The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, December 03, 1886, Image 1

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Ingenious Application of Simple Means
for the Kegistration of Earthquakes.
Something About Tyrotoxieon, the Polson
Developed in Milk.
How She Appear«, Dresses and Acts When
On Official Dress Parade.
As we looked down this wonderful
About a year ago. Dr. Victor C.
The instrument which is known as
from our point of vantage, there
a seismograph is a very ingenious appli­
igan, succeeded in isolating from some came slowly along toward us a little
— BY -
group consisting of ten or twelve gen­
desired. The best earthquake observa­ i samples of cheese that had produced
W‘H dri,e JI
Talmaige & Turner, tory in the world is at Tokio, where alarming symptoms in many persons, tlemen and two ladies walking in this
wise: in the center was a low-sized,
Publishers and Proprietors.
Prof. J. A. Ewing’s seismographs for a highly poisonous ptomaine, which he stout, red-faced old lady, apparently
automatically registering movements
sixty-odd years of age. This was Queen
His knowledge has been gained Victoria. She wore a black silk dress
)ne year..............................
$2 00 of the ground during earthquakes,
weinen should,
months..................................................... 1 25 originally destined for this observatory, largely through experiments upon him­ made short enough to escape the floor.
flrss months................................................
self and some of his more enthusiastic The skirt was full the front being cov­
have been in use 1880.
totsred in ths Postoftlcs at McMinnville, Or.,
students. He found that the same ered with six or eight vandyked flounces.
as second-class matter.
The back of the skirt hung full and
graph records two rectangular hori­ symptoms were produced by the iso­ ilain. Over this was worn a simple
ittle black cloth dolman wrap. A close,
zontal components of each successive
fl. V. V. JOHNSON, M. D. displacement of the ground, in con­ those who had partaken of the aftected large, black bonnet, from which hung a
junction with the time, on a revolving cheese. They consisted principally of short, black, round net, or grenadine
Northwest corner of Second and B streets,
plate of smoked glass. Two horizontal dryness and constriction of the fauces, veil, was on her head. Her face was
pendulums, pivoted on the same base nausea, retching, vomiting and purging. rosy to the point of redness, her hair
by sharp steel points in sapphire sock­ Although in several cases the illness very gray and brushed simply behind
May be found at his office when not absent on pro­
ets, furnish two steady points, with was very severe, all finally recovered. her ears; the cheeks were not red all
ti donai bustness
Further investigations have led to over, but a sort of mottled red and
respect to north-south and east-west
motion respectively. The pendulums the discovery that tyrotoxieon may be white. Once she smiled as some gentle­
are furnished with an adjustment by developed in milk, and is probably re­ man of the party was presented to her,
which they arc put in nearly neutral j sponsible for the several cases of poison­ inclined her head towards him in a gra­
Physicians and Surgeons, equilibrium,
and stand at right angles I ous ice cream that have recently cious but aristocratic sort of way, and
to each other. The motion is multi- puzzled the medical authorities. It is exposed all her teeth as she smiled;
M c M innville AND LAFAYETTE. OM
plied and recorded by two pointers also believed to have an intimate con­ they were very white, and so even and
J F. Colbreath, M D.. office over Yamhill County projecting from the pendulum, and so nection with cholera infantum and kin­ perfect as to look suspiciously false.
lank MuMiuuville. Oiogon.
The Queen carried a gold-headed
H K LBtkfleld, M D.,
C office on Main streit, set that they trace, with slight friction, dred diseases, a view that is sustained
afayett«, Oregon.
a pair of magnified records of the by the severity of its effects upon young ebony walking-stick, and made good
use of it, leaning on it as she stopped to
earth s horizontal motion, side by side animals.
It was found by Dr. Vaughan that look in the cases, or to talk, with her
S. A. YOUNG-, M. D.
on the smoked-glass plate. A clock,
the speed of which is controlled by a milk which was presumably normal elbow akimbo, in a comfortable fashion
balanced centrifugal governor, drives when first obtained, yielded crystals of that did my heart good. She walked
Physician and Surgeon,
the plate at a uniform speed. The the poison after long standing in a rapidly along, moving in a booming,
OREGON. clock may be arranged to run contin­ tightly closed bottle.
ship-under-full-sale sort of fashion, an
A sample of ice cream which had idea borne out by her ample skirts and
more generally it is
Office and residence on D street. All calls promptly uously, but
wwered day or night.
started by means of ail electro-mag­ made eighteen persons quite ill was fat, dumpy body.
Sir Philip Cunliff Owen, Secretary of
netic detent, wiiich acts whenever an also examined by the same method, and
electric circuit is closed by the small the aqueous solution of the tyrotoxieon the exhibition, walked on one side of
Palmieri seismoscope—a short pendu­ was given to a cat. The effect was her and a Lord Somebody or t’other on
lum, ending in a platinum point which distinctly noticeable in ten minutes, the other. They did not walk up along­
hangs just over a depression in a cup when the animal began to vomit and side of her in an equal sort of way, but
M c M innville
O regon . of mercury, and ready when the slight­ show other characteristic symptoms. off' about four feet from her, prancing
Office—Two doors east of Bingham'a furuiture est disturbance occurs, to make con­ There seems little doubt that the poi­ sideways toward her with their bodies,
tact by touching the edge of the de­ sonous element in the cream was due their liats in thoir hands, and their
I Laughing gas administered for painless extraction.
backs constantly curving as they courte-
pression. This happens during the to the presence of the alkaloid.
Dr. Vaughan is of the opinion that sied and bowed in a fashion that re­
preliminary tremors of the earthquake,
and causes the plate to begin revolving the production of the poison is due called one’s ideas of the days of Queen
before the principal motions are felt. directly or indirectly to the growth of Elizabeth.
Behind the Queen came the Princess
A record is then traced in the form of some micro-organism.
The presence of butyric acid has Beatrice and her husband, Prince
two undulating lines, which may ex­
tend without confusion throughout two been demonstrated in the specimens of Henry. He is a tall, rather nice-look­
|l and $2 Hour«. Single meals 25 cents.
or three revolutions of the plate. The cheese, milk and cream from which ing man, with brown hair and mustache,
B8 section. I
File Sample Boom* for Commercial Men record is preserved by varnishing the the poison was obtained, and it has and dressed in a dark frock coat and
l'fg H. ur I
plate and using it as a negative to print been suggested that the generation of trousers. The Princess had on a blue
photographs. Special appliance is pro­ the tyrotoxieon was the result of a foulard that probably cost fifty cents a
vided for the double purpose of show­ butyric acid fermentation. It is known yard. It was covered with white polka
price ,
ing the speed of the plate during the that the action of the butyric acid on dots, and the long draped overdress
motion and of determining the hour ammonia prod \ s an alkaloid known was edged with that white lace known
and minute at which the earthquake as coniine, and if is quite possible that as “val ant'que. ” Her bonnet was a
occurred. The vertical component of tyrotoxieon may be formed by the little Frenchy affair of white lace and
the earth’s motion is separately re­ action of decomposing nitrogenous sub­ dark-blue velvet, and the waist of the
UpStairs in Adams’ Building,
corded on the same revolving plate of stances on butyric or other fatty acid. dress had a V shaped arrangement of
smoked glass by an instrument in From its physiological effects, it has ' white lace let into it, front and back.
M c M innville
O regon which a massive bar is pivoted on a been inferred that the alkaloid con­ She did not’walk up alongside of her
: et ,
horizontal line. A light aluminum tains two poisons.— Scientific American. mother in a daughterly sort of a way,
but came on behind her Majesty and
lever multiplies the motion and carries
politely waited until the Queen had ex­
a jointed index, which traces the record
amined 6ach case before she ventured
the plate.
The Best in the State.
The seismographs are in use at the A Very Pedantic Phrase Applied to a Verj to look herself. The Princess is plump,
very ual ke a princess in her manner,
Painful Affliction.
Ia prepared to fuiniah music for all occasions at reason University of Tokio, Japan; the Mete­
A very eminent confrere has asked and not handsome. She has not the
able rates. Address
orological Observatory at Tokio; the
extreme, almost ultra-graciousness of
Geographical Bureau at Manilla; the
N. J. HOWL.VM), Ben Nevis Observatory and the Lick me to define gout. I had often thought demeanor to the public that characteri­
zes her sister-in-law, the Princess of
Business Manager, McMinnville.
Observatory in California. — Boston
prepared with an answer, so I defined Wales.
When the Queen got to the end of the
gout as disturbed retrograde metamor­
galleries nearest us she came a few feet
forward in the open space beyond the
Why Good Spirits Are Not Object, of Wor- phrase, but it is capable of explana­ exhibits so that the hundreds collected
ship with the Indians.
tion, and when examined it will, I might have a good view of her, and
Good spirits receive little attention, think, be found to be nearly, if not al­ then, without looking at them or with­
and are never objects of worship, since together, co-extensive with the mean­ out any demonstration on their part, she
Corner Third and D »treats, McMinnville
tlfeir acts, influence and purposes are ing of gout. For the perfection of slowly turned, and, like the King of
healthy life it is requisite that certain France, went back again. 1 observed
obviously for the best. But the evil changes
construct­ the crowds of her subjects gathered
LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON. and half-way malevolent demand con­ ive and (metamorphoses),
destructive (retrograde), about, and there was not an atom of
should take place in the body with enthusiasm, only the most searching,
smooth workings of nature be inter­ perfect
regularity and uniformity. and grave and sombre curio.ity, and
fered with and the normal destinies of Constructive
metamorphosis (after when she had gone a quiet turning
The Best Rigs in the City. Orders man . perverted. A journey through
growth is completed) is concerned in away, as if that were all. 1 talked the
Promptly Attended to Day or Night,
the fabric of the animal other day with an intelligent middle­
dence of this belief in frequently recur­ maintaining
in its due integrity; destructive class gentleman on this question of the
ring offerings suspended from trees, frame
metamorphosis is con­ royal family. He said: “When the
bushes and wands, or conspicuously (retrograde)
in carrying away, completely Queen dies we will have the Prince of
exposed upon rocks, knolls and open cerned
quietly, the results of the incessant Wales for King; but after him there will
places, such as broken or discarded and
wear of the fabric. This is lie no more Kings nor Queens for old
.glass, metal and bead ornaments, what and
by the words “tissue England. We are on the eve of a great
shreds of skins, bits of painted leather, change,” of so frequent
occurrence in revolution that will come quietly and in
bright ribbons, strips of gay calicos, every attempted explanation
the order, and surprise no one.”— London
feathers, pieces of tobacco and bundl s action of baths and waters. If of there
A Strictly Temperance He,ort.
Cor. N. O. Picayune.
of human and animal hair.
is a disturbance in the constructive
I11* tuodf?) Church member, ,'j the contrary not
changes the perfection of the fabric
■ TSI'
— Samuel Adkyns, ex-mayor of Graf­
are charlatans and pretenders in savage suffers,
and loss of strength must fol­
as well as civilized circles) is one of a low; if there is a disturbance in the ton, W. Va., while hunting deer re­
fraternity mo-t mysterious and despotic destructive changes, the injury to the cently, was shot in the side by Thomas
Wymans, who thought Adkyns was a
“Orphans’ Home” in its wavs and workings, membersh p health of the body may not be so im­ deer.
Several of his companions picked
therein being limited to those who ex- mediately apparent, but they will be
hib t nyire than ordinary fitness there­ felt sooner or later and in pro­ him up and carried him home, but
for, baiked by powerful family and portion to the gravity of the dis- were so apprehensive of some one mis­
taking the whole party for a herd of
tribal influence. In one sense, “medi­ turbance.
Mere excess of food deer that they kept up a constant hal­
Th. ynly tirât c I mi , .ml the only pvlor-lik. .hop In the
cine” is an autocracy: and it is also the may be the cause of some of these
city. Non« but
nobility of the savage, no way limited disturbances, or an improper method looing until they reached the town.
—The American Association for the
Flr.t-elaH. Workmen Employed. bv tribal power, and is forbidden to of feeding. Thus it is easy to under­
women except for very extraordinary stand how corpulency arises. Some­ Advancement of Science is doing good,
and specific' reasons. Its apprentice­ thing is regularly taken into the sys­ brave work. In its report last week
Hr»t door south of Yamhill County Bank Building.
ship. too, is long and arduous, beset tem which is not needed for construc­ it announces the discovery that “the
M c M innville , orbgon .
throughout by trials and stumbling tion or maintenance. If in the “ret­ homologies of the synomosal bone in­
blocks, calculated to tax to the utmost rograde metamorphosis” this excess dicates the posterior half of the zygo­
the patience, faith, endurance and forti­ were got rid of in a regular and nor­ matic arch.” The papers which have
—Dobson—“Hello, Jobson, old man, tude of the candidate, and to portray mal manner, nothing remarkable insisted that it was developed by the
how are you? O, by the way. can you the inner consciousness and latent would arise. But in some organiza­ macrodactylic oboe of the periphrastic
• f
change a twenty-dollar bill for me?" foibles of the individual. Havin, g pass-
there is a tendency not to turn javel must feel cheap enough ”— Wash­
dmittr d tions
Jobson (pleased to be thought a cap­ ed the prescribed ordeals, he is admitti
this excess into substances which can ington Post.
italist)—“Certainly, rav bov. certain­ into full fellowship amid ceremonies readily be discharged from the body,
—The hotel-keeper at Plumas, Cal.,
ly." Dobson — “Good! I'm glad to hear calculated to be most solemn, impres­ but to throw it on one side, as it were, has received a letter from some one in
it- Then you'll certainly be able to
within the body in the form of fat, San Francisco, probably a drummer,
pay that five dollars you borrowed last prescribed, and frequently performed probably a provision of nature for ston­ inclosing a comb which the writer says
year?” And Jobson had to pay.— In public on the evening of the annual ing up excess of food in a readily con­ be stole, a"nd adds: “Since which I
“goose-feast,” is as hideous as it is vertible form in anticipation of a sea­ have been converted born of the Spirit
Somerville Journal
It consists in devouring a son when food may be difficult to pro­ of God <St therefore I have become a
—Newport will gain yearly five thou­ sickening.
dog. and is a proceeding that es­ cure, for fat disappears rapidly enough son of God & God my Father tells me
sand dollars in taxes alone from the live
obtains among the Chip- when persons are deprived of food, to be honest & right everything that I
estate of Alfred Smith, who has for so pecially
Crees and Ojibwavs; and a and those who profess that they get fat don rong So far as in me Is Possable or
long a time had his property returned pewyans.
more horrible or fiendish scene, as “on nothing” would soon be unde­ be will disinherit me yet again.”
•o the assessors ns four hundied thou­ viewed
by the flickering fire light amid ceived if they were seriously to try this
— At the rate of increase which has
sand dollars, When, after he recently sounding
drums and rattles, the shrieks
became insane, it was found to amount of the victim and the frenzied howls o! painful experiment. But a tendency been going on for the past few years
to disturbance of “retrograde meta­ Java will soon produce as much sugar
to at least two n»81ion dollars.
the assemblage, can not be i
-ed.- morphosis” may be independent of as Cuba. The sugar planters«of Java
—At the foot of Main street in Dan­ Popular Science Monthly.
excess or error in the matter of feed­ appear to be making money in spite of
bury, Conn., stands a house built by
and depend on an inherited pe­ the low prices now obtaining, and
Elnathan Osborn in 169fi. It is a low.
—There are sixty thousand more ing.
hip-roofed house, studded with enor­ women tAan men in Massachusetts. culiarity. although aggravated un­ claiming that it is a more profitable
mous beams and lighted by very small That is one reason why a man can doubtedly and called into activity fre­ crop than coffee. There are only about
diamond window-panes. When the never hold a seat in a Boston street­ quently by excesses and errors of diet. one hundred sugar mills in Java, but
British under Try* fired the village ear for more than one consecutive The tendency both to gout and corpu­ the land suited to the cultivation of the
lency are very commonly inherited sugar cane is practically unlimited.
this was the only heuse spared.— Boston minute.— A’ew Haven News.
and often co-exist in the same person.
garrisons Bnilúlní. McMinnville. Oreeon,
file Leadifli Hotel of McMinnville.
yv. v.
NO. 50
Livery, Feed arid Sale Stables,
birds .
Neats of the Maryland Yellow«
Throat and the Chickadee.
Boms of the Fees Asked and Received by
Eminent English Practitioners.
"Do London doctors earn more than
After all, it is the ground birds that
puzzle the human oologist. Crossing a Queen's counsel?” As a rule they do
brook, I saw what I regarded as almost not, but the incomes of the three lead­
infallible signs that a pair of Maryland ing physicians and those of the three
yellow-throats had begun to build beside lawyers are about equal, that is to say,
it Unless I was entirely at fault the at the rate of $00,000 a year each. The
nest must be within a certain two or largest sum ever earned in one year by
three square yards, and I devoted half a doctor was $100,000, made by Sir
an hour, more or less, to ransacking the Astley Cooper. The three men at the
grass and bushes, till I thought every head of the medical profession in En­
inch of the ground had been gone over; gland at the present day are Sir William
Jenner, the court physician, Sir Will­
but all to no purpose. Continuing my iam Gull and Sir Andrew Clark. Just
walk, I noticed after awhile that the lately the last named has obtained con­
male warbler was accompanying me up siderable notoriety. He was induced
the hillside, apparently determined to to visit a very wealthy lady at Nice, and
see me safely out of the way. Coming he received the unprecedented fee of
to the same brook again the next morn- $25,000. One-fifth of this amount he
ing, 1 halted for another search; and lo! retained as a remuneration for his
all in a moment my eye fell upon tno services, and the remainder he divided
coveted nest, not on the ground, but between two charitable institutions
perhaps eight inches from it, in a little connected with his profession.
clump of young golden-rods, which
Speaking of fees, there is a talo told
would soon overgrow it completely. of a rich colonial gentleman living in
The female proprietor was present, and Kent who had the misfortune to take a
manifested so much concern that I slight cold. Not satisfied with his local
would not tarry, but made rather as if medical attendant, he desired to have
I had seen nothing, and passed on. It Gull down from London in consulta­
was some time before I observed that tion. Gull happened to be away and
she was keeping along beside me, pre­ Sir William Jenner came instead. He
cisely as her mate had done the day be­ was duly paid his fee of $375 for the
fore. The innocent creatures, sorely visit. Tho patient, feeling no better,
pestered as they were, could hardly be then sent to Edinburgh to a leading
blamed for such precaut ons; yet it is doctor of that city, who traveled the
not pleasant to be “shadowed” as »sus­ four hundred miles in order to see him
picious character, even by Maryland and in ordinary course received a
guinea for every mile, that was four
This was my first nest of a very com­ hundred guineas, or $2,100. Again the
mon warbler, and I felt particularly patient felt no better, and this time
solicitous for its safety; but alas! no Gull was summoned and attended.
sooner was the first egg laid than some­
“I suppose,” suggested the local
thing or somebody carried it off. and the practitioner, “you will pay Gull what
afflicted couple deserted the house on you paid Jenner—seventy-five pounds
which they had expended so much labor sterling.”
and anxiety.
“Nonsense,” indignantly retorted
Not far beyond the yellow-throats’ the sick gentleman, “I am not going to
brook, and almost directly under one of pay Gull less than I gave the Scotch­
the pewees’ oaks, was a nest which prot- man,” and he drew a check for $2,100.
ty certainly belonged to a pair of che- Before he got rid of his cold he had
winks, but which was already forsaken paid $7,000 in fees.
when I found it, though I had then no
Gull himself relates a story of an ec­
inkling of the fact. It contained four centric patient, upon whom, in the
eggs, and every th ng was in perfect or­ days when chloroform or ether ■vas
der. The mother had gono away, and never used, he performed a difficult
never come back; having fallen a vic­ operation from which the old gentle­
tim, probably to some collector, human man recovered. But he refused to pay
or inhuman. The tragedy was pecu­ Gull
his fees, and, as the doctor left
liar: and the tragical effect of it wa- the bedroom
in an enraged state, the
heightned as day after day, for nearly old man snatched
oil’ his cap, and,
a fortnight at least (I can not say for flinging it at him, cried:
how much longer), the beautiful eggs I'll give you nothing more. “ ” Take that;
lay there entirely uncovered, and yet no
Gull picked up the night cap, and,
skunk, squirrel or other devourer of cooling
down in his brougham, he
such dainties happened to spy them. I commenced
to rip up the lining. Con­
It seemed doubly sad that so runny cealed therein
he found a crisp Bank
precious nests should be robbed, while of England note
for £1,000. This
this set of worthless eggs was left to story, by the way, has
also been told of
other eminent doctors. Gull
1 have already mentioned the house several
began life in an humble way as assist­
keeping of a couple of chickadees in a ant
to a hospital lecturer at thirty-five
low birch stump. Theirs was one of shillings
per week. When admitted to
three titmouse nests just then claiming practice his
year’s fees amounted
my attention. I visited it frequently, to $135, but first
he himself says that each
from the time when the pair were hard year they increased
by one-third. He
at work making the cavity up to the is a man of dry humor.
time when the brood were nearly ready Bishop of Derry consulted Once
to shift for themselves. Both birds took the great doctor gravely said: him,
their share of the digging, and on sev­
“You must go to Nice my Lord."
eral occasions I saw one feeding the
“Oh, I can’t go to Nice; I’m too
other. After the eggs were deposited, busy.
the mother (or the sitter) displayed ad­
“It must, bo either Nice or Heaven,”
mirable courage, refusing again anil
again to quit her post when I peered in was the doctor's retort.
“Oh, then,” quickly added the di­
upon her, and even when with my cane vine,
“I'll go to Nice.”
I rapped smartly upon the stump. If I
“I will not question your judgment,”
put my fingers into the hole, however,
she followed them out in hot haste. replied Gull. “As a right reverend
Even when most seriously disturbed by prelate you ought to know which is
my attent'ons the pair made use of no preferable.”
Sir Andrew Clark is Gladstone’s
other notes than the common chickadee,
dee, but these they sometimes delivered physician. He accompanied him on
in an unnaturally sharp, fault-finding the cruise the Premier took with Ten­
nyson and again last year to Norway,
Aly two other titmouse nests were lie does not do this ns a personal tri­
both in apple-trees, and one of them bute, but as a matter of professional
was in my own door-yard, though be­ duty. Gladstone is very testy, faddy
yond convenient reach without the help ami autocratic. Clark is equally firm.
of a ladder. The owners of this last Lady Clark is quite incensed when
were interesting for a very decided (iladstone orders her husband to spend
change in their behavor after tho young with him those two months of the year
were hatched, and especially as the time when the great physician is accus­
for the little ones’ exodus drew near. tomed to have most leisure. It is said
At first, notwithstanding their door Jenner and Gull are chosen to attend
opened right upon the street, as it were, royal patients in preference to Clark
within a rod or two of passing horse­ because the latter is so closely identi­
cars, the father and mother went in and fied with Gladstone.— London Cor.
out without the least apparent concern as Philadelphia Press.
to who might be watching them; but
A Clever Police Officer.
when they came to be feeding their hun­
gry offspring, it was almost laughable to
Patrolman Maley, of South Boston,
witness the little craft ness to which
they resorted. They would perch on one is not a large man, but on several oc­
of the outer branches, call ch ckadee, dee, casions he lias been obliged to take to
flv a little near, then likely enough go the station-house Patrick McCarthy, a
further off, till finally, after a variety of large, powerful fellow, whose arrest has
such “false motions, ’’ into the hole they usually been attended with a hard
would duck, as if nobody for the world
must be allo’wed to know where they struggle. McCarthy recently threat­
ha I gone. It was really wonderful how ened to attack a man who swore out a
expert they grew at entering quickly. I warrant for his arrest. Patrolman
p- ndered a good deal over their con­ Maley carried the warrant for three
tinual calling on such occasions. It days, and finally found the man for
seemed foolish and inconsistent; hall whom he had been searching. Realiz­
the time I should have failed to notice ing that an arrest would result in a
their approach, had they only kept still. struggle, he chatted with McCarthy
Toward the end. however, when thf a few minutes and then invited him to
chicks inside flic trunk could be heard walk to the next corner and “inspect
art'culat ng ch ckadee, dee, with perfect the electric signal system.” While ex­
distinctness, it occurred to me that pos- plaining the system Maley touched the
s bly all this persistent repetition of the annunciator, and while he was still
phrase bv the ol<l birds had been only talking the patrol wagon rolled up to
or mainly in the way of tuition. At al1 the box. Wc< 'arthy was then shown now
i vents. the youngsters had this part ol they take prisoners to the station­
the vocabulary right at then house. — Host on Transcript.
tongue«' end, as we say, before making
their debut in the great world. — Brad­ — Edward Lacy, of Lewiston, Me.,
«food on a street corner the other day
ford Torrey, in Atlantic,
and noticed a gray-haired stranger ap­
—A story was told in Maine one hun­ proaching. Tne man said: “My name
dred years ago or more of an old lady is John Lacy. I'm a stranger here,
who. having read in the Scriptures that but I’ve got a brother here whom I
by faith mountains could be moved, haven’t seen in thirty years.
prayed that a hili which obstructed the name is Edward Lacy. Can you tell
view in front of her house might b<- me where he live«?” Mr. Lacy said
Liken away. She afterward told a he'd show the stranger where Edward
friend that “it didn't go away, and she Lacy lived, and he led him to his own
didn't believe it would in the first house and then made himself known
plane. "—Lewuton (Mt.) Journal.
to bis long lost brother.— Boston Poti.