nec«»«ity WEEKLY k during a. r, Idi». »0ICAI '"*titutlon L tg- oils, Coj rK»nizatioii 1 America, u aiic ,or •« of all tuJ er ‘“d kidS estive oniaJ peculiar » kin diseaJ 'vous debZ ¡’eiinatorrfJ' 3tona. omesthrous the wo-l coce|e. hjd* '■'‘•‘teed, »2 e, ‘““titutio» I í k J? “«d ich g|vM I ” hspeounl WEST SIDE VOL. I IT SIDE TELEPHONE. TELEPHONE M’MINNVILLE, OREGON, DECEMBER ALONG THE COAST. Butte, Montana, refused to accept a reduction of wages, and the mine and smelter have closed down for the win- ter. Over 1,500 men are thrown out of employment. The Bluebird company’s sixty-stamp ' mill, erected at Butte, Montana, dur­ ' ing the past summer, at a cost of ■ $300,000, started into operation. It is 1 the most complete structure of the 1 kind in the world. NO. 51 1886. AGRICULTURAL NOTES. MISCELLANEOUS. —Wheat is the only crop which can A Column Devoted to the Interests of Farmers be produced in Southern California and fctockmen. ¡VERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY without irrigation. —IX— Of late there has been a marked de* Diphtheria prevails in Deer Lodge —An ordinance forbidding boys un­ jdTisois Buildlni, McMinnTillt, Orem, «reuse in the cultivation and produc- der eighteen years of age to smoke county, Montana —ST - tion of tobacco in Germany, chiefly cigarettes on the streets was recently Helena, Montana,has but 717 pupils owing to the bad system of taxation, passed by the city council of Los An­ 'almagre & Turner, , enrolled in her public schools. which sadly fetters the action of the geles, Cal. Publish,rs and Proprietors. Cayetano Flores was fatally stabbed tobacco planters. The number of the —The late Sir John Anderson In­ by a Spanish woman in San Francisco. SUBSCRIPTION RATHS latter has decreased in the last year by vented for the British Government David Burrell, aged 50, committed H. Peletier, a erpool pilot, was ! more than twelve thousand. The machinery which reduced the cost of 00 fo the crackt I K j»r............................................................ by taking awarded $2,00 1 25 i suicide at Sacramento mages by United total production of 1885 was 18,000,- making bullets from 81.25 toll cents months.. ............ ......................................... dnve th,, I 1 irw 75 > strychnine. months................................................... States Commissioner Hoffman in San 000 pounds, which is less than the per 1.000. and of bayonets from $1.87 ■>so (food i, I An old man named Williams was Francisco for being carried away from yield in tits Postolllos at McMinnville, Or., in 1884. The value this year is to 62 cents each, but never mado any­ 1 M »eeuml-class matter. fatally burned in a hotel fire at that port against his will by the 20,000,000 marks, against 34,000,000 thing out of it beyond his salary of ! Madera, Cal. W. American 31>ip Occidental. in 1884, although the price has risen. $6,000 a year. 'n should M , According to a Victoria paper the —Some days ago the wife of Eli Trees of irregular shape and those V. V. JOHNSON, M. D. Granite creek mines have completely Nelson, Harris and Martin—miners “>undi whirl! Taylor, colored, was riding through the that are tall or in exposed situations, employed at Marysville, Mon ­ nation, nil« jtortbwn» oorngr of B«comt and B flattened out. woods near East River, near Appalaoh- hG W tana, fell down a shaft about forty feet should be supported by stakes to pre­ ieola, Fla., when she sawayoung bear. The Capitol woolen mills were and hs he.! lu [S1IVILLB - - - OREGON vent injury from the action of the She procured were all more or less injured. a long pole, and getting totally destroyed by fire at Sacramento. Nelson fell astride a plank and re­ wind. Staking is done in the best near his beat-ship, belabored him so i be found at his office when not absent on pro­ Loss, $75,000. manner'by driving two strong stakes ceived injuries from which he died. ogl bustnesti. soundly that he was soon dispatched. Spokane Falls has a pottery, and The man found dead in the woods firmly into the ground, one on each He weighed about eighty pounds.—-V. the first kiln burned is said to have LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH, near Shawnigan lake, B. C., was one side of the tree, about a foot distant K bllll. been a success. —A little boy playing in an old log named Moreland, from Hot Springs, from it, and fasten the tree between Cal., shipped 500 carloads Ark. them with bands of straw or other hou e nt Richwoods, Mo., lost a marble ’hysicians and Surgeons, of Willows, He put a pistol to his temple grain, cattle, sheep, etc., during a and shot the whole side of bis head soft material, so that it may be kept through the floor and crawled under M c M innville AND LAFAYETTE. OB. single week recently. 1. off. No cause is assigned for the rash in an upright position without chafing, the house to get it. He found there a J F. Galbreath, M D.. offic« over Yamhill County till the roots obtain a firm hold upon tin pail full of gold and silver coin. A tract of 200 acres of unimproved act. ink MuMiuuville. Oregon. The amount proved to be $1,000. It the Boil. I K Littlefield, M. D., office on Main street, land was sold at Riverside, Cal., re­ Hollon Parker has been appointed was the property of an old gentleman Ryette, Oregon. cently for $30,000. In tree planting the hole must be by the Walla Walla Board of Trade to of the place, who had hidden it there At Price, Utah, C. C. Anderson was solicit funds to pay the expenses of a large enough to receive the roots in isili and afterward, not finding it S. A. YOUNG-. M. D. fatally injured by the explosion of a representative at Washington the en­ freely, without cramping or bending readily, thought it had been stolen. suing winter, to look after the people’s them from their natural position; the box of giant powder caps. —It is easy enough to have water- Physician and Surgeon, interest in the matter of an open larger the better. Let the tree be the nie’ons of any flavor you choose. All The “C. O. D.” mine, near Stockton river. same depth it stood in the nursery you have to do is to have a watermelon HNMV1LLK • - - OREGON hill, A. T., lias recently been sold to a A cage in the St. Lawrence shaft at (the old nuwkcan be readily discerned) patch, and before the melon ripens, floe and residence on D «tract. All call» promptly San Francisco firm for $25,000. Butte, Montana, dropped to the bot­ and not deeper, except in cases of cut a slit in the stem and pour tn a drop reied day or night. Helena, Montana, has a snow-shoe tom, 600 feet, through the carelessness dwarf trees. These latter should be or two of your favorite flavor every club which will arrange for a trip to of' the engineer, and John Hambleton, set so that the point of union should tn ruing. This receipt is given bv a DR. G. F. TUCKER, the St. Paul ice carnival next January. who was inside, received injuries come two or three inches below the Georgia man who has tried it and is Alfonso M. Cook, a clerk of San which resulted in his death a day or surface of the ground. The tree be­ no-.v luxuriating in lemon, vanilla, DENTIST, ing held upright, the finest and best pineapple and strawberry melons. Francisco, was killed while hunting, two later. tlCNNVILLE - - - OREGON. —A Brooklyn policeman has been by the accidental discharge of liis gun. Dennis Delaney, engineer for earth from the surface should be care­ presented with a new club, which he )fflc*-Two doors east of Bingham’s furniture Dr. Cluneas, for ten years coal sur­ Timothy Hopkins, at Menlo Park, fully worked among the roots with does dare to carry. It was meant Augblng gas administered for painless extraction. veyor of the Vancouver Coal Com­ Cal., went into the pit of the gas the fingers, filling every space, and for not use among the gangs. As he bringing every root in contact with it. house while it was filled with gas, and pany, died suddenly at Nanaimo, B. C. lit a match to look at the machinery. Set the tree as firm as a post, but twirled it at the end of the leather A large commissary building, new An explosion occurred, and Delaney leave the surface filling light and thong it was a neat looking stick, not ST. CHARLES HOTEL easily distinguished from tne ordinary officers’ quarters and a cavalry corral was burned fatally. loose. club, but if a tough took hold of it to are being erected at Fort Spokane, W. It is not an uncommon thing for an wrest it away, four short, sharp, two- H. M. S. Cormorant arrived at Vic­ T. agriculturist to remark that he has toria from Metlakalitla with officials edged knife blades could be thrown out |1 and $2 Hou$e. Single meals 25 cents. A fine quartz nugget weighing 18J on board. The Indians who were in­ met with utter failure in the produc­ on four sides of the club. in Sample Booms for Commercial Men pounds troy, was recently found in the terfering with’the surveys were ar­ tion of his orchard. Most essential to — A man named Goring, who lived Elk creek diggings, Deer Lodge, Mon­ rested, tried and sentenced. The sur­ the bearing of a tree is the care it is at Kingston, N. J., was working in a F. MULTNER. Prop. tana. vey is now going on, and there is no given after being set out. Great care cornfield when he scratched his arm is exercised by many in the selection against a cornstalk. He paid no atten­ C. L. Kleist, being disappointed in fear now of any outbreak. MAN. V I’ltiCJlC, a love affair, cut his throat with a Mrs. Margaret Theresa Kerrigan, and planting of an orchard, which, of tion to his wound until his arm began ction. W razor in a San Francisco lodging who slashed Mrs. Emma Lathrop in course, is necessary, but the ground to swell, and then he called in a phy­ Reuse, 1Î bouse. the face with a razor on the 4th of work of their disappointment is the sician, who, however, could do nothing alleviate Goring’s sufferings. The A man named Murray was fatally February last, at San Francisco, and failure on their part to care for the to growing tree. Caterpillars and can­ man, who was large, strong and in stabbed with a pocketknife by a fellow, was convicted of assault to murder, UpStairs in Adams' Building, good health before, died in horribju workman named Grace, near Rimini- was sentenced by Judge Murphy to ker worms, grubs and borers, slugs agony. and aphia, disease and blight, must be îMINNVILLE . OREGON Montana. eight years in San Quentin. — All White, a Chinaman, of Van­ watched for, (ought against, and The President has appointed John couver, B. was considerably sur­ A sailor was lost overboard from the T. Carrie of California to be U. S. At­ Yaquina on a recent trip to San Fran­ remedies faithfully applied. The prised, recently, when, after gbing wants of the growing tree must be around to s< vcrsl legal gentlemen, lie torney for the Northern District of JUSTER POST BAND, California. cisco. He kept upon the surface of carefully foreseen, and a faithful effort was t >ld that he could not secure a war­ the water waiting for help from the made to insure health and productive­ rant The Best in the State. for the arrest of another China­ Mrs. Philipina Schieble died at her ship, but before relief reached him he ness. man named Jongs Lee, who had agreed ifnp&red to fuinlah music for all occasion« at reason home in San Francisco from the effects cried out,-‘a shark’s got me I” disap­ This mention of treatment for the to sell him a Chinese female and had, able rates. Address of poison administered by mistake by peared and was seen no more. cultivation of figs is given by the after receiving part payment of the V. J. ROWLAND, her nurse. gardener of the John Hopkin’s estate, money, refused to carry out his con­ The Board of Trustees of San Ber ­ Business Manager, McMinnvill«. Two burglars in Sacramento carried nardino, Cal., have passed an ordin­ in Baltimore county, Md., who has tract. off $2,500 including $800 worth ot ance providing that the Marshall and successfully cultivated them for the —A weak-minded youth of North­ diamonds, from the residence of Mr. his deputies shall hencefertli consider past twenty-five years, having always umberland, Can., was recently told Oppenheimer. M’MINNTILLE any number of persons over three, been successful in securing a crop : that his grave was in a cemetery near A grand juror at Missoula, Montana, standing , together on the streets, a From the 10th to the 20th of Novem­ the town. Ho visited the place and, ber we dig a trench around tlio bushes, seeing a stone bearing the name of recently asked the court to excuse him mob, and promptly disperse them. cutting away about half the roots they "Fred,” ho concluded that that meant on the ground that he was liable to The county commissioners of Spo­ have made the late season, when the him. and began opening the grave to Corner Third und D streets, McMinnville indictment himself. kane county, W. T., have let the con­ bushes are growing vigorously, and extricato his body. A policeman dis­ Spokane Falls has’ expended over i tract for the construction of a $10,000 covered him in the act and took him to when they are not so robust, bend­ jail, where he was kept until the proper OGAN BROS. & HENDERSON, half a million in buildings this season, jail, to be completed by July, 1887. less and there is at present demand for a : The building will be of the latest pat­ ing down the branches to the ground authorities sent him to an asylum. in the form of a cross, and covering ■ ■ Proprietors. great number of dwellings. —The sheriff at New Castle, I’a., re­ tern, solid steel and capable of lodg­ them with earth from the trenches comfortably thirty-two individuals. from three to four inches in thickness, cently left the door of the jail open and Juan Durau and Ed. Priest, deputy ing i a prisoner escaped. He then offered The Best Rigs in the City. Orders sheriff’s, were killed near Albuquerque, The Oregon Lumber company, which »nd in spring uncovering them from one of the remaining prisoners five N. M., by a desperado whom they recently ] romptly Attended to Day or Night, organized in Portland with a the 1-t to the 10th of April. They dollars if he would capture the fugitive. were attempting to capture. ( capital of $1,000,000, is about to begin bear fruit abundantly, ripening about The criminal gave chase, but failed to John Hearly, of Murray, Idaho, the ( construction of two ditches along the 1st of July, and continuing to capture the man, and. strange to re­ tried for the killing of Taylor Tilley, Boise river, Idaho, that will cause the bear until November, and later if not late, returned to his prison quarters. while in the discharge of his duty as settlement , He could easily have escap -d, but he and development of all the destroyed by frost. an officer, has been acquitted. j region lying between Boise and Snake. Pruning is as essential to the wel­ chose to serve out the remainder of his fare and productiveness of fruit trees term, only eight days, rather than BILLIARD HALL. W. K. Roberts, treasurer of Lewis Customs officers of San Francisco as rain and sunshine. In order toper­ undergo the fatigue of an exciting and Clarke county. Montana, a man made , a seizure of $35,000 worth of form this beneficially and without in­ flight. A Strictly Temperance Kraort. who stood high among his fellow men, opium, , in the house of Charles R. —The Sanitarian relates a case in jury to the appearance of thè tree, of embezzling Bronson, at Alameda. It is supposed which a rat had died under the floor of e food(?) Churoh members tj the contrary not has been convicted the stem should be put in con ­ withstanding. $38,000. I the opium was brought from China by dition for the formation of the top, by a large drawing-room and was giving Cupt. DeSanty recently contracted I the steamer City of Sydney, and was removing all the limbs to the point great offence to the owner of the nouse, Ì who had had the carpets and furniture to the place where it was with Terrence O’Brien, of Seattle, W. removed i where it is desired to have the top ; removed preparatory to taking up the I ‘Orphans’ Home 99 T„ for a raft of 340,000 of long, seized. then cut back each remaining limb, floor. An ingenious friend drops in, selected timber, to fill a special order H. E. Holmes has commenced work leaving from four to six buds of last suggests that the doors and windows Al from China. < on the erection of a sawmill at Eber- season’s growth. In the abscence of be shut, steps out to the stable and tonsorial parlors , W. T. A large dam is now being any limbs suitable to form a top, cut traps a couple of blue-bottle flies, and Three Mexicans attacked C. P. ton, ' ke only first class, and the only parlor-like shop in the Stanton, an Arizona stage-station ] placed in the river at that point for tne tree down to the requisite height, returning, sets them free in the apart­ city. None but purpose, which will also be used leaving the dormant buds to make the ment. The flies, after a little unde­ keeper, and killed him. One of the this l in furnishing water for the flouring top. termined buzzing, settle pertinaciously irst-elass Workmen Employed. Mexicans was also killed by an em- i mill to fee erected there next summer ploye of Stanton. This pruning business of vigorously on a certain crack in the floor, and on Flrrt door noutb of Yamhill County Bank Building. at a time of setting, is generally a very the removal of one plank at this point A house that cost $600 for labor, ex- by 1 the Colfax Milling company. » the cause of offence was readily re­ » ungrateful one to the planter, as it in­ moved. m . minnville , O regon There is much activity on the var ­ elusive of material, was sold recently i -- *•■ ♦ jures, for a time, the appearance of ious creeks that empty into the Big for two glasses of whiskey, while an- | H. H. WELCH. The Earth and the Stars. other that cost $1,500 was sold for $15, Bend of the Columbia. One com­ the tree to an unpracticed eye. It pany has taken out $4,000 in gold should however, be unhesitatingly per­ and was cut into firewood. A Comedian*,, Make-Up as Irving. Alpha Centaurii, the leading star in from bar and bench diggings. Other formed, all the branches to the extent the constellation of the Centaur, is the I A London reporter visited Dixey in his A 14-year-old daughter of James I are preparing to wing-dam, of at least one-half the length of the nearest to the earth, so far as pressing room, to see the comedian make Flynn, Beaverhead county, Montana, companies ' having obtained good prospects. Near previous year’s growth being removed. FP as Irving. In face and limb the two tried to commit suicide by shooting pen are opposites. As his own nose has Golden City the Otter Tail (silver) Care should also lie used to give the known. Its distance is usually placed il herself. Cruel treatment is the al ­ II podistinctive character Dixey begins the mine has been bonded by English proper form to the tree. The head al from 20,000.000,000,000 to 29,000,- pansformation by building the Irving leged cause of the attempt. parties and fifteen tons of the rock may be left high or low. as the taste of 000,000,000 miles from the earth. A pasal organ. The bridge is modeled out Gardner Baldwin, President of the have ] been sent to London for working the planter may prefer, or as the star called Sixtv-one Cygni is classed pt a circular piece of what looks like flesh- nature of the tree, in some cases, may as se «nd in distance, being put at , f»loren of » sallow colored grease paint, fol- ing liabilities estimated at $200,000. says : The steamship Barnard Castle, loweil by a coat of flesh powder. The eye- Most of his creditors are poor people. j be pruned till the bard frost has left are millions of miles further away from Capt. Urquhart, struck on Rosedale in the spring, but before the sap starts. us than these. Light travels about brow< coine next, then the wig is ad- In prospecting for coal with • rock, south of the Race Rocks light. 186,000 miles in every second of time, J’t’te-l and the mimic's ordinary attire is The board of commissioners to levy and yet with this inconceivably •xchtmgvd fur the black velvet-lined doub- diamond drill at Roslyn, W. T., on the Mate Whitney was in charge at the , and failed to keep the vessel the State taxes has levied one mill rapid velocity it would take light the broad white frills and the gold upper Yakima, the N. P. railroad com time, Phtce-nez of Hamlet. A dazzling chain of puny struck natural gas and run the sufficiently , south of the rock. The and nineteen-twentieths of a mill. about twelve years to traverse the Ipniiant jewels and the fur-edged cloak prospecting engine by the light of the captain , beached her in Pilot bay, Ben- They abolish the half mill levy for the space separating us from that star, l-rom the greater portion of the stars ntniplete the att're. “You have seen that i tick island, on a good bottom. The Oregon war debt; the debt having light I have ni>t h feature in my face like Mr same. would be many centuries in reach­ been paid in full. The entire levy for ______ , ____ crew of twenty-five got safely off, and The Saturday before hie tragic i ing us. That is to say, in these par- •u Dixey to the reporter. The all state purposes, including the one- licular instances the stars which we Hov c death J. F. T. Hasse, who was killed I saved all their personal effects. «>• - brain. bv falling under the cars at Sprague, steamer was loaded with coal from tenth of a mill for the support of the see are not the stars as they exist to- ........ —Ph-lndelnl in Tino - W. T., took out a policy for $2,000, Departure bay. She will likely be- state university, is two mills and one- n ght, but as they existed before American docks fitted with Oriental _____ a total lose, It is understood twentieth of a mill, a decrease of one Columbus sailed on liis voyage of dis­ which ’ was afterward found in his tool- come ™c*s are found all through Asia Minor, , that chest.______________________ , I- the vessel and cargo were insured mill and thirteen-twentieths of a mill covery, or even before the crealion of as compared with the leTy of 1885. grass is being received in Oregon Adam. —3L Lout» G.obt-Dtmoorut. The miners of the Anaconda, at for $50,000. —Issued------ MR Ic Leading Hotel of McMinnville. w HOTOGRAPHER I Cl liiery, Feed ani Sale Stables, ‘ORPHANS’ HOME” IEI “om Kentucky for breeding purposes. «•voted Principally to Washington Territory and California. JUDGED BY THE COLORS. HOW THE LADIES OF ST. PAUL SELECT THEIR FOOT-GEAR. What Classes Wear Striped and Solid* Colored Hosiery—Ited a Color That In­ dicates a Fiery Disposition—Black the Proper Thing—Pure White. “Stockings an indication of character?” repeated the clerk in charge of the hosiery department of a prominent dry-goods store, as he folded a beautiful pair of blue silk hose aud replaced them in a box. “Yes, I think that the color, the texture, and in fact the lady’s conduct while mak­ ing a selection of foot coveriug enable the observing olerk to judge a good deal of her character, and even if she is a per­ fect stranger and her name and residence are unknowu quantities. I have tried my hand at guessing In that way, and when ever the stranger has become a regular cus­ tomer, thus giving me a chance to discover the truth or falsity of my prediction, I have found that I have judged her correctly. I knew a clerk in au extensive New York establishment, which dealt largely in hos­ iery, who had an elaborated theory on the subject, and in a number of cases, which came under our knowledge in connection with the published testimony in subse­ quent divorce proceeding, he came mighty near reading their characters to a fine point. UGLY AND INAPPROPRIATE FOOT-OKAR. “For instance, he maintained that no re­ fined woman, no woman with perfect taste, would ever make a barber shop sign sign of herself bv wearing striped stock­ ings. He held that a female with striking costume, a display of cheap jewelry, and a living, walking illustration of inhar­ monious combinations of colors was the only respectable being who ever called for barber stockings. He excused her on the ground that she knew no better. Ignor­ ance, he said, was the only reason why young girls and country maidens called for such ugly and inappropriate foot-gear. I am thoroughly convinced that his theory was correct, as I have yet to receive a call for such striped stockings from a St Paul woman, old or young, whom I know to have a leading position in social circles. They are worn a great deal by little girls, but with children the demand is for the smallest kind of a stripe. Blue and white or black and white are the reigning com­ binations of color, They want as near the neutral tint as ' possi- ble, for the less conspicuous an article is as to color the more desirable. The striped stockings are In great favor with the few Indian girls who chance to visit the store. They want the red and white or some other flaring colors, and the stripes are never too broad to suit them. Next to the Indians come the darkies. The colored womeu like showy stockings. The toreiguei» ore So that we get rid of all such stuff between the Indians, negroes, and the domestics of foreign birth or extraction. “This experienced friend of mine had a theory that a woman who would wear red stockings from choice was a person blessed with more than her share of temper. Bru­ nettes are more likely to prefer that color than blondes, and brunettes as a rule are higher-tempered than their paler sisters. But when a blonde call» for that she is hot- tempered. We had this proved to our en­ tire satisfaction. A blonde customer in New York Invariably called for red. In a subsequent divorce trial her husband tes­ tified that she was a perfect demon when she got mad, and trifles w ere enough to get her mad. She chased him out cf the house with a butcher knife and made mar­ ried life unbearable. A SAVAGE TASTE AND DISPOSITION. “I will never risk my life with a woman who has a partiality for red—it shows a savage taste and is generally coupled with a savage disposition. Now blue and gray are great improvements on red. They are more subdued. They show that their owner is of a refined character and likes not a display. But far above them, ae they are elevated above the barber-pole stockings, are the solid black hose. They are always elegant and appropriate. As a rule the prettiest girls with the prettiest figures take black. This is the latest craze. A short time ago the solid colors were all popular, but now black Is the leading fa­ vorite. It’s all nonsense to talk about in­ tellectual girlB preferring blue stockings. “When a female calls for white stock­ ings it is safe to say that she is either an old widow or an old maid, who don’t ex- pect to get married. They are per­ fectly reckless, and don’t care. I woman always feel sorry for a who wants that kind of hosiery. Of course it la only a matter of a few years since white was the prevailing color. It changed, and now no one thinks of getting pure white except those who are looking for a bargain or women who don't care for fashion. Flven a bride don't get pure white hose. She wants a tint of some kind and she gets it, if we have to send to New York for it. Future brides are the most particular customers who visit a dry gocxls store. Nothing Is ever good enoug.-i for them. They get over that feeling after they have been married a few years, and are less particular. I don’t blame ’em a bit, for everylxxly hel|M to make ’em fool­ ish. They don't have a female acquaint­ ance who wouldn't leave anything to go down town and buy or match eomething for a bride elect. After the ceremony these brides have to do their own »hop- ping."—St. Paul Pioneer Press. A Peculiarity of I.lgltl and Heat. One of the curiositlee of light and heat Is the fact that rays of the sun should pass through a cake of ice without melting it at all, as la the case when the thermoin eter stands a little above zero. That the rays of heat actually penetrate the ice ie show n by the fact that a lens of Ice may be used for setting lire to inflammable sutatancea.—Chicago Herald. Klehc.t Snbjeet of th* Cur. Rtissia haa some very rich men. Herr Steiglits. a great Russian land-owner, U worth »20,000,000, and he la the richest in­ dividual in the czar’s domains, though the Swedish oil kings, the Model brothers, own property valued at »400,000,000. . They dls- lance the Standard Oil company, their only rivgl in the petroleum trade.