MODERN SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. An Iguana from Brasil. OVERWORK IN SCHOOLS. AGRICULTURAL NOTES. SOMETHING AN INVENTOR Irish FOUND OUT Among literary p°op e Phtneas (¿arrctVt volumes of * One Hundred Selections” are standard works. Among business men all over this country he is known as the inventor of the Penn Letter Book for copy­ ing letters without the aid of water or press. Mr. Garrett was found at his oiHce. No. 7U8 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, and asked regarding his experience with Com­ pound Oxygen. “I will tell you what I know about it, he replied. “When living in West Ches­ ter I suffered terribly from nasal catarrh, which was seriously aggravated by sudden changes of the weather. The usual reme­ dies gave me no relief and the disease had advanced so far that the cartilage of the nose was as hard as bone. My whole sys­ tem suffered. Life lost its attractions. I visited lira. S tarkey & P alen . mow at 1529 Arch street, in this city, placed my­ self in their hands, and began using the ‘Home Treatment.’ I found it very bene­ ficial and continued it until I was entirely cured.” “Did its use entirely restore you f “Yes. I have been quite well for some time. My wife uses ComiK)und Oxygen with excellent results when occasion re­ quires. and I have seen its effects on others.” “Have you had an opportunity to observe its effects on persons outside your own fami yf’ _ ,, “Yes,” answered M . Garrett. * 1 recall the case of a young man who worked for us. He had consumption and hemorrhage after hemorrhage. He took the Compound Oxygen for a year and improved wonder­ fully. Many of my friends have been ben­ efited by its use. Everybody ought to know ihe value of this remedy. My long and satisfactory experience with it causes me to grow enthusiastic when the subject is mentioned.” “Do you always use the Home Treat­ ment V' “No. I prefer to go to the office, 1529 Arch street, an 1 take the Compound Oxy­ gen there.” “Why sot” “Well, there is a satisfactory moral effect about taking medicine under the direct supervision of an experienced phy­ sician in whom you have confidence. Still, I use my Home Treatment very often and with great benefit. It is a pleasant recre­ ation, if I have a cold in my head or an attack of indigestion, to £oand be cured at once, in tead of waiting until I reach home at ni^ht.” •‘Did you ever observe any injurious effects C “On the contrary. The heart is strength­ ened and the pulse is steadier after using it. In every respect my experience ana observations lead me to regard Compound Oxygen as a valuable remedial agent and one I hat only needs to be better known to find universal acceptance.” A pamphlet on the su ject is mailed free to all who want it. Orders for the Compound Oxygen Home Treatment will be fllie i by H. A. Mathews 615 Powell Street, San Francisco. May Flower is a . * health._______n,*»Kity 4, “I want to show you a new and wonder There w, re 032 shipwrecks duri living thing that arrived at the garden Kvldeuce in Relation to the Oft-Ko- A Coloma Devoted to the IntorMU of Farmer, fiscal year ending September, 1888* and Stockmen lately," said Head Keeper Byrne, as he peated Complaint—The Trouble. INVALID..' H01EL AND tffJHQICAI 1^ When a new discovery is announosd, led the way to the snake-house the other The president of an eastern college Early sown grain throughout Ore­ TUTE. U,Il day. The new arrival is about as horri ­ society sits and stares at the diacovereras has been collecting evidence in relation gon is looking tine, and a big yield is if to say, Well, what are you going to do ble and yet as dandified a looking fellow to the justioe of the oft-repeated com­ This widely celebrated Inztirmu cated at Buffalo, N. Y„ i- orguJ?!!?’ about it? Capitalists dodge him when he as can be found on the banks of the plaint that pupils in public schools are promised. a full staff • f eighteen expt-d^ John Likens and John Kilcup took calls. By common consent he is voted a Schuylkill. He is in a gl-ss case. It is generally overworked. He addressed skillful "Phy-iciaiis and Suri bore. He is generally poor. A long the iguana, a species of the lizard fam ily, circulars to 150 teachers and physicians 40,000 nop plants to Nooksack cross­ luting the most complete oriranl.Le course of meditation on mathematical and was forwarded to the garden by the of observation and experience, asking ing, W. T., recently, with a view to medical and Burgical skill in problems has imparted a dazed air to his commissioners of fisheries of Massachu­ , for their opinion on this subject. Only establishing a hop ranch. ths treatment of all chronic dl• whether requiring medical or physiognomy. His clothes are apt to be setts, with the request that when he dies live suggested that the work ordinarily Potatoes marketed immediately means for their cute. Marvelous k, 0,1 his body shall be sent to the Smithsonian shabby. His eyes have a hungry look. required of pupils in schools was exces­ after digging at 40 cents will give has been achieved in the cure of all He is generally a one-idea man; on all institution at Washington. The iguana sive or beyond their ability to perform more profit than if held over until throat and lung diseases, liver anil ku** other subjects than the one he has in does not look much like dying, although without impairing their health. A very spring and sold at 50 cents. diseases, diseases of the diirestiv., bladder diseases diseases pecuir1*81 hand he is apt to be dull and ill-informed. the only one of its kind that was ever considerable number, however, reported Joseph Watt, of Amity, Oregon, women, blood taint and skin di 10 Men of the world know that, as a rule, previously brought to this country died that iu their opinion very many of the rheumatism, iieuraivia, nervous d«?*’' such men are either enthusiastis or im­ the day he was brought to the zoological pupils in the public schools were injured sold his apples on the trees, and when paraljsi-, epilepsy sperniatnSff' postors. It is safe betting that nine out garden, some years ago. His body is a by the branches they pursued out of they were accounted for it was found uiipote. cy and kindr d affections nS of ten new discoveries or inventions drab color, mixed with black streaks. school, by injudicious home training, that the orchard paid him over $100 sands are cured at their homes corresponded e The cure of the will turn out to be useless or frauds His neck and head are erect; he has a and by what are termed “the require­ per acre. ruptures, pile tumors, varicocele It is authoritatively stated that the long tail like an alligator, and four paws The prudent capitalist never embarks ments of modern society.” cele and stri lures are guaranteed Via aggregate exportation of Indian corn money in enterprises where the chances which spread out flat upon the sand in Girls—and the complaints about over­ only a short resided e at the lnstitusV his warm cage just like a lizard's feet and meal since the beginning of our are nine to one against success. Send '0 cents in stam s for the I. , work in school chiefly come from girls Guide Book ( 68 pages), which And yet there are great discoveries in Sticking out from the center of his back, and their mothers—who take three music commerce does not equal the corn pro­ particulars. Address World's Disi»?. course of evolution which are destined from the head all the way down towards lessons a week and who practice on the duct of the United States for this Sledical Association, Buffalo, N. Y* to revolutionize the world, and to pile up ’ the tail, is a row of black bristles, which piano two hours each day are very likely year. A putrid carcass polluting the air of fortunes for their patentees compared to | stand erect and do not look as if they to break down. If they take dancing Cay enne pepper blown into the ra,i. which the colossal wealth acquired by would make a person comfortable who lessons on Saturday, “go to parties” one a pasture will spoil not only the milk where ants congregate, will drire th would have the temerity to sit down the owners of the Bell telephone will ! away. The same remedy is also vofJ| ? evening each week, receive cailers on of the cows running there, but also mice. B l# seem trifling. Take the one subject of upon them. stated occasions, and devote considera­ the entire contents of the vat into “The most wonderful thing about the aerial navigation. A hundred years have which the tainted milk is poured at ble attention to society matters, they DELICATE WOMEN. elapsed since ' Montgolfier demonstrated iguana is his appetite," said Mr. Byrne. generally lose their vivacity and health. the factory. Children and delicate women should the navigablility of the air. The missing “He eats the most delicate and choicest Tlieir brothers, however, of about the Moat of the experiments made in lie forced to take the vile compound« whu link with him was the power to direct fl.-wers, and a white rose is the sweetest same age, who do not take music lessons, feeding swine with cooked and raw are usually given for constipation „J? his balloon. Fifty years afterward John morsel that we have yet found for him. who do not drum on the piano, who do food have not shown sufficient differ­ indigestion, etc HAMBURG FIGS * like preserved fruit, and are the be»t I. Wise believed he had discovered the He eats it with avidity.” Mr. Byrne not entertain company in the parlor, but ence in favor of the former to pay for ative known. 25 cents At all dmggU secret; he declared that the air lay in disappeared for a moment and returned who prepare the wood for the kitchen J. J. Mack & Co., proprietors, S. F the extra -labor required, which in strata, in some of which the wind was with a Jacqueminot rose, which he in­ fire, bring in the coal, play bjjll, and en­ invariable. The defect of his theory serted in the cage. The curious looking gage in sports likely to prove somewhat some cases better results have been was that his premises were false—there reptile lowered his head, and with a detrimental to good clothes, come out all obtained from feeding raw corn meal is no aerial stratum in which the wind quick motion seized the pretty flower right. These observing persons remark than that which has been cooked. Mulching is done by placing a is invariable. Since 1880 Capt. Krebs and swallowed it. Its eyes are intensely that boys remain hoys at an age when and others in France and Germany have black and snappy, and from around the their Bisters have an ambition to be con­ layer of coarse manure from three to actually constructed dirigible balloons. mouth there hang curious pieces of Bkin sidered young ladies. As a consequence, six inches deep, extending one or two Capt. Krebs made four miles an hour looking like plated armor. the former are generally healthy and feet further in each direction than the The iguana is found in Brazil, and the against the wind. Of course, this is not strong, while the latter are sickly and roots. This protects the‘earth about very fast traveling; but the first railway epicures of that country are said to highly feeble. the roots against drying or baking with carriage only made six miles an hour. If prize its flesh for food. It is the tooth­ the wind and sun, retains to it the re­ The complaints about overwork In Krebs can sail four miles an hour against some terrapin of South America. When schools, or “overpressure,” as the Eng­ quisite moisture, and obviates all oc­ the wind, he can, by perfecting his the iguana is stretched out he will prob­ lish term it, are chiefly heard in cities casion for a practice, generally of in­ machinery, sail forty. When he does, ably measure five feet in length. There and large towns. Complaints in regard jurious effect—the watering of newly Free front Opiates, Emetics and railroad passonger travel will be at an is a pool of water in the cage, and he oc­ to this matter never come from the planted trees. end and the age of aerial travel will casionally takes a bath.—Philadelphia country. Still it is a matter of common It is asserted that the number of Tinies. begin. observation! hat the advancemen t is much sheep is diminishing in Europe. This In a late number of this journal we Against the Use of Slant;. rapid in country than in city schools, more ¡8 attributed to more land being A t D ruugists and D kai . km . noticed the progress that is being made THE (HABLES A. VOUKLER CO., II ALTI MORI. IB. A little intentional waywardness grows which shows that the pupils do more brought into arable cultivation and in the use of electricity as a motor. It into habitual carelessness. We come to work. The country girl who prepares cropped with roots and forage plants. seems that a large pro|K>rtion of the boots posse«« a loose, incorrect, inaccurate breakfast for the family, walks two miles But the total amount of meat and and the clothing tliat is made bi San style of expressing ourselves. This in­ to the school-house, masters ’ all the les­ Francisco is to some extent sewed by jures our manner of thinking and per­ sons assigned by her teacher, walks home wool does not appear to have de­ electricity. We say “to some extent," verts our taste. Do not give false names at night, and gets supper before she com­ creased. These observations apply es­ of uncertain age was asked because thus far the motors are only an to ideas, else it may finally happen that mences her studies for the evening, does pecially to France since thirty years. by A a fem.le IB co—Tv census taker: “How old are you, auxiliary to the sewing machines; the you will find it difficult to tell the truth not lose the roses on her cheeks or the There has been augmented consump­ madam?” “Thirty years,” she replied. hing tion, but then also the population has human hand and foot are still required, about them when you would. To keep strength of her limbs before she has “That's what you told me last census, ten increased. years ago.” “Well. I’m not one of the though their labor is reduced. But it is our language pure, to keep it exact, to donneu long dresses. If she liappeas to Kind of women who tell one story one Roses should ba planted in a deep, time obvious that the next step in the course keep it forcible, to make it mean some­ move to the city, the chances are that and another story another.” of invention will be to devolve the whole thing, we must put it to no improper she will find herself in advance of the rich, well-drained soil, so that the top work upon the machine when it is once use. And we put it to improper use, for girls of her own age in the school she roots are not less than two inches be­ THE PARENT OF INSOMNIA. started. One girl will be able to manage example, when we take a word that enters. low the surface, and should be severely The parent of insomnia or wakefulness is half a dozen machines working simul­ should weigh a ton to express an idea Cures Rheumatism, NeuraWi, The complaints about over work in pruned every spring before the buds in nine cases out of ten a dyspeptic stomach. Hack nr be, II endache, Toothaefe, taneously. There is no limit to the use lighter than chaff, when we take a word schools in cities come from wealthy and start, cutting back on the last growth Good digestion gives sound sleep, indigestion Siirr.ins, llrnLc«, etc.,etc. interferes with it. The brain and stomach of electricity as a motor, if once it can that should be as sublime as the stars to fashionable families. They are most to three or four buds, except climbing PlIICE. FIFTY CENTS AT DKUGGIs’I'S AND DBA LIB I sympathize. One of the prominent symptoms be taught its business. THE CHARLES A. VQURLKR CO.. *. cisco Chronicle. ‘Orp is safe for that time at least, because il soon as a nest is fairly begun, some where, on days when the air outside A rOI XTRY OHI1ERM SOLICH The Work of Two Painter«. the bolt is aimed at him he has no oc memlier of the household puts up a neat is only a few degrees above freezing, POSITIVE CURE VAN B. DzLABHMUTT, JUDOKW W TMp TON If we allot to each twenty-five years easion for the use of either his ears or little shelf beneath it to prevent litter on they can be treated to a cold breeze Fnaident V Io« Pi«“* for every form of from the open windows, while, at the HAM J. GORMAN. Cwhl«. ,, his eyes. — North American. of painting we shall In within the mark. the floor, and the bird, accepting this ar SKIN sad BLOOD METROPOLITAN SAVINGS BANK. POBTUl only first cl DISEASE A brief calculation will, therefore, show a “locus in quo,” returns, year after same time, the atmosphere in the Transact« a General Banking Burine«; Krupp'» Big Business. FBOM that if Diaz were indeed the undoubted year, to rebuild or repair and reoccupy part of the cellar where the potatoes interest on deposit« aa follow«: On 3 months certificate« 4 per cent Alfred Krupp owns probably the larg­ the old nest in the same place.— Scientific are kept does not fall below forty de­ HIIW TO SCBOfTU. author of all the mors or lees authenti­ lr«t .«IMF Ou 6 month« certificate« 5 i>er cent grees. With a thermometer in the On 12 months certificates 6 per oent cated canvasses that bear his signature, ess business in the world dependent oi> American. fihenm. with 7 relieved its wonizlnv DIMCTOB»:____ _ o , cellar it is quite possible to cool off' S^,hl£5h‘ni.KUinln *' 1D8tant) b; a he must have painted between seven and one individual. The works within th< * W --------------- H W Scott, W Thayer, Th« First Written Senatorial Speech. C uticvha soap and a sinale — Judge the apples without injuring the pota­ H w Moo»* Judge K D. Sh.tluck, eight pictures every day, even counting town of Essen, Germany, occupy more of C cticura , th. great Skin « '11-e The first written speech read in the toes. Do not unhead the barrels until sCPlicatl.n Dr W Ay Hyl,e«t«r Farrell, 'This repeated dally, widi two or three doses of than 500 acres, half of which are undei Sundays and the intercalary days of leap Dr. Hou Richard Williams. 1 S J. United States senate was by the Hon. Isaac H“*ot;n«NT.theNe» B ¿3 ladder I F Pow«A cover. According to a census taken in Van B. DoLaahmutt, the apples are wanted. It is rarely a year. Th. .store Rousseau painted only O. H. Dodd Hill of New Hani| 9.ire. a firm supporter good plan to sort over the apples to to keep the blood cool, the nersDimtion September, 1881, the number of hands five each day, and obviously was com­ i 6 bow e>«< ’ Pen. the iiverand of Gen. Jackson. When about half A Come Better let kidneys active, will speedily cure paratively a lees diligent Artist It is employed by Mr. Krupp was 19,605 and through he suddenly lost the thread of pick out the rotten ones. I A London true that he worked laboriously over the the members of their families 45,776— his discourse and stopped, evidently em­ them remain undisturbed. Apples in Prarit'S*' s£nWn m'aP"SJ,“ta- Uchen- pressing too dyspensary , manipulation of his pictures, but the making 65,381 persons supported by his barrassed. His wife, who sat in tho gal­ ripening give off carbonic acid, which pP as Irvii PORTLAND, 0» cannot be allowed to accumulate in ihe compositions have not been thought out works,—Chicago Tribune. pen are opp lery almost directly over hitu, compre­ Young, middle «R1 * so thoroughly. Of the two, the palm of house cellar, but ’ must be removed ,by Ro distinctly Great Britain'« Machinery. hended the situation, and said, in a voice old, «ingle or diligence must be awarded to Diaz. It ai.d all wle. eui«5| pansformati The statement is made that all the heard all over the senate chamber: “Mr. ventilation. This deleterious gas, car­ LOST MANHtM _ WSeodi for How to Cure Skin iliseasM. “ is hard to say what the millionaires who varied machinery of Great Britain, now Rasal organ Nervous Debility Hill, you've turned over two leaves at bonic acid, aids in preserving the «m K ionkv P ains . Strain9anrt W eakne« in Ma circular are the happy owners of these treasures operated by steam power, is capable of torrhe:». once." He immediately corrected his fruit, and it is one of the advantages Sexual De ky.Fai‘¡•ji polored conr think of the cold facta.—The Forum. of an outside cellar that this can be performing more work, and hence pro mistake and proceeded with his remarks of Mr. Irvin- allowed to remain. during more products, than could be amid a roar of laughter.—Bon: Perley she Wanted H.r r.rqnl.ltw t>'»n of a sail ’Skin Dt*-«e* TS Eruption*. . Florence, aged 4, demanded as her per­ produced by the labor of 400,(MM).000 able Poore. pWBl by a c Bone Fains. The virtues of St. Jacoba Oil as pro ­ brow< come Sore Tbroak 1 quisite the wishbone of every fowl bodied men, a greater number than all claimed by millions of restored sufferers, Coal, Lend »ml Iron In Ferula. feet« <-f jnste.| and t! brought into the house. One day she the able-bodied men on earth.—Hartford should induce everyone to supply his ------ and Bladder Tro'S Coal, lead and iron have lately been household with this great specific. It «xchanged ft W.-ak Rack. Burning Urine Gonorrhea J was carefully arranging her collection Times. disccvered in abundance in Persia, in a conquers pain. Irf. the hr« prompt relief and cure for life .„-tislW Cures all Diseases originating from a u*£ when her father came into the room. Both Nexea Co n mu It ConiWJJJ Berlin*« Consumption of Kffffg. land which has been inhabited a? long P'nce-nez of OFFICE—132 & 134 THIRD t ’ tv ' pd '1 ’nv6 Of the bl <>0D or "Fader." she said, looking up—“Fader, brilliant jev The annual consumption of eggs in as any portion of the globe, There are At Canton. China, recently, a Chinese is you doin' to die?" “Why, yes. Florence, Berlin amounts to 11,94-» tons, or 191,- vast sections of country in Asia which woman aged only 18, underwent the Ling »in, Bheumatism, Neuralgia romplete the we must all die some time," he said, 107,970 eggs. of the value of 9.459,842 have never been “prospected, Chi execution which is that, while still Boil», Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula. 1 have not «nd the In ■«'«," touched by her earnest look, “Fader, marks. Ibis is equal to 145 eggs per discovery of gold and silver mini" there living, one piece of her body after the Paffi^r Rh M m and Me «««-ial other is cut away until the body is di- "How do I <]< when you does die, may I have your capita, or about one egg in three days t< 7leld t0 iu purifying is not an improbable event. - -Fit iUildpliia vided up into exactly 10 0 pieces. •be brain."— wishbone?"—Rome Sentinel. «very inhabitant.—New York Graphic Call. properties It leaves the Bliod pure " It is as harmless as it is effective," is the Liver and Kidneys healthy and the American Every noble life leaves the fiber of it Q/- T., LONG LOA!! Most any one can make blunders, but A clear conscienco is two-thirds ci all what is said of Red Star Cough Cure by ,<..4 .. Ion. M frees are foi interwoven forever in the work of the few people try to make the beat of thetr happiness, and contentment the oCi.r Dr. S.K. Cox, D. D., Analytical Chemist, Complexion bright and clear V »..4 6 ..... world -Ruskin. Washington, D. C. Price, twenty-live after they have. -Jud La fagan. .... n.aelh.. W T'P.S third.—Jud Lafagan. Blue grass ’’"»Pri.tor. •anta. KuiM»r, rtact 417 Sanaome St , San Francleco. from Kentui Application of Science to the Useful Arts —What the Future Hold* in Store. SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. 25fe GERMAwSby WANTED GOOD MAN LADIES g HC SAMUEL WEITZ & Cl : riiery, e ‘ORP A. FELOENHEIME (uticura J EWELE The Van Moncisca HALL’S SARSAPARILLA Diseased N. P. N. U. No. >60- & F. M. V. * *