The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, November 16, 1886, Image 3

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    WEST side telephone .
Those wishing to subscribe for the
TtLeriiosK may do so through the fol­
ding persons :
j M. Kelly .......... • •• .......... Lafayette.
W. Sappington
. North Yamhill.
J. L. Castle
W. A. Graven............
H. L. Simpson
Ot». Dav'8 .............. ............. Bellevue.
f 8. Williamson....... .........Wheatland.
Agents at other points in the county
Lili be announced soon.
official directory .
rïX-utinc Attorney
R. P. Boise.
.Geo. W. Belt.
It. P. Bird,
.1. W. Watts.
Utprcsentatives -j
F. N. Little,
C. Lafollett.
. L. Longliarv.
[judge..............• ■
J. 8. Hibbs,
Commissioners j
Geo. Dorsev.
G. W. Briedwell.
T. .1. Harris.
W. W. Nelson.
Wyatt Harris.
School Su pt..................... J. A. C. Freund.
.1. D. Fenton.
D. C. Narver.
Recommendation we can
rfiir- you as to accwucy in com­
pounding prescriptions is our
lar*e trade in this line.
The Druggists.
T he M c G ibeny F amily .—Up to the
time for the entertainment to begin, the
weather for the entire day could not
have been more disagreeable, yet an un­
usually large audience greeted the Mc­
Gibeny family at the Atlieneum last ev­
ening. The programme consii ted ot fif­
teen selections, to five of which the per­
formers responded with an encore. The
general favorite was little Jamie, of but
six years, who skilfully conducted the
orchestra, sang admirably two comic
songs and played the bass drum. Tbe
violin solos by Miss Viola and Mr. Hugh
with the imitations by the latter, were
commendably rendered, and the cornet
duet by Mr. and Mrs. Frank justly re­
ceived spirited applause. Every’ part
was pleasingly done, and the family are
entitled to be styled “musical prodigies”
°f IB0, highest rank. They won many
admiring friends here and would be
heartily welcomed if they ever make
their appearance in the city again.—Bis­
marck, Dakota, Tribune. This musical
family will appear in this city December
14, under the management of the band,
and a rich treat is promised.
No N ew D evelopments .—There are
no new developments of any particular
interest in the case of Marple, accused
ot the murder of Corker. Everything is
very quiet and orderly about Lafayette,
and there lias been no attempt made to
lynch the prisoner nor is there likely to
be anything of the kind tried. Marple
was beared to remark a day or two ago/
that “the cat was half way out ot the
bag now, ami that if it got clear out
there would be some scratching done.”
Whatever this remark might imply, of
course, is not known. Probably that he
had accomplices in the crime, and that
he would not hesitate to give evidence
against them, in case he was convicted
himself. He has done this before and
it is to be hoped he will do so again.
D astardly A ssault .—Last Saturday
night about 9 o’clock Miss Annie Diel-
Cianberries at the Bakery.
Bury your potatoes before it is too schneider went to the pump, which is in
the rear of her father’s residence, to get
some water. Just as she turned to en­
Fresh roasted peanuts at H. II.
ter the house again some villain who
was probably waiting for such an opjior-
0 ood canned corn 10c per can at Baxter tunity seized her and attempted to carry
4 Martin’s.
her away. She screamed lustily and
Call at Miss Russ' and examine her 10 fought with all her strength, and her
attracted by her cries soon came
cent counter.
to her rescue, when the villain fled be­
For a square meal go to the St. Charles fore Mr. Dielschneider could get hold of
—only 25 cents.
him or see who it was. Miss Annie,
Hon. R. P. Bird of Lafayette was in whi swooned away as soon as she was
released, was carried into the house and
the city yesterday.
restored to consciousness, but could not
IV. I. Westerfield of the Register, was tell who her assailant was or what be
in town yesterday.
looked like.
Best oysters in the market at Baxter
G etting W ell .—Last evening Mrs. J.
A Martin’s. Try a can.
F. Spencer returned from Portland with
A fine line of Christmas cards just re-
her little son, who has been under medi­
ceived at Miss F. E. Russ’.
cal treatment at the hands of Dr. Wm.
Tens and coffees as cheap as the Jones. For several years the little fel­
cheapest at Baxter & Martin's.
low has been suffering with a disease of
Baxter ifc Martin have just received a the ankle joint, and last week Dr. Jones
new lot of that gilt-band ware. Call and for the second time opened his ankle
and cleaned the bone. He is so far im­
«ee it.
proved as to be able to walk and the
J. L. Rogers, I. II. Rogers and P. W. doctor has consented to have him
Todd, made a flying trip to Portland yes­ bi ought home for a short visit.
N ew F ike B ell .—The new bell for the
Johnny Sax sends us over a jug full of
sweet cider, for which he will please ac­ McMinnville fire department arrived
cept our thanks.
from Troy, N. Y., last Friday. It ap­
Rev. J. S. Wh te of this citv assisted pears to be a very finely finished bell
st the dedication of the new Catholic and has a sharp ring to it. The weight
school at Albany, last week.
of the bell with its attachments is 550
Don't say “wasp” to Grissen ; it makes pounds. It is the intention of the chief
him mad. But ask him what it was that engineer to have the tower raised about
twenty feet, and the bell will be swung
got into his hat the other night.
to-day or to-morrow. When it is up and
The Episcopal Guild will meet next in ringing order it will “waks the na­
Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the tives.”
residence of Dr. H. V. V. Johnson.
T he W orst Y et .—Jas. Fennell, of
Tbe white trusts brought the rain ; but
the rain didn’t last as long as the frosts, Albany, heard Jos. Watson in the bush­
and now it is clear and frosty again.
es and blazed away at him. He said he
The man Fryer, who drove the scabby “thought it was a snipe.” This is the
sheep from Polk county to Amity last worst yet. It’s bad enough to fill a
¡week, was fined $35 at Independence.
man's posterior full of fine shot and tell
The 10 cent counters at Miss F. E. him he thought it was a bear, or a dear,
Russ’ is piled full of goods which will or a wildcat, or even a pheasant, but to
the wounded man that lie was taken
have to be examined to be appreciated. tell
for snipe is adding insult to injury.
The Wapato poetoffice, in this county,
B ack to Y amhill .—Mrs. Isaiah Mar­
[ban heen discontinued and the mail for­
merly received there now goes to Gas­ tin arrived here last Saturday night.
Her husband is on the road with Iris
Miss Minnie Hepner of New York, team and will probably get here the last
arrived here Saturday evening, on a vts- of this week. They are old Yambillers,
[ittoher sister Mrs. John C. Fair, of but tor several years have made their
this city,
home east of the mountains. They are
Jas. McCain, Sheriff Harris, Judge coming back to cast their lot among our
Loughary, Charley Nelson and Rev. J. people once more, and are heartily wel­
Hoberg, of Lafayette were in the city come.
N ew S tyle S hotgun .—W. V. Price
Vinegar. 25 cents per gallon, in large and Frank Collard have been at work
[or small quantities; sweet cider. 15 several days on a new stvle shotgun.
vents per gallon, at the cider mill of They to.,k’a large size Winchester rifle
Jno. J. Sax.
and bored out the barrel so as to take in
The fair to be given by the ladies of a large No. 50 shell. It makes a very
|bt. James Guild, December 1, will pre­ effective magazine shotgun and has
sent some new and novel attractions. proved that it will do good work at 40
Everybody should be in attendance.
to 60 yards.
Jon can save monev by handing your
W ell S aid .—The Salem Statesman
subscription for any paper or magazine says: “We hear the name of George H.
to Chas. Grissen. He is local agent for
Burnett mentioned in connection with
the American subscription Co. 42t4
nomination on the republican ticket
An excitable billiard player at the
mayor. This would be a judicious
•Jentral Saturday night, thrust bis cue for
and if accepted, it would in­
through a large lamp globe; he also lost nomination,
sure his election, and he would fill the
the game of billiards. Total costs $1.00. office with credit and honor to himself
Rev. John C. Fair is threatened with and the city.
typhoid fever and was unable tn appear
H unting .—This fine frosty weather
tn the pulpit Sunday la«l, and in eonse-
finence lay service was held by Dr. John­ lias induced a good many of the sports­
men of this section to start for the moun­
Billiards at the “Orphan’s Home” 15 tains hunting. Several parties started
rents per game of 34 points; 20 cents for yesterday and more are to follow in a
•"• points, and 25 cents for 50 points day or two. Deer are said to be plenti­
when one player discounts the other.
ful now and are in excellent condition.
H. H.
L ecture .—Geo. P. Colby, the trance
Prof. Price has been suffering with a
"evere attack of toothache,and yesterday speaker, lectured at the opera house Sat­
was compelled to dismiss school in the urday and Sunday evenings. From here
mrenoon and strike out for the dentist’s. he will go to Corvallis. He will spend
about a month lecturing at different
*aey will ache no more.
The box sheet for the public school points and will then return to his home
*ntertainment next Friday evening, is in Florida.__________ _
now open at Rogers & Todd’s drugstore.
D ischarged .—The Indian,Sugar Char­
>’o early and secure your seats, as they ley, who was arrested a few weeks ago
are rapidly being taken.
and taken to Portland for the supposed
, " •
Lotigharv, assistant operator in murder of a white man at Salmon river
’he Corvallis office, spent Sunday with three years ago. has been discharged, it
. parents in this city, returning home being impossible to establish evidence
Yesterday morning.
He secured the against him.
“L ephose before he left.
A oting ladies ought to make good prin­ C horal U nion .—The parties interest­
ters. They feel “justified” in "making ed in the organization of a choral union,
°P a good “form” in order to give a also all subscribers, are cordially invited
Thev have nice
meet at the opera house this evening,
nsta” well s«t "beads” and good “fig- to
at 7 o'clock sharp. A general invitation
are* And are usually rather “dash“-y extended to all who desire to participate,
•od fond of two-or thr'ee-em“braces.”
College Notes.
Tbe indifference that is often exhibit­
Happy Valley.
ed on tlie part of our youth, toward a
thorough education, is often apologized [
Novemlier 12, 1886.
for on the ground that tbe body must be 1 Items scarce.
developed in useful work. The muscles
Mrs. McPhillips and daughter reach­
must be developed. Going to school 1 ed Pendleton in safety.
makes boys and girls despise work.
Lee Wright of your city, was set n in
Many reasons of a similar kind are this valley last Sunday.
urged. It is admitted that the best
Mr. Gtlkerson has rented the Chris
minds must have reasonably sound bo­ Newby farm and began ins fall seeding.
dies to work in. It is not admitted that
The Ilappy Valley mills have been
it is necessary to keep a boy, for exam­ rented to Mr. Versteeg. He has put in
ple, out of school in order to give him a ' a new flume and improved the water
sound body. For his very freedom from | power in many respects, and is turning
restraints may lead him to form bad ' out a first-class quality of flour.
O. B. M erry .
habits, to indulge in dissipation, until
tbe very foundations of a good, healthy
Dolph, Tillamook County.
constitution are thoroughly sapped.
Nov. 8, 1886.
This is especially true in small towns,
It looks like rain.
or large ones too, for that matter, where
We have been having some very fine
enticements are many and where evil weather for some time back.
devices are numerous. In the country
The dance at Mr. Krebo’s last Friday
tbe chances are better. Communion night was a very pleasant affair.
with nature in her purity always lias a
Mrs. Joe Ilill is suffering with a very
good influence’ upon mind and heart. Rev-re cold. The rent of the neighbor­
This accounts in part for the country hood are usually well.
college boys. The pride of our univer­
Mr. Elsey, a gentleman from Michi­
sities, the boys of rigid morals and no­ gan, has come here to spend the winter
ble purpose, comes from the country. with his daughter, Mrs. A. M. Patrick.
A grand privilege this, to have been
Mr. Ilanchett shot a panther near his
born and brought up in the country. house Saturday evening. This is the
McMinnville college has been standing second one within about a month. They
have been feasting on his sheep.
at the very doors ot young men in this
Mr. Page, the Little Nestucca mail
town for more than a quarter of a cen­
cairier, met with an accident Sat­
tury. Not a single young man who lived urday, Nov. 6, which might have result­
under the shadow of the institution has ed seriously. He was carrying the mail
graduated from a thorough course. from this place to Oretown, loaded with
This is an important fact. It is a start­ passengers and freight. His wagon
and horRes and all went off over a grade
ling fact. An answer should be sought. and piltd up in a heap together, below.
A single fact sometimes teaches import­ Among bis passengers were a lady and
ant truth. Add another fact of a simi­ three little children who bad taken pas­
with him from Grand Ronde. For­
lar bearing. A small percentage of the sage
tunately they escaped injury. The wa­
students in the college are residents of gon was broken up some which was ¡he
McMinnville. These facts have been extent of the damage.
observed by persons living outside of our
M ountain Tor.
town. Many have wondered that such
things can be true. We leave fuither
November 15, 1886.
discussion oi this subject till another
M. W. Smith and Sam Stott, attorneys
time. Think on these things.
The ne»v term brought in a large num­ at law of Portland, were in town last
ber of students. The following entered week settling up the Blackburn & Peck­
last week: Susie M. Booth, Leia F. ham business.
Stiortridge, Hattie M. Wright, Walter
On Friday night of this week the tem­
R. Kirkwood, Lenore Kirkwood, Anna perance drama “Past Redemption” will
A. Adams, W. W. Gwinn, Roland O. be played nt this place by the Lafayette
Jones, Lowell Lynch, Myrtle Hender­ amatuer club. It is a good play and
son, Robert Henderson, Jerome Burch­ will be well rendered.
ett, Bena Snelling, Katie Nelson, Wm.
There was a suspicious looking man
Reese, Wm. II. Casey.
A part of Hon. J. R. Sanders’ family hanging around the jail yard yesterday.
run him in and searched
have moved to Collegeside. Mr. Amasa him, officers
thinking perhaps he was figuring
Sanders, his sister and grandmother
on helping Marple to escape, but they
have moved into Mr. Lynch’s house.
found nothing on his person to indicate
In the examinations at the college last anything
of the kind.
week the pupils did unusually well.
Several made a record of 100 in recita­ There has been a man running in the
tions and in examination.
woods between this place and Dundee
There is some talk of a public exhibi­ for the last week or ten days. He hides
tion just before holidays.
tn the brush every time anyone comes
Last Saturday night was five degrees in sight of him. The deputy sheriff has
colder than anv other this season. The been trying for some time to capture him
thermometer registered 21 degrees at 6 but so far lias failed. There are several
o’clock a. m. Monday morning.
stories about him. Some say lie is ac­
There must have been some mistake quainted with Marple and has on one
about the announcement that the moon occasion expressed his sympathy for
would occult several stars last Saturday him, but it is impossible to find out just
night. The telescope was brought to the truth. The more probable story is
bear on the radiant moon but no stars that he is insane and merely roaming
were to be seen in that region.
about. Be that as it may he should be
Among the apparatus for the college, taken in ; lie certainly has no business
recently procured, is a first-class induc­ there at the present time.
tion coil. The students call it a shock­
ing machine.
J ackson .
Invitation Acknowledged.
Following we give a programme of
the school exhibition to be given Friday
evening next at the opera house:
Welcome Song............................ School.
Rec., “Recollections”.. .Elon Wallace.
“We Little Boys”........... Lester Daniel.
< 4
Tn the Morning”......................... Four Girls.
Dialogue....... “i The Little Philosophers.
Rec., “Words”
.............Laura iMiller.
"The Milkmaid”. . Maude Washburn«.
Dialogue............... ... “We Are Four.”
. . “Kittv’s Funeral."
Rec., “Fashion”........ Maud Randall.
“AWoman’s Question’ ’. . Irene Rummel.
“I’ll Be a Man”......... >. Hubert Toney.
Duet ............ ........... .. . .Instrumental.
Dialogue...................... . .. .“Aunt Prue."
Recitation, “Curfew Must Not Ring To-
night”.............................. Cora Baker.
Duet Mesdanies Campbell and Tucker.
Recitation, “The Babes in the Woods”
................................... Pea-1 Kirkwood.
Rec.,“A Little Girl”.. . Dotha Daniels.
Rec., “Aunt Tabitha”. .Minnie Howell.
Dialogue. .“Mrs. Jarlev’s Wax Works.”
Song........ “Now We llappv Children.”
Rec., “The Little Bird”. . Lizzie Jaehn.
“What is a Minority”. .Ray. Satchwell.
Rec., “Independent Feelings”..............
—«VOCKUao» T. >. O. «ABT1B—
.............................................. Eva Baxter.
Rec., “You Pul No Flowers There........
.......... .............................. Edah Wallace.
Dialogue................“Mrs. Jonas Jones.”
JMsdms.Campbell andTueker,
jMessrs. Rogers and Price.
Kec., “Absalom”.........Nelliie Gardner.
Rec., “Mrs. Finney”.. .Forrest Narver.
Dialogue..............“That Naughty Boy.”
Rec., “Little Jim”........... Grace Stuart.
Rec., "The Doll”................ Ina Cooper.
Closing Song.
50 Cents
E. B. Fellows
Carries the Largest and Best Stock
Farm for Sale.
The Wm. White place 2|i miles east
of this city is in my hands for sale. This
farm consists of 280 acres of land well
improved and can be had for $25 per
acre, if sold before December let.
Terms very easy. Also some valuable
personal property can be had with the
farm cheap, good 4-vear old horse, 6
head of cattle, 50 full blood merino
sheep, 1 new wagon, some hay, sheaf
outs and household furniture.
C. W. T almage ,
McMinnville, Or.
Bncklen’s Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rlieum, fever
Rores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and "posi­
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect siitisfai-
tion, or money refuuded.
Price 25
cents per box. For sale by Rogers &
in Yamhill County.
Come See and be Convinced.
Third Street Bet. D and E.
Furniture Store !
J. M. CHAPMAN, Pre.,
Braee Up.
Carries * full stock of Furniture, ef ell
kinds, Fine Bedroom Sets, Mirrors,
You arc feeling depressed, your appetite
Mouldings, Wall Papers, Etc., Etc.
is poor, you are bothered with headache,
---- o----
you are fidgetty, nervous, and generally
------- A full line of-------
out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace
up. but not with stimulants, spring medi­
cines, or bitters, which have for their basis
very cheap bad whisky, and which stimu­
late you for an hour, and then leave you in
Store, one door south of bridge, Sheridat)
worse condition than before. What you
want is an alterative that will purify your Oregon.
blood, start healthy action of liver and kid­
neys, restore your vitality, and give renew­
ed health and strength. Such a medicine
yoR will find in Electric Bitters, and only
50 cents a bottle at Rogers it Todd's drug
Undertaker’s Goods !
The Leading
Most Excellent.
Holl of Honor.
J. J. Atkins, chief of police. Knoxville,
Following is the roll of honor of the Tenn., writes: “My family and I are bene­
ficiaries of your most excellent medicine,
McMinnville public school for the month Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption :
ending November 12:
having found it to be all that you claim for
it, desire to testify to its virtue. My friends
to whom I have recommended it, praise it
Laura Miller
Jessie Young
at every opportunity.*’ Dr. King's New
Nellie Harrison
Daisy Young.
Discovery for Consumption is guaranteed
to cure coughs, colds, biunchitis. asthma,
Ralph Story
Kate Leabo
and every affection of the throat,
Clyde Nash
Otna Kouts
chest and lungs.
Alsea Baker
Dennis Brown
Trial bottles free at Rogers & Todd's
Elvie Apperson
Chas. Hodson
drugstore. Large size $1.
Tbe following letter explains itself:
S alem , Or., Nov. 12, 1886.
S ec . M c M. F ire D ept .—Dear Sir: I
hereby acknowledge the receipt of an in­
vitation from your department to ball on
25th inst. As the Salem department
does not meet before that time I will
publish your kind invitation and hope
you will see a number of our department
present. With thanks on behalf of Sa­
lem department and wishes for your Anna Hibbs.
grade n.
success I am yours respectfully,
i: m Produce Market.
E d . N. E dks ,
Lucy Baxter
Martin Adams
Sec. Salem F. D.
Inez Eccleston
Carrie Braly
Corrected for the T elephone by Baxter
Cyntitbia Fellows May Gant
P etrified O ranges .—Last Tuesday Xerxes Gant
Wilber Hibbs
Wheat, per ba...................
J. L. Steward, of Carlton, was in town Wilber Hamnett Maggio Howell
Oats, per bu ....................
Myrtie Miller
and showed us a curiosity in the shape Perry Leabo
Flour, per bar....................
of petrified oranges. Mr. S. is having Stella Patty
Irene Rummel
Butter. r»er lb
a well dug on his farm, and when down Fred Stuart
Cheese, nest, per lb
Grade Stuart
about 47 feet discovered pieces of trees Morris Sweet
Nellie Satchwell
Mabel Townsend
petrified, and near the tree was found Edward Schank
shoulder ............
Lelia Vanatta
several oranges, from the size ot a marble Anna Townsend
ham, sugar cured.
to a full sized orange. The large orange I Elon Wallace
Ambia Wright
Lizzie Cline
is very perfect, and has tbe mark of a ! John Manee
REV. DR. FREELAND, of Fowlerville.
Ixina Baker
rough orange peeling. Mr. 8. has a Lillie Adams
N. Y.,writes us that two lwttlesof Gilmore’s
Homer McGuire
man working for him, that has worked Walter Baker
Aromatic wine cured his wife of nervous­
a great deal in the orange country, and
grade c.
ness and sleeplessness. Sold by Rogers A
Rays that they are perfect oranges.— Altie Booth
Dotha Daniel
Register. _______________
Ernest Henderson
Lottie Elliott
itive cure for nil those painful complaints
B and T ournament .—A band tourna­ Birdie Hutclienson Francis Ireland
common to nil our best female popula­
Georgia Jones
ment is proposed to be held at Pendle­ Lizzie Jaehn
tion. Sold by Rogers A Todd.
ton on June 23, 24 and 25, 1887, open to Carrie S thank
Effie Spencer
WANTED. A case of female weakness,
all amateur bands of any age os number Chas. Talmage.
general debility or nervous exhauston that
Thos. Browne
’s Aromatic Wine wile not cure.
Geo. Howell
in Oregon, Washington and Idaho terri­ Boyce Cooke
Sold by Rogers <t Todd.
Hurbert Rowland
tories. There will be $1200 given in pre­ Clair Baker
Bertie Pound
REV. E. J. WIIITNEY, of Clarkson. N.
miums, as follows; first premium, $400; [ Claude Braly
Y . says: Gilmore's Wine for female weak­
Ruhv Bergevin
second, $200; third, $100; and $3<X) first I Jessie Hill
stands without a rival. Sold by Rogers
premium, $150 second, and $50 third for I Earl W right
Ashley Butler
4 Todd.
Lester Daniels
boys’ hands. The entrance fee will be ' Joe Keller
$1.50 for each member of bands wishing I James Johnson
Minnie Hill
great remedy for women and children, 128
Lizzie Keller
Katie Jones
to compete.______________
doses for $1. Sold by Rogers <k Todd.
Eva Boyer
Mamie Stinson
A F ine D isplay .—George W. Burt, Lena
Mira Sawyer
the druggist, has a fine display of holi­ Valeria Patty
a ladv beautiful, because it gives her gtssl,
Julia Talmage
rich blood Hold by Rogers Todd.
Jessie Thistle
day goods at his establishment, consist­ Lillian Pound
ing of albums, dressing cases, odor i Florence Hamnett Lizzie Hartman
qnicklv cured Lv Gilmores A roniatic wine.
cases etc., etc. His prices are extreme­ Maud Washburn John Squires
Sold by Rogers A Todd.
Etta Redmond
ly low. Anyone wanting fine Christmas Gertrude Kaufman El
presents should call and examine his 1 Clarence Hutclienson.
LADIES. useGihnore's Aromatic wine, it
stock.___________ ____
L ost .—On the road from Sheridan to . will cure you. Sold by Rogers <t Todd.
T aken I n .—A murder was perhaps McMinnville, Sunday afternoon, a black [
averted when Officer Hart arrested John leather-covered pocketbook, containing i
Glandon, a McMinnville visitor on Sat­ several notes, papers and one $5 green­
urday, who was drunk in a saloon on back. The papers are of no value to i
Pine street and slinging twenty-doilar anyone but the owner. A reward of $5
pieces about. Glandon had $360 in his will be paid to party finding and return- ;
ing this property to the undersigned at
or to the T elephone office at [
U ndertaking .—W. H. Bingham has Sheridan
V ictor G ross .
added to his furniture business a fine
tbe city as fine 1
line of coffins direct from Chicago and is
now prepared to fill all orders in the line a display of pocket cuttlerv as Manning
.t Co keeps since they have been buying
of undertaking.
1 direct from Chicago. Their prices are
B orn —In McMinnville, Sunday morn­ lower than the lowest.
Ladle*, please call and see mv
a I
ing, November 14, 1886, to the wife of
The finest assortment ot cook and
Doug Walker, a boy.
h“«t>ng stoves ever brought to McMinn­
George Cornet is the efficient and gen­ ville, can be seen at Manning A Co.,and
artist in Welch's Tonsoral Par- the prices on them are so low that it
makes all other stove dealers weep.
Will have an early Fall Stoek.
- August
lors, aftei
The Milliner,
McMinnville, Oregon
Dry Goods House
In the City.
Livery and Feed Stable!!
R. MoKUNE, P rop *.
Transient Stock Well Cared For !
Teams and outfits furnished parties wish-
to go to the coast, at reasonable rates.
Give me a Call 4tr
—Harness at the—
Lafayette Hamess Shop,,
—at absolutely—
Portland Prices.
---- o----
Bnggv Harness from 112.00 and upward*.
Team’ Harness from 125.00 and upward.'
I have also something entirely new in th<
line of sweat pads.
My terms are CASH, or notes that ran
be turned into rash.
—Having Bought the-
Truck and Express
BuMnrn* of Ixignn Brow. A Hender­
son. I am ready to do all kind* of
—At Any Tune.—
Delivery Wagon Always Ready.
Give Me a Trial.
M. S. GOFF. ..
Boot and Shoe Store !
Next to Yamhill County Bank.
M c M ixnville
The largest end Finest Stock ever brought
to YanihiU Couulv.
Boots and Shoes mule to order and neatly
Prie»» to the Bedrock.