WEST SIDE TELEPHONE, TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. As a special inducement to new sub­ scribers, we make the following offer: Every person sending ns $2 cash will be given the W est S ide T ei . ei ’U one for the balance of the present year free. This is equivalent to 11 months for $2. We are ambitious to make our subscription list greater than all other pa|emocratic partv west and opposite the middle of the in 1888. In this fight the administration north ship channel of the Columbia To avoid chanrcs anil serious delays occa­ —I Have Just Received— sioned by other routes. will support Hewitt for two reasons. river; thence easterly, to and up the First, the treasury department would middle channel said river, and when it be blind, indeed, if it had not discover­ is divided by islands, up the middle of Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars —A Fine Line of— ed Morrison’s incapacity to deal with the the widest channel thereof, to a point are Run on Regular Express tariff long ago. Secondly, the so called near Fort Walla Walla where the forty­ Trains Full Length of the Hewitt administrative bill was almost sixth parallell of north latitude crosses Line. Berths Free. wholly prepared by the treasury de­ said river; thence east on said parallell partment exports, and it is, in fact, the to the middle of the main channel of the Which will be sold at Lowest Living Prices. LOW RATES! QUICKTIME! department bill. Hewitt’s refusal to Shoshone or Snake river; thence up the Have also added a complete line of resign until January is the result of his middle of the main channel of said river General Office of tlie Company, determination Io try and pass the bill. to tho mouth of the Owyhee river; No. 2 Washington St.. Portland. Or. Unless all signs are misleading, Morri­ thence due south to the parallell of lati­ son will oppose Mr. Hewitt, and this tude fo-ty-two degrees north; thence Give Me a Call. will also put him in tho attitude of oppo­ west aiong said parallell to the place of A. D. CHARLTON, sing the A'lminiffration. W. H. BINGHAM. beginning. McMinnville, General Western Passenger Agent. F. E. RUSS McMinnville, Oregon. G 10 CENT COUNTER 10 () The Milliner, CITY MARKET D All Kinds of Meat. BISHOP & KAY! Tobacco Cigars, They will consist of __________________________ First-class accommodations for Commer­ cial men and general travel. Transient stock well cared for. Farmers are respectfully invited to call Opposite (¡range Store, McMinnville, 42tf and see us. J. J. COLLARD, HOLIDAY GOODS! The Finest Line of Cigars OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Everything new and in First-Class Order bv order of the County Court of Ya,nhill County Oregon, (’. H. Cook and Patronage respectfully solicited. A. J. Apperson, have been duly appointed joint executors of the last will and testa­ ment of Lydia J. Cook deceased. Therefore, all persons haVing claims against said es­ tate are herebv notified and required topre­ sent them with proper vouchers to said ex­ ecutors at McMinnville, Oregon, within six months from this November 26. 1886. MeMinnville, Oregon. C. II. COOK. A. J. APl’EltSON. Has been thoroughly renovated and is now Joint Executors aforesaid. F enton < fc F enton , Atty’s for estate. 4StlO ready to receive grant. J In a short time our DRESSING CASES, HAND MIRRORS, CHILDREN’S BOOKS, SCRAP BOOKS, POEMS, AUTOGRAPH & PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS In plush and leather In leather and plush. Handsome. Iii addition to this every person pur chasing one dollar’s worth of Hol. iday Goods will have a chance to get an elegant edition of Webster’s Unabridged Dic­ tionary free. Come and learn how REMEMBER! ! ! The Druggist. ad office I I Miss Inez from a visit frhere she hi frtting her he ■.Prof. Craw ■- church ne ■atchwell g< froarterlv me ■ At a meetii ■jiday evenii ■derer! to pr C. Force d ■ Logan Bros Bn- a concret ■»’Tied bv tl ■>ft for the • ■ yet. ■ "> were mi; ■? Mr. Wolse ■v’n miles s< re«i,|,,n,.p j ■ ’'lil very , ri ■?? her last ^frmornia bre ■^ * for the I’< As soon below Dun s r,,n