WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. . ice if low ■ College Notes. OUR ASSISTANTS. Farm for Sale, We are told that there was a temple The Wm White place 2}a miles east Webfoot. at Rome in which there was a sacred of this city is in my hands for sale. This thikd district . fire suspended in tlie air and watched by December 4, 1886. (arm consists of 280 acres of land wall ...II. P. Boise. vestal virgins. If this fire chanced to be Judge ■ Colds are prevalent—ague on the de­ improved and can bo had for $25 per Prosecuting Attorney • Geo. W. Belt. extinguished, all business public and cline. acre, if sold before December 1st. OO3RTV. private was suspended until the acci­ Also some valuable I’rotacted meetings are in progress at Terms very easy. It. I*. Bird, Senators -j dent was expiated. Tlie laws relating Pleasantdale. J. W. Watts. personal property can be had with the R. It. Laughlin, to the virgins who watched the sacred The Sabbath school at Pleasantdale is '. farm , cheap, _ good 4-year old horse, 6 - Representatives F. N. Little. preparing for a Christmas entertain- °| fire were severe. If the virgins were €'. Lufollett. ' sheep, 1 Dew wagon, some hay, sheaf ment. .......... L. Lougtiarv. guilty of neglect, they sometimes were Judge ■ | oats and household furniture. ....... J. 8. Hibbs. Commissioners ( J. M. Lambert wishes to dispose of his ' cruelly punished. If any virgin infring­ C. W. T almage , Geo. Dorsev. McMinnville, Or. G. W. Bri-.lM.cll. ed the law w hich forbade her to marry, young cattle with a view to going east of j Clerk ......................... ....... T. J. Harris. Sheriff she was buried alive; being confined to tlie mountains. W. W. Nelson. Treasurer.................. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, C. A. A T. Carey and W. H. Lambert an underground vault with a lamp, and Wyatt Harris. Assessor.................... made a business» trip to Oregon City J. A. C. Freund. School Supt a little bread, wine and oil. This sa- The best salve in the world for cuts, ... J. 1>. Fenton. returning yesterday. purveyor cred fire was tended by virgins reared bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevor D. C. Narver. Coroner School is progressing finely, frequent sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, for the purpose for about eleven centu­ additions being m-.de of tlie largerschol- ries. During this period twenty maids ars; all will probably be enrolled soon. corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi­ tively cures piles, or no pay required. telephone whisperings were conderaed to death. To us tliis is On account of the dedication at Day­ It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac­ a story which sounds like a myth. To ton last Sabbath the concert was post­ tion, or money refumled Price 25 Fresh roasted peanuts at II. II. those poor creatures who suffered death poned untill next Sabbath (tomorrow.) cents per box. For sale by Rogers & I Todd. Welch’s. tf 29yl in a vault of the earth, there was some­ There is talk of having a Christ mas tree For a square meal go to tlie St. Charles thing unmistakably real. Let us at Webfoot church ; hope it w ill prove a Money Wanted. —only 25 cents. now use the story as an illustration. I verity. It has been a thing unknown j here for sometime. P. W. Todd will soon leave for Clover­ In free America education is the sacred All persons indebted to Terry and dale, California. If traditions of the weather prophets Wright will please call and settle their tire that swings before her altarB. Let Work is being pushed rapidly ahead that sacred flame be extinguished and are tine that tlie first three days of Dec­ accounts immediately. The accounts art­ ember govern the winter then we shall in my hands and tlie books must be at the Star mills. M usical P rodigies .—Every member the business of the world must stop. decidedly have a beautiful February. dosed tip at once. Vases and china cups of ail kinds at Chaos and confusion would reign, and of tlie McGibeny family are musicians, 4814 L ee W right . One of our wisdom loving young men Baxter & Martin’s. 51t2 from tlie parents down to little 3-year- expiation could not be procured except lias found that it is not good that man I W. H. Bingham lias been on tlie sick old I/Co. Tlieir programme includes so­ by the sacrifice of many noble sons. should live alone, and has taken to him- i Notice, list for several days. los, duets, quartets and a full orchestra. The pure light of knowledge needs guar­ self a helpmeet, or, in other words, Mr. Owing to the change in our business Dr. J. C. Michnux, of Slier dan, was Little Jamie, 6-year-old, conducts the dians. Ruthless hands are ready to de­ Joel Dorsey and Miss Huldah Hutchens were united in the holy bonds of wed­ we need all the money due us. So all in the city yesterday. orchestra, sings beautifully and manipu­ stroy tlie good everywhere. Our col­ lock on last Sabbath evening. Nov. 28, who owe us please call and settle at Call at Rogers & Todd's and see their lates the big bass drum. Tlie grand leges. like vestal virgins, stand and min­ 1886. S. R. Baxter J. P. officiating. once. fine display of Holiday goods. 49tf R ogers A T odd . march of the troupe is worth the price ister at the altars. They are unceasing We join with the many friends of this Worthy votinc couple in wishing them a Î The proceeds of the fair and festival of admission. Remember tlie date of in their efforts for the higher develop­ long life of happy usefulness. They last Wednesday were about $45. For Sale. their concert-—Tuesday, December 14. ment and culture of the youth. This went ______ to ____ their home near. Wheatland on Look at C. Grissen’s immense stock There are very few reserved seats for care and watchfulness colleges exercise, , ^Wednesday. s tie yet at Rogers & Todd’s drug store. -"■(0 Acres of fine rolling land one and of holiday goods now open. 49tl0 C orset . Parties wishing these seats had better not for their own sakes but because all one-half miles from McMinnville Baxter & Martin have just opened out avail themselves of the opportunity at that is sacred and good is in jeopardy, for $45 per acre. Enquire of a fine line of Christmas goods. 51t2 once as the box sheat will be closed in a except a sleepless eye guard it well. T iiomas R ogers . Amity. December 6, 1880. Long live Harvard and Yale ! Long live i Hon. F. N. Little of Moore’s Valley few days. Don’t Experiment. was in the city on business yesterday. Mrs. Dr. Goucher died last evening V essel A shore .—We received word McMinnville college! You cannot afford to waste time in expe­ Mr. Crannall narrowlv escaped a se­ after a prolonged illness. The governor has appointed II. S. Ma­ Sunday of a vessel going ashore near rious hint recently. While turning on loney of Sheridan to he a notary public. Grand select ball in Lancefield’s hall rimenting when your lungs are in danger. Nestuvea one day last week, but partic­ the horizontal bar bis hold gave way Consumption always seems at first, only a Soper Bros, have purchased the farm ulars were meagre. From what we were and he came to tlie ground, lighting on at this place Christmas eve. Cards will cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose soon be out. upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. of Win. Warren. Consideration $5,000. He kept at able to iearn it was a Britisli vessel, in his head and shoulders. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hawley have re­ Coughs Try that cup and saucer coffee at Bax­ ballast, bound to Portland for wheat. his work, however, and did not lose a and Colds, but be sure you get the turned from their wedding tour looking genuine. Because he can make more profit recitation. ter & Martin’s. Best and cheapest. 51t2 The weather was very thick and the as happy as clams at high tide. lie may tell you he has something just as The literary society debated tlie tariff The revival meetings at tlie M. F. captain lost his bearings. He hadgiven question nt one of its recent meetings. or just the same. Don’t be deceived, Prof. Longacre begins the second quar­ good, chnrch will be continued during this the man at the wheel ordeis to run a The young orator on free trade was just but insist upon getting Dr. Kings New Dis­ ter of hi« school here to-day with a good covery, which is guarrantee'd to give relief week. straight course for a ceitain length of a little puzzled that the recent elections attendance. Mrs. L. is assistant. in all Throat. Lung ana Chest affections Baxter A Martin have just received time; he had hardly turned to enter the went against his principles. Trial bottles free ut Roger bottle by Rogers A Todd. attendance at a revival meeting being scandies, sermons and other yarns, rolled this year. will be lield at Grange hall, December Mrs. Walton of La Camas, W. T., is carried on there. Wicked and worldly, borrowed by the at Prof. Crawford’s,attending her daugh­ 11, at 1 o’clock p. m. Every member is Home Produce Market. George Cornet is the efficient and gen­ neighbors, condemned by the clergy, ter. expected to be present. tlemanly artist in Welch's Tonsoral Par­ Fine for bustles—also for lining cabins. J. W. G ault , J ackson . Corrected for the T elephonic by Baxter & T. W. Redington editor and proprietor— i lors, after August 6. tf Commander. Martin. also devil.” For originality Red. beats Council Proceedings. Wheat, per bu 70c Tom Rogers and Bert Heath nre bring­ the world, the flesh and tlie other gen­ B eautiful W eather .—If some of our Oats, per bu ......... asc ing in some fine m'nk. Thej' are trap­ tleman. Flour, per bar. ........ $4.00@$4.40 Tlie new city council met in regular Atlantic cousins could bo set down in ping on the Yamhill. Eggs, per doz ................. S port .—Several parties went fishing session last evening. Present: Mayor Oregon this morning, Dec. 3, says the Butter, ner ll> 25c On the first Sunday in January (lie Cheese, nest, per lb.... Lite Wortman, Recorder Spencer, Marshal Albany Buletin, they would doubtless new M. E, eiiu'ch on the South Yam­ in Third street yesterday and were Apples, per box 20c tirso.- hill will be dedicated. watched by an interested crowd on the Kautman, Street Commissioner Wal­ 1 be greatly surprised. The weather is Bueon, sides 10c " shoulder................. Skating rink has started tin again in sidewalk and various doorsteps. Gus lace; Councilmen Campbell, Jones, ’ like an April morning, the sun is shin­ " hum, sugar cured ing brightly, the grass and grain are the Mohawk hall. Skating Wednesday Detmering was tlie only successful fish­ Holl, Narver and Palmer. and Saturday evenings. Minutes of previous meeting read and growing nicely, flowers may he seen in erman we saw. He hooked something, ONE OF THE MOST NOTED European many gardens, and December seems physicians said: Neuralgia was the pruver J. P. Magruder is back to old Yam­ which after a hall-hour’s work he suc­ approved. Monthly reports of recorder, marshal of a dccaascd nerve for healthy blood, Use hill again. He has been working on the ceeded in landing in front ot his store. and street commissioner read and placed like the ides of May. There is no pre- Gilmore’s Aromatic Wine for tlie blood. 0. & P. extension, above Albany. Upon examination it proved to be a pyr­ on file. ' vailing sickness in the community and For sale by Bogers & Todd. everybody seems cheerful mid happy, Charley Cook left for Portlan 1 yester­ amid shaped piece of iron with a ring in The following bills were allowed: REV. W. FISK REQKA, of Aurora. III., day. He expects to go to Eastern tlie top, used for fastening horses to. It Mcneely & Co., bell..................... $122 41 i Compare this picture, a truthful one, says; “I have used Gilmore’s Aromatic is on exhibition in front of his store this With any place on tlie Atlantic sea- Oregon where he will probably locate. Maufman, marshal’s fees............ 35 40 I board, ami you will realize the advant­ Wine and find it an excellent household morning. remedy that none ought to do without. For Spencer, recorder’s fees................ 6 80 Ladies guild of St. James chnrch will ages of climate in tlie selection of a sale by Rogers & Todd. tneet at the residence of Mrs. D. C. Nar­ D ied .—Mrs. Dr. Goucher, of Amity, G. W. Burt, coal oil and freight. 12 oo home wherein to spend your days. THE PRETTIEST LADY in Olean was ver to-morrow (Wednesday) at 2 p. m. of whoso illness mention was made a C. A. Wallace, street commission­ what made her complexion so clear er’s fees......................................... 1 60 F or S ale .—A piece of valuable pro­ asked About twenty-five of the sailors from few days ago, died at her residence in D. C. Ireland & Co., printing.. . and beautiful. »She said it was by using 3 60 perty situated just outside the city lim­ Gilmore’s Aromatic wine. For sale by the ship wrecked at Nestticca, passed Amity, Sunday evening, about 7o’clock. Campbell, committeeman’s ex­ through town yesterday on their way to penses ........................................... 4 50 its, for sale at a bargain. Large house, Rogers & Todd. A post mortem examination of her re­ .Portland. MRS. L. LOOMIS, of Elba. N. Y.. writes Talmage, Spencer and Harding, well built; several acres of ground for canvassing city vote.................. 0 00 gardening, small fruit of various kinds us that she was sick for six months, was in­ Great bargains in all kinds of watches, mains was made by Dr. S. A. Young of to try Gilmore’s Aromatic Wine, clocks, plated ware, etc., at the Mc­ this city, assisted by her step-son Dr. nicely started, numerous outhouses, duced four bottles cured her. For sale bv Total........................................... $192 11 barn, etc. Everything in good order. and Minnville Jewelry store, Wm. Holl, pro­ Goucher. It was found that tlie cause Rogers A Todd. of her long sufferings was cancer of the prietor. decltf On motion a commiltee was appoint-1 Satisfactory reasons for wanting to sell. REV. II. B. EWELL, of Pavillion, N. Y. stomach. Her funeral will take place at ed consisting of Campbell, Jones and For further particulars enquire at this Miss F. E. Russ has a fine assortment Amity to-day. Deceased was about 58 says of Gilmore’s Aromatic Wine; “I be­ Palmer, to confer with property owners office. lieve it to be a most desirable remedy to be nfTohogan capB at her millinery parlors years old. on Third street between B and E streets placed in every family.” For sale by Rog­ Which will be disposed of cheap! 90 Dr. I. C. Taylor is in tlie city with cents apiece. F or S ale C heap .—Forty acres of in reference to cleaning tfie mud off the headquarters at the office of Dr. H. V. ers A Todd. streets. This committee was unpointed THE WIFE. MOTHER AND MAID who Several young men are talking of or­ land, situated five and one-half miles to see if the property owners would not V. Johnson. Dr. Taylor makes a spe- suffer from Female weakness and Debility, ganizing a gymnasium, and are to meet northwest of McMinnville, adjoining the clean tlie streets at their own expense j cialty of hemorrhoids and other diseases will find Gilmore’s Aromatic a positive to-night for tlie purpose of perfecting an Dave McCall place on the left. This without tlie council passing an ordinance I of the rectum. No charge for examina- cure. For sale by Rogers <* Todd. organization. i tions. Cure guaranteed or no charge piece of land is offered for sale cheap on compelling them to do so. Committee i made. GILMORE’S AROMATIC is a great suc­ 47tf cess therefore we challenge the World to Mr. A. Andrews of Atwood, Morrow easy terms. It is well fenced, contains to report at regular meeting to-night. On motion a committee was appoint ­ produce its equal ns a restorative for wom­ Co. an old resident of Yamhill, lias been a living spring of water, ten acres of it Holiday Goods are going off like hot on a vist to old friends. He started for has been under cultivation, and eight ed consisting of Jones, Narver and ! cakes at Geo. W. Burt’s, and he don’t an. For sate by Rogers A Todd. Campbell, to suggest amendments to home Saturday. REV I. M. DERBY, of Linden, N. Y., acres has been slashed. Price $10 per the city charter. Committee to report i have to run a lottery swindle to sell says; "The Gilmore Aromatic Wine prov­ acre. For further particulars call at tlie them either; the prices are so low they ed a great blessing to my wife.’, For sale Clocks can be bought at the McMinn­ at some future meeting of council. ville Jewelry store cheaper than any­ T elephone office. 48tf ■ No further business being on band, sell themselves. by Roger., 0 points, and 25 cents for 50 points w small quantities; sweet cider. 15 when one player discounts the other. ■ents per gallon, at the cider mill of his California home to-morrow, The now 300 stndents attending the Willam­ II. II. W elch . AMITY, OREGON. 'no. J. Sax. 29tf store will still be conducted under the ette university at Salem. This number — will be considerably increased before The McMinnville Jewelry store is (lie Geo. Wilcox has so far recovered from name of Rogers & Todd, and will be pre­ SAM LIKENS, Proprietor. ns attack of typhoid fever as to be able sided over bv the genial senior partner, the maximum number of attendance of i largest west of Portland, ami the cheap­ o again assume his duties in the rail- J. L. Rogers’. We bespeak for the new- the school year is reached. Tlie second est place to buy goods in Oregon. Wm. I Blacksmithing and carriage ironing of decltf oad office here. firm of Rogers & Todd a continuance of term ojiened very prosperously. Tlie' Holl ia the proprietor. every description. Miss Inez Johnson returned yesterday tiie liberal patronage they have received university lias made arrangements to; Good Results in Every Case. Horse Shoeing mm a visit to friends in Monmouth, in the past. furnish day board to young men and : 'here she had gone in the hope of bene- L ecture .—Prof. T. F. Campbell, will boys at $1 50 per week. Witli an ex­ Ami plow work a specialty. D. A. Bradford, whole«alc paper dealer j ‘ting her health. lecture in tlie Christian church this city perience of one term this arrangement of Chattanoga, Tenn., writes that he wa? ■ has been found to be practicable. Over .Prof. Crawford will preach at the M. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday ev­ Also manufacture the «erionsly afflicted with a «cvere cold that I chnrch next Snndav morning. Rev. enings. His subjects will be, “Man, fifty young men are now boarding in the settled on his lung« : had tried many rente- j Celebrated Oregon Iron Harrow, ball provi led for them at this price. dies without benefit. Being induce«! to try •tchwell goes to Sheridan to attend Death, Demonology.” Prof. Campbell Ex-Governor Gibbs has just sent to the Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption [ flarterly meeting. GIVE ME A CALL. 50tf is an accomplished and thorough scholar, university about 209 volumes as a free did ?o and was entirely cured by u.«e of a • , a meeting of tlie fire delegates last and his lectures are said to be delivered gift- few bottle«. Since which time he ha« used ' _________________ it in his family for all coughs and colds [ ndav evening, the cliief engeneer was “ered to procure a nurse to wait upon in a manner exciting tlie highest de­ There has been a considerable advance with l»est rouits. This is the experience of i gree of interest. The public are cordial­ tlmusanda whose lives have been «aved by ■C. Force during his illness. ly invited to attend. Admission free. in the price of coffee within tlie past few this wonderful disco very. days; nevertheless, but, don’t forget to Logan P.ros. and Henderson are put- Trial bottles free at Hiigcrs A To»ld’a dmg ■ D ouble W eddiso .—A double wedding send your orders tor job printing, when store. a concrete floor on the around to he you want any, to tlie T elephone office, Copied by their new stables. The con- took place here yesterday at the Cath­ act for the Wood work has not been olic church, Father Gibney officiating. because—’you are sure to get just ex- : An End to Bone Scraping. —Dealer in— actly what you want. Cheapest, too. It yet. Fdward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, HI., "\rW#r? mistaken in last issue regard- The contracting parties were Wm. Gib­ Gun«, Pistols, Ammunition, D ied —In Granville, Ohio, November say«: ‘'Having received so much b*neiit ' i Mr. Wolsey. He is not at his farm bons and Mary Ryan, and Daniel Gib­ Fishing Tackle, miles southwest of town, but at bons and Allice Ryan. The bridegrooms 25,1886, Mr». Caroline Johnson. Deceas­ from Electric Bitter?«, I feel it my duty to I Cutlery, Fine •residence in this city. His condition are brothers and reside near Dayton ed was tlie wife of G. B. Johnson, brother let suffering humanity know it. Have had Cigars, Etc. •till very critical. while the brides are sisters from Moore’s of Dr. II. V. Johnson, and Mrs. C. F. a running sore on iny teg for eight year«; Talmage and Mrs. J. H. Turner, of this my doctor« told mo I would have to have Valley. May they “ live long and be her last trip the steamer State ot Repair Broken Machinery city, and an unde of both members oi the I »one scraped or leg amputaten. I used _________ ____ instead. three bottles of Electric Bitten and ' 'fornia brought ninety-two tons of happy.” this firm. of nil kiffds—Farm Machinery, Traction «even boxen Bucklen ’ s Ariii«a waive, and my !• for the Portland 4 Willamette rail- B orn —To tlie wife of N.J. Wisecai- Engine», Etc. 1« now «ound and well.” As soon as thia aupplv is laid the L ost —A diamond shirt stud. Anyone leg Electric Bitters are «old at fiftv rent« a Sunday, 5, 188«, a m son. ! below Dundee will he finished and ver >— on ------- ' . December , . Locksmithing a Specialty. finding tlie «»me will be suitably reward­ bottle, and Bucklen’s Arnica salve at 25c. | "» will commence running regular ! To the ’ ¡f® of 1*07 ko.» by Rogers A Todd. ed by leaving same at this office. Ore west Buffer Wapf-ln*«’ day, November 30. W a daughter. OFFICIAL. DIRECTORY. i pur^ Hol. S hackled .—On Wednesday evening as Sheriff Harris was locking Marple in his cell, says tlie Register, Marple be­ came very abusive, and on Thursday morning tlie sliei ill'placed a 16-pound shackle around the prisoner’s leg and locked him in his cell, where he will re­ main both day and night. This wearing the shackle hurts Marple’s feelings and ho thought that he was being imposed upon, but he received no sympathy from those who were present. Tlie sherift searched Marple Wednesday morning and found a bunch of cigarette paper which was full of writing, accus­ ing some of our prominent men as be­ ing tlie murderer of D. I. Corker. It is believed stronger and stronger every day, among our citizens that the right man, or murderer of D. I. Corker is now in jail. When Marple's legs were being decorated with tlie shackle, he made the remark that he would like for the crowd to take him out and hang him rather than to wear the shackle. Sheriff Hanis de­ serves credt for the precaution lie lias taken in keeping this character in close and safe quarters. It is thought hv many who were pi esent that Marple will soon make a confession, as ha has lost the bravado he inis assumed all along, and now thinks his days are numbered. New Blacksmith Shop! XV F. COLLART),' Carries the Largest and Best Stock in Yamhill County. »ROCK PRICES I Come sind be Convinced. Third Street Bet. D and E. 5tf Jones & Co —Proprietors of— Nest urea Saw Mills, McMinnville Sash and door Factory —Dealers in - White anil tied Lead, Linseed and Lubricating Oils, Varnishes of all Description, Kalsotrilne, Spanish Whiting Paris Whiting P. & B. and Princess Metatic Roof Paint, V’enitian Red, Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochre/ and Hardware Prices as Low as the Lowest. nf JONES & Co SHERIDAN J. M. CHAPMAN, Pro., Carries a full stock of Furniture, of nil kinds, Fine Bedroom Sets, Mirrors, Mouldings, Wall Papers, Etc., Etc. —A full line of Undertaker’s Goods ! Store, one Woor south of bridge, Sheridan, OTegon. G. E. BETTERING Dry Goods House In the City. SHERIDAN Livery and Feed stable!! R. McKUNE, PROPR. Transient Stock Well Cared For !•' Teams and outfits furnished parties wlsh- to go to the const, at reasonable rates. Give me a Call •«« HERE WE ARE AT LAST I —Hanre.’s at the— Lafayette Hamess shop, —at absolutely— Portland Prices. --- - 0--—, Buggy Harness from $12.00 and upward, Tcanf Harnv.s« from $25.00 and upward. I have also something entirely new in tbcf line of • .vent pads. My terms are < ASII, or note* that cnir he turned into cash. A. WELLS. —Having Bought the— Business of Logan Bros. ,t Hender­ son, 1 am ready to do all kinds of Trucking and Delivering; —At Any Time.— Delivery Wagon Always Ready. Give 5!« * Trial. Al. 8. GOFI OPPOSITION Boot and Shoo Store ! Next to Yamhill County Bank. McMi.vsvii.i.r - - OltMoXz The Largest and Finest Stock ♦ver brongtiF to Yamhill County. Boots »nd Shoes mad« to order »nd neatly re|u>ir«4. Price« to the Bedrock.