WEST SIDE TELEPHONE Ed Rea, the Astoria foot racer fell M c M innvillk , F biiiav , N ov . 18, 1886. down and fractured his arm the other Third Street, between E and F. day. McMinnville, Oregon. The Japanese government has decided TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. to adopt the Krupp guns in the army As a special inducement to new sub­ and navy. First-class accommodations for Commer­ The annual meeting of the state board scribers, we make the following offer: cial men and general travel. Every person sending us $2 cash will be ot agriculture will be held at the capital Transient stock well cared for. given the W est S ide T ei . ei ' iioxe for the building in Salem, Tuesday November Everything new and in First-Class Order balance of the present year free. This 30. is equivalent to 14 months for $2. We Miles S. Dean, the farmer who was Patronage respectfully solicited. Itf are ambitious to make our subscription convicted of using cancelled postage list greater than all other papers of stamps in sending his mail, was brought Yamhill county combined. It Is rapid­ before Judge Deadv Monday in the U. ly approaching the point. •S. circuit court and fined $150 for his of­ fense. J. H. HENDERSON James R. Tyler, a son of General John “To pray or not to pray.” That is the ( Successor to L Root) question that often agitates the human Tyler and a grandson of 1‘resident Tyler has entered on his duties as watchman Carries a full and complete stock of heart, when the still hour of the night comes, and with it sleep, tired nature’s at the interior department. He was in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, sweet restorer, weighing down the eye­ the confederate service. WoodeH and Willowware, lids. To pause then, when all influences The News of the 16th Bays: Front a gen­ woo to slumber, and bring the mind into tleman who has just returned from St. subjective condition which is said to be Helens it is learned that the healih of necessary t > make prayer effective, and Hon. Geo. W. McBride, secretary of Goods delivered promptly to any part to bend the knee and pour out petitions state elect, is greatly improved. Mr Mc­ of the city. with fervor is somewhat difficult, and Bride contemplates visiting Portland at Goods Exchanged for Produce. 35tf the consequence is the duty is often ne­ an early date. glected altogether. To those whose Col. T. R. Cornelius, late republican conscience pricks them in this resjiect, nominee for governor at the June elec­ »circular recently issued by the pastor tion, manufactured seven tons of cheese ot a church in New York state, will on his farm near Cornelius, Washington brio« relief. In it the ofier is made of a county, during the past year. Most of membership in a society costing only 25 this product goes to Portland and finds cents, by which all necessary praying ready sale. Colonel Cornelius now has will be done without any exertion upon sixty cows and expects within a few This Space is For their part, and tl.ev can tumble into bed years to have 400. with no pause, and rest secure that all is Tobacco culture promises to be one of right. Whether the prayers insure im­ the coming great industries of this state. munity from fire and burglars is not The weed is raised successfully in south­ stated, but it is to be supposed that they ern Oregon, and now Columbia county, do. If any extra prayers are needed in the northern part of the state, comes through the day, the wish must be sig­ to the front with a sample of its product. nified, and they will be offered, Verily Messrs. Kosbland Bros., of Portland, the world moves on rapidly. have received from Rock creek, Colum­ By" ■ > « 1 bia county, several specimens of tobac­ There is an erroneous opinion abroad co. The leaf is very large, like the Ken­ —WHO SELL that Cleveland is pledged not to ac- tucky tobacco, and is of average quality. cept a second nomination for the J’resi Two men have be»n at Dallas, Texas, dency. The fact is, he is pledged to noth­ for several days organizing a filibuster­ ing of the sort. In I iih letter accepting ing expedition against Mexico. They the nomination in 1884, Cleveland said have enrolled in Dallas twenty or thirty he thought a constitutional amendment trusted men, who are ready to cross the desirable which should prohibit a second border at the moment the summons is term. This is a very different thing received. The number will be swelled from saying that a man ought not to ac­ to at least 100. Their object is to estab­ cept a second term, the law being what lish a new republic on the Rio Grande. it is. Nothing that Cleveland has ever It will be a socialistic confederation, said justifies the belief that he is pledg­ composed of northwest Mexican states, ed not to accept a second nomination. and will include Chihuahua, Durango On the contrary, there is no doubt that and Sonora. One of the emissaries is a lie is shaping things to secure a majority personal friend of Henry George, and of delegates to the convention of 1888. for whom be lias the strongest admira­ ■j« iii.'i..1 aj .. “ tion and affection, and whose doctrines “AllegeDay $1.00 Direct From Chicago The enormous firo losses of the past —A Fine Line of— few months have led the New York Bulletin to suggest that a coroner’s in­ quest should he held on the origin of ev­ ery fire. As the majority are cither tra­ ceable to carelessness or incendiarism, Which will be sold at Lowest Living Prices. the suggestion is a goal one. Arson Have also added ft complete line of should lie investigated and punished, and carelessness should be made too costly for people to indulge in. Furniture ■ The newest movement toward relight­ ing the torch of the Gixhless of Liberty is found in a communication addressed to the president of the United States through General Schofield, in liehnlf of n number of workingmen of New York, offering to provide the necessary funds until the government comes to the res­ cue. It has received no response. A decision was rendered in the United States supremo court Monday in the case of the Choctaw nation vs. the Unit­ ed States, in favor of the plaintiff. The decision is a judicial settlement of all claims of the Choctaw nation against •lie government. The court gave judg­ ment items of nearly three ami a half millions. C. H. FLEMING. Prop. Shaving, Hair Coiling and- - - - - - - - Sliampoing Parlors. Ladies' and Children’s Work A SPECIALTY.— Hot and Cold Baths, 25 Cts. —Have Just Added— The Finest Line of Cigars In the City. Try Them They will consist of Christmas Cards & Novelties McMinnville, Oregon Has been thoroughly renovat.d and is now ready to receive grain. 1) Storage and (.’leaning, 3 cents. Calcutta sacks constantly on hand and sold at the lowest rates. Highest Market Price Paid for Wheat. Farmers are respectfully invited to call and see us, tf WM. GALLOWAY Prop. DRESSING CASES, HAND MIRRORS, CHILDREN’S BOOKS, SCRAP BOOKS, POEMS, A AUTOGRAPH & PEOTOGRAPHALBTOS In plush and leather [Corner Third and C Street.«] OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK, Is Now Open. Attention is respectfully invited to this BUSINESS SCHOOL. Its facilities for tnorough practical in­ struction; actual business department a specialty where currency, bank checks, drafts, etc., are used. Class or private instruction day or even- Crayonand Portrait work a Specialty, ing. College Journal sent free on application. G. R. HIGGINS, Prin. P. O. Box 101. 38tf Permanently Located in Portlrnd, Or. The Most Successful Physician and Surgeon in the West, ---- Will be in---- - M c M innville O ctober 11, isea. FOUNDER OFTHE AMERICAN SUR­ G o In addition to this every person pur chasing one dollar’s worth of Hol iday Goods will have a chance to get an elegant edition of Webster’s Unabridged Dic­ tionary free. Come and learn how s REMEMBER! 0 D GICAL INSTITUTE OF INDIA­ NAPOLIS, INDIANA. PATIENTS WILL RECEIVE EVERY Necessary and Prompt Attention until a Cure is Completed, No incurable case will be received for treatment. Twenty years’ experience in the treatment of Chronic Diseases and Deformities. New, Improved and Scientific Methods. Cures made in a remarkably short time, and a positive guar­ antee given. hi leather and plush. Handsome T•»<*-( we will sell you goods as low as the very lowest. 11 The Druggist Asthma, Catarrh, tai d La? I TROUBLES SPEEDILY CORRECTED. McMinnville Pioneer Boot and Shoe Store. Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney diseases, Rheumatism, Tumor, Scrofula, and all skin affections positively cured. REWARD for an incurable case of Hemorrhoids or Piles ! No pain or detention from business! Fistula, Ul­ cers and all rectal troubles a specialty. —Have just received— A Large Assortment $500 — of— Bootet and Shoes Suitable for Fall and Winter wear. Made of the BEST MATERIAL and by WHITE LABOR. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. All Good. Warranted as lt«-| re.rn'.J . We have devoted our attention extensive­ tho’cia,.le toe?rdvr and neatly repaired at short notice. ly to the treatment of all the different ail­ sirp site the Grange Store. ¿jtf 23tf ments peculiar tothc weaker sex. Afflicted ladies are invited to call at our office and investigate our facilities for the speedy and permanent correction of their troubles. Sutler no longer. Conic at once and receive immediate relief, and id a short time a rad­ ical cure. Sign of the Big Boot. .*M* P. F. BRO w NK I am now prepared to offer the Largest, Fin- est, and best Selected stock of HOLIDAY GOODS ! ! ! EYE AND EAR. Groceries and Provisions. Prices to Suit the Times. HUSSEY'S OLD STAND, ttf ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. McMinnville Baths Will be here One Door west of Baxter X Martin’« o —Dealers in— GOODS! HOLIDAY Special attention given to repairing Gons, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Saw Filing, Ete. I have in my shop as fine a power cross­ feed lathe us cun I m - found in the state und uni fully prepured to Repair Broken Machinery of all kinds—Farm Machinery, Traction Engines, Etc. Locksmithir.g a Specialty. Thanksgiving Ball ! The McMinnville Eire Department, - - ON- - Thursday Evening, Jov. 25, 1886. In a short time our —Dealer in— Tobacco Cigars, BISHOP & KAY! COLLARD \\ -^T OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN L w that the underoigiv-d has been duly a}>|H>inted by the honorable county court of A amliill Conntv. Oregon, administrator of the estate of James Faiiehiles. deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned at his place of business. North Yamhill, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date hereof. Dated November 12. tssu LEE LAUGHLIN. Administrator of the Estate of Janies Fairchiles. 44110 Millintr Done! I would most respectfully announce that I have leased the Chris Newby Flouring Mill in Happy Valley, have thoroughly overhauled and repaired it, and am now­ ready to do grinding for bill orcash. ( omc and sec inc l’"’ J. A. VERflTEEG. E ver exhibited in this county. Extraordi’ nary Bargains in Toilet Sets Plnsli Goods Odor Cases Dancy Articles ' Scrap ■ Books — Albums PRIVATE DISEASES. Autographs Nervous Debility, Impotcncy, Urinary and all Private Diseases speedily corrected. liisk Brooms and (Mil and see us. No difference what your ailments are. Thorough satisfaction guar­ Innumerable Novelties. anteed. Terms reasonable. All letters of inquiry should be addressed to I respectfully solicit an early inspection ___ of thoe goods, and I guarantee my prices Dr- A. P. TÜRNER. to be as low as it is possible to make them. We are endorsed by many eminet Ocu lists and Physicians in the treatment, of the EYE. No severe medicines used. Surgical operations performed on the eye without pain or the use of chloroform, by the appli­ cation of the new and wonderful anea-sthet- re. hvdrochlorate of cocoaine, which has revolutionized opthalmic surgery. Dr. Tur­ ner will straighten cross eyes in one minute without pain or after inconvenience. V 4 Mai A fii ceived Teat cheap« Prof school H.C Brilev, week. Com! find jol prices. Mrs. Hardin Astoria Baxt new lot see it. Sever the nev Portlan Mr».' this cit Jno. C. C. Gi three ds holiday Geors llemanl; lore, afti The m mage wi constant W. H. our read takers gi The I church ’ day ever Mr. an on a visit side neai Secure tertainmi a rush ae The 10 Russ’ is have to I Great I clocks, pl ville Jew or. A new lished at county, v ator. Elsia M wood vari enterprisi successful Vinegai or small cents per Jno. J. Si The Me largest we •est place t Holl is thi Open te hall Mond well attem flood progr Clocks ( ■ville Jewe where else We are friends Dr. Savior of C Ahe T elepj ty. Rememb fire compai most decor 1* admitte night. Mrs. Fra Raker, of S l-iiaband wi they say yo blocks.’ Billiards cents per g: 50 points, i ’hen one p International Hotel. GEO. W. BURT, Portland. Or. CONSULTATION FREE McMinnville, Prescription Druggist, One of th fair Deem I « •Apartment table set a -Iren and tl lake their <