order. Constantly on hand, Mill l-'eed, Flour, Wheat and Oats. Also, all ministration will recommend the Hew­ stamps, and the agent tried to sell them kinds of Wood, Shingles, Posts, Shakes, to the ( his to (lice here. When the Lin ­ itt bill, both in tho President’s message Etc. All orders left with us for Stowe A Brower s lumber yard promptly attended and in Secretary Manning's report. To coln postmaster learned where they to. this bill Morrison is undoubtedly op- came from he at once reported Hinkle. Delivery Wagon Always Ready. possed, untáis he can add to it his neu­ The case will prove of great interest to Orders left with Rogers A Todd, at City- Ilf. tralizing amendment. Helms already, all country postmasters who are in the Drug Store, promptly tilled. since the election, announced his oppo habit of paying small bills with stamps, The Direct Route I No Delays! sition to the Hewitt bill. Morrison thus increasing the revenue of their Fast Trains I charges that Hie bill will increase tlie tar­ office. iff on some articles. The attempt on OREGON'S EXACT ItOVNDARIEN. THE LOV7EST RATES —Dealers in— the part of the Government to pass this TO CHICAGO ANO ALL POINTS bill without tho Morrison attachment Perhaps but very few people know the will precipitate the first Democratic fight exact boundaries of Oregon. They are East. Tickets sold to nil prominent points of the session. It will be interesting to annexed as found in the state constitu­ throughout tlie East and Southeast. spectators, for the reason that it will be tion. Beginning one marine league at the last appearance of Colonel Morrison sea, due west from the point where the TO EAST-BOUND PASSENGERS 1 and Mr. Hewitt in the political nrena fortv-second parallell of north latitude Be careful and do not make a mistake. for at least two years. Both are heavily intersects the mime; thence northerly at But be sure to take the HUSSEY'S OLD STAND, coated with war p-'nt. Morrison de­ the same distance form the line of the i ttf clares Hewitt was largely instrumental coast lying west and opposite the state, N orthern P acific R ailroad jn defeating him. Hewitt avers that including all islands w ithin the jurisdic­ And see that your ticket reads via Morrison’s bull-headed obstinacy on the tion of the United States, to a point due li ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS, tariff may defeat the Democratic parti­ west and opposite the middle of the in 1888. In this fight the administration north ship channel of the Columbia To avoid chanies and serious delavs occa­ —I Have Just Received— will support Hewitt for two reasons. river; thence easterly, to and up the sioned by other routes. First, the treasury department would middle channel said river, and when it be blind, indeed, if it had not discover­ is divided by islands, up the middle of Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars —A Fine Line of— ed Morrison’s incapacity to deal with the the widest channel thereof, to a point are Run on Regular Express tariff long ago. Secondly, the so called near Fort Walla Walla where the forty­ Trains Full Length of the Hewitt administrative bill waa almost sixth parallell of north latitude crosses Line. Berths Free. wholly prepared by the treasury de­ said river; thence east on said parallell LOW RATES! QUICKTIME! partment experts, and it is, in fact, the to the middle of the main channel of the department bill, Hewitt's refusal to Shoshone or Snake river; thenee up the resign until January is the result of his middle of tho main channel of said river General Office of the Company, determination to try and pass the bill. to the mouth of tlie Owyhee river; No. 2 Washington St.. Portland, Or. Unless all sign« are misleading, Morri­ thence I Co. an old i Ion a vist tn I home Satin I Clocks ca I'-ille Jewel ■Where else. I decltf I Vinegar, ■or small q ■^nts per ga ■no. J. Sax. ■ Geo. Wilco ■>is attack of ■oaeain assn Bogd office he H Miss Inez .1 ■rom a visit t •here she ha< ■•ting her hea ■.Prof. Crawf. ■-- church nex ■atchwell goe ■narterly met- At a meetinj ■ridav evenini ^■'lerr-'l to pr >i H- C. Force du Logan Bros, ■ng a concrete ^■cupied hv tin ■»ct for the w ■•vet ■ 'Vo wnrP m;,t Mr. Wolsey miles r <’>, '■o’l.lrnco in ■ " i < her last ti • '•'"n.i brou §■"' for the 1’or IB3' As soon a jM*' M -,v | i,,nd » | com: