The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, November 23, 1886, Image 1

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°f th. J
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NO. 47
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Gírrlson’s Bnilfliiií, McMinniille. Oreson.
‘Oh, where have you been, Lord Lovell F
she said;
“Oh, where have you been»'’ said she;
‘I have ot closed an eye in bed,
And the clock has just struck three.
Who has been standing you on your head
In the ashbarrel, PerdeeC
— BY —
8,1 fur
llnS to Castorp
kT» lUrna cMt
fublnhsri and Proprietor».
»1 (X)
bn« r»*r,.....................
Iftjt muntin ....................
|Tbrw months .. • ■
‘I am not drunk. La ly Shane,’ he said;
“And so late it cannot be;
The clock struck ons as I enter-ed—
I heard It two times or three;
It must be the salmon on which I fed
Has been too many for me. ”
Lurid in tha Postoffloe at .McMinnvilla. Or.
ai aecund-claaa metier.
H V. V.
“Go. tell your tale, I,ord Lovell,” she said,
“To the maritime caval roe,
To your grandam of the hoary head—
To anyone but me.
The door is not used to be open-ed
With a cigarette for a key.”
—Washington Star.
North"««» corn«r of 8«oond and B ®tr«et®,
May b® found at bl« offloe when not absent on pro-
I n J ods I buafn«M
iietowu, d
How They Have Figured In the
World’s History.
_____ M.
_ D.. offioo or«r Yamhill County
J F , Oalbr®ath.
.. — Inutili«. r Of «ton.
' R. Littleiield, M D., offic« on Main atro.4,
urn ty®»t«, Or«guu.
0. A. YOUNG-, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon,
and Surgeons,
“VK upon j
ton day, tj
sa've is d
at has girl
as caused 3
Wtounctd ¡3
ors. I ill
All calls promptly
Ofto® and residents« on D str««t
taawvred day or night.
Offlo«— Two doom «aak of Bingham'« furniture
**L«nfhlng gw «dmlnlatered for paini«« extraction.
Tie Leading Hotel oí McMimwille.
ft and 1'2 House. Single meals 25 cents.
Tin Itmpls
looms for Commoroinl Men
W. V. I>1€ICE,
UpStairs in Adams' Building.
The Best in the State.
Iapr«par«d to fumlah music for all occasion« at raaeou
able rates. Address
Business Manager, MoMinnvill«.
Lilin, Feed and Salo Stables,
Oara«r Third and D street®, MsMinuvill®
Th» Beit Rig» in the City. Order»
Promptly Attended to Day or Night,
A Strictly Temperance Reeert.
go«d[T) Ob uroh members to th« contrary not
Home 99
TVs sal/ »rnl class, sn<1 the only parlor-lllie shop In ths
oily N od « but
First - el Mu
Mwt door «out* of Yamhill County Bank Building.
M c M innville , oregon
—A uaniu tiling near Buena »1st»,
G*., who had arrested a negro at mid-
oight, took a notion that he would take
1 nap. He tied the negro’s arms be­
hind him with a rope, then tied the end
of the rope to his own arm, so that any
effort on the part of the negro to get
•way would wake him, and then laid
^“'■'n to sleep in his front piazza.
While the bailiff was wrestling with
lhe »leepy god the negro waked, untied
his arms, tied the arms of »lie bailiff
together and then departed. The of­
ficer had to call his wife the next morn-
lng to liberate him.
—T|T><’ system of public distribution
brjead or grain among the people
WM not abandoned till the seventh
tentury after Christ
Æ-. *
—’’What s pefhat on. Jimmie?” sa
?ru ra^X'*'I street urchin to anothe
’’Donchjr knaw?” was the response.
• n8’"-" “Well, perbation’s when a
‘o'er’» gittin' square wid himself.”—
«•/on Cost.
The Modern Lord Lovell.
Lord Lovell he stood at his own front door
Seeking the hole for the key;
His hat was wrecks 1 and his trousers bore
A rent across either knee.
When down came the beauteous Lady Jans
In fair white draperee.
The honey-bee has been an object of
great interest from the very earliest
ages; the most ancient historical records
make frequent reference to it “A lit­
tle balm and a little honey” formed part
of the present which Jacob sent into
Egypt to Joseph in the time of the great
famine. The “busy bee” figures also
n Greek as well as Hebrew his-
tory. The little creature has given
a name to many females ofh'gh degree.
I’he Hebrew namo of the bee (Deborah)
was given to Rebecca’s nurse, as also
to that magnanimous prophetess whose
courage and patriotism inspired the
Jagging zeal and waning energies of
her dispirited countrymen. The Greek
name of the bee (Melissa) was given to
one of the daughters of Melisstis, King
of Crete. It was she who, with her sis­
ter Amaltluea, is fabled to have fed
Jupiter with the milk of goats. She is
«aid, also, to have first discovered the
means of collecting honey from the
stores of the bees, from which some an­
cient writers inferred that she not only
bore the name, but that she was a du­
ally changed into a Doe.
Another Greek story tells of a woman
of Corinth, also bearing the name of
Mel s a, who. hav ng been admitted to
officiate in the festivals of Ceres, the
goddess of agriculture, afterward re­
fused to initiate others, and was torn to
pieces for her disobed ence, a swarm of
uees being made to rise from her body.
The old Greek name for the bee seems
to have fallen into d suse in this coun­
try as a name given to females, though
there can be no reason why its use
should not be revved, for it is, at least,
is melod oils as the Hebrew name of
the same significance, still applied to
mony a ma’ron and maiden—a name
which is expressive of honeyed sweet­
ness, as also of unwearied energy and
unt r ng industry.
Those who have hail personal knowl­
edge and experience of bee-culture will
bear out. the remark that bees are not
partis ular as to the s ze or the position
of the home in which they choose to
dwell, so that it suffices for them to
curry on xvith security their wonderful
operations. In their wild state, Cavi-
t>os of rocks and hollow trees are alike
available; and in their domestic condi­
tions they have no preference for a
straw skop over a wooden box, nor for
the wooden house over the straw castle.
The bee, wh’ch, while under proper
control and management, is one of
man’s best friends, proves, when as­
sailed by him in any way. a terrible ad­
versary. Allusion is made to this by
Moses in his story of what befell the
Israelites in their wilderness sojourn:
“The Amoritos came out aga nst you.
and chased you as bees do. and destroyed
you.” The strength and force of their
sting is such as to enable them to pierce
the skin of the horse and other large
animals and kill them. Their ordinary
speed when in flight, is from sixty to
eighty miles an hour, and they have
been known to fly past the windows of
in express train when traveling at full
peed in the same direct on. Their
manner of attack is to da-h straight at
¡he object aimed at; and commonly,
when excited by the presence of some
unknown spectator, and especially by
the intermeddling of some undexterous
or mischievous petson. they will attack
the face, »¡ra ng especially at the eye*.
When, therefore, the thousands wn ch
inhabit a single hive are aroused by the
sound of alarm, well understood bv all
the inmate«, to repel an invader, they
sally forth with a courage and deter­
mination wlfch none can withstand,
»Hacking the
foes on every j side with a
14IXz 1 r aw
iury it is impossible to resist.
David must * *• have
—* witnessed ju»t
such a scene, whicn ho repro-
iluce« in hs description of the
fierce attacks. the determined on-
-laugbte <<f his b ttcr and unrelent ng
oes: "All nat'ons compassed me about
• * * they compassed me ab >ut like
.»omewhat re< ently. the mishap of a
porter in handling a' box of beesintran-
s t by railway created an amusing and
rather alarming scene at the station.
There was a general st (impede of pas­
sengers and official« flying in every di­
rect on, chased by the' infuriated bees.
It was only when -ome one. sk lied ip
die management of bees, c it hing the
■neen and placing h r in th ■ box. re­
stored confidence and qu et, for, tlock-
ng lox ally to her standard, the whole
colony returned to the ea«e. which w te
in due time forwarded toils <lest nat on
But even tlvs was a small affair com­
pared with xvliat is related in ancient
history of persons being driver fromi
their habitations, and the inhab.tants of
an entire town being compelled to flee;
before myriads of b as. Aelianus, wild
flourished about 200 A. 1)., gives an in-j
-t«nec of this in one of his seventeen’
>ooks on animals. Mungo Park. too.
the African traveler, mentions a mod­
ern instance which took place near
Dooproo: “We had no sooner unloaded
the asses than some of the people, being
ia search of honey, inopportunely dis­
turbed a large swarm of bees. They
came out in immense numbers, and at­
tacked men and beasts at the same
time. Luckily, most of the asses were
loose, and galloped up the valley; but
were ve.rv
the horses and neoDle
and obliged to
in all directions.
In fact, for half an hour the bees
seemed to have put an end to our jour­
ney. In the even ng, when they be­
came less troublesome and we could
venture to collect our cattle, we found
many of them much stung and swelled
about the head. Three asses were miss­
ing; one died in the evening, and anoth­
er next morning. Our gu'de lost his
horse, and many of the
much stung about the head and face.”
The fierceness and unrelenting cruelty
of the ancient Assyrians, and the ter­
ror with which their swarming multi­
tudes filled the inhabitants of the lands
they invaded, have caused them to be
likened to bees in their much-dreaded
attacks on such as have aroused their
anger; “And it-hall come to pass in that
day that the Lord shall hiss for the fly
that is in the uttermost part of the rivers
of Egypt, and for the bee that is in the
Jam! of Assyria. And they shall come,
and shall rest all of them in the deso
late valleys, and in th» holes of the
rocks, and upon all thorns, and upon
all bushes. The “h'ss” was simply a
call, in allus'on to the note of the queen
bee,'as she issues her royal mandate to
her ever loyal subjects to prepare for
action. It has also been supposed to
allude to a custom prevailing in very
ancient times in connection with the
bee culture, or honey-raising in the
neighborhood of rivers. During th.«
dry season, a number of hives would be
placed on a flat-bottomed boat, in the
charge of an attendant. Very early in
the morning thé boat would begin th.
day’s voyage, gently gl'ding down
the river, the bees sallying forth
with the sun to collect their gold< n
stores and deposit them in their several
hives, wh'ch they commonly know In
some mark. The innumerable Howers
on the banks of the rivers offered them
a fine harvest-field. At the approach of
evening the well-known whistle or
“hiss” of the care-taker—a decent
imitation of the queen’s own call—
would bring them back to their hives in
multitudes, when the boat would be
paddled back to the farm or other place
of rendezvous.
As an article of food, and as a much-
valued and even royal luxury, honey has
been used from the remotest ages. Nor
was it much, if anv. less in request as a
healing medicine for both inward and
outward application. And though it
mav have fallen somewhat into disuse
in the.-e days, when many good things
are overlooked, and when the artific al
too often supplants the real, it may be
safely predicted that the wide and rapid
spread of b e-culture will induce a re­
turn to some of the wiser uses and
methods and forms of adaptation em­
ployed by our early forefathers, as well
as simulate to new applications and
developments of its wondrous powers.
When and by whom mead or metheg
lin was first made from honey, could
not lie determined. The two
words are not unfrequently applied to
lhe same liquor; but that is not correct,
as they are dissimilar. Both, however,
aré made from honey, sometimes also
from the refuse or washings of the
comb. Queen Elizabeth had such fond­
ness for metheglin as to prescribe care­
fully how it should be made and with
what a variety of herbs it should be
flavored. In Wales, it long continued
to be held in high esteem; and its vari­
been quaintly set forth in a letter ad­
dressed to Cliffe, the historian, by the
learned Welshman, Rev. James Howells
(born 15'J4), brother of Thomas How­
el’», some time Bishop of Gloucest- r
and Bristol.
The uniqueness of the
communication is the apology for its
quotation in full:
S ir —To Inaugurate a new anil jovial new
year unto you, I send you a morning's
namely, a hottie of metheglin).
Neither Sir John Barleycorn nor Bacchus
hath anything to do with It; but It lathe
pure juice of the bee, the laborious bee, nn I
king of Insects.
The Irruida and the old
Ulitis . bards were » ont to take a carouse
hereof before they entered Into their specu
lations and If you do wo when your fancy
labors with any thing. It will do you no hurt,
and I know your tancy to be very good But
this drink always carries a kind of state with
it, for It must be attended with a brown toast,
nor will it admit of but one good draught,
and that In the morning
If more. It will
keep a hum • Ing In the head, and so speak
much of the house It came from, I mean the
hive, as I gave a caution elsewhere, and be.
cause the bottle might make more haste,
have made it go upon these (poetic) feet:
J. H. T. C. S'llut-m -t Annum Platonirum.
The juice of bees, not Bacchus, here behold,
Which Br tish bards were wont to quaff of
old ;
The herrlee of the grape with furies »well,
But In the honeycomb the graces dwell |
This allu les to a saying which the Turks
here, that there lurks a devil In every berry
of the vine
«» I w sb you cordially as to
me an auspi lous an l joyful new year, be
cause you know I am, etc.
Metheglin is no doubt a healthy bev­
erage. containing an admixture of milk.
I’alTus Ko iiulua. when he was a hun­
dred years old. told Julius Cs-sar that he
had pre-o-rved the vigor of his mind
an<l body by takingmetheglin inwardly,
ami using oil outwardly. Metheglin
and mead may be made very strong,
and. of course, they both conta n som<-
amount of alcohol. In Virgil’» days
metheglin was used to qualify wine
when harsh. He writes of
nu.t neavy Honeycombs, or cohien Joice,
Not only sweet, but pure, amt tit tor use;
To allay tile strenirih and hardness of the
And with old ltaccleis new metheglin join.
Mead or metheglin was the nectar of
the Scandinavian nations, which they ex­
pected to drink in Heaven, us ng the
skulls of their enemies a« goblets. Thus
we read in Penrose’s Carousal of Odin:
Fill the honeyed beveraae high;
Fill the skulls, 'tls Odin’s cry I
Heard ye not the powerful call,
Thundering through the vaulted ball?
Fill the meuthe, and spread tlie board,
Vassets ot tlie grisly lord I—
The feast begins, tlie skull goes round,
Laughter snouts—the shouts resound.
In England at the present time, mead,
like many other old ifiid excellent do­
mestic compounds, has passed almost
entirely out of use. In very few houses
could it now be found. Here and there
in a farmhouse where old customs lin­
ger, it may still Ire had; and it is still
used for colds and other complaints,
both in the ease of men and cattle.
The revival of bee-keeping and the
conduct of the enterprise on scientifi"
principles, will restore honey to its
wonted place in the domestic economy;
and if carefully studied and thriftily
managed, the cultivation of bees and
the product of honey may be made to
form not only an important article of
food and a considerable item of domes­
tic revenue, but an ample source of
amusement, and a means of recreation
healthful alike to body and mind.—
Chambers' ■-------
- ------------------
One of the Phanee of Education at the
Court of Prussia.
Until Prince William, the oldest son
of the Crown Prince of Prussia, had
arrived at the age of fifteen, hj bad to
study daily from nine to twelve a. m.,
a pause of a quarter ot an hour being
allowed at eleven for breakfast. The
Prince got regularly a piece of white
bread, with such fruit as was in season.
Dr. D----- , his tutor, got beefsteak, etc.,
for breakfast. The savory smell of
the meat always seemed to raise a feel­
ing of longing in the Prince’s breast,
and his eyes would often wander from
his own modest repast to the smoking
plate of his tutor. The latter also felt
a certain amount of embarrassment in
thus raising envy, or a similar feeling
to it, in the heart of his pupil. The
stern discipline which regulated even
the meal times and recreation did not,
however, allow of the slightest indul­
gence. One day the lesson, both in
German and Latin, had been done in
splendid style, and Dr. D----- felt the
laudable satisfaction of an instructor
When his pupil does honor to his teach­
ing. “Casar de bello gallico” had
been rendered with spirit when eleven
o’clock struck.
A servant entered
with breakfast on a silver tray—a
smoking beefsteak for the doctor and a
basket with bread and grapes for his
princely pupil, who, as usual, did not
fail to cast stolen glances at his
tutor’s plate. “Prince,” said the
Doctor, carried
by his
good humor, “I’m a great lover
of grapes; suppose we exchange—you
eat my steak and I your—” The doc­
tor had not time to finish his speech
before his pupil had taken the steak,
with the brightest of faces. Botli
teacher and pupil were enjoying their
exchange when the Crown Prince en­
tered the room. Perhaps both eaters
blushed, but the father made no remark,
but merely inquired as to how his son
had learnt, and tvas rejoiced to hear
the doctor’s good report. At twelve
o'clock, as the tutor was about retiring,
a message was brought that the Crown
Prince desired to speak with him.
“Doctor,” said his Highness, “explain
to me how it was that the Prince ate
beefsteak and you a cold breakfast?”
The tutor put the matter in the best
lijht, as a joke which his satisfaction
with his pupil had caused him to make.
“I allow the joke for this once,” said
his Highness, “but I wish the Prince
to accustom himself to see these ar­
rangements for your comfort without
envy, anil also that he should be satis­
fied with the food given him. which
allows of an alteration in future years.
Wbat will he require at twenty if he
longs for beefsteak for breakfast now?
Bread anil fruit are wholesome and
fully sufficient for a boy of his age.”
When breakfast was brought next day.
the Prince did not look away from his
plate. “A splendid bunch of grape»!”
said he to himself; “a wholesome and
excellent meal, which I prefer to your
beefsteak, doctor."— Chrisliats Union.
Dog« Which Went Over the rati«
Without the Leant Injury.
It is an error to say that no creature
that ever went over Niagara Fal s
•■caped with its life. In 1836 a bub
terrier w nt over and came out aliv
In 18 >8 an >t ier dog was flung in abo- c
the Fall», and an hour afterward it
■aine dripping up the ferry steps, a
little rattle I «nd disgusted with thing»
in general, but otherwise uninjured.
\ recent writer says that there can
sometimes be se n at the foot of the
alls water cones apparently ten or
tw Ive feet high. These are formed
>y the rapid a-cumulation and con
lensation ot the falling water. 1
>ours down so rapidly and in »in
uantit’ea that the water below, so to
«peak, can not run off fa-t enough,
md it piles up as though it were in
■ tate of violent ebullition. The«
•ones are constantly falling and br< as
ng. A hardy animal falling on to on -
>f tlie«e cones a« on a soft cushion,
might slide «af dy into the current be­
low. The dog« were, doubtless, for­
tunate enough to fall in this way an i
were also uMed by the repulsion of th
water from the rocks in the swift chan
ael through which they passed.
Tha Pathetic Story or Aa Old Heart Thai
Had to Unburden Itself.
—A New York man asserts that hl»
dog can count. Probably because he’»
••Going north, madam?”
seen him figure in a scene with a young
“No, ma’am.”
man trying to get over the fence.—G'A»-
“Going south, then?"
eaoo Inter-Ocean.
••I don’t know, ma’am.”
—It is said Bernhardt has two ambi­
“Why, there are only txvo ways to tions. One is to get fat, the other to
write good poetry. She can never fat-
| ten herself writing poetry. It is too
“I didn’t know. I was never on the thin.— Chicago Tribune.
cars. I’m waiting for the train to go
—“My uncle is a sailor,” sings a
to John.”
{ poet If this is not a mere flight oi
“John? There is no town called fancy, this poet's relative is in a very
ditlerent business from tho “uncles” of
John. Where is it?”
“Oh! John’s my son. He’s out in most poets.— N. f. Graphic.
—Swift sa il the reason a certain uni­
Kansas on a claim.”
was a learned place was. that
“I am going right to Kansas myself. versity
most persons took some learning there,
You intend to visit?”
and few brought any away w th them,
“No, ma’am."
so it accumulated.— if. I. Witness.
She said it with a sigh so heart-bur­
—“The editor of our esteemod con­
dened the stranger was touched.
temporary across tho river." sa d a sar­
“John sick?”
castic village journalist, “is very fresh,
but lhe malady doesn't extend to hi»
The evasive tone, the look of pain news columns."— Somerville Journal.
in the furrowed face were noticed by
—No, it is not hard to write funny
the stylist J|dy as the gray head bowed paragraphs; all you have to do is to
upon thJVtoil-marked "band. She procure a pen. some paper and ink,
wanted to hear h«r story; to help her. and then lit down anil write them as
“Excuse me -John in trouble?”
they occur to you. It is not the writ­
“No, no—I'm in trouble. Trouble ing, but the o ‘curring, that is hard.—
my old heart never thought to see.”
New llaven News.
“The train does not come for some
—A little girl, vis'ting a neghbor
time. Here, rest your bead upon ray with
her mother, was gazing curiously
at tho hosto-s’ now bonnet, when the
“You are kind. If my own were so owner
queried: “Do you like it, Laura?"
I shouldn’t bo in trouble to-night.”
“What is your trouble? May bo I Tho innocent replied: “Why, mother
said it was a perfbot fright; but it don't
can help you.”
“it’s hard to tell it to strangers, but scare me!”— Exchanae.
—“As between a dog and a dude for a
my old heart is too full to keep it back.
When 1 was left a widow with the summer resort pet,” said a young lady
three children I thought it was more as a young man left her »ide, “give me
than I could bear; but it wasn't bad as the dog.” “Why?” asked her compan­
ion. "The dog never says anv thing.”
The stranger waited till she recov­ “Neither does the dude, doos he?” “No;
but he makes mo tired talking so much.’
ered her voice to go on.
“I had only the cottage and my will­ — Washi-iQton Critic.
—Customer (to drug clork)—What
ing hands. 1 toiled early and late all
the years till John could help me. do you eiiargo for ar.-enic? Drug Clerk
Then we kept the girls at school, John (suspiciously)—What do you want it
and me. They were married not long for? Customer—1 am a French candy
ago. Married rich as the world goes. manufacturer. Drug Clerk (suspicions
John sold the cottage, sent me to the allayed)—Oh. I beg pardon, sir; I
city to live with them and he went thought perhaps you wanted to take it
West to begin for himself. Hesaid we yuu rse If. — N. V. Su n.
had proyided for the girls and they
—Algernon—Do vou know I don’t
would provide for me now—”
believe there is any thing in the theowy
Her voice choked with emotion. The that fish is gwent bwain food? Augus­
stranger waited in silence.
tus—Why, 1 always supposed that was a
“1 went to them in tho city. I went fact. Have you oaten much fish? Al­
to Mary’s first. She lived in a great gernon <), va-as. an awful lot. Augus­
house, with servants to wait on her; a tus —Well, th n, I guess you’re right,
house many times larger than the little old chap— The Hambier.
cottage—but I soon found there wasn’t
—“Yes,” said a Kentuckian who had
room enough for me—”
been in the Far West, “Indians are
The tears stood in the lines on her powerful fond of whisky. Ixit ’em once
cheeks. Tho ticket agent came out got the taste of whisky an’ they’ll give
softly, stirred the tire and went back. up every thing for it. An old chief out
After a pause she continued:
in Western Dakota offered me a pony,
“I went to Martha’s-v-went with a saddle, bridle, blanket and I don't know
pain in my heart I never felt before. I what else for a pint of whisky I hail with
was willing to do any thing so as not me.” ••And you wouldn't give it to
to be a burden. But that wasn’t it. 1 him?” “Not much. That was the last
found they were ashamed of ray bent
«il left But it shows how foud
old body and withered face—ashamed
are of whisky.”— N. Y. Sun.
of my rough, wrinkled hands made so
toiling for them—”
The tears came thick and fast now.
The stranger’s hand rested caressingly Why a SNi'wly-Marrled (»rain Speculator
on the gray head.
Smiled a Sickly Smile.
“At last they told me 1 must live at
One of the operators on the Chicago
a boarding house and they'd keep me Board of Tra Io was married a short
there. I couldn’t say any thing back.
My heart Was too full of pain. I wrote time ago, ami, of oourae, tho first time
to John what they were going to do. ho appeared on the Board after his
He wrote back, a long, kind letter for honeymoon lie was sub ected to many
me to come right to him. I always had congratulations and much good-natured
a home while he had ■ roof, he. said. bantering. Ono of his friends, after
To come right there and stay as long congratulating him suddenly reached
as I lived. That his mother should
never go out to strangers. So I’m go­ over and took a long brown hair from
ing to John. He'sgotonly his rough his shoulder.
■‘IBooks bad in a married man, Tick-
hands and his great warm heart—but
there's room for his old mother—God er, he exclaimed, holding it up to the
•‘Oh. that's all right,” replied Ticker,
The stranger brushed a tear from her
fair cheek and awaited the conclusion. smiling; “it's my wife'*”
“No, no; that won’t do.” responded
“Some day when I nm gone where
I’ll never trouble them again Mary and the fr ond; “your wife’» ha'r is darker
Martha will think of it all. Some day than that.”
Th s made Ticker a triflo angry, and
when the hands that toiled for them
are folded and still; when the eyes he nxoln mod exc tadly:
‘•I tell you it is my wife's. I gues» I
that watched over them through many
a weary night are closed forever; when know mv wife’s hair when I see it.”
“Well, you oertainly ought to,” said
the little old body, bent with the bur­
dens it bore for them, is put away the friend gazing intently at it “But
are you sure it’s you wife •?"
where it never can shame them—
“Sure? Of course I am. Why do
The agent drew his hand quickly
before his eyes, and went out, as if to you ask?”
“Oh, I thought perhaps there might
look for the train. The stranger's
jeweled fingers stroked the gr y locks, be a mistake. You see, I found it on
while the tears of sorrow and the tears Brown's ahouldor just before I saw
of sympathy fell together. The weary you.”
Ticker's smile was a s:cklv one as he
heart was unburdened. Soothed by a
touch of sympathy the troubled soul invited the crowd down to the nearest
yielded to the longings of rest, and she bar. — Chicajo Rambler.
fell fast asleep.—PAt/ade/pAia Times.
No Restriction of Rights.
‘•I see,” said one member of the Da­
kota legislature to another, “Congress
has passed a bill restricting the powers
of Territorial legislatures.”
••Restricting their powers! I hadn't
heard any tiling about it”
••Well, it's a fact."
“Then I suppose we can’t play poker
any more. I've got my opinion----- "
“Oh, nothing is said ah uit poker.”
“Shuts off some of the appropriations,
then, I suppose?”
“Cut down the members' pay?"
“That remains unchanged.”
“Any thing aga nst adjourning and
go ng on excursion»?''
“I think not.”
“Well, a dozen laws couldn't prevent
us from selling out to the railroad com­
panies, so I don’t see where any of our
pr.vilegcs have been rastricto'l. With
draw-poker, b g pay, literal appropria
tions, far-rea'-hmg excursions and an­
nual passes, I guess we will have all w»
ever had. What did the Law you
spoke of refer to, anyway?”— Esttllins
(U. T.) Ml.
He Bought a Revolver,
••Heard you’ve been out fishing.
“Yes, I spent the best part of ton days
sotting on a wet rock and holding a pole
over the water.”
••Catch any thing?”
“N'nw. Miserable luck! Would you
believe it, every time I pulled my line
out one afternoon my bait was gone? I
felt like ask ng the ra Iroad and hotel
for my money buck.”
“Yes, I should think you would 1
Y’ou were entitled to a re-bait, any­
how.” has traded of? his fishing out-
fit for a nickel-plated revolver.— Mer­
chant Traveler.
— A new sewing- .meh no. -a'd to do
excellent work, has been brought out in
England. and is meeting with an enor­
mous sale. It :» the invention of a
■ ,i'iman It makes a perfect lock-stitch,
a only eight inches w de. and once in< h
i, th’ckne ». It conta ns no wheels,
n I is fa t ned to a table by means of a
liiimb clamp. It sells for two dollars
in I sixty-two cents. As it ■ an bo packed
n a small box it can be carried in the