The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, November 19, 1886, Image 1

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NO. 4G
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- IN -
Garrisons Building. McMinnville. Oregon,
rthened. Sinmif
- IIT —
•>■'1 Ht.,
totfie or mam J
er with
r.r,lic«. Sem,»
.Memory, ll-.l
>■1 und Skills
■lr falling,
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imorrhes. Gl*
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■ ildrntisii,
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iiiltle, 6 fordgl
Ou. year,................................................. U..................... *? ®?
81» month...................................... ................................... 1 25
1’hr.o months.................................................................
Entered in the Poatofilce at McMinnville, Or.,
as seoond-claas matter.
Northwol corner of Second and B streets,
May be found at his office when not ubaent on pro-
ftsJuual bushiew.
Feedin« Upon the Hueka ef Life
in Australia.
“Yes,” said Ernest, thoughtfully
stroking his big mustache, “I have been
a Prodigal Son. I know the whole
story. It wasn't a bit funny. If you
Physicians and Surgeons, doubt my words, just try it for your-
selt; but pray don’t blame me if you
M c M innville AND LAFAYETTE, (>M
find that it hurts worse than a ruler on
J F. Galbreath, M D.. office over Yamhill County
a wet hand.
Bank, McMinn villa, Oiegon.
1| R Littlefield, M D
It is only fair to say that I was just
Lafayette, Oregon.
an every-day bad boy, of a very com­
mon New York kind. You wouldn’t
S. A. YOUNG-. M. D.
have to go far, my dear, to find plenty
of fellows who wero worso and plenty
Physician and Surgeon,
more who were better than I. So, you
see, I was not so bad as bad could be;
Office and residence on D street. All calls promptly
oh. dear, no! Indeed. I had a kind
aaawered day or night.
heart, I am sure, and I just adored my
little mother. I had heaps and heaps
of good intentions, and when mamma
cried and begged me not to be so wild
OREGON. and mischievous, whyblessme, I would
erv half the night with the realest kind
Office Two door* east of Bingham’s furniture
of remorse, and promise—oh, so earn­
Laughlug gaa administered for painless extraction.
estly that I would turn over a new leaf
and keep it turned over. I never knew
a boy
noy who
who couiu
could <10
do more hard and
, bitter repenting in the course of a single
, night. But then daylight would come
and I would forget—and, well, you
' know the rest, if von are not a boy of
$1 and |2 House, Single meals 25 cents.
tho Sunday-school book variety.
“My father—what shall I say about
Til« Sample Rooms for Commercial Men.
him? I really suppose he ought to
1 have been gadded hints If. if people
got what they deserved. But he had a
lot of money to take care of, and he was
awfully busy’ getting a lot more—I’m
I sure I don’t know why, for he had
I more than we could ever spend. So it
was only once in a while that he could
j stop long enough to weep over his har-
UpStairs in Adams’ Building,
| umsearum son. When he did stop, he
OREGON I used to say that there was enough origi-
I nal sin in my small body to keep a
I mischief-mill running day and night.
Then he would rawhide me till the
I welts on my back were criss-crossed
j like the shading on one of Mr. Thomas
The Best in the State.
■ Nast's big cartoons, though I did not
1$ prepared to furnish music for all occasions at reason have much time to think of pictures
able rates. Address
then, I assure you. He always ended
HOWLAND, i the performance with a lecture, in
j which I was informed that I was wilder
Business Manager, McMinnville.
i and wickeder than a whole tribo of
i Western
papooses, Big Medicine M m and dogs
thrown in. I never thought much of
i this joke, but it always seemed to
i cheer him up immensely. He would
then go back to making money, and
j spoil me, just as he had done before,
Corner Third and D streets, McMinnville
j with plenty of spending "money and un-
I limited liberty to do as I please. Great
LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON, ! humbugs, these rich and generous
i fathers, aren’t they?
“Well, with such a start, I don’t
: think it was strange that in the middle
The Best Rigs in the City. Orders of my Freshman year at college I was
suddenly sont home to stay. Somebody
Promptly Attended to Day or Night,
had been playing pranks
I was
' pounced upon. Lying not being one
of my accomplishments, I admitted
having a hand in tho mischief. I
wouldn’t peach on my companions, so
I was made a scapegoat. My father
said his heart was broken. I had dis­
graced the family. The only thing he
could do with me, he thought, was to
A’Rtrlctly Temperance Resort.
send me traveling. Perhaps I might
Sore- good;-) Church memb-rs to th. contrary not pick up some common sense in foreign
• lands. The next thing I knew I was on
board tho American packet ship ‘Lib­
erty’ in the midst of tumbling waves,
bound for Australia. There was
“Orphans’ Home” and
a letter of credit in my pocket and a
new pain in my heart—one, my dear,
that I hope you may never experience.
i “Did I cry? Now please don't ask
Vhs only first class, and the only parlor-llke shop in the
, impertinent questions. Was 1 home­
city. None but
sick and miscrabl ■ amid tho. wild waste
First - etas« Workmen Employed. ‘of waters? Ah, my dear boy, you do
not know how big and lonesomo and
rirst daor south of Yamhill County Bank Building.
'awful the great sea makes this world
I eel. You never realize its size until
M c M innville , oreoon .
1 vou have been going for day s and days,
and days and days, and find the same
circle of water about vou. with no ap­
-litere is a degree of mental cure parent end in front. You feel that the
wnich creates alertness, watchfulness, distance back to your beloved homo
•od always goes with successful men. can never he measured. At the samo
here is another degree of mental care time your memory becomes very active,
trhich is pretty sure to k 11, especially and events of a year ago are brought
io-e «ho have passed the middle mile­ vividly before you.
You can feel
stone of life. It is the worry over mat­ mamma's last kiss like a benediction
ers that are past all mending. The upon your brow: you can feel her soft
¡»sane asylum is full of patients made warm arm about you, just when she
way.— San Francisco Bulletin.
held you close and begged you, while
~'v hen tne city angler, with a gilt big tears fell on your hair, to be a good
edgi-d basket and twenty-five dolla
bov, and come back very, very soon.
•plit bamboo rod, comes back to t i
>h! oh! on! how good you would bo if
country hctel at night woary and 1 mi
on could only have those dear arms
•nd with n > trophies of his skill >
bout you u>w! But all the money in
exh bit and buys a big string of hand
he world could not take you back
•°nie trout of a ragged, bar. foot urciiii i now.
’hose tickle is a crooked alder sti •»
"So the big ship crept on, and on,
•nd a two-cent cotton line, it may b , and on. across the summer sea. until
•st down as a clear case of the bo; I half of this huge world lay between me
»tight.— Lowell Courier.
and my home
“1 was a hundred days oi ler and felt
■“■Elevators in certMti New Y. rl
a hundred years—when the ‘Liberty’
“'iiolings are to run t 's»w 450 to 5
reached Melbourne. You don't know
*l'*t a minute. The Mrter figure Is th
much about Melbourne, do you? Nor
Present Chicago rate. Pittsburgh i about Australia? O, yes; I've no doubt
g''ing to have one to beat the record < vou know just where the big red bio»
The Leading: Hotel of McMinnville.
Lirery, Feed ani Sale Stables,
He has lost his last year's love. I know—
le, too-but ’tin I ttle he keeps ■
For a bint forgets In a year, and so
No wonder the thrush can sing.
—Atlantic Monthly.
H. V. V.
All the notes of the forest-throng
•.''He. re.-.l and string, are in h s sou./;
Never a fear knows he. nor wrong,
Nor a doubt of any thing
Small room for care In that soft breast;
A ll weather that oomos is to h in tiie host,
w li le he sees his unite close on her nest
And the woods are lull of spring.
Fubli«h«r> and Proprietors.
the thrush .
I he thrush siniys high on the topmost bough —
Low. louder, low again; and now
lie has changed his tree—you know not how,
ror you saw no Hitting w ng
•vu feet a minute. — H. Y. Sun.
is on the map in your geography, and
can tell me what that book says about
the big island. But yon have a very
foggy idea about it in spite of that, 1’11
wager my hat. You can not imagine
what a great country it is, with mount­
ain- and valleys and plains; with rivers
as bigas the Hudson and cities as large
as Brooklyn. Why, Melbourne is a big
city, with huge wharves aud ware­
houses and elegant buildings and street
cars, and noise and smoke, and big
I ships and steamers in the harbor, and
thousands of people who never heard
i of the Brooklyn bridge or the Bartholdi
[statue! Just think of it! I tell you I
[ realized these things when I landed in
the big, strango city and knew there
w is not a man, woman or child there
1 had ever seen or heard of. Lonesomo
as I was on the ocean, I was a thousand
times more lonesome in this bustling
place, so full of strango faces. I wanted
to blubber right out in the streets, but
of course I was enough of a man not to
do that.
“As I said before, I had a letter of
| credit in my pocket. There was noth­
ing mean about my father, and he had
given me documents which would en­
able me to draw at the various banks
in Australia £25 sterling, or over $200
a month. But I had been thinking the
matter over. There was a very con­
siderable portion of the American
eagle tucked away in my sixteen-yoar-
old body, and I was too independent
for any thing. I made up my mind
that I would not use the letter of credit,
or accept anv further assistance from
my father I would cast him off. Ho
had chosen to turn me away from his
home, 1 said to myself. Never, never
again would I touch a pennv of his
money. I would show him whether 1
was a good for naught, as he had said.
My plan was to make a fortune in shor'
order. Then I would return to New
York, and as I unfolded my millions to
the astonished gaze of my stern parent,
I would snap my finger in his face and
“ ‘Keep thy wealth, sirrah! I wish
none of it!’
“It gave me great comfort to repeat
these words, and as I thought over my
coming trimuph I forgot all about my
homesick feelings.
“O dear! I don’t believe you want
to hear the rest of this story. It makes
me blush to think of it. Well, if I must,
here goes.
“I very soon found out that Mel­
bourne was full of men who had come
from distant lands to get rich quickly
in the Land of Promise. The city was
full of strangers of every sort; English­
men, Irishmen, Americans, Spaniards,
Chinamen, and Idon’tknow what all. It
was a pretty rough crowd, if the truth
must bo told. They were all talking of
the gold fields and the sheep pastures,
and I soon found out that these were
considered the two royal roads to for­
tune. I mingled with the rough, rest­
less crowd, and nty ears burned with
»he stories I heard of fabulous nuggets
of gold picked up in tho new El Dorado.
Men looked at my smooth, boyish face,
and mv stylish clothes, with some
astonishment, but they were accustomed
to see all sorts of men and boys among
them, for the gold fever is by no means
a poor man’s disease, and ministers and
miners often worked side by side,
cradling for the precious mineral which
makes tho world so miserable.
“One day I fell in with a smooth,
sleek man who took a great interest in
me. I told him all about myself and
my plans for astonishing the governor.
H • said I was a brave fellow, and ad­
vised mo to join his party, which was
getting ready for the goid fields. I was
only too glad to accopt. When I woke
up one morning and found that my
new friend had walked off with my
new clothes, my gold watch, my letter
of credit, and all my money, I began to
lose faith in the gold fields. The rascal
had left me his well-worn clothes, and,
to show that ho still had a conscience,
he had placed a couple of goid sover­
eigns in the vest pocket.
“So I tried sheep-raising, perforce.
Now, I don’t think I care to say much
about the two years I spent, three hun­
dred miles from Melbourne, working
for a farmer at seven English shillings
a week. It was not a life to brag
about. For a young man seeking his
fortune it was not a success. If you
could have seen Ernest Travers, the
s >n of a rich man, shelling dried peas,
and helping to wash sheep, and curry­
ing horses, all for the princely sum of
a dollar and a half a week and his
board. I don't think you would have
envied the Prodigal Son a bit. I don't
care to tell how many quarts ot tear» I
shed on those peas.or how many, many
times I vowed that if I ever got home
again I would be a good boy for ever
after. I hoarded the pennies but they
cams slowly.
“One day, after two years of this
life, I threw down my spade where I
was digging, and started on foot for
Do you know what it ia
to walk three hundred miles over a
r nigh country? I hope you never will.
Wien I reached Melbourne my clothes
were in tatters and my shoes were all
uppers. I was so stiff that it took me
an hour to walk half a mile, and the
big blisters on my feet often made me
cry with pain, and I wn no baby
either. I was a pretty looking specta­
cle! On the road a big tramp took
away mv little hoard of money, and all
I had left was a few shillings which he
hail overlooked. I had intended to go
home as a steerage passenger. Now I
must work mv passage.
“But this was not so easy. Sea cap­
tains looked at my ragged clothe, and
tangled hair, laughed, and said they
didn't want any help.
“I slept at a tramps' lodging-house —
a' b »t it was almost that. For a six­
pence you bought a ticket entitling you
to a night's lodging, such as it was. I I
' ate stalo rolls, and thought them good.
I had no money to buy butter fare with.
Every day I passed the bank to which A Deeply Interesting Page of Hitherto i n
I had had letters of introduction, but
written History.
pride kept nto from going in.
Bazaine, it will be remembered,
“One night I spent my last sixpence ; headed the French expedition to Mex­
for a lodging ticket. By some chance
ico in support of the Emperor Maxi­
that night the man who took up the
Upon how trifling a cause
tickets passed me by. I kept the ticket milian.
in my pocket, and wondered if I could i that important chain of events turned
get another night's lodging out of it. was wonderfully related to me by the
The next day I had nothing to eat. late Emile Perrin, the famous director
Late in the afternoon I swallowed mv of the opera. It was all about a quar­
pride—and it was all I had left to swal­
rel over an opera box. M. Perrin told
low—and went into tho bank.
‘“Have you any mail for Ernest me the story as follows: “I was,” he
said, “as you know, appointed to my
Travers?’ I asked.
“Tho clerk looked at mo curiously. position by Count Walewski, he being
“ ‘What Ernest Travers?’ ho asked. Minister of State, and of course 1 al­
“I mentioned my father's name and ways felt myself under obligations to
him. When he resigned his ministry
“ ‘Wait a moment,’ said the clerk. he had, of course, to give up his offi­
He wont into an inner oflico, and I cial box at the opera. This he re­
heard whispering voices and saw curi­ gretted, as ho and his wife were fond
ous faces peering at me through th» of the opera and liked that particular
glass doors. Tho room was whirling box very much. So a few weeks later,
around and my head felt light and giil- when the box exactly opposite to tha|
dy and queer. My heart was boating one was given up, I went right to the
wildly, yet I wanted to laugh, and all Count and told him. He was delighted
the while I was suffering cruel ag >nies and would have engaged it, but the
of apprehension. O, how hungry I Due de Moray also wanted the box
and when he heard it was emptv he
“When tho clerk came back and told got the Emperor to order me to give it
1 had to obey, of course, and
me to call again tho next morning at to him.
ten, I smiled and winked at him famil­ Walewski was disappointed.
iarly, and staggered out of the door. naturally caused a quarrel between
My heart felt as if it would burst. I M alcwski and De Morny. They would
made one final effort to find work on not even speak to each other any
Well, soon after this the
a ship. In vain. Then I wandered longer.
through tho streets and looked at the Mexicans came over here hunting for
good things to eat in the bake-shop a sovereign and seeking French aid.
I thought of my dear They invited Maximilian to rule over
mother and prayed through blinding them. He declined unless Napoleon
tears that I might see her just once be­ would give him 20,000 French troops
fore I died. It was not death I feared, and a subsidy of $60,000,000. This
Napoleon and his Ministers declined
but to die so far away.
“When nightfall came I crept back to do. That decision was reached on
to the lodging house. I smiled once a Saturday, and that night Walew­
to think of the chance which gave me ski; left Paris for his
Monday he was recalled in
shelter for one moro night. When the home.
man came around to take tho tickots I great haste. The Empress Eugenie
handed him mine. It was a blue one. called him to a private interview.
•You are not on good terms with
He handed it back to me.
“‘That’s the wrong color for to­ Morny?’ she cried. ‘No, your Majes­
ty.’ ‘Then you must be reconciled
night,’ ho said. ‘Pay or git!’
“So I spent the night in the streets with him at once, for you alone have
—the longest, darkest, most awful influence enough with him to save us.’
I ‘I do not understand!’ ‘This is it,
night of my life.
then!’ replied Eugenie. ‘The Mexi­
“Well, that ends the story of the cans, finding that they could not get
Prodigal Son,” said Earnest, drawing Maximilian, have actually offered their
a long sigh. “When I reached the crown to the Due de Morny. Worse,
bank the next morning at ton, the first he has accepted, on condition that
face 1 saw was the hig, good-natured Maximilian’s refusal is positive. Now,
face of Captain Coflin, the master of see, Mornv is impossible. All France
the packet ‘Liberty.’ It was tho first and all Europe would revolt at the
familiar face I had seen in two years. idea of making him Emperor. It would
It looked to me like the face of an be madness. Yet the conceited fool is
bound to do it. There is only one way
‘“Captain Coffin!’ I shouted. ‘O out. You can persuade him to decline
the offer. Y’ou alone can do it You
God, I thank thee!”
“ ‘Yes, that are tho lad,’ said tho must do it. You must do it. Name
hearty old sailor man. ‘Ben on a lee your reward and it is yours; only do
this!’ ‘Your Majesty,’ said Walewski,
shore, hain’t ye, boy?’
“And then I learned how I had been ‘all I have and all 1 am is yours, save
cabled about and advertised for until my honor. That is my own. I can
the bank was overrun with protended not do this. I can not debase myself
Ernest Traverses.”— H. W. Raymond, by thus going to the man who injured
me.' ‘Then, mon Dietl!’ cried Eugenie,
in Christian Union.
•we must sacrifice Maximilian after all.
Tho Council must be reconvened and
the subsidy and army granted.’ With­
A New York Optician Who Keeps Eye-
in half an hour the Ministers met again
Glasses for These Individuals.
and reversed their action of two days
In a leading up town optician's store before. Maximilian received the sup­
a sign is hung which attracts a great port of France, and the fatal Mexican
deal of attention and excites not a little expedition became a fact. And all
curiosity. It is neatly painted on a because of that opera-box quarrel; for
had Walewski been friendly with
piece of whito cardboard, and reads:
Morny he would have persuaded him to
decline the offer, and Maximilian would
........... i> i t d ES‘ 'it i. aha es ...........
have also declined it, and the Mexicans
“Will you let me look at some of would have had to look elsewhere for
those dudes’ glasses?” asked a re­ an Imperial martyr!”-— From a Letter
by Arscne Houssai/e.
■--------- • ♦-------------
The obliging attendant drew out a
tray which had on it a number of dif­
ferent colored glasses and placed them
before the scribe. “What color do you Penalties a Woman Jias to Endure for Be­
wish?” he asked, “brown? or here is a
ing Too Clever.
very nice light blue that is very popu­
To my mind, the clever woman, even
“Do people use colored eye-glass >s?” though she may not specially admire
“O, yes; they are very popular just the kind of gifts which sho possesses,
should say thr same. She may some­
times feel, as if the misapprehension,
“Because a certain English society the disapproval, the cold, unsympa­
man who has been in this city has been thetic glances which she has to bear
wearing them, and now there is a good
are too heavy a price to pay for the
demand for them.”
"Is there any pretense to having powers which she can bring into play
—the pleasures which are as a sealed
them adjusted to the sight?”
"Hardly any. It seems to be simply book to most of her companions; but
she should bravely make up her mind
a question of taste or preference."
“Butcallingthein dudes’ glasses----- ” that those powers wero given to her to
.he pain
“Now. you mav think some persons use, not to hast aside, and that thi
a using
would bo offended at tho wording of whfch come» to her through
that sign, but they never appear to be. of them i- a pain which she must be
They come in boldly and a-k fordtides' willing to bear. If it is to be escaped,
glasses without a falter. That is why it must be escaped fairly—by that quiet
I hung that placard up. But dudes are yet resolute exercise of all her faculties
not nty only customers. A great many which must in time. I think, win over
persons who would bo very much the distrustful—not by the shirking of
offended were the word dude applied part of her duty.
Perhaps some people may think it a
to them are beginning to use these
glasses under tho impression that it mistake to urge upon any one the
gives them a much more distinguished abandonment of the highest ideal—the
following out of his own particular
bent, instead of the pursuit of ideal ex­
“Do la>lies ever wear them?”
"O dear, yes. 1 have- just sent some cellence. Certainly the doctrine may
to three young ladies living on Fifth do harm, if pushed to an extreme, but
avenue. I don't know whether they what doctrine is there of which the
will wear them in public or not; but same may not be said? Surely there is
you may often see tho glass dangling a middle course between foolish disre­
over the corsage of very many fashion­ gard of the opinions and tastes of oth­
ers, and that nervous shrinking from
able women.”
anything which may call forth comment
“Does the gla»,
injure the eye?"
In ,om'! cases, _ I and ridicule, which tends to make this
“It certain ify
.j docs.
____ ______________
have noticed, 1 by
_ producing an in- civilized life of ours so common place
and monotonous. Surely a protest
equality of vision.”
against the latter is to the full as neces­
“When will the rage stop?”
“When the dude goes out of fashion." sary for the ordinary run of people as
is a protest against the other.— All the
—N. Y. Mail and Uenre^.
Year Round.
—Wife-“V ictor, lib dear, Inst Christ-
— A man died recently at the age of
m*" you were so kind a« to make me a ninety years in an Indiana county
present of Menzel's History of Ger­ asylam, whose son held a three thou-
many—that yon wanted to read so samj policy on his father's life, and had
badly. I have ever since been racking instructed the asylum people to tele­
my brain to find out what I should give graph him whenever the old man died,
you for your birthday. What do you that he might at once get the necessary
•ay to a new carpet for my boudoir?" proofs of rds death.— Chicano Tribune.
—Ona-Ma-Dnl-IIa-Na, a Mojave In­
dian medicine man, was clubbed to
death, beheaded and cremated recently
for allowing too many of his patients to
—No. my son. they are not called
gra-s-widows because they are so green;
it’s because they are so fresh And
then, beside, she’s not exactly in the
mowed. Savvy, son?— Burdette.
—The acquaintances of a lady in
Philadelphia, who hurried to her house
with words of consolation on seeing
crape on tho door, were informed that
the “late lamented” was her pet dog.
—N. K Bost.
—Dr. J. S. H. Fogg, of South Bos­
ton, Mass., has a complete set of the «
autographs of the signers of the l)ec-
laratam of Independence, having, it
is said, paid sixty dollars for one
•crawling signature cut from the fly­
leaf ot a book.
— When Judge Doming, of Newt,^
Havon. sentenced Terence Butler to
ja l for sixty days for wife beating, he
said: “I fiavc always advocated the
establishment |>f a whipping-post for
tlic benelit of .’ueh men its Butler. If
he could bo taken out on the green and
given twenty good sharp lashes, he
would go home and bo a man."— Hart­
ford Courant.
—John Dennev, of Whitfield's Cross­
ing, (la., says that his brood of Guinea
chicks disappeared suddenly one day.
The lien acted queorlv, walking around
and continually clucking, as if coaxing
them to follow her. He investigated,
and found that tho chicks had been
charmed by a large chicken snake, and
were sitting unharmed in his coils.
—The first African city lighted by
electricity was Kimberley, with forty-
two lamps, each of two thousand
candle power. Tho current is also
nt lized there for tho killing of dogs, a
step suggesting the execution of death
senlences by tlie same means, as pro­
posed in America and in France by M.
( harsou, a member of the French
—The unicycle record has been beaten
and it is to be hoped that prosperity
will now reign supreme. A unicycle,
however, although a vellido with but a
single wheel, should not be confounded
with the wheelbarrow. A wheelbarrow
is good enough for drudgery, but when
so important a matter as the breaking
of a record is concerned, one is forced
to resort to tho unicycle. — Boston Tran- ■
—The uso of thick glass instead of
wood for floors, especially where a
bas. ment room undernoath is occupied
for offices, is on the increase in Paris.
Although the first cost is considerably
more than that of wood, it is found to
be an economy in the long run, because
the room below can often dispense
with artificial light, there is far less tire
risk, and glass will many times outwear
—It is said that competition is the
life of trade. It sometimes mnkes rer-
elat'ons. A few years ago wo wore
told here in Chicago that gas could not
be furnished for less than $3 per thou­
sand feet. It is now sold on the West
Side for $l'.50, and a quarrel among
rival companies has recently extorted
the eonfi ssion from ono of them that
it can b furnished .-.t 75 cents per thou­
sand and a fair profit still be made.—
Chicago Advocate.
—The St. Paul Chamber of Com­
merce has taken steps to stop tho sale
of ice taken from the Missiissppi river
or any of its lakes, sloughs or bayous,
an cxnminatb n of the ice sold at St.
Paul showing that much of it was
frozen sewage, or, as a western paper
expresses it. concentrated typhoid fever.
The use of impuro ice i» no doubt a
fruitful cause of sickness, and it was in
this belief that the Massachusetts Leg­
islature at its last session passed an act
preventing its sale.
—A Hartford little ono wai desirous
of obtaining som thing on the sitting­
room shelf. Its m ither said quietly,
but firmly: “You can not have it."
A few moments after tho mother left
the room and tie little one climbed up
and got tho coveted article.
thought I told you you couldn’t have
it, ' said lu r mother as she returned to
tic room. “I know it. But you didn't
say I couldn't get it.” Tho course of
re asoning was so very acute that tho
mother was forced to submit. — Hart­
ford Poll.
William Adams, a boy of seven­
teen, who was sent to the Detroit
House of Correction from Idaho in
1-x.t. having be -n sentenced to prison
for life f a- mail robbery. Iris had his
sentence commuted to imprisonment
to seven years from the date of his
first commitment. The boy, who has
been a model convict, broke down
completely when told the good news.
“1 lon't until e the time I’ve got to
se v- , ’ he said. “I suppose I deserve
a good big punishment for being
caught in such bad company.”— De-
'rod Tribune.
-Very Wrong: Bertie—“It's very
wrong, ma, to tell a falsehood, isn'tit?"
Xla'i-r- “< it course it is,dear." B. - And
It's wick d to ask a little boy to tell lie»?
"Why. yes." B.—“Well. that's
what mv t -acher made mo do to-dav.”
“(lr ic ous mi-! made you toll a lie,
Bertie?” B. —"Yes, mamma: she made
mo promi-e to be always a good boy in
future.”— Tidbit*.
1 he Avalanche, heads a column of
miscellaneous news items from three
different States “Missarkalariia.” The
Avalanche would feel mighty bad if
some enterprising rival should start a
column with the captivating heading
of Tenkenalamissarkgoocflortexikalau"
ia.— Jiathville American.